Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Oct 1901, p. 8

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Wr 101009eeb ia building a barn on bis lot inu lb.Village. I hsdlik. of Chlcag". in>pnd lng a 1ev das bore. lir. and lira. J. (lding rpeut the' lirai 09 the veek ini Elgin. Dt. snd lMt@. L E. uglien, of D)ron, lis. CRU, ofI LlngnOod, in spending ~'a lev daya wlth Mma. IL Harrison. Geo. Glyncb returued Tueday te Elgin. vhere e Iha, been the' patI few Alice Camup. R. N A., vent to Nunda Mgueaîs o uufilOdsCaup Iuesday evenlng. Rev. and Mrs. Laptrsm arrlved Fr1- day. 1ev. Lapbiar preacbed bis Ilrai Oe aon fiere Suiday. lit. snd irs. G. C. Itohes and lira Boggie@ attended thte Suuday SBboal Convention at %%ankegan last voek Herman Mainan, L. C. Price, Page Smith and W. Underwoçadleft Tneaday Mbaht ihb."n buon' . àfa .hreddlug oen Msd otiuer purpoaoa. H0mè xorsion tickets 40 pointe soutb and voat vilbe aold 0Oc. 15. Nov. fi and 19, Dec. 3 and 17. Oas fane plus 82 rou4 trip.. Good for 21 daya. stop Oror prlvieges aloved. C. M. sud St. P. ratla ompany. Ask agents toc partiulam. Of futerst I. Wouîeu. Won.a vbo havselbemaelve. auj- feted tou lh. evIl edfects of constipa- tion and indigeotion viii b. iutereeted in the fUovlOiug lttIer Item a fatber wbcee daugbier vas gîven ap 10 dis by Ivo physlotaus: iy daug1bonbassuffered froux In- digelco tohle p"es yit earisand has trled ully everythîni Mtal he could hear of for auch trouble. $l1e vas oonflned te ber bed vben she lb.- gels iaig Dr. Caldwela% Syrnp Pep. aM aaler taklng one ifty-o.nt bol- Un, ths la able to valk a mile as a ime sud durlng the day yeuterdav valk.d 4jmiles. I feel 1k.praising Dr.,Cali- weil'O$iyrnp Pepalu hecauseOve doo- tmnscia me my dangbler could nover gel veil and 1 feel that abc la on a fat road ta permanent reie.-Rtespect- fanlY, J. H. M. Crocker. Nixon, Tenu., Aug. 6, 1941. Dr. CadveUls Syrup PepOn la sli lu lty cent and 11-00 bottlea, under a poslive guarantee by P. B. LOvar.L, Iàbortyvltle; oua. c. Ilonasv, Wu- couda; Wix.r.Knxoes, Rockefejer; OEAYRLAXU PEAUACT. * S5TOVES RANGES. f+ f+ Stwrs cmJ wflGl on f ~ ~ o te arts, Ac ntewae l inlo ins+ vra oa" l e ov.W SCHANCK BROS.,+ Libertyville. Illinois.+ 7p (o4Weatber is oIg We are e wiga large asotmn t IhQ! rca DukCoats, Underwear, (floves and Mitt4, Horse Blankets, Bed Blankets, Pt,-. JUSt tecelved a aew stock of Wstcbe, Rngs, OIc.-asv 900" i trock bonnes ppues. Liberty Flour. per barre] .......................... .00c PaasY Table Byrup, per 1 galion pail .................".35 Rio Coffe., Ilie per lb, 10 Ibo for.................... 1.00 Poney Sanl- C01160, l80 Par lb, 6 lb. for........ 1.00 Paucy liaracabo Coftee, 2WC per lb.,5q Ibo for ...........1.00 Full Cteam, Amerima Brick and Limburger Checa.. Mmoked lisI and Sausage. V. Sauer & Son,t Long Grove - - - Illinois. COAL D. L. & W. is thïe Best. eve-r ilitrosille-~ii]ilItnrtv ville. viz: the 1). L. & W. Brand. Order your wiiit*rr ruîî,pplIy of Uis 110v.'J'lie- j rive m wil ii îrely advapîe as wiuîtar 'lrawm ils-ar. >WRIGHI-T BROS., Übeortyvmile « - Illinois. MaianaMent la tacolviug a nom t Aiend tb. C. £. con vention Salut. day. PMRauingge and vife lu Buf. falo Ibis veek. AbertRi Knlgbau tnlly recovered and'Ilas retutusi 00111e olty. ilit. Wltcox bu purchasti ivo lots Op!Doie 1a. F. Bos.', store. Mrt. Btoadhaed eutettairied Chicago reWalvea 1the iraI 0f 1the vek. Mira. Snyder, wbo bas been elck for »omne lime ta again able 10 ho out. Irving Payae and vite. of (Jhlcago, are spendlng lhefr vacation hbo. The W. C. raliwsy oompeny la havlng auov tence. builî Barth otIoa. . F0UID-A@am of mouey. Owuer msy bave Mame bY applylug ta T. J MrBainDE. Dir. G. B. Graver and fauily have movei lotolb. J. E. Holoomb bouse on, Mapt. direct. Mine Laura Doalillle attendai 1the Caunty Sundoy sobool convention at Waukegan 1at vek. Dr. S. P. Brown, a promineul physician ai Chiago, vas the gacat af ea. Latbrop 0,cr iiuaday. E. G. Pa'ne la lu Wsconsin vhore ho. wîll purchace evergreensansd Chrlimas trocs for the Chicago people. Ninetecu membersa of1h. 1. O. 0.P. of Waucouda and Ilookefeler, vliled the Atlocb iodgo las$ Thursday nigbt. Ti@ a goad aigu w» lbe people beaume lnteteited ln th. good roade qton and bare lng e idfroe quesnx ud are vong eauimpffrovo about lb, condition aif1the roessyez ve are ail benefited by Ibeir - provemeut. Everjane should tale an lutereal, la lb. home tlava as everytbing boeela lu a fairly proiperous condition. We ea ut asi fel kept sud vell alookai stoes, tvatiret-ohmsahotela vtb ou. of the best Uverjea lu the counly a&- tached. Suuday vIl b. a barvS eat etval aI the chnrch. lTh. church vîlI be decoralci sud suilablo prograus rau- dered, vlth sermons on 1the toplc ai th1e dey. lu the evening lbe pester vl] b.cassisd by 011e. lu csrrylng out the service. [VANHOE. W, are avale. Fine agug ai Kt lb. convention Baturday. Cauuîy C. E. Convention êaurda,. Big day for local society. lin. Parker, of Volo. speai Suaiay wth bar fother, lits. Dàcker. Athubr Payne bas gone 10 Chicago t0 neclve treatueut for lb. disorder whlch bam troublai hlm for no long. The dance given lua1the hallWeiuell. day evealog vas vell atleaicd. A Chicago orchestra I uraisbed 0the mnunIe. ,FbecOdre.Decker vas home Saturdsy aid guiay. ne la veil plemed vlth the North-western univenaity vbieb ho la atteudiug Ibisysat. The Cathofle aluibl gave s basket- se" aitu the Fremoul Couler âchool- hanse Iuseday eveutng. Oct. 116t. Il vas iargely attended sud scu siderabi. Oum realt 1us At t1e C. E. s.rvice Sauday eveuiug, ItmThon Smith rend suesapecisily intereeting report 0f the receni state convention At Dan ville ta vbIch &bo u4a adoifleg aorterO. E. servie» vl baglu at 7.15. Topto lot noul meetingla -,Bible teaig. BAsa Simpson, leader. t ne mw tmfuig t Ilb m l vbiS l 15 ecoattà~s.clgy The sopie es a isemou ia#>tête, O. I r"Me.RIboa heemiug vilbe Bible mwawlng441 Vin maite il bthe se MY lite 10 tei 111e bible .vry day." W. 1. PC" "Ou, preaideat, Vin] tern. Tha Othotu e 1111* villagebave beet CoUoudrby improvei VI" thIepeut six moUlbsuMd 011e ork laaBull gobug on. T"reetsna tare ab miel Ibis veel diavlbg grave!. Il la essuntiel 10 b. eltar. o!f1the lovathuat'eaeh ont resldig hersaolido aIl tu hie pover to Isuprove aud beaniy thé Phase. OomRlial I.4 fade Ibat th. différent propetim , -belougiug 10 tb. villap aMd for 'blel bus beeu pais good mouey are »OS properly talon coar. of and Icoffl aber-for Instance Our aldeualae. If sncb la the Ooashe1 malter .110,14 be aitended 10 ar-ouco. By ail cumanabave 111cm vet! loohai alber aMd lb. village uilt bt he b T'h. Ladis.' Aid Socetey gave a pop. otaD social, lest Friday ulght ai Ibo home of Unr. J. J. Bouse vhloh vus volt attended sud provi 10 b. a luanolalsures.. A social chat, laRIms1 ai VteModeiaissd plsnty ai pop-cSura vth1e sources of pisasu@.. The lIsieshave s good lIa a&4s«Ch meetig on T&utîday aftornoo» ansd vlah more vaui takee dvmatgs of tb. privilege af alteadinfi. "FPi« 01 ont country long smay il vave o'er ths land of 1th fre.esud lbe home ofthîe brave. Thtshouti b. lbs s.ntMeuî o1 evety truo American Do ual on ta hs 49h1 afJuly but evet4 other day lut lh. yeat.«* let lus kop1 tb@ Sq gUnspotted sud unaulilsi before th. nations o!f1the ser"lsu the. tredoun for vblnb aur totabs 1 fonghl sud-died hold ààas a«"ritrust, sud b. ever teai> &o dofondIS 0 rou tom. Withoul or f ces viohin. Ae<qlS.d1 b. tbo.. vbo la &D y M.0ek la rob ths peopleofai Ihai precouos hritage. 0. A. Roberts af Ltntmor, IU. ian- tered four yersvît avsdla hi; 014- mach sud could nualcest. N@leu 65 pounda. Tvo battis. af Dr. OstivaiFs Syra) Pepein rs.torod bis appelile, nured bh i Mmmeb trouble aMiloisy ho la vasud beansd iMy@ b.oves bis hesllb 10 Dr. 0aldula Sirop Pepuin. Fortsale by r. B. Lovain, LIbertyville; Usa. C. Roiimmm. vata. ounda; Wnr. MKIsIon, lRockefeller; GEATSLÂXS PHRMACT. ot foot popular Younug lai-,Isud she vil b.o grsatly misasilu the commuulity. lir. Wele lived lu Ivanhoe for sevenal yeurs sud vhtle baoewvasvesY mii l Iod. The beslart Oagmaulatious sd ban vishe.of tbe eil,,Coumuulty vil foliou tb. Younug ouple ibroagh lite. SCROOL 50TIS. Ateniance continus.lueo. A aumber sre jolnlug 1the Alumul. What about the local Reading Circle section, Ibis jean: The écbool Pilas re biaotng nioely. Nev Plante are being adai la t11e collection. A number of gtonp picînnea voe taken lant Frldsy sfternoon. Amoug 11Mas a seveulli grsde gtonp. Brli Chamberlan umade a 100 Pet ceaI grade lu the uoelbly arilbmet. test. Theouoly 100 per cent go fan Ibis year. A concert ana eutertalnuens la 10 b. given by tbe sobool sometinse about theeilut of November or t11e Onta o! Decembet. The gamne ublcb vws 1 hqve bean "puled off- boeeon tbe ehool ol- bal l gam sud lhé Liberlyvîlle boy, faled toematerialse. Rabbis lànot 'the only happy Orvilie Smith, John Luelbb sud Asa member of the sObool. Mamie sud Joies vislted the .Psu-Americausi 51 ikey Wlrtu bave s 11111. liter ublon Buffalo luat veek. Unlike seo msuy a1 îey didu't bave befote. 1the visitera ta h. "city .uii, The Succeus club gave a ver, lu- tber de not niaIs the misiake atcoin- terOMIDllug 1111.pvogram u t 1m Fiday psriug the prenant exposition go the allernoon. l'h. clnb vilgivsa -'Lite" Chi-ago fait vhich vs. a World fait, pragrsm a veel tram Frlday. while the Buffsaofait la an exposition sJl eiyfr 11e westernnhemisphero. The iret monthle vert bas %bout T1ey sjoyed Ibsîr visit immmnuîy beanfuélised sud the diffeteal cisus sud uhile thete they viitai lb. bave nesriy fisb.d Ihit teste. Il Ni«sra Fala. Tbsy ver, aI 1the fait vas forii uecessary la rovieu souse an Buffalo Day. Of lbe msntb's vork quit@ .xte"svsly. On accouaI of Ibore bsving bSunDO b-l 10tloaaufféreit digestion. unItes G L elis, <edar (liy. Me. Uïe~ Itemo vrllten frocs Ibis pis", ladI thera i trial ang ~nu but neyer f b) c~gIM i u ood unti] 1 yodk, ve vexe unabte go obranîcre e-- uc A I&MCua.hOu@ botte À dWh aà»Ésuffoes $lie. m9rrntsgeof Kie. AunaDorirt.enbpu n eus 0e t dDis- EveroeiWells, Of Rooefe.II.r vbcb pepSIA lre. il. hgide, a ansd vii accnrted IbLursday, (OSt. jl, ospe Oh teia se Rockefeller. Misea Daret w@4 on e abIf FoI ..r le DIAMOND LAKE. EVSRETT. Arthur WbiltuY bai11141Indexfiluger On lis lot band abot off lionday, bi, ga diacbarglng ubile cr&llng tbraugl s fonce. itome 4w0sodlets of tbe 29t1 RegI- imeut Cos E. y. (G. ani a. are oSmped au tiay'$ grenais on bamk of lse lte. Thoy marchai la GageaLaIe Woiundraynsd returnai Tbuaa. Il 14 sai they viii bOld a shaun bae! hi-e rl rday. The Infant daugblet of Mr, sud lits. celgbtou, af Chicago. diesi]ant vool. A crovi frtrmhuOe tleaie te dance aiNeriela pavillion Saturday Margaret Cauolmsupelut Sanday vlslting frlendsa$ IW EsIneYie sud (irayalal.. lin Frankie Lyous, ci Niagara Falla, ailits.Pan lieouey, 0f Chicago, Strichea WiIb Paralysi. A nuabsr -cf yaung people au- semblie at the hlo f ltasStella (; q,' f-- <nl- ti.o 1h mpluaes vas ICarrall Sundayevat". <Games«ver 1, 1 ,t. tfa, Ui lndulgedlt u lb.thevos.@a'ngsrout, l~,f ~tr.- Ur y11is.ulnt pys aIbea aH departod for home, saaarftg uom,o-,,î..»ctî,,Ag, ! h I Ivea thai loh" bea peul a very L'.r'4e '-outU . v. ScvereF«g t, ,,5 ;A Ilaî,4,1%r a aveDeweom, lolly Oatoa, Jouait YOre, isd mth ,k5isss Joetsne vons, w#MDSW*0e iR Dow la lb. mpme, et Kou Peler. l atalgaha amia.M f. S. (ileason are villit. taurelative@ la Iowa. t Peler lia*8rt le slowly Improving #rM bis eevoe t lIl.. Mi. LuttreIl ani famlly b41v. gone 10 Obhfago for 0the Vilar. Ftaok scbtood.r lae fmproving nleply vllh bis broken kfleo.ep. lir. W. Sehuier aud frnnly movi onlo 1the Tabdt foresMtaIveek. lilas Florence Tt1pp, or Dowait. Grove, la vltug 0the Ttlpp familes Jo11y stanclif bas lMovod mb lb. boas. formnerly ownea by Benamiunu Shore. Urt. Tuuey and famlly vili Move Unto lb.he eanet brrun vacated by W. Sobuler. T'he lautdouce or 1th aua u . bhl at Bottela Pavillon lut tSalurday ovealug. JobnU liL*nghlin vas sufferlug tram an ulcarated 1001h Ilut vook and vwu auder Dr. Tallorls cate. lira, W. lianua ad ohildreu villtei ber sator. lir@. p. Boolmun&a Liborlyvile à evdays astmveel June Hertel and famtly aspect soon 10, MOO taObhiago. Bumor saTs tb. bous. lh.y vocae yul zoom b.Ooccupisi lirg. li-ryso~lemie].on lioudar aor"a veol mvu viuatluu.d. lias. schuller vilI oa ou eve l0 ma" ans oxteaded visit vllb ber parente lu Iowa. Tbe.llas. label sud caneoseygeni eulortalned lb.hir sohool-mtau m leacher leaI Saîuray aflunoon as tbeir bomms. ,They aIl dai svérY plomanet lime. BOut ysygri look tbeu boue ou lb. boy rok, and lbe4' aUiflt1 tbaltbey ver. sorry 10 have Nabel sud cant. ovsOTOav"y. w.oaaIviug bsaulifWl v.albr. Auatio SMarenov 1the Order or tb. lira. Oavanaugh, aor Evamo. la sloppiug vlth ber brother et lb. lit. andudni. IM.F. Moure sud daugbleruLlab, aI Oleago.yvIsilsiet lir. lion.. a fou deys. WillJsd camp No. 505, a. N. ai A celebrUM ti blfirsi suuiverasryai thei recul"r meeling le" gSatay evuoig by havlmg 5aShort programme follovoi by a lunch ami a coud social Unie. vs. a large allouaoue aMi «Ovyoae veut homo feeling happy in tb.ha fautl tbey Vute Royal Noebars. Au enteuteimment la baing conaidored for th1e nuar futur.. PRAIRIE VIEW. )At. W. B. SIaUclif cailla ou frienda bersliouday. Hutma lieyern, Jr., t. homo on a short vastmiau. lXies libell iauou speul lluudal vllhbubotparents. Win Sobuler sud lasully bave moved on lb. Talcotoru. Soru, Tues.iy, fOc t 51,10o Mt, sud Km. Wn. Bock, a daugbter. Mr. Bivards, of Libertyvilla, cailsi ou frisnis bote Tus.dsy of IMveel., A. O. Richardsansd lanily vitied ulîl W. L. Hlutcbings at Gienvlev Suaday. litaud lir@. J. Pîttman apent Satin- day sud Smudayp vltb the latter. par- enta a84liayvood. lire. M. Wagner speal Ssatday sud Sanday vitlbeotparentslit, sud lira. Hsna lu Palatine. liait Ersob berger la graliy fin- ptoving the appearance of bis bouse by givlnig il a coasl afpaint. lisn Canîto Qululer, of North North- field, apeut s.verabi dys boe receutty visltlng ber sliter, lins. M. Kueiler. Clatile Aibreche bus renled Wu. Ballej'. hous l allstDay. Ubarlie Yon must have matrimonalinlten- tion.. H. B. Bruih, F. A. tiougb, lM. EL ILa ansd B. 2. Grtdley, of Chicago, V000eetrtaln.d Salurdasy sud Sun. dey by lin, a" mi i.J. a. onldley. litndUi . B. O. Fnitsêh sud IaMIy, o! Hlghuood; lit, sud Mra. 0. B. Smith sud famiiy, of Bbrmervlll., viiti lit. sud ira. lM. Kaediletsud faily Sannay. WAD SWORTH. 10 la tory dry bore nov. listlas lmptovtng. Thos, Gleason la quit.s lehkli iSimon M. B. Lu* la gradiaaly lmproving sime. lh. opsraticon ou bi1mb. Wra. Wadden, vba bas beeu quît. 040h, la able lo b. ouI Nau.1 The Bon HRtcadet Save s it.rary PrOgram Ailél ltregulu meeting. lir. A. Bosion sud eau Prof, ci Wlufleld. Kansas, ère viing relatives bore. Tbey expecstet remain about a uontb. T'h. romains ai irehk Penuel, vbo dîiedlunChicago, arrIvai bore liouday ulght sud ver. ined Tuasday lu Gremvwood O.ueter. T'he bleuis et A. Deegan. Obo vue iuJurenluasvr.cI a Chicagosecely are plasUed 10 Isaru th&$ bislu 0i met shough &$vu% ,are notse vlmsi alta ap~re. , m n h*Sy soap th=a in a,.qt U0B ind *kAMYtOw ri nda beap#b< easY. .7cmbbin Ivoey S>a.YOU Cmea dard ftt hiie laundry y oeaunm ard nA« to wmh aewhere. It lé vq<aU. me&d You pory acehlngfur a fancy box, rappu or puluu.. is aintbe.ap 1 it flaat. PALATIN*. lma larthe Tht.. la vlalllag at hou. tbis vs.k. ilt.Diekuamu ion1ftocber borna te Bobro. Suiay moruing. liSsa Galip. oai calgo, la siopplus ullb lira.Porep focru n lo Il. Mrx. sud unt. J. a.abhiendlug oe. *a.teinicg relatvectram Don. linéus, lova, Ibis veel. George Scbvlluer aud lls Lills Paeorson,-aiof hicago. ver. uesa f lias. bebvilsorreently. lir, sud lia. L. Schoipe .utetlnod over Susday lit, amd lite. Ichtecl"su lit ansai, af Elgin; lir, sud lira. Pred TiMîmasna, cf Deer Orove; lias LoIlle preeza". aIBarringlon; Dewillfel"h Moir BIMsasneyer dlasg, . mpt antie eff- and O»4Léààl" tutaIs. lover Mr- ùr br I. B. Lovua. lin. Klyfiali a apartlut1aI eal. lit. POtS telt a biait danen buaR ooeb e dlkaus ialely. lir. Horbersr bad iebis aera audet the 51cr.Pied sud clme ut 1as lir. snd lits. John Schneider are t11e Iappy poODarN"Ocof a blte'gin baby, hola mms Suiy. C)&lbsGallovYan sd vif. dtovse aver IronRera Park Snndsy te visit a leu Of hie friends. «Urt. Bomuet la bavlng bis ueviy1 purahssi bous.calclmlned and la go.i lug la MOvO ila oit mez& veek. Bd. Landau met vltb a serions aocodeul Tuaday. lMe broI, bis arru by ftaiig off a vheel, ana lue debrar vote calied toe at lbe brakien boue. VrILT ! aon. Obalsenv1Uc, .,dru" i t cives perfect satil¶tou. l 1stejr tt i s tu f m ee yo u l . . fo r s. i . WHEELINC. Aunlia Schneider vas as home Sauday. LeOBelsu sud mather vero cily1 visîlors Saturday.1 Gorge la bavlug bis Jobn Behun la bsvlng bis resideuce psiniei by WS. Peol. lir. D. C. Huaston vent to Chicago Friday, returalng lianday evealng. misa J. Jeunan sd George Fisher spent Sundsy wvtlb Mrt sud lira. L. G. Fisher. linoaen N. Mysys sud Lillie Arnold teck lu Oak Park sud Chicago Friay sud saturiay. P. L. Tartell rade bis ubsel go Chi- caga Satarday morjulug, relurnlug saniay evenun. lir. J. iutbseh sud Ui. H. Potiotat vialosi relative. lu Autrr sud Sandich bladi eel. LONG OROVE. Mies MaretabSanet la quit. alic. Dr. Bosit lunatteudance. lits. I. Stabl la lmpraving qit. aloviy. abc la albiconfiuai lu ber b.d. 8. Kuailet sud family, of prairie Vlev; vlat.d .t J. P. Bittaealallr lsI Suuday. John lieyer sud smilIy, Who bave beau vlsinhlaers, have, retutned ta thoit hom. lu Arizona. li..1M. a. Hasnet. s nurslu the1e Germen Deacanees Nom. of Chicago, vlaited lits, F. S51*1lut 1maI ruday. lis esuer nursci lira. Stabi fout veeka la"tapring. Lest Suday occnrted a happy re- union of lbe Meyen lsmlly, oonsiatiag of lima M. Mieyer and ail ber chilrn, iucluding Joha Noyer. fron Aftsous, snd lias Curie Meyer, 0f Washing-t tan. lira.L. Volus vasuC. ag iiî gaturday. Henry walterui ahmal.s m to Gu.. priay." T'h. Mi- a Kope. ,,'t 0blca, speul Suuday eaI hlm. 'Ide, 80be.tlie eaertalued frieudg tem Chîcago unday. vitt hManda lu Cicago. liraWu. Troujo sud oblîdren &peut lbe uask vith relativos lu Chiet Owlug 10 la.tedag bUteu .Bar. MMu Loren u a"ieplan.for lhe «"'ctOn af s nev sud lutger bisI. Preant location. lir. sudlMt*. (Ous Fisher celobrated the 18tb sauuvermry af Ibsir marrlage sa l" @iady svsulag by giVlsg a PurtY lu bOuOr Of 1t1e occasion. About fiî1 friansansd tiallvs. ver. Ilote and everybcdy report@, s mMl uJoy. able l=4e, vlahthorabeMmy more a"ab alvarisi. lIUn" li»direction of llas Kaha the seolara hof roou #vo gave am su- lartaimssla Nope Uuie horib lIPriday eveunu. The umdolla plsylug of Calais Kuh u sMIe fes- lut. of tb.e veulng. Thse pragnain vas carriI euot vîthout a fatetad mach praise la d»s Misa Kah" foc ber tireiseseffots la yul the lule Oun te Mme st asme. Mlir. eo. Slavons, atOu efi lscSini 11196 sveral moatle, aeeu4bd te, the InevItabie tbe 141làim. ut Obarîton, Ohio, vh.ra séohe bai#gne tihinklng lb, change ln ciluae vaUJId b. bonsficlal tu ber. A hbedainsd baby boy survive ber. The any frionde exteud te, tho priefi.arfke b ushani their hearl-f.llsyupatby. Whal milb lbave ts.unifflla s serions accident ocenrod luI t idly sveniug, vun Dr. tD. W. Imgoel horue, hi tohea tua acarl imiiug lu froal of Klest'à alors, broie a ateap ea rau %ay, ov.rtarnluit s isliv"r wagon belon"gotaMr. KieU hlb vs. baaked up go the store, lu vhieb voe tuao hlîdren of 0. B. Kejot, bel luckily tbey ver. not inlurei. The ruuauay borne vas lnullycaughblat lh. cornets nonse411e vots. torils fa"s tan. ebdPhepe. of ljurestdal. Vt.. aas bis vs. ecomaeieted Y etutd 9grbe l= ef sOOsuaytle us. of Devîitsa tel H rmofail oouâterfolta. ria @"Dutr ""lW..s iles. For sale byf.B GLEN VIE W A. C. Clavey la baick from Kaukas. James Long ba saold anotber cericai of anlona. Pred ClaVey la uou the ptoud falb@r ai a baby girl. W.£E. Anderson lutende tu mate ta Cbicaga the 1h51 a!fnDoit ucaîl, The fandatlon sud IramewOo 0. R. ungsn'a large vers hous la eau. Pleted. A. E. Bh, former paston of the cO«. gregallonai cburob, uma wlib usnagala Buudsy. 0. B. Rosidhbufate a contret tu seai mtik ta Evailalen, betinlup th& firitaifNovem ber. A tertlbly citégosisesq, la raglug la Glglv. The uishu. are vsry fuel vorrled for tese St OUa b., cbeckee, but la Most cases vs tes ib majr prove fatal. There lae due sinange tbiug about Ibis disee-itg s.0101late emy people oaf by &lusud non. but Oena nus bars are ete. Canis er.forth aaer1aal6. ,ai.o sud tue il c! liaitt1uim,t a à&,. d »Oikat's root aitbe troubla ei d,%v' ouItb liela aatn. ilsoebidrn W*fy lecua enu.Fe al 17Fmlv-.. Liborzéïil-lFo A Typicel South Aftican StOre. Ro.B.1-Laroc. nof8"YVilla 8wadarg RIe. ae oeu. qoadxioa store 1ri. Of South 1 Wnleh eau 11e P=rb aunrtbing l thelb.proverlieedi t a n uor. M ilastore as gis t sae v i. oins plles froasethe ne~ reat iIwrfaIa andabu tventisllyOe ., ' ulth the. uuotom -f Satinera vrlt4Y aIOfl of thrvmie«.ta w f virsg .IlIna8r.entio Ateeif te hoi veus n abousebolt vIrsaa or avio ia m oeut of seq a ily in ml !ystore 1 Ivanhoe Items. ofipol - poi i e Vol. Lb. Ar hev LiebyP ni Pasr eiet 8g as new.à POOM 2 M c 5 0 I Dr. CF Office oi Boulas Lbertl Dr. Office o 7 tO 10 Iesdence Libi PAl Attorn Ni OfFFIcE Li bert) irgeon t l,ugenr

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