Ur. flerboe4biOet f Eghigusbore Mr. John Goldiug 'ran*ctd bout. nuaslu Chicago lionday. ,The Ladies Aid Socisy tmet with lits. iRoberts a lt veek. lir. E. Gilbett ia ouvalescing froni a sovere sitack of Malaria. Mrt. Henry PFeUe, of Wiutield, Ill., visited i moter uuday. Ur ltre GoWdng la apouding tihe voal vitb hie parents tbore. 1ev. asud lre. Lapbarn epeut a fev days ln Chicago and Elgin, tbis woek. Mrt. Orlon Rnbbard, of Chicago, apent ihauksgivIng bote vîîh i. parents. Mr, and lire. Fitch and W 1111e Eug. land, of Orsyaieke, wveocallers be Thursday. lin. Jos. (lyncli vent to Chicago lt veek te tUtt a suitablo residence te move into. l'ie ofarily viii folov sbortly.1 Tbe Ladies Aid Society are prepar. Ing for e bazaar 10 ho given about the middle of t Dec. Donations tbarekfuily recolvei. t)neofo!the featurea of lte bazaer wviii ho a temombranco table, andi former meebess andi nid friauds'- of the obrck anti eociety, visahave moveti avay a e invited Itrougis these comumua ta couttibute some ittie article for Ibis table. ýA N4dAqI$IL W1iIgh W"5 diarbc. . dto.1 dmeno . ~Io Choierm and twthooa Remady. vtI d.d sud It cured me mound andwvolt. . O. lisss mbreevllje. P&S old hy Y. rvleTIV1OG1aYaLAKPEAjt- F. BAIRSTOW. MANUFACTURER CF Marble AND Granite MO NUM EN TS. EVIMT DESCRIPTION. Corre.,p ononce 8Bollîltod. lit 44ENESUE ST W AU KEG(AN I LL. *STOVES RANGES + Aw-fneI .dlo *esovr + + + StewartsyAcoms, Ilwls inod Cin+ fi . avethofu I sud and c mlote Ue Sctov........d . 4 7 fi Rngsevrs ov r ou. W3e00bou.........em ....atly g thec*aosesiSi pr0e-and..a.. ave..........on2ago tbbig b90l. SteveOUe. $ 3 o. ...... 30 el Oot Ce$ 3 .I..s..l. h hZ mo'r.20 uperweScHANC...BROS..,1'0 r u Liberbyv13le, 60linol3.50 BoyenscspaZrZScto .........100 Lais gloves ss 0d mut.........I173 duckcen a oarah es Ic 00... ... 152 Toiteeboots sud rv3creo I....te.3100 hlhmen'sdr wear loo to.......220 e Boy...nde.....r.....t............i25 Ohildrn's ndr ...i5 1...... ..... ........................5 23 A FUJLL LINE 0F_______ Reliable Groceries, 'Dried Fruits, Canned Goods, Pure Buckwheat Flour, Fancy Table Syrup. Cranberries, Dates, Figs, Oranges, Etc. V. SAUER ~& SON, Long Grove -- Ililinois.1 COAL D. L. & W. is the Best. We i~ axîidie tth e;t t and e%,er'uîtrodiicedl iii Libertyville, vz: the -D. L. & W. Brantd. Order yoiîr wite rl sliîpply of us îîow. The Irice will uvuîîely advaiice as wiuter draws iîear. WRIGHT BROS, f~tville - - lilinois. I ~ivaith l4tgiri., Xisa I-ma Grabhe ie quise ti. Howard Beach vasbonis Saturday sud Bunday.' James Van Plew, of Chicago, spent Sunday, bote. Umse reteubeck in couflued 10 &b. bouse villes bad cold. Chsriey rgaard vas la ChIicagt, sevetel daya last veek. There viii be e crokinole party la lté WoodmauRHall, to.night. lits. Dean ia in Palatine, cslied tise by lte serions Mluase0f a relative. The recent a1nç helped te partially MIi some of tbe aisterna-, but the vWlas are alill ernpty. The annusi oleurch meeting of tbe Oougtegatlouai cbutch wili bo beld Baturday, Dec. 7th. Chritian Endeavor topic for nont Bunday oveansn: -"Objidren of <3o." lire. Fred (itabbe, leader'. /Among our *.avsy from homes" vto viii be bors on Tlienksgiviug ate: Mise Barrie& Braireerd sud Tbéodore Docer. John Van Plev viil ot ho bomne froniBoioit dutiug tbe Tbankagtving vacation. We regret Ibis as vo Ilire 10 ses John se otten sas possible. lits. Arthsur Payne bas anccoeluily passodt though an opration lu s Cbf. cago bospitel. Every fMaure of ber eas pointe te a apeedy tecovei'y. A nuinher of niotuinge dntiug the pat monts, the tovu bau been envoi. oped In a thick cioud of ernoke vbicb cornes from the buning "eeg11near Hsinesviiie. 11ev. Alexanider occupieti the puipit ln thse Congregational Churcis, lest Buuday. The mattot of permanently ongaging a pastor bas flot yet boon detiniteiy atrangeti. SOHOOL NOTEN. Thse flth grade là readiug Evsuge- line. Vacation Tbnraday and Friday of Mats Wismet la ont Ôf acbacl on sc- count of a vory bâd coid. Titere was a Tbankegivisg progtom tendoted Weduesday arternoon. Remensbet, ouiy iabout onue montb more before theMaintn banquet. There vili be Bomne "sbdoviug,, proooodiugs nît Tnestay eveuing. SCHOOL NOTES. Visitors are alwaya volcomo. The médical vriting @y stemn hu boon adopted. A ciaes in bookzeeopiug bas becu organizod. Msadames J. .1. hanse sud Frank Thomas veto tecont viitots. Frank Wirtz, JobhnItonse sud Mid roeabool vÙ n Uable 8teach ber anale clause s Iiso vasion se- couRt o01iiftess. C0141 @! Oe'Boom! Boomi Bah! Gtayak-U4vmjhoe, 1Rahi Bah! it5e RalI7 reS tTburaday uigbt. Opel Saisis, Mottât Foakot, LOIa Smith aud Berthe iuebler have been PtomOted to the firth, grade; LitaIs Kuehîsi bas beau promoted 10 the f ourth. BeDl. B. Millet, of Libertyvilis, sud B. W. Cburchill, of Cicago, both formerj-escbers bote, bave slguiild their desre to loin th. Alumni sud expecSt t attend the banquet. Thuns ofâces vote eisctsd the lest meeset o'the tilflaClub: Preai- dont, Roth Wells; 'fine Pras., Andrev DoCker; Bec«, Daiay Van Plsv: Trosu., Hftry Poakot. They viii 'serve for tvo meonthe. A goreeral meeting of aIl the Alumni banquet ecommttees vii hobeiad in the scbooi bouse Thuraday evsnng. Dec. Stb. Éveu'y siember abouid on. deavor 10 be preaent, as there ie a great detelo! important business 10 corne up., The soveutb grade did not enjoy its lest apelliig test. Tbey sbould ha bc oonsoisd by the tact th11 98 ont 0f 132 Nortbveateru University Froah. mon f51104 in a recont spollJug ex. amination, consisting chiefly ithe spelling of'common, evsry.day arda. On account of the, ba. condition or tise roada, the sbadov social, vbicis vas te bhava been given bt tbe Grays- leke and Ivanboe schools conibihad, Tuesday oeonug, vas poatpouod te Tueaday evenug, Dec. 3. Every propatationis abeleg made 1 malsketise eveuing a notable one in local social 1blstery. The social viii hoba ld et the*home o!Angust Wittz. A pitgrere vili bc one o! the featurea of the aven. ing; Ibis viii ho iergaly musical. Thora viii ho nov featurea tbrougbous ttheevonin)g's amusements. Urayalaeo la comaiug «"argoly," lote sbov thom e large ctowd of f vauhoeites. Mellable and Gentle. are V go antiPi18.lle.oute ant a Il wbie le orai ..thorousil a relis. n h. b DeiIIs 5Uttie le "ie i h Putois' vogt.abie. 1Donot formebut &"ltt tise boWis 10set. Strongtbsuasd Invigor. Ste Stailsudeas teik. For sale br HALF DAY 0 lir.hKnd@ a iii andi urdet Dr. Tay- lots@ Cars Chas. Fot bas gens te Chicago to aind empicymeut. We nnderatand thal vedding bousa viii ring iu aur 11111e tovrte bseek. Etnest tichroeder le iu the ernploy Of the lllinafs Central taiiroad, lu Cbicago. -alf AMes..... wee enrol,,scu tg eoE. 1liranti lits. H. loson sud The stan vwindovs have been ad- dangbter Helen vote Chicago viaitote justeti anti voareuoDoratjy for wintet. Baturday. idembets o! thse uintb grade viii reati Tise Merebent ao! Vonice nehi veek.9 lir. Bartiet ttendedth ie instituts st Wanleganý FrIday, sa tisere vas uto achool bore Usai day. Aucieul Greece tg tbe preseut mub. itse. 3Mary Behuet bas gong 1 tova Jed 0f @tudy ln trO egonoti itsry 10 viil ber Parents anti other rois- cata. tives tli suer the holiitaya. Some limoeibas beeti occupteti lu Mot o! the matrous o! this vicilly COrnpoeIion vrltiug during lthe past viii ontertain on Tbanksgiving Day, fev veels. or they vitb Useit familes viii dine The vindovs vere talon out anti cloanoti lest Batnrtiay ana pJ)tnent a better appeatance. Tise elghtb graeLU bas btiork lu aigebra for anppieentary vark lo arithmetic dnring tbe past ver k. As poor ePelling la flot coneidereti a igu o! genine-, occaional exeteises in Orlbograpby are leatueti sud reie % Au ativanceti nagsalu civii govoru- nient bas beau orgauizeti. Youug,@ Gavetumeut Clansa Baok lethe bort useti. Aul grades are Instructot Iin vocal mugic anti are rapitiiy progresslng under lise able Instruction of Mises Bredaebael. The compileeset of Papil. hReading Cîrele books for 1901-2 have been te- cal ved sud the Inteteal In goodliltera- ture bas been nevived. The stanedigs, thtoufbouithtie de- partments, vhicb ste thé reanîla of the thitti mothle examinalions vets as a vhole up te the averae. No acboëi Tbuljday anti FTlday- Tbsukegbving 'brbosdy andti the $eacher@ are lu ateudance at the teachotaà' iretitute lu Waukegan, Nov. 29th aud lOtis. Those vbo took part in the iitetarv ProgTrani sat Weduesday aflerucon vee: Barryr Meyer, Hermon Zeteen, Boeaste cride, Eva Grover, Ether Beeateveiiet. Thoue vho toI partilu the theterical exorcises on Wsdakeday siteroon are: Justin Bilus, Lyla iorrio, Edwvin 0ook, George Latop, John Rone, Resmau Litebfioli, RBarry Rouse, John Holcomis, John Whbitney, Leroy l<utgge anti severai othera. Ont scisool la vol ttendod tbis year anc mes&est& are neadadtie10 mc cornodate il. As theoacisool board believes Ire etvanemoul sud trives teoànpply the achool vltb thoe Ibtags vhleh tend lovard the popila educa- lion, tbe Prlmary rooni VIII ho suPPiiet i vtbse, and more @ase vîilhocplace Iin te veat routa. We al are goatef ni for the improvemeul, for vo roaize it ig one ve coid net aupply. We hlieve aiso Ibat lise PuPià viii ubov their approciation by their efforts la kesp the seat.un- scarroti. out. W. Bebnlet's broken armiasl gettiug along uiceiy, sud tire. Bcbuiet's spraineti vriat lsaea gettIug sttonger. lit. Bartiott anti echolars, vuus tise 11011p Of ise comrnnuily, are planning te bavesa Christmas tree. Lot every- one assiat and pleasée tise chiltiren. Lester Movex's aud danghter liary $peut several tdeys 01 lest veel v>8Ritý Ing hie stater, Mir@. Caoreangh, ln Evausten. Mir. liOvera' deugbîer Aile* la 111 at the home o!1lits. Cavansugit. Last Thurediy oceurreti the mat- t'lage O! Miss Mamie Tnîiy anti li. Chas. Alhtscht et the home O! lb. bride& aister, lit. Everett mason. Justice Quentine performeti the ce- mony. Tbe happy couple vilI occupy the BRIley bouse. We exteuti con- gratuietions. . 1 CapI. Johnson ol bhis sou Water bock to, the asylqim ai Elgin leut Thnrsday. Joeph Churchill accom. pareet Mr. Johnaon. Altet Walter te- lurned home about Ivo Muntha ago he seemed Wteho Va«7 mucb Improved menlally. but rsoastly ho beceme very violent and itWVasthonght haut te, ta"e hlm »ak te lbs asyluni. capt. Jobusnonsud vifs bave the syrnpsthy O! the commuzi l i tsei r trouble. Frank Boroadat vas teken tu the Weaioyan Icepitai la Chicago lut Monday. Ris hicther, J. 0. Scbroedsr and Dr. Taylor cared for hlm oun1e jouruoy. Nisvweas ago lest Bunday bis lunes-cep. vas inJUtoi, sud for a time ho seemiaîto 0ha lmproving vsry uicely, but for the lut tvo veekg ho hbanfted terribla 'PaineantI&ilwva thougbt boutt t ksILahlm tte is ho piailitM. Bcbteedma'smeny friandse eixscrsly hope te acon haet that ho le Improvlng. Steppeti on e Te Penny Nail. The littie daaer of lMt. J. N. Povwei upeul on au n ci r ae matie o en penny nals sd 1matone usilsenUroi,' tbrnoe be fot ndaseutéol v y pain tu lio aUI mntCheerlt Pra ngf,,D Doapiru ulln ore soirin vas exî,enéfieua. r yira athse Il vas verna beohit as ansd vlt sbÎ1lutIly neoicasFct Wm~ eil las a voEluv moaret t klâd. injuries ithout mautntsucssd u e-ird wrm;ds udrelatives in Chicago lbst Mrers WnM. Lorenzo end lieur Brsnding vote Bartingion visitera 1lui saturday. Mrt. Job n 0. Kobl vent to Frankfort, lU., LaIt NtIday te visit vitb hie motif. or à 1ev dsys. Go0d sveet oranges et £mil Frankla.. Tihe echool entertaiunsntles" Bt- urd&Y vws veli atteuded. About Sen dollarsvs. clestf. The dedication ot the ".kg zurich Ivsngeiioel parsonage viiitaes place ucît Suuday. Ji# vSe rvices, forenoon et 10 oclock sMd efteruocu et 2:30 oclock. -RON DO UT. Betty iBradley ia ou the selkiht. Pat'k Bradley ls otectiug, a nov carniage abhed. Reporta Sre that Dan Consay sud bis niothet are 10 movo 10 NorthbChi- cago. 1 The muchb needed tain came et lest snd many nf ont fermera bave starteti thoir feul ploving. James Doyle bas Innber on the gronud feta nov hbarn. Thatsa right Jirn, burry np sud gîve us a gond dance. lita. James Bradley aud dsngbter Orace, spent s ev dey@ lu Chicago les , veel, visiting lits. Thom Carolare. Th. tiraI 0f tbe serlea of ERcei parties for the henefit ofOSt. PaUSrio'. chureh vill ho hald et Patrick Brad- lors reant Wednedy night, Dec. 4tb. Ail areivited. John Lancaster anti vile ara 1010<. on a trip Io Caiotulst#his vinter. We ailtvlsb tem good lmck sud bope they viii returu and telaunus&Il o! lb. voutiortul thinge tbey s"v. DIAMOND LAKE. The ]ade. of the Diamond Luxe Cemegesy Association viii mest ivh lit.. Tovuer, Thnxatisy, Dec. 6. 1901, ai i p. m. Ail membots are invlted. LEITHTON. lises Pouite n la lking a vacation. George Dyet le vos'kiug fot William Noeyer$. Furmets atouud haro are thtongb shtedding corn. James Woodman, cf Waukegau, vas &sen ou ont tresta BatuLrday. litasAdole Kircboff apaet Satnday aud Suuday at bot home in Chicago. lies Ida Krucsemàai alovly r.. coveriug Itoni ber long sioge o! Sica. ne@@. lir. aud lira. William Davison, vho have been speudiug sovetal vecîs vith thete eon Frank, dovo et Cempton, lit., rturet home Frlday. EVERETT. lit. Win. liKeongh la voty 111 vitb pneumonieaI b is home lu Chicago. James OConor aud John CaroUln bad theur corn abretide tieisvent: and bath report e Tory flue etop. The firaI o! a sorties of suchre partie e for lte henehl o! the cbnrcb vilii h given hy Misses Grace end liayme Braffioy on Wedueatiay eveuiug Dec. Ils. AIl go as s gond lime ilaesenreti. Admission 25 cente. An UrekreOv man vas founti deati on the raifreati truck hotveeu Itoudout sud Evosrett. by a train crov ou Thurs- day, Nov. 2i99. Tise hody vas bougbt go Evetett, visore an inquest vas hold by Coroner Taylor on Thurstiey night. Tfise body vas very badiy mutilat«et eudti hIn supposeti thst a nunnber o! trains passeti ,ver il. Nthiug visat. evet vas rond ontlite body I>y vbich t rigbt ho Identifloti. QIJENTINS CORNERS. MissTiiiie Queutin visileti at home lest Sunutay. Out pointer, P. Young, in doiug s ruabiug business lu bis uine o! vork. Fred Roigge sud vire c&lled ou Lake Zurich relatives aud trîesulet veek. Davidi Hans ant i vie caliod ou rela- tivesud friande et Lake Z urich luti unuday. Chas. Sturm bas beau hreying iivs stock for tbe Chicago market. Charle lasa gteal bustier. Kart (Jade bas bongtbist iesecond bronco anud carnage. Bee sys Sec got a greal bargain ou the deal at tise Ume. Out sciscol toucher vas at Wanke. gsu this veek-,att.niing the.toacher@' Inssîltute anti gettiug nov melbodaiIn tescbiug. Botu, 1o Daniel Bturmi anti vifo, tecentiy, a pair o! ivins--gon sud daugbbor; ail are doing uiceiy. Nov, Dan, psu 'round tb. digara. Quitle a reumber of ont people are getthIg ont 0of vater, on oceount o! the long dry spoli. Bonis vslse are dry nov that navet !silsd hefore. Fortheb. oiidays the C. M. & St. P. trl wd iii i ll tickets te aIl pointa vilhiu 900 miles for one fare sud oqs- third for the round trip. Dates o! saie Dec. 24-25-Si sud Jeu. 1. 1902. R1e. tuning gond urtil Jan. 2. No excur- siou sae for leue thon S$1.00. Aatoumding Discovery. Prom Cooperaville, îlot.. c o mes yard of a voudet!ul dîaeovery f oîvau attn liquiti tta ibten usoibof ors Uetrinsa Y u oua ttoubied vith a bud eouch ulare enauresea ac nigitIs moet, Il viiisonu cura ber toc, vil lits. B. Rimel- humer, *ft or onersLtlone IontOu famls' bave u.ad Pr. Kne@ Nov Discoves'yfor Lou miln d neyeirofund lu teusi for oe ansd eolda.' t'a suan rtivalir1e- vhouused fordsspratslunesdisey. free. eU EÂMAT LONG GROVIE. Mrt.and lira. fred Meyer are the happy parenta o! a baby boy.1 One nightlalst veel, caveral doge kil1ed a sbosp ovned îy lir. Ttoat. L. Keller sved the vood ai tbec Long Orovs aehooi-house lest veek. Itl latumored that. lit. Reimars Iraitias lire cal!&telon Irom isi.barnre reetly. lir. Bobrriogbanoen, vho bus rented lb. Gossveilloe fsrm, puzchasod a hnrae o! Mr. BraIt oeuy. Mir. Johnson. ont batbet sud chick- sn-rainar moved bis bsn-bouse te Ravinia On.eday laut vok. Ho lu- tend@ te movo there bimasif miant the firit 0f Jinuary. To th. Publie. Allow me tq sets Tev vords lu pratsaeta Chamberlain sa (ton g b hlenied. I1e0u regomunend it vîtisme dm00 conotience. It bsdons goodw ork for nia andti viiido1 tite saeafor otitata. itati s veryoveret angi sd cold sud 1teWedeiivnt e n m lbot after tainste secnd donseof outeul my noitiandi tise pune lu ml oehe diss<speared entIrely. i amn most respect- louirs' retafor beaitis Rseu. B Kuvas etTtrY-aevelb t, ba 8 s Wh s.tî y; uev.JOE nM .lysaho. DEERPIELD lit. anti lita Entier are roomlug at Chtist. Antes.' lins Joie Waa.lmao hau relurneti ta bier homoeire La Orange. Tbe singing ciesa viii meet etaite homo of lia s uie Petitis. Frauk Led vaàs preseutoti vltb e tiue nov baby, hotn Ibie veek. lirs. 0. h. Royt bas returueti from a visît vitis frIeuds ln Waukegan. Citas. Moble canie ram Cbtcagot Balurtiay t0 viait bis family lbortý Tisere vas a famlly gatboring, ast nsua], 5a i ra. Tatitis borne Tisouls"à glvlng day. lits Cherles Parsons. forrnerlv a teitieut osf Deetiieli dicti lest Buuday afteruoon et bor late borne lu Colorado Springa, Colorado. Tise tapie for tire Christian Eu. deavor meeting Bunntay las Cbisltren of 004:" Rom. S, i4 17.;ire. 1'. L. Jargeuson, leader. Mir. Entier bas tbree men cnttlttg1 loge tu bisl Woodo, vltb the expecla- tion of lusviug a portable sav.rnil hors te eut Innihot for bie bouse anti ban. Suuday motuing occuarred the doatb o! Mira. Almond Vedder. Tise funerai services vote belti Tuesdey afteruoou ai the home, 11ev. 0. L. Wreuu, of Highland Park, ofilciating. Mes-a dames Warren and Greeu, alon o! Highland Park, sang several boantiful hymue. G LEN VIE W Hienry MeIzer, o! Devey, Iowa, bias beeu borne on a short visit. litsud lira. Painigreen annonuce1 the hirthg9!a 11111e boy. Alilconcerued 1 are doing veli. lira. Henry Apployard ban beent suferiug severeiy froni su ti n ry bc receivoti by sbopplug on a uaii. a Umstoienitlz, wbo bas beon ataylug vitb ber sialer, lits. C. D. Bugen, bas returuedta li er borne et Harvey, Ill. Dr.BaSentis obeel from a Ivo veeks visit at bie nid homo In Kentucky, gîthongishohe arti agood substitute, thete Io no one vbo eau flliithe doctotse place quite go veii as ho bime- self. W. E. Anderson sold hie bougsunt lot sud bas moved Inte Chicago. Nidk ier, the putobuse, Is iaviug a voii drilleti andth ie place Improved. Philip LaCiaire la mnving loto the bouge. lits. John Deariove died ai ber borne gunday moruing, Nov. 17lb. lits. Dearlove bildbeu aickfor months, but o! labo aeemed tu ho improving. Bhe vs utuied Tuesday eitetuoou ut the West Notthfield cenietery, 11ev.j J. L. (lnnninggini offtcitiug. 7h. FourttbAnnual Bazsar giron by1 ths Ladies' society 01 the Congrega" tioreai cbnrcb vas beid at Dilgs bell, Tburaday eveuiug O! luti veel, sud ptoved &ho mont auceutf nibeaneaover1 held thora. A large crovd attended sud aIl taport a good lie. About $120ovas reeulmed.11 PA LATIN E. Bort Mrlitsud lirq. Rorumn ar. moning, a daugbter. Nov. 2P~.. B. Snydev, vho vW*$iilbhes'41.7 o! M. Riebjnond, basd loTftor Fi ou2 account o! !siliig beaul. lisrried. Tbnrsday, Nov. âlaI, li"a Ida Thies, o! Pluni Grove, tealir. Rrnsst Weiseeann. congratulations extended. mi" Aima Vois vas very ISuM ahsr- prisetiby a party of ber young "ads 01 Palatineansd sàreunibsifros Chi. cago Tbnrsday eveaing, Nov, las. The Cbildress's Frieg&4 Ynu'll bavesa coldtis a intrer. have one nov. Vour eblidra iiao For caa. ecup. itroneht. vinteromplatnts one Maul es noerfeuls, sd stsreit 1e leesul t t tesan te went tc sti u en B. eoe nWlheter asatusg Wrilsof Mrt. StokeY snd famuly have moved an Chah. eAlbtgbts a trz. lire. H. Knopp anti gon George Chiicago visitors Ftiday sud saturday. Wlll and John Rabu, o!1 ayvccd, caliedotan relatives and frtids bers Snnday. Miss liunuah Rtttae, cof Noithilt, @eut 1gevorai day@ lemst veol viting relatives aud frieudb bore. Oin Haturday. Nov Kird, ia Chicago, occutred ths marriage 0oXiMiMnute Flouer te Herman liyers, fonmoly of tini place,.lit, andi lr&. Neyez. viii rnettetiieitborne in Chicago. Ne taes the privilego of visbing thea g*long andi happy life. Last Tbursday evening, et 7 o'elock, ocrurted thse marriage (A Xia Mary Tuiiey, o! Everett, 10 Chearles Ubdagbt. Thse ceternny bal îplace ae; the home af tise Ixide'e sîster, lira. verait Masou, aler visicitsuppet vas s551y5d. Tise Prairie View baud vas 5isre, serersading the ccotple", and they vers ail invltet Inlugoasupper and returned home happy. Mr. and litse. Alhright viii maêteiorborne ln Ral Day. The entire cornrunlty nuite la «n. teutiiug tt lern iliir beartie«I con- gratniations. A PTA KI SIC. litse. Wiscbrnen, lits. Wacbmutag aud lis Bien veuit ta Chicago on a shopping tout iast Wednesday. A goodti ime vas ouWoyed Snusday eveuiug at Bcbieys, but tlb ireteu. tug veatiset kept a rnrnbertfrom beiug proeut. lits. M. Horeuberget, o! DerUed, sud non John, of Idahso, celled on thoit relatives, tihe 3bbeje and Uielm'o lent Tbnrsday. MinesAima Nicteushel u aswritten ta a number of her îouug fklendae bore, seying site euJoys ber nov home andi Bnnday scbnai vory muait, A Physicien Tentillik. -1 isav,'takon Kodol aspsl c d at have nover useti usythtlttglu car Ufs latit me tise ooti that dît "ses Coanîr phanl to Cîve the lied reaults. if tise fed romainsunudigte*tet In lu oe tmsI cays there and puoisona the 5a=00. ou rvtt ti;s brdiétinu but ta s. st Ïen.Kdol IDZrnpsia0re. est vbat tonet. Von n sifr1roa.s dyseisie nor eavto.Tev se Czuil tcnred. Nover talle. Foraieb U ýlbectyville. WiIEELING. George Perioiâ at viilhomeo Snuday. F. L. Teobeli vent ta Chicago 8iatnr- day uaatuiug. Lea Bibn pent Baturday agd Sun-, day et bOrne. CarpeuleIxi are itumy building aI Beif Styker'a nov harts. Loniga Forko @peut a fev deys vieil. iug frietsds lutCbicago latsI 1e$. Mrts iliuhans i ,o iag l ieit. Iug ber set fatiser Gteorge Iiattabab. Great Luck of Au adi**v, HOW TO ECONOMIZE. men flOmiuze0 SedIy cm f 1 t nnil ciWords i a ttlegrM=thast tir recelver can not undenan iLTh1193la -" sensble econmy. Neither1git M toeyt ruin garniets of value wlth Am dem <sue Dr. ~C Off lots a.' Liber -o Offlol .5. Ste s~, au ~ess