Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 Feb 1902, p. 8

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UNL 's .J- W1IAT IS TH-E REDEMPTION OP SOUTH- DAKOTA? .The Four C's Ca. CORN! Cu. ce. Co CREAMERIES! Do You See ..... CONFIDENCE! CATTLE AND CORN ARE KING. Be a s udla ofdne Creameries Make Them So. eas udHsniec. Do You Want to Succecd? It requires Confidence to stick to the winners and What Does That Mean? Do You Want to Make investments That WiiI Succeed. Yield Good Returns? fIl E Nutritiows grasses of South D)akota are utilized by the '"" Sprocess of making FAT CA'rrLE made Fatter by CoRN, anîd It alcalis tllat i IfERI' Li ý, i 'I IfUEE A iLSii [S LANI) tditTkavitt( ohIak and f> r UCK u the cattie iii turn bring success to the CRE.Am.ERii.sau<(l tfloîîey a-avstt ot aoaadD T'vIK in the-pockets of Ihua iwho lbas COtNFIDENC'E inthe iirove.s. 0f fias ifll(t t hat where ,luo e-rated in ii lîlînîcofofices wlfille( Iap At $7-50 t $18.oo per 'acre;where, withln natuire tfat LAND lIA-il ) 'l L i i (MIII l i f ifi t UChe liita few nî l ad s I el silig at troni $125.00) to- $0.00 per In Sotithl) akota, iii preseîîtedI every chîance for 5113~dî space of-a few v yars! re farmingon this basis! XVhy? Why- has it remained so cheapP Because Lund did flot wake 'emn up. HE IS AT IT NOWI Yotu that woî't reail. read tijis. Write for advertising matter to their representative..... S A Y o tatcnt ea tayloý.D C. LORIMER, Libertyville, Ill. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ NORTH NO RTH PELL) BêB*êBBB B*a a**auI~ Ivanhoe Items. H. Dl. Wells was at homne lait Suin- neighboring lotaus have been brrgir- day. iîzed more or lesse. owever nie will nol We are glad te report b. F. leanunîue flatter ouirselvîs (t rumnîLas mir turri on the rosîl te recîînery. rui'cotule at ani' tilde. Airs Joce as eauanîceia tltuau ast %eduiesday evening, Feb. t), a agttset e01îuiusay for the paît leS iiaya. jolli' erîwd ot youug people amsemlîled Dats ad eocoute ar uta pe at thie borne of Mr. andl Mrs.Ktelîter Datessud hocoate re a a nsd spent the cvenîng piayîug varions mmum nowsdayis. We wouder why. igarues: refeehrnuts were served at Il Miss Ettella Skinner Las bain qîlîte o' dock, alter tahîch we liatened te a iekthlaspast taiet wIth an attack of îew selectionn on thre "Baud (.rgan." waa near the iniduîght heur when Mr. Henr Van Pist ansd brother the crow d dlapersed. Everyoue pre- John, oano"rsa. tartefi for this conti sent erjoyved hîisoeif te the utuanat. lest Tueaday. We noted la last week's Issue ofthîe Borne Of the Young p8ople are -"Lndîîîendent" t&rat our "twin city"' arrarîghrg a slelglalng parti' for Frlday lje of thie opinion thaI t it il l e oui' evning and nota are lookîng for 9asaaiort te before the electrlc rail- enow etolin. rouad tilil e extended froua Lberty- Mr. lsyton Dean, tari for the past ville throngli Rockefeller thence to two yearsasmheiu prospîcting lu Ivanhea.We hope Chat our nelghbors tu1e goid ragions of Alaska, returuîd are correct lu their opinion as tii home lait Fridai'. iThe Mystic Workers are arranglng for an entertalimeut sud aupper Titis viii be open to thec public aud &aIl uhorild plan tu attend. Prograna and 1 postersa wi appoar liter. Waîc;u fort %hem. WîtU lthi iraI cf Mrcu comas mn. lng tUne. 'Thuone Ub. elpect lu muse Changes 0f tItis klind immeýdîste vieciiil are L. H. Bry sut, C. 1'. Orgaaruî and WenaeI Duz. We Liolîced iu thei Isal veeklt-siýucui thias "Gazette" théai ontr cl i dgger, Adam r Tuu, hadgonie domoi over aSO It. lTaeyinm&aI e nitue opinion tùâa ieUcta digging for a utinaàmen iistesîl 0f wastez. The inaquerade bal Illhumale have bec-n given in tis place hi' some Rockeller yiuung min mas indefiniteli' postporred on account of there belng be marr illoter partîc ef titIs nature in adljacent towns. Ivanlroe bas benu cpecîsli' ftnu- nate Iu regard tu burgiarres as il lever bas Leur vîsîtelbut once Li'ibene un-' wloome entiers. Nearli' ail of our PRAIRIE VIEW. A. tandliffe has Lred Miss Auna Spremier &ashoukiekeepe M. Knedler sud faaly i' vsîed iwtL relatives at Nortbtiuid ou Sudai'. mias Mabei Masou, tif Chicago,. vlited sith ber parents iSaturdai' sud Suadai'. Win. bock la kept bony i'dgglg Willa lu ibis vîclti' ou account of mater icarcîti Misa SusIe Mason bas bsec on thît miel liaI the put wi taets, sufferlng wîtu tousilitîs Mn. sud Mrs. W'i. EIwrd@, oet Lîbertyvîlle. nllodnîute Mrs.bock- headm faem Fridai'. H. H. i'egelttw,otiI ltillrug lPnairie, Wis.. lanlculding aea lSeits sit bis motir sud brother'a Lire. Mr. sud Mrs. J. 8S iridley suitI lietel attîid.'d the Manonlc haul1'ict at Waukegau Mondai' ening. Me. ater Lsd hîs logs liauled tii tLe ilta mlI last taet, mlircb e lu- tends 10ouse iluthe îprlng for building bis new lheume sud bhrm ou is farîti. a1 HaIt Dsy. W. H. Stauclîrfe rtarîs torn I ma tUas week. Mes. l'.uiua Stalille tis mother, Ilavng a blIIof sale un bis !iernal prtulicty fLas nos iseri Rockfellr I'ms.Mie' Ira L)îlttle bLars 'umîedis tstîri es at a luinre8sacîîlege lu C liicagii. 1.J. Mi Bride, miur 'nterprriig hardware marchant. was ru Civagîî ou business'i ue&dayý C. M. Foiiket uuioaded a car (,fv'ual ut tiH a tation la8t w cet, toe lu,îîî'îlu Ù18 Ivauhue ereamery. A Mr. <Chatt and wife, dlîttributing agent for a C'hicago art Co-iupsny, etopped atfliotel Harden over Sundai'. Mes. (ho. liarden, of the Harden Ilotel, who bas bestu quit@ Blet for the paî8t two weeke, la uow efowtJ rectver- irig. Services aIut te Cougregatioual church eveey Siinday ut 10:30i a m. and 7 tm) p. ru 11ev. F. Ii.Auderson, pastor. A auni, eheerful disposition la worth m.îre te those ahout von than k J. Keniper ims 51111il, foies S Iciwam Uere on îîîî,.titim 111@8 1'lli'u h w", llî tat I i i i.i K.0 i1 but it mai' bi' n dcaiell e acted bis lait week. tir Uer part wviii Xe canuiot refrain, M,88 [,lbLIyvi'alitgai .tlî<o liotaver, fre' î'ernmendlug tUe sable Mr8. Ir Jer lait week. muariner inu ail hiithe part oif the] teacher wa', takeu, l)y Iheodîre Swanu. ituoir Raya that i1,nimfTrie-r s.1i MuncUof tUe ttti (Ai thte play de- work lu Lake Foreht Ibi. ytî,Ir peuded on~ii charaîter beiug wecll tC. Liwnlau, thi' eL"i eur taken, and Mr Swran proved te be the Weiit tii ieKalli k rlds.v t ti'linm rrghit rau lru tht, rlgbt place. He parentés acted hie part %t1, i,'as it taire. "l'Uie Mîsies Florence snd lle' ie hc at play Leid tiet ulvldtîd attentioîn fteulied a social gatherilg ru 'îiag tLe large auditrice prisent from ti8t flaât Mondai'. te loott. beverali selectînna were ren- Mr. Roebinson hîld an aucrien Mou- derecd bi the Crîngregationai choir, datY Ile fanill i' 5111 ave for (nit wbieli added inicli to tue evenluga lu the near future. dujeymnt. IAmong Chicago vimitors this waetk 'TLe Nortbwesiern Amatuer Tilealri. were M rs.' C. Wessiliug, liostit a cal Company blas Len engaged bi' t heo ..aJing, Wna. trier, Edward T rier Ivauhioe publie chcoel to give the sud J. Bach. -ISpcliî' SkiaI'lu in oodmuHall l Wm. Erameir, brotrier.iu law of t ridai' night. Feb jlst. lThe Play lbas (Mev. andjMrs K Rton, reaurued toilIa (tien lmproved sud leugthened sud hm uMuata ndybn le would certaîli' create a boom for mani' solemu irorils 0f ail',ice, lettiei' lUe second preseî.tatlou y il ford ail both tons. ever 80 giod an opportuniti' of aeeing It at its Lest. We have luit hein infermed of the Juast bîcaîrse you are diilhrent frein BiMoanme overiihtDo mention was deatri of Mus Edrîn Vuiger taho dled tue ther fillmIsneottlgtli yîiarei a made Isat tacet il thje hachera meet- la-t Mondai ' ""t ouiclock . .r1o!frea..Theii(Altler frittw a rua ctLe ite g leld at the ecluiol building Salue- tai drîsded dîsesie 4"consomption. - freat Ulmacîfl. day, Feb. lot. I lie meeting mis miii 8ihe bal hein siet fer about s year but N'. 1R. ienedict, ot Ogenla, 'rVim , atieuiled hi' tiachers lu rblas part of %ias îlot c.'idered lu a crîtical coud i-fiind agent of Wiscon'lountral rail- the noluli'. 'Ilebc nhimet firdscs trou uoutil as 1ev weeka sagt, FUIs ra the eoad, mas the gîrei of Statron Agent elitu tuas "Iloara sM ethoil in Edues- tird i w., that tUis faml.i Lai , hini N%.b' ie it dfauiily t-OIn 0Ys laittînr, cbaptr's 7 111 lapera were ealîrd t., ruturu the lotis of a chrld tatel. rndl ou il)peratiins ofthe Mtmd," 4tithîn s very f ew years lic extenld 1î te i, t hîs etlumu lit at ,k Missi'tarl lSmuitlt h;iZPcilng," I LeO. i, tue flimiiy Our deepeman sympathi' ',tet'k relcrriiug ft "iliverYV sIîpi)iîeim wa mil is Su'itU. 'lieadiuig," M C. in tiê arklieur f sri w.thoulîl Lavet'read -'livinig' supiplie$ tiecker. ' iiijet Lesmoir," E. k3. Ewlng. The Laét Heard Of lt. iLihre ila iîfhbi.g er.pejieabsunt (ii'Ir 1iitLt'is .luisent soi tatilug part i"Mi' ittle boy tock the croup oue lireri', 8o fat as charges tii tLe public tacre Mli,'i's Roy, ('oîdrey, FlatU, niight sud aoou greta so bad you could are ciiucerrieil, Sillith. Maîliar, Bryasut sud Suipson, lsit hlm oreathe ail over the bouse,' uoftegotnemofti o, aiM8sr loce S n, mth says F' D. Reyuolda, Mansfieldl, 0 hu E lwigratu1' yf itsaond td estr IoigieS. T iitr -We feaired le wonld die, but a e lma a et aial fer putbliec eringsJEagIasu lecr.'Lent doses o! Oue Minute Cougla Cure iblira facl was ftîrviily brîtîglit tii meetiug of the abhoe'fatliiui will Le hî'ld qulotly reflelc nd udiUcwenît oleep. miotl lii'tht' unie rimîoleijol eîîîîîîîîî'uat ,*liralîîkt- I'eb 151h aIiii0:30 a. ru fUaItUi te lait me Liard of the croup.îîf tit)schoio nt ai tht' culertaîn i'ipi Wmuikt Methed," chap,'rs il-l', Now siut a cough cure lite that valiin itcr , îecnrlscin0 aible" Oue Minute Cough Cure la ment lait Frlai' th'L 'leobake i îofnth ecerlsectingo absolutely Wan sd atI mmedialeli' î'he -Spellini' Stiel gameniii' tlîeth Lae(ol 'oeir@Radn For coughs, cuida, croup, grip, tronchi ppl fte rdi coîili rdyCîrcle arc' John B oage, pires.; heu F. ils sud &Il cother thrnait and longl u do h rdd eolls rdyJeaumene'. Sec. One book tail)lie troubles ti la acertain cure. Pleas -cvenîng usas a deeflîl î e r' tde Iarm leefe u ae sut le take. The litte oeues lIte il se.e f îe wîrd ŽuîaiiiaaurugluEducratr lsuiihîd Solîl 51 F. B. Lo','LLs Libertyville, the severrty (ifthîe wunuher the room GERAYSLÂSE I'slaýiiaAcy. w@codd ta'al tormu Prose hiterattire." Lv (Jardinlier mil crowd ored t at oe ay'i ake i p. luis plan u hs bain o iîg ini'llistandl d onug the en- re ymtycliisadbxpoe 1) ~ FI r.LUtire en eiiîg,. I t l lmti l trîu i nu 'irilaadUalri There tais a nsrty leld il ite mtli.ii tittAi iaruiplit p.I)aaeY, liibLe a gîîîîl iun. Holistrorus home Wedneslav nit. ie it mas given fIa Loor of Waltcr's sIxLEITHTON. SH ER M E VIILLEt. teenîh hîrtUda. . Aesîrîti' supper mwa M IIutî sa Uca s îitier 1AI Iiist tais a CiicagovatieIic sered aftir shîcli maa s candi' Pull 1Ou Mondai'. 1day. Tbey plai'îd garues, sud reîmtîeuidin. Boys, get Vîttîr ccii Luit andîLtiu H. J. Datilutie uit fereruuta Alsyns LUinirrdiglt. k.eryoue reperted a palls ready' m as tue nIcîlti f a Lad îilthe paît fine irme. Walter inviteil thie boys Wm MitYerti tas',a Cil. ii tge isur taetk. sud lit emach etftiemriu g a frind. ou S'aturday. . iertre andlc tsutVergmtîcîLab 'rhere mers seven boys sud sîvîn girls W. D. G.rifth IlL asiruChicagoî rnRavee perît iSstirditi in thîceago preacut. Their usines mere: Juste busIniess lait Meulai'. Shopping. Iilederstîd, Franîtb is 3deste.t, AIma Kent, Jeunie Karefi, Ediia Atis, k redlitaptie. et Il ictetelier, mus accu A nens rural free delîvîri' route is fuèel VNaît, Amarîda Kusat, Walter ou otir stricts Iast I tiiuîiay. about tii litsahlied frein tuis llolatrom, Arthur Pfîster, Johlinhu 5fr, lai'Ailst t aa intucîtîago Office and aireraI applienstare lu tUe Edtaard eIiig, ArulI Meye, Water lait WeduuesdaY Ou businessiIlelîlfotîîhe position tuf carrIer. Aute8. Otto Kulaat. A. C, hirebhtfi peut ISatîrdiai sud 1ArthurtînI'errian iit neturned trini buudai'lu Chicagot visîtîîîg trîi tii lreeuliat, Rani., sîtîre le, FREMONT CENTER. &4 ttmber of ipeople tut this placel utntho Hesec sit etr. Ve are glad M18s a hae 1ekample sent Sunidai' aI attencilcd teIlieutsrtalumeut aItUe te heur 8ahi is ctinvalecetg sud oi thîe home. iRockefeller igh aclîool lait k riday nuad tii rt'ioveny. Mr. lue Dorîfer sîeuî a fin s dsy cî'nlng sud reporet s goi trie,'TLe coutranit for the sork at the ire Iast aset bidge tuas ',itirasn oaing tte tLe Rcv. Father 'rus ',leitcd iu the n'ty LONG GROVE. tlucousiettuiiof thespeciicatloBmsasud lait iVedieidai'. MisEdua tichar ion the si itI ' hore hLuoelcllung when îte o yuwl Mite Wagner anudFran rîtkeilk VWater Gotitildler La tick wltti thenoa e (done. 'fit la avery' dangerens apeut a fîta daya in the cîti' Isat mut. pleuin' lc sdttitl aIotdatra IMiss Martha Wagner le vmery low ai1 prisent aritiug mti a qiuusy mstec throat. MIr. Smlragge usd ia veitîl samîd lait Tiureays. JIacob Elssîer 1la uotae'.ijît th V'orkiug Ovetinre. H enni' Itaseil, tif Mlwaukee,.lus v.olfta rîan. EigLIt Lotir laisaire iguored ni' thoîi' vrietîîug 'wtLbissiits'r Mes. Mite Fred Sat,'rtotk a l-idIif pitrk bo tîreleas, lutth murers-.Dr. hînga J hubi'. the Chicago markt I fsf I umdai'. New LIte ilîs Millions are srwaye Mr& Lnhti' eturned t0u er hume 11) AMr. Lb Keilor Lins nentel (isheFrant ai ort, iugitan sd day, curîug ludi ' Kautakie after vlsîting fer tmo wmut tpet ferarlt a te.rnii oftrt neiars. gestion, bilioustiesà, teustîpatîen, mth lier son Kiki Lubi'. Sick HBeadacuie sud aIlit temaci. hîven The dance eai frels lait Monai' Mat t'mhdeuîîot.'taLd L . Schuiz and Bomîtl trouhles Easy, plissant, iseulug wys velf attînded sud a geflîl W.iet'I Wautegau iti ublîîîsla8 it aie, suze. Ou'ly it F. B. hîVFI,'S, tie mas riported bi aIl lunseut. i mut. GRaÂSLu E RCaF&Au'i %.TUe sutertainmua aI St. Marys I John Relier tLho l, iccu muuklug schooi liasWedunsdai' ard Stiuidy for H Erlîeger r idiuuetmrlice the DIAMOND LAKE. J evînîngas ere ver'y wel atteuded. serious IlIuems of hb ii ue. TIers willI hi a donation parîr ut MisaeBRose Froeicret rmed louai We ateeglati to heur that b.ReilIer Mr. D. liitzsnthaleer's on Croukhtlfeom tre is yi lait Tianrsdai' aller wtabtuLas Osen suternig itg uî pneu- tarin, for beustit 0f the DIainond Lalke spending a lita meets vilhliber mister moula ln steadili' lmrnuviug. pator, Wednesday niglît, kit 1h bMes. bauge. hast Sunlaulat 'uNlrlitleiui ccuneed Eeyoycrilyiinvîi TUe tii funerail f et Cn . A. luteWn Ever'boly ordahe Iocîorle Picture. infant Chîlul. 1ev. hotcu la pastor ot lue lîenesa lii. I Caldidl, MD.,tha Evaugelîcal church Atamis place. WARENON ROE. L un er' huitîle cf tUe gînuins Dr. Tuis commuiy niai ilatueelto Tuer. vill Le a basket social at tLe Caldwellîs Sirnp i'epain Accîpt uneucr et trie dettri of Mn, Jon K.oPl 8"a&UCt achb ouse On - ute8d ther. Tati il for constipation aud as wato dled oet ipllold pneumonie at lis aug WdueedY .s ersgîlasiry-1atrie eommeir and Lomels. tromes lit Tustadai'.about a mwet alter eveuing, Feu. 1hlm. ltzeTCie b hi'tie suad $1.00. Sold hi' F. B. LoTELL, tle deatl of bis pausulta. "ba"funeral pqlis.Ltbery,11l. mmi eld on Tînuradai'. [once. liUr village council Ladi aven' stormi' Oesien ti tUs- last meeting Mondai' nîgLI sud sorne of Our cltlz-i5mUeh etianeed tolui h iari salî Il mas a ver' laugialîle ipectable. A Motion mas made sud secî,nded thatA1he airvîces of a village aîttornei' Le again sccuned Lutere the rmeetinig wmas îded tii Equestion was quashcd heing voted dcown aflter Usviug once hein carrled. lu urder te mate ihele respective points effective sOuat et trie conorul min guI ver' personat intheir remarks suad it lîîoknd for a lIme as tbeugli It taould resîlt lu s Laud te baud encîîînlcr lbut oooer beu&sprevailed suadiquiet mas again reatorcîl. Carpet Weaving. iii arc prcpared fo wvn arpîls sud rugi at reasouable prîces. 'leur 1patronage rioliclted. rBSWAN JOHNeSON, 0 uermilla essi t oHIal Dai'. 14-3-mo. P. taa called home hi' tLe ilIuems uf ts chîlîlten. Mr. sdud rs. 'runker tall remnain a feta daya longer. Last HundAi' Milton Chiarle, tLe youiàgeut mua of 11ev. sud LIrs. hîteti. waà bnlred. lt died alter aut illesai of but a feta days, of pueunîtîna. 1 lie remaimswere îuterrmd lu the Sorti. flled ceuleteri'. 11ev. à. hlemît f tleiated. l'Le litth eunend euly hbrn Liere to brilit.tthe home li'.î nilhe We exterid te the sorrowluig patreitte oîr Laeartfelt, symplithi. E VEH ETT. iLeùs t1oreiiton the-aick ll',t Frati it bleLd hL a lianl liii lt ktadly tromt bittmo Mrs. M. Mielody rettrucî L'ui' 1' ni day froînt i Mîîtapîltt Miss Sayles, of iaad. mitltla Patrickt Britdloy'd lait we. Meadames Hloreuberger and Jus. tSeyl sllopped run the dîti' Boudai'. Dute Redmeuid, freont'-a way ot west," ls vlsîtilîg frietilaim il I h lJltlt' i harlet /irniulm a îîîiîel b2is îîiî by aun alitteaofitIher îght SacredIl hart Coeurt, SNo. 77, ofthe Wuuaen's Cathoile Order tof Forembrs, held an lusitallatiîîu ot î,lioe'rs Thura. day. hiello' Art'- voit gollîg fivt'the, play sgîven lvytue Woodiieil it [fuHll Ilai'Saturday n' enîîîg, l'el). I tIi lion UIss1,3 i. Mes Olteilli', rutttit utfte C Fatber O Ileilly, lister ot St. Marys8 and St Fatrick'm churcLia, tIret1Thuir- day, Feu dLti, at bakeIForest, Iftuerai services vere hcîd lu Si Mry's chutrcb Satunîhay uiruig suti luter- mentutaIbilt. Olivet. BotlLfieLs nunite lu exteudiug totî ieir htîlîveîI pastor tbeir meet heartfelt sympiitbi' 'J hicnrti parti' giscîl hi'Me sud MIrs. M. IU. Heilmctuid %Vedileadai i-vin- tng, FiL i, wm a agrandîlsicoes4, i otu atîclalli' sud fluancisîiy l'r'o- gresiaive etîchne iras playetl 1111 tnselvol o'cloct, tahen, altenriterestrme,'t,1 the tables ail chairs mare eî'nîtîvedi sud tUa flties cleareil fer îlarîu'îtgý mlich Lcunl lutien t iliIa hâte h tllr rani Parl' hîtur taotld express Iltillter),; Ibis mas tue lait et tUe senieandI Il mai' juBtîli Le cîîuaidencd the Lest. PA LATIN E. Mn. '1 bomas 't.auborn asenl sa liltie better. Mr. sud Mes Fred Ot'iake biJu Satumeayinl Chicaguo. Milan Rîyn olds bad the rmîsfîrtuiue1 te falil sd hart himaîlt seeionaîi' reciutli'. Misa Alice Thorupson, et Nuda, speut Sstnrday nighit with Mass Blauch Schierding. Dled,at is tîme un Palatine, trîdai', Jan 3lît, Mn. Hîldermiaun, of paralvsis. Funeral Sunday f rom Luthîeran chtîrch. Miss Blanoh Schierding listeneil te the mui ofetJan ilubiî, the vielInlat, etille Auditoriumlr Saturdai' afbirnoon, ?eh. lot. . 13 :::STOVES:: 'Ne have a few Ileatiîîg stoveri onu hard that we wiIl close out at . aîiery:::::c.. FHANCK BRO0*5.9 Libertyville - -Illino is. 06- 1I Reliable Prices. Ail pri Our t(] XVe are heIlliti WE CAN SA * Mena'@Shois - *Ladies' S........ *. Boys' sud Little h Infants' shom.... A full lînc ofI Meng V.: ~ong Grov )r Sale, Merchandise at Honestq One price to everybody.q ices in plain'ifigures.q -k of Rubher lFootwear iii complete.q g Riihbers at old lîrices. Ruibhersq .dIoiir pries have riot.q VE YOU MONEY ON FOOT WEAR.q .1.33, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 $2.73 sud $3.00.q $1.33, $1.50, $1.83. 82.00, 82.25 sud $3.00. (Jente' Shoen ....81.00 te, 82.00. q ... - . ... ... ... ... .. .. 33c ta $1.00. q ldr$on's clcbrated Red School Mlouse Shots.q SAUER & SON, je - - Illinois. 1 COAL BEIM LB E Offli n D.L. & W. is the -Best, We haxîdie the betit brand ever introduced lu Libertyville, viz: the D. L. & W. Brand. Order your winter's supply of us now. The prive will surely ad.vauce as wiuter draws near. WRJGIJT BROS., Libertyvilie - Illinois, CATTLE!/ . 1. Fc ài ', 1, i 1 1 (j rl.-,, ulv IN »...4 ýË

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