Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 4 Apr 1902, p. 5

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ono'.m iz es Wlîat's tIîat? tan we lielli yoit iii that Iiiue? WelI, I gîîess yes. If yoit doiîbt it iii the. ieast .'alI aroilid In Groceries...... We have thei.-'Het of ev~erythiiig at thele î eatolial he prives anîd We leadl flem ail. We t<î lie haîl anîd sediut a. hîîy thîe best close m;îrgiil. TRIGUS & TAYLOR, Libertyville, Illinois. JEWELRYW SILVERWARE of the Most Keliabba Pak.s ' Las Ta. Su o~n of 7Rogers Bros.' FN~E WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING New and Second lland.. Pianos, Orga ns, Violins, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Etc. Darby Brothers, Libertyville, Illinois. Wal PapIr Spring designs are on exhibition. Every roll iS 1902 design. We 'seil borders at same price per roll as side wall. Do you realize that we can sell you suffi- cient paper, side-wal and border, to paper a good sized room, for 12 cents. We have some of that kind and its ail right. We are headquarters for wall paper and window shades, the latter in ail colors, from lO1c up, in- cluding fix- tures. CARPETS AND RUGS IN GREAT 'VARIETY.1 SMITH1 &DAVIS, DEALERS IN gentral Mercbandise. - - Illinois.i - WMý LCAtI Wre you April fooled, Dld eleotlon go to suit you' Louis Lyoneni oved to Waukegmu Tuenday, wboealbe bu a position lu the wira works. Wm. linydar and bian 'Crittendon, wtio lve north-west of 10,0 vere mrried Monday. Editor Stearus and IL. D. W"yuri of Waukogan v ere lu town thtis ieek looklng alter Mr. Blearna» fences. Born, to Mir. and tira. C. 1. Caaay, Tueeday mornlug April lot, a baby boy. A pleaiant April lool for C. 1. Frank Wrght, lare Kimbali, WiII aud lRoy Wrght and Later Cott'i vre aIl homne fron t eloi for lte Esater vocation. Fred Alleman, local express agent, bls a borse of hie owp and la nov delivérlug lte express, whilb ornserlY Simth & Davis detivered. The Autiocb Nursery bas &il kinds of nusery stock, flowering abruti», and thie oelebrated new MtiPke grape at 40 oents assI. Cmli on John Blalard, agent, Lîbertyvilla, bur luformatlon. 26-1-d. Sunday mnorllng Dr. iRobinson yl apeak onu 1psnl s Conversion," and ln the evenlng wlil be thea second lu ser- les of sermonn to youug men on ,iàanly Lec8lsîu.' tUder a laIe law aupervlsors vîll bereabter b. eleeted every year. Mr. Miller viii bave 10 do it over igaîn next year, unlas ta laIw la repealed, whtch latlu sald It vlili be. T ha republican eouutyCounvention to cboose degates t Itae tate, seuatorial and congrasatonal conven- tIons vilt be beld lriyvillla April 269bbat2 olock. Tse cailla publliited lu anotlier coluinuu J. J. Jamisn mvuived bislisousebid go)da tu0bis t ain West of ovu, occu. pied by Frank Dyer, wbare b.eviil for te preant &tore tbem. Mr. Jamison expoecl to veit Wsconsin rienda for a $lina and utîl probably returu bto Lîbertyvîlle bavard faîl sud rect a flouse. lu tise 'peoplea Columb" James Trlggs advertiaeabisi ne botel pro- Party, corner Mlwaturce Ave. and cilurcia @Creet for sle, aio is ,rosi- detuce un Broadway sreet. tir. Trlggas deaIrua 10 move 10o alilomla or @orne other abate, more congenialtut bis iteaitis. ThIanbt son of Mr. and àUrs. Joisn KMtocks vasbrougist ber. rotu ChIcago for buril Tuesday. Tnair stillation la Mad sud a boa& of Lberty- ville frienda tender alnera soynpatisy. àtrs. blatocte ln very aerioualy Il, but Il la iLut beilaVaultîttisai h., Wil reUvvr.1 Enater vas approprlataly ubàerved a&th bieitodisi cisurcis hatnubday. îlIavars vre tsslafuily arrangad in greai prof usion about tis asuditoium sud speclal munic van reudoret iicis Issu superis. Dr. Itobinson issalpre- pared a Liymu for tisa services wbitci tise cisoir reudered beautibully. Be- sîde hae pteacised a sermon partIe ular- ly tu tise utIle people viîr i itey gicatly appreciated. Ail sorts of redicasluum tones are iu olreula&àou relative tautisefrachise il la prapousd to grant tise aelle people, over Miwaukee Ave, We ft,ý tisera asin tasau ta balon.,ounr preseaI or aaiy future village board wsilI show ueletrle road la raies )or lover tise grade ou tilwvaukee, Ae. or tuLa tasdouble rack ou tisnI treet, sud lorgnear tst ulees concessions in tise vay or caring for tise street properly pavîig beloeen tise tracks and ovIser. wive grautlug adequabe retinrua are made a franchise vîli be refuseti. i bts veek one if lise grain veigisara uauufactnrad by tise W. 1. Esaou Comspany vas aiippet tuaaMitllliog Comspany for triali. t as perfeel lul eery detaili and Mr. t ouag, lise inveutor, ferla certanam do meuisern Of tise Compauy, tisear device yl provesà vînner, sud thlul 57 aotier year ttieir laty viii ot be of aulllcieut capscity Lo isandia tisir busiiness. 'ibelr belle! la asrraulad as pthar ve nth esaretandla ee poeInt uay nov ea isuakeb sud baiere lma a (tstsd growiisg demaaud for automabie vrl4hetro ail over tisa wor.d 81uceoemltu isir venture. Frances Lyuels, sge 59 Iyearà, motisar of Ueorge and Johin Lynchs daed Bun- day mornlug at bouse of ber son George. Fuueias services wera isld Tuemasy from Liertyvîlle Catisolle clisuri, Intermeul belngtlu tise Catisotiecoatery ut Wankagan. De- ceaaed Iadhveal lu Libertyvîlle ovu. asip fori many y.'ara, ise sud lbar hua- baud, visa survive ber, beliug asmong tisa early saIllerb. SIte vas s constat- eut clbriatian lady, duvoted 10 bar bouse dnties, a lovItig vife and mother sud a kind sud canalderabe naîgisior sud friand, lBer deatis bringa sorrov tu tbose viso kuav ber as u 0wbious@A; bati become eudeared. Ueo, Wrigh reurned 11k1& veek from Mnnesota sud tisa Dakotan vbere lie apaul uearly 1.0 veels investîgaling lande vîtIt s vIe. to lnvestiig. le la veilIpleased vitis tisacountry sud ho- leves thiaI viera reasouabia care le exerviared luvestors yull reaslie gooji protiLa on tbeir isoldings. IL im hie opîlijliltaI ltu certain sections land al itiVi auce I50 par cent vitin six moitiAl. tir. Wuightb purcbaseal twtî sections bituseif.Ha int, lise eoiintry vali aupplied vIth ceaanerles, tis, asauls aanal cbureaanduaiusy amai towue are apringiug lubo exist- ence, TIse land la fertile, cropsofo!&Il lids being (rowai. 'lisra la s brigbt future for lte Dakotas sud tir. l'or- mer, local rspresentatlva oh tie great L,îud Land IA get'! t i i i v bltems lutereatcuasny lit I i> ctiîinilaithuise skates and Ililunote. ira Dglir elD. ob ebon abesu I>efento Wuido for Supers Isor visllngtirs Dr Itoînen a a. y ouiy 14 Vote@. W. M. Hlesslxh h reutcd i inrusnlu 'luesîay witnessed one of the. Mira. hîmbalis bOM l ier., for te severe8t ugita for tbe oflvie of Super- preseut LLe wilidfi$. lie viii store vîsor ever lu thse blotory af Liberty- bis farnlttîre ttU IDeis imue As bis ville, lu thse iret place more voter coutempiated nvrààIdewuî' iv erecsed. vere îîoiled bbau at auy previolla Tise W. C. T. U. vili ueet it h Mrs. tovuahîP elacin, sud out of thesi4b Barber 'I uesday aIiUOoD, Aprilt8. Il ral. W. F. Miller rcced a majorlly vîll be s matee Meeting. Subeîect or ('D'y fourteen over A. W. Waido. for dlscul<un, *'GoVernum,'îîtof ChilId, Mr. V.attio aud lbI.4 rlude put tnt) à rau lu Their Teeus." A nnmber o!1iard ttlist sud Il tooked tisat lu s select readînga vlU be given aa a trong reputuilcan ownmlsîp t1h57 dîme teas.11li e served. týoue, ladieas, sboull Win aver the democratlo Sud you vîli be WeilI rî'lia. Mam. nomînee, but as lu2 prevlous instances CHURCItiLL Secy. lu suother coiun aliî)t.ri an au- nounicemet te ta b. et <ur neya- dealer vîli biereafler deliîver mornlng papers before breakfast, tis sPlacing Llbertyvillla on au eqUalty vitt sui- urban ownaua sregarda uevapaper s'trvica.'ibsaol oarcatdb our rasidents sud a liberat patronage accorded trs. 1104«0, hiclis .111resuit ln a continuuation cflh. services duriug ai leasnne monhe 01tiseyear. Fîttly '2>1> couple aUendad bise dance giveu iîy Young people 0f tise Cabiflhic oburcis Monday night et tise towu Mail. It vas oua 0f1 te largomI gstIterings of tise season sud ilu ev#y vay a grand siiccass. 'lie supper aerved isy Catisolie ladies vas partictaiarly a fe&- ture0f tise evenficg lad acked only tist tisera were 80 mai17 10 eed nome dlilculty lu aes'vlng Vas xperienced. Uardeulng tme la boesasd many bave sovu seed of varions kiuds alraadv. Ueo. Bond veut 10 Nitîbîgan tise flrat o! tisa vaek wvib ie as marrieti on Tuesday te Miss Jaunie MacArthiur, a former teachar lu Our Public scboois. Ha la ezpected hoov ils bis bride Friday. Hi& nov houle on Division street bas beau furulabed sud prepared for big comlug andi a large coIoe o! Libertyvllle frlend i viii vlcome tirs. Bond te Ibaîr mdal vilS rosi pleasure sas urIng her stay lu Libertyvilie the came te be raapeclod lad admlred by ail vîbt vborn she cmasilucontact. Miay a future of happlueis sud prooper- lty becbieirs ta thse vt" of al Announcememît. 1 am nov dlivriug merîiug papoe aI 6. a. m , (about thsee houri "sied of tisa realar mail.>)1'hoiv îieâtil u1 taka advautage of the aarly delivery cau leava ordars ailte p(ist-ofice or Brcklmans ibarber &bop or my resI- douce sud tisus bave the uîîîri,lîîg paper bafore lbreakfast. 0nlît,,, t, eus. tomern au au c bave us,îr piperi loft aItisae postontllcadg.; Lhem'u visn tlaey lrlug lu tisirluin. Rtehs for auorning papersi 12 cent., per weet viheu ordereit by tise pear or l1 canta per vrsk fur a hrler pentu]I Mes. E J. lEHar. The Great iainal Swatnp Of Virginla in a breodlug (round of Malarria germa. Su ie loy vol or mnaraby grotnud averyvhere. Tise germas cause voaknesi, chilis andl faver aches lu tise boue@sumd muscle@, sud may auduce daugeroni maladies. But Electre Bitteis neyer fail go daslroy bem u d cure milailal troubles. Tbey viti surely praveoli typisolti. -We tried many remedii for Malaria sud tomacb and Liver troubles," wrîteb John CItartessou, of Byeuviiie, t., 'but neyer onid auyibing sasgoud as klecîrie Bîlters. "Try tisem.' Ustran tee aatt@actiî,uj. Only &ic aIF. B. LOVF.LLs, LIbrtyiilie: RAÀYSAî.àaF. pHÂIISÀcy. Milter cama out victorloum. Dannîs Limberry, daxuocralie uoum- liaee for constable also won by a gooîl majorlty. Otberviae tise republit-u ticket wan elected. Tise vote foiiî,w, A. W. %Valdo ..... ... W.. E,.Miller...............2384 joS 1 OM N 'LFliK. Fred ('roker ... .., 337 liant Lee....... .......... 287 Ueo. Boehm ....... 6- FOR OL.t i Jay Morse ........ ..........312 C. Prîce. .. 142 FOR Hit-ilit Ai iONIM"IS5IONFlI. H. W. Bulklay ....... 27(1 E. F. Wilmlngtoîî . . .. . 17 M FOR iO'truiLà Fred <'aemants .. .....17-, Dennîs Llmberry .... ...........'2H2 FOR SCHOOL TRII TEE.. Ueo. Wiener 1 ... 3lii M. Guerin ... . .... 45 Village Caucoseti. At 8 o'clock BsturdaY UlgisI two cali. cuees vare convened lu the 10.0 bsii, supporters of tise t'oples party meet- ing up stairs, thist'izen party asifer- ente a gtterlng dowu glaIre. Neltise r caucus vas largaly attended antd nomi- nations ver. by acclamations lu both. Hera are lte tickets: PROPLES Tii SET. Presideult................. F. Hl Juat Clark_ .. ..... Fred Crokar Truateesl.................F. L. LinBols ... .. . . .. ... .J. W ebb ....... ...a.J. lrocbor <'iTIZENS TICKET. Preaident................. H. Averîli Cierk ... . W. C. Sanboru Truste@...... ........ L. B. Hauby Geo. Wrightl .... .. W. Butterileld Tise Peopiesa casucus choosa John ticCormlck, Hi. B. Eger sud E. B Wells as village committea for enuung year. llise citîzus 'calîcîje retined Wayne Colby, i boas coritetr alil M. Heaths lu tiI capacity Officera ofthie i'eople's calîcus îid flot fie nomsinationi papere, tillis leav ing but oua ticket lu tise leld. No Issue la ait stake and lutile ltereot takan nov tisaI tlisv teopic ticket la ont of it. Thse Town Meetingr. Town Clark Crokercallad lise annual tovu meeting to order Tuesday at 2 P. M. Paul macotiinvas cebosan zuoderator. Reaports of tise snperviaor aud commisalonere o! hislwayil vere read, accaptaul sud adopted. Thte scbool treaburara report vas reeerved. ovlug to fact tisaI tise t.aks bailnot tissu andited. Ilwvas moved sud carrted tisatishe scisool truateeâ be ernpowered ho accept sud adopt sald Iport visen found correct sud Iavlug beau publised lu tise LANF Col NTl i btis constituted tlie lîiaelnaies tran- F.BAU RSTOW b 1 Uood WiII IDance. MA NUFACTUniL@oF 1Sti;îervlsor Miller wlll give a free -Marble 1gîîod.vill dance ai LIberlyvIlle Tovu AND liaIt Frlday nlgisI, April litis. Tise Laie ColîutY Club viii manage tisa ~~IJGranite oeut. A four-pîeca orciseatra from MONUMEN iS t.'iscago viii fauisisnmusic. ItS Ira., sud everybody la invtbed. "-Siorty' CEEEH akes Ibis mesus o! axPreseIrag 10 bis frIands Si8 appraclatlnof tifLieir etiliSuport at 'i nsday's electlou, r OERCRIPTtON. Corro,tîio.n , 126 (iE'tEvtI. '.T WAUKEUIAN. ILL. 1902 CROP 5Octs. a Bushel CASH I FP -WITM - _very Load of Pickles. Bo aureansd contravt yonr pickles wils Stafford & Gildamlith 0oa tisey vere the llr4t vailes paid jon 50 cent. a huchai. Con- tract ai once as vs wll take oniy a liited number of acres. Mirke our ei COuL sels udat get vour seede froin NORMAN WALTERS or aI lthe tnilowIglîî piaces: Lake Ce! Batnk Il. B. Colby & Co. E. W. Parkhurst Sdtanck Bros. Smith D avis. STAFFORD & 6IOSITI Co., .68-9 Lbsrtyviits, Itu. A Nearly Fatal Rîuaway Skarted a horrible 'iloar on lthe leg o! J. B. Orner. Franklinu (rove.,Ili, vicIt dsllud doctoresud al remedies for four Tests. Tien BuekieuàArnica Bilve ctired hilm. Juta s gond for li-ale. Born m, lruiiem. Cuis. (cona Kkll., ittn Ertîlîllon., snd lpîles; 2Ue ai F I 0511'. etWîi' tinÂAYSLKE PHaIMu T. Eves Teateal. C. R. Sisermau .111ll e ai Darby ýrusâ. store every iSaturday aflernioon, iîî.glunnng Match M.Jdasd prepareal to et eyaî antI properly uit vili glassa 2.-tf-d. A (Good lnvenliuieut. A W. Green, (-f Clay couuty, Iova vasu is e City ltisa ek, looklug up soma 1usd maltera. Mr. Green, by tise vsy, veut luto Clay cout! lunlise early dsy-avay back visan land could be plckad up for a mare song-snd a fev years &go 5e solal bis ina fartu for lxty fbye dollars su acre. He tison bougist azaciher tract sud sa. tisat gradnsiiy rise lu value unul ltant any- visere ln Clay County nov commanda from slxty dollars up, par acre. He bas învasted lu Codlugton visera, lu bis opinion, imîlar conditions will e.saIt Itin a fa. years. LanalboSea aboute vîlI command rom ffty to aevouty flire dollars an acre, sccording Lo bis vlevs, before mauy Jears shahi bave eapeed-Pjubli,' Opinioin, Mar. 2lat. See D. C. Lorimer for mtore in- formastion relative ta lant in1h in- niesota anda the Dakota&. Wall Paper. \Ve aie tîgeuîtr. for tilt' ct'-b' rateti wal l aîlel of Alfredi leats & CoI. Ilea plirs for quîal ity and exe-t1 It-'îîty tif ileriglis are ad- îîîittedly the fiiie"t on thte mîarket anîd aret- îid at riglit We Carry inî stock thîe iargest and< iîlot î'îiîpiete lille (of wal l aîter, wiîîdow îliadî's, cari îetH. riigs and1 iattiîîgs ilito ibierty- lmt the tiîne to selec't, hefore the huie ge'ts brokeni. I3mbroidery Remnants'-mob J1it rei-t-iveil several Iiitidred Reiîînaiits ii fhW, ~Eni)roiderie.s anid Inîsertionis. 'I'hiere art, oîly 4.ý to 6 i ys jîtthe, lîleces, almott every pieue is of a differeît lpatternl giviîîg yoi ain extens~ive variety t() loose from. The priee is ail right too, greatly below acttial valiietý 10 pliitct lAl ()ver Eînbroidt.ry inî fine ai liîavy wiirkeil patterîis, A YARD 35c to $1,50 A YARD THE FAIR, Li be rty ville. -Illinois. PEOPLES' COLUMN. hardware and F<2E-WlAt Wnnîot! ltt,k eug a t 7â5 ,-i.r 'ettîn. luz. ini of ,g , 4'I f i E li OLas. L,ertyi 111 I. 2»-it ELlE itureLLIIl ue: F O r, [l.Faina etcbusLe counuty, a Ino Liisertyvile. E. WANEzCeLaIT. ts-6-MO Ipi. W ANTED-Caet Pul ic "rold osai trou ut W. T. Eaton Munufauturau Cous- pauysa fouudry. Lbertyvillle . 5-Lid Otî1timus aud Aî,me Tumato. Wite Piunu., 2nî Golden Yeluow CeteryLae Bell P'sptier and Etrit Snowball jaui ovsr jîtatg. Ottlr nuv. 'luLewil iseread7 abtint Atrti .,tht. RAY L. Hiuaaujî liirtyvillo. 111 F..îi.aa Ililghvay Cummtsslonert, uni liaojtvshui-Sbi pr isuL may iseeli 11e i tlAcir:iv o! luLeeltbuty ou un suvesttat in lu Wear Si, p'r,tiiulugesuoattilNo. t otk tai t i$ 20 pr tiuu'i5utt 2 gool wort lilv.'!,r tmie,'he t, ' 14-4- . J. M GIDLEY, t'rujrle Vi.. F SALE s itorea. luiniser ws&nni F I,îtîbwoktyjru vF Fole's HOney adiTa tA-EHo'. ni l thto Cures noiEs, pre voistspneumoniL b.l'u , M.G(u? 1,. Lile-ItyviIv-. It BENJ. Ml. MILLER, Attaf... y. A DJUDICATION NOTICE-Puhlli nzitI Lb I xven thât lio u,.'lr Erotor., of the Lat Wli aud Testament ,f Jw!ob Glu.,deceaed. wiii attud t,, Countr Coudt of Lake CeunIr. nt a tern i h,'reof te te ioieii t thse Court Houe, le Waekzau. in vald Ccunty. on Lthe. frmt Moulut ! J(un next. i!M) when snd viiere ail jursons hav- Ing uiaim. tg5iuat ssld evat. arr unotified and rvquev. t t.rrsst the u-no,, to raid Court for adîudleation.JCBP()9 EDWAliI) (GI88 E uIofo i. La.L Wii sud T,.u-tnîvout or Waukezau. Ill. Mar.. 2. 12 28-4 the.Am bt he MWÎ slae . t* I. toîîîî , Di 11,11 1,5 IL lu t a Vth A , Vv [ayllit alu- 1 y reaidqjOo îîoi.rrty uu JirouvlWSS. L SuT (l 'i LEN-l'tlur d tiokaklu Foley's Kidney Cure auakm; kidneys end hI.ddoe r4oL Here are a few Items of interest. li lb Elgin Mils Usu .l8 toI Ib Wire Naili ......... .30 Foui-lI inSort hîsodie Fork ................. .48 10t0t11) ga. abo 1lis 1'. M- C... 1.83 100ti12 lgs..... ......1.63 A tUaeVlora Couet-I...3.30 C'ommun Chairs------------8O Mattreses .......2.00 Bad Boom Suitî....... 14.00 titi tItiSteel Itauge-....35.00 Alil liadu otiF in Wirk promply dloue ut Hughes' hardware and Furniture Store. Wauccads, Illinois. i1(00 Per Cet Profit. Muivane. Eau.. Fais. 12, 1901. Pepeîn Byrup Co , tontîcello. 111. (iantîomei. This lata 10cerwiy tha Ivo sample botties snd eua Mi7.yOflt hofnte of Dr. Caldwell'&S Lyrup ]Pepia, entlreiy curealnie 0ofa aiS»i cme« indigestion and couatlp&klots oao@M by ovar-aatttag aud Wek of exoâW, 1- resailed $500 vorth of beneflt Io M-, ffty-ent lnvestmont. lxsoeiip t JoHN A HaBa. !50o sud $ilOI00 S tg ts eilnfliy te> f>ty ah» $ÂU 8lod by Y. B. LovKt., Lberq«Us.t.. 4'ibertyviiIo 1 a m a b

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