Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Dec 1901, p. 1

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ILAKE COUNTY -IDEPENDENT, ,--.Vol. X. No. _ 10. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, December 13, 1901. SHOW WAS AÀ(GREAT SUCCESS.1MAD 1)041 AT WADSWORTÉIDOIN(IS IN TU1E CIRCUIT COUIT. fonltry a 11,1 let Stock Exhill- Bites llofm, then Âîî.iuký Meii- Svr Casem DIîîeosed o fi. er o tW a h ré tiîîÎo iîravolake. lhors u )of e3Iluilv Cîolit lludy llaniluk Suit l'ho Lake- Coirity l'îultrY aud l'et A Silejherd dog belot..îîg te F. fG. WIH U -Stueua liow lbell unOraysaals10wu Dieîtmeyer, of Wad.sWrtll 1,canne mad 1j lie uit eofW Lli ,î,îl vsiffil'- Hait nu> clnontly satisaifWy bothn Satiirday and gnawlng Ji. fao the roeTh ornas lirasut lIrn MWîrkm, fér lu aliunie snd tu theo large VarletY by whlcli liei was lied ttuoku l iogs damages as a rýiilt ( ,f iiuîi i,jariem o1!ti( y Iigili lass bîrds ahOWO. 'l j ad calves onutheie tain, tlieu rumfiîd received by thie falllng f a wi a few us. sit Walens words -thii rîs mlotothe bloupe, ieVeT5lY 1i ing lwo of years ago, W84 a, ,,ii t ,îlock GIetemte h i, 1, oiler. OXlulîtîlrewinil lgraece uY shoîw the famlly andislightlYlà( nglibor. 'l'buirsdiy (of lîîst wl-i. kF li jury lu A(nerin. iAs the dog entered fie 1 i uue Etthel reacbed a dh-cisin late Fridayiy ighit, coatof îs-rdî t 0W.A 1rîat niyof the famora i, biis tîietnîeyer, aged l2yeurs lri attraceod returiulg a verdilct lu fui r (if the, $ei.tliol procureil prize winug birds, ifus ttentnen. With a i i, f h e o bre (Inenduiant . i. \V. -r-v-ît- b triluoiuller year ibere 'pîil[ro- ber te the floor biig lié r ieck and the Brasi, Wurt l.,-, i u(l Items thîe ably lothrec eentries front local Peu- armis. Ber brother 1toi i2 years of 1lalutill. v 1.-whrti t1irewas ue ttfs yî-r.fige-, rau tiilier asasal ii i-it aterrifir c otra i11,rlu i areyo We wll o YII uic t4mmb 1 ue male wortbyt spectal mention itas filé t tok place, the e.. l,!iuîin bsluk the seldiers, WVinnl, lieti l nu îd laKm WTewil d yfl ' ii ~>h II îftJk'eîn of l. Itou-a.4 sotif by W.F.Wirtlî, bttsu about the axm5l, i d iiémnitlelgs, imorîe fîegaiàFridii, l. M fin sp- if lliirfîolgten, t,, M"r. Johnu Jeffersi (if ilnally liiseilig bis hôlu fi thebb beasl pîîrirng for thie pfil iers. J Lb.Diu S tf iltspae, wbielî then attaeOîf - "rge lier- were accuibie! ofrobtbiug Edw. Harts i., k. W orfb sud P.,1, Vrbalen, berger, a uelghbor, lad, Cliii W55 oun. restaurant ut lligbwîîîîd. 'Ine Juiry f f ilnlîfugtuîu. irscors e1 stock in deavorug t0 autiel Roy 1 lie, euraged was out an bîîîr, returîîiîg a verdicf lbeir respective classes, if national rep- beasî 50011Jil Herbergîn eont of the acqntting ail tibrie. utation. acre motzigreî'ably surprlsert gaine but dîd mot so-ui bite hilm. Tbe case of Clara Erempel vs ~, teuhbucbel eteumipo aluneri4aiStIhia By titîs tinte oy, uDofîîlly realiz- Chicagu à- Mlwaukee Eleetric Itail- GET OUR PRICES. shiow . were there wssuobhia lcou îug the dog wED nicn , made a way Co. 'pas ljnlahed ln thircui conteat for booîra, andl next Year Pro- determtued effort tu ',rcome Lmr. Court Saturday tIne plaintiff belng mmI o ,,, bire wlth thiree tîoies the Seizîug im b h le, e' h-dragasil awairded $211,damages by1tIlno jury IMM, nuruber of entries tbey bail Ibis year. hilm ont of the boumstt, n corn crlb. Thle case was brought by reason of jheofolicera QI the Association wlab Hes managed te gel the ' iopen and Mrlitre rempel bavinug sntauedin-l te thtaik tIne-Peuple of brayslansd 'it Bstreugth renderedl'y despera- j uies wbleh made bier a phiysîcal WM. STEVENSON, murrounding territury for thelr liberal tien, fairly burled ltse kiamal wthfn, wreek, thte jujiîriî-8 beirig recelvet fatronage anu a u appreciatlefl pro- lantlug shlit the doo i in s fthe beaset wile ridlng lu a C. A M. clectric car TAILOR îmie ashowino etlyear (it greuter uag- made as lnge for bis li-t. wben lb eolllded wtb oother car. Litude tnari the paxi eule. ijelow Io Roy aud Ethel 'poe I tten a everely SAXOV 5 iiiMAA'lS4( IiT. Libertyvllle - gîos iven a lst et the iiuners. aud great ajarm 'pa 1 tfer them. Monday the fautotis Cîindlt-j)ady 5 ctri. i-itatiOT. LDr D B Talo. cfSîlhiîu .sdamtage suit was commenced, Ibit _________________________________________ -- Hu. ,iulî,M~.i1l.Ugoia tais summoilei, and cauoeri' I the wounds biug lthe third trial ef tis case IL uiInleManulil,. LeuU Laki- advlslug thelr imflOdiite re moval teLS ou! fh olwn uyw 1".lt,(nClori unI- Lai.é-. LieCuiv Uefloigjr a WHiTS. WiAnauITrli,. Chicago. They 'pore talieu te the @lecure d: F. C. Wlbur, D. C. Ameu - 'I1.'t. W M. Eiiî,oum. Oraviilalo Pasteur Instibute, but' î' te lime of Alred Moses, Earl Purdy, ltoht. Ral ~ ir' l& nl'n î_beu. gli 0 rsbieu ae ave ton, Chartes ltaughit, Charles Barder Hùif t. nt uFuller. Arvi-elà developed:noalarmiflg - nftomm Jh BrS kept W alo F N*rto.W&M lniî,r. A li-h. "houg endclyeà ittnEies re atrTaylor, H. H Neville. ~ m ~.'kNorton akiii.Aîtl .. fi in seperalée peflea d I .'o-No case lu receut yeans bia bu sa 1 , ra k or ii l itO .. l.ibut as yeullonshave "-i nu Igaigu 1o!bltterly fioglt iunthils ounty as' bs i.1t. W. Il Wnin. Burlîut.n. becerntng mad. tis. __ ,îCro'er C-W. F i W,,tlî. lnKiig', TIhe deg flnally dli n terrible Verdicts bave bieu reaçled, ajîpeali i-ié o W.F. %Vié,lutli. B il r i Kt..îi - ~ . ~ V nutý W. F. W1th. llurlluguîîîu. agony. att-r tearlng S the interlor have boe made aud Dew trials bavi mu i *iu - IiEl O'Ku. ofthie grailary, bitingi g îwiig the, been granted by the hiighier courts, ye è,e i-l . l'0.1 i,i..i-r. Lkm illa.îî midle slua inlubis grI settlemout secores as far off as ever ii.i-,~.î~J.l~, îîe. Srt Hill uaasa .s"zu lsJ The case hai§ cost thousanils et dollai i 3u.,id. Cif Mnxer. La,- villia MENTION "WHTD F ORI JLU and bas besu inthebccourts oicel, K-. té if.1 ti M A K,î1iplt-. Orarsliuk..w C AT IT 18 A BOUiT. O VE R HJ, eI. tC C. 15131.,te'kmf"ller . t~H nn OSui.té .iflr aeJdg ire. lt n nil. M . A.kaîuçil. (Irasîsis.ay Enter Race tii ,cceetl the Lrevious te 1m9li Mr. Couflit oulere JZ Hi- i.M A.fapt Orysiaie itoacleal wllh iRobert Dady fer fi (BC . iI. eikefeme. pur(ibase 01 il b near j C b usinaHa.dHarekStsrer Prombile IHurvard 'i"we clip Cbleagtu. Coudit laima te bavetmait OI.. Hi tHill.iCtbe foliowilug. lu reteri i. c ote posible acurc o iesl u pe I iM A. Kai C. ,a-i.-.,ke candIdatetract fortheesalegut Whver. ý%IcIEPL'IMOtUTHIi iOCl.i, caddtst ice wl r. wasï ready te close il, Dady backed on' Libertyville IllinoistLt1),turf."lh dah rJfdgi J bu iC. Oarver This 1e tue case lu a outahiell l"iétL.. ý1)cé .createsa àvaeancy i léiiia ~judicial dis- Accrdîngly, lu December 0f 181 1-' M- l,~înJiite-. (nurî.k"tricttut il p ,nfiall i e filled hy a Condît bronglit suit agaiust Dadyi tWMIv.iJ i.î i'l'.i.O., l' seuleeloiI'stn atrthe Circuit Court te reco-er $32,11L i ot . j»'uV?î~~J>~unîng , shoulîf be deterr.-îf ttil Dellt April, damages. Ho wiîs given a verdict Il,, Vi il i,.Bnnli,~',n tue tInte etthé anînualtwsp ______________ i ~11,1 I W V etlif, Liti" elections.(lovi-rii, n N tes ban writteu IiLil' IN ,,il etestevrlu ii i n hnjdcil A new trial was asked for and graute t. Y . i riui b 1).lu- .ra,- .. i-trst1aro1si1,ute uîca il lu Marcb etof51Coflit securoil 1 , a- ui Frank l. 1-t-u. circuit ankiug tueii i eas astà'IonicInvritgvu lm$iOîdmg t anoons ae * i-.îi.~~~ F , lfkb. VtIM th S 'Atu. rî, the! thloightI al "'le, te sleî't Jdgue Juige Ganver, wuie hea' il eeu Juat ont, sud the iinleaýt niv.ltY of tiih ne i t lea aluerfi- ilN uiui', uti . brer1ncnenî irl e u Trell uired the plailiuf tuuremit $104 pair of mi nature pautaloiilî>- #,fi rive i il i lu i ifif i nu-]rom the je,. k ..... IIîuk.t.éuiIuki a apeclal electiînbs eif en ta tevrdc lingot oasmere. A prtf.îiîupiilu at u.fféti-fulOtSii lu -t I I . Line ii'-j ojudicia. du i-ft n uieCue peints eauobu un-siltut 1ma1I1the salei ii on t ui uiiIaluoibu. Wall.Ifi.liut IlîitL.'ib cunis ! i e tliluraLatetîî lrg. fl uîîn aa tetul 0f mtes. On theseat (if tfie fulilt uni',1t- îîîfi pur patelles with *111 En 5i 'Lil adth, Ie plaintif! agroed tii do this,t lb. !ollowing sorîfs pritel u . fiiu i-ratcb N îin u IatuIes,' 'I-()i and', n' u 'é,- 1 Ige ,arver Iivîn ollgan 9ustil Iofliî Xy Patehs31 'JJ~E goii ,tll Is 11 itnu-' srisq,, flcty large eneugb fr *been a resîdent iiiiiielîsgui couuity, agneed te the rîlîug luit tLinlM scratchlug lmatebé-s.t uhis 4 sa is t-efuil, rianiuu.,ital ud verv. 5-e*IiuC'iithit counity al .,iy feeîn thlat JiL aywsutut'uul Ib ff tun. guis-iirumllyct teuul.i) i.2"éIPrie, u i. ii r D* y wuioni Nil,. tnu"ho-L,îk ',r,,Aen ii. iii CI.. tlu cIli.-, of Lit1siluuld CIIlil e vuii -cy, nd ut is tIne aaked for a iicw trial, the jîulge i c mii gÂunsi-i f 0 1 - ver tile district uetegn JadDdypeld jS TA R M 'F'G 00., t u i"W I ,Lîi'. O ,ii -iliat; it shouldic , rdnend t Ibisoeor, the Apfuellaie t Clint bere the Circu WAUKEOAN . - - - - ~ILLINOIS. *1 1) i.. b îlu tUuCnetat sesbecauseii...-deadl jurlat Sas Cut eîinwssaai.D Lino, iiiiii à~ a resident o!fIt uuty, but bewause thon appealed it ilithe Suprenne Coi I -. ~ ,.iuL . Iuniuju,.~ islu laget u u.L luth ditrct a sat Decembor the Supremle Coi i . . and bas mueit th, langeai v(uulumn of reversed the ujcilon snd remaudi Dr. Charles Galloway.' R. L. DARBY. Off ceave r L9volLSýDrug3SorO PIA 70S3OROANS KOVUSY oliM 3 AiND 6T. PM. T U -. . - LEANED Libertyville. - Illinoi S Llbertyville l ios. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triwf C alo's ake %Co. Bank, -HOtUSWRIGHT DYMONO & CO., to 10aL M. 2 to M * i ad t8P. iM. LbertyvIlle, Illinois. Leaildano on Broadway opposite Par -nm*k Libertyville, llinoiS. [R'ueq Iiitere8t ]3earing Certifi-ý _____entes Payable on Demand. DU. 0. ftopHOVCR, O OItM GROVER iïfyïiicianrs and Surgeons. !BENJAMIN H. MILLER, . ...... . ......ATTORNEY AT LAW, 00eandlresldeeice tbrcî 1, i, veit of churcb, itiiîkl ilf LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. Day tand nîglit calialu ,1i pfruinulutu v suRune i,(,, A pbysicîail alas s ut uelli ,uiu r£EtPsosr NO 26. ssrua W$ di fpoose o0- W. ,altr . IDr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. PAUL MacOUFFIN, Physiclan and Surgeon. Attorney andutiossllor lit i.Wna . nveuiN;rs i i n'tF.eiiiua'i lieTXn L D. NOTARY PUBLIC ~ îno - - - - Illinois. Omi EOvcs LAitit COUNTS fLANK, Libertyville, Illinos. SEM LU D Y DR, AMOS J. NICHOLSI OFCHCAGOAlil Work Neally and baseopened a PromiPtly Done. DENTAL OFFICE BMtb & Davis sitore Wbîýre ho VRiav fie foU.dtegulay~lY ou Wetuesdiys. mcm i Bond Bros., 8-.0.0 ___a. _M. ___________P.__tu_ Libertyville I llnois, r.E. H. Smith, Of Benefit tl' ou- OENTIST. b iMiiu.Filforîl 'lt-f.' Durig alongr Offos verLae Cunt Hnk nuvîseil trr DewIt5 WNiunlu Hazol Salve Ç)ÏfiG ave Lak CounYuBa dl4sMo'pI h sond1iýtifiesus. I1555 outsl: #steil a. m.sand to àp. nm. DAI LT oerrsuIv UIired. fIt heu sal99ve On the uiarket.« 1Sure sure for oes.'i ores sud - &rirtvme, turusBoprimoUflIr , ltz. For sale hl i Lu, il.i n i. inul T ," 'nl-Iil- A Coininig NNeddlng. iln. auuj Bra b. Il(nies, îof fvauinoe, bave l-,suuiniutationîs ttensweddlng of tijein daLughten Bunice te Prof. lieiîjanlin A. Munsoni, tii tale Place ai tlneir buuni, efceuiler 241h. Mies .'lnems iai i-na teuiclier lu the couînuy fiur se-vcral Years snd lbas a large ifl, A ffrieunIs àir. Miiuro,on. he tirât met Miss Anies in culli-ge four Years ago, lsaa yîîuîîg milîof af)ilîly sud pogsessed of a hasppy fuîculty of maklng frienils ushorev.r ilhgoes BHe j5 presldeut if the lîruzîl Business tUniversity wIh hlî h, is brîîber ho e8tablished at 1fnaztl, Indiana, two Years ago. Atti-n i1îoding a few days sîllu trfeuds bore, Mr. sud Mrs. Munsou 5111 gio te 1razil te mals thelr home. Enlarged Ilicbures. J. farfeus, representiug a repu- table ChIlcago ilouse, la solîctlug orders foujr pîctures 10 be enlarged front phetographa froint reidenta of surroundlng townhips. Mir. Bamues is rllable and the 'pork ho dellvors of a lîlgil sanadard of We take pleaure la r.oomînendiug lMt. BUD4 nd is Maork. --rhe only tl,îiî,g luat ilîl preveutt Wlnuobago tr' nring Juilge OJarvrs asucce n1 ifthe lbitter facîlenaf clans a itii. sich that u-uly couuty lu llinî'ii,ýre tInene as niauy pellîlcal taction, asmfliere are In Wuebago. j11t rude mmîlemert ot warfare. tie ti nLawË, bas 0,-eu a favorite weapoî. t ýlie ued Iîy cii.-et the many fcumagaînat the ethien wheuever an î ' rtuuity frosenteil -itself. Whseu, i au ambItions citizen ot that couuty s ,-Lit a politicul olfice, own tpeojple ainnu'i agaiust film sud the result sas i t,uî[Y alwaYs tIne (lme ueteat. -'JUat UeW tIn, n re indications uf a figbit over the M ,nver vcnicy. 'TIe 150 candidatesuetleeîmugit ire- quenbly sud fax nnîîlIY are lassYerm R. K. Welsh asuif if Frost. iîîth are fawyers of muný,i uability, %ho e î-joy a lucratIve Inau lractiie suif are geutlemno f in I,lemjsbed enainal character. if \iinnefuagu. cultes on oithier o! tiiese M" îtleitei as Its choice for the judifcilviiîuaucy, it sîlI ho îfoiug au sct ior uulieh it wiIf receive tIns commeudatî'i e!ofail taîr-miided. people, aSdudtat fuesanie tîie tths circuit beuch iî,,ll fe gracoal by a gentleman et cIi uî,ersenal cbarsitsr, aud of ability lf n tîgh ordoer. -qf the coitf,u in Winuebsge de- velops jute a lîglitfi lais iuiti- liItly that Chas. Whiti iLf, of WauIt.gait, the leader ofthIe ban ef LaIte tounty. 'plî suber the race. 11fr. WuitiieY 1Is ite alixiots for a etu i the circuit beucil, haviug besu .a sert of a recephive candidate lini.7, usheu thile flpdis. triclt'pas creted, asid lo la nos more auxlotialhau hie sas tlnen, se people flruggist. W Luvnu.l Raittus. Ut w . 1 ,I liî-iuiutu ii -fi L'ad!, &nd iiî týi, lA-s inihit fig )l5niigf tueot juit t pin gi-fiout fr. esi -ii r k It ig y :)f L- al ýd ar ly ië lu no 3r, D. U as LIS ve Br. led he le lie 't. 1 IL 0(m cf td s8e as be Mr. re- te cuit ady mnt îrt ded tIns case fur a new trial wibb the result bliat prîîrcedlnigs sene fegun Monday. Heth olîfes are reîunssouted fy proruluent attuorueys frem ni nianap ilb, Chuicago andîi Mlwaukiee. Splendid Christmas l)isplays. Net lu recouit years have local L tercliîanta ruade ii-,extensive [ire- 1pautiouns for tuie Holiday trade as Ftbey baie this year LAIl avaitafile mptie possible tiI gain liy the temporary remisal et eediuary linos o! guîuds is felt'îg taken advautage gueula in apleuidî variety installeil. By next week eveny noland cerner wîll bfijlled, not sitji cheap nevelties, bot usetul sud desîrsille glfts. Lasb year enr people sole up te tthe realizatien the bonis merchauls sers selI preparsîl le supply tlieir Holiday wauts andl a goîuitrade resulteil. Eucouraged fly tInis, the nienchants are nis putting tu a heter and langer stock uit îurelY holiday g g tus buu ttiey oser have blte.rBy the mddle ut ucit wst-Itthe home Stores silI îîeseît a inispirlng appearauce. as eunsderafllo bbougbt la bslng giventu t appropriaIs decoratien, aud tht, reel will preperfy blie clargeat Heolufny sales ever attaîned. Ctîristmsts BaIl. '[fie LaIte Couuty Club wîlI give a Cbristniam Kfll in fus Lîbertyvifle Tfwiu Hall f'brlstmas ulght, Iuoc. 231h. Dont fil te atteud, naas s ta-clas tiiue ï assurreil sîl. PrfruimSmith Iteichent snd ileitel wîll furulsh mualut. CouàChs and Cofls in Children. i un- uuil fi-es 'i ieCtuirllu'sougu ftîý"l nieltfi,.uluosu Ilaifstliateic ostreted (,nlrk-u M'Iliudînssu reslilte Iurse1l.-It to cltifrnîî o! ail ugo-i. Arnglad te raoni- ,îiid uut t.aillaiiin-diland sek ina relIif fnîm ,, its 1iul ul ighiis ad iîrouhlml sffle- uiis. Ih Isnni-uaricotle and ifae lu the hiuude if thu e otunProleSsioflal. A Uni- vrsel iiiioea for ail MaiiLfsd.-MaS. MAItl I MLENoY. M. D.. Phi i) (hlco 111. This rsmedy fo fer saleahlÈ.F. iLo=LI. l.lbertyvllel LaYiEl « KÂ5MAO!: $1.50 a Year in Advance. VISIT OUR NEW,..~ Basement Salesroom An-d vouili Sesoma novelties that ou fnd nonihere sas in Wauksgran. TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS!! EN/ERVONE 0F TiIEIi NEW AND) Up-TO-DATE. MECIIANICAL TOYS -rhal mu ai Set as tbouigh bhey 'pers alive. [>OLLS That open sud ahut their eyes. GAMIE BOARDS-of al kînds front Carroiui s tIiCrokIt ole. DRUIS, IIORNS-And a lob t f ther 11,155 nakers. TOOL CIIESTS, SAWS, SAW-BUCKS and ELECTRIC BELL-5-For the boys. WRITINO DESKS, BLACK-BOARI>S, and a host of SIEDS, WAGONS, MORSES and CIIILDREN'S FLJRNITURE. Alil f005 thînus and manyu smors at Prfcss that are -naking our basement salesroem thes taik 0f the town. COME EARLY AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Waukegan - - - Illinois. Christmas Urocerles at wonderfuily Iow prices. STOVES If you are thinking of iîuying a stove this fail or winter it wiIl be money ini your pocket to look over my sitock beforo buying. 1 have made arrangements with Cribben & Sexton, of Chigo, to handie their entire line of Universal Staves and Ranges. The Universal Steel Range heads the list af Steel Rangesi; is of the finest finish and heaviest steel. By buying a large quantity 1 got a special low prie which will enable me to selU these splendid stoves at about the same price von would have to pay for cheaper goods. SLibertyville B. IERER, - - Illinois, T ME 2OTMH CNTURY CASH TR Caxî show you the finest hue of...... .... .gbisjinas Cie.... Coxsiqtiîîg of Wide and Narrow Tecks, Four-in-hands, Bat Wings, Way's Mufflers, anîd Scarfs. Gentm' Iocket Ilandkerehiefs, Saspenders, Gents' Kid .Mittens anid Gloves, Elgini and Silver l)rem~ Shirta. ,Me's 'Sippers ofughit expressly for the Christmas trade. Meuis Extamel Shoes, Ne w lot of Ladies' Flaniuelette Wrappers, for $1.00) and $1. 25. Looîk at thîe one oni the form in our window. XoURcS lOItCA&SH, E. W. Parkhurst, FORSWANTED Andrew Wagner AUCTIONEER. Highlest Market Price Slscnutdnohh nia PAID FOR ALL KIT4DS 0F ad Cierma thanguage. RAW PURS ---- BY tncesotnl sa"1« aurad hoer BY emPlaYed. Chas. Stemple, Long Grove, 111. Duc Ila 10 lii 28 LINCOLN LUSK, AUCTIONEER. Roins - Illinois. Whou conitemapfating msking a sale eall aronuil or addreman ad 1I 'pullar. autee sallafactlon. Âu-îs-om-P THE INDEPENDENT fls The DEST. 1 Crayalak Min"OO W,~ M. APPLEY, AUCTIONEER Libertyville IMuOIU. Lake (Jounys veWaitauclioneer. iteasonable Terme. C. W. PETTIS AUCTIONERR. Deerfield - - llilfis. My beraua a fight. saatiumtoagmahl tro4 P,$ fort Schanck Block LibertyvMe. IM. IL «Il, -... 1. 1

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