t» Yeu lhIk I«out la a£ eabla dua ywustern prair. The buibond took a tentcatltie tmarket. Betore hea itret hisalttle chîlti aiked hlm ta buy for ber dai, and but promiacd. Hie col af- ter the saile of the cattie ptircbaae baline- hoId ncenile anti esrtatnly wuld net forg tbe doitlie had îoirsled. In the vilge ta villie unt lie otldthe est- tcadi baiancti the grocerlea forbi coshu ti aad the diitir bis lttie (lai'- ah fi[e tarteti honse alîtag the diattîtîl meanora there ilanan acii of aur repent- iai at nightfail. An lieacuit iaîîg an i ng lhern again. Suppas e1Iowc y n a hurea k a ihnnteratiirta irrke, ant inl large aun of mnoey, sd yoti are per- the nîsît ianely part af tecoaîti aad la suadcd I arn lneapaitati'dt ti îay and >ou t h,' heavleat part of the tortn hc' heard Ileme acquitta i froiatisa tohligatissii a htildg crf, Ittibers Ilia ni ci skia vît You say: "Itenacel tltit dvlii. Aille ao'do iii nle ista'rk aiaîtg tisaI risati, an right new. Start igais " Andi the next it %ai itsl that tîtta hrdltîaît hall day 1 raine ti ad aay: "YaîîktI wabotisat irisry a th lutns, the prie ot tise ('alite that big delt Inave y tir,1ihave culesoia ud. l'lie herdaînan irst tlîaaght it ana ln ta gel Yeu ta iet me at.f,1 feci sa bad a nîrategett ta bave litlait auîd lie de- (Copyrigbý. Luii Kiajpb, 102.) ahoot il I canîttmet Do tltmte off." apoiet af hsa treanuren, bat the riildim I 'ROM the letter ta the lilbreavaYau reply nîti a lttle imps[atiecse:, "1 cry became more keen and rendiag, anti Dr. Taînaîge tokea a lext auti1li_ did iei you off. Don't boitier yaarseit onalhe tilamaîstetsuant eit aroantil lite ittrmted boa' ail affentiera may Iî and botier ate'ma 1h any mtarc of thut dia-tiarkneaa antd ail la vain until hie thaigbtt *maaelpatid; frit, Hebrewa viii., 12, cuasion." 'The fsslaaiîîg îay I corne lu of a hoiitsw thut lie remembereti near thei Thelr aln andt Ieir liquities will 1 re- andi aa>: "My dear ir. ahîsst that det ronad alire the ehild mright lie, ant(I fort metaber no mre." -i ean neyer get over the tact that I that hie tarteti andi, sure enough, faundat The national flanier ai the Egyptiat n nie WCYOD that mtsney. It la namthing uittle anc faggeet nad drenched of te the heliairope, of tire Anyrlana la the thal avigha ou my mnîd luke a înilatOne, torin andi aimant dcad. Hie arappe I Il aater lily, o? the Hindîta n lithe mari- DO fargive ne that debt."T' 'hisaturne ui a aveunaslie coutld andi rounted liii4 tal, of the Chiaesla th@ ehry&anthtui you reucr [onc ynar patie'nceeand aaYn hisanneat']reasstid isajoarney homrie., main, We have ira national flioner, bat *'You are a nuisatce., IV bt do yon mette Ciintg tanmglt tof lits cabin, bie aw t i there la iîardiy any iloaer mare mtaiel by thia reiteratran of C~iat affair? I ami a&Ilîiteiop anrd sipsacti&uaife had tiv. 1 teny tf las titan the forgetmrenist. aimant aorry 1 tîrgave yasi that debt. Do kîîrdiei ail thente liithtasa an ta guideti W. aillike ta sb' reniereil, andi one fati doubt ny vtraltyorr da tan nt un- ber haitai thrortglithtet'darknena, Bot of our asîfrrtstnealàt tat there are sa dersanti the plain i angnnge lan hleh 1 no.'The hiîse iOaafull of eoritemcat. uauy 'thinga ate nt renîsînler, %lnci tld yon tuai deit a'aontîi si"IWeil, anti theise îghbosrmaetcgathereti anti monies, rr the art of anitîng nls'nîarY, my frienrin, there are maay Chrîtiana s sîri arssnad the a te sut the hose, a ho la auniportant art. It wasanfiet @119- gilty Of wa se foiiy than ibat, Wi a nminsnsile an frîraioegreat lcai geteti by Sitainitiaof ('ta1300 setrn il la right thaltiîcey repent af nea aln inîity. On inqulry the returneti huai bfore ('brui, . Persaunasaho tadti ltuatiOf recect ins, abat la the anc of lbandsrouand that the littie chld of that littie pnertsa recul eventa or fput far-ta livtbrag youraelf anti inautiug Cod by cahinwa an urne, ,She liaiti andereti out auind nmenand i ti lu prspr r traRakIng ite toforgive alnthat long agis to mî'et lier fathîr antilgetthe preaent hoa niona have tbraagb 1kms art bai thetr wcre fargiven? Goti han forgotten theui. bl pransl", anti the chîlti ais lant, mecnory reienforced to an.aimot il- Why da iouneualfirget tbern? No; yan Then thle fther anraileti fraie the bina' ca'cible eitent, A gotnd mernary ia an drag the tond au atth yod, anti 3651 timen ket the ehlst lie baal fotrndiln the fields, luvaluibie poasessin., y ail menaz cal- a Year, If yau pray every day, yaa oitankd, ln, It ana his awn chilti, andi the tout tivate t, 1 had an igati fri wbo, de- God ta rectl occurrence avhsch bee ban one of the prairie home, anti the cablu taiucd Il iht il a mâlirable tiepatt liu et Dely forgiveai. but forgotten, quaked wlth the ahlant aver the loit Oua waltlag for a rail train faut in tbe suonr' Quit thha iolly. 1 do netak you ten round! Haw snggestive of the tact that bankal entertaîntia aop of sanme tea t elizethe turpitude oi sin, bal I soli once iave arettla tise open fields or or fifteen clergymen., lkeavise tetaincti YOn ta a blgbl faith ia the promine of arng the montara crags, Godvaita- on ther wai!home tramt a meeting of Gati anti the full tieljveraas'e of hisn mer- dering ebltirca, anti he faunti un, dylag preualbtry y Ilnt it a plere or cbalk cy, He duoc. net give a reseipt fur part la the tempen anti nripped ns in tbe drawing ouItiti the bia-k nts oaly ails pîyment tr an mach recivetion aeeonat, mantie of bsn lave anti fetehlei an home, of the deçit the charaetera of Wiaiter but recipt la ful. God hbavsag for glin n " congratulation listiting un Scott@ 'Martlon" aunti then recitng Christailae deereeti 'yaur aita and a 'hi orne, trainm mmry te abie of that poem laof yoar inîquitîlea aii t ni.memther îîesmore,' The crurant in aof ail the hato uf nonte ighty pagea in fine prtî!,11 ond ,As ter An ssibie let the tiiaagreaahienheaven îarnA mdanle from ism I l iroî filn .thraagb grett ae., oxts m-afi ~fe drap, Vie have ensîugh thîagn ilant ivtsîorilt'n naru'lî thrîuîgh the' Cea on, andi ahen i aaket ihlm i ta ataIrthe preent, anti therc aill ie1w naugh in tares of heavea anti ai, "t vii go anti ot thse rairoîti tept waa truc e eaut, the future, ta dimllarusan ithuat riiiniag reetiner that itnt tnsnd anti that race of "I dio net rentambhernon, bt it ilasaniat a aperial train inta thireat Gons'by t0a hoa Atiam aaanthe' prageator, anti iet Ele me. fet me me," nai he ta une, ftch unsa peclal frcughî Ihinga lett ilau hoa il ai'u'ounpany nie." Anti "Hove 1 ever ale yoa beforeY"' 'n," t4ind. îhrough the night they came, bat I do 1 aili "ou vrelrny guesttlaxi nigisl, AtlowOthern ta o.'get. DualorecthatIle angelileencart cama aDY àuti1i amn ith yoti an bour &go." What Nt onîy forget yoar partinnet Itrana- farther than tise lauda, bal their Voit an notifiicntrait ln that min betweeu grenalon, bat alisîs atliera ta torget iiustrioui leader rime ail the a'ay doau, the greatear tileml I ever kncw &adtiIbet.,The chier tock on hond of nme asd hy the time hua erranti ta dont' aur tao ntenory at ail!people Il a to ileo n nprayer meetings itilte aorîti, onr wanticring antileat The Art of Forgetlg. anti plpita wat bibg neoujatirels tbey aviriti, our avoriti fleeey aith the llght. But rîgh l anog ai tilaart otf i Onc, e are, Thcy not oniy avli ual for- a li lic roundtinIIItht'lonsse ofthe Great tectrten. avhi'h 1 connaI ta ighly colo,- gel their forgsven tiefiitA, bat tht',*"icen hi"thcrti, anti then ail heaven wiUla ie gue. la anc quit@ an Important, anti yet ta lie delermiacti thalthebi churcb anti OP tle canta ta ant i ang, "The ttnheep 1 neyer iearti il applaaded. t man the the vriti %hall Dot fîrget tiea.Iif yau fostin" "Their stnn anti their iiqultiez art of forgetîîng. There an a aplenditi aant ta deciare thai yai: have beca the a iii t reinemaier ais more" tacultjs ln that direction that ve ailueti cile t innera ant ilenaithe ile tht t. cultîrate, Wc might îiraagh that coliti aue auch a wreteh an ion aere,- - - - - - - - -- 0 000600000 protisesaibe tee tîmea iaîpier anti mare do no. bat do nst go till partiera, ov mactul thon ae aIavare, We have Ileet ual ll ovmay timen yo.. goltUdrtînIsr SERMONETTES talti that firgetfulneni laa4aeaknessanadt ta ahat bati planes ytsu waent or ha.w -------Q anght ta 1wie voideti by ail possible many free rdes you a ia in the prsn 1*- - - - - - - - - - - - antenn,. So tir froin a aeakacai, îny vin before yoa aere esnverteti, Lamp lent arrbeatî tta o Gd, ltis te verY i, brother, IIel i ls tanaiauIftyaîî Tiere lea anoble fargetfulneaa--tbat top 91 amnipoteuce titat (md la able have ani ameurgîtla' îîanorablîe aarfare, a-lileh doei ual remetuber Itnjurie- ta obliterale a part of bis dave mernory. showv lhem, hat if ysîa have score got la Silonons If ae repent oftsin ant i rghtiy accis the ignoble vlfredi nalt iipaiy thent, i Leaders of Thnught.-Tic idctItylng divine forgrn-enles, the record of the min- knaav yoa aili qante thc Bible reference of onleself witb the comrunty-a aort behavior la am oualy croiaed off the blku ta the horrible plitfrisaihenY aere a r ntebp apblcsrirth but Ol artualy lets it pana uor 0fluCludtgi Ye, l1e thnual lfor thut l aturenue ubi siit r h crul "Their asi andi thelr iniqailien aili but do net maie tisasaothtie muni of spiint t the gentleman anti the Clil- 1 remember Do moe,«"l'o remern1wr no that horrible pit or apamh il over other tiai la thie tedlc that naw#couu more inuta forget . L yo conclut niaise tpeople. Sometimea I have tl t i Chris- rt us en t thilatime, 'wheu the liead auythn l" euouut fIL Godas ponter of tan meetinlgs ducafitei anti unfit for ers of Iboaglil lu the next generation forgetliiig nan grest Ibt If tavo men Christian service becanie t hati donc are Young men, B-ley, Dr. Hai, New appel ta hlimiadlihe ane man, afier a nonet'of titane thinga ahii ni'v'meil Io Haven. Cann, lite àdl rght, i e iln s (ffhbisheurt 1e, n lise etimatiosn of tmaisri).r'nr partioael andte tise hr nmou, aliter a lite for Chrstia nut'ilii'an, i.fr i neyer Denititaitaitu Dnominatitm- 99 abomintion, ge'l s arsisncd GtIsire îvare a nord îor cnec unît irusisor wamI rhm InatienPeople cure totblng ta- mmrnbcrneaavmte agâLisut net'tan la siitlpramsng uplacen araa gaity (if day tir differences In thealogy, rtual agalut tht'aotier.'rTe ettire pont 'if aisanal anti lattîr> or t'vs'r ttereni a or poltlîy t'unfied by Ita turilitten for both tht' aoralînit, a h itisa i1erfi 55 5mnatifriiss atri 'r er titi aut>' 515e il(htrcouamunieation, ihe cty cîrnti- andthie prntitgate, atiwit Ilt i ii rieiilit uaihoi rugis1 i k 1us n t lî a ru a an leas airnrrh oli'itt'intale oanceau,' a, ful IsiI ,ans1i ii 'n untî,i i, tutea one miral and religionprouiena, lu the other. F'argisibeiifunsver ansi for s -tirs sa ou ny riratg ta iii ane %îî, aIlt'h c aineerr ie olvet by nalion- @ver. 'Tîsir ienrnIt ts ir inssînl .ilh ta1jt, -si'rseitir ' u hoîu.e îrnr e. ( iyi cliurelen asrking nepa raId r, but avii1retuember aismire,"e leîiciný" Mtutaftertcartl I 'ian s' only liv ailtIlîristianln ca operation, -This suimtne a ttri hile if frutg-t tilsin Hslaiu itle t lits gist tua t ituie gains Ils' aEL'.iraiut, fla nprovidence, ou the Part af Gd ai sutianitasnet 1 : i an>'ordrinratioun 1, ytht' la ane ston f t. our faite aay, t t abel '%ou nild iIltie hanrî sttmailsîsi'aasid nfalmY. Te1,ko o. lgis fatl 'welilisusait aut of yatlr recalics'ui al Andti titglan irrlitîan> moral liteend- Ts tsi o id tgietu iiI aronga ndane yoda. l>rng tiseersurse tof ingtri st n('irs.a ot lite, mn>'anti lie an tire Brok of Goti, Thiais osok inthe one'@ lite ic la *îre t, lie niirtnrent daai îî.îî'aa trry Ir)tell about, I is'îtalie mait e rtha nobîcat apirita, lu lioura cd. tole lid about, ta ttc injared.Ti hs'ne grattaui ti(l5] ratller tsasi aorny abtout a len tley are filliedi ath a panahOnlte ire Ihose aho isep tiset'thinb:i tren 'I luif Ot' hbaieC aer pissgiri itaaout-hi ltrnger ftsr riglteouwaaia. anti iow they ireiact rhî'nna, i liiriin aveap NNant aussttluuittn Iltir> i'r _ tmîade a record uf tbese great spiritual peare insu lrat, ils', kep tii-tr idunth\iae 'priate ina nti'noc5f refannieti draink xirecl nterpeap n acraptli fotr tbey rut thîeeprêciui.sasdaor refurmeiIliiafuclie-i s stoîut' tsr 'ieiue t hi iiru iulaas paragraîdsaot of nen nîapera an booist hseouIrlstsui îsavseltae nti letierq. No otiuer book haaatuiclitrea.- anti ai leinre timen ssoktheniav e.r. ninaty yol- an- ' e er',but tinsnet idr ivea a ri-utf at a mranti culture, It teaChea lbey bave theni tti nus si us attieit or ni'aactger a r ntutssembaulagen of peu-us tire pati tisat tendin taprosperlty thruat in pgcaaholea, andt hcy frequent pie de isstf %il av ae alwaapa b'en tid perce. it na the grest book, thse ly regals' tiemalvci andtIItIlsfrient -il îy esent ant i rrsue. taile, ButI t have liera bookoethlieseant irle, ieratne t la thse an inapection otsf tilune inga, thene iIa., mpticnca ta greýat evangeIihiai meetingsa 100k of <"au 1ev. Dr N. D. Itîllia, cains, tiseet' alIehne]i tsn cuii,,ahrepul artuautas'uar lat 'augregathitriius, tBrotoklyn, N. Y. Have naisuassIs aeraplssak. Kep nothuinu the gnstiathat they 'ne coIitarted, no la tony possiession that latiragreenhî- mach n tsa? I 1frit hle uetittittg tus>hand l 'orsbip.-il ia tise feeling ot love for Tear tIl tht' faIa,'iitsandthie lanileri on my 1-li ,'tbuak or allinig fan tise po Isle avde souuuofut tiinga. The feeling anti the îîvpecrithu usuis. Ii- let turne retirmed ilsusesimsghî fail tisat fils Iteif toa nîtient prayenin anfi Ilo- taoB luaipy.froisa frise anti gît at thisr .1il l.im ssssirdut tf pras'i sisuby tonguea hhat inîitate-Itle Ltrd inu ri teat antifac. of tk,'ftî sr rutisnnsor us tittroatery.liane long beeti but duat et miben, The gel, artuait>' frget, auhlusîely frget. If ytr -'înhanoe- ies' ntorgla u.]feln tn rak orhluango Tiere i u alniîaîsîseafor ynsa in an>' atlt piaf liti,' îurseti, fsrgetttise wNS ard eeag anbeasfr nsgo as lanor sreenarc !'aaaceah nnsii ierît rthe' iait, anti alloa thera ta faf- poete, lIDtraline tof the beauty et tise Yau la tise chareis antiout of theeshirt h get î. arth nle oadutends t e GaifI i dispotiontsuaccrb, maligu, cynisal, lies A Sia-F.-attilaOt tcieuetatLaint ei nrii aiisailicDo Yeu kineav haavtboac bien But aviat t mot mnt? n tise hgt af the ainh ast give up al toi Gad tiat hii% anti namen gt tînt dspeitioni?lit Naa 1 ',litseIt ta iouuresn la that ave hast' a min divine purpainen may ttc fuifilieti, Na by the emblamment of thîniga panttier- fargettiag îlot. Stuilînne thfit on the ait ierfect image et Goal in needeti for rail lue nnd vîperoon, Tht-y hase apeit nuasis t-a eilttise iat day becaune the ana and trac wrniip. 1ev, Lit'. Cter, of their time in calling tise ral af aitl ouileyer .ngssn ie ope uatr certs, lise UnItaian. Denver, tub,. the ratsta ta have nîkbleti at tkern repu- earth isacf liîing doang loto fiery deiohi- talion, Thir anal la a cage of vuitaresn, isii-susnptasintui thûtaus that tat day a Ftree Ouraciven, We caui no mare Everythitsg in thein la gour or imbitter- gnoap or infernal sprits ahauhti soinchasII trec oureivea fretin sin tina ave ca ed Tise milk o ul iintea inen ian get l acr enoffugis the gale of henven andti trgive oursei'en '[Tie direct action of bonitcnnded, They de nt believc îit chellenge aur intrance anti nuy: "Boa Goal upan tic mmnd canuat hie denleti anybotit on anythîng. if tire> e ta-a ant tbon, the jîttLtord. lt thone Boats b>' tie devout believer, Ita recognition peaple wbiapering, tise> thinis it la aboutt i the realar et nupernal glatinessi la nut superstition, but fatis If there Ibernacivea, If tkey meec ta'a eorsie Why, tiêse aia gIlt tany Ihiaga tue> la decimredt tat there la atIts b eart a langing, thev thinkil inlabaout theal necr oghltaehave ai, îrd tise>' iti selves. Where there a one' navut pippin nagIla many thînga thlet angtîgiîeyer to tel-y great a l mtoiae cru only au- ln tiir arcisard there are Iltt cratait- have dont', Snters are tiiuiy nunr, naer tisut our Lord admits tise tact, pieu, They bave neyer liecnabale ta far- Il," anti acitiser d'o vivedcny l. but remena gui.Th tiey doont aant ta farget, '[hey Antisuppose Gui akboîshri desun tian- ber nature Iba tasnecrets. aav eu as mener wil orgel. Their aretchiesnetin inaner, lie îngbtsamy: "Yen, lot titi îlt grce. Wrt ave (do not kinoa a very atpreme, for no eue can lie happy if heclu> oni>' Son die tsr their raabam? Diti mucis greater tiîan ail tat ave do kuew. rarrien perpetoaiiy in muntilire min anise net pay thc prire? Not ont' drap of Vic visoh are confumed by the problen' thinga tuat bave been dene hlîî. On tle bodwana retainet in lias artenleal notet ( o) ol am rno xIi other knd, yoaena ladhcre anifthere0aesoentelua batrnt aan n t ronu i -i l" CO ____________ Water Johnlttn, i1 years old, wa:X cd be a Nrrthwesaerni train in Chcîg OCcuRRAENOU DURINO THE 1Jaini Ii'asi nihias.'f. ,nho'ive PAi WEEK. aboui t T..Ti l, fronmt'strmt have bler ar. oii n ilt' trlarge u c ii urî Coyeror Ta' Arrsir t,,5 >rOCflaS- ,llii' lannoui tinuit risr-Il titn AutOpl OU l, i,f NWoodtork "iitr'tîl'rs1, 'fii N ictm--iinde Coustifiter'. Cavc - i liii .,n'aisilx 'itiltOs t,i-i l', le,'i Oifiscr ilgiat Baiiaitit Bandit.. 'tili % Tits i11.ll i li'.illotit v 'Ya tesnbas i t ,' l' 1uiitC't' ii"r.nsttîsg "rlday. f 's, aArlr iitii.s iIisfttiiiîi i li "lu ,sis 1,i i 's iss 'u ii i ti ii Nu el i î itii Siil l it iri l iaw, Ibis" i 1 iii il'.sî r i, istii e-iii t sttr3 ii'tseat ajii, r, t'.-. Ahii2- E.s u si1Dli'e- ritîri tt 14t2 s rissr .dai,> , iiti> rsstes- t liriir it tt,i ls'"t-!l Ti't tt ail pubi. 'Iititnu t it r itri liiT si sttts'tiiisi . l du- -1, iii inititi ' ri Iîî tet i t j-'li t ilit i, li-r,gtiiss i- ,n tie i l ,irsîte, MAn t , i tizv'il g Oit il.. i eii, t,' ii ie îtii ' ,rails I > ,ltneve IL. by i t 'si is i s' h .l tausiss'T hlîsrlliii,it i t rs Is, "litl 's and , . ,, ti is -1 i l , N i ra i iar, iîtt r st ' anssiti, Pui'blicgrur. ttis'titisend ii' ,T pitsra i s rrTix li 5, tish ' ii , titsisae th ti. irs,' rus I i iti t,AI Tltii it ils ar'-i'f, i i sîîs' tsr atixmore ' i "" lin t -rs' tt'.. v i l,, ftisir. ii iîiîi, 'hiî t liaiig Ytir, In Pj l ar, lit -ii1>1 rrlti'r' iii'tt i] tt 11t gin tis î,'sr the worsie l.i'tsf>tîig th vii"a lslii', a. aI Taj i 1'ral lsit',rf havv thulafar been et li ltuii ,porir. tIbis îhîîi'ant i -ai y i lrag'-ilîil PItî'î-ls ati, atrîîg ilsn 'i sathe f 'ounttry' schooal houri ii, rrnarsît ,, Kitri iill.a'arth. i rat i'îiîîiialàtîîii'Y wels lius la iliettc to t iý - toit> I l 1111-i c timT, tof t1is,' " ,'itraig,îiV nmat.' the,iltieatlonat r oi f ti ,_ rnrI', wi't'('nit ,-If iitiîrttî'il ting the hiltdren of i iritn coriîsrltoini l'le 9Sh, roan Ilîstî n,' C hîriig r has inîsirîti aith nature :ilatta îrt titiilsIii"ss'd frittai J Iruvig lrar ' ltthe cri'i kîiwletige ii r:i of tri", alis l iaîibaud f a a>ndî'at, heaîi l'y,i-iJsîepsh doluati,'Iteifitanti NsI,a nirnilj' 'ueinste- Il.lh uElarltTaei. rir isto lis' rinnnt rutes] snil iii iirgtid la the Ellsworth r.,at1. a oditiris Goav 'hot s anatn,,int 'il tht'appoint- ther-s'3a ire n ew ieatr, ia ,t1iis tint rîf Albert Cais iitil i'f lillnghiiat attitrai'> n tir the St, 'r, Tisted bli>' ite, talie a ni-Ttiur tiof the llrrl uitia Maiaen an'd Gotdilt f larvail 1)r iOto ll te Lîsîissia Plitiiae Expai ttarail tc otf Ioolai 1i, stii a 'î îsîîî ti î itri susîceed t'a u S.l lais of ia frssîiLfclirtin. eraui,'i-ltise Iati> tf A a. ktnvlWha. 'luil, W. Andeirsn,the it:]vs im a f thi' E. IB, Magil afr Chicatgoi, a'hsi taiyt a tragetiY, an tee derri tif onc af liis ajri rercivs'i a franritnefar an elestrie lrotheritfrrat Qirarri ii Paad an ait raia ay lieîven lie Kalb anti Sycatitre, tnpsy waa hellti, l hil r-eaicd the fait bita aoid Itin nghtn tato a nSteawart of that there wcre lelgbt t rtlts in i hbody, Elîttn andi Mr., Chan onraSt,.('harles, ixt i n heu aal týýi bis ua lcnt 1tits 'pect ta byjisi the'ltrelat onie. andi the tireetlosi th-""tii alcle 'lTe W'ar Iepartms'nt han tmade a rtial ng ail itîdeate that bi%'asta truek a hîli ut,- aiih a iii gve thseIlilinoia Natisail ta a r' i'ining ponitui h -ttrtrne> I i-i Glîarti tatou ,~ t nDrlttg tht' lais site tlisiaa indicati.k tnt arl i u'.maar titîre was eitiitstet inlafi."efriraivoai warth anul bave hall.î t iiii itthe tlrii oulter aidlt's IO T~ii Ihe'i'ir Iîg. lient lian rýriiîîtntiu'îthat C('tilu Fiada BaDNe B.l uni l'aCn. ii rittte Tlisilirerata attacisifli, i-'i Hoawardi Bennett i tariner i uthaals itaorganizati'rais'if tht' Suat", w eteraIlinias, a fs i, 'ahelîwth(-te 'l'lie Iliinois arrîafatir toisultan ,nauth or die Weba i rier, his fotind hIe an ititrina lame'ting ait the Saîst.hirn i cavc that wasaIlamîti mm agis h> the loteliltsSt. Loti, ta preusare for tii,'ne- tiOM a ldit -l'rsîterfesîer JOhn is'ttionfa st i'ti r a S builtding ai A. Marrellu In te ravie were dag aittiti'expstittn.The coloîni atyle' tf ar- aeverai part of a cstiiti'rfeiting appltar hteettîre wag ang'îeraiiy favared the tusan a lalarge nl taicauntert et commission belipv'ing that it aili affrîrd caina, îsides sanme îrîi siver whilh largen interiar apace Atileast »0) feet entered ittathe ao¶nerftîîting, Murreii af gronnd la dtsred, l'lite t'onsensusti i wan hunited for yearn i1,3the jgaverntlilt oplinion af thec,smtnittee wanathat the ansi river hoataae u otit he nas bIetrl buiding ahaniti tant at leant $150i,00). it, t cd lîy aots rftbisgang. î, iho leheadlei hiani. ahittc lîsated an a pritastats'atnce Bî'nnett'n ducvery ta the secondtif tifh1e mil'a etacenthe Mis'touîri end 'Txas kiad in the region Ther' 'itrreili tperit hîildirn d atti rtmare than 8011 feet cd' ~frisa the Unite'd Staten gaernimcnt lilid Vire )uaaAn fliismniîr luitsn t Thi'isarinen tut If rut Bleerigbsstt Afler bavag iucsn tIe ite of a merri vias tirreateneti hy a Istace n tise Eoiing atisering ai cvs'nuîg n tise parior tf ber uîllgon North Mains aet a lnrse'bhune. 1-pear si ctaIet asa sIire anr] store atrnciettr-s B> sicaperate tht' taina ta ohem usan apartimeata la Ch- orS tise fineenea ept tusa inosinconfiarti ragis anti u-mIsnutei orite hy snaaiba- au thcetîsurtb tfour, avier- It tareti, I liti ing a quantit>' of carbelie nerd. Her wee.faredte tofoutthe inrae'nsalrici of agoat an île tiedt ihuit ear ing waaer dange. The lona ailoLe r'tlihem litra anti fis- broutig hebp mime- ibout $30.000,weil Iii The oiae ban anslateiy, bot use tiet la a fen sminutes. iuildlIng ail ho abouit o.C~ n MayeasTise yeaag atonan honte van la Free- photograpis galeri, $ti.ii); Strishir psitt, ahere lier raitller. John Ils'ei ia Brothers. pictiresaBlnId alilpalier. $ri ,teicrraîulraîusratsîr. ttShe aeut taiChi- 000; F'. J, Knor'a, Jeecry, $1.000. mas-a mgoli sslt'r ustaie n corneof 'utintneona tenants, $its.,gO ta $15,000'. alîdren uin tise Northis laoBusainess Pitchet itattIe vAînMandta. Tise cabsreti normai ant intdustriel ina Aftcr n ptcetibattle a-tisrevorscrstituite, the s-ont of itaisîîind luntic anti setgnnna elght farnîcra trauleti Jas.assrlti. bansei)(fn opened ti tEldorado for Nuiler anti IDaniel Butter t l uitlut' tht' reueptitrut tf plsip 'rITe inttituîte he larineqab>' sîsanis t thelr traciksali theii inlan lis îuros' ti the scisol fit 'Tia- slrov for ciglit toilsnhaant iInalys aptus' isge..hau tfa nis Buoker T. 'sIanh rd thema.'Te ast-n Sare fourndi u nurat, iginriIns pnitetit. It is sititiael usas' ing tidon rrtn tise raimrant. %Ni(h. h NN niait sit' -frisasEldoradointdasIrnsbudea itirrsandeti nit iii oleget fuir fouîr isuura a tîsu' tarin, ailiseotntusuildrinsig, beore tht'> s u. ntucci trivsru nh hwi, vian ot'sureui ta tirs' shrusl tirougb i'he tava m- i I is'en tis--sreul n rîlsîs theserfforîtsfrtise ICuitalbre Intiatrlal a general t!ah i ii.id tise posi ut, s'o, t Ileun Asvtsutissa, an insttutiton u uarIfri-al li let, lstisa-aresd talie a mel.Stia wn tise Sote nmoulie tis 3maorsslgo,. Jeffrr.,r errss1). Citon, a u îsusst ,isru'tl iusa- torir prosusn Fariner KIlt, a Neigihireiaisbrt ili anv tuailt .i>tîîlîi > 's's iîul 1-yiN . l ins>' ia finshîi,, et'usule'suscratcI>' I, Suaearitugrun r-rus. nu-ingen tîa unriusns-s-t ', sve-tifrusts siatiu hp a drtirai, usat autns'kr,t I . 1r,3stid 11cr uit h.i'utînundreanis .1 huit lie atetiaanti thrce îamùsi nus'i , air tire]t-s ilns titis, oii taiolus ial ' susustnr,'r Innlite lu>'the ehabauttr if lu', r usIer hlit î a. lrrili rît an)tsr Abustt t ,~, lise on a Swatringeti is ns.uutl'a -rt t ii iuru1 u to ftursussrr h iii, tIis' triti'itt boulil ati gave luiis..' i tu te u ruînrtn, rulnî)s.u-and llettre lus, frallier urulirenuis Juhnson irai 's 't rleilr'hril' r<thi >,- -unni ns'tîIosi la the. Lire ap- Sa cartugeu'r niti tus hi' xtioun.t, sut NMr'r lifraaeoas,, uitsa frime>'(if rut efr . ex,(mutin(-,I'Bru'alhe M -re i iut, r Nlnea'Fruurui nît tto nois rIiv ý ' Ir.il eussesïoe" îa rti 'lare Iisuinot, u Ir ý>"- put isus> sut uns iti a It'l is a il , reitthu'sia mutailer tof mitroani> tsthr-,Froeloiuts lrnîu-tisa itt giotireor- alti li a ssssuss,"t ('harhe',assit 'll. trams bëee tust i o I. ltînt'hilil igns'îî r i, sua igu', 'ut lit' i li, auni is'.$4 i I Iiimaisen hl tu, f tutu' fil ' ~i t- o s 11ilotutti lI rets'- -r cine sus $u7,lna rIscIha sus i nit, _s, , isiti5fr r 1t s irirnI',' suant, pruatlu> ltIts'1-ri nI isA lu a 'nhase it Bti uti.iunr, ustie,,îag',u brit, an)y thenr f1'usin usl ru i. i, Telis ir I, Ii s, - illlt n uhnrura i iru' tt hut Il i'vl -velun lr lire urîî- utu uioitos.ssttnsu it b a B'ief 'lal'- iappaniag.Iti~ .£% iiaît, 1.l' iris lW' COU 4 ft'rni'i 4 I sstock i us uts> 's- il,, a iîr,is, , su lnn is r anhir anest ahnrt cnlii' pni $P- ea ', titi, nusosL1 $12 lia, i rnssustni 1inslu'Sueur- lion. nuiogtn r-unlr rfrosts is' ussutoiof lins non 11ih1w I' i l fIn. t t r' s îu ,lrr Iia lu- ' silthIns- îîîîel,- ruttht . aau creitie hi, luti n atrîss t ..$3.7 ftit sut ils lit, lui ii t i d l il,'lis,- trugg' r, tu$5,01'.t, sntt Susentue sassis trs Mnidns un T1he flispîusi f I n i-Utr Ir...l, eid S l io b rkiv r ers ave 1- 1 1uesil.-rNit 1fuiir rsi ss'trfo, u' t nls.bati bren suri luit Iz I 1 Inut uu h 1, ['s uuîtîîîs' ois ii h'1 Ih - 'rarumi ta buitling Iut Sti Stitit uitilhthbe us- our ," tt, fsth, lt' i A bioi' ý' hoil, lol,.-l sinu tuu l i 'nsnt ils ,' Sttît, ititan ru'- St~~~~~~~~~~~ Iatutl n uralut -iiuut .rlitig le nffaru fthelba' iiul misr lis KunisaIs., s ri unrlu îista ua, s rt Sonthlie-vsttion uattrrs.ln abosut ttirI',issui.Sdnilrî*usB.lTtor,.îlif rnun J'oui th. ilal utuluuîol lrus-Luit tu, of ssisouisun ul bnrv ter i onit thoe cn 1, 1 ..l . rIl tuu, îî' I tins- fta r- s urmîlagi; Att r rital r'u Dsî r .r turar ns ur .. 'l . 'T u rs'sr I nu>ruro, as.,('utI usntile -r in hît t chsarge 1.nort t . Ir mît u it. i t is po-i lus'blt I n a îîino r ss u- lii' sut>' b ître, hIe tsireuuus 'v ira iitlthitugl busbtus abia> pis'suit atsoffs'alo niîwaitis mil bethl ,,I,,ý,, ao opeil uitetntion ofr '.ulf-dsrioîutissu, i. hs utd- con bc ustut l,. itilîîsutu> tt oissu rlu'ban s' aîr-uî lonnitioîsnnIInush,-is' llage, nuslx tuisae bis. 1, it arts fotitre hiIus ialhevasl urirsaîly gruashs uts rnîgi t up illTe chuitdi.islin-s ,axer tise siajisttii" rei u Iti-e Iisu fr, is li3SI Il lNV. Ni tir' i las buc'.-iTheti i 'bcagrîn ulirsuri ut,Ioîruu nItsof lise trutte'for tii, i nifuir us5' il iiI. l 'University of bhHIioýi,,i t, t 1i -ti tlie fer- a farinterali 1t, tian sutr 'hIrgi Iii lii?> of mcii fus, Iliihrs' îtn freir su CIl atonli -leiîn s ibhIlhisn snus btarge Ita unu lsi'iutitiarr- tueic lipur a afarist ir . te owst, it A ,isuu lrî Mt-l'it ta threInsittinu s ii hrla absout Startuon. tîrir raisng atottilnl bn, iisl i ioans fuir il.i, i arrneg i urr >'at titi,' teat. Moinett'bavs' t-n...., "pied alni it th.- s 'i ho amaîgassuii.... . n Itu II, s nu u of o-smru'tru utis e a m i .i uu h re <ts agi lasîo i i r n'iris... buo I sînh't 'ut) of %Ir. (osss le dbi sa-. $.7,immt îts's tise tiis unIiut , n- u' rly buts tiiss nu t l ie uitru i',tr moi ilrtft tlnt Issu iif i' Or st t5 iti f t i,- ft mal,-...ns,' iui-I s u.. u ttif tIl.lera bt n usl -t. -i tînt't li, ra- io ' A. E. Iitis ih. u us. a . S I ut'. steanu , Ils,'t 1.1.î..n iy n.' un titi liae i-a ,utInn h t tut l ttiui l 'I Jl' r ' i' , t ir, , .t - I - I ut iîu u u t iivu- oý, 111 t1 o ni~~~ 'l "s ' ., inm th ,it i ,inn l t il 1 milerissO , ir i -t r -:,iol tii, f 1, - 1 - I, Ths,- cuiit iii nt ,' n1 .eI, ,v 1 1 -ýl11, 1 '1 ' , t 'i. lb- îî. ". t' tutI uIntour 'u. - 'ln l1 t.l P Il1.. fuio Ii ii- 1 , f 1 l" t Ili11i ...u i ' - a rI.. w 1-utuuu,.rn. tlnu' fîýtitl 'ils in 1 tjati i- (t Iitu i' i h 'i i A hIf lu it'i rr.,1 tr,, ' il. stsisîtii'aunt ti ii siifuii1t' i I"1 ur, d l, fis-i rutsta if, lîu, u l, trurtitl, oI'i - st t iii >ulut hnr ,rh us o' ît litiiuin , .. o:ii ttus i 'ris1 t, SItyta's nu Til, brideis, A inulu u-iîr.îrts 'ît iatot u W"ii t St, ,.o r lut' agu' i', as t v a' f u loi intt lI . '!lui" sinu inl 65t. iil', t.un S cts'uii l, ' i , 1:v il -, .le e r ft,- - o.P l ti .1te s. ; t,'ts'uI u'. n r týti St nr , g..u .r iii, liirsue ta .li i i 't n's r tntrt *t1iuni 1' ru, i nI I t, u I, 1n't'n If t ii :,' u u . 'tit rh'em irai'ltsi i let'ii't-o lu i, , - I ti;. i t i t 'lu, s' tiy ti, n iiir i . - I- tut 'I.' , - buiinn 5h r 'r',,ti - i i oie ui f r s, r.' r , u t I i l ts ir ourtrlttr i ulii'r. r t , luit Insu>' irg i, to , , r il,, I t, Z, u t isa hqui risri i, n ,itri . r t Ilusrr lu mi:is 'hi 'uli r .rns, o u i sinvi ir i il ,r nsii ris h'ait g iii' anf r i ll, a t i , t ,u et i i, t Is l t r. i r Phsrîsîiitirs t , tIti lit-? sntut un ti s a t a tî g is u t nu 'i. - f tl i h r >o l tlitîr tîr'ittiI -U i rti. s -lAndr au fr stitis sut nt u,"i', i i n 1-a e lit tns g e sIiatii ..n, iituu it s' sîtia tiad tel 'ul:rrs is lIn lur Ii er s iii,' il riien hi at)inqtisrngî ie d ,o rinathandin unilse itsi t n'n s lý t Itîsît is-la>'e uvn tr mr, ihi t nit- r nyhs Iiis aty nordsg and mat il,, il hutrs i i l htarlin ans? lii t ha htie a n,, k o's'il . g ut risa r I uighît wa an a ieu ri'issu noghlisuguI nbeircly i fuirergnen -r, nsrug froit lntiatta 1 lis ui t rî tm.ry' itttIiiuliti iV ii un et'- vulsîa. V il'uralslier troin vstnteuipo- san'sursiu.î trroIssus trnîsutire Neav 'ec- taluIst IIt lierote% tsîurrus are thse pnssai>'s't te,,il55iin in ta na parla of tis e Urt nre it trlis'a itîrial tena5ta no @iMali han t ftise erandt Itis thrsngeti Jerale;ur lîsîsi ruade tht' itgnirnage fronm dtinarunt ia.1 'ie flasî, a mourne>' un- dertaisua oista esligtinsduty or privi- cege, tusnî.i"auýrcî l tace'. un anti ba& maa iteeioputîuilar hn tise Orient. Aîsîong tri ma ýtnrîlem snîch avorta ais "psgribat'. ~ritsîtîr," tise waa of lite," are t' ue ate n, ai met&- puirs. andTihlis'1 i 4il "tIrogres" re- qtrhren a coti-tasb1 tn'teh 0f tise Auglo- Saln niuagsîîusrsss. Bult ta travel as a fortinofsuaerv iii' of <luit iosn" natitrally tus lire orientali. Seit maay proaclîtera atri' aurîiststr'sltus visit tise baly t:Iti once a ypear, or ain ofien an cureumatarices tuerluitteti. Ti iaan avisîutPhiir naw nitting lu unbishari, et Ilsel a biaci askie, but a high- iîr'ti face . 'Ths' uvaîigcliat Laew ut onS thiat thin a-an tir s' eiantu a-bain e id heenment. Anti airentyir h'tar he hati grit ,,autin esîversatienai distance, he beard lise hlan- mari rending IsalahIn l G ree k-rea.duîg in a gondi lati voirce, an orientais anc ahIta odo, Il bappeneti- tit htau>', Goti matie Il happen-tisai tise Etisiopians uan readiag that chapter of ail ehaîstera a hici aur Jcsv nithoui tise <'hri.,tiaa lighi ever utterpreteti Cor- reit-t tir hy-tiril, lhat tiid thean word lituais? 'Ilbe arffernnuservant of Jehava.kI. a busIears tuaitna isant coul- plarnîrrg, avio gît,, triisu lite n-ithont a niorniar, l is ta is e îursusicut asriting about l tisui t. ar abotitith itstltai Is aulite, on aiotîssthtir' ntffi'ehtg unatin Usr raptivity? 'ier Kihi, titinu airi n tru ebcfinal nar the 'lasutuste>i5 thsqustion. Marai aimswecm haa-eliueus guvîn tut il, That sort tuf as'hhaltrnhsîî a sii-I l i n s t a is tus a ze tise isKiaius' trm'natoisanga ai thse îurosîhes'îisaill untaditthat the auuffen- un evantut orîtliiirsaonîlertul chapter la ctmncchvr'tlls, îimou s ntise coudrai; Mensas iil,'r aulun is. hapter ratiser aie a trissu tri isssttser! no for thei'uii'eit tire ln'vai' iul hetter usa- 1,tio hr i us laIs il,.11oissa r r t a-ii ta Ire a great ri-sitf argurienit tes con vinCe Mosat îicofî1e tiia t tise usaintpropiset hat an>'tilems-riinis r asrrl san tise Sa- a iattrutf Iisraei lus liv yhi, tribuulations shbrti lringIlusarelts ite peosple. Philip bail no lhîs.thti,îîîin nainerinfi thes'uinttsi'm tîtitlisli Ils' 'liegasi ut tise sanie s uîsr.alis,1isrvarýieirriluta brunJs u T'ihe po lienssravanti Mnteri- o Il irs liariftir, iilseure ehuapter ball o91 becnirs'aliteîinutslin"re ssrof tise Gai enaan n', ,li I >I utsru ,ur ,-rh rt a horsthlIe Etîtiopisut n'uizitueuualuairvs iss'or eports. IVe ralusuuths'ortie suf tise irîterinedi- riaIstn ursu in'isslîîu's arglumenst let.s r maais thaiJensua tli esiaanie psain an t1horsîr Sl'tutrsbeartiig upis tise anujint. Evutîrtitiv lhe Ethsioplia niwa meriss Igy 1 li'ir lîg the c stfer ta Ofisn pre'chiis.ly liiild udit insfurirltd.es nal ucem tsi liais' laisutslrng tus suavinue inat tînt tise nar'aiini vas tle trile une, As Iki- t rave'lel ttiisu'.gri-as uenîer ta luinu, a gretit liglit suri,%n sur tire titof n tris (tisri îssi, anielîr as ail eagerrci ini hii',; eitur , i tur i, s,'tise item teach- iag. ti h','isrsitI tI lu, lsuuru IsIi ai ta itbis el ir Iisus, rr ldnît nait ountriltht end fru lisj unit us-t us 'luttabis abedl- t'su s l't'-nu'I u îrîtîs or laIsl i e ais- il insi ususununif tiuirs' aian>' rer -It, su ni l-ii iiti, i nit lie admînia- b .ini ruts[tIst.nuit clieWeau icl imaff sut, tut liti.u isas isa>' ha-e bc sortitu, i- lusun, tr otu rdu s ia ut itisn verne :17, ta lus'shi tr tirnt a part of tht sîrguol iatif tinselbisois (srtainiy if iltîiI l tIII inot i iii' l ivsia'E'sl tif thi ortrstrîi' i0il'sos', tutus fall lieanouis l'is hse i ss the' i-tnn la, t, ti 'ît 5'u ', ls' i.s'giniussg sut tarcigli 1 nl t', a tliiltsass ,,îial os ri, a rî-îns lus i., n.1n uîtlnîsl iuutuouted t ýIslsp r sas1t.us trrîîî aloita diaf tii, o- nr ril- t tu' litsOf the ho,1n i, ii usut-" do m - o PEPSIR «WtOU OMPf, 1? It .ee ia a wonU- knovwat ciafly a.w papLvewjý, 701a& la the uMWk pa.1 yow bu»ÊmWý wtfl grow. bos 'l pi. wili - bal ym= aen id tb.y wowl rstboe deal with a UV* man thanIL No - u you ad'v.rum la this papoi Fm Winl» B that à% Pays. Dyspoépsî,a I Digests what y.. n t This Prua tion coamWa 1 metnt ad ila tood. Il glveaietl rlýO .WlCa tcUr. It£UoWUYU thounanda of dyelo gv cured attur evoy la unequtâlled for t OS W W ,i' u The Almighty Dollar la uhat yuaeI~ lt% awhat.iii ulam It Pays to Use It Right... Ou a ha=tisom mÎ" buale ix , aW- K a oethy S thePa mm ou Our Motto: Superbe vok-PrMFM t boA e-rghî priane. tcUê I»l bu doue. EllF. a g, Bill teads, Letter Hleads, Business C"i Circulars, Programme%, Invitation Sale Bis, Posters, AND ALL SOrTS 09 ýJob Work,,. OALL. AT .TIS IColme andse..p work and get O= P1'IOM>Wu tore golng .Ia.wbam t mai tpre..e% o tuun anad esk1U.d mwo t iand imper il tava think Au 'n la- Tez- ry of - dur- bave The aMr. à right canti- lu a r ceat trin- Wi per a bouit i37.2 here la pea 'a p1ared 1, anid acre - tlme cP. It tirareti pur'rv e- r tai- utr'the a la"a la tise a leau lared pîtreti- 'etaaed prine, grittea, $, 3-00 2, 4le J.' tim- à35 te 24Me le ;300 to Nuo. 2, $4.00; whlbo, Nu. 2', le; rye, 0: isogi, $5.,25; No, 2 liieni, i$4.30; No, a avilie, ortheraa lcai, il $74 % 'I r idn .e a .y a ie 9- a- ýI A 9.