Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Jun 1902, p. 6

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l ln ord. I. .i~,nSdd sar 'tisre.tenZi - - - -- - euo openesi a draner Itn bis vrlting table A T N T~T -'~TNlasti psefitheu nithia, anti locisath le ~ -4 fl ~draner again. fA j N j J.4J."Non maas," le aît, dtitntly. rryou 'I havive Yu me ysur vens outhtie case, A~r~r-qlistes la r ine. The moment Granthans Court becomes tir--you need nt tart; 1 sus qutte Justifleti in usng thit pro' M A T E D soun-tise momes! ne are entittesi to talle 1V .compn:sy ume thister. CoualderingYe mrnu your viens as regarda nitels duty seenm rathner laL. But tisat dny _______________________________&hal ho enfureti ta tise utterinost, go 1 swear. I amneituedtet being tismarteti OBAPTER XIllt CotîiBued.> He tooketi at ber i la bn a8atonias'- or costratiheteti, either by minuor n-A «Y11,1.cricti Joha .tarstiem. lioking, asdoti ' nt ltkety ta ouhtitta I t etitf enildereti ibm ns earth "o aegansnsbea sl ram you! 'The matrîionial isuot i.nt esantSYeoslie nsm?, - at niat ,.ouDivran? Wby couldt Y'! au esy une lu slip ot ni, ant intlueut lit A êtrauge lok came over the ItaIlau'à give tisen op sooner?" Il ahalt ho fins enauglut ( od o bi 0, ltti,'. tace. "I tont tin'," se sali, neartly. nbheer you desire it!or not. Now. I ktgd( "I bave tayed nt Vaux Abbey." e' She biat rownn side lber veli, asti ler bv adattâ ancsay e h .tgulty. thcrpapirneatsrn eenlut f ver heti nesdeaberMandesu ldmay returu to Vanx Abbcy If yan choose; sucis1 gu. ho! csw ek r o nadfveeadJh arse febthold yourself lu readlseu a ( bey revein gra Marsden's dest." wth asahucis of surprise, how lterevi sund me, nienever you bear tisaI matera are beavi etobnaraden asortif cibantirunet ho "I bave oeti.vsettIeti anti that I soi goiog ta taietuas- on et lm ilsa srt t hrrr st u "Ihav bes ery Ai." aise nent on, sestios of tise Court." there eizet nitis fear. preaently. "Ton foot!" Tise ecitattan n'as SO teave "You-you daretr' le stamitaciot. "When titi yen teave tise Âhbey7' lhe unexrpectent-so fuît ut scrs sud co- faible 'Wby not-r' saitise Caot, trauqusil ased brusquely. eptaBryMrinvasolgs lnE ty. "* Iare anythiug misen l'is put (0 'Yeterday," nhe auswereti, "It ha' tte thonsatber husMands as tohe, t tl, n t l. Tonuffrgerthtis!I isâte Ivor Grant, grownuunhearable. insupportable. I- atasrîti teisa e iuhtasd aise, 100, WiPt andi 1ur a gouti hter. Heoi't ho the couldti iaetop, sud I thoughit t!as no tise interrupton btai praceedeti. gover tt rwb' diacoveredt iat. Thase paperfi use ta bolli out: the tany'ers gay tise "Su, Count, you are at your olti nomS!" or Cl ,are maecessary for ns, vengeance. I case la clear enough. Tison, anti sheab idwthclotepst."oyu ign togtyu aisposesseilti .1haddhlm sneyetIon, fadeti papers, at,,I flin ttremuanerallve?" bail esiné au sînl. Bat, as I saiti eforo, "are nisat lluey nantet. Thse certîfleate The pale face flusiset ever su sigitly (heor their hiug place baffles me. I dldl't 0f ilS! notiser"s hrth antitariage. They but lue ativanceetai e pacesanti sti beail îd atosy love Ietes. eitber." e wntt mre Iuni, fatber's tiroit, 1 don'î thînis tiessei John Maratien nitis a cool dis' 'Iili au. morkiagiy. "or t noutti have rought ho inen or even guessedt t!aine wn5 regard of Beryts presonce that man mn govet tisestu you-as peoot my dialtr' relate ta th ie Grunts.It! nas a runaaY tîseîf au înauît, dont «etdues. Tisey are very exemplarY. marriage. 700 kuon. anti ier people neyer to ttrea. pîtunie loveransd tisey tio't 1taIst orgave her." "Yeu siuit never trample ou a faîtenos aveu platonica to paper. They are ise." "Anti oay Iair Uhy 7011 havr' lngis( foc, My goond John," e saiti, calilyt pagar "Caose, ene, yau Stn'.," bina(eceti fit teouppose misa! mas yonr lawfnî rîglul, "anti you sisaulti neyer loae ynur temper anI i 501haMaraten, "A uasniant stand thia ant i mneT' mils a muman. Mcm.Matraden ashan o' In *on f ting hoeverbady bs %itecome sensible, 1 presîruse, or sise mosîdti pen' bs vert tsu, ionve rghtil su teeyTaur" e nat ac letcta nt ho bore. For tise real. It nili surelyth l bas5elsvd TuvenArigt t psy on:aie lbok iset 1hm mth a coru ant iea tober oms isterest te look afler iber .- tisea" on ber. ofrcourse, mils me 't' deflauce that no nurtia coutti bave pou'- ou ro y, if outy to bave It!freinitiese ii a differeut mottem. i can taon'bat I tra>'ed. "I tisasah! jour nIai for a rtc' on pseer n tuî o tîrtnuatimn change, sud I've every rght te o t;i onetiation wnsnet ut W erse.decâigoc falrtona -m WI but!r«o-'Y, otedaserae provemoul. Tisé Court ià qaite open ta fo he ave playesi your carde vecy ml. all." tfual. Hie pauseti abruptly. Sumeliinl John Marates" ht that alutter fa"., is the tîglting'lkeIii? .1tau. bgs#014, anObl, 11'Il i î.- .~ turril va ohim lise a titres. drus dias cetise taris eyes, trucei(oli& bett'i antdi 'm gîaâ you've corne ta ïjour ""tga #b,tàUigscàbà65%%-; -'If Ye da ot -s wltk a senne of audtden tar. I diint nant ta use force. Well, t2 10 toucis s stane, or sitar a roous. t>---" bon' Salon& a lyleant bia ethoîns un tiesette h atr hri ohn a Hia usociing lauglu eut short iser mords, mati tabbe a! whlch lbey ere oSitig, anti, provent us tramn goîna tolra ta GrLnt' (Ta_____________.) isav resaL&gs hciin on the palm8 of lIs bain Court asti taiing posaessios as aooabae bande, lbosent ftIll intise face of hbiscoin- as ne ike. IThen nul 700u ha reatiyrr HER OIC JAPANESE TROOPS. enter @atmo. "- Oh.tout ais me-.don2'! force It "Ky frenti." ho saîi. ecalmly, "you're me tai go. The place tas fulof baunteti Laid Downs Tieit' Livela for S,.lie of Are t ool.. ineiories te use. Yo-you ca'! Dadler Mliari Emperlrsou ion. 'Tissuisyou for the information," sait stand." In order ta acquatnt thcmselves with isisî John MIadnte, ilS a prasewortisyai-'"No," hie saald lutally, "I es'l snd t overy meaus of detcudlng thir sllandi Cou$] tersn$ at Intilference. "Yon wtlI excuse don't niais ta. Put atl (bat sentimental empire, a tietacisment ot Japanese sol- othi Mymy ag tisat I've aimai, ieard ftrc'oh out ontutyour slnd, fet you've go!nt iers wos seul &crosa tise mountaîn selve *tges. noeremartiahît for pltenema." ta corne tiere, andta10came wvus me. l'vae me o oten od nnidi-ie t "aeyoo' saitliIhe Coins!. mhil a faucy for pîayîug tise cousitry squtre. ter ta tiemoustrs.le tise possbllty of stase «surv. îPeclaps (bey are-vises I it. aant i' t à.a fncy liaI rn ouoltse sme ae thefr puh'pose." do IL" selztug or safcguaring tbhe rallwsy priti S "I moay inter thon It tioesn'tsuit yours; "Do'! hbu iseard ou me, John"'ise lInes. Botb officers andi men kuen mU eclarf ?et it sIikes me I've mas! cause 10 coin- sais inla arsrange, suppreasi votco ".If perils, bul If Japon aboulti sonne day b. 100 bias. You've braugisl me olver ta En îi's the muney 7yensorti, talle l, asti InvatietiIl mlgbt ho necessary lu throw faim1 lasti on a ntid-goose chose, a51 the prnt, meleome. Itio't care for î. I iton't a force acrosa tise snon'.euveloped 80 teet y tfs, le gve u ueas aed ith BultL can't go and irIle at tise mountaîna, and those hardy explorers mat gal»» agatna t tbome sisatiawycornera ofCourt 1ea'! tee]l t! la mlne-iot lan ere sent out la show hw T twrebc "ae vos, *"ad I strikes me 1 May' ha thé, fac* of ailthelislet, ant Ial tise possible, the test coult ho due, gae uratà--yeaau. stn-homebutOrs tiso awtinsatever noeetramed." Adg 1 ftepee nair o n inrn a ettre a» hL& Th« am "Bat t mesu Ibm! you abaîî do I," io At o 1nt1eplie natzysl u *f tbroning tt e Il y'on. Tl«à.d. Iý"ndtelatl u dieu-n or Japan mers orderet teMaitie rmen *amnw nit tat meOisene " "ni a that dreadiol mardis, Tisee mon nmd rom' n ý adtsh e usar sî manngade, i fancy." vlyi n "Te," al tie Con, nt.ha eannt "Lami" asete rtetipasioaatety; *"t la already (heIn fine nary l.u s -omtl% "ano!bec of yooc Englis instu' aInsys (bat-il in alwaytua tis.Illa neil China. nîti tise Set troupe ot Amsuesca ul Àtiomist qut go admirable as tise lana IYeou don'!gamy justice, mel Yeu dnt raIl Europe and A"tha iat lhey vexe thea01 lragmoe aand. spie sd ean(omtissseliisistyranny by lis riglit Dame. miuet tiaoreughly tilscipltnei, the Most i p 'tes » ae poiearand en osn ta but-Law! Wbat do«e il cars for a wmr ns et. Is>nîg, tudcfattgatuio, andi caiu.rg- ne.e Tuu1 asin s-iffieraein he yortoc Ntisehbrutal force (bat sises ber life anti ioltis tInu uiteaAnte and. ovtse a "'Xoe-joare net geing ,str a. prison f cousm wiiciasecannaI escape? more to give 10 thse mortd a new an tiar sWithtb (i.deePet assurances Of My Yeusstand Ihece, 7011 ciii yoqrselt MY Immortalexampleofut peudili martyr gii ete'atialdthe Gm ouet moeisglY. "I susbasti, aut Yu kune Yus have nto! n.ltarebi lm going-non, Ilel moment." one sparis oi tenderues, onue tisougàt Ibm! Tbey marced Inte tise ruOIltnn th "lesa no batefuilylyonely luore," mt'la nortisy the Dame, one feeling t(bat la pass, igiting thetm' way th"«ongiheoar, terei John Maratien. 1niis I'd neyer due to tise rgbla Yeu claius. Ton have ranisa oi a more terrible -ncrns'thon mtel sorne ta tie place. Ast Irve isat atouhtyranisednie00r me, uegtectent. ticauadenl, îhey hal lveryul onfron-x-d. They laa *1f ever tO-day. 1- YXUu nst grlay deserteti me, Yeu cause mitlu s iypo' nuon eaw tirat the odita agaiast thoran-wh tin1 segotaub.d. lount." crtea prelense ut sorrom. anti non s "Tnucr" sait Savona, pacly. asaif poie(a ibteC tn'srydt ere ton great. Tbey batlIiceti astientlu t. nec. agreeing ta a sef-evideut propu- tu gtve. I1uigbt have inowa better tbas ta do (ho Impossible. But t!hey ]Idti u n aideos. r"I mAlu!.mY gondi trieuti, but 1ta ho decelvet su eaaily. but for a time falttir or loouk mucS. kept thei' face. ta B -S.!talneodta (."' I was eceiveti: astinom 1hmereyou lu the goal anti pre"satnuid fouczht on a Idisa Marsnes uuttereds smoîhîng on' your (rue colora, nom I Suon' mbat YOur ttrougb snun'drtfts tw"uty f-' deeP. Tti -6e« bs brealis Dt eZactlY cornptienarY, iala for reconcîlallon cuceset: anti To keep frona freeztng (bey mande Ïbut tise Caot gave no aigui Of hetrin3g Ir- mince Iisnow t, I have coame lure ta- tires of thelr havcrsaaekaund itmisleTa He notidet snd met cover ta tise dou, igit to tel on ane thms. Tonu may eptece IrAt leu pause n th ie tiscesholti bave uny propcrhp. uuy money-everytîstng stocks. But men troze tlf as lhey anti lookoti barS s! thic910001Y faceand tisa! tise an gnves-tise Ian (bat men tolben. and tellIdeilitlu the suit' wste. nisoasi figure hi tise table, matie for mes-but do nul force me ta More than huiftIshe lttle band perlied Iot The Ilas snaitl nin," lbe ai, quiet'lreeuntier your roof. Il caunt t enefit (hua as Il'trugglevt otanart uonurit Ita Ion Ij"I suppos 7011 tion that?' jounouw-tt la onty atitet isria 0me" destination bcYoîîithîe moultitinfau, John Manudes tarteti percePtiisiY. Hia lie woa nt aereeluniis 55mment- page«. Dscipltne andhercat aikut 1elon face loitege utfrgitnn another spectator sandoIth le tioornnty thein togethen lISe a Spartan pSitt mi. CILst. ib sefaletaIin retuttant admiration f tise cne The is Strektel aks opo- Wisateft i?" esi.wtha foth.ati dwilnueoi.but ncther isuabatnt yds ntbek hDuatk:u> c-h a! caîmuna. nor mitre noce ansme ut bis preseuce. ta'oou toll han.'5t1 seeks'I fety IltIhe mi "A» yet. sothîna," taidth ie Count, ira- *Yon-yu-hon tiare pou taIs te me comiortable cafleys tbcy thal eft. 'Ile la perturhahty. "'But sihe bringa pans2n- like that?' blustereti John Marote.sai bas- t ai eroeel marceetion. as 'nu,')~y ab Sers, pou ison. Are yon net elpectnng teuglis. "I tell 700 non', as I tolti you ho' une tottereti trointhre rantis anditsaili:ni a consigninent of-tiger clame?" fore, that very tom baabautis wmolti iave slIeutlyty m the drifts 0f siloSS'nilhnAg Anduti h a mockisng auhuaile closeihelaveti as geuerouaîy as 1 tilt. I cou'tta.0bts lait sîorp. Tise rauku nersag thieucr. have taises pruceetinga agaînsa Yeu. coe p u iednSmricnt-a e 5 5 5 5 a 5 Whp. 1 coutti bave ibâti a divorce, mati' oe padtedet ac cni-a Itseemedi ta lolunMaatien s Iftong au, hall1 ciosen! 1i -"Somdas ate acororled. en el t bour allat passet stnce lte suunti of "Yea?" ahe sai cammly. "Tises why Sm naItra-rirl tmnein tisat mociing tangis anti cloalua dieur had diti you not eboose'? Dues It neyer occam by lits suffcrlugs, v-r outait Iy a rel -ftht cessesi te cho lunlit mars, la pon (bat Ioigbt sotk hum theac 1(re party; andsilîIter four otiloë-e nd uîter He mat lisere In lisesaine attitude, star- peana ln Initia mare apent bp poul' seven men nere resi'u'd. Tmwelve on'y ha tug moodly ai tise fine la the gra(e, full "Suiela suprbr' muuteredth ie litener but corne bacS litre fronmthiba ' nor- a ot btter asti revengetul thougluta. uîatir is heth. "Ta Ibinti of a wnîau orn (p-"ta hernie but futile an- o "I niis t1 coulti undersanmutthat minu." Aie (bat h,'ung îbrownn w a n hop."atIn h, sitalu binseht. "Why has le mhxeti neeiltie aptie nulsanmore brisnsauna upen nature lu ber Icectartres. tu histisefoîup ta (is buinesas? Wby dit! he than au empldtesansi t!m ant inl ber most terrible itositI. Iln'a wrIte ta me about Beryl, anti on ha.%tic "'rhat bas uoting te do with youa" Ilartned 1h5aevn or moure of thie gui- e nommet ighua a! Ilosecrets uuisnosv statiJohn !Nlrsdeu tiefiauthy. ,"A man latul ows pertobedithle tr>ing ta 1' oves ta membora ut her omn tanily?" eau do n'hat Le cioss,.. especually If carry lhior comamaner lu Ihir armalacc Afler leavina John Ntratieu, the Courit bit ite goea auti leavea hlm. as Yau left a place of afetY. ci naîket iglurel! (lrough ties treets. Hia me." ThM, men di not peria1b lu Vatu y face mas sot gondte totouk upon, Its'as -'t wrote asti saketi yon If t might ce- They more defeudtug (tne empire a W an darklY set, Il bore su cruel asti su turu to Indus. You forger that, anti pour truîy as If acrayed n ubnu.e agant an 01 doercitess s dtoermination. sommier. If I bati gramu utterîy erS- "-Hon the affaîr trats," ho muttereti, tesb,, Irt hâti yîcldedtiemuas empttio, invatier. The sueritlce maY nOt bavaV "and o unI s onsu betmecn me andtivbe lisat tay close t mp bandi, lut(, misch beau lnevltablle. btnt Il as surely mtot 0 tironnsat pountis. t most bave !bosc pa Yeu,. lie man wmisouloatibave defentietintuvain. Tlîey base lefI au ce-rastltii pers. Whcre clinabch have put thons?I ne, wntouly csst me for pour oms self monument to herotam thal s'ill create Perbapa (lhe gour! folk@tit IVtaux Ahhey 1iahbendsn. 1 fate! poeu mOulti bave bati mure bercos atid pst li .t ie bourouti wili fut tise Abbep ghost purauu uinr iltelaconnplain of me te a. tii cautrp's edi.-lapan anti Amer-t awtnrnat meubles once again," He naa sent. XXeli nmnloagi be Suen' îe ____ ae suuie _S.trth. Well eî'uguh ie __________ CHAPTER XîX. Snen' tisat evea tise tam. in wisoae liîpullan but Manly. 11 îî was four atis after (bal intervienw trc.gth he trastei au uîmplculy, moulu1 lie nas a îîny ltti elton, sasey Bott lu Joba Manadonsrouina. The inIrscrel!hvevliudueted conduit! suei more tthon 5yeans oUd andi as h.e îleti tgh( bâti loset lantiarkiy. miti staor.p a is athe eyes or tise noriti ge.o itanti raun, snd the ocupant ""Wbpy mhy tio ponîcoulîe and aay aifrbi.i1no1,otîcsa hecre get ts ofe gtuuum . ambera1onthy_(luehtir . ,Ii o? eAai t a..r"W. orrcdutl2tb andîlaktinstrnets a nY Peuple -IL Atte Ti t~ he toileand troubles ofttisirlIe how tea Q .e beotue good. an Cet sud ohedient e'hil i THE LIFE ETICRNAL.w fiy Rer. Gardner 5. fldîj1,1e, D. D to'm And 'hii len lire' eternai, that lhî'y îîtîght('et tin b, ni ii.tleotiy t ruec Gtd, n nul ju.,us ger LITTLE CHILDR!;N. Churist, %%hain thou hast sent tJoatI1ni,, Dy Roi. George R. TaYlo,.ri. , 3.a r [cpt ye top cottrerteti, sud heenilie as ?Vhat coiur titoi' vta be will dettenti large- Il.lie chîtrenye ,hal flt Cnîrtuti lY titaon aur tcounception o uf ld. Ný,e gitin'senâ 010 utHeai n. 3tatthew rvtiit3. iintithe' ltkeucsa of our tlnd. Ifîr .lol heu Jeas . j ot a Little' î'bud, -0f t(i,îd lea rbitrary ne will i'csrlîbrary. tirer la the kindant or IHeaven."', t as aTînîre artumen n ho worship mot a rantî,nu- Cfl ltion. lu ilnvas these atge antI n i lad, lbat ait arîlîltrary (tad.nnul tthir(liat uily lesison mlhtch ((ne Christian lite a itvt as arbitrary as tîneir (lai. If supi Id has neyer yi't tuliy learineitdt; n Iîr Unod la auKtî're our lire n IIIli b as- 9alto "lea achildicd which n hvi tc,. If tiur (lodtia norrow-ditiîni'tly ne, "heînfi, bhi-te e neeau enter lt,)ouatîtteti ntiscuar theolagical peucil-tisen wr, legs uan i','tttesa ut spure Chiris o,,,rliren tillhi' uarraw sud intoieraul, rat] lire. rî'a.y to aittagoulze every wui tisat (,i-A.Lj lare aurrîîîtttîlîd hy professionut fvot lice amiî ultve &sid havelits hein-, ta y. As a nati'un, wv, are religiaons. Outr iltir lieu )_,ittle ciril,'. A few unni"ný' A 'nrient la ,telit in its eîttorci! i ciii et tit ii wlth a Otan will sery often bot 'rlatian uî is Hon'bas ,ntir e- Ii,traY thie' iaraeter tif bis Codi. 't laulîn tn affeetesiltîtir lite? M*hat lnleeintiviitanit foîr a trac titi' mat sve knocvvâ ilsdaitupon te iiî t nof otti'r? r on ti he u'rît" t nd. "T1his l lifren'ternal, that Dt pitîpit ne liîladtfor___ - y 'arn thet iciht know thee, the uuty true i ttiit doetrunu s of love atid ehnnrty. (-ijd. and Jeaus Christ, whonn thou hast er3 ie th awa ifl ,i îtuess ana the luni sent." ertng socinlt uîtreuients have coii,' l'O tnnow Cid I miuet stand face te face tin lte( us, atm,! ttunc'ltngcd. and in al- in tth hlmu. 1mueot heinrhim apeais. Iunuet fiel ýunhroken succession. triuu ruinl tcth hia ete. 1Iinia nallk ty bis saide i,' n times. flîritihailth(le Joysa nd sorronvA. throiianh ver and aboie tise pertîinctory Moniartl]athti,' rent iraflaetiont of lite, tn aîyi preacriptive cliîrch duties, hon' math trulli. (lad vannaî ieb deiti d te yuu. liit are 3have we growan pirltniatly as i peu ebhabasdetiued himseît. 'd'acre? lu Je-bai lzflow much have vie develatiedi na s Chisi. nu! Cartyle, flot Pltîo, not Rnu nîgiser Ulire,'rsouallty' Have w' îil%,-Abrahanm, bat JeasaChrist, snd wbeu . it of the Christ. tise gîntua of hi, Yeu wnit tii teseh (tu oit t iîr little boy. tw, pet?" do flot try 1 teeis hlm lîy way of faer- e ;eu, ty soier thought. ne tatleein tune fr'tchet doiiios, but take hlm by the c l mport or th,' Maater'a declarati-iti, h:,Iidla.d l4kt i lnita Jeaune Christ, andt t.niaes. ne "neconse as Litle ' S 'l "i.,ter (lad tnthlm. t<e hlm In lho a"w.e"lua.1 i flot ute,çAe kjnL io aa . iiit hur- uet,. modeal -niaàv.t.v, 1eaveéïÇ niez.nttp Bec with Unnr . C~"ssil"tetn'an ri r Litte la titi' ovanceiînt we haveI waym.. Tibt in oad. thse trup Goal linl de lu the apîcitital lîfýthe beatut if'i, bere are People nWhuo nty a&".Guitta hai 7 m f u us proteaslutg gudlitith'u le wnalvesl, but tisere he in above th.a lii ecIhrdinog t iais q nualificationi, ever wave"s. Seu hlm es le meeta tise wiitow tat resi the klngd,,in ot Heaveu'i t Nain, withbbis great-hserted,mpa- e4g ia a momnutous quesetion lte i ýail. thy. as &lie joureys toanard tha. grave, My: cwc, iu the abondance of our ci lig- ssYing. "W'eel ot." That t, the tris ab£ hen'omlug vhidlike?'lW'e are iver I.s. luen 1 hetar a voirco oning tu nie bil pineilt (omea.îîre ourselves b bY ht laintut Ofthia bisatt. like the "soutdit faîîy vie piecua, and telln incor favor anilli Si ters." s'i kina îîîîsvilathunderuni c-elit, ers. Jeaus teacisezs OSteO nt'aurer-'ît'centSof vsratis tilt %Iu blanches anus fi'ar,hIn Ye bY Wisat ns clnlldlike. Ail the effort aunt Dow la those other wortd toiles bo<rne fa. moly put forth tu adj tlu our religions in trous distant abures that 50iii te lit! r" ure dues not împly grunth. but itar- sud tber my life h.'yiind its mueanes' WB ës Mo"oreo the nature oft spiritual stibere, or ln the Iow rbytbîuic mesanre tai e. One qîlaittnid Engliis wsntes de- tft habombs tlne oîrlburst ci grief, tises in os tisat »~e Chnristina growa tait by my hear gays,, "Tisi latgise truc boit. oping; that tSe bravieat niseat la nil l.-t Ryoeynt r-est the".." ma l ntise mnt uprigits! taka. nuît Te kuow (lue (rue Gensi is lite etev'anl.1 the grs'wth in tlie divine tire la net Wsere*shalltvie liedluin sthe heaens? bu rked IIIlmposîug greatuesa. We take our aatrouusnical staff la hant eh ine statemeat nseînaperative: we ait ansi jouny up tu the skiet We knon' et, reine Rs Little cIsidrem, or we mîlistut the cî'testlal doîîr sallai, 'la.liB, rel mine Bar spiritual oçpsrtunitiee, hi're?" aud we o mn' huk ehi ,ay. "Thove hi ds"Ircaias to godlmesa becms a la îio God tho-e"Wtlu geolgicaltihum' eh ir pneesaional ptety, vacuosssud luer l a baud e nalt tutu thse ficH lnd a"ir ngarattvety wortbless. perfatnstry lunaetithe grauite seora, and wneo'sre 1m si egative inlistanature, white' tîack te s"y, "Hi-an n«these." Biu!tini ail malive which aloule givent Lite a&" iss- ya.olee-pert tefiant Gosi therel Did -)u lh se the tseuloîten. Lckiug. findsinyrocksk in tise haveas? Diti yuaaSw Oh, aneet, happy, lovisa chhldhoodf La finidany pisuets lt the iselda? Loohala: ir posstie for us ta ever tante its aneet- the fieldsanad lookistnt. the bo"i for G-ad, ab aI lucre on curtis ugain? 'ru inu!outYes, but God isaflot equatly revealefi ev-th 15te bcaottii ultt apa tof ehlniiood eryw~hern'. There, nay hc no (lotilu t.apth-( ýbut a an, et menton. The golden luni's heavea. but thire i4 s (bd lu Nesvv il Lio of youth have long si;:ce clomeit be- tans heaven; there in a Giodliîîî avid'a nt us. litaglamolurs aud tairy scoelles tnen; thore im a God in yir beaves. ýpast. 'Then ruina ut lit air! eailes, Hon ahail ne senrch for (lsd' Wilb ldreary nrecka ut our human hopes. critic'a eye. Thîn dii Yeu knur what rarouud us; ne are lunlise grnp of you will get? Jiî.st what YOu are tekîag eru and ringged re'utitien 'rhe world for. You Sll gît a hîîîîdce z muses'1 t îtriplîed i)f the sneet illusîins utiataka. Yioîiltl get Jo"rh's whlati lcb nie n cr0 nOUntu osec il. anîd ott"n aud .Joalun's satm The1,re le uothinc our sudt hearts are eîhacdl the toacti more pîtuiae in itis norld tissu tht' lit' tg uines'tieceritie n'ho i never ahle to hurit tlhe .ckn'rd. fliow huclwari, 0 tîde orth(ticveilleoftuîierie crîticisin. goiag ti)inlutiset yaes. hroadt nîoîîntainîs of (lotian udtitng Ili*s ain a..icary ot toit und tlears-- aloger downhier, andi there, styitIz "Ier,& oia n (haut ueeoutlense, l(crars il inlueIa mialake and there il a mistake." vain. Cosing tirwn tnt,) the vatley of nuffertunt aie tht,, sund give me my childhood humanîty. on! nth the bain oui sympa' again. thy, but witlu the cinfflr of eritîcistu. And the swnî't, mailtre fail as ,c cahigotoverthe pages taf (his book andt usk hack t.i the hatptytid tas tchîlîiiiîîdfiniting fault nth tisa period sud thatý )g Agi').Most utfis a-' vvarli'd Rien Hîînshall ne kun' (luit? it s e dc wouilt. 0117 r lir e nîarlieit hiknosv ait>thing hy faîth naît deaion-, rrowS ami anxiety. W,' aie, pilgrtimsaunit atrat i, not the itio,,ntcnitii ti cf (lue rangv'r. siline of as jtt îcius brougît acooliin tîr. sutt he,'lenttratiun of ýunfinetlv ortd, anid mnoi' eton Orteil the tbcoîogtn,. litIthe diiiîit'traton if îrtiînî'ihiy the tialigit thatino tv. tanzhe the spiri t. Bt Ba nys nvia no,î i. "I hlnev ndat if i-lies aud lth, atîlitonsi iti ni t roublhe biout beleving fT an ait Iii Ibtis lit., ne may liaik fioic mrel Tv "hen Yan lure an arnniny. 'li Lbdntug lhi iinesa bu-c,'sud tîtn, vie [unît ileaonstriite that a oilh-t lisit iltrouit ne fruit u, our cî'lngloai, aul tîiussintic iepis utidlu the î'arth. a iiîî thlîcai t ou i, rancd ceuirai prîncihlde utOu'rfîua li lossom iunIe n (bing otif t nuits -1t(enniet nit iiîîîuti n tih, dil-lntion ,futh(le to -voi nitis Jc"us ('brist.1 t h true e,î Zrti ne iraiu"t 3v' le ciuviti'd (inusis tîtere. Toii-v' ,Ine es(Ct i").1 Id hi-une as; little childri'u, ye catnnît w Ili pruive bina. "e nis-t havesa mu- itter itt e Uic gdom o ofhaivu',, %ýti o, 't ration. trung atu t the phllîuolnltu'rs.1 s gleain ot incav(oitîti iglit, ruev, aluîîg ta lîrtui oat the -crns. luiuizouit (lie tlon' ne neacr .îîdinca, y laden tt a snneet. togian., Ton ahaîllkon'hleoi y demon- r, auuî'rcthldb-at!thunait u tofus atratuon. bat nuit bIii ueiiostratioa 'f bave kuioîu i lice, usn ithbn the cea ch of men. but hy the i 'uiuutrtofutnle ,IIl, If nc inuit 1,la i Ilu"u'lvesi n, a votre- ,iîiit plant lu tîîv If" . 't hlm in tinv sondi'ttich ig n g uiIîîîns b y tutu-teurt. andti Ieri,heon ill rovseasd il,I îg frontîu 'i (tusigui.nn- li atdol, ait somforth ta ail the ghorvevt0fgidluns"in. ui ant i si,,. 'iis la the mni. thi.ins (lie foundation. M e aIll >, uru ltaai tîîî.andttare gor- Goti',phiio.oîlnu n (f lure ns very simptîte Pn tii îînîî n. os tit'cunniitutiono giaod!lie matie thi' uil It of dîtt H@ that mua)nŽlie îîî îî.. rit',, îîîîte du C lre',thetitht' sulîîtlufrontîîhi îuvsl. 'l' omîsuttii1 trac virtuiu 'lThe ('hristian lite know the uiti svi iv To k'uow (C,0 aella ýI. ,unire tathon ii. We",i nnist de-la reliugini. ' u Ious oth ue litus lit, em'Xi chlpi i it i permnetnt înruîîcip1ies th@e lm-porai. ' T,"' I.uiis ot-li, i..hfi'ti-t'nal. puIssutfn ha!tla rîgint train otîr anme- confes do nuit kuon ovist iCeamt s both chat mi.uty sud tiidt'si'hotiiiticonception& luivuan anti divine; t do flot .nnho n lure of whu îiîuistitatv's spiritual gooduesa. tico natuires, blonrd in ore; I dii)flot '.0W Irhiie lhalding uanervnghy aund wtbhow (lue (n'Ôtils are w-nedtogectiser; conacent-nîna baui"tS ta the leller î: i1canruarit fathoi th ie intiniet esu cnnt rime tisat -v insceive tube ho îe giiliIor j, e ilst eight. W'bat liettor s-muidry lIfe nit,îv. ssu sinietîrue'i ob igint ofrîtîe tact hi if t eoirtd' fiîRtim kon' Jois Christ: bhat I at wn e ldlatu odu'arhy, anit tetfor wben hi, rngtiti'oisusbladittiled 'eudy t, Iii dcownu mur liesfor, usar i ht- aonmy nonul bis.sunlught a'akn'ued me te valueohein di oftî ine spirit of to à 50w day. a ncw lire. Jeaus; suîd vne lbacils virtuel, aud footcil tas prauîîîse because ne uv'nleet sou matil beurt (-alture, n hile ne tare tnithtul and Z .'-a., truc tu-1 is i ntelhea'tuiîah teres. SERM OIN IZIIL' If tie but put the spitruttirât, aud lbe! governeit by Il lu ail neay sud do, il ________ wilh cni v no effort tu gron' loto sweul Stnertty ut Hta Faith.-When a man religions ihittihoui. "Behold tlise lieC et the fieldli, o isey gron'." We nitI gis-enl money regulnm'ty aud llbcrally to have no -,ed e lt mouasd spin for outr bts eburcb undi ta bennesoleuce. lt goes selves misat tir mgint eveo libe ho' 5gooti way to establ thehosincerty tomiung anti attractive religions adorn- of bts taith.-Itev. A. 11hiltput, Initan- mouts. if ne but reluenter at ait tises apolis, Imd. (bat the,'"hitidet n'ano0f the heart, l1" dlou. Tceae oihlu that wncîh la fut corruptible, eveti the wbCnits.-uîîil ou aritcntomns ®rnannent or s a rek anti quiet spirit, wihBron e n oto e whicb in tne sigint ut the Lard lm ut great tant we mueut reacli as teactîcrb. W'. Prive." 51 cf tho first importance in thse must bacc a social as sv cl as a retlg- relgiolii lite; anti ne nîii gron' Imper- loua Gospelt« ttcc. A. C. Bane, hMetho- cetiiblitioirmelven luta Christian beau- dtst, San Franisco, Cal. (y. nu'-nîa nd pon i-m. and the brigbt1 plYordvnNis -an-ien1-o -1-y hn -ooo __nl ar' saecttc'outGoi'tt on iteMs iLINOIS 1 IDMULvne ad JIm"a0111an I woe ulorWi uety. Thse Po4tobest I'lYwnouth wsa rO)b@& )BER OR STARTLINO, FAITI4- The robbers bl#w ollen the a@te RadiMM FULLY RECORDED. ctired abtout $100 wortis 0( staifflIp. 'lie e ctîîtn uvîting bouda for à nov Aî, il ho1011-'nt Urirna aving licou de. ttmpt to 'tleck Illinola Centratlv'land nîlegunî, a n(ew î'tns'tnou wntt bh ht vairs of T1he' Auditor îof Public Accounts ha$ lniekli_.-î dgo lrioiu patrtlai..jsaîîn'd a final1permîit foir thie urganiiatil W ill See.H.-b tidShoo Him If. of tle F i-dral 'Trut ali S ýavigo% Banh, * WII Sc.H.badShotHiflatf.located ut ('hicago, nillu a capital e.4- ?'hat l i, i t,. ui,' v i a n dl 'lTh ,' ,-uî xpr-u," m ithe ('tii'aga asi mît to wii- k à 'nIuut i1-11d1a llliin ns ,AltujI l alînl strutiL J"e e Itngles, tral Chicango a -iiiaiinttiin-d n~ 12, oi.1 Willin' lliighe4. agéd 1). on 'mi au Iul înn'ijiuu --i S t a in ~i ii> kull--i r t lel re > ýe nu ,hm Pn: ýgil at pp 01, e., 1 reî A t ýi" ne a 9 'tb t %rit n x 'Y. re an, ois Mer N'O rid Mll l' ma nu rit( iKi y b û 44 Ici va, rt') Bý tirc ehý 9 lit &hi thý th. be tir th T 1 1 1'l lei f r a fe T p, t 1 fit ,am it ut a iu n :, . i t . l Tl h e i n e A' lu - i i t t It ou u r g iiî m e th i e I u io t S t a te ' I h s g g a g e t - a n î , eu e i t c î n .T h e ' t oitsI a n u d s iti c s ý I h . n utm S s M' a r i o nu l as l i v ie n Igers uceni' Itlin.u Enorioti-,r i. îî uuu(,usil.. B a k 2n S m nitîn un u t li, fi n'eu iin n l t n n u 'l t e s o0 n , E , E . t nu ndmIni . I . B r i 'y i mn i 5iii'u v riuuuishi '.uI il l 'i a u hi ,'t .it p t l i n i e r ue ou t 5 i ( l th i i - a i l ' eti ' ( h e u 5 ' t e t h e Lq a t ii1 luiluki'fat tuit wtIi.' det-tSchlohfor t(lie liuuut,vi!lettc on. o n ai lute ralut tînulî4 î' n. %..'.ii'rîi-t. t'. .1. O 'Brien. '%V. IL 'tii l ito r ,' i n t a t ien î îl n 'a s u te i - n eL . raS . l i. a B I'fî' i vir . W . A - I î i a a 's'k tlue' aillem'traimn bu' piîîcing tici-ouît o.likr mt<bu tî., iîll acuseai, iruoui tnt'eviainiilune lit T tuvlsutea mere lrknîti,'nto anil tb. àk Il In.. I -sui,-, main ' Inluit'1. tn tiop o>i-n a Sini IItw aill N ,c î t t im nuluun ndit iu i t Mil ta n tt u t Boune. of "Bondt., is"'lltra. îono> a'-' urm'uI. î"îîtu'etî hîîtudrutitmdollars l t D a a u n ] t h e' r 'i u i i i 'n t u t f o ur l , 1 , 0 i i n t on ubx i s îi d , e u t f t i s e Ba r , @ min'., vs-e,' îîîî-,m'l lilin ,a ta-ifmît itS- vasD tfo l )e lin a rav i ntt e . hi îgln s, uttît hilut nias n id %shet tttu heafui, -on t u,îd, ' t(le riniguatinn(mutC. V. thautiolîerof Ma-i deui th bel oflin,>Ad inde n lt', uib. s îeunylp ppmumuntitruste-"iot tîne igat fonîr ehoît sutdtinthe(iiotiv'rIllinîois soîdiers' nînd bormus'ine ut yt of t hatorsue'. i'nai tii ot erQumni y.Mr. (Chandhle'r %aledli lubis lit' rite or Illod lnn thrinyuit t-le,i- tuit te reAigimmti I1-.,sauge ot tuansuseaa intviie i-t'tofn tl,' nunl tii't înt1 'p. Thtuetonstoi nvire eovverilli t a nlîlîît ptI t m-al lnuitr'l fariuurs flins3e Intcluesmît lîtuu', vn toi ,îf. li-h i.oas a llî'nrp ('unulp vnvute'ut he' titile 'uiuv'r- ie uiomf lui t tins ul,- 'tit- in' tuîu , ity t V t-rImlia s n thi aon e us' o g'tn 151 au elh,:vn'out ervons n hum nîro S ilil-tYt, Ica ofth(le sorti le ng îu n,' in anrlcul- soltta (latrom pit eillu iratrii'sn of 111'titre, A douca ouhar nconnues eet nu ola ps(iontceîr di' ln ands utumirtiln'to Kt-ad dtîlifgutnuon the saaine ercatîti tisa 'are pluie utr. 1'n'ir o s0tîmre t',omei iminini'r. ýo limilo. Situaur li.. tPlace' s terý e ue hm nî'aa 14 Bluffaitî)aveniue,. i nt lime andi irman troncs havë e ,i a oitir Chiano. onbis reluiraitu bis tsne lino. i Inl't-n itîmmu,,s. truu-il outchn's andti loî- 'lliil llrgc EIlisa .lied tigs sirt of Iliu, îî e's trean, '<Le ITle us-il mft lui' steliitnre Jiîn 1).aureamesi for inilo, ndattiaalp cstlnatiah- rallirrof bIne .AplaIlnte Co"urt iS f ie- dlishe blase,. 'inoo c.rin!to tine int n hm-ii s,lnuioih,'tiihtbutleluu loriotisarnra mlii> Mr. 1'ersýn, g lus p t-- îîînul mî- ca r-h ts. tahlen t,, the p5,,ilt otioomi te. nuutmmfingt ti Ti5_N a ulongI i l'ire IriSe omtia tise rne uit a fes's thti chldrntru. th,i Im uuia i t uibarsnus u-lt'yp E.B. 'Ie inmcmuSpartst, y as,,>tu,,,snul al& tl i in aun. a, 0 ! iotl bfore u msl lieoer titcos- iounllIn.'he i rth-itu etan uvîînîn tiui ,,-launmimat,'diltte stjoitin hbuldinga muni dî n tîî.nOUne i.uuiutry r.ssnIroesttiiir sur ishotiui' . LH.Allen'.'a ari-Sos.anti m, tfut tîe ylut a esad'ty tu dî'vote tîseur grineryto,e,. Ielac ic.,,ment uar' es (nu bn-r uu'.îesa thelr falîer ww Sttadtir.nbuthluug mimai-i hy E. H. iuSe dar n ntsofut1811anti 1M5.. i elunesenrturaedilt, the groiînt ti- ema r ic ommm-t tisa1Icuanitbar-l'v foreth ise te .otmIid lie .h-.k.'tiTh'ie iis ,-! quiettyinmu mu it' mve itf s tatuofnI, ut" setinratcl suai laout lts.of mbnî b las stu hriput ru-tiil, omrdly liq , stbatut $h.tîtAt usi.s 'y t> ,si Thn e lil tu epooiunto' thset-ail if litacuntrry 'et'-seOutthe tir.'tai» otit rim a lie tuuîr mut danguer nr pa-ru "'The annotaIpi n i itrira Illinois rtot soither N% Ms s in ill tider. Wimi- Suicide In wifé's Pr-ee. ou'i-naut Auserica esrs' mti n2i.Itti) perlions, Ssmuei Itunm. a smun,r living rieur fflS il, Itocistord 'rThe fi-nuirevtasa aparadai t, pst tise nunle if a sisumgin iir)isn* tith 05.-r 3(")touni nu lise andtiarme-v rMs and bien fAibis nleut vIlonllins nifo- band. andtigonsy tloia(sThe pageant mas* od ns.r I- Iion lmtu dhts. r. r- .viemestb! Lienîl. (loyr.Nortîi',tt, heati Obus guI ni) ut .5 o'elockS linprcie u-cs ors t heo urdenr. lathe aftcrnuin reatnfist. 'Wthen theai niau.reasU' tise' ns as u-etiaton sutmie Vs'nuc me t'îlcId lues' himn,snil. tltng nu aun tuagý u rifiut , taroutis. es Ciaugri-s ser site (il(lue ud-u ait fouaitîlutmuisa huas. JItit ofiibSing the clie-t. Thrmuuzllnas nstoinhm aise soantt, lsîs.aiL'r. liselbsndt otest, for mSne iîîig lii th,>'htu-th uthtii -n li lu.s a jrise utof$riti hat la-nasferral nw,&n-ian lauit a .."ir u le âa ionhu a at 'ne lu, tise NatiornaIl'banid uifBel vileme. as doii g te t'it lier lie Svas trust ut liv' tJluhn 't'ati mur.0I.4,asta rner. violirntIy artan votol oinr l) il hnislf Whlencane, amu it nnîulsins hutzuandeti hal mplre9 lani o lve i,,herelfafaI .herifr's Poisse tinelse hours. uisai-irn' héir .itiilre, lue tounbed mtne (riigeandfil ieuner taranasîtIle mas, tducea tot ae nesor u ujl ,s u.iusisarn<eat t"ltncnnl urrei-min lud inmomeuint an sd Iliosstais- oinMtvre uneos.tnc.ti lain nouder heeti gurd ui hmubisne, fine Llughîrinu Hi!. a %%'.-a. itbes fraint .1lrnm' tville,' 'tatlur mas Ponriug a anu o- oomnnu MesJ. b ofis rus-tiI nl 1. a .duieliirt nuiAtrùua- 'inknsiy et EIi un ns.fuît.shhyt n.IIrirn'I, 'e ieâh binal-a-itmuîîute mît thle imy îolug latrmînck hp ligbate.Sin vlias .it-;li . ai la, niul, .lin-hecesme derang- ina lu h. ktcieaoftlier bonse -oiiil'n aanu. and ti tn'pteal to kilt bis mite. th ightîain lunstie- thrrgh mise bo.u nuttva- pen vn'ii(nvt l'yt%. hildrett. As TSe boit t siu.h trieon uSh' abuulnt-r ,'elivs-.'suu" lmofutlie eu t hin'n. b-i ughter. ug a rertiPotmt.îont the an,' ut a dtuLarn. ICornlia. 1..luis! isr ren-Iss annitlt DmW lau-iIIgtuî lurssgin ber luidyn thnuIe,-trtu I* ntt t e amit utfdm-unth Y'ravebenamc cii tiiruinifS lue fo it nt - Ini u it' te a lv' iuîn'st -att il- t ini ut u Lfe a lo a t tem p tet 'roith(bni 'ls T enuwîua. bilnit filto stnt lber. Neigluhurs. aliter a strrag' n ciuait ioit ti i ii, e. i ciIitn' leuau tb- île. dr,,ve tn nd ut enfron t he pr l f e ý . l o v i n t o t r ip o ' r .K a i o t tui l e l l .a r e u l N . c m i n t h a I a 'octon nt ucnanît no and t.,fo. ).ieIttullhut huia pr» m-mltitir Irn. tri keti lmuu thu e iraielit uoit ii, iale vilIum,.. utElkhi.înuet. lovaii 'o A.lit(inii. ntuth -'f the Siate uimia xe icin a lm' t a$ii.itst pitnli, Imite'1 l,i as daue lev mu-s der fi,e îcoUAl -îuluhlng, Tl., otniui, u vOiti lu'5u'i it-eatu auîn-î'n. t thue- mlhîuu Nationnal tia l i e tîultîne. larunîratoi. Gill' t. I îraNi lub mtlh te 1tino!t brignadeu. 'Ara! ,s if,' it t lrtLe Kiae" Jonli. t1).l ïo-v uaiîry ni the atiillere hattanon twi riT iut li fia, edIlmn2.111luxi (a'it. .- hu-tt sie 'tl-stu Th,' lisuntanti port t. m i -nu otutiui 'llit nuita iunt Iie,]l inugînt i-. ui'. -u, int. , n nit 5 th.' suri.h- 1i 1 i et t mnItIi-' Iiiitl.ii Spruuuntum'ld I n-, (ii t7 unIJuIy 11 mii pu. tmuI. - t u aý3 i., 21 rnul,. (ii lu Thl, n', (f tise - m~~nia I in untila i l[ un'e -uI ftuil teu il ' nduni enth uv he lfai. ti tn r liS smtt le 'iInn . g i rganina- n'unis nuit taie olilnutIi re dais' hoîmlay rani ine,, iroilgu h n the . iu-uIvarut n oue ani n i I a' m li t. nul t ot tt iinxu îh u, u it I i n oet lr a. d a y a l t he IimIatp Jail by hnuguIontatir ille i, S Ii ii.G. toz i-simili at 8 icImuStînlu I Itruat1lu-att.iî'uîr' Unî-tSut Iiaîî.s 'int nu S Il rnu 'N I onutî !i*nm"11lie .,gittnire fit- bu~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~e 1. a.-t-at.umt.u i .l aiii 'n lriemle îunîntuee ilr (lie .nvaimp- (alun lu aI >tii l If i 'in- of-m tnu . f iiiilti iu , n l l tivut. nilt in.- unot ilii .t. 'i , aI I ,>,.,-tt m ti,, tu l lini.iii Iti vu'an as t ri ll failuui t, -Itil .1,lu ,t,- 'i.itl - nîî o lu-i'oIi-un lle tut gelthetise ogît - Ait tier e hotation. uta, o) , iltnî,l ii mii l'u Ian. huit tSia A 3. ý,r 1~~~' l l I le l; , b ll i , et .."'. t 1, 'titi 1t11.- vu ilumnlul .n i nt br.i,unk Ituiîmm. -Pou uies molin ir -a s hlat Chstill'i unt.Iod- -ii'ý,- , ii tnluiedI,* I-rantis Hortu'a- '1bctnhe nu ilIiualutin miel tu th,' Kimi uti f t4h limn are farinera iii. mliai thf ti tiit trifitental tai- gnm nT -'Il truioniii'-un '.-i ul Cie i uuty. lIurtenslein for lo'Io l (IUl Il'ifChI'Ili' 11b "z i et -l trou luun s n te auverni pears age Cbnumugît ucu utu au in' (to i- h.' Illicomuliving lui ,a Daunuilu ', o 5u' uuluiliIoitl ii> ii nuuy ouit(he rmnounu(if "'iltrnp. relatent psny nsl u nl (i o it Is osmi ere'ltutu.)ti'(nuil)Harpt mu A tiisuutrsanding arsee $tate srii.amuitthe N'."ltirnp fnuuulu mrepred to taese Betîf '. 'li't'. nIhetni uni o i, tii--te (hi' pl.uu', i',n luhem ninu'ut 0HurtenaîcAn. v'burî'l n îuIilel> irt I t,ýans ugu). Ili tiiI m talttneii-ci,'laurîuain ffomnentînc. a sui ,,,one iiig$.ietlIte t rouble amlitht' nitu-tet on the IigS- A Ktennugnr. aju abut 4., i-tirIos, ît'ua. Iharnioau mun - buggy sud Hor- nîituu'itsulint it,' b> h.ngmilIr suluth'e-u îînmulo t,-ltuut.iion fouto te ho,îî'u renemet the ealahos,' ni i.uuIh.ui -cutn Irtyndy sit Ituntoîu'mincit Harpîn in tîne cllao lt ntIi"baty. JticoiluHr(i'utetn, a hrotIa Jutin Atexan(ilc t (unie h:i i uelred 11ut it (ho ter, iiiiad h r cmlemurerin. ,s orZiinsi-ti (begirI' matenesdeslu uf tut (tf t gemivgente. Ilartîin ,lrovn'hutaIt a siete 0 h* - iseards as sartignia rutnuguinumsm unuh tu hlontue Ilua aoif ou-ni i -onditimn. einIg G. P. Ralatifi.tue uu' iin4suptii, v iione, Hurteimstel n s anti-il acrois tjulb t e n d e'n t o ft hl e' i i i is u h , h u i ti n t ';a t u u n t r y 1 0 S ll v a nmu il , n îr r u 'u îl r t u i e au oî'rîtî'dthe tîi tuetuctnf'f tue 31 i' aîîhoeitiu's Ile'%vss n-ltîerodniti iodse tinmusehouilsnlý1ii ulrieCoruuiity juil. i 'Thle I-r imli ui aiuui. tIl iialut A (perm ilt tueogInnie (bu' tGranite 0117 hbetii- peutu 'i ls uu"htm-mt f L. ue BuniatRiGraniite Cit>', 'apîital S~Ul Fore'st University. 'f nus IL l. Nu'ormilt, lias lica ssiu-olittlu)('humrleas."Iteri, Rob- presient outlrluisi uithunliereti tino isa. et lortie anti Charles Il. Stelzel. The Jotie cl,îufflitrst his ri'muoveci the R. S. ('ni-ian of Ittuu'ttfos'ti eated asat oppoition cf resdtîts there 10 Ile George W'. Itowe for eletion &ias tpremeé Chivago drirunage' ianal.('ntlun'itn techunru'master of tSe Mysti' Workems or tue'l the canal »anu 'ilthic imire lusnur Portion Womtt inl conventiuon utit octiord. ' otf the tiown fromnu bllii. Th e '.Vot pottery anti fruit jar tau. I lianry Klîil , mon tuit mut (tue ttator-Y ah Monmouthu mas otaly teereyi .fuir uii..î.eoit ionipliut itulf it limiteronit5sp ire. canang a Ions af aboiomt $US%,OO'. .eruumuu'u, --i ('m-ut tîut heI -cluGh oi uT h,' plant sean buill! shoot bbree ysaYgý (p offices a feuýv îîuîu's ir',lu ut (alunt agiluy the laIe '.. S. eir antiW ma tlb. taiue lu> lm'uuingftruimutli,- (nain. At (tic moiv ti înen arC fruit jar factory la thé,- ( imie lue 'urs tmiicfidanti abacic. W'est. k Cl.u'eorgeu !bI i-uit or Cicago ulelin 'Th'enemnnet h an been lot for theCar-in , rell thlu>'orai uîmuai thelu, uudii'ntiin of lte negie pulicleimtrry ut I'u'tiin. theo plans neu îîllc lîhrf il tlalcsharg. 'bhe of a Bloimcingtlin rehtect bavîng bex .tilurunti ot $S0.O. I tntII svbe bi $f1-50041,uet'..'Then dtp of IPotin ln'asiveit4 ntnu gieutilî(Aubre r nnnegie. $.' a ndulthoeîc7emus muresedthtie: Jiluiu a. tliivIas.uîuG f 1tlt t'tutu lu> $7000ith îteutglu imuate ionolionai, I~~~ lus-iu ui 1nt i .ui - I- ttritlo~ Iliilturot lu.tiil n loit andti Ibm '80 yon "We dld.' pilatoflice a did umur] "Bitlllinlaa <i frienîd u 'i W ag'aloI get -e-n. op l Lit oh ti i , quiet aIl kill Bil." l It.'tn t,! îkeil dit %Ir ('ut thigt lî,v ii va lii lits ut t Frîîîu lth Cirdlii Une gnAjd Cl-r-1 ONE FAI ~L. tise G 4 'inniag,î I li fiit-eIli.i A 1 ; T' -Cblc&ago. M ', 1 u 4"u . td i- w t'ii-ti fu.m'- " 'h-s hiitun far 'i-v 1. ibnve, lui ti V ut ve o u im ,- "lmt ram'a11 'le 5n - fint Ii Jun I t- a IL X. tl ý,

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