Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Mar 1902, p. 8

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SO0L] D OR A FINE HOME?, 1. prices to suit ail, reasonable, depending on quality of WE PLEASE......I soil. nearness to tcawn, improvements and maîay other BothInvetorsandMoniseekrs.things. RaugiDg from *s to $35. Both nvesors nd limesekersrm. One third down, balance on long paynents, at 6 and 7 per cent. Easy. BECAUSE - 3. Rilroad fare allowed to îîtîrelaaers. WVe have just what they want. 4. Excursion rates on firt and third Tuesdays oif cdi 1 nîloîtb, one fare plus $12. 5WVESTMEN., Vol. o' Tr LUND'S LAND AGENCY______ D. C. LORIMER, Agent, Libe rty ville, 111. C'ORN. PtUMPKIN AN4D CHKLIRN UIFSt4WA 1902 6 Rockefeller Items. Taie Biue birde lg à merry uong Th3e stereopticon eutertaioneot Tb' Riobins '-th-P s glad -r'eir. gîven aS Skie echool bouse léat Frîday The dits are g.qlrg ood aud longr, evening by Mr. Benedics, land agent The Ifeey eioud.. go l oatings '. of the Wiscousin Central rallroad cern- Spriais ban com,, pany was more chio a simple aeivertîs- lire. Stone, of Chicago, vialted ber ing icliere. Il proved In be bigbiy 8"9«er Mn. Auna Latliiop over sunday. etertaioîug and Iustructive to Il Wbo Henry Doose. of Chicago. visited bis attended. friend Fred kibrecht and farnly a lew lou-r correspondent hlu receipt of days hliaS veek. a flue breeding pent of lilîbels" beht W. D. Porteous le aS Grayslake Ibis linlie voria, 1White Plymouth Riock@. veel Unhsiiing up a dveiug bouse lor We are religiously opposed to bragging sonne person as Schat place, but il Ibis Isu't the Ouest coup of lioregraveled roadabeter sidewaik,, fovîs ever aipped mb Ibtis "ineck of buttag nalread EfAiitlansd a larger the woods" we are laboriugunuder a aumber of inhbaîttants are somne of the teri'ibie deinëion. goind Uilu prospect for tbis towu. lMr. James %'auPlew, of 'tbeaton and Ch, ley Lusk han puirchaad 1the lMr. John Vinl'iev. of haosas, Wbo iu Lymne Oolby place near Dlancond Lake compauy witb tflcîr brocher Mir. a vii move there lu Ske near future. Henry N'ailes, of ivauhoe, bave Edff 1.louige, of Bluclairville, NI recentiy retnrned lrorn a Winters vist Y, la hm evlaitiisg bis brother John to Engiaud vere thie guesta oflMr. sud Zoigi, principal ofthie lRockeeller lir@. W. D. Porleona tbe fore part of iochool. cbis veek. Urv. Fred Kuigge bau moved bis A rase ati av over the tille to some amlly labo1the Central Hotel sud Ile laud belveen s Party living ait »aV preae.d go0ecaier 10 Sthe vanta of Wauconda sud anotber one frorn hba tiveling public. Chicago wis caiied lu Justice Paynes lma Andersou, 0f (lieu Viev, mother court lu tlas village lait Monday mairu et £«v. Y. B. Anderson vbo han beau tug, but ou accounu of @orne delay lu vYJ iloeil the parionage here for tha e cuulug evldence Skie case vas con. poséut 1eveeka la nov iloviy recover- tiuued 10 i future date. hag. The old shsep sbeda just nortb of L. J, Âberuthy, of Ohio, reprenn- tovu chat bave been s total wrack for1 11a11 UcllFilàkKyle Co., of Chicago, vas uearly a year are nov keing dernoiibed bereeVeral day. lait vaek balkiug up aud a veat anotnut of good second ub. subleot 0f a cauutig lactory for band lumber bai been taken out wicb bd place. ,fnuas a ready sale aS about bal the lra. EB. .Harden formerly of Ibia prie 0f nev Iuber. lMr. R. F. 1bouse phos but vbo nov reaides near and Mr. J. E. lHoleornb ovu 1the Ohiovlsited nt the home noflMr.and Inumber. LMR. B . Doolittie a ev days Sthe Arthur Bergiioru carne borne frorn P@"t vaek. bis work lu Chicago iawlt Saturday W* are uether a prophet nureSthe sou nlgbl as nosuai aud soon aller bils 0f&a prophet but ve belleve we are arrivai vas bappiiy surpriaed by about foreteiling a simple lrutb wkien ve Sweuly of bis young friends aud my tSida le.ounSke verge of a good associatea vlao calied t1 speud 11e balthy boom. eveulug In social euloyrnut 15 vas Mrv. John Ruaigge, of Hiver Vlew, vas i genine surprise part! veil planed la bov onue day this a vek Ocaliîgogn and arvied ont and tborouglaly relative. and frlends. We uuderbtand ejoyed by ail present. th"t Mr. Knigge viii move bis finiy boudé1 place about May lit. llow to, Cure the On p. The exteme high vinsud micoid eanqet ahoeadaki vive tbiS îvapt over ciaIspart of Ibe manqieyaIbresdSe fltyliaIl Sundiy and Stinday uiigbt Cbaimoetlia oC'gb Remedy as dir- moe hebngS sriy ay e cted and a îulick recosery as alite to rad 51e rigt prig sysottue llow. 'bait eiuedy c',inteiracts any pont vo veekssgeem lite an "iridescent tendeuey of Sthe grlp 50 resuît lu pneu- cLr«mmoutani, wvblcblae ealy Skie oulv serions Urn.and lir. Bert Wilcoi ttarted danger. Amnong Sietensq of tbouasude lionday night for Spokane, W'asing. Who have uaed it for Skie grip, nol une ton, vhoe&tey ii rnaire ibeir borne rase bai evet been reported chiaS did noS iu the future. These young people recover. For sale by P. Il. LOVELL, leave many frieuds lu Sis vliuity Lbeirtyville, GiAÀ'suAirzIir l'IruA,3,, vho regret to see tuenm go. J. MEMKEL, IVsnkioe Ivanhoe Items." Mrs. Orgarrd la on the sick li8t. visor, H C. W. Meyer; Oierk, F. S. Mr. H D. Wells was at borne over Doiph. Asesor, ci. M. Trant; Colector. Suonday Frauk Dietz; Commiisloner qif High- John Mooljrleiue lois a very valn-1W "Y, Pred VolIer; Sehool Truslee tO abebreoedylast week. j acny, Cham., Beckwitb; kiebool The y8ti Worersare rranlugTru»ece for full îerwu, Ira Smaiîi.; Con- The yste Wrkes ar araflingstable, Herbert Davis. for anoîlier autertaiooieît toelie given April Ibiki. A. A. Payne l8 not ase eli ab usuai, be bas becu confinait 1 Sthe bouse for Skie pat fev deys. Miss Bstae lPayneisu horne frorn Marlou, lnit, wliere skie lias beoaIt- tenditug sckiool silice Sept. 1. Acording to She lategt reports the local iodge ,f Il. W. A. i8 golog 10 bave iai euteraîunanliàarca 29. Clîfr l'ayne, formrly of tbîî place snd nov of iiildieu, Iowa, liai jcst sucessfuliy uudergoio, a surgical operatlon. The Plonograpb ,ulertainrneul wbicb was biiHei to appcur ber.' last Mouday evciug, for soma uijknoov reason falîrd 10 materiallze Frank Dorier Jr., bas aufered a re- lapse sud ta nov coutlied 5e tbe bouse. We hope tesec blm ont &gain as soon as Skie ealier lais warmed np 'Ikere baibacc a nnrnber of ducki sud geese sbot srouud lu tkiese partsa vitbin the Past ev deys. Mr. Johnu Luekibe sbot a gooýe vblela weîgkied eigbt sud oneball ponnds iaýts t aut Theb. .E . Society -111 Ibave a ,p.-cial Ra8ter service,Fatrr Stinday nigiat. an interest 10g oîr vi ce h beliog aqrangtd. Ms l r drs i]i be promeut to amslst vital iaheinging 15 liai been reportedt Iitiihe Royal Neiglibors are tu give ai, entertatu- rnent ornetirne in Skie near future. Hlovever bliisreport lm a,t a'itberiti' We viii avait düveclopuiitm sud vili gise full p&rtîculirs lter. We uoticed no oue ln u on lite barg wore Sthe embleMa Of St. PatricS, day lait londay. W'e Pre8atiie 'twa8 due tu Skie lacStbat we are natnrally 'green,' sud diinut dere to make ourselvs ruconopîcuons to iîrangers. DEERFih LI.u1EVERETT.1gîte oalNoIb8rte o t er sgr de onler' lit. John %eter vas borne luâS yack. WhsI bsppened to SkaI Sîrlngg annte r nue oftmait gar R asîr. lis &unie Dnfiy vasborne from, watet'[epasaefo ui mue syt W&Ukegau tant Suuday. lira Josepli scyl ib(iPPed lai tbeTePlnar o uymtudase, 000. Mililer, Sr.,le serioaly siet aI elty on lionday. 50 IL la impossible 50 iulorm the puolle th3e home Of bis son Gesorge. Chinles .irman bîd a slighS bnuci 0f as la tbe nature of tbe eomlng eveol. 0. B. Raston inleuds building s fluc. la grippe tast veat. Ou lait Satnrday eveuing IL vso de- reuidence on part of bis fur.. TSke 'vearlcg otttb.' green 'wui5 cary iedt thit Skie Christian Endeavor Mr. James RYsu ta slaYingut aMlr. evideut In tble vlciîîitY ou Monday. Sceyni nRse evc i u Duffys a les, dsyas Iis veet. Di)vti Msu' ofChicago' vlited hliSocday buelotgan place of eir egoin Mr. Jobn Suelder, o!flirerltbi faber sud brutber of tbls place ou a vnu npaeo bI eua entertaned un 0 f ber relatives Iis Tuesdiy. prayer Meeting. [bey bave lbhe prom- Suudiy. Miss Margaret Davuon 14 vimitang lac tbaL lits. Alexanuder wlll be out Two famillies vwe.out bere 1lioklnagvitb bier s&nt, tIrs Etiard heunedy from Chicago sud vil ii s i thl,, lora abouge. t0 reoS ýOut Iamily bas aS Late Forent, flugiug. isn King s solo. Ibose vbo reuldtilt upper part of George MIr. sud Mru Joln Baggae arnd baby bave kicard lirs. Alexander once viii lilîleri bouse. of t)eartleld vietti Srs. Higgie',, riîo)X uNorHE i I 00.10ONDET~. parents, Suudlay.j nwhatbâmu. lit. amd Nts. f_ 1. E.ton opei, t ou Those vbo attentictithe dane, iliet claday sehool bas benre- day lu Chicago. given uv 1the Laku, Coanty Club, St raie n eubr aebe F. B. IBryer lu temodrling bis newly Parîc'a ulgbt report a gondUime. gr u ecer aebe p purchasafi bouse. A mînt tilieti aeerai o!fiohn Horen- poinîcd for eacb echas w vbo oiti îr mis buteIletistgai omeetjoyugbergers ulrge finet of Plymnouth Rock Postionis natif May vbeu Sthe anunal beMi acPtasatioo eJloyng ktna une night teist veat but John ectlon tkes place. Soins bave been her~~~ spbgvcto.lad the grlrn satinlsctIon of geltilng tistained from Séunday &chant for lact Misa Jula E. Lakin left Mouiday cnai the miuk Ilie very nent niglit. of i teachier but nov this obstacle ba for a two rnuSbs mvisît an Colorado i lira R. M. Vaut anti daugliter EMe ~Can't Keep lb Secret. butnararnoveti sud it devoivea upon visted lu Wautegian Saturday suan pedd sok0 r igsNvthe parents as a duty to see It bsIkese Snnday. il,,Pille La dsiiy cornlng to liht. No' tekihers bava e bolunm. O.Bbrîglam reptementsSive foltht sacb grand remedy fer Liver snd Boy- 'b'bvibi aeu asei<f on Baldwin liugie Co.,bas pîmceetialiolhaer eitroublesi vie aven tuovu belons û ýwihpcucspnu f on Bdvc pianoWluF. Ovn lu tbe resi- Ibousantisblesg tbern for eurlng Coun- Par&tivelv very unet 5Sirvano denu 0f . F.l'ia1e tîpaîlon, Siet Headackie, Bililliouness, a grsS dueal ofopposillonu. I'Iha foIIow- The prognarn for Skia()O A. C. for Jaundice anti Indlgeotion Tr.y 1th.,iug are tlie nomruees for oala..' super. Saturday esruaug 18 as s 25wm e at F B. LOvULL'%, Liberlyvile, Itaiftion . . . ( . i . 1 jGo aYSLuEr Piîssae'. selet Ralilngý .. C G 1., ,. GU RN E E. Deordin r S -- Ma'... Bi 'ý,,,.L, AL'DA ew ',iliur ba,,hoaagbt a farm Lieur Daerfeid 2 -a. ,n,. Mug, io WMn May Scbuier la vigiSiug lui Libartyvllle, Salecîlon on PhoAglarge a.î o, cam'..out. Wsa(tugms Auto Bioraîte A)ui 'l'h113eWiliard Campl supper lut Seltuit A atrdeotiem ott <a.u Otreut Evens . Elua Atre day vening was enjoyeti by IbirlylaSaîry I 8010 - . .o... S P But. tii fji embers, despite the bad vemîber. ,Johin McCuire is iaviîg eatensive te. Mir. sud lis. Chai Johununandi sounpair% made un bis baumes. The Vice of Nsggiug. attendedth te veddlug at <ray@alae'E.A ayofHrrdvItebi aent Tknrsdmy, oI Misal'rackelt talMr.paentA.ureDady, u,1 Harl istt I buta naggtxag voren ufteu needs lbelp ti3e May bo ao nervous sua tain dil, Wiliarîi <Camtp sel again ProdUace A liat! of Waulwitb yu.iug people la he9atb that trillesîuoy lier. IfheIn rPl"a- Wlves ,or Wodmen' ut gav.a atiance bi.lasmtI l'iuiay avenlng ebe Ia mahanchoiy, excitablea, îrouî,îed eelog Frltv i.vugiat. Match 2lmt ti vtb Ioa 0f mppetlte, theadUIcleu, si. e il'i s"a"l Everybo.iy g" liray sud li-Clitnarc dravlng kiîy lnaei, constipation uor taîuting sud LONG GS. ietoai.gsfrotelmafîmu alamyuapelli, ibe couds Eiectrie Bittera , Ru h»blgROVte. owilîcuî &bamoatonderful remdcy for ailiiug 1 lAahîpp bai bougkit the (iossvtlte voneil. Thoaanda of sufatrelrN r , -fer"i'A uta, riay eniuvas gtveChit- lemultroublu,narvou troublesibaek Chu Hlianti famiy, OI prairie ianb itidvray eeînt iySi Ci. san sd vak kiinaYe bava st Vev'3 ,.,.dîlet F. Stah'e lent Frîdîy Edao seey mai boeoo» mit abynId hippy. Try Frank Boys wao hit bis liînd taten lTho local teleplune lina vilii son 1he &l Oiy SOS ai F. B. LovELLo, Liber- off bY a corn shraddar la again able Lu ezlenid 1g Warreutou vbera a 'phone WVUI en&Ma Mrata AmAOZ. ie aup aud aonud. vili b. plao.i l thedepot HCH001. NOTEK. Head.înirters niglit ou Tcnesday nîglit îostead of lnuarday uigbgt a beretolore. We are giid l10 report caliars livery ligit &Ince Sthe experi. ment wras bugun. The neithar absent or tardy liaI of thei lunîkendlug Mlarcb 79h lis. Ada Kucliker, Raymnd Payne, Mortie Fostet,' Berthia hkebker, Emma itueliker, Roy Chaimberlatin. Oa Monday snd Tieiday Sthe pupills vere occnpaed witli Skie semi-aunai elamnstiona. GUood reauiSa are iooked for. Borne o the clisses spent a large portion if [uesdsy iiuishiug. Ruth Wells bas liecu absent from sebhool th3e past h.o lieks on account of ililui. Ske bis irnproved no as 10 bu oct of doori again. Oaley Viut'lev ba out of aciiooi beescuse of th3e alckneaa oif lier mother. It is 10 b. iioped th"t tbey boîi vii soon be in achool agihu ai they form1the ckilel trengîl 0f 1the musical element nof1the echool. The Sucesas Party -won out" il the SueceR4 Club election on Priday Ma&rch 7113 electing the foiiovlng oMlcerg: Preg , Barry Fooket; Vie Pre«., Cai Dortier; Sec., Ada Kuebker; Troua.. Elle (lribbe The fmprovemenl lParty candlidate4 vere. rea , Dean Wells; Vice Pr.', . Roy Chamberlinl; Sec., Daisy Vatuiiew; Treas., Opal Smllbi. lb.- ratio of Skie vote vasabout 2 10 i. Party lises were closeiy idbered 10. Th3e nue flcers vere Ilugnatedail Skie 'union" meeting on at Frldev. LaS Fridav allernoon amld the vavlug of Ilîgi ad 113e sounda of bappy aong, %lie nev officers of th3e Sueceas (Club vere luaniguraged. A union Lmeett u asbeld vitb tkie baa hcbooi and two delegates lrom the SuccersClub of the (.royalake sebool miade Jioterentiug sud Instructive apeclbi. IThe uev preaident of the Succebe Club, filrry Fostet made a ringhug Inaugral sddreu fuli oI spirit and euthuisism. One ckarcterstlc passage vas, -Eveny commlttee îhould do btter tIbIsterra Ibm lut tolrtu, no Dot Ikiat, but tbe beat tbey bave ever doue, ve sbould noS be saîisiled vitia someîking gond aben ve eau bave gometkiiug basîer, nor vltb tbe botter tbing aben vu eau have Sthe beat. Aller tkie remahnlng Inangral speeches tkie vlsiîiug delegales made ketpînI tlât vbicki cbeered our members and tbey lu turn ckeered th3e speakers. A syniopis 0 f tbe@@ tilts viii be gîven lu next vecta Items. Tua speeckies were lulerapersed vllk i slglug and afler tbe exercîse. bad! beau llninheti .oug aller aong vie sung firiS by onue gehfl sud tbeu 1the other sud Iben1 by lotb togetber. The Swan scbool sb<,vrd tbat It aia snome good vocal talent 1The vstlng delegates frorn the Orayiîste sabool vere: Lyun NIuTrre, Pros 0f the Succens Club and Ckiriey Robinson. The ueigkiborlug Club sboved visdom Inluies election. Four achools wene represeuîad, tlaene l.eiug oua repreuenlatlve from Skie Rocteeller sebool. Would Srnme the Club. If members oif the "Bsay Fever Asso- rciîloin' vonld une Dr. Ring's New Dis- j ovedy Ion Cousumplion. Iha club Elvocid go 10 places, lot Il aavays cure. IbIs uiaiady, -aud Astbms, She tinti tbst baffles the doctorb-It vkioily adrives from thSkiystefi Ikionsnde of once kiopaesa soufferers lrom Oonsump- Sion, iPneumnonie. Brouebîtia nve Sheir lîves sud kiealth to Il. IlSconquera grip. savea the litte nes from' Croup and Wlaoopiug Cougb and la positIvely Varanteet fuor aIl Throat and Lung roubles. 5oc sud $i.00. Triai botties tro fet P. B Lovznais, Libertyvîlie; (imÀYBLÀsssPHARMACI. WADSWORTH. Mliss EdySie site&, of Chaicago, @pont a lew days tantI vek vIllarelatives boe. 4 Wed.llug belle are again diaturbing Our peaceful village by thaîr inylul puas. lis Lonsia ljciclzie bas ben veny 111 vlth pneumonie but ls nov siowiy Imrnpoving. Th3e local order oI Bon Our vîli glve a public dance lu tait rhall on Rester lionday ulgkil Whio la Skiat propbet that bas pre- dlct-ed an aariy spring? Lot Ikiose rgeutie tiarchki vndi remiud bim of [ls àvords. The yocug men or tlala viliuty have fonmed an Atb'ýetic Club. Tbeir tiret dance vas gîven lu the humnee bhllou Sit. Patritka nigait. The annuel tovu canons u a eld 1lait Satunaay. W. A. Taylor iras nominuedfor O001e60tS ani O. A. lieydgober or jetuoo M» Sh 'O.. QUENTINS CORNERS. kM .0. Low la Up and about again aller quite a sick speli. Born go0 Chai. Mnia, audi vlfe, -ar.- .ai. . mili 120W. Scbool opened Uooday for Stie guru- mer vih Helen Recne, .or Chicago, lai charge. Dan Sttirma infant daugbler Je again weii, &atter treatrmenî under Dr. Bliack, of Palatine. Misa Marthma Wiebart who roceutly underveut au operation in a Chilcago boopitl in Ismprovlng fcley. Mur cheese lactory vas go Weil rnaUaged lait yean Sbat&S t heir yeariy meeting Skie patrons rae-eected thie old directors. F. Knigge, aller a resideuce o! 50 years among us hain movefi tooke- feller, vinera ha vilS go Imb Sthe res- taurant andliavery business. 0cr lois la itockelier's gain. We now bave a US. mail box aS the Corners. It teunuder lock and key sud vsc be opened by uo one but the rural carrier. tour love letters or other important missives viii not be tamý pered vitli. Prieuiiaoula Cen be Preveuted. Tkils disease aiways remuitu tram s colti or an ittack of tbe grIp and may be preveuted by the timely use of Chambelain'& Cough Remedy. This remedy was ezlenaively used dnrlug Stha epidemicu of la grippe of the pait 1ev yeari, md noS a aingle case has aven been neported Ikiat dld noS nacoven or Ibat reaulted lu puenmonla. vkilch shows il 1gobea acertain preventiva of Ikiat dangenona diseaae. For sale by P. B. LovzLL, Libarlyvilie; <hasys. LAKic PutAis, Y; J. MEIKac., Iv&Dnboe. NORTH NORTH-FIELD. Rienhart lsoebeiiln a 111 aipresont writing. Mr.L. Devauey la litviping Mr Der- lng chiop wood. Miss Jeasse Wealug bas goale 10 Chicago to vork. Mies Lillian Remper la iapendlng a few dîys ln Chicago. Cuanies Bhacb, from Salida, Colorado, la viillIng relatives boe.e The LUited Evangelical chureki held their quarterly meeting Scuday. The Evangelical elnrek I ylkiolti quarterly meerting Suudlay Mat. 23rd Quitoeasnunober of lMr. Lovmauia icholari are absent ou acconut of il- neas. Boy Rolen, sou of Bey, sud lira. Koten, vas qulle l113e paStveek, but ta irnprovlng rapldly. J. Biuck bis teturned borne from Skie City. Bis amster Miss Lydia Huet la il preaent vlshtlug relatives lunSkie city lIra. Nicbolis Dryer bas purcbased a laina out in Waington asud luîends to go tbere lun113e near future, ie ha@ iabored for Mr fi. Bubert aimoaS filîeen Years. The Y. P. A. of 1the Evingelcal church heId ti tabusiness rmeeting Prl. day eventng. QuiSe a little busîneci vas trauhaated- The Alliance yll pregeut anuurber of neselumps10 tlie ch urcb. Surgreon's huife Nol Needed. Snngery lh i o longer noeassarv 10 cure piles. D., Witts Witeb Hizel Salve cures sncb casas at once, remov- lng 1the necessity for dangerous, pain- fnl sud expansive operations. Fot scaldý, cuta. burus, wocuda, bruises. sores snd atu diseasea fi la unequaied. Sewane of couterleiSa. F. B. LOVELL, Libertyvilce; Gasvsa..axsPBABMACY. PALATIN E. Mir@. huauz Is on taheacS let. lir. Danielson vîsiteul bis daugliler lu Cary Sunday. Tovu meeting cornes on ail fools day Ihîs yean. Wh3o vilI be Aprîl 1ooled' Miss OeilsSmill attîendait1the Sous* baud conert ai the Auditorium re- oeutiy. lir, sud lira. lartietS bad for Ibeir guesi Wm. Navie, of Woodstock, ne- oently. Mielville Lambert, of Minnesota, la vlilltng relatives lu Suis vilulty mi prenent. George Scbwltzen aud bis vleo, of Chiago. were gness of lirs. Schtzer over Suuday. lira. Grimm sud dauglulen, of Chicago bave taken up tbeir tesldeuce lunooaci over Skie building occupied by Mir. Vogai. Prnctlcally Starvlug. "-Aller using a 1ev bottiesnIfRodol Dyspepela Cure my vile necelved per- fect sud permanent relief tram a severe and chronle case of aSomieki trouble," sryî J. B . Hoily, resi estale, insurance and losn agent, nIfliacomia, 111. -'Be- lortiming Rodai Dyspepaie, Cure sie Intense snfflerng. Skia la nov eutineiy cured. Baverai pkiysiclaua and manv ramedies laid falled ta give relief.' You dont have 10 duel En& any good food you vinS, but dont overload thie abomioh. Nodai Dyspepola Cu»e vii iivay i eut for Jon. P. B. Lovitia., UbM l.GXAT5elAubPRAINACT. The Fence Business-w&ý- à-m-,ASlow Business. Boy vonld a mark et Min or grocer live If hua Oua- tomnera came oniy once lu tan yearar bhaud baby ewhat onue of ont uatomers write une alier tan Jear nie of Our feuce, wkIich valm eracted about tkie grounde of a prominent manufact4urng etaolisiiaeut lu lIabe Couuty, Ill., aud remember lait 1hié vas lance ukilci uS IbiS lime ve made vithont galvauizing Skie vire. We vere Iben unable t0 retla l 11 aping lu the vire,' mince thaî lime ve have eiaed boy te galvanlu Our vira vaîbout daslroylng 1the ipring. The lance as it ia nov male abould lait tventy yeara or moreý We0 have more Ska 30,000 auulomem uoviwi]I vaut more of our feuciug If tbey livean d ovu land. iuAýxzWovzs Wrsr FENCZ Co.. AuMOMu. ILI- Ma? is. l'irs., u(,te us tour ieýt pri,e for aboutl une-balmilesl, ofil2 aiir a Il voven wlre tii,, s - p.w, tr,,ham..d 0f "f Yeu la f155 A short lime aller ve received 1the following. Aube"a. ILL.. ept 4il Reu Iinig oto (ur l.,îî,r 0 i-. seth uit. ytOnrmmy est>r ou., order fne. 1ii es,7bar Ti luej eS Isuot erhbadilu etero0f our Adriaa ofl. aiso tvouift. gra -toMat Skisheabove Mfee You are t10 furnie thtai e ind imas u eut Op the len«e, veto pir hl& board aud furniaki ail other "obr rerauired. Our poiLs are girnd) set lasfoiliowa- A moud le scoer pont cStais- lu thie grounid about .,ssry 54' md liakit Iron pOus Le wich tIiiI-la hwlred set oves-y @sbetween USkie dar post», corner and srat. Posabred.A 0tee *ota bave beau la taie ground for à or le tsars sain vii lu t e r aed. Ifthiavlot et uIi una ne our requlremeriis. jou eau Pend abonu Sthe f..u e t euS ansd "s vii adylsa nyos 'ski e snaisen" &" Soola tupnt un Skie lIf you dont kuow il about ont lance wrIte for catalogua and prlee. PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENGE CO., AUJSTIN' CLEMENT, V. P5, 200 Monroe St. chicago. 0. 1. LUCE, LOCAL AGENT L5enyvIfle, lUlmeda. WAGONS Fish Bros. Millburn. Stoughton. Farm Wagons, Teamlng Wagons, Milk Wagons, Farm Trucks. If you are in need of a wagon of any kind get our price. It wiII be rlght. SCHANCK BRO%,, Libertyville - - - Illinois. I COAL Bse DL.,& W. is the et We haxîdle the best brand ever introduced in Libertyville, viz: the D. L. & W. Brand. We also have a complete line of Ilardware, Lumnber Farm Imlplemente, Buggieg, Etc. W RIGHlT BROS0, ILibertyville - Ilinois. A OOOD Li BI R BENJI Llbertl, Dr. 1te 10 Beadence Lib- Physic of c Day sud ri A pkiy W. diepeai MISE *TU 0 10 DU LKSLE STE Ail V Pl

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