Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Nov 1901, p. 4

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TM INUEPENDEZNT. TAYLOR GROVE. liseasbas a new minister. Mary Devine returued homne from FRANK 1-L JUST. Editor. Waukegan lfolurday. Frlday. November 1, 1901. Mrs. Gllan la qulte ili nud loes uot _____ _____________ eem to be lmproviug. Mr@. Aller) Storr called ofr Mrs. Geo. îast7D WEELY. .Lewin Satrrday afteruoou. uurr, t tue 1it.i t . 1 ttîî ît tt' Siipiroua Patchr sud ber fafirer are tliffui. a i'i.i&R tr: iirii tteudlug lire Pau-Americsir. Dell Latlus baby iras bear u itt111i &DVE&TISIN0 RATER MitrE KilOWîi ON APPLI' tor a number of days, futi 18 flmIr- CATION. provlng. due of Our former tenuirars, Amy Elgiu Butter Mnlrket. Brewer, made seveal ralils ilu r Btter ou tira liru ard off'rurde vciity Ou Saturdny fauýt Mondoy nran tirm ut 22c: tQ irrugn nd lue ilairen Ctiruan iome ou Frldoy sales, 21() luira ut 2.lýutter fiat weeakeveiug md retîrrs ue uday. lus soys and oue year ago, 22c itrfîrtut O tiresieeuoy Cirool very inicir sud foeais week . 111 1 f mAthatasire lb ufiil u ite nellinfr ier L plîu tirastand irîirirrnnfNrtrI3y gave a cheair it irr'i riî iiaecut tOf ait iris 't iriDs ru tir a rinfioigri onl (louflIigmid Thtnîtaii iie Court- room wrr fi;ic imiti peonli aaiger ta ire&r hirrîrted fi, sf.ry. I iere 1leait luteni' riti'rr't il, tire Jrogressud Ouo.'fîth,,i --i f i.irTironît oua etnd Of Coutry totiieiitIrer. Mciey iroldst thre jioputar u'rid ioitira joutant so tam an tira priýs; rui puiliara conutrtt. But ililti evr',it ny tira Dewey court muay 11i(tt t ' i lii tirdriippolirl meut lu id; ccirs nud ,lirirnf, a reucovll of ratpiniu tan tiils tir t Tny rrIffor cuthry xitcltl'. c r cîîigreslnfral actroirt ut pinn id tu tire nirnbie parsouni fe.ifnsru tire Naxy Tire tetd States 'Irennury ls 'ýoverfiiviong uitir titiry lucre." Dally racaipto ntshow oa iiurpiiui of $200,000if o day over nlfiail ess, wirfir meorin tirat f'une Sainu is tnxiug ia mpeople about 7itiiil a yeor urOTO tiaân in iueceiancy. (ru th ilrt of 'uvamir ire mii suur ut îtu theondî rhIoiders 327î.i checksslu lay itere8t (tite on1 tirat (date, Likowimrna alargi' îiitiiou of f.'ougressmetr are î'rmiug unu aecem- ber wtlîbilua for approipriation or re- ductiaus tint ovrl mnakethtragrant nr- pluslook fiEe thirrty ceuts i MlausIr Oliver. Meanifi, tire Treanury oll(irain are preparitrg to revnmp asrd appiy geuerni Fredi.raui'e airam mit -t-a surplus ra eanler to fanrîife tfrau a deicit." Prenideut ltoonevet returuied to tirej White Bouse ou mest eak, brlugiug wiih hm liris dangliter, Miss Alice lioaviti. Mina itoo8eavelîs baggage, nibir iuoisted of tirreaOrnait, squore oak chaste, ovt ir tou bouud coruers niei would have duae credit tu on oId se-dog of a unival ofllcer,wnos quise indicatrve of tire cOmplete trea- dom froru couveutilfrastraint of this tirongbly lileudeut family. Nut sluca tire ufaya utSele Orout iras tire beau a leiuaute lu tire Iresi- dentiol irousetroids, but nonItien Aifce itoosievait uas comae to 1111 tirai social roteisrd herodveiit issomathiig of s sensationu itir tire Young peopla ofthtir capital lita. sireorLitrot a trikihugfy irandooma grrl, but lu senilegro- cloue sud full ofl irgit progressive ideas. Ilooseveftiudpeileuca ii 8 cleorly a prt oif lier mate-up anrd melhods tirati t mny iraitogetlerr o fiction ftit 8ara iams sud f (hasiugtunr social faiiiurra(I) trotplitanelirer sire WiJiraLi utjnft ui IruHomeUL ri tiuthn studios. Bomne of our yoîirg plîcîre sttaudcd tire grand gold modal contat t Gurtrea, Friday evaulug. Tiray report o large gatliering, good speokiug ond gond iriibic. 1raut Mefllie, of Louisville, Ny.. Iras beau oalilug ou firIs old se- iuaiiitauces lu thisvichuty. Aftiraugh lire hnu beau absenrt traeuty-tirea jears. lie maas iot torgolten. DIAMOND LAKE. Tira Ladies ut tira Diamoud Lake cemtery Assocation null met nitir Mrà. Il. Lili, ounTtrrsday oterurron, Nov. 7h, at two o'clock. Mambers sud friauda are buvited to atteud. A barvest off riug aud New Euglaud supper wîli ire givan ai Diomond Lake cliurcir r iurodoy eveiuig, Nov. 7tb. A good prograru nlfie gbveu. Al come. For fenetifi ortir a litor. Aduits 23o' Chirdraîr utrîer fificen, I cita. RIEAL ESTAI E TRANSFERb. l"urrîraied fry Lakei' <oilly I itia .etI rirai Co. M.hiiieT'i urrple ftfig il efîkegnu, 111. lO)u 1 . fi u wN EEK. 8 oc Y. Ciî. Il. uita I'. t'.-M tru"pi e pau li ii ul doTtI5in'?-rOi -J T r t.I .. r'u 'M Oui u ; .ut, i i i ,W d...... . . 4511 ù Donr l"' u2 ftut 73 ii.(u okt; 15i h-t.16 44-11k il,,irt i. w i . . . . . .... 7ui 10 -liio 5it 4 rCiii lot' 71)aii lr',ur of an are in.' ei -1rrr.4- it'ilà- r11 t 1i0' m Edwin uil)-3 ot l(lACruto r aleon tir2.25fitt n6 i ulot 6k 8 n iieti t adduteLi l-i' t y O l & w 1u . ... ut... i le 30 Caine, M uiLn tottii Cur J F iiîutrun i us l 'e ng uit air n ,o e; r suM Iter ,,I ,yi. S 8l.uiirr oiroumL4ýnei f at; &I.wfin2o 24mijl Lu, îti.r.i i.ti......i . . ulxtu Hsro2iie-lfuii-ate, tii Ja'uutn Mun- rnp it i à. it r .IIunoý,i C isi airnrd,-w'i -j 1 -4:311r'el - ut411 lx Idjin.'oi ,'lur&'h-&twf)uM- HuM-)i1r iu tir> S-tiuu'uiwrtùIi Fn i'd -iuit - 32u-'r-12U. A irt 'iirt, i p. r i'.'bi iiu'i& ire; l- , uni L tuO AUCTION SALES. Tunday, Nov. 69h, at 9 amn.lit Long Grove, Clinas. Sturm wii soeil ai pubie anction a cor load of seoted irigir grade stock buila, weighlug froru 650 to 105f) Ibo. Tire undarnigued ul saI el t public onction on tire old Hubirard fatm, 1 rule nortir of Hai! Dny, Wedueesdy. Nov. 6, 1901, commenclug ai 10 o'ciock . m. sharp tira foiiowing gonds, viz. 16 milcir cows, 17 ireifers Il yrs nid, 5 helters 6 moutirs nid, bull S yrs oid, Gray mare 12 yrs 0f d, boy mare 6l yra nid, set double irrness, set ly nets, lit- borse Coaepower, ireavy spead jack, llgbt speed Jack, truck wagon, 45 tact nf 4-incir biiing, sprlng wagon, laud roller, 12-fi fodder carrner, Keystoue corn plonter, mowar, TIowars enîtIvotor, spring-tootb culivotor, sulky piora, wailrg piow, Hlooier seeder, set bob leiglis, tank huaier, milk cous, 24-incir cîrcuior 50w, drog 50w witir power, 200 sirocks coru eut ralthirbnder, 20 tous tlmotiry and lover boy lu brn, 10 tous uplaud iray lu barn, 2 dozen turkeys, 2 ifozan ehîckaus aud many otirer articles not mantloued. TRus oC ti,'LE-Ail auras of $5 andl under, cash. Ou sumo over $5 o cradit of 1 yaar wlli be gîven on good boutk- able uotes bearlrrg 6 par cent luteresi. No goode to be iemoved outil atthfi-d for. HENRY SESiIErîT, Prop. C. N. Pr'TTis, Auciouaer. Having decîdad toei(luit frmiug 1 nul saeilf aipublic ouction, nithout re- Serve, ou My fartaune-fourtir mile soutir-nant of Prairie \'iaw, Monday November 4, 1901, commenclng at 10:00 oeflock .m. Sirmp tira foflowlug gonds viz: 19 bead ut cttie, I nitir oaives by aida, balance Aipringars; com- Ing 3-yrs-old, Norman Ifrood mare, Il yrs oid, lu foal by Yong Kaiser, Wl 1350; Norman mare. Il yrs old, wt 1300; Standard bred mare, 6 yrs oid, bu moal by <lamaleon, wt 12001; Norman colt rsaming 2 vre rîfr, wt 1000; uStandard Lreul tafijir, eoming 2 yrs old by Gamofeot. St 750; leu sRhoots, We'ber iuriner aagou. farm truck,rinik nag- on, nuri7u, îîw; ti)ipbuggy,2 set double oorkiniig fi in r, set dolîre drivlrrg iiarirr'Ni, sintgle frivirig arilas, Me CorfiTrltbrndr, Me( oirmir't rurovir, Deire crnir plaunter. chant row anad dfrill ttiîi'iiuoeiît. fluîiisrîraeier, at- tey ciinig pfrii iri ir ua VCuiti Vati r. met Steelilevec lirrriîws, wukngug irti vatuir. iray rata, Cairirri kuttla. Lay rar'k, if ui p oaniîla.grirn dhtfr nru- iîny forr tsou c'arrri'er tfîroifru nîrs~ud ifelýy'4(w! bu irais, liV nirea cîîrr foddrlfr.35Pubu î'orn lu crrb, Ii ton bifd timrttiy iray, oater trougir, couiiug tank, loi ofLirng irougira. asud mauy otirer irticiei ton, numerofra to mantiou, Regufar terrun. C. If. An.auR.uf]':ur rop> W. H. APPiLE%:, Autioreer. tlavinrg dacruled tri quit farmîug, tira ntrdariguied nll i siutpublic auciion ou tira A. Lafîsou farin, one mile neot of Gurnea Station, on u 'iuday, Nov. 5ý '0 commenclug ai lit o'ciock a. m tiap, lire olowiing ptofierty, b-nut six choira milk coran,, Usirtir alem y tirsir sida, 2 10 crime li son, 2 Ina year oidlirarfern, 6 yearling irlfers, 1 tnio yeer oid bmli. 1 yearling bull, 4 steer caives, f; mount soid, Tbroad mare, t13 yr. (j](1, oelgirt 00libm: i boy colt, 'i yr. nid, 'rail broke, rt. 1(00; t yearlinng coit, '14 nhnalri, 1I sncliug colt, Inu> coi tr i funîbrotirer, f 1ofaud ChIna IBour, oua year oliiu i Prriud China Bloar. ix montre old, I6011 bu. coron lu crib, 200 siliocks furder crn, 3 tock, corunu-falks, isco-thirds of o trsov atarI, 12 itou ilet iray, M ton timotiry hny 1fr barn, Iifimiraoîgon, 1 truck rwgon, I Mpinig 'irt u ltr tiva- fOr. i iuyrny ii.,I , 1tirvH:rmmer Souky puiîîwf1'n'uni ieatîr waiting plow, 1 Diaouiru)Tii thi roltivnfiur, I Chamt plo0r BMoer, seartv iun, i seader, nearly fira,1 t ra hrnuuu, i Dearlg ifiuulir, i putvvu'mlr, ist udoubtle bar- irans, i roid fii aten tank, f; fi. fit dia- mtîr; i taukiieuter, 15 mt ctisu, 1 liraîtlug socse15 graiu mcri, 1 boy lrrk, carrier and ilSPi t ofruT tuî.nid iu1t,n-r nenl,'r tunu Ii friinier's. ii mu'iitti ~ iriuiriC irigitto'juiu-, 1 umil a ins; st s inuin $11 in outu I n sranpeopfe bava nuo r'.iî 1 itrtraurii1.iir'rtu ,i ul i-r o ur'dIt uitf ou, year 'ail i e gis ru ou1 lion run ais erenâUg foc r ni ttiay Watt, t'fi bIurinnnî u& nitru Miut itsru.ruî ul f ftfriuvadiraTkirle Lnotes iuunig For instance. ru ouae uit tira ruanipapann ii<l r1 l'aji to ,s urh lua sur -Ir la.. u; ur uti Tuf arut, 2 lier viltit intui th r i a p ae nais snline- 1446-Vi1,1...... i jou. u fur cah. No priiiui'ty to -ri ' unuuvad tirereracrnrry nppaceuaE If l i t i LîtlIt.' i IItuy luit 16 uitili uutt>'uifuir meut rauilrg nm fuiloova 'Gute didîr t'.'uit. ifi l i.u itî'u-i l- i Ji L j A i, 1 'ruip, AÀ ir li iio ut ailmry a îpouur or" n Fh i ýi l-a u i îhIfE h. W u.'t,NAiurcTiîur'r. op play eli' J ' t Idruk 4 i l u t ,1 Tire aura mar; iturnm ae li gii.oltg 1,0V- l j", 10 elilu tîvr îrs Ttiin um ucîgir unrrng lF Il iuB-rSf i.iiS lfr3i &Bm'Ilu m sI tiraI aoirî (ilb; Liiitiru i tuit rtîr lan iss î rj It' & lu t iî t iil carciutiy Iendynainire. Lut no gorud 'u- .1.r iii7i itr gur oin U ctisury coantY rtau 8i aiLis file i C,ru ili lri l -1I...uni or fimîs h tuIl . i rtIt utfî.akr roonte tIj mi. nsnIAl ix'l --alhappy-lets This mtire tîmie of tire 3ear 'aircu hiurot'silneui . 218a tus f ti. t i.,th ie rc'gular tha boys oufi af e rnu leadthe tirefrau Jf I ui'îui r..ul. - o f n .* h Ont, flt. If tirefarw buas lus of tira oid- 'tai iii ai; lins' J-brut uutu port rrom theC monkusy' cage farhrutd raidnvirrg varieiy usio 'nlailiJ iYi ri te uAtt .u ' burrti 4uf Barnurni, Circus C\'Cr suiic niayh iou ttce rurun îrnd toli raýéII l ,ilbru j prl i t ut i2;Lîriiit ni j, rlonhiug in tuiurtr tri u xtraci tile V ii'uti iutr ' Juu ut. .i. tb8 kce1?ers hCganfldoigthe faou c o ur e n Cirgy rol it u lii itployi', _u', r "u'. "-u L Wi ira nltirato îrrog i'uu utr:atii ocîrirî ii. ru i n et il& . i iturri1iinonkt'\'s sxith Scott"., Lîstil- Inr~~~~~ ~ tia6-nr4nrd î'ti.s t(aiti ln'C Il tt r i - .- , 162Uni, in helo rung il IoIG- ilurlu(, Jit',ýI.. &,uge i AaitOu . \. Ua ait mon . .onsurumpticin xxa,,c.rry- tira ielif 'irlciinr Tt Illtgirt uugir u i r l r, - -. Siui tmu , ou rire tir ue -ri i ". hIr1: lanmers ra -i ýýft AI ýItmu ittir off txx'e thirdus of thenIn tulh htihiic air, re r ng' rarptUr bi" 1Lt1uut r 'ns-u:'t luiù i -. l..i.'.iii j c\Cru.' x'r'.u and the circtî hall I-or'.utîiuutinn ruilpli uneLdam 'tAH Cl &uurî i nttu oIiiNutrw n u r r. '-il.-1 6-r-il faEXV 1 t nuit to buy nexv ones. J-,';~' "-~u' M s. ii, in~tî~jdu' t ig N'fU, OtliS j 1, r i' One day' a keeper accidcnt li - t' u,j"t 1-4- u '4w-1 irtittiiauui.iii..iuriui 'ui'-lC iii uui'ut'I., j ui'.t.t L-tut il S alI\' broke a bottle of Scot' i'tiiroii"MIti'- -, Il"t-î.n i.ituult-ssrulsion near tise ..,.,..'., i, i làuiilr Elr' ss t .iu- . u',îu, i o rui 2'ii - .2 ,k;c anîd te rnonkey', eagCrl i lapped it up from thîe fleor. uinuri u. urii irrv.ut.f'rn," Irrcrr PEOFàLESI COLUIVN. Th«s suggestcd the idea îh at it . . j ~ ~ -i01tdo thecm good. Since ti.!i- . ,tiui-, 'iitaitt1a=thn th te monkey's have rtccCived MUFA CTURERO ' ( Ot' 'r'rit t il. 1' fcuin:1un, uIar doses anu the kiiepers cubl lti ..s. reort ver-vfew deaths fron 1 ND F iCS AI E-t k 1'"t if, i: .u1u 1lu ccnsumrption. Of course itîs "r'" l trlii cheaper thîîv yScott'-, En-ii- GaieF; lîlfi("iW irri'l E.un.iitsien tharl new rnonkuy's-and A Kt,,,., 1 un r., : that stiits thecircus n luu ml'i - t-ii ii lIu.'-rii. it r jr', atîd i tn n rn n th sîmedi s.'i' uiHIL,'ndrn-mari islue tai t i. lu.aun;. mi i . ~~nnt~ntlsiOik'ii, iCii-'r î~If yitu have it or are tîîrcatt.'î- n i îtr F ut'g lnirii i';flu'lnC ~ ed wr'th it can you lin Hur î'uuîu. t ~'.îî' r t' itriii rîttake thîe hiîst? Fui "Il t 'ldii on il, ru t tu-. iun -iii lii'. f e ý rrfiiLu.uv i Pr . ', SCOT & BO fi esti pl ansd wattl ipovs,'rhn Allin. 9 09Pjr t, fuNew York. ILL. mlesGistrietîr sonfidentuai hi W Co N.,1r5SOC anrd $r1.faudnuoests N. GehoiceIltWauteln. 6-2p GRAYSLKELOCLOCNEWS.. 4 ~nis 13S. . B IBR". LocalEditor. * nShermuan j, authorfned to receive nibrirerptlons. advertisements and order, for b obwork.Calt for rates utrimcer of publication,.KIl. iShermn -s store, W. C. Tione Table, Orsysiake. "' U l ROUND'. 2. '. 25 P. M.-Stiip Sunday ulgttounsinal 6 . 4:38 p. in . DaiIy i'xiwTt Sunday 8. 1:Em . **- ». Io. 7:23 a. r.Mon,1ai n Sarr'turifar, uni 14. 1:23 a. M....................... Dail y " ORTIt lOURD' . w :C2 a. Mr ... Dnriy ex'eîît Sunday 7. 3:61ip.mI .... 9. R.:23 P. mu. firiîîi'.m n d Stîirraysn ouy 13. 8:8P. M.. ................. Dallr A 6"Homne laper."P For tirree yen rmO rayslake people have SUPPrted tie Ra AYSLAKE INDE- TENDENT ioyoiiy. and aIthougirh tWU flot ln tir e tr'tiiitbt011e a -bonne papear their patronarge tran beau liber- ai. Iul2Oideratron of reveated Ta- quants friri prouiucut and itrluentlal eltîzeuir we ha',,Nelddd tri lustail lu Orayalake a compflete job prlutlug and uoepoper orîftit. Hiereafter thre IAY4LAIrB l'.rîI lENDEN wil beinet upat brme. Wihubave secureil office room at rear rfîthti; trnysiake pirar- moacy anrd Mr. IL, A.'lotten wlli pra- olda over tire demtiîres of tire poper os busînesmauagar Mr. Totten iras harltwoyearâ experircelu tire uewm- poper bualuenr, wtrrclr 0W provem of great avall to hlm, lieIo well kurrwu and thre popar, rudrrhi@i superviblon, f@ a uonoedad sccas Furtirer,lire bas a tiuonclal rutareit lu tire naw priper, wilci wli impel hlm to wîrk iitriugly trot IL May Wiu. Mr'. E . if. Sierman, wliotie prevrotîr îork as adItrrr of our irayslakecîfiri, iras beauhlrgirly satsfoctory to os n, ns e bfierve il iaz 10 t ire publefl riiratire tari ur sub- sctlpi.iou lls st ia' r.'diiy liuasd udrrlirer regiui. ru vil'uîufntifTs lu ber prasamît cobraity. Or irpresses ai typue lbae ben ordered, but penfiiithebir arrivai a tli phone conzrti ug nitli our Liberty- ville office Iirasbiu'u installerl and Mr. Tolien le right ni preparad tlamasure prompt execrutioi rtf ao] orders for job nork. By anotirer wneak ire nl have as8 hi istraut a compeleni printer sud aitiis commandoa comîtîate and up- to-dte newsjtoper sud job priuliug outtlt. It l our purpose togirs to Orays- fake people a "home paper" lu avery sensa of lire Word. We shall nul die- iste taulMr. Toteu or Mir@.Nierman, rlylug ou iheir kuown good juilgment 10 propanly coud uct tire poper. Graysiake people bave Lad somle experience witir newopaper van. turs. Tbay may wali be caution&. Let ns% siate tiisla no ventura, b t lu any eveul, naicir us, and renard uns ouly an ne daserve. Fiurnaiiy, ne bave comae to stos. We iraveut gui a "bag o! mofîey," and yei roti nsffciently fiaTii lir autarprîse tri give it ou bstantls bill ty. We Milli pay asove goire fnt ail fairiv and expeci suri bavaelirîufer reei' ved iraarty eani uivrnai ciprt an od cooperatiou. WVo Muil reprenant noi îuili-ical foc- tion.'llire tranpapar 81aiaIi e'devoted afroiiteiY. tri thirlturomeioft uroy8 loti'anduier peopla. Firiti K Ilfi lsfr <'iriýl' i oE lmnorr ia ml oy ail iY MriS Mouin:Menu eaiut uniay sud Muudey in Cicago. Mc. Oaîdi Mrs. Brarîrfntettar alueut Tuenday Tunhh'ukeaii. Smrith Wrightl moyeAWiris niy to Dr. iraffera bilduing Vieduesday. lu laut raaekn lune ove foiied to mon- ilin MimurMandie 'iucrer Ma amrg tire itif air; vril or,,. Tire i.adien' AhI sîui'lety railmcci nitir Mrs. Bhiouurihîx hfedliehay, Nov. u;Ah. Visitons ovelconra. Mrn.d ui rs. <cary, of Cicngoovare oui Wî'durenday, ovifir n vranita rnrilng Strm inrinur iourlir Lakeirotat. Tuesa> vTiortriug Editir ilbiir oui Mir. Fret Wbiltuey, uft Wntrkegau, d nov,' over toii lth ie taTityif fk rau O lîtr. Johfn Ilîuot lm exravattrg for a ild-î intg oiuTfu'lot natf(ty lîirrcliunai-uf iy hm mu oi ut Mfng 'a h tiiîrestop, W. t. filIgfey sold unimbrmruanadu bnggy îutrciraed lmii nommer, tVrth.- insur iicaagent, M r. 't rrkNti, îîf tit Mrh Clare-ne Sooli'y, niuîu ras fuen virltiltg rî'ialives ltu Wnukegari lie pan te o uniea, 1h ax'ected home George IMu'Samrn, ot Truesdeil, sud Regirrnid bodlray ot Waukegan mare gueitî4ouithlie famiiy of Mr. fiodtney boqt weat. lifesidan the regolar services lu the ciryir mcxi Sanday avanîhtrg, o conîcert of eacri'ifTmuisic ralîlire gîtera, tir niîci avary bodv la condiaiiy irrvited. 'lire flethoidisi Pepatle 'ailhiuid Sun- day scironlutl0ai I .mi. Mîday ai tire viage hall. Proachlrrg uaIi ra. m. Ai1uo iinuahhug l hei' veniug ai 7:lit by ttc'. J. A. TiromnpsUlt Ail woînma. Lyumr Morne Ia nru luouger lu tire dairy biuîîanees, but iribuInt d iismiik route 'o lniaclay h>rby, raroovIlI nov ira se,'in norTing ug d evenrlng supply. lIt tirysake peloPie wraith, l icteal A cnri i'-ment la OU ltuntO10 ogirnize a womnrî'iî Club, for tire purpose of tatiug înp a dafliie course of stT]dy tire emunlnggvinier. tZeverab prelimii- nany meetings hava frean ield, sud tIinrf i ili lihaetari trit neek. Aintirrreglimaut of soidlars tromi Fort Shearidani camnpad lu Wick'R gyOva lasi 'i'nîcdoy ulghit. The nigirt pra' vlouo tirey nie encamped near Llbertyvbîle. Tire streets woeePretY llVeiy tire day and eVeaIng Iirey vere bore. Mir. Goser, just north of towuwIltl have an onction Nov. lot ond null quit forming, while WiiIWadge, jfist eaat et tonu, nul folioni suite tire 2ud. 'Jlire latter expeets tu go tu WaukegarT, whie thre former bas trot decidad OU a tortbiur mova. W. Bf.1Parker recently sold iris pro- part! lu Haineoville 10 Johin Lottus. Corrideratiou $3f00 and inn lots lu tire Whitnely oad Webrb subdivision ost of Wis. Central trooko. Mr. Porker wil give poagessbirnaoiApril, hnin -the preseut roccupants, hir.aird Mrs. L anson null move tu Onsysioke. Tire sociaf Trresdsy evening lu Woodmen lialltnas a great succes tinanclally $4M50litbaiug tire receipto, hesides a douatian of $15.010. Howavar, a trumbar ofthtie meu did not put in an apaearouce. altirougir those wiro iare tire did vary weal l deed and tglai soa to say tchot tireyeu do tire bonne- work for st toast o day, ai a urne, shouli occasion reiuire IL. Wirot igirt havei beau oa v(ny serions occideut oecurred to Clarence Wooiey font ruendoy. White trying to adjust tira pulley irit on iis englua lu tire food mlii bisclcotiren woea ugir and lileraily tarir trom hlm lusiîrra. Be nias carriad onrce over tire puliey, land. Iug ouniris iead. flmiiescape froin deatir nasaimo8t miroculous arrd one connot irelp but tbint, lrovidautbal. As It wnas ira nobadly bruimsd, but uot sarlouly. 'lireanasbeau u it a af ile boom In n'ai etate il, tire foot nit. 'lhir lut ile %vTon t oftli rnayoluika Hatl, Irai oug ug ta Edgar llo;k niasA old 10 b). 0. 'While sud E. B. Dalitle ton a cOnsrdaraiiou 0 oOf.111,ir. WhIlhaad sold i proprtrl on Lake Et. la John HooR .Ir. for $35001. 'i'iese prirtas and sud tiracoua of $311011 for ltha Hook pro'. party ou corner of Lake and Whitney lits. spoken of tant neek seeru to be a grest deai of mouay for tire property mantloned but I shows tiraI real asIate lu Grayslaka ls a good inveetment. Wite and Doolittie wiliiaI once tari to ereet a building 4îxllAI feet on tire lot jfsI pufchasid. Spreado Llke Wlldfllre. Wfreu thligoare tho hsT'tnt irerroare "tt et »aiiiirg. AbrahramuBars. as iaodIrg duirugf n. tif Belleilefir. unit. nritesnu Eieaînf' Bitter a re tfiro ir einiigir itters 1 havs ranriled f In -ra.rOl'ou ni raurti lost dT-ane ain lu diaordesnof tomerui. Ilear kitney. honni. hblond and nervesn grtrIrru Bitters touas un tire storuaah. regulotein mver. kidny anrd irunini. iriniles tire iloori. streugtinust. n-ers te ures malti- Taude% of ,naiadieo hfibuIi1dn arttirs sutIr, sirnîca. lPut. nwfte and virror loto any niat. 8sil. rundowu i nr omau. Pifu awi" Nuitri tir F. i. LoVEL. Lihertyvile; VOLO. tirM> Hanyy Nîcirofsniag a Mclianry caifer Fr1 lay. Mrs. E. Stonford of Chicsgo In vinuit- Mn .,edlty.peutthtie ira uit tira week lu Watkegau. MIRs Nte 'foDunasilif, "f Mlisury, nias o Voltirafler Soudoy. MinA Neil Kirwnnu of Wauouurda In lalitiig btrmbrtirnJames. Mr,.JliuC(ottauluergar nut hatosira ln vs ntiug it chris. Sablera. tins. Stydar tnt Mciiaury sjiaut SiuTu day raitliier sintar tirs. Johnu Ofllng. Mrs. Aunisa F'reund and rildren speut 0nna day uithtie past neek ai Mat Mn,. Lewis Lflt spant last neek nh lier parents tir and tirs.À. J., Raoymoud. Baro, un Mn. aud tirs. Joli 'uasey, O ci. 'Jiti a daugirter. Mutîheaond ciilîl are dolng Weil. Miss Annie Miller lias nahornne.i trtm Framiont arnd nili romain at hotme for somne fime. Mr. and tirs. t. G. Hson sud dongir- ten Mionu, wrn Irayalake collir Satonnfoy. NIr. Johr Waittirand r- auj son, are R iîch- ardon t RoltiuntLake. u fliiea etker ot Ivanirle spaint fSaiondiry aund ttuday nitir nr sfiter, Mrs. iSuurtus Parkar, Nilins retmyndur. teacrroruthlie turînt nurioof, spintl Saturday aud Sun- day at iehanmiruChicago. tir.rand tirs. IMite Hartel sud cild- rau, of Fremoul Centre, speni Suruday wiirtliMr. and tirs. John Boslng. tir. and Mns. James Goiner of Wou- couds 8petuan nuday nibtirtire latter's panants Mr. sud<tins. Tireodore Wiytz. Mr. Sildnrey tiardiniar and cirden of Ronudumvlalted witb relaives in ibis vbclulty tira latter part of tire neek. Tirea oili mn a reception at tirahomne of Mn. Join Wallon Friday avening for Rat. and tirs. Lsppbam. AUl are cordiliy lnvited 10 ha presaut. 'l'ie pi Is of ticlenry Iigir scironi gave a surprhimesun Mies helen ltay- mnnrîd, Flrhdav evenlng, Oct. 2iith. Tumnse prasaeut niera : Misses tihldred Steveins, Ltille &I oee, Lucy Stevens, 1Mobel tlrougen, Dora Stoffel, Rtte Knoix, Agiras tyers, Agnes Stevens, i asaiu Eldridge. Jaunie Wallon, Base Huson Meanr Carlton Boss, Eail Wahie, Haroldl Crhsîv, Eimer Froncîsen, 1Chrarles Peai, Lynu Crlsty, Chrles Helmer, Dick Walsh, Bd ifutton, Wilie ClaxLton, Fred Eldridge, Phil. Alyvard and IRubert flution.omas niera pla!- Sed, suoluer nos served and ail bad a very piclasaul limeý A I>hysqician Teotiieo. ".1fravo' fabru htodoi Dyartera nCure anud insu: rîror nrairi nyhtblintfumn, Ile rtint uid me- the. rd ttintdid »'ays eout4Ptrai.msulr oe W. Snroeg. Of bail CmInty-nia. B Ina o pihstilan Itrucs arearurufedIni and touud Tt te lve ther, iretitn.' Ifthtirsftodcon st rorraing nndigc.ted In nour stcoir h ifsd- rats tincro and poisons tire srstem. Ven r ian prevent tuairr )ydlstlng but tiraI ueans starvation. Koulol Dysp-la Cure digests nibai von est. Yen Ieqr.sufferfiroine tirer ulytrev"iaflr tarvaLO. Threniorst plB ge1vo, ed . Neven ta.. l'ol e ir .2 FALL9PEIN~SALE- For this week only we will mIoli 4 Ibto of good 25e Cofft'e for $1.t0<> and give 4 Ibis of Sîîgar fret-'. 0ars 4$ i) Jackets uai.... ......... 98 $7 " . ................................623 MIses 7 I........................................63 ilidran' m Jackets, $2 laX;ti............ ............... J Iodles $10 l4i Stifk klrt. ..... 88 Ltdiesîtundar Skirtn, t8,ute1........ 2 00 lOr $1 f10 Ladies' Ksid<foa............... lu Miliuery nie -'irun ii nl lil ii: rîw art i-rr.-iair y %0e bave, arralige i a rîri un5 ' S a e Oie tiffîrîirer stfanidard Styleî Niriem. Aîry ladyîiy il kunîni tiruy are CIriE~.El) Dur $3010 Ladifls' Turrr Miii', tàut.................... $ 2 25 $2 25 'Black * ..... i63, $225î ' 'Iun " ....... .. 1 00 $2 25 MirrA mEfk Nkt Mn:, t ........ 1 i75 W.e tate )r-lers for tih et fr je rn tr ir,.' r'i ty sut tle lownasiprcem.s. uliguaratiteeri t'i tit orîîr'y rit r nîdel lu custiruNuits we cou siovr yiii iruîii Meus fi$m0 ruit t . ..._ Meusliii ack Sit OU i7 Mon"Sl', 5 Blifack Nuit ot 10 98 Ilnyi' iteefers, $1 75 to .....4 0O) Mleus 'i r Veri Corit, ........40 F. H-IKUEBKEIR, ORAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT s-rORE, Graysiae lios BUYS ANAI1 '~Have tirem Up to.... ...... $33.00 "' Alvo Agent for....... tZI Crescent Bicycles. 1 eau oeil you a bettaiT wies'I for lr'sn mûrir y îfiarr you 1 con buy etsewhere, Voir willi lur is non.rrtrîre '-- If !ofr buventigate. CALL AN DEXAMIN E. MW Sewing Machons Prices and Terms to Suit You. ~I~j E. B. SI-IEtMAN, Orayslake .I - lilinois. Winter Ooods. Thiriis the 'tiiiie lif v'i i' ,nl vit Win îte.r (iX)41 lî aiîl tlîii' is tt' lj;laî'-' tri l li tleî . (rîad iiality clieii¶'. Meun Nanîl liîys' tvere(îiat t$.3 541Iri).Men'm. Boyh' and Cbirtirens NSuitse, .asond i iilîfren'r nudar- Wear. Meu's aud ifoys' fUnd'r'wiar Mens aRrIA BoYs l'aute and (IverafI 4 M,ýîr . arrdf oym* Sw'att'rr. lied Bioirkets. l'iîll stiîwkotf Lailiî's',M ~ o- iî Iiîr-i' auii Feit'.. <)rul.îrMtakeîî foir tailor imiadu'-qit>. l'rfs'u.t fit Gi .traîîteeil. ~\ fli! lire ut(J ;f'ît'eies. ( ';îîf'l f îîuu 'I. 'e«t W. W. EDWARDS, Grayslake - - - - Illinois. ASTMMA CURE SRE! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in Ail Cases. SENT ABSOLUTIELY FREEI- ON RItCItPT Or POSTAI. ' .l -ri r - ii ithr1g-l, A tilru YKAUS cres w ie ,il ti'Iti tntf. .i sL-.1'" ildri: I fr ir i ni, r"ti'" 5J~~ S.~~W l iii t ,' tri ititirritt hri i i. or:. iL or -1h r, U f t . U iraIlii i '1t 1rîr i l'g a'r., tiii ri titiiii 1! i I ,î r -- i w 'nt yt ii u tr--y> -i t r iiit r' r fit in, illaru la " I I% t! -IiY RL i HA I S TiAI 'r;r "ii r it.n ' wilii rrit', t. -"', tîîitl N -v., 'i iîld. nnd ur e. Ti o ry i aiti. 0 ý r: îri e ii r 't,n;0.. :..î iî r -i, lif andspafrTo ina. iyiic wov,.'it, i - iýi'r.Atirrîli ni ri, , ii.,iy. W rit, atontjn. iifiiros.n i tig1) TAhFT BRIîiîi1 iINE cd 7 Enat ritil Mt. NY. Cfty. iIt i hY ni DIrîtagl4-a. Wet Feed. Slirreolder for Sale. i Winl have a car of wet grain ou Frîr bSale-'ix roller Milwanke e sirraît' truck ut LlbatYiylile, Frlday, Nov It, der, secondl baud, In gond chape. 3-2pDito HEERICL Tans. Moila, Rocefller.- 1B&. I.. r E ie ie 1 z . 1

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