Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 2 May 1902, p. 5

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Econonmize. What's that? can we heip yoîî i that Une? WelI, I guems yes! If yoti doubt it in the, ieaat eal aroiînd and we will eolîvince you. In Groceries-.,., We have the best ofý everyt1iirg at the motit reamonabie prites and( We lead tiieniail. We luiy the best t.>.. 1 hail andl seli at a vlome ulargiri. TRIGUS & TAYLOR,&"ý Libertyville, Illinois. a ' Our Jewelry ~Store eu lpply 70 tr's fi ever .aytlilug0 lu tis. moiS cl- bie ass*s "d tait dwigo st a favoaie apil Wl a" b.sdquacerlfoc WC 1HAVE A NUMO(R oF Second-hand Organs and Pianos. Also a fine uine of...... .:VI10LI1N S:::: ~to pick from. TUNING PROMPTLY DONE. Wheels and sundries on hand. DARBV BROTH ERS,ý Libertyville, Illinois. Carpets... ..Now *in Velvet Jixinhnsters and Whlton Utipets. Ingrain s In ail patterns from 35c to 90c per yd. ýWe c'ertainly Iead in the carpet trade. Our prices are such as to warrant your roatronage. SMITHi & DAVIS5, DEALERS IN Libertyville, Illinois. SPICKED UP HERE AND TIHItRqE. ILocal Items of Interest to Lbertyville Readers f C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. In Effect Sunday, October 2o, 1901, 51312@A . fM. TO CHICAGO. I.ROM CHICAGO. wu£][ DAiT. EVEXIY. Depart From New DePot. Arrive At New 00eot. !.ý. ArIi. csv.' ,chlssssgo. Af Ive 11 1ý 13 .... :5 a M. ........rt iie A rie lssa.go . No. 131... 74 a. M.' ...... :,M . M. l . l.u, .1.. . 2 10I. M....... .l41.'n. -142..122i. in. ........... lU115p. in. 12 .34't Mln456 . *~~~~ 14 . 1I ............1:5 p 6.- :410.1txlP . ...............'n su. 14 lNDI? 4a.m.NO. 13 . vIesa. In.. ......8.'. 14.18 ... 7 m . ............... 4 ..... 3 ..2il. . . 41 '. -148 .....5:i,..M . ............ c ifl in..lOvlIl5l.n TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO. VEUx DATA. a VSD AKI DeparI From OId Depot. Arrive nt OId DePot Leave IlsrtylM... Arriv e lsvao. "Y' uscssr Arivi. Ll..r yi lle.11 No. 132...6:25M».........N.. lU . .....O9190.a. M .0........... 4541a.'M. -136 . e'n...... l âý M. -11.1 5 .0 ...........13 p'n *144 ...12:inP ...... ......- dû1. e .M10.... NO. 6.:25.M. ...........7285a.05 lilas Dotlitosocklta bomne f rom au extended soutisero trip. Work on tise grade for tise elactrie rosci la iu progreîa vin tise jaborue larm. D)r.gLmithl aIlstî drivi3g borne 10 Tisompeon Broa, or ilaintield, tisf week. Ciarlie Simths bougisi a brîswn drlv- ing borée of A. VeIlder of leerfleld tbt, week. Mr. and lMra. Jolsu ttockfi are mal- ing tiait borne wîtb Mrî l'euniman for thes ummer. L. B. Hauby usoved l ttubisboinle on DLvblon etreet, recently occupied by W. M. Heaths, this weOk. Excavation for C. H. Averlla boule ou Cook Ave. la cernpleted. 1. (iteason atuite cotriet for lame. Tisose ou ties ick ilt tise wek are lira. Chana. Kaiser, lir@. Frank Mason, Mir@. Kapoun, and Mir@. Sarsah Madole. Thse next meeting of thse Lakenilde ,Cemetery Asociation wtUl be held witi s r. John Bsrbotsr Friday, May 9&h. apentera sud matuns vere neyer lu neb demaud lu Libertyvilie as st present- s true Indication ut unr Pr< rity. lciS<o buaineas man deires bonne fore ssu ad ite lu reuiued tamity lIng In a plealant country' place acceausile go dally cily train 30-1-d. Gus Lange viso bas Vorked lu tise Mascaroni factory aInce it atarted up bas given np ieaposition aud liq vocking for Thoua. Corieti. J. W. Butler VilI open a new Street ou ie prôpertj isetveesi A. P. Staples sud J. J. Jaînlson'a lots, aud conuect- iug Davison street and Park Ave. J. J. Jamlson bas let 10 Ed. McDon- &Id tise contract lu bulld a seven roum cottage oin a lot juel cant uf Geo. Bond'a proîsoctYou Division a@treetý Cils».SmOrith wviu 04cOpies F. Pro- tîne's bouât ou lîrcisrd Street elpectsi t'O vssîste uly let.lMr. Smitis coutem- platea erectlng a bonse but Las noît aa jet decided on a lscationu. Mir. sud lira. F. Protine Lasd tise boudies of tiseir soua Walter sud Freddle diaiuierred itisa eek sud removed ta tise lot Visere tiseir sun Frank V50 bac led lent veek. Walter sud Freddl. died lu 1891. L. H. LitchIsildbas purciaed Of Atorney J. K. Orvia. u1 Wsulegan, Ia Inaurance boîlnus. Mr. Liteislleid yl move 10 W sukegan tiîs eek and vtll bave ufles villutise Illîpoil Ab- stract Company. Tise terrifli vtud wbicis svcpt tise couuty last veek 5ev river and demol- isbed tise big milk station At iRollins. fila ia0w sunouuced lisat lise cumpsny iuatesd of reiullig lthe big shed vil erected a depot snl Intalun o perator and agent tisere. ira F rank Luenberrj vas taken tu, s Chiscaguoisoapitai Monday for treai- ment.fI viii probably Se ueceaary to resort to skil gratliug lu ber case biture tise burmsaserecently lus- tained wil enlirely beal. John Lynchs Ibla veek purcbs.sed of James Clark bisa milk route. John yull Se luppico vwIIls milà by Mr. Clark. We viis isim every succesa lu tise venture sud belteve ise bas tise propar lhostIe lu mile Il pay. Geo. Mitchsel, ut Dlamoud Lake tbisa weel purcisaaed uf J. W. Bîtier an acce of ]and fronting ou Park Avenue. vest of A. W. Waidoas. He eXpecia 10 bniid ou lame, bol nit tla tise lm- *madiate future. To-nigis aIt the TownIl Hl tise Qutnune et Vigisst Club giives a May party. Tise boya bave arranged tise eveut vils speciai cire and it vili eoipae ailtiseoir previolia gatherluga and lisît Il acying a goull deai. Ties trnggle for tisa control of tise eggî cfrtise countrchanbasiscome lise fieroeat lunIbaevisole ra nge otf aim pro- ducts. Evevy corner of tise vesern @tâtes Ila ielgaeicbed for egga by agents for Sittsud Co., Aimoor & Co. aud s tav amailer dealers viso have capital enongis 10 enable ilem o n0 om- pesaovlti hse aleaders of tisa provision vorld. Thse price ticis &heme firme are vill ug supay la belng pualiad Up day by dey aud tisa prospecta forinu- boeavd of 51gb prioes futoutildstrage eggb ne ai tî-andi vinterihocme atrougar vilS avevy dvsuca 1tulise pr" , paidla the. armers todaLY. BxoutraiSaIlT 1ickete. Foc thea 0. A. il .uaup.ant ta ia bx 14 e* ý 'aimait,.Ma 8" 4 er a few dojoa lisa veakWitisber grand- parentslMr. and Uli. W. Ji Filer. lir. sud lira. Louis l'rottoe bave rented Ed. Appoya bouse Ou NeW- berry Avenue. vblob lbey viliioccupy tisia weeký Tise final meeting 0f tue PreseOnt village board va e ld ousa nigist St iici the bulens uf tise year vaa tiiuabed Up and 1ail bills audlted. At tise mail meeting tise uew membera tale Iliair oeats lu Mefmoriamu. we tise meibers of the hadies Aid Society ut tise PealbYteriau ciurris leci deeiIY boreeved la tise as 0f Our aleter idra. Flots A. Dymoud. Bshe vas une of oeartliovely spirite. As a Chisltian î%hovaufaitbfol and devoted, an s triad Ilise vwu varo hesrted, truc aud ln& Bshe posseed more tissu tise oniIqary meeura of that sveet sud kney apirit visicis engagea tise love 5EliMepisiton of tisoaavWho corne wiUhinitise cîrcle of ie influence. we as-asîootety baaeloo uita snest andl active worke larvit vs fitisful lu neton snd oui of $@Mautise influence of viscie &Weet chinleUs pirit lingers ln ont midat a a vmmperf urne. We wuuld iereby record onr greil tulle luo od for bier lite, ber lbors sud exemple, ouitlaudes affectoinfor ber, onr scte affleOM ln ber deati aud extend onr îpMP&tisY 10 ber bereaved tsmlly aud ail thsî.e related by usturaliltea. Muas. NELLiF IS EseL. min.,C. R. vÀ. mi". Bocume WàUey destina lu moiltt tise patronage of papilàs tudyingi pisno, organ or tbeffl. Mi»l Wuiley Me à atudaul t fVhoUmunois cmbe @aid lu prasae. Begin.u thlie îudy uf mu le ttisa early o< f liye yesa onder tise instruction of lber moufler,i aise voiked until elgIl jears, Vas 1 tisen plaoed under lise Sution uf J. Clarke Wliiams, of the Americcu Couîervstovy of nmuac, Chicago. Here ber wurk wau fatlbfullj carried! on un- tii ber tiirteenlis year, 1897. w heu tise dîrector of tise Counervatovj, Johnu J. iiaUtariat, sVarded KMssWalej a certificate o! finocsolaraisip won on marilorions Vrk. and glYIlve iti tise distinctiou of isolding gond until lime of graduation. Tise tiret recAla work Of mi"e Waley wva atheisnugaof tiir- $@eu jears, in Haudel Rail ChIscagu Ber pieylng hma beeu orlticised by William H. ObievVoud, of Chicago,sas abowing muonIs eliigemca, muaical feling ané temparmeflt, caeul and inuntrlous efforts snd lante. Misa Wlley bas a large elîis nluthseoCiy Visera bar sucme an a a leaciser la mucis comnmenbed opon. Iii i-d Expression of Gratitude. We take %ts melbod of expresstug out gratitude t0 ouîr friauda, nelgis boi-a, laternal organtzatliofls ciolare, bsand boya, tisa chouir, sud yuung compînlons of our departed ioved oune. Tiseir îympatisy for us and beautlfui taîtimntaula of love sud respect for oar dear boy bave been a great cumotrl îoOui afftIction. Wordî fstj lc cousey tise gratitutde ve eel. lMay OodblIes. tisose vione acta of love and kindnes bave ligibtened our isurdeis Dl aorruw. MR ANDs MIss IFRANK PBOI\5ý A Teittinsonlal. Hiers l à ltler vritte0 by Chsarte@ W. Bond, a res.ieâtate mnanof Lafayette. Ind , upon bit returu frontan Inveati- galion of Norths and outh Dakota lande ltiste Lund lI.and Ageucy. Il &Peaka for itseif: .. Ater spaudilsg a niimber out asiy inspectlagtielfuma ?DouBave for sale froos jour dIffeveni sitilcea lu isnnesota1 and South Dakota, i amn lad 10 887,c 'bat lu evey ce 1 eleve You iave tailed 10 do ibese tarme Justlice flu jonc prînted cîrculars. Thse black soli la machs deeper lisun I expecied to fiud and It bua svîry fine clay îi soli. "t found tise farmers lu your section a P fine mi pic p ia lu C.i 1~ rown CsucuC. ý4ý "Cut il Oui.'" We bave iieeus iauded tisrteci-m mniucatiouî for publ4cathurs. Ivo demI ils liste receiit tovu caucus visicis ia ciaracterized a a f raud, disgrâce, etc. Tise otiser lnas bitter denunciation uf metisodeand practîcea of promutera of tise Libertyvilie con- tentiug detegation as taturday'a con- vention. Nov gentlemn, le& Us "-Cut it aIl ont." We are ailuetgiburs sudabisuld be frieuda. Wby air our poiliisal differencea bafore tise entire couuty? it VIi in no way rectify matters, sud ouiy tend tsi engeuder a bitternu Vicisnçver îboild exilt lieiaise of our diverîlty of oplinion am regaida political factionh. Tise man visu caluot parttl-tîlis lu pilitisisi îtrlfe vitisout uurailsg a parputual batred for issu ppunenta ta Indeed a narrov nssnded creature. Tise telluV Vis owV sne VIII neyer trade atiser dollar'& vortis vits Ibis or tisst mercisaut becauase tisey oppoae isim or bis faction pollticslly ta nul by tisI course maklug friends for iseif or Islà faction. Auy ManuvWso bopeg lu cunîrol anotiseras action lu local affsira Sy a 1eV dollar'# ut patronage or a yeara asubscription tu a newapaper la of s pretty narrov caliber. Lei un ail coucede lu tise otiser feliow theseame rigist 10 do an fie pleales ve au ciseriaiourseif. lu do otiserwise ta îuamerican, unreavoiiable aud unv<îrttsy a gentlemasu. Herrington -Gieun. AItishe boule ofthtie brideas parents, Mir. and %Mra. ibimaé Herringtuu. visu ,ive just veat of tise village occurred lise macrnage of liMSisId& Herringlon aud Mir. E.. W. Oileun), Of Chsicago, WedInesda! afteruoiflat 5 o'clock, 11ev. S. C. HaokisI, Of Chsicago, pronouniciug tbe worda uiaking tlîem man sud vif e. il vas a preti! biorne veddtng allen- ded OniY lîy itueîliate fcienfî andi relativesv. Tise ILctt.. as attiredltu a cadset bine traveling slit. i1eY loft tue lame eveutng forthiser Chicagos boule, 205 weat VsanuiBuren atreet. mc (,ienutisoids i position as fore- .a. lu tiseSullivan Macine C'). plant. miaa Herrlugton bas wocked as dreaeumaker for tirs. Prullue fur several years and las veil and favorabiy kuovu iti Ibslocality, visere a hisof fInds nuite in viabiing Mir. and Mra. Glen 811000148 auId iappiluemsi usoperoua, iseaitis! sud coutentesi Edwtu l>yflîond ll'asseu Asiiv. àasot me». Your mercoisascarry a Edvin Dymoud died at btsishome su .a lueno! goods sud prices are moel equaI 1teisose of Indiana. Tise Jeterson Park Mouday nigist aitie age Mge deposith ie Lauka lu dîffereul of 73 Yeats and six monlisé. iwue proves 10 me tisaIlise tarmera Mr. i)ymoud vas for mauy years one bd marchante are D"Ing more o the boat Ilovn Meu Su base Cvsntj. sney &issu i n sy otisar section 1 ow lu lise United bbalg. 1Heboilgist catle lu tise early diy,, -"Yon have every velibu feel in faI doriug tiese aîly 51411sud huýa rond 01 lise managers 4amâlasitants vas Stter kuovu I brougisoul lise chaffe o! dîffareut brMehoffices, as counl! îauany oCher man. Of late Dever Mea sfiuer anlet gentlemen, dlo 01suaineas, plueksua"orne y sud blisefialtis isd bSein ailiug and ho it aumahi. corps ot balposa Itlaiîno spent hl i ioers In Florida. ajramyter! te me 10v yon Mr. Dymond isallaconmuialed con- àarolmsolunge s volume et business. adrbe eliby bis iuduatry and Wfidng yen every anneau I 1am," Very cespecttnly yonva, ruglit!. ai. vIf e survives blm. CHARu.UstW. BOiNt. luegra services vere isld ai For urtser Informaion, wriéte 10D. JifersOilPark Tisusdaj, tise codaoge -Lorimer, local ageut, Libauêb'ville, prceditg by ouvtagle l Libertyville I. - iseretise remaina vare luterred lu _______________ Lakesida ceufl rev. lwas» vu ru»pmmr»wS Iv Z Da !4~ U U. ll. M-Nav tmmu s, m vmmow sunnmer tdzy of Liat week Ohairmean E. B. amih, or tise town oozzittele, caiad tisa townîitp caoneno order at 3 p 'm. B. B. Miler moved tisat lir. Smithsbe made permanent cissirmau, whicisa cairied tisougis Dot Vithout a probant from W. A. Desue viso dernuded tise bouse lie pollesi. tison motion of W. E, Davis to ci! eci tiiat delegatea lu tise t7Olluy COOV<1il tiou e vrîted for by aclamationl sud tisaitthe follovlug <radlng liot of Lyon doiegateai) oonstltUte tllelielegis. tien, tsure va u uproar. Mr. Liesue and tise Stearua contingent demanded a divisioniir tise boule on tise (Ijeh- tien. Tise chairman granted tisansd tise Lyn people Veut te one aide and tise Stearul foliowera t0 otiser aide of tise bail. rise ciseirman thoen declared tisa motion carted. l'isens Mr.Denne sud bis fo)llovera desnanded a poil of tise beolles. Tris thse cisairmers refusaed tSi cunîtîer, isoling tisere ia a large maijoritY ou tise Lyon aide ufthtie iouée and tisaI a pul vas uncailed for. Tlseu Mr. Deaue reî1nested ail Stearna followera te gatiser clown- @taira aud organize a contesttng doe- gstuon. bultishey dld noIdu no Tis ecencuasdjourued austîtgreat confusion. Saturday Mir. Deane aud John Ballard appeared befote tise cuminittee on credeulieis nt tise Couuty Cuisven- tion saddatated Friday'a ecoccus azsun- fair, tisat tisey bcd b Id s coucol be- fure tise reguiar cleue sd jourued, elected s cisairsan, aecrelary sud D&med a contesttug delegatiofi, and aaked tisat asme be recognizod. 1Dr. E. H. Sismtis ciairmau of tise regolar caucunansd of tise towu nom- mltteaud iB. H. Miler were beard by tise cormtittee sud fiatly refuied tise îtatement a caucul ws belin1tisebaIll befure tise regular sdjouruud. o tsaItisheececs valunfair. Tbey rel pliied tise Lyon ussjority ias se apparenta uont tu uccelitate tise bouse beiug polled. Mir. D esue suad lMr. Ballard declared tisat severai demrnuersU re un tiseLyon aide ot tise hall wisich explsined tise majurity. Bo le vent--cargas andcouuutar chsarges. Tise codentialî oommlttee by a vote of11l tu 10 f1mai17 declded te seat tise conteaing delegatIun. W. A. Donne Vuas ppuiuted by tise deiegagluu te serve as a member of ntise Con ty Centrai Comm lttee. C. B. lSherman vas aeleoted as a deleg ate to tise Senstortalconvention, 0. E. Cisorciill te tise Cougreualonkl sud C. N. Durand 1tiste Blste. o somimer Lluderwear..... Mi .Ladies' aid Uhild- ini ail kiîids anud prices. Yoiîrs for Buîiîîess. 1912 REISAT Icalld 15ce A pîîrchame of 15 dozexi Ladies' Beits, comtprisinîg a» Manufacturer's sample line -miîl oddil ozeji higli grade belt,,-the 25c, :iri autd 5r) kids-is the s'ause of these Iow prices: MiHs;es' andt Ladlies' sîialt msue BeIL-i for ................................5C Fir L eatiier aud Satin Pulley loc Beits for .................. Fiiiest Leatlier Beits ini Black, Browni, Siate anîd Patent Leatiier.. 15C THE FAIR Libertyville. - - Ilîlinois. IPEOPLES' COLUMN. Ever centamer de Srd DqY ,gtls a Packaîge of irais fret. T e efWet ta0gel Rieger, tht Calforffra Fer] smef djrectfýraietheftrverf.srmi of Crans ,hsm in yar gardai, planitt i"i>1w. See fi nIîw of, d! f dussrilulion. Lij ber t ~ Vi e, F rBL-ar n nLake Conty-ee ee4iai ssokC ltl'o,. f Proitl Libertyviile. E. Wîi. CuLBY. 1-400 FtBALE-7 tOodeli Barigt b»aa Yure briot. E. L. DuBoi,. bibertyville.% **ih,i Bel?. in tise Woriid' stoek. Plies 1 far'nera P l per la FiselsPron SI&Z ii take corn.otieor 14'LuaInsenge. De.»U IIALE-HoîVi îr'oLsrty corner ci' FOIi u1strcet sud MilwatiskfflAvence. Isîso mu eetîiiie prol.erty on Buda. JAssui . mon. Lt brti ville. F tresd Bojuf! £Iîl'mouth RovukansuIryom elacame rous ar !iîtit. Win. to ceiebrmsed Andersion stool. lMy hf ha"e Pllu f range.conuies.oni are sur i .t. fertlile PieS vfS ut la egas l4pe.'t.1 diso.sflf.Onl a or îittiiis IRA S.MI[TU. Y tst M11 WANTEI- We willl îsa Ils.. etseIlhfer~ 180 lMrh14.,1wl. lNDrENDs"aUe F RSALE-Ml' properti' oun p Ftltreet. slo Ou@a t tfor rînt N plns on latie treet la for male eazi termex. m SALE-Lîlesiir wagon wid doubl OFor khrneis. C. 1'. Fishser. Lbey Zillý.110 F RSALE $128bours 1Otiof Isbs Fitrivisa orseS lu tovu. ioiUd .dt nit. For furtiser Informnation MU iet Tise bh31 importei Frencis Draft ."FrSti Biallion Peraiieur No. (1-,697) wili EgloiStig siand si Libertyville itiss urnPIv. Do jon vias 10 raieexblisiln1 Thsis stlluonisas von neveu Uval prizss oS gBar.ed Plymouth 1cel ai tih e od.iug HurlaeBShows lu anada. Ha le pvo uuced by sanme of Our Seat vU iii in lhiottesi cmoUpala isorsemnen to Se oua a1ti s et Draft bave znated tiscea aggfl di4 mtailons thst 1ever sto0d luLake omreana flicpy viau , 01ny.10 oInue e oit. _a_ Ovuati by C. A. ArrisEr, LibertyVlIIEli, si par 4"u. O. e art Dme. ruae aapa. gooti ertlad Dmes6oods... WH lia\ts jil4 redeived a iaig- sw stock of. Simnier i r-- Gu.ods iii I.awns, I iiiîitiv-ix. Liiicîts. Mercterized a il trenchi Giiiîghiaxis wthi wr arrs-Iliiîg at vely iow ricks Als i-i îî-lne of Percales, Krîîiîgiies aitî idtin whit e g îsi s: 1.1 ril )r à Dr bd Underwear ren's Stiniiiier * 4 1-I& Id 1

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