î they ýn1 qu 1 CU fdo M-1 y, and .1ý and th MI' kv y .Z h M rý ý tu. A j-I W-Y thing> gild, Pty- aft- my fr,. pretty 1 many pilla" Dight @tTuýk gardý the ' hý hath ý. the to wat'r ý and W rorl . nd the 'a, Mat 1 wat'h toun;l th* flash- Be.î.ý m.ny the M wLth c'Ptah! ad tait It sent lil, Ibý In tianity ., Rý W'en am-uc cian.. efl. a 1 agiuat meut 3 & ud x .Tard. 1 - lu w1ri', ail ti ý' in thvi S& w tl ebild, put a, a- h n-,r fý h- ill , jour 1ý be bi may corn- fft.b' di e. awbil. the 1) tbr-1 aýay il icht- God. Do Ch lu Tel adopt A- Aud Pl, fý th au to tr, l'-alu, by th th ni tici.n bad bec.r rougl blond wi t h or P, and toi CI wurs they to Te er h with dow i ýTHE INDEPENDENT pUBLISMED WEEKLY. ADVERTISINC RATÉS ON APPLICATION 9URGLARS BLOWN VP 'rHEY ARE TOO PROFUSE IN THE USE OF NITROGLYCERIN Great J..pl.%i.. ni j-ý-ith, Mi.ý Blow. Safe and Rob ber. Il, Mit- and Deatroye IRailway St.ti- APP' r_ CI eaux De.d Italie- c..- to lAfý. Burglan malle an r, i iii iiiigilleut mimating the Beeded t. blam m, ro lerh, Ni i 'i t Ilv t Il Mlle can 1ý tered all ov" ' Ilý 1 'iý" The lm'z ho lars are aIý t l, ilt Ln- n da ed by the vxpj_,,ný About M, the mo- rg thý- I,,irg1a1ý 811 .1t il, tempt to ent" ille -f'. "ý "f Sl tte Duluth. and Rail- on road in EYZ t Il. l'hev elltlal-e - tu the ciel ..,]Y, a.d int,,ýlu,ýl a 11, charge of nit-glycerin In th, ýRf1 A - few minuteii Inter tliere ý a, a report th at 'y woke up the (,ritir, town. i-d ýhRttereil NN windows in the fý)r Mý)1'ks ar0und- ta Whên the ( ro, d got the- th', Of léj in ruins, a "' 1 the lb I"iý hnl ý allght in fire front the < "e- dugui.h,,d ol lh,ýll an march was m.d, f- th'. "te. It las ton Mg to carry ü,,,ay. and it i, th-glit B, lit maiM have been bl- n inta PWcý tOO maN to be 1.ýted. in the iigbt itbe City jail was dtýtrulf.,] bY fire and th one prifflner buraýd t, d,..Ih. ab BREAKS LID-(>F HIS COFFIN. Suppffledly Dend Primla-1 Rývill- While Bi.jr T.k- f- J-il. Four assistântg to an undertal,.er danly dropped a -ffin thy ar, il, d, ont of the Patc- il. N. J., jail. N%-Iltll Y' Ibe miuppoeed corilse L-Le oien the iý,I P' &nd in lt&âan ýald Il, - n't dead. Th, th grau iz Alexande, 1l21,1 been Imprisoned for a >Itzltt IL was called in the momine by th, but did not respond. The Wl ýa1 ýP oued, and the tuan -uld nl 4 arou"d Olbe jail officials were informed and tl'ý Y omt for a physiian, il,11ing him Lhat a primmer bmd dW in the ni9fitý Th, doý- tor cilade a casual exaroin«ti(ýn and pro- mmuced the man dead. ----------- ose,. alm wid Agis -CRU rom In the Senate on Thursola tir, Chin-, 0 i excl ou bili , a., ulodr di t],os ton "Ill- T H E Ut hl entire Moti .-It for ab, t an hour. ln mlli'fi t1ille Ille post.ti a[,- neloirs pr(,dorilinat@t pr pria t !on bill mas considerud and [N e ýy or il, the tqlmillfýes world, Doit- edo Three speeches were made Rgninst ovitlitstanding IWO »Ome- the Chinelle bill ln lis pr"eiit forer. Mr. k 1 a NN'o-athr cuir- I)illillgllllln conjoiding Ille remarks and 11 t aurions drawb" s Mr' Stewart and Mr. Iloar stating their Ilitiotit have Iloilo unatati4factory et aurny "tar'lilIg rutail Ili.tribtitiI,11 and objections ta t hi> bill. Mr. Stewart said liollitéo. be Won Ill vote for flic in usure if it vi 11.4 dula YI 119 . u1door Work. %viril(' excessive the best lhat eoffld bol obtained, as he Vain hors toit mally Mouillent illanturs Il(>- UHILI) PLAYER SPURNS PARENT. bled in Iowa to absorb conncetIng ;inrm BOY TIREI) OF ilis EXILI,. favored the el el tision or Chineise laboroirï, hind vitl, 'o'li lit il), cuit ... r fiolols, Still Sol nuYwhere in the United States, and un- but hl was tu Many of il@ P-0714- Incite of a handicap is the totrire betwelu ti.tied ýitb People Who Ma"'e HOd joli, the saine privileges as bave liereto- Lui Who Allortaloi Il, Kill Pibyrono loue. Mr. li with considerable fuel- tri elort-iler rond clljj.Ioýer. Manurac. Fo r x y -r t to Ilotes wholly la Iowa wiahess to Retor. frriation 1.1-IL log, Ili, vigurou., opposition ta turing is tri bites flor si. Ye.- loue Ille', litnited l'ou S li tic Grace Claytonur and adjoi.ing States. The bill mille As a sequel of III, confession if Luoný the bill, deviari6g lit novur wolild vote not lit, ii aloi thu- in a Doiyion, Oh , bas brent playing in lie aniended go as ta prevent the merger of ard Robinson, Ibo. 14 ývar-Id richoul iroy. for il. An ani'n'illiont wan azt-red tir gorl:us if goods rer- ,ho coulpeting or parallel filles. thoit bc had vi.tiil tu Illard'r hi$ phoyt- elinainating svetiun il; (If tire bill and . Il 1 I_ ri ar hi - Il. G. Don IN, ri le of Et- in -L n,-I,*rom,. Calhin', "ith Vý , , ýNasliburu theatrical cati ller FORNI 'aille, Jessie D:iiir,, air alopeal j)rubaIdý, :tituting a Provision thnt nothing in hl Wý-kl) ItIýyiI-,v Illus sono. ni, triode (.Il- mother recently institut" proceedings in VAST NANING COM BI N loi 1 diti.1m 'l'he volotint'es: habeas corfois ta "( r Will lie made tu Ili, Governor to preve.t et ghould bu con ' trued to prevent any -ore poss"sion (if the efirrying ont ,! the agriunt front 1 "AI Ille iosu of laý,t --el, iregodiations Jauglitur. 'l'lie action was talien agaihet Nitrile Cvipple Cve 1 foreigit exhibitor fr.. Io country Ir -, ait C.-pa.ien firaitest lot lui' et bringing ta tire Viiited States surir as- mi vonhiduil fi,[. a large salv -if pig but overlooking Ba3. I_ I., hitoints as iglit lie nrec-ary ta enaille firon ai ftirnwo. Ilo-litýri" bellin- M:*, Ida Wilshburn. ho liv" in Buffill.. à. a 05,000,000 Vihich the had to a lonly . .911(l Who happened ta he lit Puy- The largest consolidation lever boure. for lilial ln Maki, ira ex si% illonths. ,ut 1 Thi. prier. is in i - illo lire A-wod on- through in the Cripple Creus district wut thirty-five mil, fo, hibition ai any fair or Ding In t oh,, t'In 1 ith iittie G'ace on a vieil to friondoi. as yeurs. There ho Il,> law, il je a(illlittt.Ii exposition atittii)rize(l hy tire governiw Six ' leurs agi, the mother bound ber child annouuced Friday by the Ný'.ods lullest- bY thOse iliteti in tire case. fur sa -Il Mr. Depow spolie brielly agni". t the servait%&. ilitoiltiolig of the lo-ading inter- ,iat to »tlrý. Washburn on a contract and ment Company. The duel aniotint8 ta noishment. Il 1, ýitIIldY a concessi 1 cMt,, lut ,pot rted bra". ait the prop iIII adoption of the ruMolution providing for mhen placoud on the stand the girl said $4.L«,OM and ln, er- made by the falloir (if tire girl lie plut- the election or Senators by loopular -il. et $ hili oltiotation. bayera lilial, %lie was Weil sali with ber prus- tien of eight mining eonipanies along the ted to assnasiuat, miren th, boy'a Collier In tire Ilouse. solde front tire debatý on tire mo forlutint, as tu srur, Prompt ahli, Pnt guârdian. Judge MeCsI accordinc. lire of tire United Mines tunnel. À ne, and inother beggol that he woold toit tire ri reciprocity bill bille was dont,. inent. Nul moly pig iron, but bars, bil- )y . returred ber to the custody of Nirb. cOnPaaY is hein.- ilioorporatid nnder tire tir" case aloi end their son il) a re- Resollitions viere passer] calling iipon tire lets Ili ,,, la . roil traites are voIl Modd sa NN ashburn. Mrs. Washburn will returu laws of Colorado with a capitalizntion of forinatory or a Iiiiiatic asylum. The cuir, qecretary et State for information re- fer a . I tirer liew loisillestil lit voluproi ta Buffalo with Grace. who is Il yt-ar3 W000.000, divided inte 5,OM,(M shares. provoise was reachvIl ont or court. end garding the alleged rernoval by Canadien tively ligilt. construit- mi of ge. where alle will be traired to telle Par value $1 ri or ibis stock affl . Judge Conklin etils,ýiiied to rite reiliarki- officiels of landinarks alunir the Alaskan rillio-Ill., â4orlo aroy al-ly illoit important parts in plays hih wili bu -.69 shares liaie been issued in PaYment ble arrangement. Tbe boy bus border, and crilling %ilion bute for the re- Wight lie offorod. The situation inay Put 01) L'Y Ille Washburu Peuple. for the properties taken lit. The InVrger tired of his part if tire agreement tiid port of the Govurnur of lAufidana end lorety lie roinjoled Illi 111 Ille . 1:1 leu ren t PRENCE HONORS LITTTE N EG RO. in('Itltles the Consolidateci mines. Ne,, violuted it by viiting his inothur. lie ail other correspondeno-p rulating tu the tiret it is 1 Il.. -I o-plion m'huit ordr boohs Z,-zlnad. Danton, ColumlbinýN'ictor, Bat- - geverely repriiiiiittitloýl by tire anthori- establishment of a Britigli lisse of sule are fi, il ' 01,rocity ri to. BOY M ho Dorcora ted Henry'. Cabin Re- il,- Mouatain Consolidatud, Colombine lie, and hurried lia, k il) his bat. N 0 m, plie@ Iller Iýouiý:rina a 1 the Iiplne ot of W a roi . I':oý'1 I""" 1 1 M C. Bitters at-I. ortill cri Warch and Châtiri. Gold. Ronanza Queen and the U:nited Ibert, la tallit or .91) illiI(ýni tu tire r;ov horses and for the se of th, Brit. Phi Il' ou, and un orgulot 'Mines Transportâtion ellitipallics. Tbert, urrinr. ish aruoy in Sourit Afria. Il liait -s t;iI i s , il( , or Ire- The iIr.tidest pasbenger ta malk clown quently duriog ili, rvinamoloq. of ili.. Yvnrý the gang plaiok of the Deutschland Wlin is a total of 2,700 stotiltholders. HAS Tu, wA-7clï DIIý. the ronde ber dock in New York was Iler- - Saine rernoirks Which Mr. Depoite mallé *'k'iriI,,,.-ý, lit .-ottoo goods lorturally BRUTAL CRIME IN Io%% A. fallu- Ille of liglit .1. lirt Cuinuidtt a young toulatto sent Chiki Thleate.,d mith a Revolver Re- hursolay converninir the proposer] a "ýk@ or III the same stuanit-r by a florist tu nousim, Ali Night ivith . Suicide. roinendinent to thé, constitution providing nid the or wol, il romo M la ro -t 'Vnators by popoirar ills, -Ih rit li and Her Bvotherr M..,der" la the \ la, de-rate the calhin of Prince Ilent-Y on staburbe of 0- M.ilneoir. rs. Id Mosor, ,IiIiulitted suicide lit r the uIo,ý non or S nt loi, ro-turio voyage front ibis country. Th,- Vt'hile returning front Highland l'art, Clinton. Ind_ by taking morphine, anlý,iiI vol in lit., c't'j', of whio-h hl adVerto-Il bers, tý.getIo. m tir the pho .. if Ind moui Iletsolloi 1. attend to the ti.,al MotIoode,ý Church on the noria )utkiriý lOyear-old dauii (If Mr.,ý J. 1'. 1 to eh-f-tion routit 14. pri, il)itiit- ruw mort. rial lo, lones Il or no de-rations on board Eniperor of De, NIIIii,,ý Sonda, Ylu, nuy. in whose huniv NIrs. Muare - "I't. 'd a i hours' debatu lit the 1"i"lill, t-, -or, prolopt dehI, y-lit Hohenzollern miiiie she was in Il.% 1' lIl.ycd, Bat Sultan. ýqI N'o'hun rite Cloino', une. 'tnd '-i 'd'.. Pý oa-d Y M of .19 rirod Thotr'a thii hi niglot mail the to ail, I-1- . --:,ý L-g, lions port, and the iIrin e 1,li bol,, si, Vieil ag d il, if :ý dying Wollo a D, M le ad into.'iditd lier 1- toir bill Il :os III ai, Il tarit he asked that bu he aloi ta Brenten VicIl to-do dRir lloILI, or, oourdezod hy , ith a revolver zig:tillst alai-jjjjjjg the %%as ro- Ilod thil - Iing lip- il slioild fial, l'e-, fI-Iýd f- 11-1t. 'If When he sailud on the Deutâ,hland. At i uilne'. persan, boli',ed t. lie il boosehold. The ,iiiýoI matclood th, lit, Ioýgi. Ille %ý«(ýý1[1('4,lft%, ý\jrý '1*i'Il.ýr Mlle"till"s 1 11 ( 11111,L ... l, lo, s il re bruathing or the il]] loigiot lo'og, the end of the Voyait, l'rince Henry p- nogro. Tbe bol, foind il Oiotlglz :,\y i'f Colot-ad, lit., mellooor, Ill Il oukiog t', - Io I. Il -niud Io bill, a hii«roisolont, gold watch and mas alive, hut Ilied ilhin filtuen villa fuarful lest if ili,, ile- ed the nui-tir lit il-f Il. noa ... taininz tiort ri mots ne, talc f- li, III- ou tho rond hi. a lutter of 'l"m- uteI. not boing libli, tu giVe a description wo Il Id be aroused aid,,,carry II.t io:ýr c-t- rond thnt il -Is iI.,t lit bat boit Ille t Il, Aatioro. ti. t lion , if In no 1 ilianv loros Illolra, of his luisailant. The bodies mi di, Mm. Moore dit a fcw iloinoi fier the tuemLýrs If tire famil) untoi Ille lion- the tire in l'ri, I are -vered 1) " v a farmer. who heur . ri the the routa 1 1 y rond fil. o. al'I'. -q iry liol,500,000 FOR MENF_ -ans of . Mrrs. 11-re VI as 19 3 ,,,s oid of lit,- fullowing I I IlIItt'-e fýI 1 , the dying lait. A. examination Ir I."." V-I III Il orontar ri tillo, Il 1-R, pý.pevty th.t Corail, revenied that botta bati their bleds crula and ecent[Y blivi soit for a i tu attend the fiinvral lit Arlinstoir ieni, tery, of GI'n. a 1,111. huitiroséo and who" Isffl Býi.z. Big Porice. col in and the wenpon tosed la luelieved Io SHOCK M 1 rijo 1 ni (I NIr bal, lielo a 1-1, toi il, urd rio, ed time M". J. P. Muas of Neganne, k. The entire police I 's loir- pl.eed fortse la working on tire ce". t0hi.). NIr. Loud NI,. thit ,a- fi-ar III and ber nephew. GeIrge Lonstorf or \Ill 'tri oman Stricken When t Il -'Iurs fi>, rnil il iloja -ilorol, wortukee, are reaping great wualth front a in Ciýil NN'.ý 1. Lb..d. Mr. oN. Y.), NIr. Elliot , C o 1'. n0o. tract of mini.g J'col hih je 1880 'o't HUNT ROBBERs WITH DOGS. Mr. Clark NIr. Collinlings IN. 'Il \Vbat is said tu bu ..le of the Dorst a Do, are lit l"I r,-ceiVeIi k), appropriation hill mat lent uI trn- Mr. lisse and the fathe, or Mr. lAnsti- ' f Thir.e Tromp. Suspected of Steralinair coller death Mr, AI;,ý). Toi, 1, f- lait -alY $15.000. Tb, tract la ne of '-124 New York Board ý-t Ileaitti in nay , édroc, lh'or, ill'. t'.1 acti and oison il je located the Negaunee Mail Corelli by ladiapa P"ý* on, A. uxýoting mari hunt oi pis,, Ileiir 3cars bas heen tilI] t'le 'R'l' or ounf. rooo. Io t ti.o.- trou mine. A deai tires plosed the ciller furd-ille, lud., the famous NN Bridget O'ConnV11, year. oid. Il Irving conoer. undVr leu .1 ai 8 bat ber dent-, was (foie tu apu- 1 of !il. ('Il! in, "q's. 1 AI I- ; i'. day with a Chicago in blooldhonnds boing usud. Aft- 't c t 1 ooýý:ý wLich it gels a firty-yeor lI'aýe or tire riii)iiiiig fight tlir" tranila weru erre., 1 il ý idoxY causer] hy lier hiiýhand«s deatil in il 'o clo, 1't'ion l"Ilt f- tioI ".,.k io ri, 1.,4 In In tir. iatit mille open payaient Thuy are bolieved tu bave committed Il tire CiVil War years aý Il o u -i lI,.,,t -f sat ..... . 1 og - ý,'I oýners. The bonus '0 tir' 'N 1 ' ' ilday in lho senate, Th.- ri- '-t ho, t In th ' mail robbery ai Rochdale, wher, il . trouc -. 0'CýonauII paraly-ci on oal history of the Lake Supr r district. Th,, sidu ben she wa, infonied Iller levirt un th, l'..'toffice .1il,,If"i.iiI,, loil 3 ea r ni mure aw., f-n' lot, r a. a g reel 1 t., and a boit a"ilh. I IIC Ni -oot ooý i,,JIIig royalty tu bc parti in 30 cents a ton and dt-Ist and rIflI.,l 'f valu am, husband had lost lits itfe in baille. A l'itIlý;Il'y to le , the ininiulum output will bc ýffl,0w tuus .-.11 truite bro,,gint tuait). 1 ...... k te prollerty. The tramps mure heevily arin- 1 ild lire il-, qon ,r Ils brio 'go 111 4 lb;ýl17 lant ILLnually. ed. but were overiýwered by a posse and REVOLT IN FRENCII 1 Ir, :il 11).. wa, MAY PII)STPONE MT. LOLIS FAIR. io pli. Ili. k t1il t. Il et il"s Il. I . 1-t pa- ed, lit il,-- the a1,ýndoI, v, lN .],,IV 1, 1),ivc. Notril lot. u toutharrod. N.tiv" Oflicisol. entiro-ly I - I-d ,. pi III if-tý ,, - k,ý zi g:ItI J Cherirranolon S-Y- if Buildings Arre Nuit la Grgut County, 0. T.. Mrol. Peopfii - mil L-It Factrirri- roll if illo- ri 1 177 111 l'ý1,7.!I7,1 Re.dy Affai. Most Go oý.ý. a lIobemian, kilied ber husband b) driv The French Nlin,>tcr of the RI]. and t1hai R ', - 1ý 1, - or Former Senator ThoaIsý o, ,- I- Il. Carter of nuit intOýhts bled. Peuples. Wh M. Dechais, bas the relwort of a yeoor to M- NI, lI,11s u-c ai- aý Montana, rhairman of the National 1-u- ing a Il in French C liot Il - --k a ,il bilans Purchase vus . fariner. went borne dr..k. boi ho, re'o ( ungil. On March 4 a passed providrog foi, :on lulhL roi , ri toit ,j j,ý -J 1 MMIl Io Commission. m ha ha. moife, Rail oirent ta .1-P with boa h,ý.d large body of ou iV_ came domo the judgo, lit Ille ýjotot .,f o, recently been la St. Louis. sailli test Ir batiks of the Sangha river. Tlicy Io-)tt'-i Nom Yorký irait f- Ilt, Ir, leaaing againgt a pine partition. Site lotion of tIte the wOrk Of construction necessary to droire a exil through train the other bide ail the factorles, massacring ait the ofli- petrified forust national park in Arizoria. maire the exposition a suCcess cent be ciels, Europe.o and Dative, nt tire Iý, for lit.. 11.o- bulit ln time the fair will be opened, but of the partition iota the man's beadý kili- D'It If il appears that this cannot be donc the ing birn. leinpa. NI. Cazenunve. direetor of the The hisiun bil; - vopio , Company, Was troll d year. ()ri account of Sangha Rive ed aloi il Ili.. so'nale. Io I f:o t Il I., directors wili set the dut, back ... thcr Big Flotroi- Mill» tc, CloIrite. the factory. -litaining gouds morth aloi -Nit Lortorin tS, C.) ;-d ti- loi, ý-f h4v'ng 10 Pal a lremluý (M. was pdLoý,ud. til Il. Nit. -oo, tý. 1"Inh, , 1, u! 1 -.oý Io De.Or.y. a Church. f f rom 1 tu Il/. ce nt3 over May mii-1. il,,- mas il,, The fittit supposedlv jurendiary toirether with a dechile in the deinand BOON To CUDAN CON% ICTM. South Chicago withi ' lire in for flour and bigh fr,,ght rates, about -A) lative of Ili,. t,,-:Ity -th l'Id "as lu- -il 0 tweilly-four hours calculit toi j"eVent A no-I "s , olour,11- 1-1, 1,i..ttgIof il il- 1-rol de8troyed St. liatrick-8 C.thulic Chorch, per cent of the Minneapolis flour aillii SentenCe. Reduced tu M.raork E-Il if liol il, Ille fa, E-t. Whil, Ufa. 111, loi; ýo,,J p.o0ýIg 1 ... APread ri, adj.iloing buildings, sud de.pite have lowd do. a fur ait iudefinite luagt. A -Re i-la Raie. the efforts of the firemen threatened for of lime. In the 'our'o, of windilig Illi the Anierl t-nIý upporting the pdlo l If i gý,v- -oo ...... iýI od, T.-eý of C (*an aillit.irl 'occupation ut Culia a do c -ruent ou . . helo 1 «Ihia, - i., il, [Ir- , 1 b. \- 11111 - 'l 11-1 :1 ILI a lune tu deva8tatu a large portion of the -thedorai Falloir. DIII intained thi, vol'id I,-ý lie i d iIitI."I if ilu di, l"d J IIII. district. Il was not q-,11,d outil trotter At the close of the (elubration of a ('rue bas h- i issues] grantirig (-oijLIoII1ý, b un f the present law. NIr. ,eký il,- Il!," il tu lion varyitj;z i-m a quarter tu a half the y greilt da-age liait il,,. donc. grand mass the ramier of the aille,], i If "f tfoose survint: 'en Lannoblivil tout iIt.ý 1--, lI"ý,liIIg Il, ý.th' TWo Di- wn-li in the Oh ici. Cienta. in Madrid, sud dest-y tentes of lil, Ity yeart, or lesl. tt ions of . 1 oItýIin, 1,11 -oli'l v't', ý,ff 'l lot., By the Cap^izLng of rite towbuat Acorn loi tbree adj.itiing bou.,s and part or the haviIg pl.ding mill honfit III, il triol, Wollo I'bioa and o 1111ty ,I.iatrs. Two b"dui and a Bomber ut hi, IIoo aplo-al. a,,. w wrovk loi> If tir, t h. - 1-1 11, 11- 'l"'. I, ti ri, t 1 fi, et "'ttsburg, l'a., Caloaln Sam SIIvoý, 8 injureil personz bave bé.- rt.ýuýercd frour AI] of Mr. Tullor brietiv resporolo il (0 Nir, Mont ;-d ili I., - .1 - A r. , u loi wrecker, sud Lul Legg, a lireinan. wure the ning_ 1 1ý - ou drowned. The cosli, Nora %vas loir. 'Irging that the rght l-, iiIo-o)ýz:tie noir to", j., .1 1, 1 1 1 - , . under water while il" -uck, joated t Fi- Ml. of P- Killud. 1,IatiIý, fuIl -'oi 1 tire ho., 1, ýpr Io -on, ZF"I't m'O Kilt> 1 ..Pl- in QI .... ri, utiles d.wn the river. fooud 1-'le lortronlhers of a jsuoo, !il the Culin r,-Ijoo-oIitý d.hato, ..f 11- tot,.- Iý,,t 1 lo, wRs Unconsci-us. blit ait,, hioj work and foor or fiv, D'eu in In 1-o- !., Nub., to lit- 'Raing, loy rite l1j.ý1It ..f 1b, t was resuscitated. il lavvs Iigiil 14> i, diad and Iuiis 1,ilýi, en Ill, fluor of t1bý b"t lit.. e.oIn- - 11 Illog Iýo . . ..... vf g of the sa- was tookn to'tjo, . t, if Ille li ", Ii,,tlI "di, of 1 f headt-Il hy Janii-.9 Wright tri Svott CI>Uýi ty, Virginie. m liere the band lias bio n joid lit. il ýIooorge of III.t, d the I III oh.- if lit(. si. Iouis IA jt a lu iý,,, lit, - ,d .. ..... -.1 7 biding lit ri,( Infointaitis. NN'r,,;Ijt %as l'he boý. and 1 TrIlst ,ne ut the w 0undcol or ,, (.aI)tu ( .,its If il,, lI,11 ;oI m 1I,. 1ý,I. là., r -il [uoil gant, oý fi, W ho I', . ..... Can uj1jIoI1ý or fortned -roi StulII - , ýtriik, tu III, troggh- :o, a, os in SC Loui'. Tho, ru- whicla Tri juimpos the Tv-,k. Io InIde. ble ma, onoode 1, Ihoi, hu Iiii- n lis lit, Si, 1,,oi, Union A freight train un rite a il prioti-d Il, III, loi, TIII es Corniott'y, -k Poto, Rý,.,er. Proloti lias a tu, of Maine ItailIai] an Into a. NIv- sud - -- ilois of ut W aylond. itlutped th, tntil, q lie ltlzIi :oothoritýo-, "'d- th, loi' II-,,,,i, Iowa Annentl)ly Adjou end. i tbe froiglot bouse, il leet >,Iýi,ý,,,ýi,ý,. fi,, th, and NI, roi YI pomtion. as a if thoir efforts tu loin don The ri d I ma'8 TwertY nilotIl Geileral A.%s,,jii- jadkin,. and Bralien- N'.*illi;ýlD Su,ý t il the uoiý,o ho robiho-d lit,, putot'It "f Ind I a .... I .:Il o... ý,u Ir, 1, ort 1 b I., uVý.,ng, illouxil I.,Dd, -'u ii ""lu th, gimoi titat il IIo, ... ... od,ý -tlili-ily the os truilvaused tu hir,, stokr, po-opt iy rotir,ïo-Il melfare ýIf thý' t'. tai- Ih.. 1"" t adi-u ' ý,od ut nocon. Tady action or the Sny. He 141elà, Mi- J...,tt. $80,000 il, Autericar, bond, Ionferen- on ilII o--ýIiI-I - or) e.roll'd ['111. caugea the Prof. jo"ph M. Miller in Dutroit on- - - - li io ýI 1. 1 C..fe.»I.. A-.kc. 1,11 moto a, 'h, :.:tý] :toi o 1.11- 1 1 dolaY. Tbe session enacted about 225 fe8sud In toulmitting the aitirder of,( f lit(, Ille- 1.111o ', h- fig"IIýI -,ai uel la,$. rie M. J rrI-tt. She ... oo, o the Mr.. Croidy of Botte, NIont., Ir "" I C1-IIIoýoso. ir'io cr.-he» . Mazoute, pupil.s of Miller. wbo is a ujuýi(- thut elle drugý;ud M rs. Pro Il 1 x, a . H.-e. Il, th, A blok of ou., and woos on ber waý houle front a ludg, idow, uni] r.1)1,ed ber of lier d!ý tie fell frolli tire roixtuen 1 t 1 Il 19111oli; haIr a ton loetilig wh(,n bc kilied lier by euttitig ber. Bodies (if lire. Grady's 'niielintId and son, Ille ligloi :II ibi, il.0i f.., - nu l'Ini Attor Ilotel in New stOrY Of the Devi that. on wbose lies there m'as insu'- Tho Il l'ill il,- ni inoal (d! Yurk and (,aehýl M l'vol Ing loisir If th 1 1 through the roof of t ho est ol il co, or liard*arý M-roa in Combine. RD". which wae porid to Mrs. (;rady, are 1 111 : 1:1,1 w s James Ev,,ad, ta be exhumd. office ,a, The the lo-Wer. Fifty harofwâre joldaing corniAloils of deticIoncy apit-jenation bill as No one was bort, thoogh the United States m, a Voi in a Firc. ith a rninor an,, ... ohnni. In the fiftur, lit combine on , pitiol Many Neair M n, I had toarrow escap". of $12N).000,0W. The Company in Vire which Il,,tr.y,-d the bli',k ait o-ffort -o, l'tordu arzlin êd by Maure & Sciolly. and nearly III in Vittolburg drove thirty faiiiiiilot front Chu rzu t ý. lit note, Big l'a- Plaint 1. Barocci. bv NIr. 1':I, lit- to ,o ,, I- lo F3-0 t, S7.2Nýý hug,, grad, , Fire that bruite ont il, III, plow trolde centern of the United States arc their bornes. The block wai a 3-istort, 1 li'ilIit Ille generaI oh-batI, .Il lit- Cuiui $4.27. t., 'là,elo. fair tu llou , $3ýtXi of III, SoutiIcn plow shop represented. brick. Tire limites roprvad Il ith %vonoh o fit . . ty 1,01. NVI., n lit, lionte ad- 1 to 2 - 1, -.1o t', ý4iiý: bus, Ohio. doictroyed the Pleut. und u- Kilt. a NI.- 1. self Drefertouïe roildolity rond inany narrovi escapei I -fi, eu , Io el. Il,. tenants 'c'e moi -Nýo> _'. GI, lu 4oc tbat of the Columbus iron works, bi Judge of the ri il-lice t lio- hu to ý1),ýak. The two mliole blocks and a waruhouse, court Gigriroi Ni-- -- thiring tho. day Wa s, vi joartei "' 421 : rYlo., No. 2, qI toi 7>5,; horý, lit. rails- in di--harged Charies w steel Company. roi; a loss of The rign ut the Anderson, who allant and killed Williain Arranguioo-nts have been coinjIlet(,d for ilitert-It. The si-Il'ors mure NI 's ethlv. el.O) Io, $14.5to: prairie. lis 'JN), bortio i- iý I I ro oorý. >I;o to fire la unknown. Frarikil lit South Eurlid. a militari). Artur tir(, formation or a gigantic rival ri) tire Soc alla"Il aloi jKyj for t 1, t: $1, 1, I'2ý t, I.II ; potatouio, a liner 1-aring. the court suid It wag a Vnited States 4teel Corporation. Th, IIIII. and Ylessrs, M Ný' S rith - - ri;... Dia-ta in J-% Re... 19, T, S. I lier 1. Word lias beeu rereirred or th, loin. or clo-ar troire of self-dieforise. new vonil)aity will be incorporateil in Polytoit INN'. Vaý), BIrgiý,s oTvXa,ý. M. ý- Icoliatapoh, I aille. $;iýiM) toi Ille American ship Irali'loid ln the jhI. Murdrrer Get& Life Trenton. N. J., and will have a capital of or IIýM ) air(] iUtah) $7.11); h,9ý, I ligiot, $1.t1i) t, ý7(X); suas. She was manned by thirly mpn. Severoty-two bours lifter Prur. Jolie L'a IL i o-,I It'I'n to $*-,..10 to Tire dispatch de" not report the mafety M. Miller Mins bout, NI,. _", 76, to 771 ; vitro. Nu. 2 SI. Jun- C.re. tir Barrira- in Anati Note.. White, lýI, to G4, Nit. 2 viltit,, 'l'h. L'oulou vi..neial News suivit it la ýf hi. -. . o- Touth Confei-m a Morde, 1 Mumford Cratt, alias "Jack" Coilins. 1 » yemrs obi, was brought from Wise. VIL, to Oovington, Ky. Lâter he 011- qq M that he and à companion, whom lie 1 petimmed te naîne, on Jan. 29 last kilied i * ruffl mâïl carrier in Magoffin CountY, Kentucky, and secured $3M by rifiing *a mafl sack. Operation Upon the Kai"r. Emperer Wilham has undergoui, a sur- gied oper*Mon on the face. a fa(I th t Domine known when hQ canceled an en- @Rgement for himself and the Empress to &» at thé Auztrian embassy. It is 4aid the operation le not merious. @e« Bâillennium; Man to Fly. Rey. T. I. Nichols, fouuder of "The Çhrindaz Bretbren,'* who arrived in St. I»uis on the mission ahip Megiddý, sa3, that the millenniu. will corne in ln 7eu% and that when it doe-s mankind vu be awe to Sy. Bigg Iglevator U Pla.ned. The Conadian Parifir purpoýs building ge eleirator of 1,OW,000 es- goebty ait Port Arthur, Ont., at onci, and ** Caliadian Northern alffl will inerease tw elevator capacity by lwoOOO bugh- CW T.x o. G-i. ..d FI..ý. Bir Michael ILeks-Bearb, in budget Matemesrt in the Dnglish House 01 Cola- ràoný14 propoued revival of ancient doues en ViLin and fleur Wause of beau war cout. Britain'a balance sheet for thý year shows delicit et f-58,OM,(M. Giv« Bith te Fi- GiýI. I«kb Rhodes of BaiIeIý't Gap. N. Y., am»"C« that tais danglite', Nir,. Jmeý b(eGlowan. aged 28, of 'rucker', Corners, : birth te.live Cfiiýjrv"' all gi'l', and t*aU are 4 ing wel Fast Ru. .. thý 7%@ Burlington road has niadý i,"bIIý tbe deuils of a r-od-breaLý-9 nn, of 14.8 miles, frein Fý,kIy týý Wra made Marct 24. '11w dist-ance was ered at the rate of 98.1; wil- an 1wur. Plu- f- Prekdent I1aý d,,jffiLýj to ai)_ point Jobn S. Clarkw-, fýrn'- l'i-t ,4"gtant P-Trna.tc, Gcu-al. or the port of N- York. fi Raliroad cotnpa,,Iý treight handlers' demand fýýr Iiigi, i pay by CrI ating invrea., t.tati..g a M(Ynth. Ohi. Offi'i.l. Rýp-týd Sh-t. Report iil,,l at cubes thirly t1irf, 1-illui &Bd geven f $ZOM in ýi.lati- ,f la". Dole Will Bý Pr"ident lt--, li Dole'q lar- rant Ila waii. Shower of '.%Iud iti the L-t. shoýû, f lfil,,ýg t-, u,ýuut,, darkened th,ý ky and jotýýrt-d at PýChàt-j-,, Ný ) . Nýb-.k. B..k R.bbý,1. Ile Stat,, B.nk at Nlilbg&n. Nýb., a. bmkýn int.. tl,ý sf, -J robbd of a all,-lut ýd premident cýbl- ci-ff- tee to lhý,.tigate of çni,-Ity to ..Iivý, b, ýol digra and lt i- ý,ý4n ý ý Smith and -,d 'n cure" b, , ui MartiaWd banda of -'i .,flý tri" are ýl- !. t :ýl: It. 'l Ito the nuiib- ntv oervice. br-ch be fin'-u, 1, El De,. 1 b, Kýllýd by an autwnol,îlý -1 Whec picked up lie was u I-k- au bones and lacerated tl-h. Pi) imie' t«orts were in vqin. the bey dying au âmar after the acMent Nàs. IL $AIL= 1ýM1dent Garman Relief Association. Lm Angeleài, Cal. a day at a tirne how 1 would feel the next day. Five bottles of Lydia F_ Pinkham's Vegetable Compouad changed &Il that, my days became days of health, and I have en joyed e ve ry day since--now six years. - We have u»d considerable of yeur Vgetable Compound in our charitable work, as we find that to restore a pour mother te health so slu,, eau support ber- self and those dependent upon her, If such there be. la truer charity than te give other ald. Yeu have tny hearty endorsement, for yon have proven yourself a true friýnd te sufferi ag -o- tnen."-MpjL E. SàiiýEn. 7564 Hill SL, 1,03 A tigales, Cal. -85M fjý,jt If es- t- V-»I.i Io et 9-1- No other person can give auch he1pful advice to wonten Who are sick na can Mm Pinkham, for no other han bail %uûh grebt experience--heraddren in Lynn, Mane, and ber advicg free if 14 k ri e, fooliab if you don't you are WISCONSIN PAPE . ()N WEST. ERN CANADA. yo "" a"- W "' b S..k.t-n, t4eakateh.W.., 0.. Iur the F .... ed 1)1.tH"ý The followilig, clippeil rrom the ver- c()Iumn8 (ýf the Eau Claire (M iýeonsjL.) l'endir. is but Ouf Of unij'y letteri; of a oliiillar character rhat illiglit lie ptitils1lê(t eoriverning Canada. the land if No. 1 bard sud [lie b-t eiiitle In the voijtawijr. It Js a sliuple inatie: III ravi) the lau jý ýj, ifi, Canadiali ha, ilig agen--s Ut ,*! J'n"I 411-1 Duluth. Grâftuij. Ipiikla; %Nâtrt"%Vn, soutl, Orrialia, Netjraska: E;itjsite Cifl. M,, isiniri; Des and Milwauk-, Ijjý Indiauuý ari and Petroit. and («,,Iilr,,I,,Il, (011ïo. nud bv to Ic ..:Ijllllg arly I'f the- aý-lL lit Ihese J-JuI, fliti urolination -'l i ý- Ured '11,Jl ý, a great ....... . to --ure a IIInni. rive If c-4t. I', >f ". i delir, III plii, lia'I. la"d'. the-V -IL l". I.,IiiglIt il., :il 1, lh 'l' NI exilt in a fi»,% ln litl'. lt 1, I*.-ýil , -»rI-rrI- 1 1,, tIp, .1 r TI) t1w IýdI1ý,r I'f the 111,hë rilsh (if the land Vjl lie ý the prairie provinceii of the Doulli, .'u of Canada. The AI 1 ureutents ý,f a 91)11 that yleids 44) biffliels or wheut te the avre lire tImi greàt te bIe rp.mi.stiJ Rr'd lin lininen'.. lliI-railý,u froul ihýIi .,Iltitry Iliaý bu preIl ' 1 1 -d, l'i-ple here a[ ri-t âz tiie idva Of auY one 1-,Ikl lig th- 1 inteil Siat,-, for Cariada, but iIie ail!il,,ri ties kne', III.> % haIl a th1w_ý anil they sin, k t,, Ji- Thieir "ftL lut. - ýýIeI1I y lfle-ý, file valli,, if printer'M ýtiL'. l'hiv ilo 111 J.-Jjjug Ille 11ris coulill'y kli,,Iv fhar thele lands xere there aini that they were a, The., did rht.., " .nt ('lit wl)4., jr rit(- tr"i)g rallI41 and I'f li'e gra1w %%e haNe ha 1 theili IIPII. :il fý,ur fair-4 pre.ided -er fi;. (If gentlenilin Ile plaitied the Nah- tii.. lands alil thf. riIln,- of the .,ýj t-il, Io *All this 1(dIl Ili the 1,,ioz riin, sev- P'al 'ent Ill, 1- 11, t-, ;,v ont Ihe land '111IL U- Calh il- 'I'n of neh, and ILI. - n IIf -\,Ili. ha'i' il and novi l.'ine tup I,111 leq', In a f .... vek, f-q viLle 'ipon f;IIIIII, lhele. and oth'r, :ue 1,1IlII!-,Ilg i ýI fi 111 11 IV ()f I -ule mm 'il ,,Il appoar ý),- I-d Lit the III-a I'f jI,ý' ('ne Ivaving III. alvl sfripe, [,Il the 1 Id.u J'a, ký I.,rt ý, 1,11 il rie, all. al'Il eq 'I'rieil, - bas 'H'ai in MlI, 1'un Ir.,i aild Iales out .f a a L,:in is HiV :LlIISt iIairilltiý' IL,> cail inake il- ' V and d', Iýi, n1"sý bailla FAltilkST HUSSIAN ?411,1,]FT. %% ill Nou 4- if fia, ý' If lo plant a plenty of this piolin, inillet. 5 t. 8 To». oU ltiI-h Il»y P- 1.1. 11_ es- J- e-tubý i John A. suizer I. , I.a , , -I-, ýý is. 0 and fTiIý[ il, d, -U n'IL (lis- oolor g,> Il, il - I Il -!II 1'lý-I'NAM jL)*I,:ýý sId 1 Illuggists. Two hottl- if 1 ..... . ( nri. fIi Von- M'inuption n". If a 1c"ibi, I.Itigh.- Fred lierniann, '-'In týýix a-nue, Buffalo N. Y.. Sept. 24, 1901. Fils The 111suirance Vogeler'% Curative Coýnpound furnishes the ben insurun(e ut a ViI fV 11-11 I-t. The ýrý winch it hal marie i)f bloud, nerve, ,Iki., li- and kidnv a- Mogé fi insn"3 lie developirient of those (-\ i y duy ailments, LI liiih are a ni,ý.:I, I, to lif, and A fm doses f -nstipation, beadicli,, riervuusness 'Id ir'ni, A fi" surnpl, boide III bI, ,ni il appli- 1.tion In ILI, If ýSt. J,ýobý Oil, l.td,. Md S.1d by .11 d,.ggit,. C P 11 111 (ýI- I ha- U-l st, 1, 1 f '-era) y1iIIII f- - 11 filid it Iýe lia- rl,, I.cf, - IiI,! public, 1 hIii a -, niy ankle 1-t -, I- ýI-,d Iýï rising (Ili IL., i'lorougbly ured. It acs like ,,ugi,- AU ty frýen4% in Gorlestonthrough il bavingcu-ti meare c using it when occmieni require, and say il hl c Worth lits weight in gold. Some O"ble Ài YW to Wè- men by Xm IL ffler. " Dw£a Id». PfflitEAU:-Wheu 1 passed through what la kuoivu as Ichanteoi life', 1 had twoyearg'md- fering,-eudden heat, sud ma quick chilla would pau over me; my aretite wàà variable sud 1 never could U kr