Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 28 Feb 1902, p. 8

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AND STANDS FOR Where one is there also is the other, ______ILU N D COULD NOT EXIST UNLESS CONNECTED WITH LAN D Neglect not Your Golden Opportunityl, AGE N C Y D. C. LORIMER, Agent, Libertyville. IF IN DOUBT, A Codlnitton County Fammer. WATZIITOWN, S. D. 1 have farm.d trom le010 la quiile secions for sevi lyere sd »Ma evorytiblng doué, sud I keep aMOURIlk wilh moch ueparale faim sud l"d 1he averaged a profit on zuy luveotlmnet troiI 10 9 5 par cau$emchYeu, a@1W payleg a&l expenmuu. bud the fuari1 ioOl 10o oter partie have paid equaUy au well. sud ubere a lfumer lifvea O« the faimx, and £1,11 Il bis permanal g.- tention, lbey eau do betler. Ny peumonul experience ltu armtn and leu bat 1have leaiued tront P.f nouai observation, and fromntafomine ultO whom Myv mllef buolame j kopt me ln cloue touch, in tha"lS filmer leulSouthiDakota uho alleada strlclly 10 businesus ad DImmean A< do osât,. Ibhal e au makemore moue.y. beade geMing a splendid ad- vancu on lb. pue of the land, né lande are rmpldly advancing and are Bute 09 acivance rlghb &long, an Ibo <ccd lacde lue wone ' t are aIl repidly S1010<hlte thm banda of &ainsiatier$ai. W.Ia. sfiosse. Rockefeller Items. lira. F. i. Anersoe imd childreu retrned fhem leevlou list Fnldsy. Il may be ail rlgbt teulie a cîsul, bul wlcili Ihe ue o t be crinky abocut lie~ J. H. roekblle and J. E. Holcomb uere lu Chicago on business lat week Miday. 1 1 Mr. andM in. Ed Payne were ai the aporieaieSbow ILI Chicigo one day lutl ue. Whatili It ise't îealty sprleg jet? Tbere la n use t0 tiie about il as king ai $hie fine veaiber liats. liovlng lIme la na ai baud sud mmy of our people vil change thoîr phSaof roideece about liurch lot. NMa Joule LWI came from Chilcago Nonadiy 10 visit ber parents&,lMz. and ie. JMan iouse. a& the old borne- &te& Mr. Eeoedîct, the Wsconin Central rmircad land agent, @peut Monday algbl M lhe home ot Mr. aud;liri. W. Ir. loh. PMwoilh Wllcox and family have noved intu tbe Van Horn bouse ou lu eliecl, ubere tlcay wlli eside lu flcefutlre. lien love 10 lie eilled grant suni women love 10 lie cailed beautiful, avenubeu tbey knou the lsîtterer Mm"$ fitalaely. Dr. Orle M. Grover drove over te LlbertyviUe Tuesday te make arraug- mele for Dr. Caudicîsa lecture te lie delveîed thora seau. W. D. Porteous la at Round Lake buildng a large barin for Bimane Brou. Re use busthe cotracite orect a large hall at the aimne place. Ivanhoe The services ai ihe Coegregational James V'auPiew Jr., speut last Sun- cbnrch lait Bundiy, under the leader- day ai borne. ship of Bev. lMr. ilansei, of the Zulu lirs. oue§luger v.ata 5 (lilcago visiter MiiO», South Africa, Vens largelY ai- lait Saturday. tended, morelug and eveulug. A large HW.ech fluvwpntai eumber from Ivanboe were bere fer H V eco Iivemetls the eeuln servce. uuday ai home. the eenlngservie. IMn. Frauk Smiil wa8 a Chicage Dr. Alace B. audict, vIce bas @Peut visIter lait Frlday. mîny years lu medîcal mission wonI lira. Meikle entertaleed couîpsny amoeg the famine slrickeu pleople eofrom.. Chicago lait Suuday. Iedla and more racently beau engaged M.adMs lisaeI eypo lu the aamehUe ef vorl lu the Philip- lr u is lssael eypo pine Islauda, wyul give a lecture in tbe a tatceof beaili us ibey are couflncd te Cougregationil churcb ln IbIs village the lied more or les f1ithe time. oeil fflday evenlng, liarcil 79h, on lire. Mary Olvncb, ef Wauconda, sud "-The Philippineisud Oui Posseeions Mir. Lois Birouimu@, Of GraY8lake, There." The lecture wilie lllestiited were lvanbee vieltors lait Nlendayý vltb Siereoptîcan vieus Most of Oscar Maure a-agsic e blaite, part vhlcb uve talon by Dr. Caudîl, or expreaily for ber, ou ielbd. Every- body la iuviied. Proceeda for the beneiit fihe chnrcb. Admission, adulti 15c, chiidren 111. The dîme social and entoîtalumeut given st the cbnrcb Tueeay oveulng neden lthe auspices of ibe Ladies' Aid eoctety vaa succeses lueveîy pan- tîcular. The atteudince -sas good. A patrlotte program n etiiled "Washleg. ton and i Lncoln" vas rendAied by the puptîs of the scbool, under tbe leader- ablp ef tbe principal, John Hedge. whicb did gpuai redilt tue chclîdren, as weil as te thoee he baci themin l trsanug for tbe occaslin. 0ne et ibese iemptlug lunebeouls, for vhlicb the socletY bas loug bren uoted, vas served, su alterevers] bonre spout lu games sud socIal chat, the company diaperaed, leiviag the treasnry lie- tueee six and seven dollars rîcherlie- cause et the oveing'a enîcylueut. Look eut for ibe insu a-b ap- One efthie Most ecjeyablI eocial promchea you lu a psiroulzing wayeveute ufthie Bouton vas the. Party nouiaa. Re ta probsbly goiug te beîr ld ile bctue ut Mrnsd lira. F. O toit yeu ihal hoelias Bauentue tiret Kuigge lioed.aY eenîg, la houer of rubtîleý the Ilftb anuiversary of ibeir mariage. About forty of ibrîr frieuds sud neigli- Joua Aireli la at ulie Baptiet lierasureOprent, sud a jller or boapital lu Chici,93,wbere lbe lias bappler creucim îe ldom seoeu. Witb eedergoneequlte s serious operatîon, gamie andinaâlc, jokeàansd langbter, Ritman frend bes lopeforhiethe urne lipped suay ail tee fast. A Risman frans brr ep fo hI lounniful luncucon vwagscerved, te opeody F eovey. hlal preseut dici ample justce There ls euly eue vacant bouse , ~Amoug the 'flouera' displiyed, the thisbow. ad w uneraandtwo(li- "pansy' and -tullp" esuseci the greai. ibIstou, sd ae nuersanc tae d t cleDjevinn Messrs. Rote and forent parties are negtlstiug fer ibat. Cramter vene champions lu the potale Who ulîl builî more cottages boere le race, and Mri. Cronîbîte cime oui reet? abeaci on dougnunts. At a laie beun the guems repalnud to tbelr bornes, ail A brlihday psrty uase gveni Henry feeliug that tbey li pasaed a inosiru. lie, aesaibise home eue mile veet of joyable eveulug. the oe unulvorsa ru- tOwDla8tTueday venng. la gigrt being ibît Messrs. sud Medames louelaitTuessy eenia. A argeCramer aud Xuigge arre0Bo On te go number c et bs lc-ime frlenci sudfrein Ourmidt te ibuir neu bomnes la ueighbheaere promeutandmaitailreport 1VWsconsin. a moo cejyableune.The Dioctoi's Picinre. Ail uho atteuduci tue enlatalument Tue lîkeneas of W.B. Calduell, M. D. at Ivauhoo lait Frldîy nlgbi speak lu 18 on uvery biltle ofthie genulue Dr. tbe bighest terme of pra&ea of the par- Caldulî's Syrup Pepain Accepi no formance. Our Nortbveaiatrn Aituer ether- Tale Ih for constipation sud as Thearica Assciaton t gaitug a 5regulaten ofthebestomacb sud bouela. Tboirica Asociiîoe a glnin a 5~asd $1.0(,. Sold ly F. B. LOVELL, reputaulon almnos asa peat au is ame. Lienlyville. PRAIRIE VIEW. Charles Wennbeng bas jolned the Prrine Viru baud. Mr. Reece tne onllued te the bouse, suiforing uith a sere foot. LAKE ZURICH. Sprlag la cemiug. show lu toue Frîday rvenfiug, Fuli. 28h. Henry Selp vraite Barrtugien Fr1. d ay. of lait veel vîlli a severe attack of tensilîtis. Heela convalescent nov, Mn. Ted Boyce snd famlly bave jmoved frein Wadovenib te Ibeir uew bome ou ubat la klovu as tue Eber Sith lfarta one mile voit ef iowu, Bey. Procter, s atudeut of the Theologîcal Seminîry, of Chicago, eccupled the pulpît liai Snnday la 11ev. Alextanderes absence. Indicaions are tbsi ve are te bave sueaesly 8springý We hope 'twil briug a lot of vain wlth Il sud flîl up aIl of the a-eille ubch have lieeu dryt for @o long. The entertalement vbtcb vas given lu the, M. W. A. hall liv the North- weateru Ametuer Iheatrical cempany lait Friday evenlug waa very good Indeed sud perhapa remniddcorne ef the eIder peuple preseni of the ibtugs wblcb tbey itheelves dici long jeans age. A large delegalîoî. went frein ibis place latStituda.y evcî.îng te attend t1o lecture or rutthcr îmicuary sermotu vhicb wahes î chnteéIlat Roe feller b)y Mrr Raîcecm a relurned ens- sieuary frein ibthe îltbcrll Pari Or Atrîca. fdis remarke vere con euter- taînlng as a-cil as instructive- I O~RlELOHALF DAY Wi ll Haggie wunbore luti Suudiy. li. Murray calleci on rinonda bore Item s. * misa julla Zail vlilug lu Ch,- la8t Tburaduy. cago. A greit maey loge hiave been cuven Mise Sele Pittla vlislted ut home te)thie Mill to be uaved. The Mysiic l%'rker entertalumeut Bunday. S. L. Trlpp gîanaacted bsjralu wbilb wasate bae been glvee lai lira ilenuett la vusting wltb lMr@. (,leuvlew liai Thtuîaday. Tlhuredaty eveulng the 27th biu teeii Iioyt tht. week Mr Bartlett enertaluad bis cousin, uecaaall potped ntî Qe W 1k Mie Jenle Vetter specît ]ami wek M1. liroun, trom Aetloclî Suuday. frein ibut lime, Mur. tb A very laugh- t. ll uCiao onttlf able farce j8 being prepared for tuât g.1 ChJonicnllIo Olago, VIS- occsIo beîde crneons otbr Mias Trojar. of Chicago. vlaîted ited Lier daugliteîlBelle liut Tursaiy. lterary sud muex ai numbere. h bis Mise Florence Muhike Sunday. àlra Wr. llchuier sud chîlciren re-i been reported lthéâ be Lekeulde MIua label Jeffrles la vlalitfrcg bore etlY vidited ber parente at River1 Orchestra uli l e premeut, bowever tiis ulili her sigier, lira. Jorgeesen. - View. report ba@ unti, been iuthentlcaled. Mm. Uîlloway, ubo hum be mick Mr§. Mary Sfilîer and lter, hMi Afler tbe prograul there wil lie a vory1 beuntiful aupper a-rved te aitisfy the1 Iluetr Min (wo ihînt Wamell cysteri A good urne l, e store for al Who attu. I itreopticule,-ture on the Pbillp- pine ai Rockefeller Merci, 7t1h Ai- tell i. SCHI01, NOTES. Robble Fokerialld!LOIR Smithulare cempelled te remane oui of echool on acceuni of @aûlkesa Scboel re-openrîl Monday. Every- eue varefrashel, enibualasilosud ready for wol after the tbnee weekia vacaion. Business meetiieg ef Huccens Club Frldsy afteinoo .At tibsmeeting the dîfferent classes 'sîll eleci elilcera for ibIs jean. The -ISpellin' SIdae given by the Rlockefeller schoc], nuder the auspices ot our achool, vas recelveci very favor- able liv a giod-alzed crovile the XVoodmn Hall Fridiy uîghit. Theo- dore Swu deservea ml the credîl ho bas been gîven for hia partinl the plaIy Groaay Magglna, Patay Bllîvîr sud lu tact cl acteci ibelr role lu a manner whîcti brougtit forth applause many the pîsi feu ueela. la alouly Iruprev- lug.e sainauel tlllouiy us ebrr@ atunday sud >IunsdsLy, loulitig fer a girl te de houeework. The saîumill thèt formerly a lu oporation ai R Vauits hum b"en ru- moved te Jamoi 0 ,ounorad. Mr. Hutchison la dolng some piper- lng for Mir. Vodder. Ayuee auting auj pait4lng or psperlng doue, cail on blmn. Tbe Deerfllld icheol gavea sWàqh. lugton birlhday prograin Frldiy alter- Deon, Feb 21, uhlch vie vrry Inter- oting. liany velr ere preaent. Misa.£mille Kuaailonlertaiued lier Sibbatb sobool dais Frlday rvonlng, Febh 21. Tbo sebolara uho siteeded vere. label Moble, Frauceabiler- abri., Amincis Sellg, Florence Fileter, Miulie Maytllld, Lottile petit@, Jetnule Karch,. Raid Vaut and Joale Bieder- siedi. The beers vere &peut le play- îug games, prîcticlug a drill si-coin piuied b) imuele, aller sahieh cole usne erved. The lieriry prugrain for Satarday evenug le as follovi BelAl Caii Anauered by Qoatlons frein Sbaespeare...... limes dentug thee veîlg Ta ee Sloiy et s Trip.... aie Vbeo iole menaltens et the Lilealde Orciiecîrs Easay........Irene Rockeubscl furniabed tlhemuele A nimber o et eclation............),ace Cgrolan the Plplfl (or the Bockefeýller sebeol * rEchne... Edua Antis, saug htfore the certains vere rellail(ait&n xcbagga - back for the play. A goodly sua i a Select lRading ... Pary Blelmehl reslized fer 1ioth acheels. BSIen 0f a Trip.....MIaji o Vttez Query Box .... . ..Edward belig Laet Tuesday eveniug a surprise Be An Immnune. pat a c ian huî. C W Me e ut 1. Aa by vaccination yen rnîy become LN GOE sud lre HC W ieye .'.lange immune Or cgfla freinamailpox, ao by Fe ishaih1voi aeili croa-d aamemblld and speut the. oven iak,1lg Dr .,Cd..11sSyrup Pep@tn yen Iug playlcg Varions garces snd almo ddullcoi mueafrei nustipation,Nody justIce lu iamptuues epaciý A fiue hilllousness, dyapep@ii, sud ail aîomacb Bdic Faunue bis reuied the Fred urnela ot' r-illiy veryîîe and aciboue] troubles. 50c sud Il100Ii reugar ltin. tiw l ro1))réýdbyevryoe hobotles. Seld by F. B. LoVîEL, Ki atteudel Lîbertyvîlle S.eoier beught a taea of! Learuta A. Smith'&a ale. WAUCONDA. DIAMOND LAKE. Athur, tbe infant sou ef Fred Meyer le serîonely 111 wigb punumnuis. Willîe Goldinig lemoi Ibe mcel Ilt. 1Mis Siells MaxhAm lm On lie mecl Jullus hlelmers la building a Parry Pewers l4 epeudiug a feu risys lIJei.slaugliler bouse. H. tvebreuberg la herlî r. Stasbis moved iInto thte iioed- dolug the wrl. Mri aeo p oOu tet min bouse. Carnie Wolf, a-be bas boru vorking Tue8day. for J. Galater la nea- slaylug itb bier J. Hase wvili cuîvu lto hisîf f M lra Wrll iove, gel jour berneansd pans sier, lira. Bull. ltaggleme bouse. rayaun J. Taggari moyed Into the Sa-etson Stereoptlceu lecture on thie I'liip. building tis veel. pînesaai IRockefellur Mireh 7th. Ai- Mna. Ueo. G. Lynch is spenliug a feu tend. . dîys viaitlug, in Ivsuhoa. lino H. C. onainl steadly improvlug Miesa Delta lHaminîn was s Nunda but uill net lio able to retorn frein the calIer Frlday of lait veel. 1boapial fer nsea ime. MieasCens Tidmirsh, ot Elgin, spra ýt Tbe, donation helci ai Dlan Ritzen- a fou dajibare recenilv. ibaleras hast Wadnrsday ulgbt wusea John Holiz, et Chicage, vlelird bis Mm.Hîbliard Aniesoe Ivanboe, viaS grand tquccras. Ainacet ferty-flve paens fw ay lstwek.Win. Bîcînasa vent tO Baringion ape- Icltrbre & we. dollars vas recrîveri. liastaeMaiaou vas a Chicago Emil Frank a-as ln Chicago on buai- Qulte i numben frein bore alteudeci Wr are agate called te record aneiber visiter ërturday sud Suuday.nem Moudîy. services ei Vole lait Suuday evantug. terrible accidentilit r rlithae toue ncbibengerrBroi. shîppeci a car- Frank Encluel auas a Bamnngton M.milr.C .Welc tlr nu oes mlj tGog lodo u@t hcg atwe. Visller lionday. M. WndMr.C.adE.caîesl lghi srM.Frn Hw u monofeorglu hodo ait bcg aiar. Frak Roaey etippeci a calead et Elgin, veeucod alrqTioesday Mitchell bauiherg amoaedl MIs Cors Holions le vislting roisa-teel frein bure Tueaday. sd Wdendiv. aicor.abrddnmakîng Il neccesaary lIres ln Sbebeygaa, Nvi le Ibis a-col. lilsAugeai Scbuermnand i Wn. lira. Torrnce csmeviug lber milîn leampulatte at the elbov. Il vas tbe WilieReu, -b bs ler jli al, et Gîlmnen, urne lntoua Satur-ryaoem balelîi ettra;finit li e amen had evur brea loft aillibe hastz veol nvbaahb les erua Hltr d amlyvet er stoe Ina. tetuil gDot aloue te nonthie dangeroesmachine sick he pat wee, lm ow covalem Hermn Heler an famiy wen te GlMn.gBlili stbr.lMr.Mvtch gl geneg tes aesale.. -II cent. P'rairie vîru sunday te vieIl biI Theo G. A. R.aud W.IL. C. client Mon- vae uiemn before std reacbed bina, lis Julia Loonaîs hlia@returueci fnem lreiber. day evelug at tbe born etoflin. Nm.abuth teso mLu eiteuded vist aitb relatilarsat Mn. audci sLoisKulge, et Horfi Alrelient apleasautvimu. iebleiutbfeIlvsdioh Elgin. Wleeling, are vleittîeg itb Mr.n. m1 Miss IilahhGolding unterlaiued aýthbamebuvers a-ual Uns douehoa Mra W M. Buascblng, srt utibao. 'ume1 e ertied ls Strdy me er v e ummouDan al hal Anumier tronctbure attoulel tht, Mn.sud lins. Chas. lepper bave rn. îme fbrfins]e audyadlalrwr unoe na&a piaY given il Long Grove lait satuan tnnned frein Aptakîir. a-limre they uveuîung. heu creana sui tîonhe refremb- usa possible bas been doua for hlm. day aveneg. bave beon vistIng fer tuo ea-ela ulilimania vere rurveci. H siOblpee ipee lira. h{Ippr's parenta. j.eSlnuota sale o liouday eas voîl Horesu telercf aIelunh, L. l'rlce, of Wancoada. use lln a-n atîsucird Evryting blingbt gond Canner andi Character of viatlod wv lm bIslier Heuiry auj la8tuolk, ebmllng bauds with fniuu de. r re. Mr. Seunot altinmovu mietite tamlly Runuday. Mr. Pnico ta oui for the nomnation usi village et Wacendi. havîng rne i Abrahamu Lincoln- (euuty f reasurur, sud bis nmaay farte te B. Miartiu. Au addmea by joseph Cbomle, Ambs- Stock Pbreanie. l- ascio. "dr toerat Brîtalu, ou the career A panîc la Wall sîreet, IL, olvîug Favorite Nearly Evervwhere. WnhieOeîce sdebrIlle-bre alia Lieole- i sumllcua of dollars, Is ne more nurse- Constipation meassdulîuas, depres. Elght heur lava are ignoed bY oy bsae enrd-bts olagaoter au devehcpod rucllng tbmnea pule -bh erîseze siti on, acieu.gouerally dîsendenec i lîeleai, Ilttle uorkens-Dr. Ring@j le the itai jeans of bisIlite and bis adi- the -anWho elizesat bul ies18hope- LIesailliDoWitte iLittle Esrly RmeIslsNov LIte P111s. Millions re ilwsys j uilutratiou, uhicb plmoedbis usine 1"7 laInthe g111 0f consiption. etr lt he Ilîer, open the boa-rkisai vork, ulght sud day, cerîng Imdl- se bigb Oubuof d'5 oll O ttouaiand dyepepalaor auj forinof aloi cbor ai,îidra llevetis condition.BSite, Igeation, Blllousneaa. Consiatilon fate, bas been pubhi dbythie Chi- bouel trouble. Dr. Calduehîsa Syrnp cpeedy a..« thicrougb. They npver SicaIliesciache and ail Stomach.Lve cago, Milwaukee h iii Paul Bilua Peguel la the ouly guaraneed curefo grîpe. Favorite pilla. For sile i nr oa-el troubles. Easy. plia, and mnay lie bad by soudieg sMx (6) thèse toce. . oid by F. B. Lovi . . BLovzx.x,, Lîbertyvîlle; Gaà y. mile, sure. Only 250at P. B. IpurJa. c60ete lnpoltiai Ii: . A. MIlet. Goce Llbnyvlle. -LiE PItSMÂC. QAYSLAELE PEA5I1Aoui Pamixiger Agem , Obeip, lu. A. Binml ad iesmale last Iuehday. There wua a large crean sd every- tblng soîri for a fair prIce. . George Umhdrnstocl uill ork fer Eda-ard Bocîmane the nerf jeir, coin- raeuiug tbe tietof iarolb. iieveral farmers cf Cio acemmuulty bave hepu belplng V. Siner & Sou lisul brick for au addition toe ier store. Heoolutions of Coudohence. Thce tollovlng nesolutionswure adopird by Vernen Lodge, No. 107, Myîtic Worlarc 0f the World: WEEIxsEA, Ih bas pleaird 0cr Hasvruly iatler te enter oui Locige ou Febnuary 11, 1902, audi surmnn ocia et our worthyj members, Johin E. Knopt, tb.sXrfora be l Reaolveri, By Vernon Lodge, No. 107, %bat a-bila vu boy or brada lu sublisslon te tbe vill of OuaeaWho doethîatll hiDga aWail,va e ne the ]eas mouru our taeloved member wa-belbas bre en îufrein us. Remu farc, 'l'bt lu hic deatb vo bave loai a faltul mouaber sud lînc frleuci, sud ibal v ,-xtendount beurt- fuit sympatby ici the bereavuc i vir, children and relatives, and c i tu fuither Reiolued, Tbsi our charter ha draped le menrnteg for a peid et tirly dîasaudd0pj of these nesolu- lous b. apread upon oui recorda, and a copy ha senttetohMe bereaved vîfe, sud tu the official sud ta-o teesl papers fon publcation. . ALBtERtT BAUEN, AI.FIRD G MAXTîhaa, IL. P. SCieNAice. Tax Coilectors Notice. 1 uiIi lbe ai the Ivaulioa peut office Tueccajisud Saturdayi of ebeb- veel, uhore taue may b. pîid, untlt Marcb localitY have beau bauled te tbe brick Yard et lSherecerville. Miru. L nebbe and mon Henry and lire. lima an sd bldruvisiaitdas P Bockclmane'a liui linday. Boielîful v«eahr the Irai of the wook. le facl peuple sanel complalu about lbe umathor durlea tbe poil w inter iontha. Frank Scbîoederto la Chicago hîv- le g ane iîlleal 11mb llied andlsarning tO nue Is. We are Pleeaed to note %hat ho eov basoxcellenl heallh. Mr and lMn. Whlgam mcved b Apiollîle lait ueek. Mrn. Wahl and I famil, 01f fhle.n ,moved ngo ,~M. Meyer, vilted relatives le Chic8go Wlaga'afarm lae ataurdy. lant eek.-l have uaed Cham berhle'@ OoUg Mis Julia Looislm l home frein Remedy fur à eumber ef yearm &Bd Elgin ubore âah., b eu sîclcîug sîfice lave D e belley l a la îg &btit tiheldîys. heb bot roniody foi congbe, coldeanâd croup 1 bave ovor emed lu my famiy. Workmen are busy ai vork reodel- I have eoi verdi 1goxpress valcool- lui; Mr. Marebe neelidence ut ihe IréDeuine$bisa ltmedj.-NMU. J. A. taratan tarin. lIo',s. Noreb Star, Iih For ml*e by F B Lovx. Libortyvtlla, Omali- IliaEndobir, of Jefersou Park, vis- LAKE PuIAîsAC, J. Nuîxan Iv&iebe Ied ber cousin, Misa Dora Fuote, the A lmniCo Ca. lai t 1ete urek. Misa Laura Sprégue la mot gegilg, weilland slîong oaiffui ai ber rmaey frlenda could ish.a lira. James Trlpp and lstile son, ci Hernîngion, Kansab, vlaltea relativea heru over Sunday. lilas Gertrude lovera bas&ale re- sanceriber selhoul verk alter a wveeL- Ilînes wib tonueîltta. A ge eutl uany corda ef voori troin IbIs -l ateak lu MysangIne, alhout every joint achmd andmvoîy nere vai r&cked uilb pain.- wilieiC. W. Bl.i lamy, a locomotive ftreman, of Bung. ton, louIL. I W va an sd paie, uiL& ont any appelile sud &Il rue doua. As 1 wu about to gîve op, 1 got a boal of IflecirIc Bîliere sud. alter iaklug Il, 1 telt a4ueil asaIovor did lu MyhIf." Womk, ic, ik. rue down people alwua gale eew lile, strongtb aed vlgor tioc thoîr use. Trv &Ixem. letitocom gusamueed liv P B. LovzLe.. Liberby- Ville, GJ!AYSLACU PlusuIÉAC. PTIlo 501 oul.. WAGONS hsh Bros. Millburn. Stoughton. Farm Wagons, Teaming Wagons, MiIk Wagons, Farm Trucks. If you are in need of a wagon of any kind get our price. It wIII be right. SCIIANCK BROS., L ibe rty v ilie - Illinois. Li BENJ A' 3CEsAci Dr. C offitc Roui Liber, Di ofice Meideil Dr.l Ph, RKMISN aurnl S7 I.L & Wisthe. Bej We haxîdie the best brand ever iîîtroduced in Libertyville, viz: the D. L. & W. Brand. SWe also have a complete line of Hardware, Lurrber Farm IImplernents, Buggies, Etc. WRIGHIT BROS., Librtyv 1118 - Illinois. Buy while Cheap! LUND'S LA ND Vol. yV io!bi* ie go k>k>9b.9> *- geofi

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