Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 Nov 1901, p. 1

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'LKE C'OINTY INDEPENDENT, Vol. X. No. 6. a. 1 2JimiNiS or do Cr ï8 Lw. ... e"M.. vi totr se tro uil 1d 0 sica il or gleah t hat soersu. uumubrr of i hov forwàrd as L usbed novt. li o glive it aller 1u. gio srouud tIr,, Mue@, 'O rosai In02 ti r.n, hi tinr b1 (à,ie le' ,icr(( Il. but ?u W(it o f t llni ',i, peud r. whr- In. .uolon 10, tl I0 Il la ou ,,eetiou t vubrouicît 12., Piirit at erd ucou nur coin@ vii... lx uirtal- lavor 205iug partir, ýavolut vas y onhara". wh.. aaked oinga& larg 1r"pli.-d hoe ln repli s 'y trou, ho dos lmage. Wc. vas that t fnd pal.. !Onito etihia Nov Ibis luain y that; os, crocos. rcti,,u la Dlot 701ates te the boet... the xr home, la r(ýut Io relu of u..r,,aary ijre'îoration, il fuizd for rIre u sr Sscaiit the t0 aIvxi Our Ut wijat did thicr vere th.r eomlug -a Wiil the tL a point to lit sud 510vý resmili. Th, il dU--ly ai'- 4 *làrtvr "f Il. .1222des. Nov. d t( ao aa, un: t01-n A. 1118ul!or o riu and ciller 'Cougl <jure fii bartulepa. IckY. vrites: ui rou» IWA* Rb suaould tev dome at gjoigW.Uiatixr 15 crowding us But we eau take car-e- of yoîîr order with the rst. E%,erylmody is hurryîng for winter garinents. iii fuct thec weather hait pravCll a "liiirry-upper." ** We lire Prepared Corne iii and tlIk pricai with us. We saviig' talk is îiot a bliuff. We can mnake your Overcoat in a hurry. Fair deallng and one price to ail. TRY US. WM. STEVENSON, TAILOR Libertyville - - Illinois. - s - Art the best and ln tue the cheapest. Feit gravel roofs guar- anteed for five years. wpsiriug -ouetn-rnt clam 1%hape. & lievly prepared tpdelgue %bat mates old vais n..ariy as good as »v. 1 am prepared 10 bulil P'rllaud cernent sldevalks. curieq or gullors. Prices always Reasonable. WM. BELL goom a ne BRIDE atocit Dr. E. H. Smith, OENTIST. uiffce over Lake County ank mia , Tt', il rM.2.lin i 1toià p. M. DAILY L ibertyville, Ili. BENJAMIN H. MILLER,, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. S(8ANCK BOE raS10T t<LKpwotcN o se. J215 55006 LINCOLN. LUSK, AUCTIONEER. Rollins -Illinois. Wheu conteiupistlug making saade (eatl &roud or addreàssand 1 viii guar. Elgin Dr. Charles Galloway. Officeover Lovei'sD)rug8tore NOUSS YMOE i TU 3i ÂNI) 6TO 8P. M. Libertyville. - Illmnois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office ovêr Trigge & Taylor's. S to. m. 2ttad 6:toOimr.lfM. BSnadence on Broadway opposite Park Libertyville. Illinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Atorny and Counsellor at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC 0"101O VRE LAI£ COUrTY BASx, 1 ttee Natiafaction. AUK.-16-P Ra Li DARBYII PtANOS ORGA:NS TUNED *ec CLEAO AEGULAT E 1. EPAIMKD. Libertyvllie Ilîlinois. cake g.Bi WRIGHT DYMOND & Co.. Libertyville, Illinois. issues Interest Bearing Certifi- cales Payable on Demand. Libertyville Lake County, Illinois. Friday, November 15, 1901. GElS 14 YEÀRS. 1 WANDERS ALL NIlIT IN STORM l seven voted t1.0 ltIci l>eitli Penalty on Firet lBallot. Satnrday morunug at a litHo afler nine o'ciock lhe j ury lu the Curmting's murder triai retnrued thoir verdict. It vas: We, the jury, iUd the defend- aut. William Cuummluge guilty ot mur- (er i.. the tort aud iuanuer chargod lu the iudlctneut sud Ilix bis pliniei.- tuen utsi Impriaoumeut lu the pouiten- Miary for hie terni of fourteen years. EDWARD MBrLE, ;ForeMu. As tlie jury fiied into the court roalu Il vau Impossible 10 teli froni their faces vhat verdict lhat iîeeu arriVed St. " ute eu, aid Judge Dounelly, ,liave yon arriveit at a verdict?'" We have," vas the anover sud the judge vas handed au envolopft cotaiuing tlie snxionsly avtaitedl neyei. As the j udge Biowly read Ithe verdict Lis face gave no aigu of lils mport sud thon Circuit Cleat Brockwvay ln s voice dis- tinct luailH parts of theoTuant made tuovu the contents of the ftleful me&- asage. A lok of relief came over tlie faces of the defeudaut sud the relatives vho vere at bis aide. Attorney Wade. of Camsiigs couasel vas ou lit etdai once aud made motion for a nov, triai. Thaiso overruied sud a motion tu arrent of j udgemont vas made but vas alec overruied. The d.eese vas allowed t0o day@ in vblcb lu hie excep- tions and William Commngs vas called to the bar. Judge Donueliy ad- dressed tbtraas fllovo "-Prisouer. lu accord villi the verdict of the jury and rny dnty I sentence you 1 touoreeon yours lu the peuiteutiary, one day of eacb year b lie speut lu solitary confinement." It lest.. eut thât on the firat ballot neveu of the jury voted lu favor ut hangiug, but it ls asserted more vitb the Ides of strling au argu- mont, so ibat vieors of&a i nghtbch learued. Tbe vote at firetvasunahâti- mous tht the prisorter vas guilty but tine ex» actpuitment vas vbat deisyed th. decîsion. Ail bld six ballots vers tatou. The higisit grnivlîîcb auj- body voted for vas tveuty-Ilve years. EtOTOaT OF CASE. Sunday eveutug March 24th Cumn ratagesaud Ciarlei Obapmsu boanded an eloctide car ai Hlghvood. Tluey gutIno tub s ght, Cummînga dnev a gun sud lu the mia-up Cba&pm&au absit. Ho dled thieuniat day lu 89. Augnotine boa puai, Chicago. The neeit day Cummiugq vas cap- tured tu the blactemîi s&bop et Fort Sheridan sud beld te the circuit court ou charge ot murder. HI,, trial began Monday sud closed t u30 iaturday. Cummingo la uot yet 23 years ut age, a nice lootlug Young Mau and bas iived lu Highlaud Part ailhi@sIlite. bpoakiug of the verdict to a reporter Cumiogos aid --l arn satiolled vitii lie verdict. 1 suppose îînder the circumàtances aud Ilie evideuce as preoeuted 1 havent any compialut sud I dont hlilu I vaut a nev triai. iStes Attornley Talcotl liandiedthie probecuten itua nmauner Ibat duos huim credit. Itlaisto hbis tborougb prepara- Lion ofth11e case no speedy a trial re- suited. He le salisied viii, the ver- dict, Il isconcededabard proposltiou 0 ouvittaewvile mnufor asaaultlug or murderluga negro, and 1Mr. Taicotîs tank vas the more srditisq ou that aocounit Oi T IN LUS tTIIAN 8 hEARS. Caimminigs vîli doubuies. romain ln prisou ouiy 7 years and six menthe, though acuordiug tlu ilasentence l is for 14 years. 'lie state lrtv la tlit if a plisouer behaves veil, escli year s certain amountleisdsducted froei iesentence. If lie las s gond record dorisIhe vblole time, lie vilI bave te romain juBItue seven sud oua-hiait years .AS I( NIMUM PEî'NALTY. Mary vere surprIsed Ihat siter beiug feund guilty se liglil s penalty vas iullleed. How eau Lie gel fourloon yearn If guily of murdor vas the qeury. The iav provîdes that lieu found goiity ot murder, a man may lie son- tenced le dealli. or Iflo Impriseument or Imprisoument for flot bas tliau fourleen years. I laisthug seen Ihat Cummingo got the lovest possible sentence Oeeng tmat bhovas fouud gu.illy ot murder. For ma-siaugiter the penalty 1 il anuudetermiuied Sen- Libertyville. Illinois. DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS fonce-. OAiýý TAHD O_____________ F CHIICAGO, Apet oac aatcidt h DENa OFFICE atrial. DENTL OFICESeated bleside Cummingti ail Ibrongli DR. Es FORD GAVIN, 1Alt 1iIturrryvjie,iButer' Block, ovoer hetrialvas aYounug lady wo Oraduduato St. Lukex Hospital. Chiego. fr-n. r.-gDaiypeoporeoot to lioprisuner SUrgOn te Late Co. Hospital, Waukeà,us Mi ott6:0PM.lsed oee fwsmiaar Surgeon Chesr North-Wesern R. Ir u(0 u nîa. oeei a ia lr Waukegau.__________________ Dwyor, the Yeung nman'@ oveetheart. SPECIALIST. Day a! ber day site est by bis sîde anci Cbronic Dhasuofsa 0 n aud W orne n ' P DnpFr OVER Ons OPIÉE usaf v ouid freqtteutiy chat vitbhlm. asaisb- GENERAL SURGERY. llîugican adougens isîa age decree lu teeping up EYE, EAR. NOSE, & TI4ROAT tlviin n ugos is epiis. Accoraiîîg tr, Sundayjo spectacles andîseyieus"Fitted S-A r I-r. dChronliCle the Young lady bas avoved meLaeurate a Lovosî t.asnresidence thîce fxtruaeetlat Mlîale i vat for lier Young laver Gilcnableas. ailtegaa. Illr f r-hdrc1 , lRoctefelleril nlvio ehmfoipio îo h HouVD-O-Is aa e"-Op M, 7-k4 p .an ece m ripisnonth SUDa 4attme p. tu Day ait ln ig bt ceolis aunsered prom ptl y. ex"îîlration tttfils long sentence. A pbiymit-iau aivvaI 1h.. beoffice. '~ " B. Great Lucis of An Editor. Dr . .B.-YO N .W. dispasser ..ab aedici.. . 3a Ppr tvo seRrm &Il.rff0rt. te uure ettzomelu Physiolan and Surgeon. - h plas tmjr hanrl..fath.d." wentes xlo vichly our-'h ueieArniis0t1flves. SUMEOPU1TLEU510111t nMe-INDItPUftDELT asu IF-rUa OCSAN FOB Ia lIa vor'do lesýt for eruvtionsbSoro ansd si lm sos. Onir 5Me at P. . Lcyaun. 'a Urffl- ------Illinois. $1.75.~GZAmnAXa Pauuci. Joep1h Steadman, ARVe Kevears Found in Cortitllcd Joseph, Steladman. or G truee, i,.ttbis borne Mouday moruIng jýyiDg lie wu going to the store for r, tobacco. Ho va. (oud by Chaestryder Tues- day moruing lu a cotrner ,fliydera field, near Gages Corners, ruiconscions. flis Ideuity could fDot Urletermiiied sud àfr. Suyder took hbý u th e CoUaty Faim at Libertyville. Stip Appley by leioniu 1dl¶er,,rt localittes soou iearued of the seareh In progrosa for Steadman and 'o I-uded the iunovu man vau noue tber than hoe. Subsequent Inveatigati'.n proved bie conjecture correct. lu the mean UisuePr isylor bad been csiled and overytilrug possible vas doue for the. hait prîîsbed man. Whou relative.s arived t1ùe old gentle- man waaiu a very crivai oondition aud bits recovery coucededi doibif ai. no vas .emoved to hl@ home, i lal preaunied the Ild geutlemau loat hie vay lMonday and waudered to Gagea Corners where darknesa over. too hi1m. Bie lay &Il .rîght lu the storni and vben fonud vas vet t thie skia sud sufferiug terribly freni thei colà. The bonis 0ftlthe agouy hoie eudured completely eibuust.ed bim and bis reaturation in cor ý1ldered very1 doubtfui, particuisriy o account ofj bis advanced âge.1 Inuhils octeta vras loril sa quntityi of corn ho bâad evldeutly picked up le satisfy bis hanugar. Thât lie dld fot1 apply for shelter or aid ci some ternim bouse seemi airange, but it i& probable theexciiemeut temporsily derauged the old gentleman. Mir. Steadmau lives uith bis sou Fred ai Gurne, hie vile liaving died1 som. years &go. Ho is wtr.ll tovu n the commuuity and higialy respected. Hie ia 83 jeurs of âge. LATEra At lime of goiuig t0 pres Steadman las mlii l live, bti o iopes tibat ho vîll recovor are r,terlaiued. Thie Boy Was Foolish. Frirlay Jtidge Donneiiy enteucedl Antan Gabala. the Noth (ieago boy, to reform achooil and tie son teuce vas the reuit of the lads uo action for, bâti lie coounctod buiscl becomiugiy, hoe voutd bave vakd' ,ut of the court routafIa e fl einlI'ss«. A fev d.sys age vhec the l ad@faitber appeared belore Judgr i)onneiiy, ln lie conversation tiUa? 100k place, thie prlaouer calied bis fallier a -damu lier" Iu the presence (if the court. Salnrday vbeu truglit belore Ithe jndge, the court liîîurrated ihal if the boy bâdiflotunsed the lauage lho did, a reforni school vîir uýce vould inol have beeu made,. Xud lm &frair Ii vas 100 soVOre tir. rLber day vîlli your father" saald IL, j dge. Oui laSt Issue coulamined auu ceounit of boy Judge Donneiiy -eu4 id the father. He nov feels ditierrait, sud the boy 1e alone lu blâme. coudernuaî,on Suit TnesdaY lu the ( waty Court Ithe coudemuallon suit f lie Postai Tels- graph Company -. las. A. 11radiey and others ofthîe iirulley family came ep. Thecouipauy r-ici e ord12setle vil the Bradleys 51t a tlirgire the latter cou- sidered just, for ther irivilege ot piac- lug; peina opposite thoîr proporty. RonceIbe condemtaetion proceedings. Weduesday afleruon the jury vent 10 Rondout ta ot kver lie situation tbat lhey migtit i, lIer arrive aI a decibon in the nmatir. Boir Landi iurniniC. many sof etIan ilun the "bîg gag" aoutt-veset ofHal lithviile, ou vha lei tuevu as the (Xili esîste, bave been huruiug for wvecîs, iilnov the ire bas reaclied s deptii of 6 lu M feet sud ln Somue places 1.5,frît. Is vii late a vcry heavy rain 10 queucb the huriaiug peat, from vhich a dense suiote sars su ad of a very disagreeable odrer. The land vasxisrd for pastariug cal- tie, but i1% nov virtîîr.iiy ruiued. New Ice lolmsc l'rojected. Itle 15 eared the Keeioy Breviug1 COMPanY vill btiid a mammolh bej bonse on the veet vI-ore ot Fox LsEe. Work viii ho com înr ced i mmediateiy. 1t le9 aise rnmurrti s largeiteenouei il'oto beerected on tbeeuorlh-east haut Of Pistee ita.Y, bt tIparllcuisrs are1 unobtainable. Annuai Pire [i hsrance ALmacos. muent. The Dîrectors uftlIie lilliburn utunîai Insurance compsay h ave levied an assessmeut for 1,iti f ivo dellar-s sud Seveuty cents ¶2 ý 70) ou esch oe thoumand (beiisrs ,,tired to psy losseis smonutlug tIr, 1 30,90I Ihat bave occnrred diîritig the year. Said assesoemunt vilb.- irie sud caiied for lhirty days mf 1er late. 11t.ila eapeeied lhag emeh eue viii îy tibeîr assosment wheu Calieu for, Joli, A TuAts, Sec'y. Milil rn, Ill., Ntrv.l6,'it90l, Il2-di Notice. Havingreutedth te Haif Day Bawiil, i au jeparee lu sea il theoogvo eun g lu Ibis siluter. Miii vili ho i4 good order, srr I cau guarautee gond vont. E. S. (ILEAkON. dec 3e d THE CASES IN CIRCUIT COURT. C on di t.D l>ay (a s o n m)làp.eld F. WIaptemi Awarded $1900). 'roehday rnoruiug Judge Fuller cOtiuued the famoum Condit Dadyi diamage sait uutilI)ec. 9tb at VI oclock. Iunisplace was csalleIl tii,,Whapiea damage suit V8. the City or %Waukegau. This iA the third triai of the ase sud it vas as iardly fooglit am lhe others. Aller beiug out leu~ than hllaita I.our the jury returued a verdict, avardiug lMr. WhapleB $11309. E. J. Heydecker on tie part of the City xuoved for a nev trial sud the miotiou vas srgned, belng lluslly over- raled. Trhe City theu iaaked for anr appai 10 the appellaie Court sud bas Or. dasolu which to file its li [lie bellot about Waukegau Io that the couucil viii mage a settieent. lie damages a8ked wore $5,000>. Tbe case lias quite au important bis. tory. W heu Frank Wiaples bult bis buildinig ou ater treol, lie aliego. chiat it va. built ou a grade given hlm by the City.' The grade vwu later chauged go chat uov hii building 19 far belov the street. Hie sued for $5000 damagem sud the firetstue the jutry ttisagreed. At the ceai trial the judge tookthte case front the jury the piautiff thuns gettiug uo damaages. T[he plantiff appealed to tue Appel- laie Court vhieh reversed the declalon and remaudect the case for a iel triai. lia conuelon va ill tlie Whapela Waukogou coutroversy, vheu the cdlv put pavement on Waler etreet, Mr. Wliapl..s clal.oe, the paving did ni henetll liim. He eujoiued the vork but the paving veut iu. He oued lu couuly court sol avold payiug the as- neomment sud the case veut tirst 10 the circuit court aud thon 10 the aupreme court, who returned a decision lu fa- vor of Wliaples wlio did not tlius bave lu pay the &"sommanet. VrININAL DOCKET P. The crtmluai docket vua gain taken up Weduàeoday aiternoon bef ors Judge Donueliy. Tlie case of Wm. 8nyder, Iudlcted for procnrlng liquor for a drunkard, vaesosnt t'OIhe coun ty court. Fred Paddock and Rtobert McNeauy, indictod for larceuy, voie reieased on tlieir owu recoguizance pouding good behavior. Tbis course vas alo takou with Fred Rosàansd Axel (lorouson, indlcted for Iarenuy. Tlie boys are practicaiiy gîveu freedorn until iheir bebavior warrants beiug arreâted again vheu the oid (,barge viii corne uîp against tliern Neuw Iudustry for Farniers. A Ksutatee agricultursîlst vrites: f 11e raliuig of ougar becto as s Iluancial iuvestmeut lias been salis- factariiy aettied, su fat as isaukatee county la ooerued. Leou fiay, oecretary Of Ithe state Sugar Beet Grovers' association, viose deatb occurred recently, had abldiuig faith lu the value of beet.growing as a revenue produoer, sud lu his d eatb the farmera of tie couuty suataitied a geter iosebihan ley knov. Had ho lived Chers lm 11111e duubt but Chers vould have been a beet sugir tactory in Kautakee couuty lu the near future. ,-Mr. Uay iad thorougbiy investi- galed the iuduslry, both lu Ibis country and lu France, sud for years bad been tsliug aud vritiug conceru- iug Chat vbich he tnov vasa amouey- miaker for tbe former. -John Haster lias a farma uear St. Aune ouvilhLho bas grovu tveuly- tWO acres ut boots Ihis seamou vhich are nov belug liarvested. Tlie yield 1i tveuity-tvo ionsg1tu the acre, and they are being sliipped to a factory ai Bouton Harbor, Mici., Mr. Haster re- celvlng $4 0 a ton dellvered on the tiaro ai St. Aune. This mates $99 pet acre, or more thonu the land la vorth. Mir. Haster estimates the total expense of raiaiug the crop sud dellveriug it on the cars ai $24 au acre. "ýThe beels are puiled by mscbiuery sud topped liy hsud. Over a mouth ago astol a. made for saccharine and il developed fourteen aud s fraction pet cent. MIr. Haster bas ou exhibi- lion lu Ibis ciby eue ofthle beets, vbicli veiglis eleven pouuds. Beeta nunlly run trorn une aud s hall to ivo ponde seh.Ibere are 100 1acres lu the crup about St. Aune." Iresh Milkers Coming. Wr will sell at private sale, Saturday morning, Nov. l6îh at Libertyville stock yards, two car loads cf fresh milk cows and close springers. and will tichange for ail kinds of dry stock. P. FITZGERALD. 1. P. DOYLE. $1.50 a Year in Advance. 58 YEARS AGO0 This month our store was establhuhed. We have au unbroken record o!f Lfr suad honest dealiugs wîth the people of Lake Cousity. From a ail beginning we have grown until we now employ over twenty clerks and tàles ladies to wait on our customers. and will continue to grow with our city. We neyer had a better stock of merchandise to show you--especially in aur UNDERWEAR DIFPARTMEN'r. STALEY Underwear for men nover was beat. In PRICE and QUJAUTY. PIUNSINGS tJnderwear for ladies and children ln ail qualitlos of Union Suilu. H-ere are a few of aur Anniversary Bargains for this weeki 1 park à r w , errI trc.. -hredded c heato. I-rtrnhpre, I.d....,. 1 quart, otte purem5ple ~u He" V-,,pp er 9-1111- 38 -d. Jc,,Lrr,ffe-.......... .at, 0rri , .8 nd ......... XXX -?, i'lugrtir h biark ,t, . ......... Ail 7e pr-or. r h-, müi ruile arp p ................ S i - &he" ........r.. (Uliec - & FIe,.- 2r(aer, uniece. Fect(erivr .............. 43 87 es 17 * DOWN GO OUR PRICES. Waukegan 2iOi1PJIllinois. STOVES If you are thîuking of buying a stove this fali or winter it will be money in your pocket to look over my stock before huying. 1 have made arrangements with Crihben & Sexton, of Chicago, to handie their entire lne of Universal Stoves and Ranges. The Univèrsel Steel Range heads the liât of Steel Ranges; 15 o! the finest finish and heaviest steel. By huying a lsarge quantity 1 gai a special low price which 'will enable me to seil these splendid mtoves at about the saine price von would have to pay for cheaper goods. SL ibe rtyville E.FGER, - - Illinois. The Twentieth Century Ca sh Store' Can now show you a complete stock of the following warm Iined winter goods: Nfmhdawakit Germian knit hoots, Mish;Iawaka (jermaxi Sox fitted withli ail Band Riilbrers. These goods are flot made by a trust. Meîi's anîd Womnens liîîedl slioe.,, leather moles, Arti-e for Mern Ladies anîd C(ldren, Feit boots for Boys anîd Yoiitlîs. Ail new goods. Reineiirber colîl weatlier ist c-umiiig. Whexî yoti want aîîy of tliese gtxds give tis a t-aIl. Schanck Block Y(2Ii i oit CASHi, E. W. Parkhurst, Uhbertyville, EU Fi Asthrnalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Casma SENT AB30LUITELY FREE OlN RECEIPT OF POSTAL. ~wnmThere ln nothing Bts Asthmab.ene. It i vo. VIN l'rings Iustant reliet, aven lu the volai CAMe. it cures vioue&Haieatla. I ~Th lRclt.vC.F. Wels. oVilla Rlige. Ili.sapa yon trial laultle Of Atîmaene reeolvod lu ¶ooal rondi- tlon I1 clnu(ttell <vo 10vthauttel 1ri slfor 1the affl (lnve fro It 1 g la &ve. cýh&iued vith I Putrld boe tr ui n M safort.n Yosm. 1Ide. epsireof @ ver leiuq enrd i n av rour advertise- I meut for the cure nif lîla dreadt,,l and lormntina diisesse. astiemâan sd tiîaugl ou lad ovm &«Ontshniýnt h- tria vt.d it a trl. 6t MAeA tull-Slz.r bottie.* ffludtnriria iea ,au.Bn ni tA.timallue. simiiaz t. the onýhý..a usi1, IL, s atOW-lis Weil - ,rct h r mal lITp AID . iaBSt *, ,. UTELY EFRE010 CHARGE. to asol, srr b ty. lville fori. e1 o osa ae ld thousu Y00 ams dffsairinr. .howover lad ypour use. Anthmaiene viii reileVa an sueure. The vorso cour ,aie. tI., more girai v." &reitoend iP. DO oct dlai. Writ at noueis ailriulu Dit. TArr DRI S. MEDICI NE Co.* , FiaEsa lyuh Si., N YdUrt. Soid hy al Druggusie - '~rtr~ui~iuoeuu- ASTIIMA CURE FREEI r

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