U h~~~~amepben "If you ha't moant asIdid,"e coletoset. nJletb neetl tyyremp. "f oudindnt meand anytigAgy eadKteItue-i- Jim Melvin and Tour Kooune, miner o, beate Dffated n Egge tt by ou smle, nd riksandwas, throP Harbor'Moia Diaappeare-Body living at Johnson City, undertook to- Cetleb- RAandEuPeradur-The United l'*%«~~~~~~~~~~~~~70umStbe afls ed nifred, trpu-p o. lo g sa Weil -station Agent Suat shoot each other. Melvin la deadl and stat-e 'rahe contrat aelossasymosy lnesad cl orK1 ht1 -futCn. ucd.Kos anetlr.sat]eueo sotaa»e ot n e ali aeteo-Her ThnaadCale odr ByS. rious.tetat lidtn , o e fo'r altatd I -rn ase ucdeyenecantlv.nrni-eet e efgo otb gi. motstieelng f lvegor ou;andif oui in the road ten fariner neighbors narlit Centralia, disput- The Columbiant legation in Wasoington Conl MRS. FORRESTER. ~~WIM q» e t entertain the lightest regard mla m a o Kýw(ee Edward Vau ed over pasture trespass and WigginsonM dareeedacbgamayg pt for Yeu, you Will never again adopt Ruch 0 mI) iielacblgassyii ptVl l 1Dk toutand killed Richard Ray, his shot Meador. Hie Injuries are fatal. that the reble avn7 hadt suffered complete lui Bse .ny, ,,. e ae-e: e e ee ee ee • " ei e" " ' Na tone to me as you have doue to-day." neighbor Two barrels ofaatshotgn, Mrs. Mary Mannering and her 4-year defleat In battles at Culebra pd Epr-trait N 'MAP lt l.-Coaiua4L) berundr Cinos vry eeeesandtl S o,"ilh I e a idna inolentine,"toe loaded fer wolves were emptied lnto the nid daughter Edith were burned t' dor. There was girat it o in the New eh n takedcoud beallaereweantdTomFecerthe'1Ra aadistance of degth at Xenia. The child'ís lothing streets et Colon. People sought refuge makeo «V«RAPnThER L-(Cntined.Co lunch ther une oe ventascnat ngtones PR- former, until yoeur fine new lever came f n e tmwsapo-cuh iefo h tv n h oh nbaiteUie ttsgunboats Ma. ht IFy well, thenSouwentoveand after elart im bn addressing women, along; but You muet turn high ad iht ton fau.Tevti aapri-auhtiefinheso ndhemh ubrdheUtd tts a nirtaithnd4y ag"ermer, whose name hadt been er was burned while tryingtoesave lher-ietta and Machias anthrarodtit bW*elbotagueof blliards, sand And she lhad fancied she rend love in hie directly you've been seen ith a Londoncnetdwt hto h ieo h tr er mn n ftems n thfplrs. mader of Brity te v b t otth ta ndc atte d a nd ho di a wayse topped ta * ns t utn i h tw n descria l, B t ro ea i n 'èo k te at ykte t plw )lOb rha ee e h l o d agtn oi e h m, Bi t od em l li it h o o r d e r e d th e ce s ta n ts ro u n d , a n d l e r . A n d th e p r e v io u s d a y , a s t h e h a i n g s ,, a e C u t d o ' m t w a y n ni n g ahi n m el it hhnc e g ua h eb i e toa W e st , x c e g m o h i e t I e h e l d - Ftn c % M o n d a T hh b b h a ie p a c « w e s t a r t e d t c o e o v e r e r e . H o w t h e b e e n a l t t i n g r e a d i n g [ i n t h e g a r d e n , h e f r m e r a ' d a u g h t e r . ,, t h e d o r a n d d r o v t h eb i n ru db e lo ; t e e ac l r s gea nd ega pr e n g a a no o n y - 0 0 0 ,0l* r d e n f o l n - G a 4 W r a e s d id f r e t , a d p r a n c e , a n d r e a rl a d h a r d t h e p e a c in g o o s , a n d , lo o k - " Y u i s o le n t e a n - ap ir t e e r the p d rem i s e stFol l o i n g h m t o t eorf a t h e Z ge r s o f âl a n d Ca t ot * * s $ 7te t wnM o d & , % flot e tok I as coolly as possible, and lg up, bhtadcceen m pull up hi% 6ery phacimeia, tel, n d erfnev e pesumetoierage«became ngoernabl te eand. ames A . Hriagd6Ueani ot h thestthmRisc tasiflwin00Detr eeted and quietedCite,outil they ent hestnuts, whih bhad frightenedthrBOpacen i again!"and seveturn atotehhotrath ecman muhnernthoug nd e r b aes . arrisfater of enlren, an- Teýnnouced t»by Gen aon Cloom-8 A etke tmbe. They continued very Quiet an hour before in the lane, and, trow d ouentrf aa andshtedoobtr. en slcheran ba akhe ble ho e. a sdtewn osepo h onn fNv lnmadrthat he woid beanbaDpaac er about a Cie, whe we came ta gethe reine t the groom, jump down a hrroand fabt th o wn hearsfna bfewk m ieute Raykenoitila nd aiegeso awak fenchim hae so hargeoftColon.uma dripait, reeivedma « b u e e a i r ] w a s s t a n d n g , a n d t h e n t h e y e n t e r t h e l i t t l e g a t e . h t be r n e e e b nhe r b e d s i e , h e sa b e d o n d a n e i g h b o i n o ft he ra g y e y , a ft t o n t!f a r p r one d u a a n . H e s e e s n o a n e eo t y aNd e rt ent f e dn Cm a r d p .o tb led and reared ag ain, u ntil 1 t ou h t W in ifred's eart beat faut au nu e saw b r k e s 7b r hsd , el e o be n e gh auled ofthe d e a b dy t ray' i es e r s o n l eep a Ln h as b ee e a e ya te cth o avyo l e . Ah i £Po! ath P anav dm a iD lep glhaywould have pset us in the dItch. Mr. Hastings coming up the arden t- criedt psat atead en.t erplno hereit hetured itoveroth a *Ie idopauk awne, whchsaee ee foe y err the iNtv Drt. €a br y Aid t t bolteins ws nantdsconcertd, l bveward her. non r.Ey-la She sat there until It grewnquite dark, He then returned to his hoina"x lui dovn hi throat. Attending physicians rthGen Alantwcth00aene11was10gMt.Mid nt 4111,h11 the loonOffwi&th t e hand, and with a"Ihav ome rt alln . ye-singing fowr, sweet songs to herself, un. ed the com'ig of the sheriff, to b of aho aet a loue tounderstand the case, aingliathe . Abaon wthe line near Empire. paei « helt henook of hi ht o he girlan e thme8ro0akd.' hbebesn tailiatest the cloud was chiaed away surrendered. Van Dyke la theratiler ofthonug,they gay they thinit isa as» Tnit wa i dangerliof atrrEmptioe.n ad if he adbee a emres. hewasso "No," repliedWWnfred; 'heas r hrface, and bright thoughts be- six children and in about 40 years eto eorhg fth rT.arsre- sitComm ndaderMcrof terruphinat &Mlu gfaeefuland hadt such lovely eyes. out sine tw6o'clock, and 1 do not ex- foto brig ie npaeo er. ae a erlythosmfae.Va enyrmoved toheoria fromarang eClncbe h ayDprmn o W » a a n os t o know w ho ee could e, 1 pe t ila until the evening. gu tn lvi" siehl D yk o t m â e is nt sev rly te snu edâ e V noC onPrairia l e N a )b a tm n h aliasked ettosalh.a ,ohe alwn , noSOth abt, he wouldoinotnaee me damyaTown itRer eMisine- Officiais- of the Bate penitenti ai t g bmadint fte on ad&kig t ttihl "Hw rookng ou"bt f odwil alo m t mke i hand no long, and looked fntol MY face Walter Klemmn, cekof the Municipal- Jelet emphatically denly the reps th csefor Instructions. He was instructed toahert Absence to-day An excuse for caling au he did." . lty of Winthrop HIarbor, confidentini have been circulated regarding tesesidatotasuch steps neslhe demed necessary tot Wel, tenit as urcouinMis aginI hall not regreit tooeemUch." Her thougts awere tsuddenly interru -bookkeeper and cashIer of the Weternf ohavinbe doe nsey a a mtsa frte rtciodfArcniterel ye;and 1 can tell you ahe is nothing "Cain 1 soiyanything to him for your" ed by a ring aithé ,ot.and lepaue Telephone Construction Company, collec- hvebaudive"isoaesy"aliemor hfr t heur at otetoAeion. arets Hr to beashaed of eiter. coul an sked inifed. a herplayng.for of rents for the Winthrop Harbor and confinement in a "flt rior they Teur-ou cnslonotfideher lesow teow uchaedmired iher, ad1 wscueit " am a fkdWirid.nt"Mr atig a Smebobeoris ye wt Dc opayo Ciao adaprvt drls Mrhofais htis nasetvi flo ctznstaeefgn.m s te eMehÓ tnuts bo e dwith s~~~~~~~~~~Il mi n : i hi f a ineett r a ho a sw rThehake , h seef hi ovet k nataricbe n os oaul ps re t ei gnlRe p 4d i me gotthe a m in hrand agn, ist aMtr. frmetodics ithsyou. "atado bor. s o Med n rh jMp DoHarboratpg hth a oe mne hyamt o hti h y Sae ubot qrbu adt otw Andgon ou ofmy ind Hoeve, tet amflatruping your nale ing- ee your Whto thwase g enoha, and that he would eunve reason.heya nDassign§frhstkigtete rts rusr n information wi keep till another tine." book very engrosngye upad:,,Ke ollowng nng. He had a li tt lfeofCnvctWnlamWtd.enchBruis rer ibuncet Yord idhenele "gnadcriedt isaliter, white to Ad ausle spoke he glanced attepHab eth, oer$400 in hris pockeandto lthis Cablegramscon receivedorbis New ahore t h e [ l l e w i t h r a g e , " Y u w i l l n t d r t t o c v e r o r t h e b o o k a n d o b s e r v e d w i t h " e % s , m i s. mO u n t Il M o r e m , o y t ,was nd d d b yat e w T h [ i o m a sn v c tW iG a n na n- d . H a r rrW .h r i s e rf S oght i g sex p c t d a t E ton "imChat low-born girl la relataid to saiesurprise hat Itso»an d IFrench "Givaettem ome and brg the amp, ml cleton d i eohe eShuh filed indivnda" na pttons pire,-tatâ mallto place otn texliecof thePa- Ythk negna&aws better than to do any- "nyou let me sendi you nom@ bookil A dhe began with eager delight ta was nn th.i iKenosha businesin nkruptcy in the United St mOA- aRail d d. and alsomestatedCht Ctip thing so foolish," interrupted Mrs.Cham- t oâre 'Errou akdgety"Iak..mnthhndoeybndo eS. oungt woman friend in the city. H outr akutyptto steClonadta h a ad for e eituul "Bu i eae houd e tmp- pontofconnlle t athe- best Worsit was a happy evening; her new oc-satdfrhm hrl fe lock-He fim of Schb&annon, whlpeh hm a he Ctime andedlaiesIoa anamoa.h ad ed o"st detrigt ie ohfrinAdMgel.adit v 14dpate&n chasedAill unpleasant memors trelfrhm otyatr9Ocok iveO cu aD'.wikhnbP " addmrines inC Indame.alRypt( ed to d so," slr haddnedILtri erf ot hasfor aen" e etathink sme way, and when she went to bied sellhaid Profsso1 .arvy Deuid- o abiitiens nairsedldvfat 2l-_y EIWUDMTPAfEBS ihr die&ndotpoundsI1promised! you for one id sa yself wea« takait n e» gntnth.xstneofM.Fe-iProf. Frank M' arvey ded at Blom-64.with assetsor$7,091,SellaWther"ine]à&-rre1withD not peur dson'sdeb 0salpas mo t hod Yeua»ar!" exclatmed Bot the next day por Winifred wasleant musiians of the West. lHe found- 770. e elà Iabilities are 8$l111 si', Henry Was a Herem* Afst . Word 0 Iaveywell that's enough " re- Winifroed, eagerly, bluding with deIlght; pifnged bito the depthal et sadness agfain, ed and directed the Harvey Academy Of white the assets not exempt are etàma in ,conectinonwith neentiular- Pr -ipwded inald, sulkly. "But 1 cean "it wold lbe suh a tenatetohave @Omo. fer Mr. Hastings passed, building over Id Munie or Bloomtington, going there ln now in litiga tionamoun ting lto»' fiet»thef u u t amclest- ca taUpeuenething, Flo-I believe he's&tre-thing new toad."&»anddle te tank te her stat eencosin. ald1890 fromn Chicago, where he was bor Fory-eghtmenteeaftr l o'lecid e dtofasthN uewY r p amhe endMobusly cut with that gir, and tat dWhat shan It be?" asked Mr. Boadt- r r. When a child be appearedter cnerlnmcreondeNncn.Ial prI htbfor ewhiYomrrigefor t bs.aeoff aft« er rnow." ig-hsey oespere he-Chicago and received datt igthectgnd-lefther home at Ramnsey, accompnanhW ince nrClheafrt tm ta a plo» AnMd.having uttered this remark with ogy? When yon rend Tennysonlook for tion. After devotong years nthe at to by her attorney, W. A. McCong& One b eyni ensfandas a contseqPeo ,U.....*1: Intention of annoinghois ali,- my favorite poent, 'Oenome' I aumre THE ?ASSPORT VM RUSSIA. of the piano ln this counitryhe awe n ehour and twenty-eight nminutes laneaf- tellinto"thenslads of m on edersThe o -te, he proceded idto quit the rocem. Yom Win agrmevwithame in admirintat.tGermany to perfect himself. e trardHfthrylsh ecwnUr"d a :telbatehe otil ractd n thoseadayers. h senm "lInk eginald gsets more unbeara- Do ye o schetIIesndlge ln rommem Item Coamt 1o0" AboutteCountry renown in European concerts. Tde na-deree of divorce fromn her husobandAn- s estldatrhsmrig ih o big every day," «elahned Flor aut- lsn Eyrey Wtthout the Docuamenit- volastuldy iSnpaired a naturally dlct drew Ragle, on a charge of desertlem, The suh ofoilyte i araewt . i 42113I"noinetims, laughed Winifred. "D& The train slws dàwnMalit crosseconstitution. He ,was imarried to M Isn judge and attorney then supposed tChat lT- Teren«ty-coe isnot genoerally a very you?" the ftsnter, a"d.Cr-"eepegetY UP te Adelaide Victoria Lloyd Oct. 2(I. 'heelher Caetthladt been fully dsoe of.. but Th ageebl ae n oug an" emrkd "Yes," sId Erro. "I must pleani- the plattornm et the armtstation en Rs eeoywspromdwieh they were mist aken. John L. Bartlett of foot làr bother. ty, although 1 ie long past the age when alanSOU. Furtisvely peepingCont of propped up in bd His bride in a well Shinkle then appeared upon th- scene. She A"d-no the laten conspiredto keep a that youthful faible le permaissible. But the window, yoti behold a numaber of known newgpaperwman. Prof. Haer- secured a marriage license, and they Ie t .eeetatI:fhom Errl Hastings, which, as fitwhen I am alons, 1 dike te it and loosawrtmen>uniformed ln the RsIan Mvey won 35 years old- were married by the samne officiât whoBSu Arepowwaery motath sol a etviflnlnandsaiuti cla er tyle, oand. wearing thepeculiarly Ras- Le.1 t. suicIde by Drink. granted the divorce, Jde Judge Wright, one In in o ous heplteea or Fndn he i aPttefr-tOghorad hry iuesat aelftl Bpoerofvife l aeobe Booutanto bot. hepotecodhtoeFnindtathi apeit-fratrnghor1ndthrtimnueeafersh et i i» ohe enIationrt!Mnrthe m.adysa- and Ihlikeuto go h rentherwide comes to the-comparltment and bids YOM drink won uncontrollable, Alexander hier home. fee anti l C amplen'vitaton t a ta istanefraiom *s, golden.oyoetnhepasprtready. Aliter a few Woolfolk, a membher of one of the Imost In the Methodist Church at Thortiont e th aspocom leddsever fanc yeyou would likre to have been minutes of wating, during which anu- prominent familiesl of Chicago, kldlind., Ediward Clark, astrange, attw- "tmChampion,lehe id, au they sat one of the celebrIties of the Olden tihea? tety la nt diminished, an Officer tinief iu Bloomington by taking chiO- ed a revival meeting. Following an appe agaù -tagthr ln the drawing room, I am go- 1 shoutidfilke to have been Alexander, and smart gray-blue uniform. comes long, reform. He entered the service of th by one or the members of the congrega- alie d4g tuoboaga favor of You and Miss Chant- iconqueredt the word r a nda n a de ba o r it awaet ago and Altu nhe r d stamon tion, lhe ceatedtaestinb o r e 40"aph paernbre;aa aut rteddbyasiie l &wafoHA hpnttutth aeso hs on ha ows ogr n ugtv.Hecpt "I am eme we hall b but to happyhero, ke A iMd tnclem in•notingvtslforign Briwncas, uponits u ranviH Brownnalilitentral Du Quon dandlwo,,LD oga iifi i a u pwr, r- s or à Launetolot.If you might possessor a keen, searching. lint mastiver ln chancery of Coolk County. The monthe ago forgedl the necessary igna th thn iga ball at the Court," haveen Guinevere."Then hie looks for the lmora sdeedent wa% 24 yearsnod. Manoy PR- tutres to a $50 money order, cme tAcasishedhsore1 M ils ii r it ht lewno ndreetofteRRIa OÏ atlteo fenbsmohrwr rudabn adle.Thwhgeabnw*-i d1ss my Invitations 1 want to secure the speakin, and as hie uttered the tast e- in the country of issiue; and onL?"E" ingiroomnt begging hima to reformn. Es-mrse it h ofsioadtr-twac grMinMetofYour preusence and co-pera- tence lna àlow, thrilling whisper, is fitlhe passes acoldly on without A Word. tranrgement fromn his father is alleged to ong the meeting into a loie-len , A e tele- apr fha asoseex i halavr omt n mrotv;hv rugtaotbs oiglf. dtecs t a h orey lo allatt."or; htwIIh neetioughtahersaithapsontnx.Alti svr oma n mrsie av ruh bu i rvglf. e hashsntto e pay i oerfferi toW ' mbßattenCoit; htwl epesSno diain OU feel as a prisoner feelse when the 3,Iwrd o is M.one. ga.assn t eThe sheriffo Du--the ýW1"â exclÈanimdtion."Bcheapio br W inifecooreddeepysandete tone châlin of evidence is tightening around Joseph Note, and Trcc. Fillipo, employ- pay the mony ren ortogt adrbckt h ui onyw on and amentad 8$ke AMP 9"nsoal animatin. "ahebolors, al-:ofer, voie washughtyfoae the Wmd-im;yrthutsanebcktth ed by the Chicago and Alton Itailroad at ak eunn wt ibrsnr oD tM^ is MFbaksI:ginsuh ryMng paris esier, answer, lookngfaawbay in th eod.patt and you Wonder whethernany t-Il hermn.hd en isigsevera days lQuokn e churcwill iupply Clarke-D-¯¯ ite recently ne leks, avt wDra ymy ongfel.deirethe nobet a elot w oe er breathed discrtIOn Of yourinsignifleat yo7t" The body of INoto wax found in an aban with an attorney for hi% defenose. h a ytngqeiIn.rend >ftemtereyhin "Ify,«reall have any enrioity to seelHad 1 been chaoen hbylch a godike may not now be brought up in testi-deed wefllnemithai and-iee ypoire t wding JaksonEtHer. d la bes ftetui"N n anal Itrstyo wllno witfobkit prde a tinArthu,el thike col nrgi nst you.r b e nch for booty in the houseoCcu- Hill, whom she did not love, Lucy M. UpTIann l h priuasQenr d&e baD. Why anot ride over this after-.hv prcae h o l orqie The utmost careis ta ken ln the study oUpeoonn ilp edt h n us fMton a eetd he asW lemin dainte pit lar nkt pay sw ip«a befoire dinner? Your broithe, I have is love with falmeess" andregistration of these documents; Pied byNo hichnd islose d ttiBuh urer f thewedng. Shcee haseeuable he conor'debts. Pith eslt wingthat ge M denb. Win accompany us." I beg your pardon, I ought toaeevr uinmsavevehiasprt. resftigation, wnhe nkesofthe uder.ad tend an aceofher huïbeau nd. Miera volet sene tk place btweeingthern F Mss aMPLnitâtooedtatber mother lin remembered; but for the moment I did eeyfrinretrngoDevnd M $m0itthis suppeofedthe dmur. Bushnis20 y taearsofl.ie met 11 our wichlended'nIInry rusheng wta t' Fp. Ï siUIW nterrogative manner, and Mrs.not think of her falsenessI. 1only recal- cutyms aeit o.Wehrn-man was $40Dotoihad the m)onlteyurbu mothsago.0wen ol. he a baea e emnyadWlhliaben aeni "Cerainy, y loe, f yu pesuaecog."t rycouty avew itutthedoeeet t eivngte athwaes. a I e d hr attnionsand he elgamBenaosim b reque s r hutnmblng agreetable, the horses ing. And as he watched her, lhe thought submItted to the local police; wheuyos >- rail Asasinte.gyoe ad airn etwreepn hiag.an xousr, toprsere apeanes trSe. wee rerdround, and Miss Champion that of all the womenlhe lhadt ever known, leave that town the Police musot ladorse Ed Trssttin gntatI ydfrd eroi, Mah., n bte Wa bah. oct. 2»last. Soincethisreturn to IIlland en' o leaft the rom to equip. cuxne ad such a sweet grâce of Wisomn-,the passport with their sanction- te, the ilwas shoandklldion e sitt efrDtotini hs ilcame tolMt toeonon a vist. He ry haqt.Snt een rur to ibe place whergaaso tehi"si e D'l esa hsoe eroeadel i ore. h ytmgv*teauhr-wsnatadklldwlI itn nbi ii ol u ato o ii.ler a ntl iPIc-we i am especting au Index of visitors to the dlo the temptation- tien the firmest hld cover the peopWe; btre Aloadbeng fie thrugh th edi afsed, sBhushhe didim So r notqee s. lMan 1mta btehim-c The"Prdn I ItrsostMsories bthtnd b thatdthonhth thef Princec as hodd otllv-Con hesureort t h PineCa.ç br bi andI hal egofyor hait "aronmylaruio. is Ere Iand Wise is the stranger who coLmpiles dowr, killing Travis instantly. An hour, Two days later they went driving and in.onsideýrate nandthat Iisuarrel with CI emuenand help me to entertain themt. have detained you already too long." careftully with every part of the enaak Ilprevious Travis is said to have had somte, e.he amrrms by the uise (of mienmeric passet, Queen Wilhelmina, which only the inter- ta amir Øsytsfandady tzGraceFrutihafrtanderrlHatirnhldt ishalnd Ity.--Chambers' Journal. difficulty with a coal miner, and he is she was hypnotir.ed and they drove ttovention of the Ikowager QenXm pQmnseenol Emma adRtGn o lse ifr oetW, upec abaedn h sotn. Caletnadwr naT» yDr npoellplWle has promised to play hostess for the o- a strong. passionate lsp, looking ioe DREADS FIRST INHALATION. Brief statu Happening% (sonP a.thee tds t-ec he deser-ted Volsdaegbatnalleesth. The cupedareCi -wM cm'up fromn Hertfordshire. Mr. brought thehiod rushing to er face. a consente Vias by ri.Et . pital A bold alog Ctyttrempakinap Mliss Harlle osare dvted licto h nen r a m n . LR iv S Erg a nd l iario n t n a d T e r n e h e u r n e l w y , a d o oe n t b a c k. " S o m e t im ep lesr eIn wwo n d e re Clyr,,a nn getgT h epet tl , JM Mm esi vMl *K ind ye yio nf o r eman dnia tlat hee tC r a n lBw lt ha n b e aubo cif ul" d d aat hh tert . o f bJ . aW .m oc o m ing& P m o relala ndw hm ore e va la r m edh e b y b f a ber ieceand several bachelor friends, to his phaeton, her eyes looking dreamily "oele 1wnd rsaeget am,. c in waYcruhedthe Cah a e, tehantiuld t tof E.lW.soriesoeand ho r teyparove te,.th& er -im saflltnd asome asisftanein ml into the distance. Her revere was dl.sokers have the samne symptoms & a Pekin byite. fallig fate dritver Beare, a wealty maerhe g t illeft popl re pepareud to wrePakvtetuindthe p norel part of host." verted by seeing a Young farmer, Mr. myself," said a rallher robust Young hamer. McKhe aineyfwas poinent in Grove.ws re.enth e.Tor frheleterntoneauepnte Prne o eCot tgPr "When is the ball to fate place?' in- Tom Fenner,santering lisurely downo man, according to the Phoiladelphiahe oalMcine oniio n irhnet o ah ck awaye and hera" t oASuotSTrM-SWEonfr. ti ,quired Mrs.Champion. the rond, itting ogf the tape of the grams Becord. 1"1 put off the lighting of My Ae al Mis on foot for the construction obd aed i asCOanTalleyway where a t "I hardllytClkpir 1am justified in digi- viciously with his stick. She bhad e MMroi ciaretteto a&s."ate n our in the ofdanelectricflineffrmthic-ao t o b l in d I)s spruang outand therew evGlsandHg Be n t "fingmyairgat ering by theuname of a haim pain before, when %she lwasatalkng dey as possible; ofteait lla eveninge-o be-tr ln ri hcgot i-mwi iguieprn n n irwaHuyGla-li lg - hl bn u eo einieeeyoerud rt r atns adhepeec n waukee entirely independent of the reads Ilvtecloth over Miss Beare's head, and, Atlantic semboard. I hll; but I miesAntinv titeveryoeiloun withbr. Hsincanedehisresenean- fore1Ibegin to smokie. And this I do now operating atvarious points betweeýn grsg er arolund the waist, forcibly Hundreds. of, thousandqset o ea very ue u ftweev mi e;an , ds t pthssu hne adher t. H amee&lierautey in atbecause 1 dread. the day's first Inhala- the two cities. ']lhesuirvCy was beguin at ridhrdw h le a.8ewrho aaewsdn yaAeau rery iet tay ime o the er, I d otab thgre. atadw eupt l r ion. Fer that intrductory wiff, go the end of the St. Paul "suat Evans'screamedilandibegged to be released, say- storm that swept the Alantic sebard B J oul intedgl ing fu asenticed. sheG oafternoon. Mien Eyre,"' he said, Ing down lnte my lungao, gives hie an ton and continued tu rosePoint, ing she had] no money, but the man fromn Maine to the Virg iicof a.s y g "That will be quite enough," Mrs putting out his greatt coarse hand to her. instant sand.unbearable senstion of un- whence the line switchedl to a point ten said: ">ever mind the money, we will get mormingTe mL"sonIsam and e W Obampion agreed; *"no one thinks or giv- I,suppose I may come in now you are happiness and of weaknsealmost of mles west of. th eorthwest r airoad t hat inter." Just as ins eanre wass lars-roeythe hor itgslanwd aneverythPriinngcunr jti ii inagd'cnpié Si psl vabtl tcotnelnu nasrigtIi la lt>ueosilseu asry esy bteIlc s»svu vrtig lerSyear, and a ball vwifl be quite a boocn Winifred was comspelled te give him her i orbewiei ataddyatracross private prope-rty util Waukegam chanced to hear her stitled screamls and near te bach er e wt York-'eteYug mill- fes OTbnsreya icaedbrCa i a orbewiefitnn n ayalrIa ee ure ute ecendfud h i-lgs n otbue- XwYr i i I h chafed ilhmâtthaenhisr wasfreached.II4 The entrance there i-made oris oth1ece-n oudte n aesadbothu met i mt wlbeaà garop esy y."oursn, shenry touch should b uh o the daY i utb nue eoeIgttoscuore ceeetionswith the Elgin. conscion forai of the girl, who later ionaires were partially wrecke by the d "I hope soe' Raid Mr. Hastings. "I an- tenderclap of Mr. Hastings' lithe fi*- properly, »sCits.speak, italcMy Bmoking Joliet aud Eastern helt line. Leaving toddbee story. Miss Beýare, who in 19 wavesg, bouts and piersa.nd th ie whole w aur e yu 1 salltspare no pains to make, ers. harness- Waukegan, the route lies two umiles wesm yar od.wast bontouedt s-ord"ea aritw Flt&hcamefinell" uetrlkig *Crail e ycm n" ashan "Another thing 1 suffer fromtsla acold of the Northawstern aT] the %wa y ito Mil- ciety at St. Louis sonon, and it is suppo- front of Long Island was a rewn iht a v i h n c m e in at eth is j u ctu re, looin g i s ered, o ld ly ; " ye n m g h a e d oue sa P e rsp ira tio n o f th e p a lm s o f D m y a n d& , W atu k ee , K e o sh a a n d I a i e un ta" 119 d e r a b d n to r s w e re S . L o u is cro kn , w reck ag, u c h a s h a s n t be e n s een t e r e I herythandsome I haer efety -itigwen You pleased before. 1 was not par- aurign that I am exceeding my touched. who, expected a large ransomt. for yearsm datht ha,Idthyal ale a f h tienlarly engaged." tempeerate allowance of eight cigarettes Bert Brown, the 14-ea-oh sn f Two young couple. of Miorrio were ab. Traffic was suspended on raitroea boat windowto th horss whih wer wait "Oh' you id se me, hen? thouht daly. Rrlan rownifrHickryetonfhiprwas entefomdthir hoesnfor day ender-hrurnarthe sore, ndheetagesrtde- are islb f rould bu testib1& Jy two deer aes date; butpepe easona are stdàe News. er York le net vraa » It. On the cenotrary New York eneluoudgt Pres Pres.,, the time lt thé, be ae-Amnedrebn d0" 00, aud Itlis beliefed voh eftrande h bu* .it Free Press, Missouri, lminister lu 1 'e hing * W eees le do." SeMs ministeuthareb » et the panrtul deek-talled heroEs Re the tu..ee f etting au the WblIo ~el unnecescary. Good fer3% S Timeet rhen we felect that a the m ,r. ew be p iae licme, 'tand his- batred of oaie SNews. lereofore the costof0m1 e .8 Was aillthat hd'ty dered. Wthe expens1 naain, lutte an iten-Le0i, lm* ieeble fact that good Oemefld .t é. This, indJtself, is the bestarge- at n favor ofwma,1rae4 rk News; akful that before heame >or benigted, heathn Ct pds Ptess wabrs a Chicago editorwhgaehi e-sense replý to the query a-e oWha besa e notc. Mr.* ever «Y rd of it.-Buffailo'I1ase Iresidentroeeet m.e M dé' red a do~torof lawi- by Teks 0806g». adegree in thi-case le nBt the recipient cea.- re h e d14" ma.-Pittsberg Dispa e. laétforms are not unch afWý s ne think. They shift as e«"M timenit shift, &nd itlila a wise m& that sMitse provaptly 0" -Birmingham Alge-Ham,& rhe Miehigan woman hwlbe u"e eCanadisanfalla now saire-as W«-* > te. attempit the perilous enpoggfflti. ýcan ýreet aured that @bu is-not:àken Surgeons are doing wonderf tblhigs, France they havesppida ten th an artificial larynx whiegoter 'l fatigneý What a ch==ng for the* Mmge Capalen orato-Bte.ob Edward bhas- acauser in.,hW -thÜRat ijn thi" morning. Mie* ffStei-ga ve. President RooSeeitaiM:ur pnate ose citizens of Ibez, Cois.hohorse hipped a citizen beeane he badl cou- cted th&. habit of whipping his, wife. rice a month will be forde,m')iano" olis Times. Whe»n the ecurtain wemn.t .fabeet seeventh recall on "UndSero thers ies" W. A. Brady waï, caSUtissin w ife, GraceGeorge, and mére s a, ýw stampede of app anes' m a a t for enterprisingma The "ePasy mark*"' of this e9snay aà sponsible for the prevaleMesoif tý indling business in aill &Its&Mse. A -rheuC ompany of nama04 n ntho- anklin.syndiata Pla n ha1.834M leared p$1i,000,000 and disa lppeONk gale6 ýew, . A young colored womnan in. Wdenge ed to stop a duel between.two of09 mirers, like Mistress "Ce l"e o.tt!s novel, but stopped two.hullets na.d. The incident in re4silites m» e' ereolored than in the noUel.--Bt. Paul, )ispatch. It takes a lively municipal campaign.tO. ing out the wickediness 0Of ut lt ties, New York and Pbàn$pld& 000 -.be several lengtbhué aodet OWWMand ;oorrah in general. vanabM"O# an ýhicago has Babyonm besa, to.a. 8stand, till.-Cleveland PFI" Deaf . On Thursay a womanmi& taken to. ellevuie hospital, in New Ted Cty, su't aring. fromt starv.&a1à whab barcIld ondered insane inosa ennen ad w&anIL was sent tuo RanasIlad. Yet * pratie about the twentlth esatif Chn* ý tinnity and ci.vilisation!-19u" Time k it cst Mr. Riabard Mensa•Ms the le- eir, $-&5 to klck on eofthe0supers we ame betwixt the wind ensimobiliy- t ossnothing te go bfeCe l.eu£ n»d insult ai& audience la a ap'oieh. Wa dvise Mr. It Mansdeld to stick toel pec-mkngad et the elsiplesp go.--New Yoak Evening 1M.' The precedilent f wift, 3@0êm ustice set by autalo lnt f e asassn -9wlill C l followed by the toweur courtutlless as denved in the County CoM siFeda when, in the case Of a bCrgigfo je was selecte and the prisoner feedgn ty in 32 mninutes. The thlleWOOu hav >een shorter had 0neofth inee not bees. a woman.BfflMLNa WYhen divorced womeh are je teeJOy that they kiss their lawyer*1à try t kiss the judge lit je time for Zïgwoa en to try to be careful in thébe Uon a a husb and. It ls better tocheod mal' than to lbe kissing lwyrs ges the gladness of rlae rn rrias that never should haesben L4 . Lcu, Plost-Dispatch. A Wisconsin hunter lived long enous osig;n a statement exonettt the m'a that mlistook him for a rabbit, In tin no, buntinig equipment will baefonside mens*! bloatia $atm0 and m Persa have Y4 from b dem'- Baker's trade-n are M tree t Walter Blasa. Mrs. SMr. ] a ent a was he that is gating remedy, The s Mn1