Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 17 Jan 1902, p. 1

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LARKE Il..] Y Klà~ l~ V ~ ~ fwaj. r COUNTY I'NDEPENDENT, Libertyville, Lake County, ililnols. Friday, January 17. 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. fiAMBLERS TROUBLES INCREASE. V E N E A N T I'S Attletgpt l,î Burn"Club Htk4e." Citiuî-u li. PrsecutC. The taioring business generally cones ta aa ,*standstill in january, But Our tailoring business is going ta boom ail througb January and February, lt is better t0 îhrow off ail Profit and keep busy than to hold ironclad prices and bc idie. We have over three hundred styles in fashionable suitings, nobby overcoatings and fancty vestinga. Wecati save vou five ta ten dollars on a suit a- avercoat. and one to thrce dollars on pants or fancy vests. We guarantec our woolens, aur timming and every sitch of our work from start to finish. While we are doing this on aur "winter weghts" i should bc undersood that a great mÉny of îhem are very desirable for Spring and carly Sumnmer wear. If you bave been delayed in getting your Winter suit or overcoat, or if you want a Sping suit or overcoat, GET IT- NOW. and ut the same tîme hold back a luactdful af maney. --Lu 1'White sOl the contingenlt Of gamîl-e smo ,ce intjadeti Lake C .uuty a r e risV i troubles Of thVirý owu. 'I'bmîigm.upluyed by a rival gambta ao t tiimp'ed 10 burfi the *'olu,119 .tafs ,el- ar Everett Ju@l artr mllught Saturday, whieaat Lake Foreat SaturlaY afttDîoun aLma"s mai tlng of Lake (ouitil!cittrend W@19 ha Id tu cùnhidt r uayea sud meainA Of getilma id oft limelut. (isards dl,--,ered trimo tire vbticb bad be-Ou tartut i sInus) mmedtateiy, andl rmube,1 ,,Uiid,-tIi,, l,îîlding 10Out i0 u A h-,tuu, atl ev ehsr rolunds the gr<uIllîlk sas siuze andi it was a malter t iut a i- ewmoment& 10 lult il oui. M LIIiýrhmtaengaged «orne unefireil leversjl') tt4 rain a glrOts near l'y 1 bo tir, 'sas returned, a doZeL attuta tmbelmg f langeml, but nu une li nared. % ,,î), ttis ttack va iipireti by a nîctul p',,l oom L( get i utof a-,împettorý Maturday at Lake rl a mass muet- lng ot Lake eouiY it/euS v as field at ibtcb suDerg-almt,îilt, bc kuevn as the Citlzeub oflataetLake Caunlty vas perfe,-tu(I,iltter a utîruber ut vigoroum sddIrue. ýimami eemmadie lu deLunetatlon of ttýgaum)bera' Invaion. l-epreaentattVes seit. ;,reaeimt faim varins aettis u01th tU>'Iltilty. Ilvas u etibliiattc meeting The aflUcera and exec,tive e,,tnmittte ol the 1ev assocIation i ri prealîet F. ). HIsrIiglîbandi l'Krk. Firi t ie t ,r(elni 1't iumhey. Lake Furehtl Second Vice IPresldu F tit-r, Waukegau. liecretary 1O jackan, Lake For- est. Ireahurt-r C. il. 1 rtiam. Wau- kegani. IThe meeting adopted reaoliOfli Caling on the StlintofutLake Colty and 8tatea AttorileY S. D. TaCOtt tarthwvtit u util! pioprietars White and Hottanid Ibat uliey andi their assoctatea w-und bc vtgorunsly prose- Culud If tie cuuttnued lu eperate the pooa.roo. 'lice r-auuttîuna aigo ra F, Fner, NI a.1or Of Wiikegsîm rownsend tinth, L.kjS Bl,,t V. ',. trne#, Lake MgO i. Gl<ortsm. Waukea. DaiIlH. Jakson, Laeo For, t F. S. Genouo, Lake eft f1ibert A. (;ravie . W*ukeg1àfî it, (j Chandter. Hilghhud Park il. W. Patton, 1ighbiti4Park Mark Morion, Lake Ifttat. E. F. Evalns, Mayor 01 Eigbland Park. A. W. Wajdo, Mayor et Llbetyvilie Arthur SIMP8ean, BenjOS. Warren Hollaud. NeVpftt. William Weetiake, Aauftlà G;eorge ialle, Orsul. S. L. Carfield, Avon. Freeman (lo0w, WarrefL. R. D. AmueF, Frernot. Lewis Prici- Wancofl's. I'red Kirchner, Cutba. Wilit Hall. Ela. W illiam> Whgblrn, Venoit I H. Fritcli, Darielti., irank Wrighit, LIbenly*UlIe <t B. Sherman, Libser$flle (tharies Brown. WBIIOU* George Kennedy, AnUil. PLAN rom EAIBE UOYE1 mf ofies Il ais aortie;t con- ventence Dame a finanlcoumttiee 0ut tweuly. vbicb viliihave in baud the vork ot gatliertug the tnflds for tlgbt- ing the gamblera il vas coucedled lu 113e meeting tbat a bard Mr19gl8 hall been undertaken andti bat both the Statua Attornmey sud theO honit voult have ta be ruatertali! gasatti 1 lute vork. Nelîlar outhemas officiaIs vas presaul aihangh isitwvasnueratooti thai States Aturaey talsoji hâamgn i- ied hiesymrpathy vlthlte maternan12t. TEIBEAIENS SfTATES A¶?OR'ÇEi Th3e tolloving ltter vas jfeceived by States Atorney Tlalcali SatnndaY rnorning, dated aI Wbaukeg5il --a. D. Talcoit. Statas àAtorney Ot Laka Cant! DearBit: Von, s BiaIsag Attorney, electati by the people ot Lake Counnly, are bsil1g paît $500 par veek 13! the gambiers a1 Cicago efor aloving a gamblu g hall go axioitIn onrjuillet. 1 harsbT nottfy yon va vil) cali a a Sa.mstlig untît vslm- paah ObyfolitOffice. à,. 0. MAlata" Nao s2unarnod M. C. Mlansh la known la Wankegau, anti Attorney Taloott doesaflot tako the ltter JOS. DOYLE KILLED BY TRAIN. -'Lcceideît Due t Emet Heud-iit Wa@ Out . i imurgday eteniug of lent veek JaS. J)ytle, an old sand welI knovn nasident of Evevett waa atnnck by a norili juinu t rongh train on lthe St. Pant *uad and insiantli! kllad. Mr. Doyle hati been ai the Evereil sanaevliere ho madesmnapunchasa and about a quarter toa mvon sate for liahorna. Thal vas the ai asBen of hlm alite. Subsequent investigation developal ilial lie va alklu)g along the naliroati tram-k jumi north oi the Everait depot andi about 100 ftet month of hers biglé- vay crossem the trsok, vhen slruck. Iw sutraîna passed ti a lat place and Doy le vas evidenily valktng on the trank nad by nonili bonnd grains, as ie conîti oaily a" the bead-llgbt on sont h bounti train a h approached hlm. Mati ha takan the pracantion ta glajua back, vbleh ho doubtless titi, lha conîti fot have @sen the train approaebtug tram babluti vhicb @truck hiM, se thora Vall no heati-llght on the engins, and thus it came thnir ing Upon talt vitb auch force as to bonl liru againat tha fence aiogngit t-f way % Mliy tha beat-ligLi vasoui oburing la explined hy anginear J. B. Brady'@ teattmuny et the Coroner's inqnat Ha said in part. "We have an elactie head-llght on onr engin@,.fitmlamarna- thtng nov; Ih viii die dovn as urnes but glvem a line iigbi as a generai thtng. t lirai niced ti wovasnot bmr- lng rifibt juat aller I vhisld for th3e tation" Continung angineer Brady sald -'We do uný stop at Eerett. Aftar va truck the s an ves topped and t fixet the ulh. Wiian ve mtruck tlie Man va atappa ias',eon as possiblte. t axaminet the engln6,snd 3toundi a skit on the pilot brokiw. )andi the air pipa bos rankod. Our 3brakaman vont back ta vhere vo bit 1ithe man. The light on engine vas aont tram dtaai vistio crosailg tu vbars va struck the man. 1 »v hlm tnorn lightaof1the sonih baunti angine. àWe voulti ha expectad taight onr yiamp ai any place il vont ont. The r rason I tld not stop vban noan Evart ta flix tus larnp vas beosusa I I Embroiderles I lmp3rted Swias. Nainsaik and Hamburg Embroidcrics, the m e s b \ n d pel;e ii- i a chàl i t , i X tluslin Undergarments iimi l, m- li,, , nI, r iiit,, îîSii t , -,-kilt- 1 1aw iý ai, ril ,,\,, \ t. 1 1 r , i, ii, to fit i mi mde bi tii, 11t ii liti l;, and,, oi l e piv, i,, mlimutyoii hht-,e mi i LYON&SONS. CJOR LAMS W PRICES Waukegan - - - Illinois. -*m..-T H E -.o Weather Profits Tell us there wilI be ai kinds of SNOW THIS WINTER. We have the CUTTERS AND BOBS in readiness and at way down prices. Sveli-body Cutters for . .... ...... .... 17.00 \i ortiand Cutters; for.............. ... ............ 20.00 MýWjt itet Rnee Bobos . ...... 17.00 Tbree hbjiee Bobs .................... .... ........ 16.00 ivo Knee ,,bý.......................... ....... .... 15.00 Thel ta the lsy? altel. ghi o! ad bu te the 'abouti &Y bu be Mka mby g. j"u. 0 of the . lam at sa-» atafiMA aiseil ruagb toB1 meaiel Warvt ý >d peine tl.waed is Ioab> lma V«7 bina la it limas ta effl e. sMd l la won,. ha varj i lm0 as ai a Village aab a, the Pmu i emloo Sgo te LD.ove y are ail ' 1j made and finished advery~~ a b argain V if W~ W~ ~'V U~ U~ 11.b. .ibertyville Illioi] No Bette r Time Tlo order x ouîr hariuess for s->ii îg work that i rght i1ow. Wre are ilot ruîslîed aîîd eaiu give y oui order more attention thanii lter. ('()me in andr get pri--s. Robes, Blankets, AND Fur Coats. To close ouit ixe will sell then at a sacrifice. l)oint wauit to carry 9e1em e. Let us ,1mîote yomîpre. 'nIami ifilid ont about them. C. H. KAISER, CLibertyville - M-ilnois. CI lE -2Otli ('î-îtury Cash Store otler- the balance lit ofth,-ir winiter Suits ai()x erc-oat., at re- iliceil riues for the iiext 30 y)las. l-x1erieiiue lias taught iis that te bi11k of Winter (iomds are ,old before the ilolidiivays n 11't< keep the hail a rolliîîg after that, mer- chants bave to eut prices ini Iorder to iiake sales. We waut to sell every Suit and )verooat ou ihand. If in need of auiy. ea I and see Us. No trouble tg) show goode. A New Lot of Ladies' fiancefte Wrappers îust Received. W. PARkIIURS1 Stevenson, The Tailor Li berty ville - - Illinos. Fred Croker, TAILOR. OVER Schanck's Hardware Store, Luejulete tSi -S. Paul anti Northwaalarn lknev the sol b bund train vonl Libertyville . Illnois. rilways ta refuse ta cary an! patrons BIRNEY MON M1J WRIT. Iltaplisudean dl tlogatout of ortheimapool raum. clirai a.AuctnlhUinsg.1 mpqoia 55E ON ALI, mA5BllîiP%1 ccueed Of Actflïiga@ '.Mo~s iUUOb l' lp-e ,t ofth11e meeting va8staated WiliiCounty Gambiers. "Mg elitsioftendams." ___________________________________________byf' 1) Eserett of Higandu Park ta Atorney John ODotineit, IClencgo tion o blIf i f Wednieaday au application for a anti B. B. Miller, of Libatyile PAUL MacCUFFIN, BENJAMIN H. MILLER,' b iig lui1 tc catitty Ibreigian ingan- tatorar! injoncition etralnliig tbe alti the imainqneat in the juîteon ATTORN EY AT LAW. ie ils icti sUottIlire eaeiteery pi.iprietars outh11e Everett pool fou. ofthlie Dayle tamiiy and Ita genenaliy Li Ltlomnoy and timuedlmr ut Law. t . I.e1,111 stimaviowug nrtbler gambling vas beiitd beavy danagsa vii lia NOTARY PUBLIC LISERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. lusevry i-rsehetlîrg citizen ouight thie)lutlie Circuit tcourt. The sriti securati romtime oompany avîug to -~a. ~. ~to , mil iiung to, cuil ul) imlaeeves anti vas i-gnati b! J. Birney Mason, of tha farttliera vas no un lthe onrîiE vni ÂKICou i91si-K a as, s, r -IN~r,. ua lel) îmnIrIvt ti, inferi imachine out Wautegan, sand bis atorney laJ. K. "Uglua. Libertyville. Illinois. r£rI[PHONE NO 26 0as.s saas il te eî,;nty, 'salulMr. Everi.Orvîs. eWhite J '. Iigailmu, of Chicago', limaCorunnajury, coumisting ut ,m itn otilite audien-e.- Lakea ta asealtnt. DenDiS Gibuns, tureman; Tom Tare. i ,. unilo itrd lui permit the Witlney, 1 ption ',Whtney ssil John 'i re, Frank Redmanti, Eti Dr. E. H..Smith, Dr. Charles Galloway. 1 conltottsanc,Oft i8bgsdraceful enter- argue againil limee tîî;îmnclun, hasiug 5tuenkel anti Frank Couper, in tbemn prise. il lm a menace ta ulouthoes as been rutaitiet by ,mu Whute. Lime verdict oensnredth 1e raitali eampany DENTIST. iffic>e overLovel's DrJg Stor e l ias tiCur tés belng iearti uetre Jutige because themehaa-lgh visnot burning. Offce ve Lae Cuny Bnk ilFRO 1 O AN 9T MP. d -Au eVent Oas isieli place," saîi Donatiy, aIi Woodutock. as ve go tî -fios. Doyle vas 67 Yaars otaâge anti Ofic oerLkeCont ank a1unas kliuiW, 6aumi f Lake Fuiret l uslie tîveti for yeara ere teraîl. is 3oans.8t i2 . C. itt1tlt" ,m5 i. bAi i ibertyviIIe. - Illinois mimrpeker, -ilibusaaevlaiIAiumiit siagantai disposiin anti qulck vît aI LibrtvileM.Ized ,,ur jlemssasoit brougimtlis logetimer Atorney Orvta, ini taaiug oultlimrade ilimpapolar in that iocalitiy. Liberyvile, II.for unitidctionjat,, ucure thie promrpt malter, asîi 'Besides Mn. Masana Extensive raLdlng liad broadanat i bs Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. âUît siguouna etturcee,t oft te affidavits me have ailiers ruade by mimd andi lie as negardeti as a srI ot Dr.H. . . Y UNG )fic oer rigs Tal 'rtnl ta.s. '% e pruitiandi 5e sut- resietts ut lime vtcîujily lunviich themu ge by hie acquaintancesa arng Dr.H. . B YO NG. .~tce vorTrîgs Talors.iVrr by mi)r pr(,imtriy tu, bîcage. fon place la tacateti antt eveegaina la wliomhite tli brînga atucenait Physician and Surgeon. ua s ter, are Iiiou miiment u t aicty stia @top itlfttscm a thinig la posible. Vie mrrav. Il-EL8111, i u t. 4 sasd . te m P. r. maie lilt eir iuinemh ta break lime have an allildavit tram Mr. Mas5on Ray- Sirvivinmg hlm are rît oidren. Ourlîlun-o- -i - lîenoe in Broadway <oppostlePark taaSm.iJUt las sunas s ecaui ousteIl Iltbut L is busdiness takls hi u mbHeRy, James, Mr@. Elizabeth Rieily Ouree.- -Lbertyville, Illinois. lie Laiotanoritls ,utîtilt etgarutueis they the eiglibarimoat in qmuesion sud tlitIanti Mra. Mary Ragan, of Chicago, i sl movt irotes Liae elce, ant itunnfie ltain leur of bodily lui ary. anti John anti &aggto, of Eveneil. %steu i, t tliI r titinga t, tru aur -If theinjonctionîi îgranledtu-ta Funenai senvicaena hreiti dSalin-day DR. AMOS J. N ICHOLS MISS FLORA COLBY , luintfrttD, me luu-terment ofth11e IfluIOw, trum tten ii tIl arreat an in lime Everatt cimur eh, Fatimen itl eOFSCHICAGOV.perians toundt tIi-e, iu use ut coti- ofilciattng, 0a F CliC aGOPHOTOGRAPHER. , i stempt of court. i ccc giing tu Close imasamemet ~ it-,t Ial place up andi se ce goitng tu do iIl Mîliburn Company Electe 0f. DEN«rL OFICE ibertvill, V . lixaineaf Lake Biti salît. ngit awaly. If tliey u' l n t he11in- ces A& DiENTAvL OFFIblc. 's"TUIOIN We 1imi:t Fi uaril îe iiîie(stm fLake juuctiuin we shah cait Ipujon tie aherit Smith&Dvs Lîetstorilieca iti i r' VC SUDiO BN L IG Ilioi u ymlhincaligiilic TeMillbnrn Inanrance Company% Smib &D @nav-is lv sO eIems leOLtLY5mON Ilnî.t yatu is celsitat c a e oaut le mi;odwumainau) make theaar- anuai meeting tast Saiuniay alter- 8:00 a. m. tal6:00 P ru mat btHtlilîîlie ltiasin ib Ctlie onmtheimmil sons,.tOn ai taith satme nolm'ftea rDo uir hoghteeeon auateLuffi aboneut100narn- osavî nS ati M euvra STIIAM LAUNDRY. Unltati eatîtun. \l'ehase corne tu a Coutiuuiug furtîLr Mrtirets saidto Ana eot amtsat h GROVIl ~~~~~~~~sore constitiltem one etfIfie 1tinealgamhing hanse. we>re g,'ilog 10 taile etooffiorrsuednat- Phscin adSrgos.Alasmiety n ýlene tii't, Imt'e tuttad sîeps tau>saime oDLrmafthlIe prop. îInataterent ut the aid officans, as fol- Physcias ad Srgens.AilWStaNetesadanid tuibeli- iivauîea blu!aienîy paup ai Itlases:- lava: Ofiead e1ev trpý,or ýut Prornntly Done. ,horde of ganibl ceery da! l ta trilla- OINT MASON'h . 1CÉRITi. Gaorge Stepimens Pri-idant. of chuch, -slii ale. Wemust rt ai ricetpurge lu sttswering the ap) lication aituur- onT&n8ceay là t Ofibisvivou leiient DoWm. B. Stewart-reasinrer. o! cnd igurt i îcll '; 113prniýmecuîîaîy e Iut saelaînant nysfo teene vastttie anele Diractora Dani Lee, Libertyville; auîý o d rs. mt îaî miit'ftr nac-iee'pauitli)eactiaasn Dsanniimcstarse~lciîmItî B nd Br 7. eula. ' aetutIlaeltrel' nliai)Ocar Whitmore, Warren; Eimer Pal- A pn3iP feasmîrI, l lame-, 1 Vi ttî ofithe Lake "geî ntctioemo ati niaI tuie ilta tck, Mllburn. A pimi alelmîIllinois. ai"ft"" th W. dipans n s edCC. iuii.Lbrtyv I ai'tcdcfliVmatie a short upaecim, tbt lte Campiaina lilas Man nat an- Il ibe reVmreti on tbe naes- ggeI lua uy iuie that lia doua Oit Realdent DIld B sty tir mure rucul akîngansuactive lDot brîîg filbibtll ite linerents a! Wm. T. Combe, an DAdresîdelil af Fat îmthSu inendNOJ.K.Mclmac8îuuty, ar of guet marais. bat Lake coui2ty, tieti Manda! moruing Clore and.IlBWnPttonRof .liW!NTE CLekntIiCo. uaBanut iglian P.lpY au lagent Oftho ieWiit coant! il5:3I) at bis homes ta Font Hill, afln Ilntrkais) spolie in a sîmilar vain. parties, an illnu of aimant a ysar. JWAIGH-T DYMOND & CO., iHighest Market Price 'îtuaRev. A A. lfan stielaofl Illb-Hew svnyeaBoâgadhd Llbortyviltl, Illinois. PAIO FOR AIL KINDOFo ianti Park asuaketteut appiauae shen Out of Wibole Cloth. livat lu Lake coantiy about tonty -.IM e rý o aid Cimcago papers andl a Wa kegaa y aars. soues Interest Beaing Certif-- RAFLP RS .i If titis meeting hati beau calle ail airdl ekcnanda Badnhtwflelae Le sauce Intareat BamtninR Centifi -~~ aImPIY ta put a stop lu gambling ~ iit ppntmssetonlnaaBeteshvihaavOHrs BY wuldbavebee a l thngbutsensalianat item dracrit)ug boy Anna chittiran. Aime. William antiBout. elli Payable on Demand. ~~~~lime projemîîîra etftfisemovEMent A. Graham, uf Long Grevas in laanFuea sbli'rndyfond, C h s t rie se l amde h pop noc-uncansciona conditian as time remnt of Font Hill cbuneh, Rov. W. E. Tli, ut men offil Imý@ ll verthecoaty.tating ohiarofurru prior go the exîrac- Waukegan, uffiiatlng. A d e W a n r Long Grove, l11, met0flI htecorlss.alTae lie connl. lion outwIelve îeeîim. limesaticlti limaalashilcotul, lmasen28c!of ber tiing uncanmcio s for sevent! l'rominent Youug People of And ew \TaIn r '5 iltOra oftIhioga is ta be vatched more than ]janna, anti Las phymîians taboret in 1111+11burn te Wet. i t sll gltriimaaiie are lo p tevain 10 ravive han,.lima marriaga of Mise Jeanie Strang. ails lonc'i n ot LO L N OL L SK vreâtslIa l roîav ra oîu ili IThe tury la matie up ont ot vhoia of Milbnrn. tu Ret. George Mtcbell, undales ii -, lii Imt. Miss Graham tilt have satanaI a Pnesbyterlan mînlotar wvblas lisen ahiueoîîmlatglugiAUCTIONEER. MEN ACTIVE IN caiADE. leim extracteti by Dr. Whiiimore ai officiating ai Mhllburn ton orne urne, ~ ...... The commillea appuutledttaselect Orayataka, Dr. B. N. Rickay adminia- vîi take placaeIthe latter part of Rollins -m aIllinoîs.r-,thiîrîty inectors, tram vimm the lertng cilorotorm,aIvas"ItDoon- Februar!. Suce, .stni ales sanret s Imu,' 'epermanent ocilersof lime association smons isrbapa %bll yminutes. abc___ Whonictnteupl t ng plakîgasala vere to >ba chosen, reponiedtheimafoliowS.adret or t t e orm:LoD¶»g W" eethe IDCENFTand i., -. ___ caUarount or attreseanmd 1 viiiguar- log namea: nl s veil asusmawl, suffer3 v ilb---p*ntIat b oa vas 8d NEPND .0 l"w a tacioll. Â IF. D. Everaîl, H"blaud Para. hadahe. g1 au the latest newas. n Oieu Vol. l -, m

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