Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Jan 1902, p. 4

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&D"Mrlsmau» TUMÂts S ]IOVU on &?PL. «utetedst tite siot-offloat Liberirvîlle iiMol. as second.nlamm matter. fbY FAi>' .51W 3, 1902. Tbe advei of Governor Shav Ato COÀDMa cirle les antipated wIth a goafi dwa.) o pleemure. Mr. Gage bas besà lin ourlulng ince thse demis 0f Z11. leviicis ham4, kcourse, pie- cs1Ù4d him entertaining. Tise familles otgcmetmrp Ray and ecretary Long nart laoin mournnng so thaitihe lisi of boite exiending formai iopiialitp ha@ beaut couslderablp narrowed down. * Governor BSaw las weaiîisy and hie wlfe la 4aldi te hae socialiy ambitions, no tisai fi ute pected tisat lie wiii take a largo b*Use and tisati ls entertainments ii .11. froquent and elaborate. BoSnsior Depe mai feeui himoeif a Tnp machsmarrie ani, as ho as mabeau ibogi bree saddlng caemouîem. Aecordisîg te tise Frenchs 1mw. tiera =mgaibe a civil mariage spart from thé religionus cremony and accordinglp t". Sentof and hi(, bride drova ta thse Uat.d Bliates, Couulate on Frida>' and vers clviii>' married. tue lîcesMe bh" ag bean igned b>' Preideni Jbosevelthimaelf. On Saturdaymorn- InS thse happy couple sera married at ton ocics aitisheclinreil of Notre Dame, isa Palinsas brig a ioiàii ()abllie, and ai eieveu o'ciock tisa> Vae algailn marred ait the Epiacopi * cisurcont 0i1o respect to tisa Scîators * religions convictions. iiepreieniaiive Francis 0. Nesiands o! >eva gave a dinner ou ttie evenuug Afo CherOristmas to about 1f t> mam bars of Congres: ansd a&àisii e reary tof iion.or. The mfair sas muatlfesti> lu tâte Juteront of Irrigation legimialion fer ibm Western States ant ilA la mid to haive made a mi friands. Mr. Wilson, Who la kiiosu t0oiea luclose touah is ui iua viewsao! the preaideni onu iimIsaub- je u mde tise tiresa 0f tise evealug. Ils derotsd iimeif to a refutation Ott&e Ides tisaitihairrigation of tise Western lands vouiti add te tihe compe- liMuOnfotise Eastern farmers. lHa aven argnadth sai Eastern fermais 1tonldiebe batilte i b>'tise movement. Re aia ad tisaiho ad a nasud talketi sis ma> Of tli tepresaautatlves rt thesa sèt snd tisai lie lied made man>' couverts. Mr. Nesiaude maid tiai tise triesaisOf thse movemeut had a momi * Importanti champion n tisE persan Of »aPt*sMtative Cjannon, sho as Chair. m« of tihe Rouse Comnitîme u *pptoprtitona, sauid wld greai Ïubllence. lie nid that Mr. Cannon W"s iu faver of a bilsulis onid pro. Vide for thes atingOfthtis actîat work 'aiOl,5iatug t,isald Lands. M. Frost WIi lie Noutjîsea. e reputilicau is uliseai ensîvaiosi tise sevasiaasîis icircuit wisulie in iie]vider a t<aurday tu nandsata émUcefflor to tua lciJsidge Ucîver. Lake Cauntys deb'gatiou 1a coin- p oued o! L. (V Broekway, S.i.'aii, B. . Clark, Cisas. Whtey,fI. W. Cbs,, D. L. Joues, L. J. Haydücker, A. ,L. iandoe, of Wauikegaii. i'aiil MacUinfln. Librtyvilli,, Dr. G. W. iMarrsugon: Seuil Shss Lr ields; iH. B. RouIte, N rous. Il ns mlok@ emIf Aturu,'3 Arthsur AI. i tntos. I 1,ckforui, wîil haveiie ,îîpun- Ihon, s l'ia li eitise e 's',, elf ihne- bagoa ouly. At untiL m asa reporitd sisal Atorney IL, h. Wt'ini,. ut Rocistord, vosld lie a candidatea 5,5tise fact tisai hie 1 oe of the' ablest iswyernsua in- stebeagocoticty wosld soake bluet a ii. midgaleia omdidate. Ilîi h -ina youî,g ma andi prûfers to coutinue lus îhe practice o lits profeasabon, loi sujets lie As eni>peutlp qualafti. -Mr. Front, tisa gentlemnn ho wsuA have tisa endorme- ament of tise Winelago cunuty 'dtlega- tion, ha beau a Iaading lawyer ot Itockfard for înauy years and bas ais cal qnseliles of a bhscisaractar ansd vonldmirke an Ideal jîltge. Jutigea Iiuuuelly snd Falier sera seati suis tise laie Judge ilarver su dune, 1897, tiseir tarin of cile expiring la u 1114 OtsL ooueiy andi l'aller " bavre dlvided tisir unme ini holding e ourt n ILake, Booue sud Mcienry ooqsiles, While Judge Garver gave thse grater part of huatituse to holding j cout lu Wineago. 'lbut tise> have doua nouse work sisseathiaielection la Iilalnlp aiowuisp lise court dockeia In Ut ieaboya mentioneti couutles, as cases ~,Of lonsg standing are no longer lau cvi- douce. Busiiess la wlpped alvag n q" im anisd ttoruep Frost wli, Il * ominaaid, shach sonîtimean elaction, *Aw bssup bis cutilu dispansltug jiialiea. riaw rcd *liSigwlsBond so! Trude Xonda>' va fln ai 241 cents. A peur igo St vas maine prioe. Nnmber of poundeasoldISOl,450. Ineremaed Vaine of Naiiroadas. Mouds>' Oonntp Clark Reudea ne-. ceived figures fsr the Siii. Audtor soing tisat for 1Lske Conni>' the flta Board of Equalization plaeil tise total value of railronds for 1901 ut $1, 086, 271 ugaunsi 1mai pears $'208,9163. Celleil toHes- Mecard. Aun Aduma 1Pollock, tisaesisbjact of tii sketchis saboir, tu ('arlisle, Pennsylvanie, Jane 10, 18:11. Her famil>' moad fson tiere te Canton. Massachusettas hare tili1vrilOuntil 840 sas algisi pears olti. lu 1839 lier motiar cAtis lier uitile Oun truveied b>' way of tise Great Laies andi Chicago to terfi homle nonts f Millbîsrn, chiaishl isen prepard b>'tise fatises, lhe havlng pracedeti the fanAl>' tisa ear before. Mlicli o lier ne ss spentin tise nid homentesc util ii 15EO<nuAprIl 24, O! tisai pear se sas uniiet inl mas-nage to Mr. Elle>' Coudre>', of Fremout, of chiais place isa bacame a resident. liera isa eremainetiuniti] lier Master on tisa morulng of IJacember 22, calleti ler taeiser rasarti. 0f laie pairs i bas givan lier great plasanre t0agg~emble bser chidren anti grusd.eisildren on Christmsas dle>. Atisough lu feeble iealil se expresati a greai dealia te have uliaus ctis ler ibis year. Tis ameane pictisred wvan te have beau ana cf jny but iuatcad t i slas oue 0f srrow as tise deas-fa,-e liaid ta be laid asuy. lier Ileacompanion, chlstran, grantd- chiltires,, oua sîster sai rts-r ramais, ta macro Iliir lamas utnet vîtisout hixpe for il-y kuos that '<Over tisa river tise beantiful river" ahs ats iwaiing anti backoslng for "ABDiOF TisAS),!,. We tiesire ta tisank aur frenis andi neigisisrs dits No hindi>' aisitatilsn durng tise lluess anti demis of ours wAfe anti mother. Miay yopî it ai i resurdel for your kisslîseî'i ini ur finietsf trial. B. Cositri Aiti t A',i. lIaiS Clubs Bodly. Iraq. Mary fClark of Waueond,eanid ber former licatiauti, Arthuir J. Jayne of Chicago, aroîsmet a peislir coutto- vans>' ln Chicago Satiirday. ht sas oves-tisaquetioln as teî"Wiso shasld bor>' tisa ehilîl. fatisci or mother"' Tise coupla sera il vores'd saine itme ugo. Tisaeulti>' of thse tous thilt- ren wa u ve ta tise nother. Leter tise mother mlosedtiio tsf tise cild. ta ties is tisefatiser. Ira.. Jsyne marniai d dbeamae Mrs. Mary Clark, of Wancondu, 1i1. Dec. 16, Aice, Ona o! tise chils-en, givan iato ise a fances-e, (lied, 'ailier ant imotler niet tis je iîîîehtý Bots demandedth ie righit t,î hîry tise euiti. Coronier i'reger dî'cîdalto allas tishetiller ta cuuiîlttthe faîîeral services <p to tisa grave i hei Le decidadth le moiili,' licisit have-tise ciilda s odte) te, lan<ie wi'ssed wltis ise Clark seiais ee,,îl,l rin,,vî' tise body 't, a î-îmetry ni-ar lieriboulse, Nuis N*'e're Tlisiîgi OUTn frilterbi<elerateti asotisar huIidauy thisa week unitl agalnO ur papen Dlatae. NaIw sire ,tiinîugli î'leb)rslng for a Uiuniti i i l!gai ysour papes- isrefter asmcof yore. or ai ira,t outliniora ildLaE's îiauiand Iliat our psinter dIo umort' t'loer.tlg.ltit il-s, thais chlat liolidays ara for. It is asad thiQg to sec fine fruit true" spulcd by the bligbIt. Voit C:tn alway. tcIl therrn frt mI the rt-st. They nt'\'ir (Il ,'uî afterwarls but stdx' sn.îll .and sickly. It is worse to sce a. .ligrht strike Cildruil. Good health is the natur.îl riglit Of children. But sorne of theCM dont get tlicir riglits. While the rest gro(w big a11( strong orie stays 1S1til and weak. Scott',E Lul",ioti an stop t'],t blight. Thure i s no r.- , on whIY SUCI a euIild ,Ii(ould 'iv smal. So1'11îu',o h ___________________________ OGURNEz. 1 . Miss Rubp Gllidge apent lest saab n Atiocis. Jameis Ferrait spent saverai tiapa la Chic&go01mat weak. Les Witbur returuati from Oragon tise lirai of tise eek. Tise Young Ladies' Club gave s dance Tisena eveulug. A fiue grade 0f ica lias beau put isp b' tise fermera liera this pear. lIra. JamasWllsr, of Waukegan, vitet friands haie tisis week. Raevi Frost and site, of Cihicago, spahi tise hlidaps sis friands liara. Eimer Marrie, o! Wintlirop Harbor, @peut Tuesdsy liera worklng fur fi. B. Mrs. Notinghsam anti daugliter spaut nseral tisys lest week iili rela- tives asniRussael. Mrt. Wm. ago elw4stFridap. Sha liid been slck sevaral waeks sis typhold faver Anld heart trouble. The, funerai sas bhet Mtiap. Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG. Physiclan and Surgeon. BEEtNUEOPPOOITILLEBUAN HOTEL 5LhiO. Gurnee - ------Illfnols. 1ev. J. . l. YlnigIlg, pasior of tise Bledfordi SI. M. E. Cliicis, Cumber- land, Md., saye:. h tattords me gleat phemsora to recommanti Chsenberih's Colle, Choiera sud tîlarrisoca Iaemadp. 1 have ufiad ihand tîîow aotiers sist have neyer ksownsif ta fu. For sale b>' FY . Lovi,.L Librtyvslle; GiAYs- LAXIL PiARMNACX, J. Mas,.r. VanliOe. WARRENTON GROVE. Many sof tise farxnern; are tlllîug tiseir Q tiPe a te w a n ,, IitLI,, e asq se1ratie halui t tlrue, 3&r. liairilauo1 cit ,îi I ,'î îpaoly ,Ver Chistmquas,. 1 1<0 chevalier lm î'utt rtîiiug a gentlemnan friand. MIss Mary 'isevalier î,îuî',t flicfore part af tise wcckis Chicatgo. Mis. William Gilllsugs was imiter Dr. Ta3'ltr'n cure thse irni of tise us-ca. 'lise Misses Lambreclît, if ChIicago, are 8poiidilig tih ,lldavn ai homle. tht usais>' rienin ot sr4. Sage, cf Unriec, arc nisu,'kedt,, hi-ar it lier M anv fr,,,u fi re' tt,- ii,'i tise eisrimtc,'iîiîg i tri. 'lark's chilî An Waukegali. Sauta i lus brougisi lcie( anti Leous Wlniiugioii ai ovety piauo for il ('hitaasgi. :Vie. andl Mes. (illingm andl son Leslie spent Cirimtusias n Waukegan cAtis Mr. andti mn Wallace. -Sam in ima mgo my daughter eauigis a saevane cold. Bise camsplaintidcf palis Aniser cisemi sud liedati a icoijgh. 1 gave lier Chaemberain@ Cougis Reiely according ta directions aud lu two devs elia sas sali anti eble to go t,, aeisool. I have usadttitis ramatins isy family sor tise paist aeunyaars anti hava neyer kuiowui to fall, " maya Jeunes t'rendergasi. marchant, Anuato BIay, Jamnatea, West Iodla Islands. tise peiinsnlutise ciaitindicaeg ana approtichlng attssck of pucuîsnsia, wbhInsluths instance ws audolits'dlp watit idf y Cliamairlahns iCongis Itesieti>' IL oiita gLsauy tticue>' of a culdtiwt pneumuuna. F'ur Sale tsy K BIlLova.i. Lilîetyville; GRAY. <ýAile lHa5iAKIiY;.1. Mas iKLI.Ilîr. VOLO. Gecorge N.njis un tise s,ikl-,t ig,,is Anna Compîtons, if Elins,, s ihting relaiîves, ier,'. Sieus vacatiotnî Nlits Avis (ekoifI ,,t -a,,I,, 5ea Vilo calti lsrilay. Mr. IRobertn, (f i s,'t'.,,s'te,!ai C.'G Il ln,îî ii ! t, li JoitiEt niiratger,.ut 1i,a-,, qioî,nd- s'a',a N ilo cai--r I,,lî Itotte t iiiel, l cis, ,tif GCay'shilik visitei relativenloitre this, evk. MIss Faoin)' S- xl,,, lm apendllîg 1hur vacation wsuil rtilativ','n iiiElgin. Itelptii,-,irdou<lm-lit part ift his vacationî wltilîbis paren t tbraysnik' CuarIe>'Eldidige, ut M'llesiry, vwah in osîr village oun bissulimstise tirai of tiha weak. tIrs. C. (;.. Iumn u aî daughier Marion alant lria3 11h ilnls at Fort Ilil. lIra A. C. Cîrmens, ilaugliter Nclie and Mis. L. Vt. Lunk spatut Suniilay ai A. Jtta.vmolidt's. A aîgter casme to gladlden tise houle (f Mr. amilMr,. Johnu Myarsq Tues,,li, Dec. 3iai. William ltoaing, of Chicago. spant Nesw's cars Ath is Asparants, tir. sud lIra . Jtbu îîilg. Wîu Iilloss ralluraet to isi home lu Cbiiag'î Wo,lnesais, sltar s brie! visit wiib relativts iera. GRAYSLAKB LOCAL NFEWS. NU. 0. B. UIfEMAN. Lesui Bdie,. lIra. Sher an1atiorised W recélve ssbserlVtIons. adverti8ements and aidere f0r jb worl,.8Cali for rates at E. B. Shermsans store. Thse Bridge et Midnight. 1 si ,od cii the-bridge tt mîdnigist, Wliuisitlu ti-s l1usd ceaeedt ti mn. 'r,îîîuo sua asa-(»«- '<itise est.', Vs lert-litýieshiotli hava lii-hibutone. i nýdi.ndatise hall ait atîduiglit, As -thie loik wte, triking tise Iour; Tire' olti uaris lis i Il, vstise lisnister. Anid k<kl 'il]ils power. I lit I' tlsotiglitt itrelier fîtiser alitas NN"ne fllet ast ill of! etia; lili I1ivent maîolng 'i tes tepwi-s A ir( fl risitl tiseni4-t'.-Ex. Ilsititiful swier <clii ber. NN' ii s itir, «'t. it N'ttk'uî,as,Iiu Nisit il, tý.n -l-l't- î .î. isu tî iî'lsiskî' NIi',ta i-w. t,,iî,l,.ttait l î.ik.lanes s,,c <s <<e itts' nit t iiltssk-.'tu Lt-g, s, we-t-, i.-i tls se vse thisa se-.. M. N Nil s'S ut,' .1wli, Nsw l'ii'n ii A ilso . %ssiI ' I, il'l i.Nlusteis tiCh'litllî. .le-si Nl-w is liv <t Loi.s,,iski- Mi-'. sîsîl ie . A. W. I'llsirî','y 515-t i ni s4t1sim %v't'tk <iil, N ,ilts-gmîs rl,'iiti. Mur. ano ir i v. IE. Il Sîer-issisi -strfi N'll"ling il,, ît'î;,I tNe%% N,',a"e ltts'1 '11wu' i,,sîlm-n' .,1,1 S <'i ilt iue,'i %% iti Mis. lfi-tlis,,-' f -Iu',.î ils" MOI. i l, it,',i il'. Ltiii ,, M C i t" .mi- Nus ii,, ii, Mr t-t t Wi.tttk,'1 <Ivkils liNNt t s .îti Lîk. etiNt ,î. 't gases il- itts- i ,,, . il <sut Ils.Nt tilt-i Ilîst. M..CI. iiN-.,,ttîIttaI t" i t i i . \ i tt t i il ti ,,titt Mr t s, is, m iiis ii" i t i su-se ,,5 'thé-'ii tt ii ,,,r Nu it u s. '<<' Il Iligli ,"iî Th..', tri c. 'lit', «t-lit 5 , 'i"tusSi PeI 5 h i lit,,'iii d luiaii. K l- il i i- Ii. Hi, ii sif u4,lii,-' ti NittýI l'suî. il E. i .5< , <lialtlii.ib '-Tuts tit.. <-'t'iisg.îîu. I411. ilmvl. s,! t i.l'v Lt.' isi-ets',' il,, iuiti. '. \~siiu ,'i, %Il % uii t s 'i f, 'lîe O i le' \%t' ' : i , i sîh ',tsi.;[ po hnI PNlGli' Aulit1tse ui 'i kstue St ii" Stnssg, aI Parie flaugi'. i neils :l us--ismusig e;Ilas- in t..i lli i, amad * ý-t ],yfi -.t ;1' Ms-. N. Jacobson, tsf this place seviad tise mani intelligencui laut sas-k oniAi brotîserasAs-aIls un (hiesigo,lie beisig Foua în d ii-nja1le. Mr. Jeattibostui- madiatti>' <ent tSi-rctulasetiendthtti est- aral, Tise sireust, ol> 'a coupîle of mont1Isaugo visitM-ilmsi brother hi-ri, ansi watt in fini- hiahist tisai tiane, at, thuit' tise usa cta a <es-y sîstiin siucisto lila broti'hi-ne, c.Mn. Iat'obsotu hatise syspatliy of ihlus-'i Iitmi uîiql .v ilusi$ r>'- istg luts. Nexi Siietit>yuttustli 'ttîgnt'gstioil tIschrria t'eîstsî'ing tts-its' iii hi- 'Otur i't-isootii Trasxi-he A Ni-w' ernsci'. usîs. veusni, gservice- «iii tsw-oAalied silli gusapel mnîg service sald aja-tit] miisgiiig. Tias- t' V,-O"(siteHtrîtesunis ll'c ,ililtipa.' AIl uses-ilsvi ts-d us ut -itt- wiils lis i iin n î<'uek Lillsrii] li ctssiiiiug yt'ue Planis fiou a sm'stoitics at<il nc itoulii'u n ivii-ne wrsl,it 'titini liai PrnnOion ofis titht-. t%% ti sat isus'the- svtslil lihas '<'<r k iuusî , , tiaiiisnl l N'iitL auu Isquf-atu.l lu>'Ch'inst. T'lilsu sb', tu ,tt'ii'u. 1-ieIt'es sens-a tt k. A ju <11<'Part>' tf yon isgla,tî .frits,la ol Mius W-lit lie t 'ttsîsls. Lirese a ,tsig tht- Nuis'lues-riglît . iisaits i. s cenr fsininiu enIsuslit lits'milsIsIllersîs"i-idi-t it u i itg-m aie. Th'. eli Parltyl'N"tnsist. il Misata N"luii htl-i Nsitulu<'l Et ibel Coistsibls. tand Muss. Cri',urs'(asrîtwuual Nusrssuss t',tusîim. tILI lia k l'trk N acs t ti.',A ti, ,It.iIuug ltitgon ,, tuudilu',u'a îtig 1ii i n s isaiti s,,ill ,,n 1î,11w'ss t-itsîui t ,,,,ii..l ié t I îL slu't% - v',,. s'h<. - l11 iia,1s1i lN is s Il î,siui. s,! i l u l ii'Th.-un t liiumt oui ie-t'Nts' îe" ss ira l t su% <'%IL- t lt' t-u iil',- i Il le.u'îu'î si g u It) lt ' if <.il ti tis <u-i ît' is'it iî,'euV . - % ,, -Il -ti'il Di] %aisui g a.,s Ileiu. 4tit CSlld Worth Millious. -My'cildilas orti millions tame,' aya Ms-@. Mary Brd of Harrisbiurg, Pu., "pYet I vould have fosntlier by croup isati 1not pssahmet-ua s h la of Oua Minuîte Canigis Cuare.-. 'u Minute Caîsgls cure aAsmus- eure for caugisa, croup amut ilrout anti fang troublas. An abaoilatly safe casigi cura siîcisactaii mmedilatol>'. Tise yonngrst cliltieau Lake IL is a ntim bafet>'. Tisa litileeoues lika thie tante and nemeusîer bac ofteu t lîlpeti tiens. Ever>' famit>' ahosaltihaveaa liotie of tie Minute Csulih Cure lianti>. At îumsassas, empeeill>'it me> ay cnce s tiddeuly. F. Il. Lii'isuL, Libertyvilia. [ WAUKEGAN. Usg.Il th. Cosny Seet f .5let.r John Alexander )osAl 8abolunt tii alaka tisa utuaio! ChIzLgo rum bis csrrisge wbiscsuani lve Au Zion City', Lakecauut>', wchinetair8a sre lover. This lie sAli Ido chaistise cituunaoa MSmuei Stevenson are pail autdtise proenat lîgal t)atlierusa ven .,An the preliilsary miel) t, ihi,chsange of nesîlan,'e, Diwit' Lois e-i'sgtuiz'd lis elorcis, giveain ~iltheouiCents-ai 'isieruacie on Michigan avenue and esiablishedtifllfeu milor tabernacles in varins a ections tsf Chicago. fls lessetf tise taliernacle axpiret Mon- day. -isus Sri-ottis unijithtitaxa. tin, 'ss4ti iosie t s LafolusweasIlu tise Aliditisi >m tirsimay aflerucoas, «'Chicago tilfereuàtiates haisean Zios, snd tiseailier chanches of! htiscipy, and iilistand IL no longer. t sm go- lng ta Zios City talilve iîtin tise hleu fac noniha, anti Il ypumis ili te heur me mlsu-a you mois go tissre" 4 Acctristing ta pensions visa ara lu a potiion ta hunew, îles-e An sstrong posaililftit iimtishe big industriel ishooiltonrlboys sen ie a recteti b> tisa Steta of Ilinois, mu>' ba tocstet nean Wuukegan. Ai li avants a pro- posîitinfor a site cilIliabc sismtteti ta tua comnittea lun charge of tise natters-anti Wenkagan ciiilacgiven dite cosiuieration ctI tise renaiuder osf tise Places, u Cliance ot auceas, isaseve-, balnig battes-tisas, the othans lu vIew of ia8 proxînit>' to Chicago, a vas-y important point is canaidered lun fixing lise location. Tise stale docidati te tect shat lastW bc known as. -tie Illinois Muate liane for ticlisquant boys' anti au approatuion c! $251,000I, vaut made sAtiis shsta es-et tise fis-st hufildngti. Wlile $25,M) l sa appro- pniuted for tise biuldinàga It la ganerally S c We are selling the hleater in then*ý orne in and e a BUCKNAM & CO0.1 Grayslake. Illinois. e5flA-FE w MOR E... For "Winners" these cannot be Equalled. itîrsietI)rushiatý, sortis 500efor--------------------....S 20 -.< 30e1 1 .......- ................---tg 200 .. ........................ 10 abianketa fron Si Mlai p ts .I.----------------4 go Dîs pita,'ý5u,it .....ta..I100 coasa50e np ta.............................. 3 3 Ail size Pearl buttons, gOOsi qualit>', per carl off doz 00 Ait l kidsof parfume, thse Seat triple extnuet 51 per az.. 10 'seesi ban sud iMagie Vasai....... .......... 01 iian'sesa l isair shirts .-..-.,- -.. - - --.1.. .... t Lira of William aMoKinle>' Sp Bihop Fallou a--------..98 Geo. Battershall, H AINES VILLE - ILLINOIS. iStart 00 The New Year Right-,*. .î i.tii '1rgiiuIlu-ne %s irs' yssu gitt-laslia ttitaruis i> .-,sisli uti asi. t isaspairc tut. tu ho ,, lit tit, us Mens anud Boy's Overcoats and Ultle-s Meu's Suits, Boys Suifs, $1 1000 3-50 .... .00 Underwear of ail kinds. Feits and Overs. Stock-- ings. A full stock of Groceries, ail at Iow-- est prices. Wm. W. EDWARDS., Grasamke, MI. Sewing Machines...., Unlat aU ROEiSDE Wheeler & Wilson, New Home, F loren ce, New Royal and Crown Sewing Machines. Also a nice Line of Jewelry, Watc hes, Clocks -and Silverware. I~. B. SHFJ~

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