Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Oct 1901, p. 4

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IL xw8T Eist tj~Way,$3ctube# aS, spot. ram» WUELI. ~tOpoiloBoSbc<l<Iî a ITxà EAu! tKOWNiOaciaAFP- ~ il dificut t10teop sa te demand for rural UoleY Four ituadred rural bae n appointe0 titis oaud suequai numben vilI be nh'~p~ltd nez mout. lTe Pt- ~ Geiseti yl in3creage is est- t8efr titis brancit o! theoservice ýMSee tait one-tiird for t e ut fiscali _.ze, -at-,g for $6,250.000. a inottlked of ovni1 of te pait vste presence o!j BooLor T. 'Vouafileon. te itauthoru negro edilcalOn&ta au!aily dînuen vititlte Vitoildtia% te Wite Bouse. iSouthl- ,ncomment opon te incident itas bea ptgmply eýonumtIry o! Preal- ' o mvisoseet for wbat lé, coualderod s aliItiBt itaance o! "social equai- Mx.I"_More conservtiîve pOOP16 ana InlIneAitate vevtaât te Preal- dent, s a gather man, huathe ightl 1W, t suaoaea bispivais gueSte ut bis jleaiie.Bt fev vito tnov lie !prsiet reaaiy belote Ithat lu itonan. lag Washinigt(oas bho 010 be meauste1 becotmo the te oxempla sud chtamp- ion of iudiscniinate social equailtY. Te masuncenient taI <loerai Miles, te ead of te Army. vîilre- port inl fvar o1te 15v ubolshiîg te ,Wise and bern eeons fran te armY exuitengea. has produceli a saonn late pro-cnteen camps. The boer dealers are egpecialii drnled over te »eport and foar te l iffn1eu0o!Il upon *Congieg@. Au effort l ta iteb made ibis viler te sonore te ropeul o1te ptoiittry iav, but Il la uatl ilely te eueceod. A Congrsslottsliulvestfg&- tieu yl precode suy legisîstiOn Ou S ite aubjeet sud titat luquiry may de- ya*op facts th&&t vil) support tetawe &ta couvluro Congrese 4at te pro. - iibitiol la a vitolesomo euesure foi Te npots of Cabinet changes wilii tioittvt. Sacretary ibot hua euruef le ,Wsitiuglou itit hie fsmiiy sud do. eWeates tIha it0sseled dovu for tae *IU01e sud bauno inteution a! reigu- &4 Soetiary Ray refuses la "Y suy- b -Sk t"3t th, ontal tded in àM rtegti@W aiUop lt tisli ma. lit *g~' l do go as soon s ite luy- ?aqaee!o1e irealy ltan*lllîed la n d"bdotii&B sd lth&% euor Loalge vill in edhm uaiso conideully axpecti et. UM*Wy anyUgovitse decisration ~ Banur'aCouvenîlon, titt i~ ~~~l oeev lute rellrOMett u0o4t aoiumtl "sud lite extension O!ft ýf0natiotnal banuka, lu regalla ü 4asuntimtnate, la expectod 1(1Tni dAgàa unsf1ar Cougrais assom bles ,&spsISecretany o!fte NsavY, Rani q8t,liss.elated bis inlenîlun tW roîlgi "d ud geOCiarlesif. Darling, ui Boungian, V., yull suçceed tito. xiglnaliuter Market. »tter was lu gond domDand ud c fiaIt cant i her on ite Elgin Board o! à Tzado M dai eu ail offlongs; 3,000t lits pod ai22c. MartliOnta li2c. Ba" of veet. 608,000 lite. REAL râSrTTgTRANSFFRt§. Furniïlhed by Loto Couuly Tille & Trust Co. Abstr&cta, a! TIlle. iles iuatatileed. liaonle Temple tildg. Wsntcegali, 111. LOUIS J. OUUNE, be SoY. lidue F lardeti te Bcuinje road- ithead par w ii lait mrso e -44il wl t» ii, Zanra iraures 0eJamtes AtwrilI i rd& a tas ucs,,4-45-10ivd ...... llfut0 Et James X11,9s1811, tr t, E t: qnsavqr âe i & ne 'ir anw r aeu wd .....v........... .. _... f O (JatnIr iektlu CitasPitillins la lots, IiC gipinb luff addu lti Cihit s suit ou Coer Lakoellot 42 bil 9 & lot s7 bil 161 aritstead's Udalte1Waukegan .... Tx boto Owen Newton & w tu Maryorati, Se à-2 fI v front .1Un tiu t-s1.i17s -2 t fa s01I ràu As, Wsiiksg wd ... ..... ............. .... 2 si Lite Conoîirt10uer Kinl t, t sud t wolott Hrsuou jea.., ' &6-9 dud ........ ... , Guardian o? E J Manunilt, îIl A SMIunudV, t-5 lot 9314is ilk j Booib oscuit, WàC 19 do-"-aili tdd ........... ...... ........ .... ýýa. F collr &lis,--t il tofiA l A t l nUlid i -5 1,- Pn.& 10 tik 2 wd......... .............. ........ .. JttitutW o , lit t iii t n ui., il1.1li tof. 1, ai sulu , 'i .. 14. 5 l id ....... 9 <irl, t,6L w tu.E H tSnithl, i-i O4iili-,î,. , la lnir,, oui . cd , on J T Jolu.' & wlt, L Fil z& ( là 00fIL& a imuIL il,1 d',7IIL ttiw addu toWak..un................i A L Willac & wltt,, W H Wlisun s, .4b %W ,r , e'304-l c, 4>5 WI î....CIfl 1 (JaunI làt, Ch('<niellliiiolois * 1. C. 4. 4. 4. 45. '.52 Ilu. G; lots W mLtt'. unî, lnLake :oes:t,,ota t. 31, 2 liii lot*,1' 2 21. 24 tik si WuaiitunPlark Tata beed il la slle tu A W t.tlaindior lots1 i l s- 13~Go.a,'ta-. vi....................... ..... 61 0 vi Waog let ai tV).Isin,'i 1l"asJi metuse tir te,,14-4-1 i,.l -110 o OIof Selson & w? tu M F , pe2 «Ill Lk orest w............. iso Ceu"eTiotieIAnant Sht,- laaeisn uv qr ne qr & ne -In ns r Moe5a..Ued .... ............. mu,,, = h ris&ft Trs GaoM 1 Orb I, l il: 40north asdn tu> uft wd ........... à i( Ta Durst &Itf te Jitu Koila w i à jelbhte&v-f tu Brion 8 IMaglîl ijo» S& 9 ikit2 hnuud Lake lunsu vf12J&W î'o N M Stt, lài0 BtuIl.... .....1, J" w r ha n te BaH & tr port bloct 2o ~IZ~sacad alOn te Wan- bas 5et ÉI ta J 1, i'5s~j.3,B 0 eDouglas ascnd tr-~4ivaaw ta val ...............te eta o-oÀ on go- A e of the rear car ati Superiur street, uatainipg lui unies wlin li la al probsbllty cause bis dealth. Thte1 mon itad coma t0 Chicago together asrly inte atternuon and bosrded tho tral in it left te Nonihvoaterla lepog a& 10:30 o'oiock Sunday ulgit 10 go:baok l0 Waukegan. Soon af 1er te train pullled ont of thte shed th1e tour non began 10 quarrel, sud vitenlte train reacitud Superlor etreet Braviait la satd ta have beau deliberately puelled from the train by one oa bis companlous. Thete rain vas not stopped, and il vas sometime before Breait vas found lu the swltcityard by switchman Barney (ilroy. Re aI once uotifid lte police of lttc West Cicago avenue station, aund Whou BraLvisi vas taken lu lte cauoty itospiWa ho huid nul recovcred con- sejouanuess. Hia nîgitt log was Ceut off ut lte kueO and 111e body was severely bruised l auay places. Witen ile train arrived bore Louis PIpas witam il is4 allegod pushed lthe man off, vas unresled and ls now tinlte county jeul.1 Albert Welib, Stepiten KeUna, CiârleaJ Sampaou and lHetry Peterini, all of Watikttgau, vero wltnese o thîe qaartel Bravilb tîves ut 107 (ie,,-ee sgrwet. lie la à lraek. marrieil and a tanner. G U R N BE. P. (. Kent, of Taylor G ,ri, v as lu Our lovu Monclay. bt. andlMr&. <taggin epent SatlirdRY wilî frieuda mu Autiocli, bilan Libbie Webbj vl@ited ut bomne ln AnîliehSaturday sud Sîînday. Mr. and lins. Citas. Lsvnon vlsited uI Harry Floýod'a SSuudays!ternoon. l'part Smith !a sellIeZ te book it ci McKinleoy" wlith splendid stioceas. A pariy o1 Our YOIîng foits eîieuiied a dituee ut <irayasi att luday :ght. A granîd gold modal conîe illile ieid .u th.e iûtit ie iday evoalug. preacbîing service yull be hid lu lte cituret uday for thee OrsI lime îne ltef cburclihabu en repaired. If Cod Liver Oil is the mean,- f4 ifiL, andl en joyllisn t of 1;i'-- Odl(-. n N 1, oitil a, h ï i. \\huis food s i~,it 1hfîthu bu )rdcin. 00 -n \orki-, bard an(~ 00 is lhavy, j'tmaus fi (1o ý i-; tie t1iln <'u of 'th -Lthu thick uend lN foo t -)II i.. thefood that iinil, ioîrget vouir stor-nach. 1you haVe'flot triod It. serd f 00 -,se sapi.itea greeable teste w o. M r~?b jail druagiste. eDled"pelt me for li étal ensiu ea Aterm a CY.nM. CA. Coneunationes etlon. III.,Polut,* lad., ta" eW.1 (Muev.of. B. Bauman o!WsukeguWus eleeted psettyfor lthe enuug year. The snei corunoe Of tbeheldinoi Walikegsu lu October, 1902, It may sf10? avitilo dawnun auelonu- keupera and otitari htaS lie macinery of lte 1mw vite properly sud cou- i @Ilentiotlaly applled lea "povf 0,' sud tast hief of police (Greenl and btis corps o!fasistants are Bometig otitertitan an ornament b10helite ly and have a veil defined purpose. Four saloon teepers yen itauled up liotiday mornlug for seellng liquor on Sondsy. Tbreo of thte olfondere voeo foued sud lte lter case vas dlsxuissed. Four individuels vto lied looked 800 long and earnestlY an lte vine viton tg vas red coustibuted lte balsnce o0f te Sooday barveet o!flte police. Tite drunka vere Oued. A frlend of Boulon K lngsbury, lte calarod man vito elaped viitlBertha Barr about tva veeka ugo, received s latter lat veet !rom hlm. maiied st Chticago. Thte former manager aiflte Country Club's proponly asd ltaI ho vas staying lu Chicago. vitilo bis wite girl !nieud bad gane on ta Now York, Local friendi o!flte girl assOrt taItebas tatou Jm"t lte stop ltaS titey expeclod site wouid in8ide o! a couple of yteeks, Ibat la, doser& hor colored lover. Titey believe site made litexacuse or goiug east alter lte lte maney, pranilsina la reloru au acon as site secured il, but ltaithor roui plane wero 10 bave Klogsbuny aud DOW ltaIBile la avaf >11e viii romain sutainsdthe colored lover will vaitl n nvain for ber relUru. ýe Whlle on s Chirago and Norlt- v estern train Suudey nigit, oit bis t.way homne 10 Wsukegau, Johin Braeîi, u35 yoara aid, beeamo l,îvaived lu a _qwurel wit lbhreo comfpaulous sud v as titrown from lthe front pltlorm tonrueion tagold0..Bti ad adjoints« wveUn Ie 0o! I o1 ils.» %rm,ý We&u"eday Octoher.e0, POIl aWEtEifl Bt 2:i0O'cloat P. M. sharp oL foUDiDoStf goua yi: 9 choie. 003., nev sIuulte, corne vith calvtu by le; 3 2.told beotsr»oomlng 1tu 'ebrnatm4 Yearling hoUaeri, 2 70%- IgitDe s3calyoua good vort burse. sprjug lml a y rate. mev; 2-houe Iltivaonsolder, lormicitmolir, eatly nov; à"lce eT hanrov, nov; ostripping canae. neérly nov; 600 oct& goal con, 15 tans gond millet, toue good -prairie behy, 160 bushela ood wite osto, 100 busiteis fine Pots. os, lot of uow hote. lot o! cailts, 5grain belge, fonts, itoeand sudeur itbe articles 100 oumorous ta mention. Regular terme. Wt. KIJNKX, Prop. W. Hl. AP'rrUT, Auclioneun. The undersîgucd, beiu* about ta [ait fsniuîug, yulsoeillai public anollon, Iitout teaarve. on itis p'ettises Onu île noutit.eaet o! lvmitoo sud oua îile nonlt-vail /of Olamoual Laite, ruesday. octobeit 29, 1901, commone- Dg ut 10:00 o'eloct 5. m. usrplte ,llovlng gonda vis: 18 choicecovi, of CitmJ.1erieys, Romally al itit calles j. aide, balance coming lu soen; 2-yr- )Id Delflon, 2 yearling itelfens, spout EH purpose Dorse, extra roadors, 9 yrs. 31a, Converse stock, vi. 1300 escit %an bey Norman mare., 8 and 9 yns. 10d, vi. 161) eschitn lufel by Frencit Cach Quoitec; 8-yr-old-mare, aound and aIH nîgit, Wl. 1400; open fine YeaZ- inge, ity same hoarse and mares; open guct*ug calte ty i«mte, ilylleit sud oltive; 6 brood sovi, 2 viit Pige, Ibhers sBanal:tiooogitbred Polaud obtns boen, 27 extra nicle Poland china bhosts, 20 Caaulme ibay, 8 toue op- laud ity, 800 bu. cal@, large sasct o! &raw, 3f) acres hoavy corn, parI t usted, balance lu shoot, mostly onlwilim bind- r, truct wagon, 3 1-2 lu. lire: uartov tre wagon, mutk wagon, single buggy. oad cet t, single top buggy, Prairie City itroadeslseeder, 261suly cmi&i. 'atone, single colltevtor, sulky plaw, walklng p)ov, hay ratie, hane relie, new besy rack,. Crovu mover, I eed cul. oer sud tresd pover, pain boit aleds, 6o0-lb. pitletomseules, 2 sets good wort harneas, 1 novtiassprlug; set 'nrrlago iborne",sinlue harnaiBide sadl ,caîdron ktIe, grindslaone, chasîne sud forts, coot atove, iDentine aove, sevenal milk cana, uumites BronovuLegit lietou, iouaehold forni. ture sud msuy alter articlestunittrien. tioned. Fre. lunch a.nved ai non ilegulan terme. L. Hl. BRYANT, PBOP. W. Il. APPLEY, AqIctluee The nudenslgood vili Bell ai Pubict auotion ut Crovas Corners 2 mail"s nanti or <iiejjlw on Saturdsv, Octoiter 26, 190,cOommeottifgtgI 12:00 n'cloct sharl lte falovlug goods tir: 7 mllcitcovs 1 [rosi; goold vork horse 10 yra. oldl,1 itelfers 18 montits aId, Delfer 2 yrs. old brood Bov, 8 tous clon itsey, cet doubi, itarnes, single itaruess, beay ratn, ai rack, lumber vagon, 1-rmwagon spring vagon , buggy, Bucteye selde set harrovs, stubitie plow, moyen. doz. ciikene, 20. bu. seed Putaion« hoteaing stove, 3 mutk canas, s lot c fitruiture aud alter articles nol mer tioomO. Itegulan terme. En. CAÂd3sàcu, lrop. c. NW. P&rnis, Auctloneer. The undonaigucd viii soli et Pubil auctian ounlthe old iluitard tarmn, milo nonlth o! Bail Day. Wdedag] Nov. 6, 1901, commettclug at 10 o'cloc a. m. tharp Cline followvlig goado, vil 16 ailloi coas.17 itolfens Jiyrs aid, beoler 6 mualtis aid, bull 3 Yns oic Gray mare i2 jrs nid, bey mare 6 yt nid, sel double itarnsasotss Oy nets, Il itorne Case paver.,iteavy speed jaci liglt lteed jack, truck wagon, 46 les of 4- mci be'ing, epntîgwagon, leu rafler, 12 ft fodider carrier. Keystnr corn planter. ma wer, Taorscullivalo, opring-toath oultivator, sulky Plo' vaiting plov. Hloasier eecder, sel b( siolgi, tankt imler, mnilk cane, 24-lut cîrcalan 55w, drugweav vitb paver, à stjockecroult it inder, 20 t tlmalthy aud claon itsy lu barn, tons uplaud bay lu barn, 2 dazi turkeys, 2 daren ciieens and miai altuer articles Rut menlloued. Issue OF SALY-Ail asuma of $5 ut under, cash. On sumo aven $5 a ced or 1 year viii be given ou gond ban sable notes bearlng 6 pen cent ilerel No goodm ta bo nemoved unlIl setl for. HENtRY SsYOEIsT, Prop. C. W. PETTIS, AUcliouoeen Havîug decidtsd 10 quit farminti vîli Bsll aI Public suclion. vlthoult1 serve, un nty faim ouae-fourbit lu soubb-vaofa Prairie Viev, Moud 3Novemben 4, 1901. connnencing 10:0 (io'Cloct unI2. siunp lte folloul gonda Tir: 19 itead 0f1nutie, 6 vi caiveli by side, balance aprntgers; ce ing 3.yrna.oldl, Norman llrood mare, yns nid, lit fond by Young Kaiser, e13W0; Norman tmare, 1l yrs old, vIlSà Standard bred mare, 6 yns nid, in 1f by fiamaleon, vI 1209); Norman o 0comlng 2 yré aid, WCl 1(10; Monde ebred alilion. comlng 2 yra old liamalon, vI 750; tort abouts, Wel inuber wagon. farta Iront. mailivi au, neariy, !.ov;top buggy, 2set daul morktig iarnoas, met double drlvl iarnesN, single drlving htameau, ConanickbItnden. licCormIet mow Deere corn planter, check nov s dnrili atlecitment; Boosiê.r sonder, ti ey ridleg plnv, sultey cultîvator, sirel lever imurows, waltlug cultivai beay rase, ceidron ktIle, beuy ru dump bourd@, grnudsanoe, itay fart a carrier vîith nopeansd pulle,,., 40(l 0016, 10 aires corn fodden. 350 bu ci in cnt, 10 bons balled timothy h vaSer traugit. nooling ltt.lot o!11 trougie. and many otitor articlee uumerous ta mention. Reguls? termas. C. B. Aî.etsECTIT, Pnop. W. H. APPLET, Aucttonee of male. Jouîs ifoacnure, Ptap. f, AtNyntîs' WA'i.I' AUnt. ill k. ANOTHE PÂti. ,~Ma~for .Mra 55ai5 le.Ibrlai taflOitCmàptii IL EL S0?Wirtu asi Otr f W. c. Plioer*tbe, 0rnyBé"é. ?oW IL 9:2 P. m.Itôp Sondai nitht on SignIal i. 1:38 P. m ....Daill eecevl suaday 8. e. : a m ýI..- il 7 123 0. .ILoDM&ys snd Satttrdais750fl -1:.t23a. m............. .........Dely nmITE 5USD. No. 5. 1:2 M....... Dai I y eXCêPt 5UCCda 7. 3:011.m ...... -9. 'me p.. '.1Pridays and SaturdsaonUI a3m.8 .t ..........a....... ell Mr. and lins. 0,4e, of BUrlingloti, vee ogluniof oMr. and lire. W. B. Hlg. loy suuday. lira. JohnMoult and tire. J. Beod AUe lmptovilg nder the akilifuJ trealiflcli of Dr. 'siett. 1 Loule Shorian la nigit operator as te Wisconsin Osutral depot. a Promo. tion ho morfla. Mir- and ltre. Manlerre, of Solon Mille, voesgueie of Mr. and lirs KIMbai Soudal. NotIce Knoetn bargain on enfle. sud sugar. "isad telle about it, and tg te vorth 00LIcklDg mb. patine, o! i uoinelî, vere te guens o! lir. C. . Smith lest veet. Thte Ontyate OomelerY Association vili meet vîIt lins. Seesholz uexl Titureday, Ot. Sil. Vfelttorsa lvsya velcoffie. W,. elle Morilil, of Taxas, viffîteal bis brother, J. T. Morrili, %tiis eet. Ho came 10 attend lte velerans' rounlon lu Chicago. Mn. sud lira. Henry Koîrl, o! Anti- ocit, ver, davd Tuesday and puncbaraed ivo lot. af Mn. Yardy, eust e! W. C. tracts, sud yl commence building aI anae. lTe Ladies' Aid 0socllY Met9vlt lire. Washiurn titis veek. Titaevas Weduanday, Nov. 7t at te home of lira. Buetnam. Wld bigitwaycnu appad a couple of our clUzoit on Couler streetllte oten ovening sud mWde tem "gîte op" thein al, about $1.50. Dont go out aller dunt. Amoug this veets visitons 10 Chi- cago ver. Meedamea Biglai sud Van- deuboofli, lies.. obînson aud Whit- more sud blim eia itn, Hoot, Bav- or and Rapple. litoihi srvIce. yull heoiter be taRd luate village hall as fo110v8: sutidmys. Sutday.scitool Il a. m. Bat. Jonathan A. Titompsool, pestor. lTe Bootpropariy, cornu! o! Lake sud Wittneuy htat, vas sli ibis vee t'O0 li. Billey. o! Wisconslu. Re vilI tare poesion at once. lin. Sprlng vIl yscate, nol t sving delded vitier ho viii stay lu Orayalaite on nont. Nort Tueaday eveaug, Oct. 299ht,te mounof9te Congegttional aitunci vili givotheir finsan nul ajater sopper. A numitur of altera, not membera, bave been inviled te iteip. AU go and ase boy ubely te mou eau serve aud vasb it dîs. C. O. Smit sud brother, W. B. Smilt, nelurned Saturday from itemr vestern trip. 'ibey liavaled 8W0 f9ies ltrongit Kansas sud Okahtoma, camp- ing an u tnag aong te route. Titey report a lino tinteansd nome great sdveutures. Ameco Exprosition titIsgo tetPare AMiaBElesudtAda Cin elarel Mis@Belle Band Ad& Mera. eg sudLcBe.Haltrand eMessbrs.(Lsre andicLeeWii al, LeAletapencah Lester sud Clarene Doolittie. lively, as 450 soidiera froan Fb. Shteri- dan vere eueampud lu 'Aticks' grave. Tboy marcited bere from Dl)lmOud Lake, reluruing Titursiay. Titey gave a sham batisle&bout s hall mile f nom lovu Weduosday. viicitmsny o! Our people vituesseal. lin, sud lIns. LymawiI:ývîaê, o! Chi- caga, thte former U.% ss@tant Chiof of police ofrtai ciiy, vlslledtwit lin. and lins. Parter iis veet. White haro titey leased ane o! tite hanses on te late front itel'uigng top. A. Robinson sud vili Oceupi 0mre nezt May. If ltey lite itis location 1h03' tail bulid athome taera. TAYLOR OROVE. paro rne t.iredditg Ool. - lit. Bon 157 la vliiin relivOl. ou@e of our yoùng comples visitod lte 188e on sundy 1*. OhBtell Lewin lf io"hiot oo@k ud bo#tIewsaier' at preUt. hi*s oook Iiaving l.11 him for a dhot lime. Luelus Starr moya. ta ooOrai titie veut. Fred Bay moyeu la the houam forfuely occttpied by Mrt. Sien NeWs ruacite. us tha% Job. Trotter. o! liubrn, le very 10w. John la bn ÇospleulYoung'Maun sud va .iuaairely itope bho lIl eotver. Tite gold modal conleet et Boa*- erans vas vuil sttendat md pto.d a snoocea. The qspetetaecelvual paab applause. lira. 0ha1 Amea von lte pria.. MEbilo »saest1,b. te Canton o! suifliotlofor lb. people tu i bi vicinity. Amaont Ihosa vWho 1as the Qtoeila.lveek voe: George DePotnî, lira. Fred Taylor sud issn Lalait Webb. VOLO. Eiam Converse, o! Chicago, Sundayed lins, John ILcalng vas luate ci&y ns buinue.Tiursiay. ObtîlaMurray, of Jchuabnrg, vas s t'oioelle, snadoy. lins. lAura Huion returusd home lte &iat ofrte veut. li. nsd lim.James Kirvan visitai lu WsncondsaSuniay. Snnday wvziSrelatives bere. Mesdames A. J. ilayguotid aMiJaes liurray $peut liondsy lun(Chicago. li. nsd lit.. Chris. Dillon speu tiuday vîti fietidsa u lenry. Bey. Lsppitn amyl ha lite pesta! o! lte . B. citurch for theo ensulai Yeau. li. n. dlins. CharIot Partrer viallsil lb. latge#' monter as Ivamhoe sundsyo Moins. Peter iladâeld aud Wm. Dunuil spent lu Wsnke- gma. Mller, o!f ramont, apent tSuaday ln Valo. Mess!..jack Rayamond sud Bd. Momnauanvere lu Wautegsit ou hui- n ous Modi. Blneui Murray, of Loto Qenets, visllei itis itrother James. of this place. Suaday. lins. Mti loéson and daugitter oetrude, o! Grlavold Lato, vers Vlo celle»a Satnnday. Mn. sud lits. Win.ilchtardson sud childnan, o! Elgin, apont Wdneday and Thunoalay with relTvesharo. lira. Oaitaly angbi atteudei lte Lotoe Couty sutuday Scbool Conyon. tion st Wsutogan Friday and Satur. day. %Wedueaay aftet s MOtita viit wîb ber sister, lire, MIte Hertel, of Ire- mont. lin. and lins. Simeon HUSSeli sud gnsnd-daugitlut Lida, a! Wantugsu, vialled ai O514 BuzaiaSaturday aud Bunday. Mia. Allai Ford relurned t10 ber home lu Chieago Slurday aller s few vake ika sIMviitfiendsansd relatives lu titis viclnlty. ]gr. und ira. Wm. Clarki, daugittor liyrtle sudlins. Ease Fisher returnoal home lianday from Ksaas", vitre ltey have been vcitlug ne*lîltefor lte past ltree veuts. RUSSELL~. lin. and lins. Worth, o! Wsdsvanlt, spaul liooday itere. lin. andaLMr. L. C. Neilie vere Rau- oeita callons Win. Broctus, of Milwsukee, vlslted lu Busseiliaven Suudsy. Miesdlames Engaoue sud James iteeves yoe sCiicago visitona Mondai. ka bus laid o! Young people fram Witltop lHarbor Snndayed itene. Claude aud Ruby NeUls viaitalit re. Johnu Chope aI lilîburu lut veoi. lins. A. E. BarnUn i eIained ber brother. Scott Licher, c'fer Suuday. Lak, soldthem !sarm lIere lest veetihome o! E. T. Moltilia over Sunday. 10 lderman Foviar, o! Ciicaga. lins. Wright le matlng iter itome vîimh ber George MeNamàas@peut seveardays daugitter. lire. Wedgo, o! tiiasplace.. test veet viit frineM& ai nyslake. Suit WrightI hualesaed Dr. Shaffe' Oua Edwarde. o! Chicago, leaspendl- place, corner o! Part andl Seymour bng »seoal dasys v it ieunle as hala avenues, ana lliimoto hiea !miiy bore place. Ibis fait. lRe vii acnetas manager o! Mn. snd lire. Arcit Braver, o! Droe lte farm for lir. Fovler. liste. speul a f 0v isys lust veet vitit lionday morniug occureal the deatit G.-A. Sltez. of Oto. Harold alte Garman Bogptlal John Craviori. Jr., ha acopted a tu Chicago. Ho 1.11 boesàs eet pro.. ponition tu te tole pitonefactory si vlan., troubliedvt a eligit i sorder Wiutitnop Barbon. of te boyels, vici quickly deteloled liMe Harry Williams netumndoa!rm inta peionilis. li. laves unoelstes Buffalo Tituraday evealug sud RMes- lu titIs contr7exoept s sieter n budit- dames Cornis sud Bonnet Saturday ýraukeu viose addresi ho dii nos tnov. evening. Unsysiake loalge of Mystie Workers, of vitii e vas a membert ot citargeo.o AU tcee lutereste a ute otisulza. lte romains. They vene Inierredin lion o! s musical club oa reuquti lt orajsieumelery Weduebday coru. ho ptaeut as the chutait neit Salut. Ing, Bey. Slavons officlsted. Be day utusilug. csrtied $3000 lnautaflce. lira. O. Beecham sud son, o! May fuir, sud Harny Wrn, of Wittale A Piendial Atana, voe lte guestis o! I. O. 0olby~s fambly Au alîtas latey maie on C. F. Collier o$ar Sundai. 1 l Cbam Iowg.tafle*yni là ock se lame ta aouli M ioPviitoul rt A Word to T'ravelers. pain areasel 1noce. s lit bon f th$, à wo a&olle, "W. lia for othe, Il.&U praetloa it en n log *il Possible ssfsiuôe teUN&8.1 afflîcleal aefabors. Isl s tisa pur- Poeo! helpinu ont m-ottr, Iibat sb" aggauai o.s rls«M i sr. VikIpOO e mely d tiD o! lth* deal t b Ste brolisor vise aiialn lucaring #te faMIly dgdbgg lie oalY deys et lba17 ilties. On reboumng home ho vus stifken vit th@telever, &Bd* dW.1t» Tot Ce une» Nigit Mm. 'buOe nibtImn b hW@ 'pbabtnvaeie»4u vlthorup'vnlsgel a.J. C a lon, of d t doco n 50 v r D r . R 1 . 7 w W v ¶ i s e o v e y . V i t i c i t ,a v e q u i k relefun ieiss.Svcured il. a keeiîu~ seproeo eÎl aiffl tro m enIa p ssmd vitoop=a O DU O t. l u rd imutâ nfa'r outai b cuaiattrouble Ibat no ohenronedi vouLi flloe." Inaflibis for iauia il tîroal sud lunIroohars. mO sc83.Triai boties frees 8B.Ltvau.. 4 Ibo of gxod 25e Coffee for $1mou and give 4 Ibts of Stigar free. Lades' $7 (Ml Jackeaai S89 .lla.........>6 21 ulilildrofl'à Jackets poo o ....... 3 0&o fedIsa' $1000 bâtis Stirta. . ... ... 0. 1J*uieu'Undo Sais, fl u .............. z00 Our 1.00 Ladies 1<MA1 (lotes ............. 73 lu MIlUIOOrY w. show a [fullino If newov so l eignid by -D B iet & C- W, have arranged a rouling '1hoe 8*1e" 0f Henderson's Standard Style Shoos. Any lady wil kuow &bey are cbesp. OU$300 Ladies' Tutti .o... .. ...... î228 "$225 lions$ 11k 5Oh ioos ai....... 17 W. t solonoders for the test tailoet u lte city at the lowegs priea. suit guarauteoodgo fit or momey refuhded. luCoustum sut, vo eau save 7012 moioy. 'ia$8 00 suit t .... ..........$6 98 1mles 81»00 Bisait Suit i....... 7 98 lions:812.50 Blâmât SuistKt ... ........ 10 98 Boys' Rester,,$1.75 10........ ..4 00 lien'@ Cotent Coale.............. I1 40 F. H KUEBKER, GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE, Grayalake. Illinois. BUYS AN A 1 Have them up t ....... ....... $3500 AlsoAgent fo Crescent Bicycles. 1ceauosali you a better wheal for loua monoy tita n 0 * cati boy lsewhere. You wîll inSd titis assertiou t1mb If oulvestigate. CALL AND EXAMINE. 1 NEW ROPAL -q N vit OME Quul WILSMachines. 00- Prices and Terme to Suit You. tz E. B. SHIERMAN, Oeayaiak. Illinois. S. PRICES..- W have agod igantnf Menes Unes al 1.1510 $... . 3 00 Ladlaa' SioeaKt90o o............... ..... 75' .. lîppoeo ta o se îO», a i ............... ChbIldreu'a Shoos at 200e l ..............i ..... 69 iii:,î o n~a e lot 10 close ................ e (leu titan huif pnico;) L4&iea $100 alge t ... ... . .. ... ..... ..... ..... 40 leSu lKt. . 00 ...t ..................................... 25> Mena Llgit BSuite, lU wool, reduced 10 ..................... 8 0 BoyesuBite, op nom ............ .......................... 75 Boys' Shirts, a good asôrtmnt ati medinan priera. Mens& Shirt Waiels, a !ev lotI. Mten'e SlnuvBle aI yonn avu priceŽ A fulslto!ofnenlres. Ail Goods at Lowest Prices. W. W. EDWARDS, Wu , <tàa lr ?u. caÎbo ci teltihWst feetty. .,, utn. mr1i4gP ijeI" uWvet vîsîtîni Shermala Davis ltsd oyezaiturteja tIrMed by lte talu eeuuy lit. Fuiwocd cii loha.bon u t»usliest Vi UI Wbithmre,@. lira. 1Eddy3'cfLibetyille vlslted 4rionda iborpe sVotal yalai wa \Mioos 0anolanaofEzvort sapeni Salut. dal and iiunday vl i re. C. E. wagh. bure. lits. 0. E. Wiaibutuentertalued 1h. Iade Aid Society Wedueuday or titis Dezt* and George Cleveland open& luit voeilu Chifcao, retuniug Sun. dau ove.- Ruèbant Davis and Tom Dykes veru visl10es ai lte Oointy ao" rkisysand1 Mocadal. lira. ElIsaitoth Partot of Chicago vistod sevital da - vlit hor ilte, lira A. D. Bloit and Mrt%. 0. B. IBtt. George Cleveland andl daugbtier Miay droya te Anlinglon li.igtle louday. .I-j r' Libe l F4 eu_ nd SaI- our, etk, bu rn ay, hog Br. g,I Is e- et 1 îolco ume, rosat bsan, bring ploy, oulli- rn bu hay, bus m t0 .1 ý ýl M. ZL Grayalake

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