Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 17 Jan 1902, p. 2

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IN tPEN DENT PUBLIMtED WHBICLY. &bVMTSING NATîS ON APPLICATION. ÂTTACK BY MAD DOGS FAMILY IN WEST VIRGINIA HAS FIERCE FIGHT. I"as sud Wlfe i SùeChildren and Fisatly Kill Rabid A.i.,.ls Uulted Statt. Supreme Court -t ieil.s Fa moue section 301 Ca. doga, Elnirr S . andDou i iiîI, oho live in Chetter,. "Vît.,ît E Lot iv.erpiol, Oiîo. î.îtî ri f itOjia fight for ther rlis- l,,tiloi irn rtig. The fitti m il adj , i litî.îî at the tiareaitttLtld , t3M,. it beugle, f(îiiowîi li ii ,ties.ia',li loto the' rioo. nt îîî u atd niti ig at everytiiiiicotii %% hi, ih- ivaOie in (ont tact. Tliere are si raililîrt in the faniîl.c. sW o, w i t i i iîtlîr, iftîî igh'- iug the iitinîab, tith, 1airs, ciiiiîuetl on the table. Neigiiloîî.. ,ttmtît'invdia 'ii,, and one stti rttic; ittriti, hr. fl finallv lut is hîî,[gna t a tnid ttib f fair. HEADL1,ES BOit LS FOI1 NI). P'uget Sound Isiando. People of Wbidby Islandi arc i a stite of t'viitruient over the iding of anotber beadle.. odon othe beach utar Fort Casey. W'aob. Recently a body osa round witb the head and bands eut tiff sud the elothing removed, and later un- ailier body was foudn, with the bead ses- ered. As no residents of the itlattîlarc misaluz. the mystery increases and the suthorities are of the opinion thitnitîtr- dens bave bren comîntltidat a point up the nouaid, that tbe beads bate heem sewered to prevent identification oinlt tae bodies cat lin thte water. A fart whicb Iucreases the mytery is that tbe munie =in tound bth beadiruti hodies. DEFEAT FOR STEEL COMBINE. Bapreme Court Wraeta sRlcb Land Clastm from the Trust. A dedlon wa% bandesi down hy the Uzdted Statea Supreme Court ai Mil- wakee In the famnua aection 30 land causelit favor or Margaretha Longterf. Vzauli W. Baton aud Leonida Merritt. Theb decinion affirmed the opinion of the OiDreme Court of Minnesota end ilaa eèamplet. vlctory over the Mldway cen- ganya»d the United States Steel Or- t io. By the decialon titie la given acre. land on tbe Veriniliion Ion range. Minneaota, and la so valtnable Ifat the United States Steel Corporation, Ïk luald, la ready lu pay $8000000 to là» YIctar lu the ;ong ttrtttgle for owner- Two Hurt 1. Wretk. A fat Panhauduc passenger train. frein «$W York to Chica go, and sanme tine >eba itsahd e orfor arrivai, um*sd Jta the rsar end of tihe Panhan- 'i. trahi train Cncinnati, at dia Baiti- sub ad Ohio Railrosd croatlung t 'Wutera Segue aud 49tb street, Chc.- 414and& thaugli a score of men md MIUwuoèe e uerely shaken by the In- oMir two maen, attaches oftheb Iki. amk Geont Oit ofDuiu. &t 1%»u. Ohio, the basiness,0f the 11»d Netonà! Bank haî beeji trans- fatd to the Piqua National Bank, and the Thrd Natonal Bank wiii go int WountMr lquitdation, two-thîrds of It. tockholders having already tignified tholr intention ta do nandth ie Comp- trouer of the Cnrreary basing appros-ed sof the trastaer. Dryr Goods Stock Destroyed. At Stllwater. Minu., tire deatroyeui the dry gooda tore of 1'eterson. lPaptneau & Co., and a number or people bad a narrow escape frotta dentb. The plate glass windows were flon n ott b3tn explosion. Twa Kilird lu Train Wrrck. Througb ntallcious tanipering witb a swltch on the ttock Island road two ivset were loat, sesen workmen %verr înjored "~d many were pltced in peril in s cola- Ioin hetween a fretîhi sud a worls train at O'Keene, . . *Alliffon and flollisier Choen. Senators Allîson and Iiotliter ocre te- noninsted th, accamation h3 the Iowia Republiean lIrisilatora tli joint seston. Gov. Sbswos final message m'au resu lu thse Legilatirýe. George H. Phiillaîs Fails. George H.l'hilli1is, the former corni king, bas been firced t. the W ail on the Chicago Board or Trade. InabiiitY tb caver margilt oit a long uine of rtc caused ths falinre. Perbsb u liu msi«Mine. A ire broke ot in the new sope No. 7, at Dow, onue of the principal tribtîta- rien of the Cbotaw Cou]si i tem. near Hartsborne, 1. T. Ih sta hotgbt that tourteen men perished. Gorussu Elecîrd 8-.utor. Arthur Pue Gorman bas been elected by the Maryland Legisiature United Statesa Senator t0 aucceesi George L. Wel- * AUgston. The total vote tisi.Gnrmaxt (Demt.), 6l8; Jackson (Itep, 52. Msyoralty Fiigbt Decided. At Topeka. Kan., the Sopreine Court bas declded the l'arker-Hughes mayor- aity contrat case in favor of Abert Par- ker, tbe Democratir conîrlantý Ohio Senti.Foraker t.fuse In Columbus. Ohio. the Hotîse sud Sen- ate, ballotlng srpsrslely. crIertcd Sen- ator Joseph B. Foraker. Girl Kilim Ltte l. Ser. Nelie Corueilison. the t> -ear-ld PMU W> wU WIA 4 ! VPQMu9g' " j I'T FII IÇHEAT YIELD OVtER AV ERAGE. tflt-ernzeî,t Sîatallies Show Crop ut 1901 inoBe 14.8Soiuaheta Per, stere. The- taîiuîiciin et theue Dcli îtîuuî-îît uf Agriutuîre nitashigtontutitttftilie 9vtuoe jielu> lierni-rt- if n luit inithe Uittiilstu' tei l9t> or 14.S iîî asîi u 'iuitacil ii1213îîîhî-î utIteat. 1 blt s i n 1,tt 1t9tt 1.3> loitîltu ii afiOti [33 luîutels, tit i oto if tht l".itii , )f the luot lIra tr, iii uni - inittiulnt f1,MO.txs t tr , tal, uil- oif 5.6 lut- cernt îîîîuîtheti.-arta-t tiliittit bu hat- e luittn s inist heti. fuit if Itîtt. The peohu uesit-ul or i tuuittr proi s tiîînalhicv tiiiitIýl ai r iitt acreti. ou itcrcuotf 2.9 triit ult îîî he aros -iim to liha1vci l-cosu-ii n the fout ot 19(0 The îl-îîr îîttla nou reporta as to tîue condtitiontutf toto er abrai Inter thon Deri-. IAt Ilîtî date it oaa 86.7 per tînt of tftic nîrtîtul, as cutiput ed o-it 971 it 114M), . 1 in tS99> anti 92.6 in 1898. SKELETON F1ND ENDS M4YSTEHY. tah bRecla", Though te, Has-e Been Murdermd, Periahed ou Deseco. The myatecy of the disappeucance ut Nicholas Paui, an uged recluise wbo for- meciy lved near Fillîttoco. tahu. ahlcb fias pcesailed for oser a tear anti ha an- liaed the. servi-ces of severai huuuîred scarcheca for weehs ai o tinte. waa clear- Pd the ther -lutlubyte fin-lîng uof a sl- eton tait bacie inlitthe sut inl ilte desmct n the soutihera part ufthie Stute. The hunles buti been gnaoed hy coyotes. ba the raga that covered fileinacre toiud $175 sud Paliera bat dentluted the ahele- ton, hb oasa ibongbt ibatl'nullihusibeen mnucdered and rofihed. I la noca beluevesi tAit be starbed acrosia the deaert muao Arizona, obere be bad relatives. becains deliriorns froni Ibirsttasd wantîred soit fronu the trail, finally periabiug. HELD UP BY FOUR BANDITS. Satoukeepmr la Throwu Doi-atair. ud Robbed of $70. Atter assauîîing ibeir sictim. four bigb- ussymen ln bbc saloon ut Frank Komnou- ski an Chicagou looîed lAie cash regiater tf As recclpts tor tbree datsaundi thin mada thelr escape. Atter openiug bis place Knmowski a-cnt tu the cellar toc fuel. As be cmecged froni the. hacinent lbe Sasse wîs attachesi fittwon uen usho, aftrr auaaliing hm ru bittu tw iii otn thtý stepa. Mantiîne twouother mnl alo bail etttermîl froni the sido enteanco worc helpingttg iueavet to the contenus of ibm cotst rcgîoîer. Komon-ahu soya tbuy tooh 70 EEPT THE W~'ATCHMAN BIJS'. B.rgtara ttrack Bute at Falcpoct, Obio, sud Declue toIBe Arrested. Four burgipra brohe imb ite grocery utor o M. Heltenen & Son ai Fairport. Ohio, and bes thes ast.wib dynamite. The change vas ao beavy ibat the s"fe, whlch contabined notbing of value. vas bIown ta fragmenta. white the building was pschiaily demoishesi. A nigbt watcbý min appeared justasa the Atrglara uere dcîuurtlug snd callmd tunotabem buetir- render. Tîîey answered hihm witb piatot shots. île jîtuutîmd fibnîl a Ilgcph pole. which a riddlcd. IThe marauders blen flesi. Bia Steamer la.N'rccked. Tlîe big sueir BîrrIîitol wosistreclset on the roai otf(fret-tuIslandi, hait o-ny hetween Vaincouvsetnuti SLoguany.un the nîght of Juin.2, antI ('taton SîcInt> ce -anti six rut thevce-ti ut, toIA. TItree fials carryiîuc atteu itîtt sncb liii anay safelt. but ithe cuîtnuîîa bout, titi i uas the lat 10[cave ther u.eanuer, tias isiuttsb md acaînsi Itue collier ont]ai ouibiord Ovni bawn. Fotmir (lts.rorla oThief. .ttiiititing that isluit ctître ivutn tuhe coget galery andiliu or ica petit] af mears lut iAidbe-ifatmihial-c itiluthe -"[(,W- est duptlîtu ofNewsYork uopium joints.t t miîloîîîllt furir uu-cffroîtu the. court,- F'rantklin J. Moseso. once (but rluor of Soithti a rolîtua itiatsîet tu-tu minhoItost on to fau it cnotua ilrisuitt utfuît t ho toc ru-tuy ut aitun ruf Pi'lson lu Ne- 1leu', 't'ine. Statr e Iures-t,-iatu e Aliberti 4buîicn d i, i , e to . ti t i ti O t frotu ltht of ,sif poîuîîun in %ttitokoît Nt-,x Y eiia i-'uaght auit butftltolute. (>ttci tîu-uuunt, rof toe faiuutîiy ho tictiliLo0ftht- ssvin'tsî-ce toheut sîck. tit: aitrtou] i t xîeîît SNIr. tîrtt tourtit. %tutti s still ariottayillt. <pitun.BIlg Tracrtte,0 SellIers. Tiihl't ulanti Éilit i teh is ..ited rdrs a.ueîuic fur ot tlehottutt orittint an 25,00(0 ncres u ittlatd la irf and ttIl'as uit mas-ouî-C oloiradot. fhis land iota uitbtrausn frîîtuu ilenment ot ,r nat ur agu for theplii coie oft tiiigt ,te I. Antimiias re-orruatton. Fumier Shoota. 1tmn Neat Shawntee, lt-n., Carl iliaber. a tiia-r. ttand prottably fatally wound- rid Mtri. Mary IL.'tVllacr,. Sha wîs travciug stethons intut .9 tteutt tagon fcom Rieiclu l t 10 (Oic tiity, Nefi - nit ber fatutut>.ansi sa oacsd ut stetilitot,-tot si. per»c... Ilured b3 C.ililio. A retar-ctuil <llusion on tAe Munona- bela diian etfitheBitttione sud Ohio coad. uernitSiinnstoîvu. W. Nit.. realteti lu tbe sertout itjury of suix persouti antI the wreclsiug oft uo Paintes antd a mai) tadhagîge mu cr. Pasa itenles litlght lu Sue. A prrso a l uittses a tri- oilroud pas and agnt, a cotatt o tilt-ur-, the rail- coul]fcotna ai cla t eiinuicy to person Or tînnage tut hugitage iti bottait hy tute contrutandct>nint rcutier. sunthe Sa. pcenîc ( unirof Indiana ibas belli. Cits (iflira Hmrrested. îuîoîîîunor Ctt t.. k Aii.i. Vitîti bt-on h ut t ltt ' i f'ii . b,', i 5 bou ut ht- ilîY. h" i t-"i i al-. and t t 1.i t l i1ii. -C ta, tutu. iîi',s 't ad ', l-u iîîîî1'Il uit, tc'slting sud hod nearly cheareul the mntuach,a-heu the lîiîedtcý. ruininlg fiftîrmile, anbhaur, cea-lit- IntutuILb.malt- ing iîîîliagwoond outhuc er freemr andtushiroto ic the. puosîtîgu rr tuno utto lte sit-tu Eaghnu-î-t .ii î Irtibaugb Mani> iîcuîon W. C. Ilitltilîhîuu-y stotui i tîteit luit andlav-ec tut I yiijint-d. flti tdtfHSANY FACE',t BZIG D FICIT. Btiregt for 1902 T.alsea ii,00Ot),L) Maorks firon îîîl, 'lite uinitIrc utbrtotie. ar on vîou Iltîîiu.uleîu, la tht l-tuier lui e outhtt lit. ini tIti ltu îîîo thte bîudgcet fut 19(12.ttisnuiluti-e ,lnarvyrstuutîotea shtow a detitit îtf 70,000,090tijitar.s. Ibis. hitttcti < t hle iiisu eiiiitt, x l icti. liaI bu-rn cos mcc i>t îtuîauecialitiItirutit> t h îu n nria iii- t o tbe ililuî.-c r il te services, of ibe lîtie finance îîhîiu-c. t>, r. Nîqlri. oboe tse tir tisiglt tbail cooi luîIu-td a surpluis tohictntuthe encatiof 11')1. amounîcul t0 71,500J")410itackllTht budget for 1902, as uubmuttieîîb> Baron voîn Itheinhaden, euîîouatu-'tthe l'ruussuîu retenue te i2.614,167,144I marks. tue ordi- nacy expeudîtucea ai 2,467,457.174 marks and tAie exttaocdinary expendhtuuce a> 146709970nmarksi. Compare(]t t-tiltIb teventue for 1901. tht- txp.edilhire suhow-s a dectoate ut 34,847,46f2tmacks. BIG BONI) SWINDLE IN BSOSTON. 31.» Sitha Itogus Certiliecc k Cteri t $15.000Ss ,th. I mnustinof o uuuguuartt ifchreck a Plaustible s'tindter sucîceuicî tut por-tiail- ing une ot the uoot consers tîra bunk- iiag bousuet, utBoston t touoerte, butai $100.000 usorilu of United Suites bondsti due lu 1925 ansi nnuru-ui ed72,674 lu 72.- 678 Inclusire, ansi $5(M oortb cf Bal- timore and Ohio Soitiunestecu dition stock dite 1925 andnu nîrecul24.315 tbu 24,319 Incltusive. The awnidle usas not titcoveredi tuilue text dut, asld Inspec- ter W'atts asutîeegcaplîed tut the police ot the Iocger ciento f the. Easi, bat he bus ltle bope offirlunguntabout the ua- test ur the thief. ATTEMPT TU FLY 15 RIJINiIUS. Emlaltonat Kuceka Osiera L.ap, l.uru i'orhiptir. AI a meetingutflFre lethouîuta ont Vecona, Oui.,onue outhie bruthren uechir- cd be cotid lit ad potiuitutdemun- atcate lita potiet. île gui asnte tsble ond gfave n Ieap b hiutrhu tu tuolipacq andî hsbthelld came lu contatncîotI a lurge tauging cai oh lnrnp.The tît. fuiliio the floot anu ibe coui ignitmu. At oune limte fite cmen and ithrccIvoirinutsi-tutunfit' andi fle oni of the eght to-i-e st-riotuuh bacued. Tbr hflanea oureantunrauso panlie. laut wcte injures inl the stam- pede. BLOWS OFF HEAD WITH A H(IMB. Unususil Method et Suicide Chosen bau a Seattle Nam, Thetuidentlied trutnk if s man usas foand ln une of the residence districts oif Reattle, the es-dece truuing tut thow thut ho hall commitîti msuide- ti luacunt, a sticLktof dtnamnie n hia mouthlu lil tue alturbeu.liîe iben ba osluin dossut on tau grouns, i.htthru te fut-e uni> îuuaituî theocoutl. AkItle bfteetîutu-es deepîtmurbed tilîr uit. t user, ht bu uSd bai ce.tetu Nuit It'tg otf ilic u u>n toulfie foîtut >1 te-ý ,- s tub-tit I - u d ent t>. la.,.ker Captured iin 'itt.borg. Afttcea seut eh citcrpu, i nul tf tir tht- Chu-tug.oliuhe- ot tue arcini I'ittsluuueg. - Iii - tut A->iituiiu Iuunu a forutuer o iLttt tituisc vlito soniue tît- ucag.cotîî tuine litihing tastitît liont.. nIl t Deos lttiu 't. iii îtt ie t alolut tti futhbleu> ai tt ,1lit l'atîauur lu-ft Clihicguo. it ,i, ltut Niarti-fi.alter thte fuîu.urî- of theun t ui Auuotiucenueutius nade uthtc tl- ini bvtîî occanied lon arn cntliî.-i t ut on oibil.t nuîuîîu u us l,cttu tiob ith..t i- Chittie gît îruuuuu-nt furir tut- i tutuitý btionsacîuîtst tt-e ruîttui ii if uip tlitiit C.uuîuuon RIa u, tutthi tut.,t bt--u tui- ta bu- ii liii- ruuuîuui ii - I ib suîtl1)v it i anuitiotn andI'ekîîî l'uîrt Aet hulr l>uks Aire Sti. TIl oyuutîrty ofthetuuîc Arttur i h i u tri attio Dck I îuîayaî-s si. sd lut it VluuluhStates itituolual aiu t urtiu ait Beati uon t,- iTasa. Thtece tvs t, oi bili tofut N a.,iutîfoc tîte Iunsut Cityj Swthertu uni lýa o> - lu iiioh rt was tutu lu bitta for 33(53,0(0 Tht tutu- nu-I îuoeety iti i tluesi ai abut $*2(077. 000. 1%'t AttCol.b11 gsotîe (bot. Van Saut ut Minnesota bas sn- uoîuîuced tuit be woulul cali un extrass- siun outuhe Legialature for the ititihc of h-'rtuî-y. prohafil> about tue IMtAi. XVitle thue insuulacallu- s pr-ctbicoh to colt- ider Ithe relpaort Ibmhetax commisusion, t in contihueret i tielya t t iti- crni ttiilirod siurelopmtnttttilo-tii roîaitafor coutitdctti î. Ansercaus and RnaaéCîasb. 'rirer clasheasfetwema Amctlcan sali- oatt, su usian sldiera hisse ucetrred ai Neuw Cbwang. China. One Itu'tiuau has heen woonded. Asisicea ta ibis effeet base been recelved hy the Stale tiopurtramunt frein Minlater Conger. a-ho unid Ibat compiaint bsd heen mode to hitu i y the Basisaaministec in Pekin. Aniericans Make Long Marcb. The. Nsvy Departînent bas rîrrivet the follosing calegrani frora litun Admirai Itodgers t Cavite: "Wtalt errIuutti huv- iug conupletesi ten diya' ttiarch acrusa Samnar fcouî Loang to Babey Culuntu enduresi ru-ai bardabipt,. Kulimî titeen inotirgeuts, captuteti ruptita, irulàltle-ita anti footme-n. Brther aons Siteir Aire Drus îîed. Miartin (4ttttrn, ugesi 18 j eîr . buhs is hter NIaryt. tige-il15. tsi-me d rît us-netible ckantunu tititAie Tongliioghen> au 0-iceola. l'a. fluet iltui(r .1Jtames,, 5*od 8, o li ut -tit nuluîle-u (flu- but li a tis eus' ut. ilus men-t "tliii tutre nti 'trk nu-ne lit MeulaRange Mine stlu. Ti KLetI isoft(ilo. ', MîIIRDERRI3 ANI) PUT aNt WLLL. Agul ManIan Kanaua ohhed aund Tw Wuiueu Arc Arresesi. At Ottawsa, Ra..Johtn 1Iduttl. an oldi tlitit,%us usmurderrul undi iis flou>ythrous tutu, uti st-ml on th~ e nîhuties tf N I(, Co - o liock fcuuîîl ithote.u Iti tlus tLitilundall een îrîushuu-ul t :la titi t.andt iti botyput mb tlo le]ithilutauilluis ut il <lola of l iiatoil ubî.uuloody Z u-.fotlait noar ltistîwl atoitat f p- îuul-ucu-ltiesl uth i a sýtîtti Si ti tuttittil on' tdeo, b-uflouir 'f tllue bon->huit'c St-.XlCoy ajud ut;îlhueîiîî r fiit Iutier arcu-tt.Ilue> 'tu>- tt-y .v uuItv nuthitîtiabout lue iiiii udruluttuti>lulit I iîtl titi u ts h it tut tIeic Iî i t ilîtt ighut Thb, lOOfluit, City autti it;ei tatti t- i -i t i-t ii> tt tolvetea noîtî-cutuîtgtîter %thiiiho- lit-t Cul tu bave irft for tîtirion tuan u-uîey train. tuuuîu tcrreît d$100 the lui cioiuus uayIl r i, Lthal becunri fleil. FE:ARED PLOT TO ROB MhNT. Strangm Tapptug" Heart lnluReaiement sund*68,000,000 la Movesi. Jusi hecauso a atuchman as secs-oua "'1500-0.000 ln gulîl andSils-et bas heen movesi troin thc basement of the $an Francisco mînt toa sec> Oued s alis. ohece lt las guanuledl tigbt and day. It scellas thotth(esatchniun eard trangs cuiplinga on the Iloor whtle bc usas pia- bIt utîg tAie basculntuanS loiS hia brulh- un uffirta. TAeietu urfthotaîhi tley hr'ari iliy nise, tato.lite tpernteitdeiit if Iloe uaI usas infoctot-il ou t tThe wslcb- tien usere suce sîuucuîul ot inehung tîuuetb the buildingîtulurobi ibm mini, At! ibm money Onu retooreti atîd pîsces utauer au cxrcsgîtatîl An intvestigation, bowevcc. has fied tu dsclusany n- dicationa utthe anlpuosesi cobbcra or thein tuttl. SUIT AGAINST FRANK JAMES. Tbeatrtcal >tansiger Wsnts BHlm sud Othir. Enjoiurd. Ftank James, fcoîhu'r of Jette Jamtes. -thm outlaw WhAin sakilleil fy Bob Forl n St. Joseph libmthesî-ly '80s, nas rnde a dete-adaut lu a suit bled In the Saperior CoutinlaChicaguotut George Klimat. Frauk James la nousanu artor. sut> us the central figuîre in ol plauy ficig pco.iuced luy Stewart 8. Xatecî andsIL WalVoter N'ton Dtke. Milnît -ho is a tluonical mnauger sud bas as îuhay ou the coutilemu tîtîmîl"TAie Jamues Boya in Nlssottn,' aILýks an injunictuon agaunat VanuIDyke. 'Vtuern ansi Jamest tu estraiu theni ceont ioîcrtering aiî lis production ut the. drainassud fcom îuuifyiug msltgmrs of ihteaiet- ti oA hoot Klitihaskoatricta tut fie basnu riglut to produce tAie play. SEEK FARMER AND FIND BLOOD. Heideats of Yoiiîugstowi, Oblo, Fear Ma.n lYaMrdelresi. An empu>- wagon, woblA a adbe-mn dris-- en Ai>-Elmer Harrison.,s a -mec 35 yeacs ut age, usai foutu> on the. Cuîiaeulle ruad tresnaillses at of Youugutuwn, Ohio. Tht. seat. laprofie sud some empty baga wee c e-nseoti otu b Aood,fuît nu irace of the tuaitcontlbc found.lHarrisou hainî uoet( ruile ii te amoultofut utai$50 anti i Isîîuid bave ball $300 more noney ha buisîpossessioun.No trace rtHarriuson lins tii far e ten ougb the fa cm- mcs baie st-ooreul thîe countiry tbýelîutt FOURB SISTERS MAHRY SA311 ItAY. l'tedting Cecmoy 1. Pmrfrurmed hy joh,s(aîmn.aIrother. IiBu rtua Chiaîtunin. Itua t.Lucy (lipatotn, Nlis.s A nnua Chttupin attlut>Stnd ILote ( -uatiiin un nou- urrueui ni t Wake- fichu>.A-foo - the ouber îglilu I-te>Nlotn- t'tel%îlîuîî i nI Saunutl 'tYtouisc tuu>SiuttiHu.I -Sîuuou-c respect tut y. il lîr bele tore siotenti. andtihlb;%u clulug took tait IotAie hcotutofuit ucr Itîrett Tliiirît o ii nsi-t,,î-Ro. jouali. ti, itili i nluruic of titi- bries <Ohio. Barkils inTrouble. Theiii I-luh At Trliu tud liS.ui (uîuuutu.uuu ai SI nl iStI;Enitiiiut t Iîu.u. ulit $250,la titilui gu hit t if trit i îsulîî.nucoîlit.Tli, t stîtuihutl'It-etbatikLhLu-t tutu-atu a ic t i iiuîtt ts -tis, rati l t- Ihîa t l il.ti t r stlii. Ia u T.IssX' i,î avu ol tlle. 1T h utiui uutl'y tIto Itoueh c.ouuîuiustaIBoec latngenofac iuuiu o iti. gui n.utitult-i o atie gutacultulty of (.uuîîît le It,,rrs 3One hutineui andilifitf> ith-eî îî-îîtvccactaingoti tu n usotlt usuti-uit'y"Xo iore nîîoniect- cl i t tottît il .. -- - Soe,, teeli i ,. ica He-tnry lti tlItliiufe taid lire chidren. ronii nt t uuugî fi un uýto ui12 3.-artt, acc- hiutrnoil tua îltIt tut o ice tai .ietrot* iii a uotti> Yfri utuitiluid tit, ini Butll . N. Y . Josepuh îîîu' - whlo ous tueth le buiuling. undI i BrucLi. li-tii tî-iu haeus ieen sr- ru-teul pend t, lin itortigation. For a'nresd Naît Pon.i. Arrngemen-uta liai ehi-mn rnde for a mttoing of tlic principail compaic anu utaclsruug oiri.anul virenaitts un Pîtta fiucg, ati luirti tprobatble that au arbiirary ptte asociationa uili be formed for the puunpuusm of rontroîluanth Ae pricea uf wlce and %sire railsi. Cabintet MemlucrInaKîltesi. Sir Wilfcmu> Laurier. tAie (touadili pre- mIer. receiv-uala eille îiuîputcbsasying that R. R. Ihtiltli. a ininbrorfuthie do- minion cabltinetiithoutiport folio, hAss heen hileS a lFltoneuiu, tfugland. Ha aast IArro lufroiao forse mus lie %oan rudinit. Fasted Thirty Itiys. J. D. Cîtiitie ut NewNYturuk IIIIbith Colocadlo Sauuuuoium, Boulderc, Colo. Fior thlrtY do> t Ie. Choit;- lias nuitcuti-n aDylluing. Ai. fasit as bhit t acif-nîpoiesi, hoctuttu- tf litoutuarb tiuualhc o ieh 5 iOul u it iï, I ta tu-dtduth treatittelti. I >uîuultrrs uIthelii,-ttiedtcoer> ut 1er uîgtîuuif sY llithu iit- ontîum-Il the- manauger ut tuaoei lîui .lo se tt fuîtlut u tir upre- euutttioni f I 'ii Ittlt- Foiîuts Cuflutu 'ttîtlee (usilrtsav mîaece liuuîuu I hiuii> liibhisiluuîyt MRS& bENNIS TELLS $TORY. Washinetou womau laits t. Cive Clew f0 mer Assaltaut.1 Mca. Ada Dennîs, the Washington woman wbo wss mticdecoualy aisaatiîted on the nighî 0fr Dec. 8. was able Bunday foc tbe irat imre to nahe sa staneut. The Police bave heen bopefulibat wbat asewouid saitwotiid thcow souie light Ou the nmotive for tbe crime or lead ta tbe diseostery of the îîerpeîrîîîor, but %ica. Dennis' statentent ctntuinetl nott- ilig that would gtce anY clew in cubher direction. Suesasid abe reîneberm notiiing itîtîe- diîîteiy preceding the aftck tîpon ber. andsiauid the blow m'-sastruck wbîle as tris aleep. Nor basi she the reitoteat ides wbo committrd the iiaaýult nor the motiVe for it. .Nri. Dennîs tait] abe had n,,t hen out of tbe bouse ducing tbe et chu1 ofrlte nugit oruthIe assailt andti utt-fic-ru- tring ahe hîsd lockhdt'd ibeulîitt.10tue front andi bach paria of the- fi4îe. Tlue latter ebe occupied as a hei-lrooni. TAie police are moreo ni ficul thon cvrc ure the affair. Nra. A,19 u )Detit, a fanuotua nmu tise ut Wa.,uusbtcuau wu, fmittd inun aiu îîuîîîî 5.tiaanti seitntgî> s3iuag uui iu n bt-c 111ti. itN*a>ii[1utugto. >Ite Lii lh ti-s ileîiblU n it îîîuîtîî aliiio u1 uunt 1h, Lud -I ir with . îiunîti,-l Mu X 1 littiti i ut i tuti ion iih. u ti l1 tî oundtietmattt tiiicnglph't-i t uitv bl luit ite iilriOvn TELEPHONES IN USE, 2,278,71T Hell Itut fi--(ts (rousn Titi Nua The- Elecîrur al iteview ctuottn i ttih ufthei p c-t-ut tl muut-Otiotu i abiclut 10 abossn Ibat te uuuuîuuuti ut- md un tAie tilt-plune inu teuttit >uut u-I- md ';btaa î.t-uuly $tO Clh ThA'iutm estituate mîuulîu.abut tAieiii. hîiîs]tintAu strîîuîoisofithe Anti-t ui lluiuitt andtI legraîub I oîuuî:nî - getui ir i ai I te WBih ituiipani antutti fit. uîîu Ahi uth- Stîttua inuthile 1 Ioî..î ,tthtb ti, e o--> fi-t u N- i lhu h. tl.n.l tut 1uuib. hluie uope-fttio,-uîiuv- ulttiOgu,,thtît tut .,rîîhî .ii -i sittuti ut titis ulutunu tu-rluvin -tutu 2.01 nd tht . uuuuuîuher ttof îiîu -ua.t,) lu b,îu luritif 708717.Ii.The îges t cnct,.tn tut thie iî>îîuuu itîluut-iv ti i, iuut itStuthe $ huit ut hit, lulu un 2ut u ihn,ý b and motiduStitI u chicitul lui- lu hi iitet,. flu eB-l nt-.luh-:in tt. t cai ttal uof 1.lPt40 i-u-iiuxi ulerate 1,541) v.h.î'suu ut uouteil l(0a11le 'ulute lloeBell uîumliuau-U.a uc- uti lutitg atttl of s ery nenr v lt.t41-I .lhs a tant, sud are olierating t a iul if u37e.2ir2 mlet oft iie. antI eui lulu>iic flfI.0J jpro ple. Thpeeare '2.278.717 îcleîuluîneî uintse- c the United Siatea. (Oce tf 1t i tut i- ubui i hi win rmu.t î in ,,ilt 1iti 1,i(i ut te uni <'tago ii N u:tu slt titi wi S uevItguotf421 :ttai-c clui-uit su l vît511>fuut t il anid Irusi r, I.rfi Ilitulgi ait 015 pu. itrtui iit- hte. nind îuîclue.l Xîîtîîb t 1l12 p.Iii ut tut nim tu- ti ut. îîîîtg tht- i.tut tui. t il. liii taiii lîuut igIut3i ',li. iand ii sst uu î. i iilut, tii onuustut- ,ith oiii t55O ,îîip. îîîs ut. thh u is u fuir lusi etualus t ru, i t ire ut tuti %tutti t reîuuarblh oneiitnti Istue ftiut-e -t t u, ui .o ti.- t t Ii- :u 1, t-i tutd S tuitn rut i y tt'. tuh-t tis eteuit tu stutuu iltiper iutiand ii euo e stu iit uu Ius li u t i uttu I X . eltuIuel i tutl, is ti-ili uuill;î i r 1111ý, (I - vti ttey- i'tt and> ne uiiucitu t tutu;s tutr liutn. Thet tut Mites fniutt rsrito1 ii17 p1 %t' sod t ii ....... 42,ut 11.04 p. ut Slstei . ..e .. .KI,2 1Lt39 P.n F.igie No. 9121 bua hoaticît tootult of 2914ý.I100 pourils, uldrivrs 841/4itebes in ulatnîec ,i-tlittlerra15 -2)x-18 and bas a tendler cupavîîuy of 18.000 pîttuadaof cool oudi.7040 gallof ut ier. Tlue Santa Fe ba issîtetl snoeîler ihuti Uo one suluieed to the use ut cigarettet, Riaital>hogivon empli.yaient tty tuairuaim uta. and a nuimber ot cigaîrette mokeni n-orkiug on tht. rnutond have bren lia- Whmn oponu-ul tieus t out.-of lAie Vtan dalla fron Ttoledio to St. Ilouho ouI> fie 450 inilux lu leoctb Beitwenth Ae tama tuso pointa the- Xabatb mileugewi-hl be 437 muiles andsitAie Clover Lest 45-4. The Chicago, Milwaukee sud St. Pauul wl huilîl ut ils Weîst Milwsaukee shtups 100 oue cars. of 100K.0410potuuul'ti'npacitu and il O0 fift>yfoot ftttitutre cari. (beosa mrningsofettheIlilinois Central railroad for lAit mnitif tDectiater usete $3,3W4.118. sgauusît $3.2ti7,704b tAie montAi 1rmioua, au uncrrasu- ot $1241412. Tht. nets-Cburogo-Fhloila ibrouglu îuuu sougmc train sors ire ofthute EosternItli- nois ant I oîtuot ile tutîtiNailiie roadss lias,- lemu in.uugurîtuu. Ilitenftir htitotîttii itilue nrittirue (bt.-i-ti ' ttuiu il nîutu-uurai. ly onthit utulginur - in(] tirue lii ie ortut the too in u-,uîsonru tt the î-îiguî autlnuidui i-rn f-n uNeisuututu i'ciit, bas Lu-eut cun fhi St. ouus, ltullsIbuuco and SoUutbern liuroad ut St. oisutao. itA a cupit-il stock ot $1,000,000.,buis receiued u char- ter. Tht. Nisemlaer satement of tAie sarp- Auga of the Denvser and ieAoGrands shows sUbitantial gains lau poseansd not tsara-j t1iko On Wednesday the lathutîsu canal bti was befoce the Houase for debate. Ail dis Principal speakers recognlzed ths ad- vanlage of the Panama route sud an- nouuced theinselves lu facor of At. Sa etcrang bad sentiment grawn lu fayot if the PauDama con te that the Mout ai vauced a dvocatea of its selectien -were talklng of forcing a square Issue between At and tAhe Nicaragua route. The more consers-atlca friends of the Panama conte are nrgiug s compromise-not (bat ihey are ,fiarutaii of tbeir nwn strength. but ta esaipe plsyiug dlcectiy loto thes bauds of the Pantnaarompant. The debate was rather loulous. Severn[ membeca wbo htl t e aiî-îotîoîg the tbirty who sol- eil agaiîtlt ttie- AI-îucî iti Hhen it won hauitstiiercosiittiiir.tiiin aîîoouuced tbîît Wouii glive it Iliir sutppoîrt provid-it an oinminidnti t,îtîîî-lîd gît ticthe Ptreni- (lent îpower b o lohe o selei-rin. Mcr. Buîrtonî of Oito. i-itoiiî f the commt-t tee on chvrrt, and lîtrboru. Whio ratîll againtîthe tilt, ciii dtiti-objectionîs by thetiittrîtistiil tIstaastinbefîre the toi5] i'i ts-ilîhtîitettc.xllt ail bail bî iiriiiîtI Ity a tit, oi iiiv- , titîly unani moutstti-he ttoie otif lipri-euItaîive% tit 'Ttiirsuto- î.'tth lellîl-îitNicaraca.; canal bill. luit oit il tlt(If iritîti; b't t wecntihte rîiva Irîu t -a Patiti liii 10 ttrm, 120 vtolte, agIi Iiit170 fo r NSjcauca gia a Oniy two w iîii-ofrltheliotnae vitu naiîîtt lit. Il im ilIi nttithe qtîmiiî of titi iil îniog,- .Flet cher of Mtt sto tutandtIr, osipr of 'ttrciuia. Sic. ldisiiiii1 of t-iuiituîi-r-i ieoeut." andîl tierai ti-tliiofrîîn (lie Nitrthwewt rmfritIîid froiis tiîtc aiuîg Itent liage Mrirria uft V>îitîiî ivîtt tttitely ailvocot- mil titi- riaîtîtît oute. NSIc Fletcher lias oul-iîtiti iitructîîtioof ant lttimiou ,iitol. li in;:tg ti-iviilw4-aIioilIl lue datte Lt lirivtt Thteiii,, 'l te I Iiifvor Attec oti, :,Il I;, irtote in the Alottte. ott lthe Ijîli ti l bit ti ri ac ttea" ii tt ,.tii a i ; i t tît l permii itrr lteia i - li.onrifiaîrtA IIitinithte îes Imto i ,i-s Itiiîc c il -i -i go icy rîttlîl lue trtif-re i iitriioirtilts.rit, lea rrltîî i'!r Blîtirtcilof Nettriitiia. the nets iii-itlirr of ilie app>rop1riations %%iuite 'bahut miglil fi terîîmd thlI AirtIran îî iin tllrc iti)iig fîîr lthe ce-es- t alîltaltiit if iti.e- itiia lic lube liec- sîre wt,s s il ts h(,i-o telrtreoeuitive itol) ets If ltiilititt tî ît ei a lîtill proiinig ftric luei, rtî orlî, I bis Ilrvi-eiin'tca,,Si Litii N ews York. ltontoiltthil-îit n t>lrîoi Th, bll - ~ iii îîrîîr-tin of Sf15,.- iNN>, t.. il itixc the stix -itit, N-, a.hits î i nd>trîiha liiiia ri titi, - i . r- iii i i-r i ft li- li ii j- I l s- t I o ouitriu itl tii lit - î.îî.îî ii I i (f i,- sit- iir i- ir. ti o, ti t . u it îlr titbc tIf Otiigr'tt -îîNI ii r.îî rn f 1-a li atin Ir i o r t 'tis-in to L; harge Gif Ah- îietio i. xlied tutti th,îr rimîl $139M64t.480. .,aogit $145i.2145, 230 aitipril;. for lth- irr-ent ytr. I'olttelt tf lwn.n ti ,lizi îiî'î-r.s-îl fritta $t44.-4t 1.,su Nu , $l:ftZts(îe , !rlor I 1~ ~ ~~Iî -ttîsicisti husut sti tlîîthe e-. r 'I t n- utu- iltt liî.. a, retr tti- iirr ilert- uf ttll lie nout hi-r i ct î- tuti- I iii s. trîttill, t ,,t a7. iiiii tti -l- r-itîg 'MI. iiirs tIfr i ii.t tt- l i. ut j cil.adj Ilt tIh- S.-I. 'Ir N ,..îîîî Xl -ra It aIll iiI 0l, bd. tro, îdtilzlis -îr il - titi ~ ~ f îtoi .iiiîiii,- ti, . tl' iti- 'f ttIitMI s 1ii.t î--f Jil, 1t, j :ý y --, t -li.iiiit , t tt, litiiiii I ,.i -s i t ii- et tili- fl . i Ii - i i oti ii ,i , 1,i I I i.,î.-î .I i ltt i. tt . tlîh ~ îî1 i ttîî, . tiIti tnt o 5i I-. i i , d , r,1.l l i 1t t I i i r tu rf sh1t i 1u tî.uuoî-ly t, l . oiiu ii i l. ofîut î-î1tîîî ... ti tit ui i o t. îf IIii , ii ')olt- i til I At t¼sîîîtîî I ril rlit ~-ii,i îîoithîî i, 1oirititiil lijointllîxit of Nf Congriie- i- utor i t-t1oýlt il itae f iti- i.11 Iî r c ttuîîlî- -l îîîîîî 'tir, lde onrtut hel loiiîl Irut t I'e tîi- 'igg ttiitl'y _iieto ii ix y o-%lI rîî luii o pn tt >nt-,dar, tuleoul t houles tn.Nîutes 'ftalue hr-,iln 1u- du irecenIt oipt- of8the0popî rositiona.l'v I.GrdeI Cor. e stutuoin.ratNisroiii-di utt ce esabitv ugghe tu iie ititteen. (il()l positrlattauhelinte xlsieonh e prp-roudl a i a.bih obîch tsii iiatalta tui th.MogîauiirotNoUttudsinr C-tn--rttTrhe-oeitIl".oitit i Ir-INAT Ne a~ Nothlng bas ha ton fanr la the nov goit i Ddicate ibat the haIeS con tii ued pliropeity 50 generlliy taiaed ubcougbou t the couunttry are cloua. The one place wbere thora, comte toIlle aturface conditionsild able 1a cuntemtîflste le Clev-eland,w t bha lonîg Aecsiusmpectsd hy bankiug. tereat inut troule was bcewlug. diffictîlties of the Evecett-M[Oore rate andtI ttuir runteces are P litialft-wyj- irti- IuIt.I ta 5uy tVCs In buin essu lat he oit try ah large. ~ saame, oaervliati tlpien, ollb equai t.i t-t tIti- rttlîr siiiitioni. ushit.b baslbni l, aIt îlj-c t tfit i1e-[aiuiîluent An Ibe it titaulutîuri-;tifri-elier Io uteccb*U an( uItîntitrt -turestra luit Iraspotail0 farîîîtie't arretuier, rotltiîat th-- bofldi t rtu le, tti' gctitstht te outy's 11110,1 ti-ti inlîly l. îistoaledof, but Ibemeole . vi-ttu-t, ti-e it î,[,ial 3-t Ioite nquB1fl ilueit-t of tt h.-vaut vslilletu-otf hiano . Thie-railtii; i-ilîi. îaloi tet deliceed qý ville.irusi ttali niaai wlich bai h& delitesi lunuhipîns-alt. TAirs delaya bil# iierferusi sî-ciotualy Ilihbuilding OPOm*- lina litîtuant quirli.Nevertbelesu 0ce, fiers tor ihis hinî tiîufniatecisi &ri! poufiI5 in sun the uilm. 'T>is utagiosi indicatbM of aetivitît lubuilding duru thie coAb atummner. An ides tif the mnagniudaie of the DM eqtiîpment tli ;-uîrolal ompantes 5M*. suquiring Inasy lie- gained frtam ithe tbatonue of the ]argent ecrmanufactUut- lIt coipaoie ait inît lu 1)1(5.000 oCam ,ot aIcI ouly 500 tvece pai.ssger ma snd that îrtera ta Ibis ndustry cantineS ilit fie ,ntut JamesJ. .Il iii, ln apealW ing tua um faumiers otftheur tiati Samd i.tîîsonlt vlias it rinthe cati 911 uuît tf t - nît uh tIi i ies. Alo I.tiill.aire liý,tpt) anjouuty hy b7i tîrierti oltîlu t viI akh i, a lîtugfimai l flli that tîtlitii in beiug paid te fîîcî ign loiir-ieu The Englisb moutla have lit-tu able- ta getan ourfoc 105,000 Mt ot rails tir NI(-Xîi)b.-atiîsethe Amnee air.e t witîma idi talie.OOu t Worth libel a lte ti ahle a liii. Itla sunder«teS thît li, itiilla lire r---ttglîhecal aidea t ta Ih,-i'il dîtriing iteco"nd hait of t"l ti-ar. Thet uuli nul lie for ibm presit tie actte -otîpeîlî.îra la fticeign aasket ibsi thet at-rt a feus yesrs Ago. IThe freretî,î-tt-i of coke bas ei bleuI @allie of the blîlst firuaces te ress usocl. antI the situaton l iat ât sg m la mut-h Iiniveloser a wepIt nom P'rivems outwite nait#bave fieraaiaum 10 cents> fer hec ai Iittahcg. -and lit in hu-iteveil Ihal quttlîaa - wlA he psra- rtent>> ligliet. ils th, oitulitle t9"M nliîii.i, t.hi- su iirkiuig tîwacd su ugaisil tatnt IvtîtliIleteri.t Atter a eUt or 3a ýi iuer kLt -g Its, lth.. at al.'P la the .irîî-t.n i . i-. iîimt' ',-iurIui.tîî hibshaowî ian. Iptcialà, tii lit' v hue Att gîn.t-i npany hbus ut, ijidil a fiithrrier c'tt-tlo a r t t-s-i lEI itlliarthtet-endl 'f l" îîîqîîr tiiittir.isiteu ahts la'.ba se--tv iti-r.- - tt. Tît1i.r uîouh- lurrsare ttitcli bal ortu sîrtau- Intuter gîlsi. Thereas noi iguçs tuIltiut user lprit-ez. The Job bit iit rti t ii ubuus ssagilgbi ha-. uti( riart-ît I'u.e. e as blgb as s" il aoine crims-abiaber tisathey wvsaa coar ti. Tht'oittuma-lisare ttsic tIt-li)t rntmhIbmIrYi gooutrille is cai- uhut ails nt- fulirocthe tiJvm téa tr nrî- crtter tbuu uithbb hslto« if 11l l t -tint ry itîrrelîsulaartfl»t .tu 1oi . it-utliI]ii>tg, Hallti ht Alaa taiiifi-f ,iî.f u ttie-obrieniais îf £5 iii i t,.t. tsiies *in 1-- -10 l, bl --Itoluhndve;, aab t- ~ ~ i t- -the'- ifi-A alf i - . i i ut il o su-noutît r ( i iCi iii iicits ittru'ntiiish i i . -t...... . ii tiesti l Ise ifeiu ci t. i'.,. tiilîtîîn tt dey - i siurii -ai lit itaunul- ttt.rr il-potsndrte i tutîtu-î i I tri' dlaEIt if l77S.suut.iO, S li tS. l. r »,tttutr knossnlu (ha i lIitîri luit tltt, nutlicî.teb lis i i ii- siiilltittl Ivl îmeuit (ho pli -s l l lt utîhruý(-î- tîîirtbs of a i -ti t--ciii- k-iti b lucroit prliapect i-tut i lu Nut N-,rk ttuto arket asIls iliccti I Ii i titis *t tac tu-ii rua ilsR tii "f i itaî.ui n Ibmemurukigaof iii i,îh t-.. ttiii.- utines Ili b. 1,t,-t lut- ;irual cotffe c ctupare luat, l,î.î-u a Iî îîcubuy bayerai luit tilt- IXsti-rr iîiiiIiîso a aCor, Tîîîî-olutItitil ilhti(ilit thluIbmtrads $3(m ito to $f.Stt, luîgs, ahiîîpingag de $t-,25 iii $6155; ritetu,fitatochoie. $SM to $4.75; Ilst, n N o. 2 ced, 84ec (p Uq - cint. Ni). 2, ice ta Oi2ct<anos, No. 2, 44g tut 45,;e..Ni>. 2. (;.le to (Pic; aybal' i >: tititi-$9.1)4 il- it$14 00; prairie, V_50 Ote $13.) bu7;fltter, cbaire urenuecy. .30e te ":e; rgi, tfri-uIt.27e ta fl0e;pataa 71< rii77,- lier lutatrl. i 'i i iiltltfatt le, ttiîpn.$Zoo te. $h5.luuo-ile -lîglit. $41M) ta SU.00ý iu-î-î. îîut-nto tratts-'2.51) ta .5O; stb(ýitt Ni).2 sS lui .8:1 - i -ra. Ne. 2 Il lI titi 7 t i, .0.- -;oî.N.. 2 wthite. Cliie i ( o2.4 tior ti $t4 i . tii,1:1iî $75,0. $Ci;t( toi ti$-'2t.' p 150 lui 34.05. ted la- ee n o la grl lugue, the Is what Cbr by th, gtraliti o ne# 0f tbe Chrîse Irdin; uas0 that n bat t' ofai iL the r; eau gi satiot 'of si welf s aud N $ioug place. No, la oui k aad t bues Y that 7 bevit pierri eurAs. Came mien bin i forwa the O- trylu> ai th Hucot ButI sas I msny *iatlc soluts tb.eb. toct t of roi hm sud s t sa of pri ed 21 came spirit l Masu ruad. andi kept ley CI pass neyer Amy 1 relIra ciscs pusbi uto, bega thurA there ones Ibis air." office ineaU more test ln ou Bu' sud i Yu thet thing shici lut0 and 1 eeho teriri bains Let tie ofPr

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