018On lfIT'UAM. A TALL CLIFF. jtEtAND DAUGI-TER GO - DOWN TOQETHER. flWu*asEndeavoring lu Sas-e MiSeis, WlcWsiCarried Toavart tu& kby a'Ole-Holti-t, Men Ctnt LOST MIN18TER 18 FO5 UXI). , mbbobdltobiseries luColauahuas, 0 Stt.me, WorkerULlsing 5ince 1506 la ilu@Sn Franciseo. aittmptisg tu catchs Ire 14 >cae ulul Aller ire yvas' absence Rev. Enfo au-i »g*0tr aie bâti beau If osen ,ýf a sheer A. M'aide, fommerla' counecteti sit h lie 00Mtethiigb, lMr@. BisatiiolP.'l'niý-e-t'ait crelta'Settiemaut Soiet S -ut Ïo or Nsreistoa-s, N. J.. lutifhectail'York City, lias heen heactifronut auit am Andaltl] euoff tht- pret-ijuu. MN-t. 1Francisco. Aiîboîîgb de-t-c-fit c uhnse ber iiatuîtltec tbl.tui ni zsareid ibis countsry anti Eîîcoîme. %a.ldo WiimIus0ciilt clibeiflit, e lli tu ccl o irnacf, aller tan long silence tuliowaiutg 04j f tac fores i lireonuaCoîsperno bis ma'sîeriuuus disieartince frottNe"* gk*iu.,Tht- slnd sauts 1u1.uea ngaIn' Yorklinaueflit u ntuer or iSI tiuiftafsent *èberé akirla aere caugliî u> na viotai W ordti0ihih8 famil j. nhmeult.ong ttguuluuni 00 z sud ibm.n-asurcit-i along desfftti gia-en hlm tp an deuil. Ifis licoîlie. Geai. pIlt ualtp. Mcas. Fichenon con afui!r B. Wsldo, anu rîtit NeweYorli. bas = ldanti geaspeti at licr sirts iut tasturteti foc Sain lFranciscu. Ilu sasuo au wed mnt urer r t dge. But ll ei get fatae. Simon S. W'uito. one orthfli ÎW lb. vroek belua. The moîers uner-t eating business men of Newe Haven, vuý bge5ken. Mabel's aruseavre bruieun. Cousl.,taI the muister seutthfliclttte. b« ibe ony-live. a Reallzing the probable leurs mot a jolie. - - libc liedl taliesthe precaullu e a ve lta-hfi MOBECRS W62K BT D)AYLIGHT. citter coîitesigned ha' a Sa Franciaco ministcr witili Whouhalie estOa>ag temipo- IbbOdir uId UpBeversl Pedlerilns lu rarila'. Rer. Mc. Wnido c lic het-ad- COIUMbb.a, Ohtio- qoarters outheliaNew- YorkUniversita' 0t-v. bfgbwayrn e I-alta' lad C-lma- Setticaienu Society' the afternuon or dola' bp% oit i ta' foc a few minu tes filut-13, 1890, ,sudbetaveen tht-ce and flis 6tner niait Thea' alarleul front FirWijsîomne-te disappearet. Delactives traceti e* l[gb itreets, oua ut the pîrincipln bitau far as a Mississippi river tusan. biouxtwu eoruera, sud beld Dip lire tmnmiere bh asissupposedtetahave bourded e~ii t - rvovers anti ral 2 aboit for New Oreans. but lIera ftha ~~ As eoo l i. teabnd othioa appearet inla asiasilue aua. Helaboceti MMu tisa' pueaidationftemr sa and sud aChicago betore gong te Newm York, ýau the sdI. flica' avre ifleen sudswhitea dolug mission aorl ter a sn uii o lu àaikiug te fia-aboidups, anti )out oflen. Haeladti rcislug a large WM A partof litaItlime taca' avre fond lu boa'provuatoas for flic pOur ut 0" &a a ew roda ut 8S treamn uf Peuple. Ciicîgo. Sarerai saelis lt-r le sas ele a mhave Dnt eagîtthIle daing fousti sasdeciag aimiesulya' bout thc 4i_1it.streats of Talahassee. Fia.fit wst lne 64RLORD BLAMED FOR 1>EATHS. sereka kefore be couldtelt]fbis n.imc. -FIREEROBS WOMAN OF LIFE. Imm& Iu Thee er. No Pire Re-- oep oen motel Building. MI-,Aanelia Emois uFentreil Maraud- ý»sM b.onegiecteti te furniait bis ad siiLockeafHer@eît In. adM MbInOr.caesan sd life hues, Fes hburgias, ta elavea lu have ~10 0duw. propistor ofthta Empire cuit Ms. AmsU&.a rieson bar lite lu Cli- làO 81. ouirai belli reiponsabie c'go- 5h. aas hornadte ldtiat iD unber1 W 00 etbga« thue eleven parsonslaith>aborna lu i lire canard la' ttc explosion ut ladi mr s entishe lltria Ifirît- a asauline slove. Hec crics for itelga sare1 *W 4" a g.Tt idlgc tt eard bha' mser, o? a fummia' in tac M a Thfn' r te utsusac iecueallttor boa ntise 1,de e o-s-anmebuilding. lut tha' wseraunabfe le bjeu5El0 la ito hlle that 501 leading m lte apartensa0oupiet ha'1 - bae bisa uit sat 1h.buîfui-ne, Eieson aers ochati. By the imei Ëwý *qjpw d ils lire esapes. thePolice sud tlire dteparrascut acriv-1 "Fueuver Fs'euur*.. d anti brohe doamaithe doues lira. Eric-1 WO>stU" or th. pacifie Exploration sou Vas deadt. Mes. Ericson had beau nlft ilune luate liatfor nsaute urnet- ua ablairecautfa' sent an expedi' li te days.,sudrercantli Ae ail ed x- MMe aiý te. Isiaut r earbor huiati a rassatifeasof bing a vicîîrn o!ftîog- ~awý. ieaen asoltitat ~Uînîla' site hepî lita doue, utflt-r .1W been receiveti feus AdmiraIirret seucl'ohe.Jllia fýlell a ncommandtoruthetac.asexplosion occurreat shirb causadtheli libellkaquadron, atailne !al f susan'. death a ineol lnos-n. Illule b- vÎ#4M as a failure Ih. voulti lievadth iat Abte va atternpting bu liglit fI&*blDlugPlace eOfte tretsure s humrnuar uthe glove wsa tan l xpiotati. - ttou-l oh rit as efunut. sud ber ciotblsg sas. cvacedti el hburn-1 - Crime AfSAM Fi"-eReins. lut; oit. oe guand aStach Paterson. i EMORIAL WOR K TO BEGIN WOON. , Iv. a- sluisard groana iu a bonis geuucqre îsey raantP_ Wideasr Tatsuig scentuofor Crippleul F ïw.v.. Engiand sud jupan. 1ý 1114, ilet Impotant tieaïive ad - .rU~~Udve ag-e et recent yereg te- WM olattions bas liait tees matis pallie tâ4Iuduu torcigit ffic..trilBrît- $M i t iu l pan bva formdau a asiace aimai t0 preserra tac inlegrita' o! inspire anti ut Cures. - Wefber sud HallsAspha'xlteii. ' lbe ,ouis Veunala, agat 25 yaes. "à ber 2-aear-Mdd cuit vere touait tait la Wet aIhesir bomne ln Philadelphie, -*vUbefss apiyxfaleti ha' l)umluaatg à;ithéecanme romI r 0111r lmu #& m ert onnti stad uti.Istthea' vImuem na«etatad, ArbitruSion Prevente a Sike. lauqeortee ait thlie plan of icI.-1 t i aed a furtuigitt since ,000, Mm- Yw ork loalimakars bava reaceatan4 eg Ueleeenu e 10ages anti conditions * r the sprint seaun andt tare n-i lue Ceaus Clerit. Out of aJob. Tam. hundreti anti cighta' demiks itae éaei bureau nt Washingon bave heen dlulased un acconi o! the gratinai eus- le" oftheba orl. Thece ws-li e a large unstier uf dismisas in muflicnaît fes Sirester Case Cauuec Death. Ilu pitchati bailtle h«eteen guartis ofop puslg claimants or the District oh Lake Meciigan. in ('aao, Johnu S. Kirk ses. alo1 sud killeut SquiatioftPolicemenj ulaketi their li van a-ailtîuuet,,tnhatuts1 muier acces!. Oints Ront Cors Thie-e. Tws datugha-a.ulfuaimer Na'e, nese Sebsyler, SdI.. tati emu ith hlgtus. attachudtti tIno- nu ahbo serre sleiag corn frsm fleur failicîsý cri. Boîb ginls epened lire nftint-i.anti une f the mca 1j ifi,seontin thc elg. Failiotc %Nul] Kille Firemn. Thse Atlaitte ('taUnt- freighu depof. &y* store«. ua'a îffhnu'a andt ao bar rounis amas',dastroyeti liafiee at Washington, K. C. The Ios îu 70000. A failiug vall kilie E et iIecr, n negro fireman. Ieaah ot Lord Duffeiîn Thie Marquis o! Dufferin, former Gos-- *me Gaserai of Osuitis anti torner Vloeroa'ofutainm, la dauti. PIre HurtaIt Grd. Crutiain. A Supeeluan efreet m.,uoc car lu Clerc- la"t dasheti info a frelîhu train coing nI ftel]spacdtti I iha tlani sud Piulsbueg 4' rde crouinig on Saperlur treet. Fia-a mel u w ae buel. flirt-c ot ahom sacre po. Moumen. fhe mcatiare nutui ellea-etto le dangerouuiy hart. Milssion Huitllios flsmurd. Adiapatc rci nî 'îîuî îîuîît-- thui te Berlitn miaiauonr>. nu11-t-l alt1ut g &trlayon, ueo(ur îîuîChIîinua. .,li- ximHolel fînrtel Pire.deptro'edtheflic ht-adorait- îuel. s itbreeftera' building l inn'ntat,'i. ~3beýlisg hi lu tise hesetnth e lr, n.ilat. tien *.but gond seorli lyflh fi t-i pn .-Mmnt cofiflurd te fiâmes ta.lue iu -- n'gusata lu île hotctlîcu uccua n, NieThe lis h letimlaft-d ai $75.uit, - Vas "nStA"kaApprepriti.s 38a msetase lutheise nnuesota Lti. r& iln epeclal session. Gov. Via S'ln, li plans fer Agiîs-gnthlit taia t lussOuda »l$ u (bald b. essIUtl Wuak upu tii. udngs fer lh. Whde- uMr- Memariai Training Scbo.i for Crip- pied Ohidren vlfl begln lu s fev veekâ. Ths building.siîhl e lociatd et Oit York cuit sud Titorgas Lana, Pitiladel- phiei, anti on a tract of tairly-uiz acres. The Improvernants anti andoammeut aili repeeseut an outlîa' ut aboutfe$1.000.000 ha' Pater A. B. Wlienee ln memora' ut lia decease i se. Thte centrai building saili te a colonial structure, Iliree atoies lmglt, but o!fcati brickli. saI ndian lilutona trirnmiags, 314X40 fet, illi tInnsings, esel 32x14-4 fael. Posader-Ronse Bow* Up. faometn are deittiasudtour ou lires cri- ausa'ly nuue as the resaIt oh su explo- silu stac posedes iboue ifthe mount O? Japatannai, Teilucitie, Colo. Ail tIc buildingsairont-il the tunnel Sera sreck- ati. Santine o MrIa, sho wasa thasing poseder in thea poseder louie. seppeti ouf ufthîe building for a moment. andthie gaurtire. ecomiug hentid. rupioded. te concnuion aclliug off t-e entica suppia' of sea-rai huntinet pounts. Seties Youn's Shoroage. flic bond compana' shucli aas sureta' for tahlaeStuart R. Young, formacla' cIta' treasarer o! Louisaillia, seio commît- led suicida uaal November atter a shtort- âge lu has accounts bat bren discoveed, sent le Mayon Gesiager ascecklifor $42.- 40. . overiug tle anlîre amounat flic ilioclage, sifl the exception of $332. sehieli nas puid lia Coi. Bannett IL. Y'oung, fater o! the ticatiofficiai. Tuom L. Juhunu .Lose Casa. flic Supranta Court tut unandutloino L. Johusona effortf f0 accore a bicher appcaisemenu of flic railway 'propcnfy ut Ohio. Thie couru hanîe letowan a decmioa goîiaining flic timucccr o! thc Attoreyc Gent-ralinf0bits petiîon antI liitiissiiig tht- sainie. Rubtera Matie t-od HIauts. Borgiaru brolit-intu tht- Postaîflee ai Mees Falls a. til., foot ail the moue. endi stampu in sighl sud cuuî ouienut mua o! lthe lettees. 'Thei0Spokiane lPoils anti Norteru station s'as aloiseitsued, Ithe litaebow open lic dyntamite asti sererîf express Packages fakea tramt t. Hurt ha' subsaia'Explosio. An explosionor dytinamitue in rnpud ran. it subsea construction lu Nae York Iulet a place or rock seeughing thucla' Poud$fitrouglite lapite glasdoue ot lte Graund Union UtaI sud broke sevaral saludoamalu In taI estabilisment, f ao peesona avre hurt lia' lyisg fragmenta. Deat iseDateluFait. I.. A. Garner, assistant isperlufendIent 0f tbe Amertean Expresa Company'. dieti lu Omaha, Neli., fron tae cfftcf a afi ou su ica' sitiewak. He bat hees lu the at-vctee of fli ccmpâna' for thîrta' yeas. lie lhtf i sdosaanti six ciul. jeciion Aginat flîrikers A Cincinnati jndgm lias eniedti haf trikcr-i must nut cuplu Persusion or nîuny othcr manas fa interfere siih non- uînioan mca desirîng womrk ina a carringe Teteee-gro Lylcheul. l nos leu%%Iitiokr. culret. Iiarguld tthfle auîrler nul JubilîDlitir. .nu lo. nrit.jnul ut I.> uehtîuurg, fa'nn -ound lunuclb>-a imbu. Ylioau lltrsds MacColiegeý. (iaS. B. id. N auîlig as bt-auilneu ih- fla rcretsra' rut arun 0 lait resudnt or ft. ,At-un> Wnu' Colîrge. 'rhu.aîcettti coîmuaofth-ficMinnesot a ta-uIotcalleul iy pruciantalion o GO.a-.'uaSaut, i. sur ln session. Triai tlapaaeFrueii Ciecks A yooUg 9man rWho gave fimam@ m l amas sabasquentil'iitldw~q ton (aeliek ut Tacoats babeau arregu- cd in san Fracisco un charges uf for- geryansd otsining goodu hy a' ase gre- tentes. Repr.nling imsseîf as the nepites of Wifllam Alvorti. preeldent of tae Banki ut California, Ouelick bougbt a goîti acanctsd a diamonti ring trous W. E. Vaudeelilce & Co. sud offared Inl pamcnt a checki for $100. te whieb Me. Aivods signature wss focged. TELLSRORBERT AND> MURDER. Kan.«. womnan Conféesse. Conapicil a in a Double Caisse. lihuntfa'ayor matie a arItîru confea- sion tu the police o? Argentine, Kan.. thuil Noaht Long.ambo tilauppeared muys- ferlouala' front bis tonte there sa week egîtt.liedheeu coblied astibis body' flicuau mb t e Kasa river. Long wsa aun nId soidier anti had drasen $210 peu- situa monea' from te bnk.li.le viiteti s Baloon in iArgentine fluaI aiglit. saicit wsautac lest ime ha lad heem accu. Ac- cording lu Ithe aomans contession, Henry' Donohueansd JantesGouffsacre aitlier anti-Long ut Donohuesa bouse on the nigitl Long disappeareti. Danou tuuinu cd lier witli sot bing able Ina secure tlie monea' ?rom Long. rituil uppears, liad also palul ler sosie attention. Duriag the eseulul. vite deciareti, the aiea cot>- led the ouI Oan sud tht-n comp1elleti her t0 ut ati liai acroos a bridge over flie Rase. 'ahile in te iddle ut the bridîgeflue menca engitî uga aii ti teuhelu Long au nd ciereul ler 10 iturra'ou sud nol tara lsck. A utumenu lhât-r theliecard a spai sali.sit as. a.nd huer lIant they blad ticown Ltong it thfic ater. FATAL FIRE IN CAR SHIsP. Presldent of the Bo.f-d ot Educatton et Horton Loges Hi. Li.. flic grect car avueka ufthtt Rock Islandl Rilîrusti iocated lu Hortos. Kan..sa-ee savept la' ire. Tavo ivss aere lostaInsdj pa-upecta' aorîli $250.00f seas deuîroyed. The dames aere fiit diaccovered lu the taie-sortisg room oaf the cabinet tieparu- meut andi apreati wiîh aiscmiug rupîdîta'. Employes oun.the second dloue leagact thrugl Iheawindows. clambcredcdoses ire ecapes sud there serre muanacuRrose escapes. W. H. Davis, tae oidesî cm- ploya of tae factura'.aas peunedu p anti unahie lu gel ont. P. H. licKeos, super- istrudent af tise Board o! Educution. glungeti mbo the burniag buiding and endeuaored tu rescue bus olt fi tn, luit luth peislied togetiter. ASK EXPULSION OF FRIAIRS. lanIear Preldenies ut Philippine, Plan Petition lu Papal Ilelegat. fTe insular presmdenîea aili presenu s petition tufiMonsignore Sîscrettu, flic apostolir daieguta lunflic Philippines, un his arrivai iltflaila troin Rome, gra>- lug for tae expulsion of the triars sud friar bsitopa lu the inteeel t ite chutrei, ai tae Filipinos consnier tent unit 10 sierve ilateb ousutf iod.., A majonita' o! tise presidea les bavs aircada' signeti tae peti lion. Exploaion Killa Trelve lu Chica1o. Taeve- lir-es avare ot sud s score o! pacsons injur nctans usexplosion thuf de- moilhadt lau ilduiings sud blIerouituthe fronts ut a dozen othcr structutres ia Ar- cher art-nue, Citicugna Oftt, feostels run tire famila' Of sevra avas ripeti sut. Street cars seere lîft.eu frutu tht- rais. gaa mains hiese op anti tua-nu sienauît irua mauaole covers cra-tiuig Ilrongît sPaea. dame moinît ihet aIadozcu pointu andanfiaurc rigurulfor alinoat au bouc. DiesuItefore Marriage Da'. George Satun, a grocer sud a badhrior, 46 yaars 0id, sas roand dea n s i Ioill ara store lu Wichita, Ra.île bau bren shul sud s revolver IYntaIbis ide. Indi- calions pout 10 suicide, alliongh nau mo- tive lu koosa. le -sau bciemarcied fhc next Suuduy sud upeul litalast t-rciîng( wib iiha lnace. The policeBoa luet1 miteder. Fire, flazea 05,000 Plant. The $75.000 plat mîtf te 'Wircfoa Heuîiug Comnaet Wireton, a Chlcucia suburli, saas buracdutheficgeotunul. ot a drop uorsaterother thon that supplieuu hya n uchet brigade ws tIlrosen on Ithe Buait-na. Enginessetatothe flcazte front Be u Isload, a utilie anlitas lait asay. liut tle irenuen sacre liclçleîa Tht- sillageg sater Buipplia'corncs frotutti elis. 1 Haugeul f-rMutraer. l-rcdcrickhltzlieaos lisugeuet au bit Ste. Niarue. Ont. One nigltin l the ireut wecritof Atigust lstSchboitzrefuraculi home intoxitofr ud ou i ter a quarceci silli',ira.(cr. a %uualuar tho poaed as hua wîftedeibhcculy uluol lie.lic ecs1 arresîrd. fouiguitf>anti srnlrtcdltui deaîli Mau Kil. Wiafa eit lla .tiron. I3e-uiu.,iuhe Ns-iabat to accore ndi- force r trun blutaJohn Key brou litsvilre ho desth itaill afttcoa la Topekia. Kau. le then ttemptito tu aha bis oan lire by hungiag laluscît frout a bridge Dnta5 bis hume. lie aras cu dosas lefoce lirec iras exîmuet sud reviveti. Seventeen Yeama for Chire. At Bloomliugton., l.. the jury lu thec Chlsm wsife-murder case retorueti a ver- ducl of Imprlsonment for seventacu yearu. Ttc asIale of tlic murdacer la estimaleti1 ut a quarter of a million dollar,. anti le didti un pare munea' during i trial. Deu Afiier Prime Fight. At Yokiohama,. Pugilliat Jack Siavîn anti a negro named E. P. Padmora gave a% bolsg exhibition wriitpoevego sulame that ttc sports rare augra'. Liter Pad- more.amio aas atîsceet bthe Uniteti States bospitai crmpe. dled. Helen HMa' la Mamrieaf. Oaa ofrIthe mosl important social eca-cu o! ttc season ln Washington toli place ut ocon Thsumsdaa'. wambra imlia elen Haa', daugliler et Sccreiacj- aaiMe,. Ilaa', sas marriaul lu Iujnu a Whitney' ort Newm York Cita'. Four Chilldren Are Cre.ted. Four chilul ru serr re,]cacul fui ti'nl s ice ahîcli uetroyedth îe farcaibousea ut Wailliamn P» ILObirloun. tfavt,-nuite miles t-nul o! Cumberltad. ou flue NMaryland sie otuthle Potomuac river. (i mcci Fia-e lu Puterson, N. J. Pure mu t uferson, N. J., i-rt rut> nl ft,- tystil liaitkg, consamiag t5w il.w. linge mut adluitio u lb.hemais bnsiucss ution of titi ity, sut cîusisg a ba»s mot 31110,- Marderer la Hamgad. Oua.biliMllia o0'1 tBisme bsia s etisi et Le commte lb. desîfi inuteug et Angjou emafa. couvîleti ot mur- deegla imdufm«__anmd bho~~,s MAY CASH INDIAN TRUST FUNDS. Plan lsu Dlviii ;75,000,000 Atnong the Vapioua Tribes. Sacretaca' HfithclokIndCommiauoner ut Indlas Affaire Joues are itow augugteu lu ttc formuolation of a îuuiea' ahicb, If aPProveti ha'Coffrensa. lrt-ti amIlla the ayntent ha'te faderai gua-emoment of nearia' $75,000.,(W te thte lotion tribe. Ibroughtot ltee cuonles n Ibmthe naxt few e aae. The plan coutitctpiales tb. casiig o!flteIndien trusitundas eh tise govamument basa brli n trust for the Indinasud oison wamitieiiblas beeu psy- iog Item lut erraI et te naie of 5 par cent par anut. The Oteua hava on tiaposit wiilb tie treasura' $717.000 Tiera are 3612 meinheri 0f thetrite. as ltaIthea' seul recelv agproximaîvia' $2.000 raeb. Thte Paruecs averàtrusu randi of $400,- 000 anti a permanent asîtuita fondi of $«0.000. mshint a total of $1.000.000. Titere are 00M membera utfte tribaaso thta Iey waIlireeeive t per cupita psy- ment of ippeoxistateir $1.900. The Pasees have uir$50.000, avilie tba foavanhusi have $30.000. 'rhe Kaws bave a truat fundi of $1M5.000 sud a treatir fond of $133,0W, utkiag a total of $270.000. DI1VORCE» WiFÊ AS SERVANT. Mis. Et îlott Ia Aloniua for Hem Foi 1a- Rau Off Wllh Coseitisus. Alfredi P. Elliott, a woenllia' resident of Cadiz, Ohio. bas lis durorret i aie aorli- iag forbhlm as asesrant. Site ra s ava wiuh bis cosebtan sa year ugo. flics the man deserleti ber and sha carne hach tu leg lier bushgnd'à forgivu-ocs Haeavoulti nul gîve tac tais, lut agreati lu engage lier as a paiti servant, liranse lte chil- drea would lsd teerisetiti.-lira. Etltoît uccapti.d taesituation thîunhfuliy. lite takes the ordereo! ber hliabautianti ber childreesmore bumhia' flan ifsite avare s serrant girl engaged a inte ordinara' sea'. Not oula' doeMca. Eiliothamhia' tahe ucdcrs trus thte fausifa. but aiso fcom Ithe couit. Site ht-lpiastla lit selîln, cicunsi ler liuiband'i anti ber chiidran'a iliors. sats ai table sud genacalia' acta us a muid utfaI wrk. Siteis a refluati anti aducs.ied omàn. lier formierhu- baud sud tflicblîdren nddreslier us "liai," seaah. ilsenys iaa'e"Sic" 10 EliottL The chfldrca linve beau loid Ihat thea' muai neyer speali te hec or ot lier as firrmouises. SUICIIDE TRIES TIRBE WAYS. Wuuusn Student la Phtiladelpiei Fine Art Bîhool End» Lira. Brlilda Mtordes, agcd 130 years. avio,. home le ut 'roya, N. Y.. a atuntent lunte Pennsylvanie Acedema' ut Fine Arts. lu Philudelphie, aaisrouend dent] lunlier ruoms et s huirding itouse. huvlug coin- mitîti suicide. luatehe rast over the ht-art ofthflicboda' rire tregashes lu- licted ha' a pauter's palette kulfe anti beida the boda' I au anemply pitial tat lad contaiscil carbolle seiL A lte, une eat of amiicit waasattathed tlu itst eore aiîb he oter cuti eting itesie tedeat oavons face. inlieateal that site itati sien lcaineti liiumintiug gas. Miss Riordan,. salin aas a taiti. liaîsome blonde. studieti ut fli c Aatît-ita' efFinc Arts turing the terns of 1897 endi 18918 aud raturnedte1 the sehooi lent a'ear_ Negvo I. Lju»cbed liKentucky'. At Nuclofsa le. K>y_ Thiomas liroavu a at-gro. sged 19, s ho allaclrd lilesEm- tutt Pl'scl, a 111 yceold schuol teachur, vas talien ltthonte us i ii vietitu and toli dcutietl As lime oftcris erre eu- dcsvoring lu gel lus priaunar bock lot t a iilic arass aei la'a imot ut200 delerminedctizcun-s, led la' the gins' brother. sunihan)gt-Jina the courtlionne yard. Offeri Boulay fuieVivitsectiont. Dr. Jampes Edwuin Russell, naIBrookly'n pliysicien.bohuadnîe Ilie stactiing offer of bis lite f0 scie.'- Ovcr bis signature lie invite-s physietauns anti aurgeons tu use bus bodyas n a sihjeccf for vivisection for une ycsci time or mmi l enî.thi e soc- cttmb f0 flic expecluan-ntsbetore the er- piration o? Isveelse m.nîha. Milt Sheriffin la otte. lolihers blaeîup tle safe of te Banli o? Ciark8vileet ul ('liksvlie.Arli.. wsth dn nite. stolc a suilac.utuited nI $(4,- 1100. hiet foutu l'unra. olirif or John- suas Coulufi. aclia utctlifti lu tacapture Ilîrn. andufeý-ci dht-font- the ruliznus sacra asere ut lueur presaae. Deutil, tf Maria Halpin, Maris filinn.bsa-itiiraullainlte irai Clevelnsd esn)auiuti" et ubler homeoin N-saRocellet. S. Y.. ohbere st ahe biera liviîng quuila'ftui.Si'aul 'crsas the site ort1'aaliaet-Iliuuu'T'rbcaeuse utflier dcîifh wias uituunnia. itiuuulltox le Rigiugi. Eutilemue ofsuiaiitox. tht'mntserilons la msny j-caca, x eogtng al over tle n'oclul. lieuulli tutcers us allflic large chfies aret fkiuug mnuuuai precautionu la slauuup outfthe. ulîses. anti vaceitarios ss ht-u; nitfiorceti saes secessuoca. Desfh Telle Secret. Dt)uh lias duislîlte namne 0fIbe monut stoirltae fumons Gainsboroughi paintlingofthlie Ducitri ut Devonshire. Adami Worthî. nuird lu tite criminln- nsleuftheflic i(flu thc ma.lic dieti Jas. 10. Killeîl ha'Nilrogla'cerin. Byau anexplosion ut nllmogfyceelrInitah wrks outhflicCereits lianutsclamlug Company eai Isadover. Md.. Superlulco- dent Richard huaamias insîsutly ia'lleti sud tria rorhuucn ujumeai.'Te cause of lb. explosionsi8u oon. Busgainu Mînteter I. SMain.. M. Kamtn-hu-if, the Bulgacian uinlaster of publie inaftrucllua,wasu aisansinsfeti lu hiia tuity tu a Macedonisu rbo gre- fendeti lc seotteni tua useseu spetitlon. 'Te@ asmu ainubequcnfia' corutattteti suicide blu> o. iog bhiueit. lVyu-unlu LaIi utofNo Effect. Theli mta - jhas bei-n matie that ercry anse mui. r t 1thflue isu 'ýmVung Leli.tlua ni-lu nuet a ya eagielaum- vli, for th,-i-uonîtflai te ille serra nuit recul tand t t.. nleul properla' in the lus v, ce hnuttiela -nt The 01,!,, f eîtI.mLoiat.esb & .4 7. 57ri BUSINESS SECTION OF PATER- SON, N. J.. IN RUINS. Flama,, tarting lu Car Sheds Are Fs.sued by Gale Ustil Twentysbiz Cita' Biocke Are Burned Over and l'en Millions Damuae fDonc. The bftalaeaa district or Paterson, N. J., Las been wîped out by dames, la addition 5w0 houses aud spartutent buildings are but beap orf sahes. One thousand frmi- lieu are honteleas. The acres of debois-J tdon marking the path of the uncontroiia- hie ire that raged sixteen hours were tStr- ered Saturday niglit with buildings whichi with their contents were valueti aI $10,- 000,000. Fiamt.Start in Car Bra. The lire begun its work of fac reachiinig destruction nt the Power bouse outflic Jer- sey City, Hobokenu and Paterson Traction Comupa'by, whieh fronted on Broadway and extended a block tu the rear ou V'an Houten treet. It rommenced iunlte car shed, catching, it accrus probable, front a negiected car store, aud was buruiug fiercely when one of the eoPployes detect- ed it. It was leupoing through the rouf and lte gaie was lifting it lu forka aud swirls wbeu the lire spparus came eianglngir Lto Broîadw-ay, Main and Van Ilouten. The men fried ftfient l) the baze, but it jepeedily crosord N'on Ilouten treet lu one direction, Main street in another, sud, gsiuing igor as it went, burued u-i checked dowu lotu the business district.1 Evera' piece of lice moecanisto lu the city 1 was caiied out, but Oire sud gale wes-e masters. A grent torcit o!f dame rose higb lu the air, ightiug np tbe country' for mile, aud carryiug a threat sud wsruiug te the peo- pie sud properla' lu Ita patb. There were efforts 10 reacue furniture sud stock, but the speed with whlch the lire rnoved gave the rescuer. Litle time. Properta wa utteu moved I0 a place or presuuied sale- iv, utîly tu bec eschied sud eveutualia de- Bf ci.> d. Race, t- the City' Hall. Main sireet was soon srcced over with a canopa' uf lire for a block, sud Ihen for tworbloeks as Me fdames fasteued lhem- salves upon bu lirg after building. Calis for relief weut 0ut 10 evera'cita' Lu that portion of tl itaiansd the jaded lire- men labored ou lhrough the hopeleas bours of the moruine. The City Hall. a matgnificent structure, surmouted hya great dclÜk tuwer, siluated ou Washing- ton. Ellisunansd Market streeta,filualla' cauglit snd with it weuî ail of lte splen- did business structures that surrounded It. They mrade a great furnace of ire liait burued with a ierre roar. There was a seriez orfexplosions sud Scores of wuls ftell wheu the ire left theut strengtbtess. Flying irebranda car- rird tbe conflagration orer soute buildings aud &round others. sud il therefore barn- ed in an icregitlar course. These lirando inally .urdthe trucks of the Prie Btin * 1 Ronapo avenue, and alight- ing out -tînîsht street, stacted anotrter great aorasof lire, la which te destruc- tion sud desoistion wrougbî were nearla' as greul us linlte other. Second Fise St&rted lu Park Avenue.1 This second gresl rire started ai the angle of Park& avenue sud Washingtou Street sud awept alinost uucheced outil Ou these twu tboroughfarea there was su mtore fuel Ounlise right haud aide of Mareket etteset Il eucountered Sanda' Hi] cematery -as barrier to check Il, but on the left band aide nt Carrol treet il claimed St. Jooeph's Church, a great classic alune building. Itwus in titis second great lire thut the rolunteer irenien front the outside rities did their utost heroic sud effectve work. Thea' feu hback only when thea' bail f0. snd wheu the naturni obstacle inlerpo«ed ifiey seiued the chance sud atopped tlie ire. 'Teire, destructie as it was. cau.ed but titree deaths. Two nmen wecc fatalla' inJored sud one agcd woman diid of ex- citeinent. ELEVEN DIE IN FIRE. Hobel Guests ih, St. Louis Peri.h at Xîght. F.ieven pecsoa.i 1i.riabî'd iu s ire whiii-î destcoy"ilIte Emirle Hltot, a titrec- @tory lodgiug iboose at 2700l sud 2-.0-2 Olive Street, St. Ioula. Eight others were serlouala' hurt in lièaping troua wiu- devrs or burned as theyflied through the btszlng hallways. Trhe dozen -ho escaped beforee filre cuught theni ied 10 the Street lu thir nigiat clothes suif were aererely froallbit- len. There were iliont forla' persoîsisnl th- botet, sud itlàisbo-ieved al ne ase coonted for. The building sud contentts were destroyed ut anlues of $20.0W. FLAMES VISIT JERSEY CITY. MaususthItllier sud (tier Properta' Worth $3(X),000 ft. >sio>ed. Jersey Cita' Lad s $Zi4Xi000 lire Sundar. One of the elghl mamu>otb- piers of the Lehigia Valley Jtuilroad Comnpany, ounthec south tide of wbnt is know ans lte 'Igati.' sud tocaled west oft Wa-hington Street. wass urnei to the o-i îlors dgc. Il wns iiuilttlw,-lr cnrs ugo ut n cost of $100000. Ia il wî-re stored wheu the ire started 260 ca-r loads of flour, valuedi ut $200.000; 8.000 baga of sugar, 5,000 bugs of pensa, otouis uto boxes of flnked onts and innumershle cases of canned beann and other vegetablea. Big Lias, lu Rro.ktltiPire. An officiai esîlmate of Idie damage doue ha' the tice which deostroyfd the plant of the Shabuidt Manufacturlèg Company l Brooklyn, N. Y.. fixes lte Ibau ut 0, 000. Fourteen peuple were injured suif taken ta the hoaipitals sud a number of others were attended by ambulance phy- sîcians oun te spot. Cbsrcl, sud Clerory. iThe Rer. F.P. &eufold bas ht-en muade assisîtant aIte Epîscopai Church of tbe Good Shepiserd. Quluca', l11. 1The Rev. E. S. Stucker. pester of lte Bapîlut Chuoeh ai South Rend, Ind., bas For four houts Tburdaythe dsit bald the Philippins tariff bill under dis. cation. The mesire sits eonnpioesu8 far ais the Philippine comllAtte le cot__WIN__ cernaid. ail of the commtiee amendtenîs: iteing adopleti. Toward lbe clos. 0f tho , The volume ou t biuit session the h1,coaslou balisns eetedIlun eVIO wss sonewlist affected responsa te s ragolutlou offereti sevetral durlîîg the ast wek b, idia- day. ago ha'..Mc. Rawlius ut Utath. lt.e ugî'lîie welttlîîr riutidfies. fi-ad. wu5 Secretara' of Wsr lrunsnslted tualita Sent-lait secloîiîiy lsfcrfered wlfh, howeyar, ie the seditios iîwn enacltd y he b.Piil- ssuirtîriers coniufîte lto ullti>lylu muis Ippine commtission. They waers rend lu iilaiaittilritîg iii-tu. Il la naturelitaesC- ful.sud Immoediatela' drew lte Ore.ntplitrtles. sr-tlrity lan mana'directifnloal the oppouiesîs of lte guverumneul's i'hil- lFebriiusry, jitst heture the sîtîlus huai- lIpplue polila. lMe. Foraker ut Ohio bâd ts.itm gels wv-ir limier vwsy. read train lte revised stalutes of the.'lliie stirrislug andt grtawlsg dcmnd b, Uuited States tbe lis o f Congre,.re- ihonîte cî,nwtltliarsiforîransud mt-eelpro- lalinglu te crimîe ur treasen n silnlar -d'ltfs ]m liaItncrl t. ronnry. at-cirinio offenms ,aguinst flic guceruient. asanito f.> stIut ilîrltii-s. tutu.- fi. a fitit. lu ltaI liteacte passed ha' the Philippine steel. The lîritara' cause otif Iisnreni commission aere aimust Identical la ltaei, i-titinnitinînîîîlfîletfît îîîîvttoo il priîsperila' lauguago with thea ins senacieiha' Con- la fhel'icîited iietn. Irftfelicitiyear gresn lu the day. urthlie fuihers of tb. htiif tI ettilîtutilms,. frîglîl a pise reitublie sud thiait fire wus uoiting fin- torfrotte anti fi-e sceaj-c altinuotopen- precedeuted tti ntîstafabout ltenLThe ifit. ) .~Oauilejtîîtîfy thin tisilisiti ould nul Ohio Seantor wax iuterruptad cuutitutai llY hav arit. BI-lit i,- tcnrotircitglugsolind- sud hali sevecai saurascolloquiez withlitensof raiinés,--ieînfoileni'i rsirouds te Seasiora wto seere oppohluf tint, lu mii fî tfriti-itfailtilraant iuint Anti conclusion ut tIhe dell ie . lHouepourerd it glititcftlrers itu euîanîl. cil uthe Irouhird waters ut the Scuiste. Vjtie te coéitfivre -spart Irade mtnauln ianthataiea miglil aveu differ wus sîttglit a yor a gi)the mlillrakaofu ou ana' ur the great quiestioans sow heore.irit an sîteeat-clite bhitttIrade lu-day the country,. buttftlinti sere thoronglfa'ittak4ins demndaltht-y art- net abletu loyal to the country andi aece doing tarir fiti-t fure noe ti- cupucity oftIhe duta' as they aît seIl. Surfa'lu 1h. daY bite itiiîtifisare flirue dtr mituts triat fur- Mfr. ScoIt of Viesl Vîrginia delivereti à tilere iîiiîrts frîtîti îeriisy are entder speech lunsehicli lieadrocaicil n Investi- oniielration. fTche rua isît itiifactnr- gation of the $as Bis, route foîr un lait- ers havye ait upîîtuity nouita fît . rid mien canai. and lMc. fiasbrouzh tode a or t1ît-i uicarplusitsaoi-ls. Tht-ce in taik of cseefula' prepareti atdresa on bis bihllu irlugiiig bitkta lutitis curytt'a oundra' protide anilonal systein of Irrigation IrauiitVd liii1901tl u Erupean Iulr. l o? anilads. Ttelon%@e %pont the dait l exiafinu ileht tw--hirls ort tiis yprrs on the icgisistire. epeculire sud Judiclini otllîf torpgraicon las airt-dy bren dis- appropriationubli. Vera' rapid prugresi isril ur. For promptt shîpints pe- wamaode. seveuty-four of the 130 pageasîiiftie are ofercif. Eiatern proiutiera ut orth lelhti eiug dlaposed ut hetore and- pighive îoiîlei on f in suti- eof 50 jourtinielit. vete îî,a ton. Tlico tniI-ttjral and bridge îîîtîfîiiy of tht- Unîif-fiai t-sSte-el iCor- Thitut"seou Fridîay passed thergi- Lai ad olt.Idfunuri lative. executive anti judicial appîropîrie- titi-ai. lion bill. the second orthflicrégulât suppa' 'flicél I .tol f tthe!rilîtorirter- hbil. Il carcriesz -11.11. which l in I i-itt itii uit inc atit udeiii aili u i i Io S5011721 in excescf tié eticemut lait. 1 iie titfni- latit atiti.éiii flit-îtty Onia' twoo sinuinafa timportan sce aii,,tueatt-i- icorpoiratiia ftorti t ar amre adupîrd. Osue prorile, fî,r a corn- illrtt-i5ttnt u.h-ti'.îîlf at -mission ta redistriet thflégisltati vaef-dite cti-itii .1. i tefIleiit tiîoii in tricta of Oklahoma. sud tfl ioller suthor- t hé- riasnoîirut-el l ins aare atiltiicing Ise& the President. luln is iititfou. lu rit-i-s, ilti,,gh flieatéel îîîor.îîuîîu ln cuver itothe clvii service lte tempocary 'lt oinirg so. 'rhuisi-iît tsîti-a tel ccleai force empinyrd ou accourir aut h, lt ft fî,tht- ou'intiurxa nfliiihéconsumers wsr wîth Spain. Thece lara abotlj.250 -, il il.itt(0 pay. ufthêtaes clens stili lanflic service. Ha' Théic i il-c îmarke-îtantait-f. flic large tb. termis outhflicmsndnltîcthéitePrt-i- ai ilt-s ut o iv -t--i t iî-îîibneavlge dent monut pince ail tir suite uttht ialer "-'aicif Iliviiii titior atshor t fii,.li i,ue. the cvii sert-ici' Thoe 'it lippino taif f... tilt ' l't..oiller î.-îî hi vht i tt l leht blli saas talir u p ci-l in u teé Snate. -Iliii1,-itilii. lit-rt-i- iitli t-l i lf itamr The s -ion ao tahia quiet. lie Tii71 in itSy aI.,a,-iîeîl iýi-f sec or Waashington ditored s cartnlly l'h. ufrii.r ii Iltîi-le .1nd pllint.ot prepeif s1tperch usnîleéuit-eraI Uhilip- i. . Coulitt-ateil pitiée qîîstî..an.] bail sot conein du OttItlt îîîing o. Te .liy i itittuils or- ambn rafiohbill wsgaail osîli- for flchae - a 55 ilit',iilliin.iî. i-ualii,. tloged He discîîsnîi iirti.Iullurly the légal uni ,,it it. attil uo lv ul I r cuflstuttila itaiiiistvolvel la fiolciittl touttpt.Théî, liififlfie 'a, itkers goverruteni uni cofntrai oftrii,- Philipinîe jlu-lîfitaliti i--~l-ll, i ait fi jar*o sru-hf prisgo 1) ' v ie Uiitold Stantes A fier ti t ilin aI lIni liotif i..- ht-pt iiirýIltgil flic adoption ut mintîr ifini-ditfuthe îi -i pensiosn bic l.n uill vs i n seu caril fistrios.ioii - lan . --té ~~fraiction fhelic notte o au lîirîinr ilevofrîl an it I-i i» aroiuîlrap- bouc intahlieroanetios of mîttor bume-ta , l'D vritw n.!fli t sfuat-titan iu andtrio ue minifer o hu yt fi fa t iliigs i t-tutu uîîg rflaic, [tci> ig, tfiretrucumimtre- ou thelicreianti pubicîeserrit-i-afuthîe 1flic - - ltrtrs afîîr ailii. frlîliintterial lite lleprî-scnniiie Burke ut Texas. f,- for- ueni-nwlbutilintgsatr,-infi i,-ia,andi "il h ley soirtall tht- iii .raily osirlaxeti rtattun nf @lrîctoral Mills, t-îutrsctors Ornerai debste ounlte oleomargurlue laiti]huiders belicved titrayamI te able bill wss ciosed Mouday. Thte frienti. of ta #et needed toateriai. Building permit.t the bill have tfrctdd to oiler su amenti- isaneti lu Jasitara' lu Chicago represent a ment lu mallete fli l-entfait aputfia Itu u-c lleynthon f n l sa' Jamtiara' aine oleornargarise. an imitationiofbuttifer. "off 1s"14-iliiiicocî-neit in ltect-ai ritrle ana' shade uof lîî " rThe aisntffa,'ut ititifkoettiiliaui-s. ln deasigard ltamettlito- charge otît1h'étîCî I llo it o liii il h lte atuti.ttcias poneuls outhéflicbll flial aithouti t tiis i Il ut îug-dlcius utslutfi)the-croga. St.- ameudmet théflianuîttsgiuthéfl I1îl ilt Ilut,le iî-p tire ai tre active, liornt lie ciîn-ituiI fitalîsuuititi> prohub hut fle li>tr-iiiîtin ictig îîs-ies fl ic supia' mâie of oîîii rt ut f'irtlîon-ar-u aimîl i ititl i-i>flfuor uxporu ]y flic cti ICt e - i t hé lb, il t h e iw11- i-O fitslifllâild. Talierst'tare. eouii- Pîhiipinefîc taiuff il! l a îîîour-r viî-îudi l iut iof a large iuuîvuies tii. ycr ttaon (-ratiuotn iMr. ruîîr i aliicurli Led lu.l rit ta tu i il îîi f in i de-- lu iec ifatu fît.- thé ovîuèi*Frîttu natti il jta otlii ili. Tit,-ipoîltloif Newe on ft- léaîluî lan oýi.fuIIilîI ta it.tîl'f ftfillui aliié,- îtlintaurger tis j-car thr Phluiuit jlippinueut Il,- li I ti lt 1'- ftuti jt . - e.ifîi îur, itive. main thal an flIi- utuo.finuire-tallual;t SlIueut iiliruimt it'î vi-iiurttd in hiIp. ru! an înîlep,îiî i s riîtt ufruin l,--f -' A t--i-.hla-i ti-finmadef-li-lwecti att1ifa prior to fitl- flill tif 'nilit. i l,- ti- S lîtltrul tti ('il iuioitty lti tuirliii- l'aileî .] ta ittlir iift utuiiiA u1i i..iîri ,lu- islatic~i-- n rnatnfia i,bol nucucul tîtn flu,- i i a-uiu g illît Thriiîj-ulit t.iiîu Ouan . %Ir .-lji- c oIu l Il lu,kfilt.- tut, tut1 ifor téi ltui i)liutl v lit,-lt i- cri-ifcoi- tiili,,er uta îpecch ut in the p niîitu îî -urc iii u:sittiI fie l, Iitu l.futh tt ase I nît lef..r ri ii,m'îlf Ijui . litv - uccita '%lun>s sabratiut au riliier quiuetlitriur-e continue lu Ouuli i, l,.ite ut. -if l %t luasu.. lit,'ni-t ratilf rutlit.weck blaisg a-bi,u t f t, ilu. 5 .1 lughli- ,ldfniant! ut-îli.aî lut suit(rntandta net fy aa ii- if i.1i .ljiujj.icua j.. r~ , tii.. uinît stutfuu tabeing ,if flic- tlt- ttuilti ut-lil r.,.-i.tIJîuul'yît t uIuu lo.- i, kotirtî tpera- nttt bef't. i lit.- ul aItuî i. tti- -* j.itw ovIuntu îîu kt tt lt ai 4 lua filper 'Fut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . fciiiii lf. ft l,. Julil ta uS u.,.oltî,fiflie lt (iut Ile gittal .-h f-ankt laaîucc.uIitui iitîuu. l i tlu uI erfii. r fl<tîi.tii outmal, a u rt r rrédu on of i fa. 'rite dou> i r.fo t,. ta-télé îculîîly it-lutf ir t fit- céil i f- lilisitarte. ootît- u ic ifî i , iti f Va ltlu1, î tiY<' iii 'TI, iu ttl i t t..i iut-ltale 1101N f-ien tic ii - u lt. lt-t,- "::uilpi i l î . *Xfii f $4.2:di.tlOO cul of utluit titi 11, atgareif î oiii i tut .1iii g a- f) il1 a autreaouttlyThéîjl'ont a ,l.î'îl tfîuutitatii- Illttgoii-t. llut intprime, tit-i itIiu .tkilîgthéi llt itimîîîîtitifi,'lit 13 Iii i.l) 50 lu iga mlutîpitîg grades. antil-îuu.tiî 'i;c-itti -Ian tuf fte .- , 5 o $1l;15a; u aittur ît-bchier. $1.01[ a".1itnB tI u-V itttli fiicetoif fîffiS I to .hel. ut2 rut. l .toa58ic; nt' l uce t-é ;ItI iîuiitiui iii t i il uulNoii uî 'u 5-tS, i l 1-;out.No. 2, 41c tuf fi). t' 4 iuly if 'mi I-it-lu -itsa kt- oftuu)tt lu. 4«-,;r c e \. 2 . -to î60t,; al in i- t flite Sentinotut if it r ruii )iitluta i îtnluyI uth - 9.111 fi $1350,prairie, $e.540 10 Ni r. Stewartcf tu it5 itii aut a -.'l'lie $ i tM n . cliiiltcca uea,24e tlu aittenlint ft iiic,, ft'tat.luti! lh 27c; egg. r'a,2iC 10 tue poutues, te expiration if flict- FutI>-n'igllt('OTit t75 ft SOI, tei luîshul. gré-as iit iaîl, fiiI. If n ei-si-f he îmî.utiufl hifr bppiso 3.00 fo lion" enl t-int-inlafluc résolution. If $tS.huîga.chtice llghî. $400 tu 36m30 Ir dura Présidentfuu~' it tn atecl utiltu tlui primue. $250 ta $3.f50: office willl bce xttuifteunettiyt-*o rnutli. as fîctl.No. '. Sýc ' tSe; -cocu. No. 2 A stirring definie on flic géneértl ihiliio ashite, nu-i9r. ci L-lt-4c;ob, Nt. 2 white, plue qutestion wapreriiniafteil it thé4n- 4ik- tu 47c. aie Jete an theéils>.tht- principal partiel - SiI.-.$450 ta $0.50; hogs. pauts being NMc. PItltr(ýonetcfiul' and$3,0) f 0 $i 21. heép. $'-'.503 10 4.75; Mr. 1-o fus tMasschstt. sait-nil. N o. '2, ti a fc, cocu, No. 2, 5fic to iille; otuis, No. 2, 43e lu 44ic; sryc, Washi.ugtou Notest. No. 2. toluI;:!,. Ilouse ways sud meata comnaitifer- C îîuina Vl ilUrle. $;0 luo$6.00; hog", ported ili eealiag ail tlitai romnls 3.00 ltu $6I.15;. tht-t-j..2.25 tut$4.25; of the eoisir lai. %aet. No. 2. 99-- ta A; cornf.No. 2 Porto Riran Legisintitre sulopteif roeu.ttar.liti.- ii li a-oti...'u2 9 xef ýl sha flos tro IOn nuit heg sut Go0 tle eu Pol( lug Col lui fe cal %ui] wia- cloi rit gla ru- ofi ha sit to mia sud Cen tria tise lte glue *Ia Jhu nom h v ove t-ait Athr ent mari hl aci crut unti tht- tht-i asuit dia i amer Bee lte the a a' 1)i anul tir nul uin tlir Undl aît vt. an ria.s e. eîl Cros toui puar to b tise log uti eao bra,