LAKE Vol. X.-No. 21. COUNTY IND)EPENDENT $1.50 a Year in Advance. kEERY SVRING SUIT We inakeisi a walking ad- vertisipmetit ff)r lI, andt Sbeiîîg i"i the himuinesis wt waiit nl(Ifir advertiifîg. WTe ill i fa ke you a fuili tliat wili set ail yoflr fIe ' iuai ît;tiitieu askî ng where yoli gît it. Iliat's wlier * we v1,ni1eiii fanfdlthe - n * yoii will îîay t iii i ike tl*iewfli<oner, tf) iii f *. wlich jt r b fir î!t. (fInie ini N(W andI let is l>efîof lr'4-to N i WM. S TE VENSONJ THE 3TAILOR. LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. Ired. Croker, TAILOR. 9VER Çck2ng'k'ç Hardware -Store. Libertyv il le FOR ALENIATINQ AFFECTIONS.I1SENATORIAL CONVENTION SET.» SMALLPOX SCARE AT MILLBURN. Edw. Bla ncliard Accuse@ George Jonies and Eva Petts. It waa laEt to clfer vo pnbllshed aut account of the desertion or ber bus- band Iîy Ars. Edward Blanchard, and nov cornes te equel. Tflrough bis attorney, C. 1r Heydocker, Mr. Blanch- ard ban iled a suit ln the Cirent Court for $0t.000ff taiages for aenistion of lils vîtes sf1 ectîit. The parties to the suit are (leorge Jones and Mise Eva A. Petitie. Joues ha@ feen lflanchards fired man for uearly 1wvears antd lru the suit 1the piautifi dlaims bcfie vfishlowthat Jones vas in love viitt lira Blanchard thst elhe returned th1e feeling and 111*1 Xia, Petits actintg as a sort of private secretary 10 lira Blanchard, aaistéd Iepair t<î tontjnue lovemaking in au endeavor te boûdwiuk AMr. Blanchard. Ocober 15, L)01î, AMrs. Blanchard, after packing Up s few tbiugs, slaI-ed for Volo, ass she saf O te visiher relatives. 811e took wltb ber ber two chilfiren sud after lfley had etarted on the tip, sfioseul; word 10 ber basband iflat perflsps fite'ould neyer see fier agate. MirBlanchtardf ual,' nioeffort tM, gel fils vifs jr, rett.tihome and it vas stipposed tfle mat, r fiai> ten drop)ped. lu thte meautirne. finever, lilas Pettis vhn badOb.,arfed ai 1the Banch- ard horne. lefi titîl it becarne inown tbst Ars. Blanchard and afio bad gone t0 lieloit, Wib. DuriugtigIfis ime snd prior te il, AMr. Blacl,,iard fiad suspect- ofi that Joues, Wi8 fired mai). vas n love vlth bis vîfe andi tfst fils sffec- tionas voie not entîrsiy misplaced. Attorney Heydociter speakilng of the case sad necfnad mecured proof wheretiy lie would shoîw tbat wbile Joues Lsad viltten numernus alleged, love etterb t10 Ails peltie, Iuey vee reaify intouded for Ars. Banchard aud Iflat Miss Pettits, actlsg sa S r. bilncflards privqte secray, au- swerod îbem in the ssrne ay lu order 10 evade suspicion. lHo says 1e bas any numher 0f theeleesand that sncb bluudering errors vers male tAat Iu several e wiU ashov boy 1the jettera wero vritten by Ars. Blaucflp.rd tu Joues ud vice versa. 5~~, lISI w*T ev"'e 'M. WN. A. Rate. A -meîug f elta 0f Woodmen - - Illino s enmpes u .Id at Boex laad là«i weet. vbit-h vas atteuded by over ffl4 clerla 111e ofject of t11e conventIon W& oastv itisider varions Plana for a,. reisiiiu ,f the M.W. A. rate of iu- __________________________________ uranie. Many ideas vere advancedi and vflou ail bad 0051f ueardithe B3ENJAMIN H. MILLER, DR. AMOS J. N ICHOLSc,uii1nus of opinion vas tbslvltat s ATTORNEY AT LAW, F MIAilowun as the Fraternal <ongress ratt@ sflottld fie adoptedi. LIBSERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. .bfas oIm 111ie pian it owvfuîr 11e eentssfio DENTAL OFFICE wereuthcývnintpeettn DCLC LOK tLilertys'ille, pter@Blockt, o sVefBleme 1tu teir respective camps. In- Stnlffl &Davis' store wflere lie m e fie igte flya u f n TELIPHONE N P40 5u55 520S Oftuid ri.gtîfaofy on Weîlne*days, îromfrgtim ffya 1 l oup n ____________________________8 M.ia. m. 10 6:00 p. M. results. 'i'fie ofilect of the reviston of Dr. Charles__________________ 11e rates, whicfl mauy Woodmen flave Dr. harls G llow y.!foroseen muet corne, Is 10 insuro111e Olffice nver Lovell's Drug Store Dit. t O01 UOVES u iq RI m 0GR0 permsuoncy of 1t1e order ani provido ers .00. 00 :00: M. OM5 FURS WANTED Highest Mýarket Price PAIO FOR ALL KINOS 0F RAW FURS Chas. Stempel, Long Grave, 111. DZC fi10 toFOB i2 MISS FLOFIA COLBY PH OTOG RA PHER. L ibe rty ville, STUDIO INi BULKL(Y BUILDING, STEAM LAIJNDRY. Ail Work Neatly and Promptly Done. Bond Bros., Libertyvillie -Illirnois. -WRIGHT DYMOND & CO., L -eryvll, llnos Physiclans and Surgeons. Oficee and re»iderce tflree doortt wesft of churefi, fRockefeller, Ill. Day and Liight caffim tttnwered prontptfy, A pfilau afways ai the office, W. dsçss..,uesto .. ll. 6-3.0-if PAUL MacGUFFIN, u torney auid Counnsellor at Law. NOTARV PUBLIC orriCezovEi LARE COrttTY BÂrAN, Lbertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENT IST. Offfce over Lake County Bank Houirs: 4 to 12a. rM. and 1ito 6P. rm. DAILY Libertyville, 111. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physiof an and Surgeon. tE:DNtOliePORrrs LKHIdA.NHOTEL ELDG, unme.)- - - ---------Iiniis. ilni.NURSERY STOCKý FOR SPRING. Yîm xiii fiîîd W. B. Svhaefier at the (>1<1 standi Long Grove, Illinois. and prepared to M l al orders. Andrew Wagi AUCTIONEER. Sales conducted tu batbth1e F and Gfermnan lan gusges. t3ucci-sf afisaes aaured wvh Imsse Interest Bearing Certifi- eployed. nerý a surplus. Air. Lanldia, of Tennessee, an expert accountauît and experioncod actuary. enaorsed the Fraternal Con- grensarate. lie insista Ibat l i lai aiojted and th1e order not laite ln anoîfler menîter il vIl> provide fauda euougfi 10 psy evefy policy. Il la admiittîrd Ifat if "le Modem Wouodrnsn cf Amendca adopta Ifis e0ev oure i profiabfy vifl Jose 11f,iII(I momfers If adopted it vifI go m offot Jan. 1, 1904 Ver>- Clever. 11lie edituir, vitfi many otfier edtnrs, is in receipt tof an admission tirited 10 the reioerved gallery of the I'nitefi Stotes Senlate Chamibers, viifi coin plirnents of Seriator Magon. oin bacit of 1the ticket, An repîroduction of Air. masonus scrolf, taprinted: -I have mad(e Ibis good îtitlatschl 4, i1903. 1 vîtuffi ikt-, iilfyoîr fief p. lii maIe At good for six Years more - 111e ides is certaiîtly (lever sud chsrscteriatir of Air. Miason Thora 18 Do doufil Offbil s inct-rityvWheu hoogays fie deaires le moite il good for six years more, elther. Mlore 1'ay for Ruîral Carriers Thiel'otmnatter fîeuerai fias fs8ued a generaf order announcing 1tein- creaNe or paycf rural freedeliiery mail carriers $I100 aubl per shunta. PHOHttIS Sut iLET-TINgi 0F lROUTES Tfle prui)jitd changé of 1t1e rural free-deiivery system from the aalary to th1e coîtracl heia vas Tuesday em- bodtefi in a Epeciai bill, ordered reoirtod by the Housfe committee ou postîoffcew and posî r5ada. This la iutouded lu faieth1e place of a imilar provision iun1the posanftice appropria- lion fbil hieh is conidered mnu- sîsteutt lfi the rules Tbe specialillu ollovs Ibefbrinof 1te clause In 1the appropriation bill snd in addition probibils 1the subleliug o! rural i dltae o tnteaornthe takmnRofiiimore Vsill lie flcId at NielIICrr on Fearis That 3Many fIae ltt2rt The itepufiican SoOatîîritf tNm- mittee of the oighth district, whicb Includes ithe conlies 0fLite, &cHenry and Bonne met Mondsay aithIe Oreat Norihern Hotel lu Chicago' and tied the date ni thle Senatiriat onvention for April 28, to lie beld m th1e village of MeHleury. Air. Burnftam, tormerfy if Wau. coutda, but Inov refiovef from 1t1e district, i-§ chirEMa of 11e tom- miltee, and i. il. Lindsay, of Wanke- pf.rtose of nrgauizqinIo ll th111e vacaucy on t11e ommlttec oi-caaioued fiy Burnflanis removal the r ommlittee Iben et-cteti Chas. R1119,uiigf Wauke- gan. Tte rstil,)ttf represeotatioo aI 1the comlng conventionl WUS lted at I for every 2501 votes met for McKinley, wibicb gives eacb ontfy of 1110 distict an addllional dolopte. The folloviug mil U vamtsued: BIPI tîLICA', SEiSTOIIAt. ONN lttTION. The liepublicana 01fitle Counties comprisiug t11e elgbéil Senatorial Dis- trict of t11e ilale 04 Ijlfinois, are requeslted to @end delegatea 1tu1the convention 10 fie belli nt the Tfown Hall lu t11e village of iciienr3, f ounty of Mcllenry and State ,f Illjinois, orn Monday thee rtlD day of April, A. D. f 412, aut111e ftur of nue i cîtîci P. M. for th1e perpose of placiùg lu nomina- tion candidates for the egisirature of th1e state of fIlinis and tu, fransact sucfl other business as OisvregasriY come fief ore such conventin. Thle Severai connues lu saitf disitrict wll fe entitfed to fthe fol lîwing nuniber of delegates; Laite County. .. . AicHeoiry ctîunty ...... .. 21 Boone county .... .....i T. Bl. l.tttifsay. Laite couttty IVreemau Cfîîw, C. ]à.iînig. 0. H. Bfeunett, McHenry cotinty- J. B. Ferry, D . T. Suîîjey. Iloolle Colîoty J. M a IIey.l, Sr.sATORfÂh LîtiMî)TTr FIRE DESTROYS TWO HOMES. Fr" dmogsk'à iPa*y »Lave close Caîl. Pire in Zion Citv. 4atttrday nfgflt, Fred Ilîok andi famiiy vho residie n the John tose faims mile and-a-fialf esl of Gogea corners on 11e Iliant IRoudO vere avaitenefi hy the eflest son, wflo fafi discovered Ifleir ftîume tub fe on tire, sud tboy Unadflardfy lime tu îuake titeir way outaide f.etîîre 1te roof fefI ln. Tbey dd nui bave lime tii ave anytfling fintas itI j, Iobilng, sitflougfi a fev piecos Of farLiture easy if acceso vere gotten nut after ylard. Satirday -vening s cfilinY bad -.burued ont' sud 10 thia ts stîributed t1he lire, s spart probofify bavlng amnoldered unlil aller tfle famlfy relirefi andI vhen sîhey vore avakened 1the 0fr ad gaiued sucf headway as t alijuîw OnIY Of their oscapiug vilfi 11hir lives. and Il bs forînnato noue 0f t youngor cfildrenl voie nI sorioufy bnrnod. as tfley omerged frem tht bouse ust asmItle roof feulu . The fbonze. ovi.eI fîy N. A. IHume, of Wautegan, vaà s iîred inluthe Milli bUru Company. The tiraI ire ini /ion City occurrcd Aiouday uaight, and Dr. Dowie was on1 baud to direct 1t irIs 10 efle(cith1 flames.1 Wfile trylng tolu t fa igfte.l gaso-j lIno lamp about 7 o'clocit, tîco chli dreu of Deaoon Crotte caused 111etiret blaze vhicfi tue New jerusalem bas liedi. The expbîsiu.u whibflîlfoved badiy burued onue citilO. The building stou i nu the (tAd Stana vood farm and vas bufil for a fiaru. Deacon Crans occupfied lil ternporarily outil bis home no.s under way Js in- isfled. Dr. Dovie vas ua Temîîfle cottage ntfer away, Motiuloy being theo day ho romains one ttfght aItZMon. He was sooU carried t, tfle cone and dil rectefi the vont of rsviug theo surround- tng buildIngs I i ito10apparttn ezceptiiug saiuckttbrigade, tfle lionl îles did velI if1reveutlng spread o! 11e lamos. Leai, Crans 108t ail fils bouseboifi goocs, ini lad ail 11e bad in the word vas cîusnmed. KnowfUg thal fie bafi fiert îrfof bis etire beiougiugs, 1the lIuwiaiteg alartefi o subscriptlon lsI Ausore 1the filmes bail dled ont snd before the crovd bad dis- persed, over $201) ibtfld boeenpromfsed for the fund wbicb I180 lie gven fIes- con Crane. Tvo boarders ttimo 108t ail of tlteir bebouglng@a tbau one roule fiy one person. Siasl Vote Cent. ugilIt Bckle'ieArnia Save. Prohabiy 111e anillsîot vote evor casl BuckeuýuArnia Save. n Late CouutY vasregintered for Has world-vIde laime for marvelous Cures. Is surpasses &Dy oCher sa,,e Judge ofr1hoeCircuit Court Tuesday, to lotion, oiutiuenl or bailli for Ct: suoceed 1the tale Jufge Oulrer. lere Corana. Burns, Botte. Bornes,Pelons, The ogly name ou M1e ticket vas Ulcers, TaIter, tialt libeuin, ever thot o! AMty. A- H. Front, of -ocitiord, sores, Obapped Renda, StAn Brui>.sad Iherefore no partliular Importance &toms. Inauibie loi piles. cue uhwsohsd. oub WUet y. B. LOT=% attachai ed th. e 00 . The ttali A1~.*.fl I>qAIAVoiey* w51tu, lAe s oitnSvuas.18 Iflere oai con8iderafîfe excfitittrfi Millurn 1the ffret of Ibiisweek tiser a prospective îNwalfpox epidemhleA great many have been expîtaed, pro fiafly forty, aud Strlngent rocasures bo preveut sa preafi of Ithe fi-as, tee Immediately Isiten.- James fierard wflo lfseuî abioutasmife Boulfi of the village is roic Wtt] the disesse. Ho bad fet-n aboutith1e village as usuail tfitgfl fie -itfflaitned of not feeling weil. Lter fie -broke out" wflere rpou a pflymiciari watt con- suited wfio Immedistely pront-unced bis silment malipox. Coritvtîrnatton watt univereal am s verV large iouîittî-r hiartbeen expotri ili1 hoiiilge and f.rufl scflonls wî'ro ciuî','.fandil erard (j uarattineti. Dr. Sbafer, tif (raymlakt-, -as aiu called and fie îoo pronoiiuced te rage amaîlpoi. A neigflttr of bjerards wflo vas sicit vas quarnfitied att Il wat feared fie nigflt also hâave xanalpox i'fie bealtb atfloritiem flsving taken every Irecaution îtnd te, oîw vases flaving developeif eci a prewfi f the (ilisease'snulkely. If te fiellevel il abidore'r . wtî laed leen exposed to0thefie fîcae and *vii carne up fr<îrii f htagiî recerntjy tii vontAnnItle fi-e flouhe on Liîiît LaIt', iN respouslble for lies fvaimouinu mbLakte Coîînty. 1The mou vas lairen sicitaller leaving the iî.ciy. Gerard voritei oear hlm and dotiftltr-ss contrac't-Itt- ernalipoi a 11tilue. 31ilk t4hippers Ndeeting, At th1e anuttial meeting if Chilcago MlItSuippera tUnion Itelul in Chicago Monday, D. L. ifurgeioi, of Sol cru, MAf vas re-efeced Preieut wîtflît oippotsttitnas vas E.fG. Harvey, of Lafox, 11L', Vice 1reàident. iFur S"eertary a lively sitirmisfl watt lait. H. Bf. Farmor, t11e presont liuumbeut and J. M. AiVain. editor of 111e Niil Nova vere candidates, Air. Fariner fioing eiscted. Thle secrotary's repuort eflowe the Union 10 lie in a flcaltfly condition. Au iudofitedunssof $1200 l ias fieen -paldi off aud future prospects of 1the organization are flatterîng. A resolution introdaced hy Ueo. F. Lynch, of Lifiertyville, reîîîîemting f' S. Benatore froint1the states orf1ilin1m, Wimoaatn andIndiana la support the oleomaarino bill rocently passed fiy th1e Bouse vas unanirnously adtîpted, recornmendlug11101tuMilitesfippeed f0 Chicago fie groded and sofui oeeording 10 grade. lorinatance. tllittesting i per cent or better Ilie tOuoui as -"extra." P;.1 and unîfer 4, as Nu f I telow 3f4;, as No. i2.IThils resîAtliiiîî as pamseti after au exciting ilefite. jîttng 1the greator part of 111e sessoun, fiy a large majorlty. lteferring tii Ic. Lyiîclîi' resolution the Chicagot <tuioti,, I. safd. -Gradtng of nifitaccîrdittlu' uiuality vas decided upîîn vehterday afternoon by the Mut SflpperB' îinloti, or so-called -rnlfttrust,' flicfl b hlding a convention ut labor fiead- uuarters, 187 Wahington sîreet. It vas acknowledged tflat t1e retail price of rnllit vould go soarlrtg styward ln th1euer future. -'fnstead ifthefs; and 7 cents a qluart nov paid by flotîsefoluertr foîr Ifeir milà, theie 13i8 to fie raimed to M atid 9 cents aud perflaî lt gfler. t is1the better grades oîf thelfactelf uid tflat May fie eîpectcîf t,, elîw tfle advsouc lu price. LINIr wee Fitf trclft C ut h . Ars. Airgiit ilirnc. or %V.autegan. vaus fouad gullty of odîîjtery and sentelicci 10 lfirty days tin the county jili. Sfic fias DOîW feen fin ji t lionîfis. S ite entered s plea tif -'nul gîîify'ý snd fier trial was qiule a leuglly coie,- riumeccuti witlde5 ehbliig i>res cittrif by bolfi sies. Buying Tinie for Spring Wash Goods Ti'l s t etnt , ^ .ý-%i)g elstie toicp ofj Mew patterne. - f iw1,,rtit i . 1 I t ' t 'i ,t I i v. P, l'c le are tnr ouifI e about t ,, V ir. tir ftt 1 i f feiver get catiglit linph ire 1 t.f or tû ht .ry ti rrîîf fu PRICE TIPS AND SUGGESTIONS. WH ITE ,(l.. L iif fî Itim anu t gojît , . ,ir r,rî fgu teripefiland chi r d gi. f , i qll-t i -, hro i . jo , , , t-..ratge ,teto 'l'l ie i Ii ' (1ir jr, u k, Ii , 1b, gr , ati '111 te O<w 1)1.,l lla e, n fa,,- l'aist , fircer. lzl 1, w l ,~t ie r ig ý1 n , - j, . inay ew ahi 4lk 2 li-hbla-ktitlfttt Pl t 7vper ydý (~ R IXNONI LEADES LOW PRICË Telephone No. rlt. WaeganIIIllnois. CALL AND SEE OUR LINE 0F Steel Ranges, Wood and Goal Cooking Stoves Also a fulli une of Axes, Cross-cut Saws. Wedges and Beetie Rings. 1 carry a f uli uine of Glass in ail sizes. Libertyville - - - - Illinois .IIARNESSES.. Sinîgle sirI . .. . . .. . . .. .. .$.. . .. . . . 00 Fol ded strap ........ ....... . 10.00 Sifngle strap. olulfe trrmi....... ...... ............ ....................12.00 sIngle itrafi eOxtra qfaiifty g. n nue r ftit er trtnî ............18.00 Place Vour Order NowN for for siii lft work. XVe wili give I>rri fs 1ws l te>-oi -iti it w t! I d \v i k n iship and C. H. KAISER, Libertyville Another RutraI Route, On Saturdsy, Aarcf ls15 a rural fi.e deiivery mail route wiii fie starteO frot t îl- iRockefeler postnlllco. Iltaii difficul - to esîcrifinlutype Itle course i taîi's. but vse give berewto fflatu otlte. a'. beot wo can. hrs From i octe feflîor it conîîtiltutest l Dtsrnoud Lakte, arouid te faiete 1 l'utf uom's¶lornerm, thence <test tii Murry. ii i I scitiol flouse-, tfleeî- otrtî-tt o i I lyuchme ciîee8te faclîîrY. tfieiii' tu Gouttiftcorners, thon ea8 o M. i. ttz, tn! ft Ificu norîfi-ot liiIremout L'eter. Iflen esst on FotrI tifl rîuauî tii Aitglits ij Wirtz, Ifien tivt-Io" cîîruers,\V.c tfelet10joulilitis', fitaWest 10\Wtsc'onsin Central raîfroa(ld nu itlit ttl l 10 to itefeiler. lb imii tnîerotive 11lut aIl inlendlng patrons uboloid tiaveti C t Ioxes, as noue vilI fie stppfied vitb -mail unfesat11ev cotituji iiititrespei't. John Whitney, at present arryfoig IzilliIiff'f B<î< tif, PI î.t s maion 1the Star roule outt uf Itîtîe- îLadies' Sîî-.(rît fel fer wtll fie carrie'r foîr tfîî îi-O rutrali j At prettent carrfu-rs rt(i'ii-s lipfer lie aitedte 10 Ieir salaritit.Aîî11 I .. rn'Al Cgrpet WeaN,iiim. FR05 TltEe Ware Prepaefi10 eave tîrpete Best Manufacturers. aud rîîgs aIst asaable3privei.. 'titur patronage solliled. S A N,0,.lotï i Oue m ut ofsbaflf DaY.SIAK C. E. W. PAI 14-3-mo. P. - - Illinois. ,>i u iii i tfff-tIf tlfilk about SUMMER.... Overals and Jackets. CfAt fijftij a fille line j tt -oîri.e 1'. Ide's Sh.1jj t II ('ii,fi i eagîie u'it \\") k l shirts, Overalld kt-. ffr\ fit -.tii~I'. If f fi ,\ ~ ifi 11f the celebrated ( verali. Ask 'A. St fir Cashi, ýRIUKR.ST, Liberytville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, February 28, 1902. ,i - I f nouas5 aEu 1TOIA £Te ', S P. M. Libertyville. - Illnois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office over rtggs & Taylor's. -nouRse 7 to le IL M. 2 to 4 .nd C. te 5fV. m-t Smeidenae on Bfroadway opposi te Park Libertyv~iIe, Illinois. noie. %illaq;vqjv 0 l -... - -fs -,-. - 1 DOMIE FIRE Jdi las RWIX a M. B. EG E Rý