LAKE Vol. X-No. 29. - COUNTY INDEPENDENTÎ Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. April 25, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. POOLROOM MEN DISCHARUEI>. QUEER XMISOF SUICIDE. TUE POLITICAL SITUATION. Wshwtoday a large line of ail vool, part stle noble ta Maire a Cage, Wuuegan WMen Saturaters Convention on To-tiay ini C arpe s m i n otion ingraîn <arpeta from 6.5o t10 NlayLibetvvlle ownHuit 2-, 1,r.,ard Alan snome rici su iandaiomo Ma Ieopen Lortllard. CohiingWflthKereoeene Lilrvvie owmalg é rt.%elve t and Brousets 'arpetsanmd l Then Applie. M1atch. Art Soluare i8ln Brus1m, grn and Granite <esigis. 'I'lieliue o! Theaie rit bitUie between thie ltzenas-Thui afternoon ln thie Lbertyvilie colore and the as rinri d eycmplete A new assortmnent of Spring Leigue and Everett gambioe hare- Corotner Taylor WSI ealled W0 Wuke_ T own Hall wiii assemble taie republi- aulted ln a mont deetded vlctory for gans Hoaday 10 o biild u quest overcluiforces tb ielect delegales ta the Alter se ectlng tie quallty de8ired, lhe mont and Summer Patterns. thie latter. taie romiaine of Mie. A rahiam Antar. c. enatonla and o areîulal riLMt iii 10trbea t thng la Uoiic eneolrec uint. W.)n>d --Bd" Whte and Harry lioiand, of min, whva oin il to1dealh ai iday cneatJ. u oreuartcdats enlariy Th pics ane rbnlme es. mdc pereard d Chicago, have been acqnltied on taie evenlng ai a iecit ,f ler aindecide between taie variu addts panSrv n:a 01 e ad final charge brougi 1ag9last them n adlberage se. AeendgDraprperices, if alio fo C aliland select a Suit, overcoat, or îlwpooîrocmrscase. Thae jury deliber- lMr@.Antaramnian ae aomoly omun nepreientalIve. L cevandi,>niuerli anrod ated oaly a ufttle over a half boni0 ieisa ita rti.idtcn Before this paper reacbes many of La e u- ains ato lge, ne sd trouse rs from the piece. Thursday evenlag and touchaitd taie anArmenlînL. Wfl tirent v er o~e rshen i yd e. ricesgup d 1w h verdict of not gnilty la Ilince bllots brother, miolm, a Young mas terefore for ns topted lt treont, largest awtotnt ee n lae br, f an inducement, yon Bshonld la ntimly.Howeeret ime vîit tibs depar aet "c he w Rnled Bobtilueta. Noinghami, four voting for conviction on an ln- perbapa 2(j 7515 Cs«e. [o alo9itert cou" atmi.livvr a ie Brusais Net, ppiqeoddNets and tire fancy rufle.d lvisa c formai ballot and also on a second of Idra. Aatraud" *bu live lu ataue-of going 10 Prets il look@ as thongiG MoIualin curtain-$ 11t m er pair. Alan the. riîfled Bolîhinet, By attending to it im mnediately Yo>u ballot. Thie third ballot wv@assaaut- gan were mach leved e va I ~~LLyon vas la Ole od. (Of course dottcd and figurdSwàs 'u N titd'Esprit ami liruadie by get a better sellection from mous for acquittât. montais igo ab@ aed taie Armenia r.mtaaslisnlde etiongs aeyr c aî l'lie charge on vailciataie mon vere and lbela tari ieohic4d thelr averionsbt ulesdadcs fom li eaton which toch os. red vws for keepiug a POOIroOm. to hlm. 'rhis lad têlroîuble, of the county tire vrong lie vearont soaFitu s. W The evidence accured for lthe alite bY Balda, evein algaoordiag ta lestl- vin Yil I oJUJYY LIs koop a complote taie Clt4seus League vas an, ladelinîte moay ot Mike liafflaihe tintera badl Judéon A. Manotu, of Vernon te lalnie <il col oris la md aceta.n tit ev ercastboghttica vsltngMia Asaranta. Uononr opinion tie -compromise candi- taie ordinan vîidtai vin 1'wabadte, fi green we keeî tie :17 4-,48' and and ncetéon tnt aili prsosi hougt ben isiingM".À*tr&m . Uo 4 linh îdt afi ade. We have aiso arranged wltl a amliable saie CO IN NO aa conviction vas possible. Whitle the their dcpartnie b«e Lnabaud rognon- date' looked upon vîtai mont favori faotory t0a aipply promptly, on special orderatuy color, v dtl anid COM IN NOW winea«,la theln ova mnd Veres strates! vîta « i 8sag, o"Whjdo yoqMmd taie one negretabie lhlng 1lahaidd lenglhaui@iaadeslred.Gomplete line of large aAmait Braàsa i, confident taie moa ovncd thie place, a&l ha, Iheu ber*,* mg 1am gou >gonol sel loto taie gamne earlier. lie (arlaîn Ples and al kinda of Flitures, aclndlng Curtaîn Stretcher the evidence laiey shovad Up vas th*$at lave ln laie mowAM." lier repU vas vonld not allo ails namin hob conl. S T J5~ ~ E N E. N ~they Bmw themn lathe pcolnoom. -"dont go, 1 cs't 1ýe vîthoni pou."- iidoed Datif no litenals chances a&l 0f 'course Ibere aros other Indict- Blating nobit mu. Young Haaaon iay la a compromise and If Lyon and LNS N STEVEN SON9 ~menti igaînat taie gambiee, btit la11 vhoLied retlred gel Iut)' 10see If al ;stearni arc inyvay -"cloue" la to.dasynR __ O gigt ic difficaît to,secnne a con-vas rlglit.Asu ho t'r itaie kitehea content, jar. Niionsa chances are gooui. O P I - THE TAILOR vietlouu. 'laie fIallure of taie aite ae uv a ilsbroU&h..t-a îarumai into iela i vli ean eord, re- Tebuione No. sa. -Wskegan, lulmls. LIBERTVVILLE - ILLINOIS. produce any drect evîdence la taielaie pantry frons V*Icb fumai vere spected and bonored beeyoe tliraItrial Is consldered precedent 10 î@@ung, taie ,oos «h i, lit &fier hlm. ad l do" gaem tbtin lacoite of a deil- vhat viii occur lut aniiequent heur- lHannon trled ln valU v' gain outrance lack taie moat natural thlag la tuie __ loge.toalthe patry but tUe door vas îocked. vorld for Lake Coaaty republcas 1t White sud lollaad nove tells<01 re- Taon ie hein a croast as 0f glasi do, vonld bie to settie their differences opeal2gnILorlardlwbc wiarecntly btrea iug ermi 8S in ychnosiugMm. Matou, and It vonld 4 a . . I ~ ~ i e y 1' t ~duriag tie open raclug esson. 110v thren airrled tn Us u , n larm. 1la Palmer A. Montgomery of Hlgiiuad * 4I7 I i Z eve a ooloomSt Bne siad l tai menlîe siaon amlve mdPar 'k lea nother compromise candi-B cee S p i n 1eve a oiiroim t lueIslndla heraiantme gfl oaerrtiedand dadte,.lie boas een lunlaie race for B.7 e eedrs Dsc 5arrows, apnd teLauntucesrOituose dom and tbrofgl Metioken vladov nome timesand bas made a cavassof Moline, Grand Detour and Case @&id 10 faveur a nommner âeacOn. put ont taie fiums. Thena policeman taie couaty and laon voi itaith l iet!aîw '~rîgI.C lthao ed aem rb aieardoor igikl ol" elemeat." Plows, Goodenough and Flying williited Ilw S)riig lutohinionDea vawilcitaie chan" Ireomaie f lir. However,tais lauail pnrelv eonojc- H> 7lenmy C. unteailuon one of Lake Antatamlan vawr*bllig. ad removed tue Neit week ve vîli gîve neaulta. Dutchmnan Sulky Plows, Moline, SUIT OR VER OAT.Couty' earies »tlon iedet is te bdy.Crackedack and Play Bail Com bomne lu A'ankega ath9 oclock Sitar. lunhieîsuis sohtavhlite fAntara- Another Candidate. day morniag. miea vas lriby burned and It la C. W. Chandler, of Warren tovnsbip Planters, OId Hickory and Newton Leav e yoîi order uli nie ln ithuiona fr 55ithnatcnnlUc ont for thie Domination for sheril!waon promîneat figure la Wankegan and AtI lraI foul plg u biashlted, but subject to deciion o!flaie nepublican W g n, fuiles ures n N ( W anîd 1 will gîlaratil Lake Connty. lie aerved taie 011 s evidence ib thie la@uet ciearly estati- convention. Gent.î'ovellîand Elmer e.->~S, ~ n tee~ perfec-.ut atifattfll aldermanu, ayjona upenvison ilabed lait the weObI had aturted Green of Waukegsn, are alocanidaltes Driving Waon il vas duing his ternis as mayor taie hen ciotbiag wllh bftWwaee tiren gone for the saune nomination. lunge angan reflaery, vinlevonks ad mb taihe AtIy gn4applied a match. FRED C.DAKUrEK, bell Bine terminal vere Incuai!ed t Ber aiassitdwu* into theaniso, A Il goods fully warranted -and Lbtylllusos. t Wankegaaad -oa large citentb butselocked 14Lt, or trhlm and Ibronga ielspensoual effort, heiln turn gai a vîndov. WAUKEGAN. s tsa to u r n e a M -lr. Hutchinson vii boru lu Tan n-iavis show a mont ag.mtic BENAMI HaMIL ER, PAUL MacQUFFIN, bridge, Onaga Connby. VefMOnt, îjiauo .. T . l Osmasai b. Cusaams onsaW% 13ENJAM N M. A' L I»W , l OIaJ d ApIib 518l. 1 n e vaW»la t a . el .h wmo LIETVLE -ILLINOIS. NOTAAY PUBLIC Li, N. Y., and ln theaie l f h i1&43 thnetend to teks beMe. lins. Sorons Lanjon of I4ortaichi- Libertyville Ill- inois. ~~ ~~ «F1101 cuOvaR Lamx (Jorwror SANS, emigratcd vh isaaieparents to Illinois, lBer deM an vsa tel'ilble one. 80 cago hms boesaloft a forbans o1 $25000________________________________ somAdi sock. -~ ,,as ~a iberyvile. Ilin ls. ettln aLibertyvîlle. In 184#6, vaen baly wvase.bura stit not i by her brother vhra died la Bradford Itventy.oae yeani of age, ie emhanked fenture conte tie ditinguished. The England. Apnîl 3rod. P. N. Browa ber....* TZLIPNOI NO l5 is*. * a sla taie mercantile business la Lierty- body vas llteraliy cooked. 'laLie hua- arothen vase one of England'a leading Dr. E. H. Smith, ville la oompay vlth Lyman Spragae, Dnc!nd nlataie boapitalai tWakegaa, tmon mrchîntsanmd Open bis demtai DENTIST. under lbe. lnm aine of L. Spragume A&ad aile ecovery la doubtfal. loft a big csaae. H v o Dr. Charles Gatloway. Office over Lake County Bank Co. April. 1853, taiey removed ta LAI<B R 'r 150 IN TUNNEL. Taie Riversanmd Herbons appropria- office ovr Love l 'aDrugStOrO àrîm. to i .. u. andtoir. um. DAILY Wauikegaa, and li Jîîiy, 1854 Mri n. a vnn ooe alrbl in ilwihIcue uapora Libertyville, 111. Hutehîinson boagait ont bis parîner, aday ven ng con Ciy ou aie.dtion bih vailcai incindeau arord e nou& Fon Taa AD ôTa PM.cceon . cf n the tis«adreu ntcilaho Belley a laborer wvas cruaed betveen paeed lthe Senate lioaday. 'Ihere LlbertyVille. - Illinois DR. AMOS J. NICHOLS ceonue o hean.rg ee l" a car and roof Of a tunnel et taie Lion nov lar no dontit but Wankegan harbor ____________________________ 0F IIICHOof . atobîso vi mruedlabrick yards, receivinig lnjibea vaLilcai yl haeimpnoved te accommodate taie X otir woik liai ies-oro' priîig. 1t's bas opened a Waukegsa Sept. 22, 1853 taIbian Jula reanited la bu detia afcarofra ierkidstietofluk ndcmmecall ai. c iî'iïw i I teum Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. DENTAL OFFICE F. Sherman, vho dled December 2uthti, Bga lleyv u nneihlg u cr cf brck lmdntrb i aa comecilm dane oteplet*i ri>oit can have it for yotir office over rruggg & Taylor'mS. At Iýjbertyville, Butirs Bîoci, over 18"-November lttb, 189(1,' Mn. e taioimtloy tunnl .ia oHe m det b givten ta Uiesmalof te Smih & Davis' store vaiere h ay ie vcHtcblnaoa vwu again ms.rrled i lu caied10 lm10 looou." ienaled ddd fdlltls t b Uns fode -cocue ~~fondrogula'Iy oa WdneadaYs, fron ago, ta lils Anale B. Stepiaena, o!1lhis head 10 look bock Over top of car A aev ichool bouse la t1lieb uaIt on .srîgwok (e n rc ite a IIL. iîo 6anmd a. toasal. M. S 0<> a. in. ta 6:01),p. m. Lockport, 111.Juit as anothser carcame dova thie thesoutai aide nom wehe eur Oeorges 1 Mr. Hutchinasnu affiltei vitaitie Incline frntm the resu and trudk taie Onove. Thie mach bas benu decded amionn o Braday ppoit, Prk Dr. Orie M. Grover. COtiamachncti. lie vas a Thlty. ciraihovas gulding, ails bond being by tae iechaBoaord and no fer have Second dge mosnember of vedged btebeen thie tunnel moof!and maltera progreseed Ibal alueady one 1 carry a eoilnplr'te -toc kof iîght and tîeav y Lîetvle Iînl. tomcopathic Physicen a nd Surgeon. Wankegaa Lodge, No. m. A. F. & A. top of car by tb. impact. M'bon set of plans bave tissa recelved andtire ires a wl malot r <<iE 1Ci L<~aLo a.u.uau, urLu . M, Wakesn hapenNo 1,B. A.removedaie vas unconicioaa but alter- oa exhibition lu ierchanta astome on s i acLE uu.s. M.. Waukegina Comaerv, No. 1 vmwrds regaluesi innaclouans. fialaite southaside. These plane, fora four louetîîîsiîs D. . (ROV R, . [. H;îîv l , aou V,.hî . ; Kiandsi neatal tJonaltory, No 1,injuries vere toc se vere ta perminit o! roou brick buIlding. vere aubmuitted A. . RO.R MA.) s. 1:0i l.l 0ft.3 uî M -11 W11- a ils recovery, iioweve, and lie died lu by Patton il Milieu, taie archtectset Physician and Su rgeon ri >peeuîattentio~n gîven 10 DiavaRbfssof Fanerai services la change <f thcfev ouaye plasfr aeirr vr.d of Wouuî,'uîand f roilîles',etues. Masona ve.hoin Monday aflertâtooncpts et *2 o'clock. To Tite Hepaullicaun Votera tOf By a vole of 2MO fi)84 meidents O! taieC eH KA S R ROCK. EFEL LER, ILLI NOIS. Fr tu<îwx u'ail'ut iii)f.hnîu i l., tc~truI,Lk o tyWnegiScolDsrtrwh I .[i xdu; la1i Cuull,.g'. hl'aiemcrîcCnetin laslu1 djiyo htii eiytie termltomy ilusîde of cip . Libertyville I -lîlinois C.At taieliome of Henry M. Cobunu ut candidate for laie ltoiihlcan Legiea- limita. votesi Tueeulmy 10 Issue udis 10 Dr.H O. . YO NC.Lake Foreit tain semo craîlo' connîy tîvernomInatIon. 1 bave beau area.- taie extent o! 4.5<lli for taie purpoae cIof Physiolan and Surgeon. o ommittee met Suudayand tlxsdl May dent sud largo umoerty ovuier Of lmProviuîg taie acliole of Waukegau ______________________________ assnimc- r-'arr i 55<v -uTsas'.u5. làas lae date for holding lbe couuty Hghland Park. tuuwn of Deerfield, Taie quiticua voted mpon vas for or SUIICUlopolrrklBX. UOZLVLIO.Tîmothy, Clover, Millet, convention at Lihertyville. Lake County, ele'<euî jearsasudl cfile Ibi ngst file issuance of bonds lif 'The. H T Y U S I U D K O Gune------Ilni- Hungarian, Red Top, Aceodlaig 10 precedent ia' Lake "tit, tveuty-ali yeasa and, for taie Waukegau City SeaioOl Ilitrînt" io tne ~! i lO 11LD KII Blue Grass, Conty'a tumfs among democnats gotienlefit O! îhose webo are not Informed amoual of forty thoueand dollars. dire AND iAL INOB OaiPoRE @end ona of tirrnumber t10tlaie idatre toeBay tuât I am 0ciassd &among twenîy yerck froun date of the issue A O T A S I MISS FLORA COLBY Field & Law Grass Seeds legilaaîre. Ihos calied seilfmde mon, halvlng îire,t aosfdolmscIle. A O T A S T PH TO RAI4R.Candidates vho are tîlkad 0f among blasi sacceceful as an organuzar anduaim e lie payable lu one year aller the '~îLtir select a anilt.- P OO RP E.democrals are W. E. lililer and Gee. manger o! large u'mpihiIssla dilier- date ohrli uaoftiesauessdeaz 1 Iant IL? Stock ilanmou Lîetvle Sd Loru a4 otit. Lynch, of Libertyvilieansd Peer nMe- eal branceseaof luisneosi. 1 have aI- luke asuitu t Iteanie icim, lu ecdi îîmphcle about Dow. mort For Suie t Reisemble Prfte stii Dermott, o! Waukogaa. vaya brenu a etauuuch Repalcan andi peauthfreairr dxclusitieesai tvent IS ' 10I ONC "'bave readered goodsecrvice to tieyeamsi,eald bonds 1u0flar lutareet atift. cuevpaea, UULLE lîî.OI. lIRL S .TE PL, Waukenlîn Pipe Line Faite. psrty dnxlng sierY camPaiga, have formPer cent, peu aunnun, payable Taie pipeLlInsGcovetnIclidobe.veen neveu e. and onlv alter ,emi-aunully. Al told:16.1 votes voe li cc o iae 'neol ________________________ 1-iu- on hrve lln T he.ppe inocont an tîfhi u evexpedl îuaiity, sud gel ;Il. C'hic.ago adBgBens ineur Wîukeaba, bigurger] Ion a img Mlrne, do i nOv cast, an eltremaîy saisit proportion o Ti ,dli u ty le go together la laA A ND Y i., lu 1493, tb pipa the spring vater give my consent. 1 thensfor hrope 10taiee votera un tie district. A @manl voteuîri'iliug'teetDa wk a k Wva lookesi for but lb va IbolilRh it oi Dm1ig Toe b of bat egion 10 Chicago, las 10 bi solo receive jour support, maire our store thea cesttritg eioD n t hi aenxYv vee asWu oara very espectfllip, mors people vouîld tara uOut o vuuce 1, lfr e oara P«r. AlilWork Neati y and WRIGHT DYMONO & CO-~ kesta at5er compmny wvbllupurchasiesi 284-2 pP Ânvue A.liONiioMR'<. thei opionsthja did Proffptly D neLîbertyville,Ilîlinois. tie linaovaen lis oigonîl ovnera b-e <iof<> hageil W ga ane very au- -Umm 0imom-came..iusolvenlahortly &ier lilscompte- A Valuable MediclueFor Coutilim a iNîCI e tingo haue . i. , .ment viicaihue staie K. M. Lasuet lutereat BearinR Certifi- lion, vas deoiared bakrupt lu, taie and Coids in Cliflda-en. AIasph eeig,îti Ml F.'. FCo. label. ht repreuIol '-~>~ te sabeonDm UdtnitedSt BatesaCourt ila Millvankee i ayes col theai îgateat esîauyrcp1of soi uchangeod for taie aua-talie hîmît 0 xla eno lu B n r scatsPaal o em . Wsduesdmy aidthteicourt ondsred laie la recommendlog Obîmbelaînsprco!itaîîg.nlrmai Libertyvile - - Ifioi. ludtvidual Reaponibiity, S10o,0oo immediate sala o!flaie propercy. Tai, Coagul Eeody te ail Who arc auller- mer montis frein that made uttelait i manuneeda to krîow _________________________________________ pipe la lu hbid conditioantaie cartai ha,- îvg freincongIts ou cotida' ys Chus. Marci liai meeting, as foliovaaoscltig I*nb h lug corroded laie pipes. A vorkmsn M. Cramer, Esq .,a ahel Iuovna vabai Ma aud J une ........... ........75aINouI. otg. cratu lima stye U&Auudiasa.l teetified thret during taie hat four maitr, of Coowbu, CeYlon "htbubs JiN ' ta4 i tl monltha lie biasirepalred 225 breaks. bosen aoma tvo years sne, -theisCty '..'.'..""'...""" 8 sud v )rkmauship, andla. thcot i n m n lr m an s ,.reai e.Lt.te1la ortaiDsciaylmIcledm teto oAîu...... ....................< urate9m0er- Ioy tc.