Vo.X-No. 34, Libertyville. Lake County, Illinois. Friday. May 30, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. SMALL POX IN ZION CITY. TRAIN KILLS ONE FOREIGNER., ELECTRIC ROAD (ILEÀNIN(iS. p1gLtethgievan0fhi'Go Two en re onOed a a AnoherHasD.t i.g. ake Car VsiiilieRuning~ .pends ripon 1mw bsd you need tt'em, soinated flousne. la unt Ante a ohLe@TknCr lli lie Ruihe bWeat- wbsn occasion requires their use. Zion City bas two casme 0f &mal pull ward lnînediately. rcs and lion, many tuhabitanta have beau Coroner'Taylor W55 C5Iledl t Wguke. Boue Mair Pins ut -c-2 Ir 5c, 1f0r -le, le eacb and 5ec per dozen. bU Â U . exposed la bard go tell. gan '1usday t0 bold au Lueht over 'l'lie Chicago-Milwaukee Electrc Bone Side and! Back Combs-large asortment........... .51e te 120 *~ IU I ** * ~ ~ Rtecsuiiy two trempa came te th1e th1e romains of Frank ,4avaOX, en Itallroad Comany lssued s ntalcuient Pearl Buttons a Iai 81em for every ose, 8peetal vaines, KE t My jou village aud one of themi ager developed Austrian, aged tw.êtly ba, who wae of tbdlr earnings faut week, for the uuizisakable signa; of &mail Pol. Lis kilie,! by s NoShWeseru train ai pat four menthe, aund iucorporated ln ai ..............0c and -je per doz. theoft asreniove,! 10 the Pest bouse In great lisazies' bill on tbesouit' aide saine was a declaration tha& by Juiy Skeleton Coller rrames forsilk, rilibon or lae covera, - , nonli he WI * grlhaste. lie wabou to.110go up the bill nt lot th1e Lake Blutt-Libertyvilie exten- ecdi .. .. . . . 150 graîtte" utthre reoteîs-the 'htin tuna short lime an appre»tice South avenue wkef Irtin uumber 206 sion wonld Lie comploged and tbat th1e 5uln0rn go aa rns i i gra(itate;" ut thre areothe, lu th1e lace mills who,4ecenly came peasd, Seing songL. lie starte,! extension on westward fromn Liberty- CrigIos odrlal rnalszs...... I >M her ion 11e esiwa tkendnn cena he raka 550,nolitg tue ville wonld be eompleted %h.al@ Shlety Pin.s nicke p ste, asorled sîzes on card, (lez........ ...50 Thee bysarebrgli bysels I dwa ak e air Nets ail colora, g ood and! durable, ssci................S 'Ilise oys re rigît bys il~wiIb the terrible dIe..l was iý:3ù wbiet' wu appfsciug froin the 'The Jlumnelal statemeut Indieates 1the they v ulllii't graduate, andî beiîîg altaying ai tbe Untel and for forty-elght ajui. ileu a . éngineer Coutl hsalthy condition of the Company. Rlbbon Flowers and I w efvtm, made lina moment. No extra bonrs a guard wau malutalue! over sound warning, thas man Lad been Ilete i la: charge. Iriglit they cati but realize we are th1e building ani nu une ailowe,! t struck. He was biurli W1gh loto th1e 19, .2 lucrease Fancy Stock Neckwear-silk snd lace affaira, ail vlots, the peoplF of wlioîit to biîy their leave. IL Ras flnally dlecided to air and when ptekOdi by th1e train Jannary.3,- .,N2 3,9 February.... 1,147 3,875 2,728 ............ '.85etou25' eaoh gradiîîîtiîig Suits. XVe caiiîiot boite remove the yonng man tu th1e peal crew lie vas dssd. . are' .... 2,M2iI 5,-30 2,1w1 Turnover Collora rirr rlc rim, ag 'armn bonne wbere th1e firai vietinas ueLing Conductor James Knlghtli snd Engin- April .... 4,859 7,i5'm 2,2W9 to dreHs ail the gradiiatiîîg boys, but carsd for. eer George Brown Vete In charge of! we eaii corigratiate thiien al]. anid iotb cases arc said tu be llgbt, sud thc trai. No blasl«Am wattaitî by Total $11,427 $21,145 .18 th1e grat-et fuer la thal a large number the jury. l'bis iý au incresse of84 lier cent. Il A host of smail toilet needfuls, wislî fief tlîeîn happy, liIseflil of Z >.uion resideuts have beeu czpused. 1.0815 BOT IF '58 continusit durlug 1the year l woni,! - ~~~~~MANY CARÉ IN RACINE. Charles Gerber, a 'young man 23 eq'ital 13 per cent on the $1,o0451,0004em acoibn- sl m ts lcs FromItainela eceiel reortyeara aid met & tlg*~le accdent AS mon stock, as againit 4 per Cent last Itie ticounieil and board of haallb >O45 C'rtoek TaUs irigmiya aire alarme,! ove, the mpread of àmali- 'onth of Bonton %"'U a remnit buth of Wt'ere thie western terminus of th1e iny T IE VN S O N il is egs ave eentt of. ra, iiili Le inas yct s secret, but 1the o >oz Ibere aud Mouday nlgb t bot' bis legsN & bavebee4fltoi measureo check the pont. M Q PRW'N Libertyville - -- Illinois. 'ibere are now twsîve cases lu th1e Olalllg t11e HaIlgoWD4 apparatus wltb conda rua,!. TIhu o 0,Wuca.IUo __________________________________________________Mary Lyona of Milwaukee, t> care for Nortbvesteru la hin« equlpped, pearcd th1e folluvlug item: He vwu conuaoUag aires on t11e Th1e raiiroad for wbIch Mr. Steen O0, the.__ north bouud trac«, sud hâte Navack, ska a franchise froiu Ibis village, bas ____ Th[1e clty Couineil waaked inser complete! the aurvey tramn Waucuda large? quarters iu tic sontheru part of watcbed out for oMn train sud falie! toi Elgin and bas pnrchsed a number r>, II. Il i the clîy and tu furniali îwo ssistants lou e Cllero , Wbiab struck Ulm and of pieces of 1the rlght-of-way lu the i r forin Mrs. Lnerolle! under li1s Whetea. Hiatoeit vlclnity of Laka Zurich sud north of fera M@ yns caelosdlcvrdtg was ru over ffow t1e lia, the thut place. Th1e compauy proposes to B g i sIs ii lu otes sd h ringLon« Mnda rgli etthemJdleof ûe Ulg. enter Barrington usar th1e Wainut luý bosi sudi adyil, oardn bo.e Mûn4y rg t the UIOo! 11tlt Hau atreel croaslug of th1e E. J. & E. roait, i. I i il it liii I t; i y i iglit. l11e cltY couzicil decldad luin knl 1ebopIla akgu foîîo w tIb t lin 50 feutteast, gning un- wiil I-il. liew 'sprlI eauph>y s physicein t visit &Il busas an ia recoverl ladOtltful. T[he lu- der 1the C. &. N. W. trucks usar th1e sud examine t11e occupants and report siee mil lai à BWIM, and liges uelN foeet a Ig& 11 eh E. i J.ee R oad E.agrsn s tu th1e Board of tcalth if there sealtes inIb ouâs holvs i g0 atoote E. J.u It a.ctive uer- SUIT OR O ERCO T. uuoos.nalpgzul hoaoder he Oio.Thisgoeste how TH RctivBopra-TIRESUBBIFTIESEISIRED.D casa o!a nît pz aj Iea rderIbetibo.tiens are tu begin ohi-the other sudt of fitarantiuiug u! th1e bonses. $toe W w u ù,. the iue" sud j fi about th1e lims the lAd ve . il or ir wîtil it- A mon stric Ihr u abooî e eîîy Do.b Fron 1the Higil Park Netcteiier Libertyville extension ta complets,! fi 1 eau~ suit you as v N( W a! I vii ,. idi l 1ep chouncit aoteC.] s enui N e1 clip th1e foiloiulg: "-We are able la nul nnilkeiy work wil bc sterte, on t. eO and 1e t il .atara tngae pbysclanste lu vaccInl ail te< 0aaeo stOll111A the prupsd road fraim Waneouda lu to price and have a pis-atsa-toi engagbhyiie ty vacilnail co-St. arus wii be lu 8" fl, Ibis tlas Elgin sud Ibat thon th1e counectlng Uins goo< variety fromi T[he disease bas spread t the acandidate for the lgissturs. '[Th ro iryileluWcod !!iawhîch to select. coutryan, Illa eard Iat istictfeeling la ns irassE tbrougtiout 1the ijurrie! lu complallun. N.J. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sool wFbv 10) beDR I Ç R cutyadt g lose,!.hs dsrco0ny againalls m'-mhins" Ibat ho11eAAD UL 2) uw slioos wli bve t li cleaui al orefuse tiora Onwvbat ticket '[buraday morning of lant veek lu bri g en d B id e L i n e f o r R u r a l C a r r i e r s , h a w ill s t aa i , W a m o a t 5 , 1 0 0 0u g b i d a J u s c u t w s b u g l 1 usan ___________________________________________________ Rural nmail Carriers Are go bave awe preaumne Isiv h Independent condeanatlon suit against Peter Dut' ndW no H.MLLRbAU acU FN, aae t malle soine money Ou th:e iepubicah. aur 15.1i Schieg loor bais yidw S BENJAMIN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Ilsb 1h em f aesmel"gnh ae~sdItondout, by the eteetrie raiivay ]-rt ia iletsun u ATONY vLW,àtoruay and ounmelloraetLaw. vhleb the tionate madle 101the p arha !eîb ...m th oomz. otais l ImpeossiabIhvlee n h ta d r szs Ma.OANYATLAW PUB3LIC oZoooppropriationbhIII. The mssutrs <150 bilu "mai bo*7mss1 15 i th . TbjwaiaSswB LILTVL~-ILLINOIS. NOTÀflYi omMdi »rmme noreW - befora th1e omzmiltea whicst' t ryîng Ordînauce. Mari asys "M'&1a orders demande! $»0.li sud Ihay rasortsd te seac au. w~ Vra Libertyviile. Illinois. t. agire. Contblsand céber ameudimente. and tere's rouble abaadlor auj saloon the confIa. vELaPEONE sO hi *5mCs m CC05 IIl providea 10.1 a carrier eau do oz- keeper who sella liluor ou Snuday lu Hr.uapeae!luIgl11 is _____________________Iprs package business lu addition te Llberlyville." an,! retaislnedanna & '[alcatt ft is Libertyville I -lîlinois. i DR. AMOS J. NîCH OLS ,'.rrying mail, provided Il dus nulatres h Rira opn' D.r. Ch.arles 0alw y F CIIICA0O. juterfoe vItLIb is oCrucial dulleal; also, L niate, Gi lu Wors oft Mhl interesls vers luoke,! afier liy Whiltney Offîceovor Lovell'sLrugStore bals ,lpeûed a liat îiiey eau adminfister oatba lnu- xeae suWkof ad l'pion aud B. H. Miller. '11e iuus anu y' iîta T cN.DENTAL OFFICE cuting pension vouchers sud charge 25 Cbarity. jury vas secure,! sud when tie case Illinoi AI 1,1lierty ville, Butter'a Block, ove! Ceuts Per cli. 9il gatclng lii floyers tu hoS Was esîle,! I ursday mudrnlng MIr. Libertyville. îifO Smbith & Devin' rture whlire b li iv lic sold lu s buzaar lu ralle money for t1he Duba', a.trneys stali,, liaI thoi __________________foun,! regularly ou %Vtduusa&ys. fruml Annuai Convention of Lake Chicago Fretin Air lund, Myrtie client liait informe,! 111cm liaI lie Dr J.O a.T Y O . 89 . ni. toc:fj lu. couuty C. E. Knighl. Ian vear8 obd, à daugliler of would nol sppar. tliey biait ressone! DfIer J. g L. TAYLOR. 1 lie auOisl convention of lhe Lake William Kuiglit o! Wluîhrup Hiarbor, an,! advlsed film flot lu Icoipardise bis Stable Blankets in ail ofic R.e OROVER, l. Talrs Conay Christian Enàdeavor Union was met a psîbelie desît, Saturday eveulug. intoeal by sucli s course but ho n a ~prcs -Dlo R.S GR V R .D ield ut WVsnkegan lu th1e Temperance 0Durlng th1e afteruito s vent Inlu wonîd not lialen tu lhir advlae. sîzes a d a s i rcs 710le . iiitus.Il . tt.m. CilS 8aluirday afternoon sud even-. ail, jusl acroas 1the road front t11e lot 1 aller the circumnalances aIl tbat itesi lee M on froiay 1 .11i.> .M Physician and Surgeon. W iuwicb t11e liazaar vas being bcld t0cudledn u bvlaI11 Il prts of lhe varlouir ofllcers, enter- galber nme vlld ilowera. 511e veut Iand vas vorlh $101 par acre sud gibat . .Sweat Pads... Llbertyviile, Illinois. ROCKEFELLER, ILLINOIS. taîiing --taîka"' aud luterstlng luawvlO crabapple Irie pnlied dovu th'e rigitofvway woald taire about Ivo 1 have a large variety. lidimes ecmblined tu maIe up a pro- one o! 111e bouglia sud bagan lu pluck acre,, mailing th1e daiflage $109. 'This eiinYlwFlts . .............3S Dr. Orie . Grover Dr. H. B. gmam0f tnbere>1 lu cvry Ludeaorer. the blÛosni. White vas0 u orklg 9voul allov notbiug for file damage o!f eiîîeVio I'lls Dr. Orie M. Grover- Dr. H. 0. B. ~~~~~~~~YOUNG. 'rlimeo foillowrîngý oflicerrs wt-.reoeleeerd the Haut brute and mhe WUs tIrowl 10 lic remaînder of thc fat. but Ir. Ail J)eer liair Pads .. ..............SO htlo opathik Physicien sud Surgeon. for lie cusuing yer th1e groun,!. lu lier falleu tac ad Duba by bis courme bad Laken Iliat CoMnîoîî Iads............ ................... 25C Physclanand urgen. lrehidont-U arold Miluto, Looni Lake sharp stump 0f oua of 111e bu8be8, malter entlrely ouI of 1t1e jury's bauds______ nfliln]TzltilUlIÇ HOICI, LDG. irgitVicePrebient LoileameuewsLie body bisiugaadure is lu appas? appa sdhtor-r Speclal sîtlitin givenl tri l)Jlsaee o G-ues r o-umr -CNU - OE -LS -"rs iv 'îbes lisdu eoeue er almosl instantly faite,! bis rlght lu appeai, bience bis . .L p D sir . of Women and ubrrlc Itisleamesscn ceeieW. E rn, As soo as possible t11e parents o! vr eors a oe . .it .Lap Dte rsih e. ......$ 3 For îiire y,,ar lt ut 21 r ,,'.rlrrl ilglilan,!i'ark t1e chîlid vers calle,!, and! villi ths aid Whou Mr. Frual of 1t1e alectrle comn A gooîl DI iste- ihkîttd rine ..$ 3 MsI"luhi-', 11'~ ecrelary fIl lvt( yEet-o1tecirefieucnlnsgl pauy vas întformed of! tic buru maltera Very iiice Momnie duster .................. 7 _________________________ - - - tîv oi uie. wu carried 10 a li111e tant lu the a,'d- tac i ntul, i touy xtra fille bh11e and greeni 'loth dusters . ..... i oo As -~ ...uE'. Auislant,, Secreîary Mias î.îîcy sonn ot n dodto, t'urrie!ly Iliat uotwltbalanding th1e verdict 11e _____ LDr. E.. Hi. Smith, Timothy, Clover, Millet, Spaliord, Mîlburu. summons,!, but buitrs lie arrive,! 1the wonid nul laire advsntagc u1 Mir. DuliaS DENTIST. Hungarian, Red Tor) 'Ireamurer lienry hiielikor, Waiîccu, bd xir An exmn llo ueer action but wouldi pay film 1t1e kSilîgle liarîiesses iii Varionis styles anti trims, at prîceo office over Lake Counity Bank Blue Grass gau. shove,! Iat lu ber fait uns o! thie $1il) offere,!. tlîat îlefy competitioiî. lira, ici 12 n, . ui 1lins> 51.. DAIiL 1w RL.g u 0 U[ieports 0! tic varions stiperinten- large! arittes Lad! 1,en pierced. 'his vas ccrtalnly miagnanimona sud ______ Libetyvlle li. Feld& Lwn rass Seeds lents Iiowed a sub8atilal growtlin lu w1eeî 11egr eis, nes ia on for Mr. Frost t'earty coin- Libetyvlle Il. Feld La n Gthewor. llit-trostier üpotedexcîtement in 1the lbie village uortb mcniiaîîoo. svsoý ..i'tea>,rreul of Waukeg.a,! d11e childrcu wîo C . l. KAI SE~R, MISS FLORA COLBY Ste4 lZArgnd 411 dder Corn. huit___________ bo e asauclate, witIblier in 1the l'ut '[%ssis lu An luctîbulor. Libertyvîlle -I --llinois. management uf lie tiaseur waite, on the ISîli day of Mameht'.ivns sons PHOTOGRAPI4ER. For S.I. Oit Reasambl. prise by about th1e test util fle romnsu vers vers bor,, bu Mr. andI Mrs. C. L. LibertyvIlie, CHARLES STEMPEL, toi t an, u t1e loie of 1t1e ebîldaé 8ebvari, of Napervîlle., suit owîng to 21E-l(I-d Long Grove, Ilinois. : DI fl*lfls parents, ah baîfmlle way. 111e ralliy of the Infants. tîey 'serc STUDqO IN UIfIU UlIb~ lu aplîs ut ber ýluh Myrîlîr hall placel fi) i c'ommun 'bicîcol liicîîlî(i,i BULKLEY BUILDING lîni.*Lin ail active it-iier smoug theti . ssiui yavsilatle nielhil oh a rr.F STE NI ~~.JN RYAT' C larity vurkers ît, file village, sud lire atîl ptrolouging'xile ItADL' DAVIIILbYr : urinig filho lod 1,ii)IItnî Lad mil il w-,, thb' îîly ,xîrue t fIl> Lake ~~~ ColInkERTEL'SIfiS PARK PAIE.LIJl 5 * >ridribi insii fir tiluchblîirenl uI kiii liai Lit ' ii t,- il lis WRGH DMN & ýAlI \Aou-k N eatî y a nd : 11,1f l>.i Ill. set Il.ui 1ria>' ela e on"Isyo11 '~ I i WRake gYM N IL CO, Bon Bros., lo beg fiac.1 I..: fondi foerr i liom-'l ît1w;i tu aI.> il lieres; igui Libortyville, Iii o 's Proniptl y Do ne. . 41 bImenu i g &as se-ul out1 I, ex(rtàLiII of ail pies ir 4,Ielu omaresu o aneea moellrin (ifîf Ilin neotdfltewd fIl B