Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 Dec 1901, p. 5

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j oc teMq of InteresttoLibertyviW* Readers. - t ~ % 1611 gade Teuan ad cofi - Coffee from 1it:; le, When you want a good sack of Flour juîrchase a mack of ~Ig J tbet Flour on tlii- market to-day ... Libryvile, iln ois. r. ~ ~ j Mas corne and gone =-1AND it t * G Is.7.j next on the docket. goWiseeting yoîîr Clîristmats Gifts coins- inianîd lss:k over my stock. 1 bave a ilue lins 01 Rinugs, Broochea.lBracclets, Waicliea, Chi.&earfFins, Cu1f: Battons, OollutBule, llvervare, Etc jnit the popez thingafot Hloiday,'Gilat. 6 e gnuine hbarga inlua L"a i lcycle corne bore. I bave s ugeObainleSCrésceut vhicb 1I-WVI ilfr 134c555 vay belov 'B"mEsnine betore you Putchaas. Alilgoods.fullywarranted. C. R. SHERMAN, L$ei'tyvllle -Illinois. ~ARMCLOHINO WITB THEN MIILL TAKEN OFF PRICESuI Our (!i0 a garniesît) ut derwear la the best i!n townl. Meni's al wool uiîderwear from $1 .00 ni). Childi 11 ilwool Wear froîîî 2()cfns p.Ladies' union Sulits 75 cents iii), ilifiwinter ribhedi 26 cents III. A fui] hiie of Germaîî Souk, and *Felt Boots. Leggîuis fol' (Childrenî, Ladlieso and Me". Overslioeï for ail. Cone ini aud ste our Iuck, Sheep Liiîed and Fuir Coats-the proper thing for cold weather. Thirty pieces1 of new 7c print at 5c per yard-real bargains,. (hîr groceries and canned goods are superior--try us. .Smith & Davis, G ENERAL MeRCI1ANDISE. C. M. & ST. ,P. TIME TABLe. lu Effelct Suday, Octoher 2o, 1901, et m~oi ag. m. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO. VIEEK OSIr. VEUX èàT5. QPoiart From New DespOt. Arrive at NOW Devot. laaVeUbertyvilll, Arrive obleOag. Loa Chago Airivl .,lyNIiO. *O ..... 7Ma. Ml......:40 a.8. NO. 131 ...7.4 a. M lu. *14..12:0. n ............. 1:1 P. M. 1im. ....2 0p.M3148 . 166 0 ...... ......',7:65 p. M. 137....406 p. M8. ...........418 p.oe. -143 ..... :00 P M06:6P. M. SUNDÂTs. BUDAiS. 5 .a. m. ............ 9:40a.nM. 135....210P. M. ....34P.M 143-.:00 I. m .............. TO CHICAGO. FROM C#fiGAC<-) OeatFrom OId DepaI. Arrive at 014 Depot, Leo. Librtylo Arrive Ohioago. L,sv, Chaago Arrive l 1 'ryvilie. No. 1.2 ...6:m a. m ............ 7:U &. M. No. mi .... 9:3 a. m .......... .10:4 a. DM. l:W ..... 7U.8. ......... 8:d5 a. 8M. 141.5:0.8..... ...4:28 p. 8M. -144 ..... .12:30 p. M........ .....1:40. M. -145 . 08.... :d ) L........ 7:5 p. BONDAiS. BUy5. NO. 132...0:25. m ............ 7:35 IL. M. No. 1332...9:2n .8m8.... -04 a. M. -148.5:20 P. m.........6:0 P. i. Misa lluby Gleaoon 1 laertIiig st Tise Fair lore. sunday mebool social lu Methodiat1 Cburcb Parlots Friday eveuing. To- algist. H. A. tipooner aud Vife, of Hebran, Veto guessî of Dr. IRobinson the tiret of lise Veek. Tise December meeting of thse Board o1 supervimors lakea place udt VeeS, convensuf Tueaday.9 Corne and enjoy yourselves aI lise1 Preetyterian churcis:tisaîFrlday evenlug. Hot chieken pie sud social, 20) centa. MIr@. lager, )t Waukegan, vWho bas b)een apendlug a couple of veeka vitis ber son, Couductor Yager, retturued 10 11r haone Tuemday. ilnnday înornlng Dr. Iloblnson vilI discourse, on "Goda FaniIY liea.h Their Elesveuly Home." lu the even- big on,--Tise Wheal Crop Ruined." Joe Ilanlau lound a pouketboolk contsiuiug $8 lise otiser day. ns imertalued viso tise rgisîlul owuer vas sud proinptly delivered 1110 hiUl. Tisere vas quit. a saw 1511 Tneaday inoruina, latiug Parisapa 8lve minutes aud fer a lime thse Jonugters couternpialed gouîlag ont tisir sieda, but it vaa nol 80 ha. Afler Jauflary lat tIlVu clerisa ii ha requlre4l le Issue burlilpermit& lunail caae aore bodies may ha luterred. Atee ci 25 conte ila10 1e chargeS by tise dork for eacis permit lasued. C. A. AppieY bau a number lof man tr&illig biood isounds or rare breed, intasinl. sblueS isoudbusiness lu a imil vay.Hlm doga tlInS sread y aie hacalime outIheit auperior breed- ing. At their meeting Monday ulght the village board allowed $137.37 lu rebutes ou sphalwalke, or ln oIson u'ords th1e village paiS ous.tbird lise cest ut aspijaît alks, laid by individualis 10 the amollOl stated. W.l'ie pigeon aboot aItishe fair grounds 'lhankaçgiving day attracled quite a qstberng snd aforded good sport. Tbere were sotue goud scores,, eo. Thayer, ot Grayslke killing nilleteen, ont cof tweuty birds. E. W. ParkiuTrft purchaged Wm. Steveulonoll'8stock uf gents furnisinga ttiet orsf tbiB veeuk.Mr. Stevenson deairea lu devote hisa otire store and tise t4,tise tailoriug business, isence decided 80 dispose of tise aide Ue. Neyer in the hltoTy outh11e Agri. cuItural Nclety 5hm a fainrsleciou lacked lu lutereal as did Ibat Of Wednesday. But evertoen vote, vere cast and luaIl but two cales tise officers elected roceived every vote cafil. Mcc. F. Protine vas on, the St. Paul lyer wrerked at hermervllle Tueaday ,:ight. Speskiug ut ber expenlence ahe ssid '111e achueS waslterrifie. people wore tbrowuabount the car lu contusion. Il Im a wonder more were not burt.' tirayBlake la to bave a poltry anS pal stock show Decsniber 10th, 111h sud 121h .Ilis estlnats2d tisa a tou. @and entries wtIl b. on exhibition sud tieshaow promises lu Ise Iargely at- tended by people trollaal smtons ut thS conanty. Hlenry Lawrence, Who for a couple af years bas mnanageS Jndge UptousB feramnoIr Lake Bluff lias aeeepted a position am manager o!flise large Hecit fanm soutis of IbIs V-illage. Henry& IriondS aro pleased t0 Lave h1m again smong tlocm. Tise yoîug peuple ufthtie Presby- terian churcis iii give a hot chicisen pie supper aud aocial aItishe cisnrch, Friday eveulng. (to-ulgist> Dec. 611, irorn 6 tu 11 P.En. Book tIlhoguiesing coteel duting lise evenlug. Ali for 20 cents. Alil corne. The fat stock show lu Chicago ibis Veek ls attracting rnany of ont eltizeus. Among tisuse viso have tbus fat vimited tise expomtioli Ire Earl Corlett, Harry Cater, Will Wella, Wii1 GeHinge, Wm. Walroud, Dau'l Le, Wm. Caler sud Vite, L. B.,iisuby, H. J. Cater and J. W. Miller. Besides tisese s large Selegation yull attend ta-day. Brakeman Hueller, o! Aveill'a train vam by a peculilr cicuxtunce ons the train tiat vas Vreokted ,onda!igisi aI ehermervllle. Hia toIu vAsSlaY44à becana of an accident ta a nets pee.Idind hosu d eu 255to. Nle'. utrain, go ttia* Otite mou a&,, fft-% lm 4am. L Mr& Franks Narew# l fWlne*ka, la prssent. John Minnicis ta peittiflg Use moteI celings ln r: Bulkloy's tisree stor e building&. Puineral services 01 tise lese obn Autin Viii oceur AS 2 oclocis thls Friday artercoan a$ U*5 ioe. Sunday acisool ooi at the metiso- diat Cisurcis to-nigu. Object connu- drumsa vil] ho on, af tihe Rie sements of the evening. lira. B. C. Hawoth, s ii :o'ionarY mst rturned fr088 qjas.0s1 speais et the Presbytetlau cr:rbnert Bunday xonlng.' Mrs. Wrn. Fuller bmas5 her guenta tirs. Anderson, ber 881ce, and chll- dren, utfOmge, le., 555ic . N.Wati. tera, of Mlingteon. Train No. 148, wiic bas reesu ieav. Ing tise new depol Suadayofit 8 OS p. nm., nov leavea the Ml depot et 5:20 p. mn. Snndays. ilemlsber the change. John HeCormicis ad Vîte visiteS vltls Mr. asdHtr. lames Fîruey of Oak Park Bunday. Mr. Furer y Intenda b0 make Libertyvillie bis home8 next nommner. Tise romains of Mr&. Aranda Mli- tard veto bronght bure f rom lice- ville. loVa, eatday s&ad irom hete taken tu Fatiild ceigaery for Inter- ment. Kra. Hiliard vas un aunt of Mra. C. H. Fuller. She liei ln Ibis counnu from 1839 to lf379, cheou sh re. moved t0 Iowa. Tbe local W. C. T. U. niepta vits lirs. Sam'l Moore lDae. Plb. Ladies are reqnested 10 bnint cahbco or worsted plecos 10 seud t. old ladies borne, aIma econd.hsnrf clothea for lise pour. Canned fruit ilii alan 1e vory accepable. W. E. Davis, F. P. 1D::a nd, Hobt., (irntumitsnd H. J. 41cr ver. Il Bumnioned to Wankega:: ou jury duty Mondsy. Ail except I 'r. Grtummitt were excuseSd for our- resun or au- oliser. but. prinefipail: hecailse tbey hadl deterinluied 10 gI tout of!la soma vay, even il n su xuse : .1l t1e manu- factuied. Morris Proctor n a: Icharlie Mc Donald arealsik sut:: dlpislieria. However tise attending phyician bau tise dimeane lu ihoir cases thoroughlr under control sud evtrcy preesutlon 10 preveul an epiciemie basbeaeu Isisen. No otisera bacc even sovi symptorm of the isese. sud nu Soui tbese taro ces are ail tisere wiII be. Iu a cornmuticstir:: lutiste editur Mr. E. Moents, of %Vinoua, Minu., lu empisaticlc Iguage declares 1ha1 ber -"tarmin ta ualfor sale," and lisat ahe han --no sgents in Lake Couuty." We prenute orne une bas been repres- aetiug liseinseivesamseMca. Clemente agent and eudesvocrg to seli bier tarin, hboc.ber 1l-Nire lu give publily ta lise abusý, Dld jon ever Ibid r ,[ the unes anS poBsabililies ai corn tlît. A bulletin tecently msueS by tioe agnlcultursl SepartmunulntIWaslisugton shows tise iolloving purposes ifor shicis they sre useS: -"A pacing f,,rr vnsiPa, a 51gh grade 0f vrltîoig roper, the basîs tor a amoieles poivrier and a cattile toouSmade by grnrîîug go a powder and mlxlng Vitb r heap molases. -'Tise nov food la pre-oed loto cakes under a isydraulle press anS eau 1e sipped as uaily a,, irit7kB or carS- woosi. For osedlng il la broketi op anS wixe vus wafe. Atu&l tests bave beau tuaSe aud mit o plleB bave been sent 10 agricullural stations lu Europe. The report. ironsailu sources are very encoiraging. Tus ford: i lîl 1e pailo- larly valuahle for ounr avaltY lu tise troplds, snd tise foord cakes canu11e maSe asauinimun:comt lu Cuba and ies autheru Stages. che6re Ibousansu of bons of 10v grade molos4ses go 10 Vute snnnally. Scisool Notes. Irene Lantence stirted tSelugo lu school tisa eeS. Tise oseIS Latin clam@ are nOv tanalatlswenty nues a day. ovix # 0 MsLelesu a greatnunmuber 01 seleltgai abeent 1h18 vweeis. , Ilas .bbly Glesan ilaba prffeuli temelaiisg Ilterseond room, SUd HIU ~5.~fui,. tir@$n. Mian Billes* si Qw* <50tuthraovhflloMiss I?0<l v au 1DIt e issue.,1 t0 Libertyville again i1860, Purchea- lng a tfaim ef 80 acres luit ots ai lovu, visete hiived unlil a fev years agu vison vltb bis vite ho temoved *0 tise village. apending lis latter dai vils bis Saugister. Hlm Vle preceded hlm t0 Use grave but a feV yeais. Tbcee cblidren survive: Johsn, of Llbertyville; Edwin, of Chicago sud Mrs. W. C. Sauboru, of Libertyville. "-Father' Autin as Le Val fausllaârly kuoV u a sman of sterling attrihutes, respected because ot bis Moral cblaracteristics sud isonorable businema carcer. ies Word vaB Bm good as bsu note, Rlienasborne nu incousiderable part lu the upbulldiug anS develop- ment ufthlie couuty, sud tisougislh. Uved tu a ripe olS age, Yet Lis Semise las sicerely regretted by a bot ni frieude sud acqnalutauccs. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. LIOERTYVILLE, DXC. 4, 1901. Village board met lu regular sesion. Corlett, Jusi, Kaiser sud Sherman ansvered tu roll cal], Proolor sud Orabbe belng absout. Minutes o! previons meting vre read and accepteS. Petition tor a saloonulicense Val read and referred tu liosuse ousrittee. Licenme ommittee se omrnendeS tisai B. B. Anderiy bo granted a lonese, liseir report belng concurred lu. Motion by Just and Kaiser tisat village refld l toB.A. PontoW any lîcense mnney pald In sdvance by hilm viss Mr. Anderly paya mb I res- sury a litre amou nt. CarnieS, aIl vot- log aye. Moved by Jusats Kaaer tisaIparties reporteS lu bave been exposed tu dlphtheris bc quarantined lncluding Mis Iva Saudman, Miss Stewart, Hlm Poarasîl, Chas. Herrlngtou and George Mcoalsî. Carried, ail vollug aye. Treainrenas report varead, shoisong amount on bandStiret oi montS $197e.- 89. Itecelved Suring monts 5526.00. Pald ouI Snrlng mots $221.00. A.mouut ou baud 5$28.89. Moved by Juil sud Kaiser lisil tbe reportb. accepteSd 51.5e. Cazrred. Hoved by Kaiser aud Corlett tisaI You get1 $739 1e SeduoteS frorn cleetrlo lgisI bill. Aye-Corlett, Kaser. Naya- County 1 Jusl, Sberman. President vot.d In Chicago1 tise affirmative. Motions Catnied. Moved by Kaiser anS Corlett &bsat a rebate af one-thîrd bce allowed parties For Inforr hsviug laid asphal Vaika, sas ollOVa: Thson. Colett .......... ....... S .33 C. H. Btoyce.................... 7.52 âtra. Penuiman ................ 25.22 Rrs.' J. B. Price ............... 24.53 J. S. 1rde............. 16.90 ES. Cook ............ .......... 9.9 1J. S. Gridley ................... 8.00 Paul Unec ufin.. ......1099 Mnm. David and Ethel GibBon....18.04 Chai. Appley il.......... 189 P r Motiounvas carnieS and araute for amounte as ehown Veto ordered tdrawu. Tise foloing resolution vas read: Resolived. 1551 b400 b. talioenfrornun- > pproptiated moueys and b. pplied bc the roaS anS bridgetaund- Moved by Shserman and CorletIlsat PER FL vthe tesolution lhe peausd. CarieS s&U votlns aye. MoieS by Siserman anS Corlett Usai rtise tollowing hille ho alloved sud warrante rdered dravu ferot1h. vari- 8anuesinounti: Carrned, aIl voing sys: M. Freehman . ............... $5000 a W. Bell ....... ... ............. 17.76 W. Acisen ................. .... 2.00 A Largt Freeman PoVer Supply oCa... 10928 I.don Miller................... 350 e.DavlUn................... 7.00 M - rien.................150 Lus o ueendeut ........ E ~ .....s........ 151 elekD o................. 1.76 Village Board ,the Mentor. Ilecause oD ise doclaraltof t»5Vaal Uargé ptopety ownries 0outhe. ontsbirta of tise village, thst lu *&vent a bond luane ehould b. voted by ont people or improvements inanguraled %tI VouId rnagerially lucreas. taxation tisey Voil foteceltse village board to disCOunect liseif property, or as it la commonly expremed, "méet ibem out" 91 th1e village, mn opinion banded dow» Ccher 24111 by the supreme court$aof11Me.state, In of peoular local Interest, inairucis as under a new law, violcis the opinion lu question sntains, it la noV entirely dlacietioflMy vits village boards sa to Viiether thiey Vill or Viii not -lait out" any or certain pro- petty Visoilpetitioned Bu 10 do, il heretofore isaving been compulsoty for bourd@ te compiy VitIl sucis requesti. In December 1899 ltse Supreme Court conmiruing tise statue tisen la tote ln lhecae u of oung etal vs. Carey et ai 184 111. 613, decided tisat when a proper petilon was premented by ptoperty owners to the oi or village board il la the abaolute duty of tise board iD vaea au ordînauce dia- conuecting thse territory mentioned ln snob peSiton. JÉ044 Iavyers of the StBle Ver. surpriseS at the declalon, but an Il Vwu the opinion 0f Uhe court of last resort I1* VM of courae settled sdconsequently la a gtsat mauy 0f thse cilles aud villages petitions were presenteil sking discounecions of tetYltory; the gtaniig of lhese psu"ý lion@ meatinmauy instance.munici- pal tui but tCher. vas these meiied law huit of tise petitions. HoVever lu demperation every or nesrly every petition was bittetly re- aisted asuscb Val tiheagitation and consqueisioakiug of adverse public opinion thal the lait Leglature passeit a lm giving village boards dia- cretion to diaconnect or not as seemed advimablo aud 510V in thse opinion juat bandeS doVu lu tisecase of Tise People ex rel. Glenn vas. Bin et sa thse Bupreme Court sasiis tihe nev law snd boldSa tiiilappis ail &UpendhIg proceediuge vhere petitious for dia coneeoos have heen premenled. TIser. a&e rigisa nom, IVo ames pend- iug M1 Lake. Bluff and one at North Chsicago, Vhich under Ibis Iaw Viii 1be dismiased, as tise village boards are opposea 10 granlîng tise petitiona, and yez lied expected go bc forced go do no. Paaaing of Anotiser Pioneer. John Austin, Br., dIed as tise home of hiie daugister, Mra. W. C. Bauborn, early Wedueaday morning, aged 82 years. Deceamed VMs one of tise oldest survlvIng selliers of 11hi section 0f Lake Oounty, heving corne *0 lberty. ville lu 1849. flore lie Vatised aisà garn i bauduntil iese aved enough money labuy ao anafrrn. la 1854he rernovod taoChicago and eu*erd labo Our line of dress goods ié; unexcelled. Black che.- viots, ladies cloth, flaimels, cashmers and fancy ;tri pe waist gooois ini ail color aîîd 1riees. .Underwear. Wool, haif wool'and fleeced wea.r in men's, wouen's and's at right prices. Glve us a Cali. .iâà Otir new line of imported China- ware has arrived and is on dispia Y now. The assortment embraces a great variety of Cake Plates, Table Plates, fancy Cups and Sancers, Tea Sets, Vaues, Cracker Jars, Pitchers, Shavi ng Mugs, Tea and Chocolate Pots, Salad l)ishes, Oat Meal Bowls, Sauee dis hes and fancy:lPlates. You can buy hardly anythirtg more desirable or appropriate for Christmas gifts that nice china, and our prices are so, very.small besides, for these fine goods. THE FA IR, Libertyville - - Illiniis. Che £oUV$t 1)0181114i For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. the increased and growing service of the Lahe Telephone Company and connection wltli the Telephone Company. matlon, rates. etc., wrte-~ CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, LoveIl'a Drug Store, Libertyvl lie, Illinois. AT -zzýQIlLove11's Drug Store. MMES TOILET ARTICLES - PATENT MEDICINES. PAINTS ANDOMLS. e nd Comploe Stock of School' Mie LOVELLe TableLnes %'0s hiaves'iittret'eiecla large. iiew stock of table- clotlis. îîapkiîis and fancy tnwels. hiîst whîat youi want for Thianksgixisîig. eau rdB5~ 1 lm, - - 1 1 . . 1 ~i

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