IJ lsmiented. lb. fpIlowln< '* tSom turniabed by the wel- $~~<B~ clan, egar.W- (nWIaU Street. 14e Cal But"r Trae Joural Irb. of great 1131114 *M Grta Os?2.210847 ii11 9yesrs 140.788 tion forilOl .80 5 Tons. Pro ton .M981.0680 î p er s,.pele taxeI *Bd payte 'fia 40 a rlitOb@ MI oSAS sas aee~oee >,àn$laaperm n 810.00 d 'u a the - .1200oe b:1vetol heplie.ona 150. e aI tbë upotton orCubaCentIf WmPgpr cet. test50, bou memec pamutd es. 1.85MI pet lequiv.alent000o M tè v0 plob 540M smamU ouai t18cot Sk orih l uiaetil .la9peds la'auInWrsting aexpe 14ev Tte 'W4«OKEàbopw a.Vte, PROPOQY Isius.tey .v b a unhuerstmgbu eralene te a aonelu a t oScar M& iothealvage aor "vrec veaà htebbamanv thoe i -tsvbptoebuatbe savetlau -XWe4.thetbsay bappos. ta wttb peat uas ollng eut- Iubl.the tauhbene ma tle FAMILY IN CUSTODYS MoTMHBR, SONS ANOD AUGMTER AI. ACCIJSE06 Ameétai fer Srar.Grakd Larcuuy onMA Betima fBleu. G..i-5n.ef th* Lie ltUoovmi"-Wommuteame- gue suaomBreaksuUp a Feamiii. mma.Jennile limita Gentry, misa May S" an md Hunier and Dave Steel bave bous, ltpreaiei t Grahamu, io.. and lods- sa lu tb. conty lau in Maryvjlle, chsrg- ed wlth burglary, grand iareeuY md re- celvlng toiei goods. (lood@ to the value et a.vral kundred dollars aud embracing an unuorlnent of bousehold furniture. tahievare, canned fruit. lotblng, cond- *oedi. ewery sud a buggy ver. fouuld et their bonie. Mach ufthIe gOM$u bae buis <1,usd bY h oluef. Burglary. eata bl@vluS ami petty tlevery bava heu prevalent in Nodaway, Ateblmon, .air.v, DoKalb. Buchanan ami Hout outiu Ina Missouri aud Taylor. Page uni Primet conullea lu Iowa for aimat a 7«r. EIISDAND jZALOI3B O7 woWAJ 2bmataaa te na@& Diveme ad mai, Camrer Seveals Bo. For four yeara "Wilhie' Wallace, a «Udleua youth of about 22 years of. I. as emouupposei, carried thmials tuivum arsiargani Kiuball, Neb. A the bomn t James Baker h. W&$a' truquet visitor. Baker wamei hlm &Va", bot ho did nt beed. The remit Ira. sBaker aeprated froni i vite ani imt.iber for a divorce, chargima ber wtl aaMfabn an d amlng Walace as 00- nt êdmLThe case wuate bave cons ttd0la1Ibis eik. but t bas been dia- thus e imitébringing forwari vaac Ws %0% eaUHtY a umqueredlug hImaie attire. Plata Planter Oves Momt b and 01 Ont A blgbvay obber attacked ns.. 8. B. mHflbnaof en eklotown, Ps. MmMU il- mm vas wibln ftty yais of ber home qgI.M iaft4cked ber lu a iark part 0f la joa aieatter placlug a pater 1: :ut *tl*ber purse. Ten, ynterui, b. poured cool terr.trgglui 1th em- feet. Sne trei te obri.k for belp, but h. plaster pro- bUloffl tteraue. 'ne looenei ber skir t lI.e biaslmg garment drop tu the groumi mamd rau home. Bm ir e la Smalha. 1 Ifs which oAgntei la W. L. May & ~o.awholaale gr.cery at Bleventh ad Howard treets, Omaha, diii$10.000 damage 10 that cueru andiJOim"g vboleanlo bouaes. Tii, Great Western type fonairy ioaoa ou building and stock $900.0. Other losr& are W. U. Ma# & Vo.. stock und buildings,,$25000; Cariien- Wa, taper Company, $25000;Mercer I aodulm Compawanad Voogel & Dmn- * Mn&ng. poloase ceafectioneri. $5.000 :, .mcb.. t seene the Dia lu Survins Nouse.. e~lmctA nw faab onie ImGerdi- an burlied le ieath n a ire w imliu strou tGoben. robone art ilapatchesi ,W1Il aq 4 "t O lo ilft two obudren aerione i auieYthe oeuat, ÉSb bse ss ili ldomgene1a dance. A youug - ltie tlIspot, 'shIle th@ amew sapei atter valu effort. t0 teacue pbatoa~busputa is tt a ali itas. The fire la thoughltaehave ié *te >lie pictorlalbeulcnir. -tl WSk au lb progressn. Norsmvhip a Wife Boater. Sid mio am tee barbez The people of the tevu o! Ibex, Colo., rqtb1ve ruteaigond-a tubk caupit Richard Gormian pod-timer o! 01a tew behusa-thite camp. vbo hbis lvwiere rgulariy uso t smvig gsst unesoutvlee amomli, sud 100k 11hte a treslle, *iait. b. vss ia i gvuf17 t asbea 0f uslavS-rng Ut5 ai0 a a ceblie. lie vas Ibm bu tîtat S a relpetition o! bie offense aotild eut i - hum <ueks or evon100 lanbe. * Robes . o a blng Builsas. h» W ord "vmckers" bas te. Bale bloveru maie n extensive tour ji1i 0loît t glita Mn-tim ' rogh thsctonof Ohio teni Lan- fash ute. l'h. vreckerta 1!castex lbe other lght, lovlug teviral #"1191115-Y lvid lY plumier nafi, robblug a potoficeaid a bardware fer ahici they theniselvi. .1toe.aid stealing several bosses simd bug- e aa otten as et. TbouSen. ha.lii-secori ed stly $1.000 lu meney et tbay liv. hy an belles- u a tOult ofth1e nlgfit's ork. 9îU$ fermg the ls recting of a abl t oua(as.Cru. eu. ' â.. a thiel onvig 0f aip and car- Mt. and Mn. James HetcettelofSt. . ,ÏD*tbe bonsoi0t oer u lavful ovme. Louis, aho ststei ou a glubi-circîug ý..umuu'sMagaine. tour amid'sere ttackei by Rouimanlan brigands. Mns. Hetzel belng olo, bave mm a.DyoVa Hueit.reabsi Philadoîphia. Mn@. Hetzel Ila JOiO.gsun. Klb., Oct, 2.-In April aa Opitll ___ Pa e sanaumlcase ef mia. Butler la fleveaisi. 1B8tG 1 r cf Ibla place vas te. Gon. Sir Reiver@ Bulier. Who iirocted POMM I ia.t couma. Mr. Dyer Sir George Wie te surrênier Lady- 'Afor yearsiI àv«Ysr bi stil, lus brendeprlvei of tle commad quS ea urt Trouble ami vac curaied fthle Pint Armui Corps et Aicrsbot lI tev veeks bY DoWua Kldbey Plas. aid educed te hait-psy. vblcb, n effect, hon euMmDyer ban recolvedIolua degadition. lisietInquIrle as te ber condi- .9014am _81W ymai- b. Inteseuted. lu Vmderick Arer Diai. beut in ulsaI peent euleyih be Fteeick Archer. orgault et Carnegie eolt biltI and bas net bd huit tiWseHali and eue o! the bost-ktauwn aigiulruaof the Huart Troubla. mstlau. of the country, died at hls lopmorly obe bai te ait up ln bei tut homo ln Plttaburg. ot cancer ufth1e stom- *hunSM 1 glrelier; nov sciaoabout &cb, agei 63 yean,. 1100 urtil'ILS an>' lady of 02 jeans lu lb. Sae. Douda Kidie>'PIu. have MeKee.pom'I Cimrb aura$& m Mi any triendu ,lu ChIppeva si. Nicholas Otreek Cathofle Chut-cl Cf ty tnogb Ithk M f UMn. et McKresport, Pa,. ami detroyei by s cso% tMbave ptbveu hayond ire. Pilier Jnllus Mtovsky. tb. priest sat tat théir curea are nt emîy in charge,, vll hi. feuily nerrowly os- beynOPMPlutabut abeolute apA PU, cspei cremaliou. Loeu$30,000. -. *byKt Parla, Ky., the court bouge vas mm a,, »-,i* B abybs. Vloi ftra IIww % 'Yorm.Loua $no0- $0. roy-Oh.liosw' atiwda u quarter yop gave hlm te p" i e nom* le5.BéanUp. - At Wilkesbaýrm ,Pa., au attempt to ~ym W at do__ am à, 10ow up the bouse cftiUtesu Morgan, au- lÎ1 b*e no as euag god ut asltent t fie Murray mina, and buen Md isAu amil-. vasl Maie the etber night. turcaigtion shovod tlb. Chbe". Exovuetona& mthest part ofthle bouse bai been torn - ia iaIma hi uamimys et saé> 'Neo oevas ljuei. Moud~-trip excunsion tlok* -Cangt l itI Dors m.4 Hauffed. as ale eau pointa on lie A report contes trom HIampten, s. c. leo apidasaid Noithu 0o!thé lyucblng of an unkuevu oegro et ssi hinlnug AbbottI. ho commlllted hutglury lunlie resIdeus and W'rerly.lova. L Tsse a! Dr. Pellea. The man vas man dowz a 21-ay lisait, tbereby ait dogzandmai agui. flue 10 look tIbe silmalou a enioer. Qwu Acîl.. » a» tIketagen fo raes, The National Bmiîb o! Boyestovm, Pa., .fil m Uat jrticketendrYae, uaoçnded hacause a! the isppearmncm -I oe Lua& N ur Uîca ia of the casilor aid8165.0001a securities if. R & N.Ry. He vrote viere lie secuities ver., liai vire ecovered snd lhe bami reaunia et votallibe~ur dealers La but ho lastll laSlint miiibis mini 1 lton etthlia.do..Of long theugît to be mffecloi. 000 le total vote ofthéI psslty ta thb. eleelion et t.é Plan a Oria' Medu oel c. l'h. Woma' Medel Loiging Hos Association bas deciied teuestaimIa tie le a e «> dov-tovu bolel tor stit -opporua y M . .vomea luChîcago. The ev bai lm im-m«Zonoet I.vtt.-a ma . M#'WM ""bty e 1 tndt 14j Twa.sly-l-st Ys. sadluInmus~ te a question by the court Letenanat Commande? rlOn vmawu tf Il asproton leyoulquestion at the 1h5 oiduodârt Scbiey iuring lb. bat- thea cmlied. Roe Xplalmel vhy the ISagle, thé oun t o!lmquimy that Illiley did net se- île of JUIF 83'WUs"cOol, brave miii .tbm lad beau s"ut sa&y fronýt- lii. 1sela P eiv.poitive ordes. froua Sampaun te go #initl.i e., n»ol Imagne amy condueila osier abat betters pfei c00411Wb. mla, et to Santiago matil Jue 10. aud tuaI lia bottin more e#Ntrable." Thon h. vas asékei about a convossaothl a, ladi no deflulte information fromni tmp- Admirai 8anapuon wlll mt b. cal tai hoab bei ith Scbloy prier te Juiy a 8 « ï; amd athlb.pregence of the Spnntab aletues.. pailar1y beause cf Y-thc51.~e Brooklyna gSolng 10 Guataaanltuep teut tu ahat barber outil lIat date. sical amd mental tability of Sampasatu eno. Mea inseb van: t Bcbisy bimnuelff bal aecored this Intor- appear andi81,00teetiuony. Hia bnifi a esubstance.I mentlonad thu tact *0a tigtelve veéeki beore ho received Samp- menua tand, habit ot going 1te<Janaaao fer 0611. i l e. poitive order. Scley'a expenses lu connection vith The commodore repfl ei lIahole Ai Tis.vas the. met Importnt dev-iop- he lqulrY appiaximate $20.00, OMmim.kti on ieveral occatont if bk mont at te bohrt session et the court ut tbey umuet have saliowed mp mlU the 1kte go te Guantanamo, vberu lhotuaIS klamy, vbieb vas mavited by wratglisgoprise molleT Ibleb be eclvd rom lhW ceai qmiéilyaitesuth oleero "dnif oni lied feeling trou beiaoîing te oni. tcenection allia tha.destructionaoethle a seulfren th. sIsalsor boecais. ,Ne Ihere vas a tilt between the attorneys. Spnilobfdot, annch of bla private for- aai that hi. anuver vas in el utsM CaptaiLemly cbargmng Mr. ltuyner wit tont heulde«. *Ris friends thave bien that ho preturositu romain on the statione i usabaglusescontatenieta. terMm. partnt lu thoie desire t xlut nIbie, aauntillthé Suunifb slips anme ont oethu je le 'Osfner calied the matter te the, atte - Mms. Scèley bernel basa tabou, *as br barbSr.1 tian of the court. The Jndge advocate part oftfilbewotk, the Idelng et ail or 'Durlmg lhe hanlage baltlevise amy stide a ama apoogy. but It won salAs- Admirai Bhela correspnancuci iug churlus or encouraglng measgaues ai tftety te 'fle court, aaslthe preideut the Spamsmh vas, sud the tetlaoay ahià amuong the mem that Fou knov et, 15 n gaii lt ceveM thle case, bas heen giron ies. lb.heconri t r.W vbonm abat ver. they " b ua s Amuother 'important tact brougit out quiry. ild. wus tbat thore vas a deiay of tbirty-lî Tveats.t'mmth Dey. lon. mossge vbicb soemed techiot Oi boums ou the part of Samupson lu .euiing PFv, offictu cftthe liroklyn.Admirai the min belua Vit-y uocb stu aI lIeradon le Schiey vhat vas heleved te>Jr elia- Scbleyïs fiagsbip, veto vitmea ebfitu eto Ibis.Spanial abipa onuruta> ui- Ille Information regardnithlb.prêseuceor thle naval court or lquiry. Two or tisa. board beau, &ail ring at n»." me Cas Spaniardo lu Sanllago. Esnly ou taie Capîmîn Cook Sud Lieutenant Commn&- .'Cas Yen speak oft1h* couduct, herlU 0 'BiOmmlng et May 220 Samupson reciv r e Bou, mai. aidiliono te trlir tij. andmilamn. et Ceommodor. Schle dorlnt e trois Opin Allen. lhe signal ofiîcer. mnouy, vhillo abru, Commander 14. Il. IMa. abe engagement h la h yenou v aie dm?»les Infemation vhlch lpôiiaupson te aWe-non, executive odUrer; Lieut. Bivasi >Me. "Re Impnuis ed ma holug tsuarkably I Ive, cosding t e he alimony ut Lieut. Cauley, Jt., signal officor, edM ontLIe t e conang abat lai lut o -. il Staunton et the New York that theoua. Chinles Webfter, Iratci oficur, aos now fitva peectly natuNa itacuet am le taris were lu Santiago. SamuPsun wyul- alînoes.Ail the wiluesaea lteffl be8tin." eue ed util ight te confirm the report. Thot thmit 51h10' vas calma. cool and courage. Twur-itbDT mlght confirmation vms ,reved through oua during flie battie. The examination of Doyen vituemaico ,0iptuin Allen, but for maexplalned ea- Càptalu OCook. ho trtnthle stand, vas coacinî.d on thiR day aid Ibat et&cI sifls,-tbit Information orms mot attrte won iallold i out the uncOuPlngor tfthelb.eilia. hLient. B. W. Wslia, Jr., ahe R Be eY utlithe eveuimgr ut Msy 21. Even lltoMkY2E8 'ongimes. saylug hlie bu errui lIrougbout lb. Spaimish Wvms ce Saupaom did nul commuaie&te positive thougbt l bai buten odeed hb.eauoi- Admrai S"brys fiag lieutenanti vo Information on tdis point lu sclly, but mauder-l-cblef la a bulletin. H. va, sartod abon an aijoumnat wov fsis. ieslrectei th. latter to ho sure the Spakn- thon askO w'hether lthe f ying squnarua lTh. altueu ssmply substacUtlted tste larda veto not lu Cenfuegos botoreiemv- lUid pocedoi viti al iispatcb front ttlmony already iven coeeranmgthe. ot t lng for Santiago. Cenfuegsata Santiago. Hie ansvered ofthé .Brooklyn dorieg 1h. baolle et dun- e Caitalnadick ore! isNe o ac No but sai that If the surroïudlmg oit- tiago and the coaling arrangemnents of the S vis rocalied and questlouod riganding 1cumftauea vire <mien to le couat hi foit. Tbsy veto: Commander IBo~im lia protoal. te Sampsoea gainut seuditug oulisamy "YW'~ These crcunietauo P. Nicholso% navigater of the Orégsuo o a ongntlalory dlapetcb 10e Sebley, en ho dele uci thelb. oallug conditions at the Medical Dlrecter Cbres M.deV aliaO f the eharacdes ef th. biockmde maintained lime. Bad veathar, ho sai, bai detayoi surgeenabuthé1eBs-okiyn; CaptaiJ. by lhe Brins aquaisun. The provieut dey the direct ptegraau lueOsutiago betora heLb. b. annumu.retirod. chier engineat Mr. Eaynem attemptei te question Ca- retragrade movemeut. aboard lias Brooklya at tbe lime oet le U tain Chaick wlth regard teas couver- Lieutenant Commander Seuan va. thon bottin; Ueut. Thomas F. Carter, E»maU p sation th. latter bai with Watson regard- aakei about a conversation un the Mas- W. P. Csonin, Carpentet J. B. Warfot. teg the blockaie, vbieh vas at that tUme .achuatt8. May al, iu whlch ha vas ai- aIl et the Breebklyn; J. 1. Hanley, c~ef coumemied by Capt&lu Chadwick. Tiie leged lu bave saIo that il hmd bin diffi- machimist &houridiah Texaa. ami Lient, conrt prontptly amd i vîbnome beat de- cuit tu gel Commodore Scbiey op te the J. P. J. Ryen, assistant enineer conl b. , llned lu admit the question. ani oblect- Point ut undertakiug the bembanimeut 0e1 Brookyn. mi ed te turther iqiyo hsUe the Colou. H. aswemed: Commander Nicholson detallied lte e Tventy-afeond i,. .'I do mt secollect Il at ail. Il couli chose outhteaoColon, [aing lbe race aientgco Captais Ccok'% tetlmney vas lu fayot net be posiblei1[saisach a tblmg. Thoy dia ahri ami tolllng ot the Brooklyn'@ a ,ot 8cbiey. Cook suid tdIymugs qumiron have miaunderolaod what 1 aaid. 1 vaa position vith regard to liaI ot the Spera- del left Cienfuegos for Samtiago as Doon au îî irrititoi at th, ielsy. lu the yardtromt lisbahipa. lHe sai be bai mt âeen the u vas ieamned definitely that tho Spanisl talk somethiug might baive been construai Brooklyn aud Teins lets than a mite B fooet vas mt lu the former place, lu abat amy, au itatomnts otten are, but sport etasy lime during the. flgbt. Mdai T'h. rettograile movement, Cook tenu l là entireiy Impoasible that 1 could bave at t tvouli bu Impossible ta statuem Set vis begaunbeouse Scbiey feared bis "ai lIat. I va. Impatient. excîted pet- ahether lthe Brooklyn or Oreon led lase aquadrenn oldb. caugbt vlth a short b&pail being my 8mrst engagement, ami the Chant. FireI one aaperei lu hi la ceai supply. Scbley turned back te S"- 1 mitht have teadu some remark. Il luth. lad and theà dia other. tiago as Doon as lhe ventber modiaei sonething Dme one might have miaen- Dr. De Valîn sai be bai behmeved ths madi Il asa possible lu ceoa aseao. ierstooi, but thut remark 1 nover made." baffle trou lbth orecastie ut the Brook- Ai Sciy maluainei a niuviag blockaio. "What do Feu mesu by 'Irrltatei it lyn, sui hmd sein Selajabearing dos- lutesi o! a tatlanary crculer blueck- the delay' r' tmg th. vhole engagemmput- ads-such as Sampsona-Cook aali& ho- "Delay ut uat going Immeditely ltle "Bila condnct,'" h. aéi , "va &Uli l i c caa..h. v antei te bave biseaipa mnder Ibia vork.'" could h.e epeclod. lHe eeemute kov id Wa m eî tamoetantc e Commander Mauen vas the nuit vit- D aIl la o . vaabout. aid vas deug ailtit engage lu baIlle. Cook sadlile atdetod ess. Ater anavethiag questions concasn. b. vlabed te do e. trvoi perfect cea- Sg ;Utc loop uithout Instruction or suggstiom lng the blockaie bu vas aakei hy Mr. tro1 0f the situation." cn tront SchleY. lHe statei that the Brook- Bayner boa msny Ornes be bai sen Th. triton«sa ditithat eh ai bea th 'lyn Passe vîthîn 400 yards eft1h Texas. Commodore Scbley under fine. tb vitl Sebley gîte the. utiet. "lifard ba t71 but thora vas bslutely mu danger of cul- b,. riplieduisport," ami bai mt beasi the vomi, apo- pr Unsion. lie dii mt heur the Hoigaum- 'Dur1ng al te engagements." kem by anybody else. In amuverte10àtrd 'Schley ulliequy. in vbicb the lattes la "Wbat vas bis general coniuct, mou- question trou, Captain Lemîr. ho deield by aliegai tu have sali, -"D-n the Tets."er and bearlmg ou thueoccaaliasT 'Ms. ho bai aver tbld anybody ho halbtmid 46 Wbcn Banna anked a Ibeoreliemi queb aEymet akei. a contmovetay concernimg this osier. au tien as te vhat vouli have happeaeifît «Excellent, la overy paricular. Ri Chiot Engimeer Risoanu sai lIaI il ae tbm Brooklyn bati beeu handfled dilatme- vas calot. coliecto aid brave." no liai vas the Brooklynu in auca a sé 7ly, be "ai., vitlI seafeeling: "I kipwv He thon gaveaumnaccoeunt ofthe batti conditiou lIaI the llgbtiug et ber lina le that 'shat vo 4i ama entirety auceeatul. of Sondiago. as ho Dow il, paylnt espe- couli hav, bien imc iolayed. Cr ;If vo bai doei ometbIng aise 1ili mot cllattention te 1h. vay Ste batterieas Lieut. Carter, pont assisat eninuterj« knua abolies ilveudhave imen suc- ver ne Sd. lHe tld of tbe Brooklyn'* &board the Brooklyu at tho time o e 1h ceasfmL'"chose alter a strmugu inn-et-van abat batlle, sai tat tnu tAm. iuntng thétc "Yes. tbat'a rlght." mii Dewey. --We ravei te ho Austr"a, lust atter the bat- fsght voe e r englues utopped or se- th vaut tacta, mt conjecltes." tlit vis over. veraed. e Twaty-lblrd Day. In reply 10 i number ot questions asked Bosige Cronin, vbo servei as signulW r Oly une ev vitmeaa a hein hin do- by Admirai Dewey af er the regular ex- oficer aboiri the Brooklyn, testiied con- t .tai by thaeSBeley court os thia dey. Ttinamanation vs% ove?, lie wilneaa sai etming the voyage Item Cienfuegos te 1wsa Lieutenant Commandos James H. tha1t byeni sendimg men *loft ani ha,- fSantiago ami gave sominiteflntiitg Cvi- 1 eSoma, 'sho vas. imitai Scile's lii l ug Captlain McCalla go &sabotenu effort dauce about the engagement o! Jaly 8. .leutenant iuriug the Spnnlab var. He bai been maie by-the fiylug equadron tluReia tcbed theo "bp" maneuvor or thbm rgave' a. detalied accoumt of the entîre detetulue vbether the Spanlarde acre ln Brooklyn, asdd bot biture It vas omiered Cuban cmpatie, lncimdlng the briet aioe.tle barber t Cenfuegos; thal ho e ewhosamy the Viacaya tomn ouIt rou shore, o! Centuegos, th. retragrade movement o! ne Ameicsn ubipo belug betwoon lime the impression created in hi, mini beimg i o! the fiying saitadroliain tlie sosrcb et Brooklyn and the Spamlsh sips viien that abe vsa ging lu try ta ram the cou. N -cool, the blockaie ot Sauntigothe recon- lie Brooklyn va. tumulus te eterbottd modore'm viauel. ' 9noiasancset the Santiago shore batteries JulY 3, mud ual vben the. Spanisi fleet Âttet Maebimist Hanley bai leetlifod i àami the bomiardueut off the Cristubai camte eut ofthle barber bbe Brooklyn va. briefi v conceemuug lime slo'eing doan oft4 aColon May 31. miii the batile off San- near ber regulir blockadine position, lIe port eunluefthde Texas during the e 2 tago July 3,'shon Corvosafluet asa wbiilchas 6,000 yards fira the lierre. batisleani Carpenter WmmfTd i ai iolas- e ioatroyed. T.eimti-fftb 4 1 y. ei ha bai hueard theoromet. "Stand hy te Ha placei lIe distance out ut the biok- The leshimouy et egt vitmoases, mai otram," miii bai seen the Vlsc@aa tuu aut à aie Une at Cienfuegos et trou on eue u vmmubai semved on the Brooklyn dur- if wv111thdintention of ammîng them t- ouraditeauaidnt Santiago at ftram dire. tug the Spaniab vas sud ail et vbom Bsooklyn, Lieut. Rysu vas cslled te theb. ate six ullea. He îipressei tb, opinion veto Iiendli- t0 AdmiraI Scbley, vas stand. lHe teatifisi that ho bai beeng ,t taI intha bale et July 8iltIl bd boom bout-iby lIe naval coutto! lnquiry un standing healde Yeoman Ellis vmen théb. Lb. Vlscmya's Intention te rem the Brook. the tventy-tlrd day. Each ot theot, up- ltter vas killei. and abat Admirai Sehiey.f lyn. ou belmag aaked, praised Scleys conduct vis cool througbmaut the engagement.i Mr, Rayuer sougbt te secure ltheito. during the botule. Those wbose duie Pmesmei tortiler on Iis» point, ha sai abs idcion ot a brief report et the bittbe et bai given Ihemnflb. roquit. kuowieige admirai wos. on lIe figiîluaise cf Ëlia eJuly 8. vblch Commodore cBeley prepat- adici tact. te beip uontlthe Ib.ories thil couing lover aIl the time, aud ha con- ai dfor transmissinleue becretamy oe!aae bulog dovelopai to explain the. aiew. .idesed bit bear Ing adirlable. * th Navy. [t iras statei abat Command- es oftIhe movoment lovard Santiago lie barn ut John linhar, near Blla, * et Geare bai tiken Iis dlaPatchabore ami the Broekîjus 1loup dumibgte bat, Kan., vas detreyei by tire. The body te b. cabiod to theBatturtay, but thatit d le. of bia 5-year-old son vasondIin tdos ees bsi reached lIat soicai. The dis- Of the vituessai live vote ensigus and rulma. îî i@ suppoeeithe barn vas mcl- Patch won rulsi ot on thc grouni tilet one woa a sut-sean. LMant. Charles Web- denîml sel on fOre by the boy, vho couli h se t vie molt eelvsdi il voa net aunui-.lt, abo ,)agn bie tiosttaey lie pso- nut escape tram 1the dames. ,y ciel communicationa. Ilvaa mt ruai lu viens day, vmm the ralot decallei. Up- qt tb. court roBa. . on questioins hi- Mt. Ruena, be ml4 M. W. Wsgner, a laborer employod la Copuantsookami roealled. and La te- ibat ho ceuld nol have iiftinuîabed o& - igglu gsevet la Joplita, Mo, vas e«- epose 10aiquestion hi Captain Le.nly jedu on tha aboréauïlot iolgit. irai p up Iaist Jopita smai dld bc ose mide mAda dtionalsatlmnt cenering *"Couli you se. théi vuls on the lu- is complaent coulai reluise hlm. Ac- flb. sitrogri. niaveacut o e bmfyiluanet pleket lina et nlgtl" oller laborer woa covttei up aidreel,. sa squaiton Mai- 268te May 2&130lauah. "Nt vithout th& aldýt searcbuigts.*" id ouvert injuries. le at a., 'e et. la. a Mg 4 Né PANfSR WEST INDIES, WIIICH WILL ý OON PA.SS - INTOPOSteSI0N OP THES UNITED STATE S. Ater aany iérationsa"ami"enala ut the reàprt lI* ia% *6 esa.overiamt amiDenmnask bédai riaM W<o b. sala o! lIe Dunlal West Inilea, lb. aosertion ianiaie. satu. Acrltlothe report, lb. DaBnsi lbdgttybau sem t0 sel limhe sane fer 14285&09% w"lella sali t. le jut a o tti is aQuul*eaidefle laInthe budget of thiecolo- The Igur lslan&--Et. Tbemas, t. Joh, et. croix ii 1104 Uts¶Utj,-cet Somprise a large srea, amitId tim trais la bol a drap tuth Iae set tAmries conmora.W .oouse'.Manedother aaith bave Pétats e#t repestedly, lIe posasion et Ii golels lb.bis:t lt W Ofçtluuua thl.epele tauli g As D.nmark bas bhum auxuoe t u n-t ii!.1e luanis tsmo I s1,55~1itbep"lem br, > almiMa ncusiti-. The uIISQIMat« ii nefvai.ei 5 <m cia lieClle. In Obi%, pebap$4. Io li t lié lupreme Court a elehftb rme Cout1aiW nid à et te 1Public Worhs nue te lie euWta 4egtalamre cboÎgs W%9I SIthe yb thlexpiration of Joqupi e ?orakeeV, - u Muneb 4, lu&0.A& actlve «ea-. lea bêlg aie "@la bal< et the tir aeilleketa, the B.pt'Uam eéboud- illi «.eorge Ksut4%4utbe nom. mal ne h i o. IJuan Xlbuwmé. Ue- tir ewahes la a candidate te iuwe [ç 0&t lu leadlngthu e Publkos et li * lwte. là, -Né* zJey a Gaver«a tle te b boim Papiu mula the Banal ýo@n ladeimlei lut .Wp ll ait asGô.mdV or ai au», mos« Oits oSoms.1 A; . Oua adu the E.puhlima*»t 40 *ia PlitIlili. lie Dessooiin!e,1 lur. ceail! thés-a Ol*wSi Sittu ath of John TL lieut I. ledba Ieietud for tbé fu I Usbe, -" arch 4. 190,1bel dlaibeiaath u b ia electionladi tb. date sut t«r u04w waion. Jonathan P. Dellvur la u.w4t1. gs Mr. Gallien mat loy auIutSumt - la Mmsyla&udi m~ime.e0alions imptroflus mid Trmauelire.te lie ïcted. 1%* .Iugwsates wtl9 -e8 t ceessor la8 tbe Unitedi Sisuetet oGeorge L. Wdflngtiim i former Re- bblican, who'supported Eryan ta the iapaign of 190.MsM. <Germen la au 'owed candidate for the a.natorahlp. ad th. Bight l he 1h. Ulufl u?.sIWuny a bia effort te reg"la»W0. met ta the maute wblcb b. ïd1« ta eghtuom yoer uh»nj ll lct a Goermor, Liée aint Govemer, Attorney Granasumd ro or tht.. othar mines o0ee. The Iepubliema candidat* fouei 1h. ov.no àip, J" Hampton f.loe. Meuang aàIDro- canmvaus. but <ber. la Ultil e 0fpee' bfui election oves biu Democrutte rival. nadsew J. Montagne. In Kentucky t LegWultus laoto be chas- M, Wb"ch vii du the vaumq la the maitei ttte@Sonate camaed by th.e e- ration Match 4, 1908, uf William J. Deboeterna. Pensylvanie viii elect a Btite Trois- arr and a indge of the Sopreme Court. SevraI vaeanleu lu the liou. of Rael- rentutive.l are to bc, Oued nuit ménth kt POcal cielions. ne lu Pennaylvsaltg iuaed by tb. death of Mardbutî Bromlu mu ln South Caroilma. causai loyfile tout o. Wlllpm stokes: on. la Tez, jcanard by tâte death of lRobert M. Burke; one in New York, canard by the Élth of AlIbert D. Shaw, and on. la Michigan, cased by the death of lo- sein 0. Crump. SOMOOL STATISIICS GIVEN. Aisâtraet ef Amenai liellert el Cem. ainsi, et aStutin. About 21 per cent of the total popula- tieo ethé.United Statoe attend Public da0ole.accoring t0 lue ana«l report or te emiianer of euducion. lThe grad total lu aU echeola, elemnontary, arc- oadary and bicber. publie and privatu, for te yeur oen"i Juy 1, 1900, vad 1,.M- 710 pnpla. au Ineresse of 282JU40oses bhe previouo ya. O1 thia number the eu- rolmn la epublie ln.tltutioge, empported by general and local tales, vas ff.44.- dS. Ccoutlng inavaeclal Inatltutlonu, ie aevening ochoola. Indian echoola, achools coiu.ctad wlthayluma, tel on achoola. and other laititutions mor. O! lois educatioual in their charaeWr, lu- ceaubs the total nmnitr by hait a miii- Jon pupils. The stlt"mau asntetpret id by the comiisioner, .1mev a =190omi consenus efpublie opinion tbroughoul th. nation lu faTu of provîdingsaecondirj education at publie cost. Public hîgi schools have Incremtaed frota 2,M20la lm11 .o 6,005 lan ioO. PLAN TO WATCH ANAROMISTO. NatioalatBureau et CriasmielIdeniiU calSti te areActi. The board of goirerors of the natlona bureau or criminal identification met il Washington to consîder s metbod for thl esabismhment orf a legal ovatem by whlcl the mnovemeuts off anarchiste a AnheUnit NI States mai, b. vstebed. It le propos ed gradually loenteud the systeul te otb er countries by international agreemnt At the meeting il wan dectded tu transfe tbe bureau of crimlufil Identificiîon fruIl Chicago t Wahington. A 'Commuitte waa appolmted to prepare rmie, for th govommnent off the bureau. Congresa wi We asked to approprîste $25,000 for mait lamnia 1th. bureau and to aid ln dlaseir inatlng information regarding criminali The vork has beretofore been supporte by subacrlpllons. 1. O. Walker o! abs Nickel Plate Unse bas beeu eltai dprealcut 0f the RIid. master ssaociatiou. ThueSaa* u' BailiremiCompany lia asvoyed for iîldilut 15 malliaoff rail- roa inlathb.Souhveat- The BMg Toýhmlei 722,7'15 pasmen- gare idus S leptimnbe,. au tacrea.. etf7M- m-8 bves l"atseptembat. tarminguof the 14w York Central for sept iber vere $6,6.71, an IUaa of ;m1.2 aver lait joar. Aller saverai yesrtao! epposiioln lthe BrIe ruad iUi!foin tls othor eéttn limes lu aellns bef-fmro tickets te cleriymen. Pour large embOa4lted Oeles baveO been te«eve hythe Milwaukee amd iSt- pool ruai.d. @otite canea for eighty. A mcw Une <if the Illinois Central, for- ty-tvo mles long, tram itosedale te De- 11via, MiMa, viii aren bc epeuai tor traeic. pleconîi une day's reclptt utf caIlle lu tbh. Cîcago niartt wama82,472 beai. This I& the.largeal insie imy's necipla on recordi. The rfently lished-lino of th. North. weatern pomi Item Pelale. oCrandea. iWls., stveuteclm &of ena-hait sqUes. bas been opened tg:.trafic, . - 14. t ulmis bo! tb. hock Ilandmi to AuguI <to $,88,,, a lureae uît t. Ç yeu9.5 ma ls oeau. Digest what you eat. ThtJ reamt.ton Containa a&U ft Un iet an ad digstsa&IlkMode o« foo. Ilgisestunt alrelief &MaiMMv fatit 0cure.itallumsyou toua l the food yog usai.The mSot v. bwmwbo dySpepILcabavteu u cuse atas eesltbeltallai. Is tg unequalled for aflsteuicbtmubeS. The- Almilghty DoIlàr i', abat v reum .~eU ter. Y"euenget t1mIb it Pays to Use it Right... on aaa swme circulas MMn budam cu ad, àa Wel.da p=ue catchy auSdm impapes e--y vri Our Motto: Superisw --k-sm Pt dent.. ba don=. Esumatea giwua la, 1 ORussu;z- BID tleads, Letter Heas Businâu Cardst Circulars Progruus Sale Blis, Posteru AND AL. @OU09O ýJob Worke... .....TItiLs OFPICB. wwe a E.ws Uaml luaa M b a u.-e" tb . a ta lu'W "ffl We ~ia"u moud 1. Mb Kiotor i oul o tdb* sad e ao ta mmi ai Mt*t0: 1. Ail emaua 47 ies ae moali the tonl ftaasi ati. 1 sp. I Oum pape Dis. A toee Ir. 41 Due 1 lui patIo, fly t' &tere ghes, Ni.d mien Ilemt mut J omà. AI 1