lm and 19. Ilynbw crisa and ru' ' ik God sud m erpstriug. s0, soa i meU 0*14t y thîg thttbW . 1O.t repli, I~ ut whnt ireo ut m jare bupaala .Lecr vlt .1 t ib Don'atiousuO aI UeF7ki> I la rlgbt; youi wr f Goed 311trai. iteu ptle cordes ef w while w. C@IebotM* Thé bigIbae« style 0 rld ho. rouf seen' Wg II, sud IL 16 bulit IlIn don and seuil mojala. aur cradie. and lit wfft1 IL toothesatlir »01' , rhtîpea, inspipU, 001 Ir wia. and caavl 09W lau who le ail: wIee4i ighat. Whet that top. tu sud me la a et017 E or-id and will let do, ,ili tae. the theiun jui tu ceiebrate. The re yet tu le bulîti Tb* are jet 10 le holsfled. es are jOl tu le nain- utifut NIadunnas are Tlh. mont îtiîlmPbgbt Lni mardir. Oh. wttel' e 'aheu IL rolatè., la- 1 pfleset. glllled wftt te anti enr-icb b?' tas are apeckieis and iet paiu tilI bay4p lhe lit tee, wePt 924#U rd. and there @hall bu daatroy lu aIl Ued'a- il that and mocre wW1 lie uoulh, of the lârd ientioned uta. et tb* instrumenat of gi-i bo thtý teuts and the uait Ilis IL mal b. Ee-hesveuly aticipa- ot God w. are selug e tno mach botter Ibai uts wu wll wonder tan isyjeare nu 10.11 fer. Alter we havi, to face sud rejolced lad rai there are %Ooi rit e-sut tu natl tocm Dngb the galeé. We Il aee David, a uelght- iben he ever was c. tte wiîh hIu &bout roui bina eactl whai waibr about the le- rings. W., WIU cu- rult tel] etthe law glv- . ai anti of bia mystevi- one but Goc pisemt n. sud ho wîî tell »s 2 ot the Wall» et Jeti- f the rames bora and uiir.cie-buw ibmeba uti iti witbout dem.- ary ajsel. We .11 r ber tell ot the har- is e-hicb th. gleanud ir ours lips the atory f rom the Parbleu pai- banner-n. 3anr bsrp of tan &il the chorda. mal- reule e-ith a <»ti uientloned Suit teu- eyetigbt. beaila. ' îwer of Plitmal 1000- niabte. mental facul- rieudahîps of lite, 1cm-a id beavenly samlcipa- ke jet. complaiat and ' renîter teu. dîrge &Mi he paper aud peu *bd - g coiemus jouir bles ted ouly ten. Ta ex- le@ Goti ban isetotid ô une at leaat tIre. nommraln. for aearell toto the bundreds and Oh. gise thauks plte a good. for bie laei î"ork togother for Four Anet fer abeed. Wake tringu. Blesalng aud ad puer le nain bi he thue and auto 1h. F tJACK FR0O1T. tic PtluresWreugbt bicî of Molatur. 'on onraptured by the tracery lIaI Lsd iiLi the wiudow paines onut>' of imar troot in bbery? The promale Il theua pîcturea are freu ing ot molalUre Ste tiencriptîcu of au be poer of adoinlag iti procalc objecta »a Iutbtins cu-lî ail the r3 Indi. Moleture la. ot tif wllcl ail this 'as Io tilt up, but ai- gometîimes an If l la tir>' <apriclois msan- orthem'ss certain defin- ut whili cause the hoalr ut il on cote surfaces 'a. nd frouet> lnorniDg It fouuid Liat Ilose ami lite best raidators of' ýue thut are file Miont, lectlng hoar front It eaIIzed. however, thUt oofliiluîally radlatlngt moitter bow nauch th.p . te the sun. they apn. zt b gel rld of IL. 6 toue ntay perhapa. sa- iîPplles of heat doute won anight coang 1% or rKdIate lit, aad 5t îutckast Kt tht.s o t become coveree là il a bad cough. bh iîeds said I A;Ccoasoum ptOI tben tried eured me promet d ." 6,A. K . = Ydis, Nokomis, 111. You forgot co buy a bot- tic of Ayer's Cbenry Pec- toral when your coklirst came oni, so you let it run aIong. Even iow, with *1il your bard coughing, le viii not disappoint you. 1The's a record of slxty years to fail back on. Ictr Ifb a" Ewt ttIL. thw ddaeItek. l. i .e au e. Pt =t. wth hm We a.1.a 14. AYE& OO LaC.. M.«. Capsicum Vaseline Put Up ln Collapedle Tbes. n. th- p kitIti.liip thiu uaît.o A titee ce lsud r levu actai -l . dit 'W . e Ieuîd a. 1h hui arin t. t ptern se th eea ild e met udail or ralbl ttia ttutyMrîM-L pwa.iilu N arput a stticeu tdl - jM tai pube pcpn- tM" lu. - . U 1, i. t itpa-e aittlu mot K1tu ai Iieh tt litEaitii8ROUOfl 14MUNFACTUIRIN<U CO,. 17 ausltl IL eS M JOTEL EMPIRE, AHSOUJTELY FIREPROOF. 08.00 per Day upwardi. Th[Intel Faipir ste tiiiupidfr merste parlot OtnAcu -tyEec frdthe fl r t., :,the W1thin feu. îlî,es iiuliu'nil ao ohupping oi fr. Ail 'rtp-ia ft, tnhr W . JM )11SN JUININ. lîreu MORITIMER bi. KELLY.,iitgr lePeta 1eLa t ale.- a c teà at t s l.eheuteei t tut e.i.e ad W-a ..u E datu.. Germ. paersspeak of an annual belonglng to thto le0 mîous clame. growlnag ln tropical Atrtcti, whieiî l iartely rulttvated îy te negroas as au article of foîod. Iftal insbec introduîed fIt -îtîl extiî il, Itrazit 'The Afri- vaitu all IE l tt . l 'litf tc botanirii Jlnineîttola fiycluene rfiet auea. 'The fruit, like the leenti.tîtmatures iuder te grouudlthe otittile kernel lias, the thalle of ail igg. anti te ttark red. wtit blacke trtiesiand a whitebiltuma 111e molltI lw'ns.l.it furnhesic a ver.v wthite flou r, Thei' l ivo ort fu lt. (tt'r cooking. Try toieih ro-tîaîthattA cuentute. cFwo ixattods of tîttu prot duel would nupîtty the daily ret-ire- menta of the taitan nytena. Titis l8 on f the very few frute which lu a naturel tata coutain al »e he hmicaat properties of a perteel nutriment. The Clusb au a Motor. crit e lle . gI c ld te kuew that your huhen 1he tken my a-d ice and bought a Wh-LE.And roît auy lhe <aoc out riding on it -eyia iîght, abh! ilontetaWho'n the weatber permite, y«t Samzey fi-m theokgrcîîuît lie waunt eut on hie wheel .t i nght.ni Hotteqs, low duyetit know, Saninte'? Sammy '(" e ILard him toe]Mr. TlppelE thet ho 'a auout on satoat R"h- moud Dîspetcl. Entomol(qtitet% dlýere thlittthe eigar* cane hbi Z27 vareio f tuset eeem e. MiSS BONNIE DELANO 1 Chicago Society Lady, ln a IUtter 10 Irs. Plnkham ays: --T)E<AB Mm. PItcKIIAH :-0f aMl the ifrtefut dughteru km o hom you have given heait.h and Ute, ane are more 'gin than 1. iMy hom» ansd my l11. wua happy miss BONSUE )MLÀAIO. otil ittutas came ripci me tItre- euitr ago- 1 fir-t ot.ced il l'y being tmrg- ular andi havtng ver>' paintuel andi ecmanhy mentruation; gradualy my geucrai bealttt aied E I oulti sot en- joy My meals; I iecame langui sud nervous, wilh gripîng paine trequenti>' lu2 tésgroi.. - 1 edvitet i th omme famil>' pIre- Ician who prewcrihed wthout any lm- îý; u1t. (une day ho' Zid - Tr lîa Pinkham's *I..i -r dîi, thank Gid - the fout mtUth t mas letter. aad il graduait>' bult me up util lu foàr-menthe I c rue-stThis la nearl>' e jean ago and 1 ha"e uat luat a paini or ache since."-loe-ats DELÂNO, 248 Indiana Ave.. Chicago, 111.-85000O feeitt if saimt t.ttu e m. tt Trumtworthv peotf i a abondant tisat Lydis E. Plxakbaut's1'egetable COM.POUnd eueon tlsusaoda of ý omg wonen t om dangers reuoing Itnrgn irregularity, suppressaion MISCLLAEOU. ,mh tee'hIe. P a -gbstitutes. _____ e Ma. -Oh IT T O al P d . 10 f - - lth t e . W eiitIl mat .se Anni- . l s c25e-m tbietmelaau a AdEaO muet. c... tUt i t. B...l . h. l. l FORS InR AI'S &» ' M etal . Thtàtest P., a dr-. Mtetbadle0...litt 19v Sîral. OmetAn'M 1ee 11Caa 1 C iemieCei mtut. et . Ic.... h.J -m ur rtl b.u t. it tttu -a.'atlS,'I ià eworE. CTRHd LI . ALTIS FORSA G ulENuT S!tttII rL le.itltterete PruritEl?'$iteiie5 cue tt. 'si. d e aste41'LLaec.s. hc.' sa ililO.u* -c n tan iyi cl.ap .ie~..r. iteue t l li ic.-Îtr 1-u .. r'-l.euI..Ig ur 0-at I rt he. aad 44.. .,cdilLtmc& liu sd tcEYB(TuaisRehea1ddctcut.w ., à = 811,1: oeuit. h, ilk fethl t-1ti-e c-A'u u e. mou Pl. ti r . I k sa riu.." ...î q SicktjK F I * ~ ~ - tui. Lu, tuhi.eu s Au l. .idPt(a-. aIlep I a oettlabe.sdE E.re.Ietfete Mt a4t7IL Z. [if. 4 eereaEue..tla, sot)drEg.d .uier. siced estertaiE.- te.ce-a1,n mgtll . Lfor cailmitgrain. ar. iat-nuc-ti waMrf 55< eaitte Plt ettteltJUtworThiNKOth FMt iwe bNIus dsttite..oa.nedcic %N'ehs.eAa. h . 't t ret i Ibit . -acuis t f .itýisa d u Eeoîrand Nh '6 . Dt il Eh & C 9 r Il 9 - A t M fAri asrhtieba- et M Vs..1 -it 's-1. ..Irn ...st a mefýth. - d ' e ý,. 1r, lit >cu Vfo r r Ut.Pfsîrns..~eul cei Sti adnîi r e etoi BUOIdd ictair. e. lier.îan - -EA L. E S T A T E . .1O i su etta a C e...tro . Splendi inve__ental _Ic._j. _________ lm 'moacinktlîîi t hi-oc Le.SL lt.ptlcu wnA",lE t airn frte c 0erimt or Cana.udic J.ra't A eet r .W pthcme h itt, h suaddaîte.Wt stulaiî,W.u lEre Lsu upeeeri rd u ih yER. t- oL4 age tt. BUSINESS CHA NCE S0 a WeadtirDtEe. t.udaetfrteatptuia:pt Snlendid Invesuamentlu! l . . ioh antd a ,itui ePt0,hI F cage.Atoutade -hl.ur.11uo-Il A <bu.S edt asitut. Acaiit itnctarn t . o maitb st..tî y e. uit ~ iand J.. of .11 er auA W E taglB17 50t C e'Aide, WLT US W W JOt. a tr e & msat- e. b g10Pttdt gîes tliet. ii (aith. utsa 0-path.e.c eepmpi' laeqse ,tr u- iuituate r P lntsieq at I 0- dcstlil eÎ1aEur Acrio.ali a i tef. -4 TH ts sdtiut i.caceltij IthIl* oo,, erl of par 6- 11 EE do, 1) Lo L ir t I GalroesGrassers and 6 ý f »Àattm Foya dueder Plntfpslas l n n rr, n trm aai lse byptttc t a Dal la a, ts . WaIaatLa eamae.i vas. Tiedett ue e m gufimllii st u ed. ucu frateatu u uueA e agh. G"Red Papaen cou~u. A pretty gIrl. annouuced tu papa ber engagement to dear Cholly. The clii ly ladt a gond callury, utas tO ail ap- pearsuccee a ni-e, i'aîlly young man. 'butit ii, dii jîs iti.ppa,lettlt'e en- ggi-on-ut lie a ontig îîîîî, ny dear. In titî ataeyouî>l ii have lime toi inli ouît eurli otiierus faulia and faillngs. anti îtluoou'r cerlitus iRiceto of rihar- acoter uchlî'i criouid iialI,- von wrettcd for lîf,- if you titlrry." -iE t. iaIi,'Int rrpoecd te u',eett girl, "i1 tEji-t b iong oengagemîents. i tIivyont ite) latotelie brokelu. dont yjeu kuooiAnd whll ita heolI d muan edi- tatt'îl ait, ruîiied off toto te purlor t0 telu 'littîtili was ail rgitt anti resutne te ciîîîî stîtebustisr. --IAîulsi he Times. Farmer Plnad a lFriend. Nadeait. Miel.. Feb. . Mr. Nelson De Rosler of thI, place, a proeperout farmer alxty-one jearx cf age, ue utf- fereti for your. wlth Kidney Trouble. le heu tried many medicines. .but found uothing te rellove hite onuil lie began to use Dodois Kiduey Pilla,.and ho hec; foîind this remody to bcoa frieud ludeed. lHo saye "I thank 4<Etd tîat there in one medil- ciue lu ttîe world tiat doles heip wenk and .lck liEîtatity. 1 wotîld eurueitiy advîsa every one who has Ktduey Trouble to use txtîtd's Kidney P'ilg. Titey have gver great satisfactionl lu or fautl> Wherevcr itotde Kiduiey Pille lbave been uqed areordtng te directions. they tinve not fatîrd 10 cIre ail Kidney iTroubios. Brîgltg Dinease. Dropsy. Rheuînatliîn. Lumbago and Bacteache. BisUndt. 10BeUeve. "te clube if tht' luckj alose joicar-r> Enur m tî.,-i't -pyîîîlot ail jour ntouej nti saigu fte!ou jîmuaed broke )Our 'Yee, ui btutti tortunate I led thiLt lIrnoit-e150?Tiqh 'ahat teigitl harottotî,t'oiime etlerwuuf' *-dýi ouga POr-t. te.vle <..515 Bl.'ueed e-tut IIICAI. AiP.IACATIONS. m tep nasl roiot ie l lthee iceSte.Citare h i a bond oe iititutt dtuean La olreder le cureIl a. itm(ltek, ttntt eseIl. 1IlSipCalaeehé ire i taken lsîterealilo.and acl dIrreoti> au the bk.totiasti mu-,ae olt'~HeWt('atarviCure. hc ina a qaa.b n-11teeIL ea peolbho y pof thlie ittr. oWttOukeetea. embuEd e-léA Utc t elhle iplcu.amagdir-rU> ou lit mutemuAs 1.'f Th. le ureet onutlatiget Y J. P4ENFy&OM.t're!eToedte. Qi titltihy Iieoggtt- flr1-.o71u H a FemlEpPtitelarc-tAc (mont To 'ýe lm. -Y-te-îi e, 1.wevîis t 1'uLu-*ab- lit ;,- noriid Thtti 10cure y-e S,ttrt.n Th-th iitunit,'t 11-k Yen 'aonît <ct s chano e telli utitlt htý. Ihîs4eipiiaEter lIt.,> sclsuruChIie. A-e fickilv Nither ru Srco -t Pc'a dora fer ,ni tEiErei'.lionne'. Ne w ,rk. tbreak cpi P i n e24 htire, cure eirhicv IteiteEtc iluiiaohTrotilti, lothîte I>îir'Eî- ou sud Iieerey Worecs. At ail îfrt 7m1. 'u Staitle itailol IFREE. AtidrecenAlics 2 OEetaOd. Le Roy'. S. Y. The loest at the Dmsggtt. Pou' UA. wmuck for Ui pcecrptio? Apothear-Two dallatrs. plesee. 'un Ruailqutalng as ho >ayep A»d the ptibliahrt tell me duel poetry in a iîrîg in thte market Ohla hit hwre- Btorn Tratsiplt. Httife, Scuthern Riway.. sud conere-' rîî,uc Hligh-lm trains srice South. frîti Cincinuati to Now Orloans and Forila poinsu. Free pristed mtter for tc achEs;.MW C. Rineàraom. G G P. A.. <r.d Ateuiîmeeui Sue Whcre did yoia "eret . a oua tion for a 'riîmuxge «lie?" Tes, Wî.E et oie big tom cita-eronade the boarrd-. candthon etetd tisa- M. ilsEEcucîted ati hrti Chicago N,.«% Keej lsEarnill sEtiopi the coagh et Goir CEu iiir îtcieîggi.t to-dimy aîîd gel uiiE., bctl, , SbiîtinIL2.5sud i- rnt hottlEs. Go et onc". deitate arcdau- fit nierriege itase., her to cii-uc liitery .a ou a u et on fEuesîde ot the gruve - Souitii- Lentds alun g the Queen sud Creeceni Roti'$3 to *$5per acre. Gond achooh, anîd îe ircllëc. C bup honnes and cheup lits. Send for lt,îrure. W. Cý Rie- ososoli, G 1'.A.. Cinepînati. Soeu tdaiirbes Were eoîoed trom thoe ]cuElit>' in uhîrltthry rcuîîtd. au the ULan ware. >Mtînîaiu ted iver le- diaet. Pt.'eICure for Consomnption cored mes of a tennoouîîs utnd iacriitet oogh.- «in H I rîco %,227W121ut8tIret New Yut'k, >Mirph U5, 19()11. %Vouîli 3îîiiCaliE t unctttcîoîte homor' heaue a omes Who bas feîuîed ouke riirty miutes !S ailthe c tme re- qIîored 10o lye utith PUTNANI FADE- tRaS t)YiiS i1old hy dnaggtnts. Maon Eu tho greut condoýr.forme. Trisuir> istu. To.th-eoMuet deiruî.cuie bruiesrat, for l-îceut, is. n e ot o td lter wtil NItr.A-tIEte femuest'e Cake FEuce. DR. EL H. <UIILs. U, A & 0. tiiadIZha . q oafe:z ës-é-é- asées- Aierge influenoces lunîte boutonn b alses etrid are few lu 80nlmber nceE are net oa$i t- it-jont Eimporait" 0 oi,-l.-t t RderteoPu ite sîtféy corouai , iiiîoutb 0f the tour tsa aremi, Zone-. andîtîl su lIa the recordalshava sbenfla, b iipirilsIlotlwitit ,tli' corroutieuidlmg prii,îE<if 1901, le in tht main asi'bes.0iot vin than naauj luien of oxpers liaiutî.iporuimtted iliena nsc ii o xpecl i ll'ihitce. fhere isno b.ijmuiti'ii in the deinand for Irîlîtand stied piroduitsu.whlcb cou- 1100esgreater lI iiiiîtlla cen meel lironiptI -. Atuvrancr(if tht, prosperlty ia cont ined l lnte atnim~ai report ofthlb U'nited States Steel t'oroîration, which aayr er> thlug ludiatiti hat ailthtba-a <ifties of each bbiiy oompany wlill ha taxtMe i fPc t 'i etts 1 spptjtthe de- msnd for tiaYer. T imle muat le truc alnsi of lIe ludoîîî'îîîenl conapanles. The iuebilîty te jét o"ofiiled iOn ra- sonubla time leeenponile .for more lIn- porte of Gerain steel. teqtirles htave been nmade iunugtblaî y conaumeaslu Ibis country fer pMU trou. iProductiou of pig iran in thia dWari-t ic incrensing. The polity sopad ib l!tha Unîteci Statues SteelCorpes'etiiorut voiding asd- vsnîee ln pnies la lm'itîg adhered ta la suluitautlila4 l tUne-o Wire and naîl Iproduttehave bin risu-it gain S5Icents per httndred poufldsbtîîttain itmoisi in the nature ot a mIru¶Oiiî,uuoftipent prie.. The new prime lua tlibE lloe- lait ytîr's qootritions, whicb weri nmde hetore the varirultmanuftacturer.,oti-re ôperatlnt lu hartîtos>. Prouleî l(mt'tvity contiue at the structura1 l l. Thoeeplante and ltote which mm seot raiiwiiy nupplies are the huuaest. Afiter as teady decîioanti le. pricai extending loser sonne wecits copper lhaitre- houtilidWb%"ezea weoctagu lte copper coid et il cents Il miam îîîerdlifter 5ey- cntad ai suces at 12hrî 1c' 13%e4. The "*trout" ie tpppomed ri, hase enjoyed a tarte andunuivetea îlî,îîîîl at the loi pr. liufrum ionuumero ouhad hee. bitl ing En umail quanittii'ýu.ot we-h made ,tp. tb.-tr ninds to et-iools t>Th. gac the "tint" anitîîelirtitiity to stlfec qiotatione. There i. toilk of a wMrd angrieent as 0 tîo sund colatrol et otput. but lta Onditiiit are unfavora- itle. Imig lent las tt'a-il vauced 12 a tnand for spot Inetai a simail cddi- tonst charge la Mpade. Thte demnd la the jry' tgodaima b"s not fuiuty eflent xpectatioat et toute merehants, but titere lu a deschdei îiprovemeuî a"i prosptte lashpetui. Gottou goonde are uteady t'lit quiet. Th. Tase-material l.a SUU unîlor the laflutene of tihe oppeeing via., rogîr-ding the.ms ifth ro.1% ale.1s if w" t L«_Ta 1 1Tells F Az.luIII~ I UI1~fiÂO ESO¶Z 5ftSy~ -.I*dgp- don w111 coue cn Wodso'iday. Ples 1mt yAAC BEOCX, à Citb"MMtI ire are toîerabir rna. wolm gueo a i & aTexie.bas lHYePM . are qiet. I ummnare gttfSg firmer. ÎIOI4.d4« d = cd ut fuir primea. Iilctdelndt u-' Mlo6 ge tht-r. A borttture ose. bu mrest lee i. teaWaco A"dusaloir, ab Chîcag réealetat. S se, la lia Uband le Iit e id Cjna improFemoutin lareglsfterisi hoU the LIsTe 45 tal A*dro ' h *0 volume ef tiaamde of propeety or &U hindz, n.dtcasée MrM tions-t.Tise cengâffl purchawa tea45lasil -ud the plans llinsUproven sle devra- lowu Seuailte ssnore easy beUace Inet. durint îl yheeeatr'. Tiene mati sttaeI t e tlm of lcf teaflteab ailier dismiéle u.v.peïtles, % ke..le . Aa o , 900,»b made as . stdl uud tomesby t. tr lise 4 neW ttltuU, 0 d uairth ommw Mu. Boe.-Ul5g1 p- 4b#l hi, 4d di durs . 11am Mmué hb.teffes040à. It i Lawer d&@pute@ get mt urIsels"Wdad peur- wke4i5 adda1ý eSittles. fe-me oapprebmsi bas i.bons «- IWII e arons, oeqmflpýu4'-6 presard aven the pooOMUV oy f labor 41911-UWI 1< .beld Kve«6" At IBO eltias lu b. suthre osi dca imsmrIesa esee taire eta in ,y epplfus thil eprt is.t la pomIa& ec Ibat e. Mthbts ma ue.s.4u.Srb IN .mai he sa cotrovericuy wewen lb. opea- imaS'dy 4.u or ethe littuitQOp ous al inanes a"d I ' de bezleaa"à dq ticr emptOFoeeThe i*irieiaraeflot Pti- 'ta e heasIýthè Pi sew m parai te- grani t tai§0 per Cent ativane .mds ne line MivmdM in vrage. asiati b>'tise latter. The op- sitI beadab i.5. i-atretenuSacdut bat hle déentiudfor theîr produet le <su dqle prine they get LIyet lIe Valley lakma for-i iin ur a..The ro.aequencee et trife cent im IeIlbat b. i5uoisn lu the coal induotry meuh le n__et-ri_______________r that the pescemali-re i hNti~ oiau orosllet lie..,, hýU Civic Fe4eratttio itI bu llkely io keep £as a mIf,. Atlta h titeir- oyps on thc ituatbso andido uriat <900d7y" alUteflsteý tey cen lu avert e sttdle. IFear 0f a coal famuine i.nau lon<er emertatnad. The output orf lýa athraIte lMines le lerger, and the hetter tranrtupeftihn, facilitiez ttffor-îed b>' tle railroada hava relieved j-, the situaetti. The tuot stor-ut ihel exteudeti over - 'aide ar-oaa hlped the prospecte of the einter cihoat dmp, lut nt the *saute o itdaî stenitene>' o lutl-ireu w moleeste bu>'- Eg. Tht buitîPi., c imply daferreti for .__ a uhort time, hocrevor. Ail <relue&itroke on -hotha>' at asn e-Seut ot tht liquida- tion of i ineofuit1.200.4)0 buehels et May-' out.. Tjîe ratpt id Itlg et May este"\ mn caîuse, e doctine .if 2y4 ,cents. but litera ceas e qîicte reruveti. The net change bappieu for- tewe rot atis a galaso e t 4cla14. Mu>v 't lsedtot , i78C to 79%c, i-16C 'givea to i lower. Nit cornc c-ed at 62,&, a gaina cm wbtcb uf %c t. to%(. 1c0fIoStutn Thte repeah of stih-.antIaly ail of dhs aitay obje e-ar revetuetxeis oreconamneid hj Well-blit the waî>e andlniolli, coMMnittec of the -beçaua-t liotîce. and, il la beli, ed, with pae.bolhByrpd1 biranchëea or('ior-Vo giviug reliet atter Ï b.e dby Jîîhy 1tolenîttît>buoi'oe Interels. ~îi Irons *e1 wbile «W Chicage--Csltle. i toIon te prime, $3.50 ta $7.00; hog- shtpplng gradesr $4.25 te $6.40; aheep), fair tg choice, $3.00 ttî $1 w;eheei. No. 2 ted. 83c ta 84c. corn, No. 2, 59cec0to6E ti:cl, No. 2, 4le te 43c; ryr. No. 2. 5so ta 59c; ha>'. lin- otit>'.$9.00)te $13.50;, prairie, $550 te $11.50; buîtter, choîto, craamepy, 20e ta 25c; eggs, freuit, 22ole t 25c; potatoes. 75e te 80c pet bînhît. Indianîpolle Catth-. ahlpptug, $3.00 te $6.30; hg, choieo iîgtît. $4.00 1ta*".00; useep, comemun et piEte, 02.50 to *3.50; whieat, No. Z PSur to 8'7è; corn, No. 2 w-hile, uew, 62e tu("'c;o. eto, No. 2 white. 46e to 47c. St. i0itCtI.$4.50 lea*$&50; hqgs. 83.00 to $6.25; ubooti. $2.50 tg 84M1; svhoat, No. 2, 50<- tua 87c; cern, Nao.2Z Y_tu2 10 Se; oas, Nu. L, 4Ue le 40c; rye, No. 2, 6Uc te 63c. ('îttoîîitiiti-Calo,$3.00 te $6.00; loge, $80 10$6.30;uiîoop. 42.25 tle 4.25: ' lit, N, 2, 89c lu 0c; ceen. No. 2 iid, tE3t' to (14c; oats, No. 2 nîlsot, 461e le 47,; r0e No. 2. 65e ta 60c. Ilitrli -'uIl,$2.50 fe *550:hoga, $3.00 te $(;.10; pboope, *2.50 tu $4.); ,ht to, No. 2,86etae luTe: cern. No. 3 o,'iiitw. 59c le (10c; outsNo, 2 e-hile, 45v Iii 4(k,-; r0, 62e to (30, Tlolt'di-Wheat, No. 2 mîxzetiSoc ta K 1sv; Cornt. No. 2 miixed. 59a le 60e; osta. No. 2 tttxe.d, 44e te 45eI ryat. No. Z 52e' tu 53c; rlaver aeed pritme p 80 Milweiîtee-Wbeat. PW. *2 ortileram 74c te 75ë; coca. No, 3. »C Mde60c;;Oet. -No. 2 whbite, 48e tu 470; frMs.Ne. 1, Sou te 6OC., ba*eY, Ne. 2. i.é U4e iak Imma*.D < . " tp. 9ua e ils A BOOM TO HUMANITY1 St. Jacobs Oit MS. Jacob., 011 Neo~er- Failt UTa CONQUERS PAIN 1