CURA SOAP, a•••Md kn cure, fer reri 4 or Cleansing the tpping of fallin hakp rough, and80fthan= in the form of Eath w, or too frt or OffeD- ,ulCerative We-kneme Which readily Suggest and for all the pufpome m redicated soap is to bs. ig, and beautifying the Dreign or domestic ledet ared With it for alà ths 1.Thus it combinas in Tskin and COmplezka in the WOrkl. 'ERY HUMOUR, OL ReET T P tLs(c.) gn nlain kln, "aP.and inos throughlout the world. Bit"M pt5Rue d. la Pai.3, P"d. . "h. A .u HAN MED LINS WiElAéw N. E U R AOm Le M oéb uwd Edrdm éqoc S qen pmff . % - -- Seware of the deaer who triu e sol -methinglita&0sgood" a. N. U. No. 25--t0 N WHO dent Germart ic H otel, Lds a Tumor by le Compound.. years ago with a tumor ;o to the hospital and un- and hesitated to submit.. :had studied medicine, nd he said he behieve& ompound would cure I k lept it up faithfully only did the tumor dis- zh improved and 1 had as 1 took no other med& my health and I believe M IS NOT GENUINEs rsuppressed or painful ient or uilceration of th of the ovaries, backacher stion, and nervous ness, faintnessg,1-E. sness, melancholy 0 blues, and hopeleunmý true remedy. 14ydàIL removes such trofism. the best. ommeî10Tffl SIDE8 ARÉ FIRM QUEEN OF SWINDLE RS. LOSS Of 525,»l0000 BWEPT BY 'A STORM. A lminet wh. while blasting M mt Ifme. Humbert, PrIncipal in theMost SINCE STRIKE BEGAN. kras cauight ln a premnature explosion, Colonisait Fraud of the Age, gives a vivid description of hlis menas- Mme. Humbert andi her Iihual, wa"Il(In May 12uthe anthrl srkebrn ILLINOIS AND IOWA IN TORNA. tions. "You see, it's sousudden., It's E LEETADE OA-are fugitives frumt,'ari ad ar., -. DO'S PATH. Over just alt theutime you begin te THRACITE COAL WAR. msought by the NI,, York lidi e, Ile I theIenormlous soim of- .o I wo tmderstund that some)(ting is a e - et e m -- aehv enso on ing, 1 hald fthe eartrhIlge In m a 8rk fth iu ioa nrin. ail.t, Msome .k..r hR bà-en. D.- and pu Il d wn. T i-ii 1got fromii 'rfnSrh bafnt-e(;reat Property Damoge iooting- and pu it do n. j hn I go n a e the Vr iinAdide New Complica--,erion theseur, t d atrlthere i app:h'n Ji, AILlat once e'yhig w li ght.t11-9tuaionas It Now 8tand.-- of an l i 1 "f4trouble. The u bIbr> toll.o 1lLar e--unry Dis- 1 don',t think1 i s thfie flash, flar my Btill w r igfor Pe.hri i lfi tthem "ad ..asthey le',w:1tr ctsand crop. Sufer fnue watsfnot twa Il . Buit Ieer.b, on Anwerican?: 1, ,tolmines nl a -g,000 thling got lighit. lig ii tr th n dalykil a d k"fponi vea tors, Iin 1o1 Ioinois as sweplt by o,,, of the -fere- Gfr dimThere "was an .awful1er,,h. This in the sixth week of the gret scafe1pending a cIm l estaitorms i ts i str ue ynigh't tw asi sta te sa e ti e I 1s o lstrike tin the anlthralite district@ of pin1wt o- "tr ikls. ier , f- Th1detrur n if property was, wid- UN"ull Pened asylvania. o --tand a solution of the difh- tai,, e ilnIl ,t il, s a a -r. tc. .. _oo sprad See railll e ee lsl Tie awf ll sc re a il aned o et culty, wici s l daily affec-ting a larger mad ihv .heilst fouo whflolttelsffeed,.ut.he1h av, nwa:ylit wals just as If 1I was ha, ing .number of people, apparently is as far off ta.n W wnthe'a u'.. me ,a d ma wa d.1 "he enra'an the inigtrtmarie. 1 knew fthat: some lofan ever. Afiready the strikie has cost Il, l ,gred.......... ... ) dbr scin.Mrs. D. Arnold, Presi the others were nearer the explosion. the mine owners, maince, aen MME. HUMBERT. ei1s nJ -BomngoleriCapagU and I said to myself, 'They're blown of the anthracite region and th-- Public wan founild tobce empty. The Crwf lun-w reïrit b1 I.aaand severaluother cities were in the O nS U ,Gr d Pai Into bits, tht'scertain' This was alt generally the vat sumre of S . rthr ho were p rotd t. o l....·· .- track of the storm iand suffereýd lheaily. -ln a second-ali at onice.,.Then it was The operators still remain unmnoved andle ft fil neito Mmeo. ]l et. Ilr "" a-g "mntnsest aebe h n eeC lR lee f exuetly as If I lhad] been hitIwith a a nbending. 'The strikers remain Ihopefailiblied t hav eue mythIsias no one Nun .er 4f other wr 1, oo gretst sufferer. Damage sim td at • h i in i t and deemie.The public sufrsvith ha-ver been able tu secure any infor --I af a imillion dollarswavdonfthee, and Lydla E. Pmtkhaim's Vegetabl stI<k. I thouigit tIwasa g ' the prospects growing greater eachl day mation in regard to them. "A KING OF THE WEST." at MIrna. ten mih-sfrm Bo(ing"n blgger than any inan cul d snvg, and that their sufferings will becomue more il. Not -ineltheDryfus trial has liny three yung omen eil-,kiid and hau "DF.AR MRs. PINKIIAI:--I suffered fouryÉ thiat Jitmust lbe workilby) ach* ery-tennse and more disastrou-. .lone topIl. ilmonIoliz.d.thimhür ablilt_ chio perator wo'dlImesea hundred hurt b he wre,, ingof a in rny womb, and the doctors declared 1 must go It hit me on the head and all oveýr. 1 The magnate" have over half a bilhen tentiion in I rs The affair, which :u Profits a lhrenI Deal. danme hall. 'The it ee members wient Ralling into tMe air a lI glong dollars invested tin their Minies.,and yet Ialready l.broughit about the re1i1 I.. big uman of th agit, ardof | f aparty of 25 leaure se-ekers that deTgo an OpeTat ion,%%whlich I dreaded very fnuch an way Myear rore< an te wnd anyof hes mnesarebeig toodd o einet mgisr-t d ad otar esand1T'l r day. and fiov hs eeParticipants of a dance at the towiv" My husband consulted an old friend who 'blew lin my fýare. I kniew whei ad uiedbeauewhlewiig oia ,a gvnrile to lhaitfiadozlen ibel -1at1e ston ail. The building cllapist-d and three «truck the grounidfor I remebetj)r say- the wages of 4,( coal and iron police, .o a, b lome a ptetfactor in Frl f-l l""iwomen wi ere crushed by falling timberse although he was not a practising physician, an ;Ilng to imself. -N. I'm donie fur., i1to protect the non-union men they are polit,,.mao Dozenis of others were caught in the de- that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coi doj' ki(%%jut h n len iy l t assembling in the coal regions, the op- M. il 1 M mu.. Ium er h v enH ntn Mr. bris andi wounded, do'unwJs ln ieost my rgt @etors will not grant the increuse asked ing inl,'a;r)s jn regal st d. amllihad: i ls,,ant Three are reported dead in a suburb me. That same day I took my first dose, and senmesor vwhen they cme'. -k btby the miners. 1Henýe the negotiatioul us i q; i Hoteau in the ountry. Ther Ilhehad of 1Pekin. The entire east end of the ni wlebtlsha enueadnt when fllY'dhico eIt seoimed (<lueer brought abIout by the NationalCmeil-F.ed- haveb iena ml b-r..f jb-I Ila r-trn ne village 'was swept away. Houles and ni w leb tlsha en ue ,a d n t that I wa. there still. I thouhtiKithat eration were tbroketn off and the couintry i filtrog tsud -nid braglhisbarns iwere blown down aet Groveland, appear, but my general health witas very muc I haditbeen tronl o e heeelse. I in forced to witneiss a struggle, the end epce alr :nilau omaeetnt ineDln llw D lvn -h' h isJi.lnottfeMtlloewellisince Iowas ayoung woman. cotiild feel fire burning m ne. lit vwas miy 9f wbce may meain ruin to manly indus- nyandi iohr faisin, whin h th, lTheo pposIite l'ekin the river overflowed its n tfl o w l ice1w say u g w m n clothesn. They vween-smokinig and :al- triez and tomions of people. mrIwreinretdwl gaffect IrIn.fihe closed bankýsuadcrd a s'aros of corn, •As I have suffered no relapse since, and a noist blazing. I wans brise<d al] over 'The situation now may be brieflysumi- tosad. 'onn .tmn in Frac bId.ngs the wIhIlisl ved -1t.oihavebeen ruined. icn ,I m suet ty ur o p u drsoed nuit could fnot hearr ve ell My voice med up: Every mine of any consequece lin1 digjudges :-dnilobimn ar_ _u1 lu an, e > After a day of extrmebhat the storma iie m sr hty u o p u drsoe in the coal reizons is tied up. Maoln of .pre o o peiyi heIidr. P te boeupon Bloomlinlgtonaut 11 o'clock. .saved My lfe - R . D.ARNOLD. so mld sifso eod ese w s al-them are being allowed to il with vwater , , - . b i a ae s Those whovwere aw-ke took refugi. in Iing And that's ablouit all Ire ed .me',d i)5000 FORFE.IT IF THE ABOVE LETTrE and men <anotie otiw ap m SOLDIERS CUT TO PIECEg. wr-, theililenter of uniait i y (cllars and vaults and any in tue up- ber " them. At others cle.rk% bo Ra non- -:--ad ith 1lbouight and- I ilt,,th hizh- town fiais wee forced to the street by When women are troubled with irregular, union men ae1ryngtorun,,the Pumps)%Five Americana n LzonArc Ma.- est pbef rNay e-1z, 194mas the unirootinig of their dwellings and the menstruation, weakness, leucorrhœa, displaceme couldn't Straighten UP. and over th .1 a filg ore of U iron, and sacred Iby ldon .rlh . c½ents , Il-: thel .gInpouring(of vwater. Half the piate gloasi womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammationo reed, Wf tim June 1jthichesf. oa plieerekeum ar.The l'In- The bodies 'If the Sergeant, t wo ~- r . At [least 401-1bushl' ere ln the bsnessection vwas mashed and blosting (or flatulence) general debilty, indigest Ptrooftipae.Jtleoth ylvania law makI, .asythe formauien porals and tw, privates of the Vfrth -v ý,d f in a few sr ftis being the interior of stores wrecked by w"Ind trationi, orare beset withsuch symptoms asdizzin I eale for Oiconto County, tells thle of this-kat, Iarmyl. Ily it nme ownléy alry who were capturedl.ri May an byl bl-ri- 1rdfor the Chf i . xchagri It and water. The streets were completely elitabilit, iritbilit , nervousness, aleepless follow†ng afory go . t P.hbig cities voe-co ladrono at Il an inan, Iizal icriltnm lin aillM i Pan.n bianil-d blocked by fallen tretes and vehlicles could " an n" ant-to -et-aon " felng n' hr .wIhtrouib ir erysairt'dh r wng6du n o m h so ndntoe ntsv nan ieton h ight5 e hould remember there is one.tried anait In e eal i te ornn ysalosth rffrffa hestes ndtlo .i he were :ra tewrt, ilo sr nol W-bTmab w.Udlb4ere Put out and rhe town was in utter Pnka'VetbeCmpudtoce iiii ,e peil itte morilg lodginzg hb,,- ,and brmg i, them tothe-ir ---- darkness Lneempletmdobuildingnwere "I1 was almoq tunable to stralghtcin mine,..Theoer olit badges on dblown downam over e bcliy. Pepe Refuse to buy any other meiemie, for you need Il my bacek and the pain vwas unbearalile- themn, pla- eposmthir h' andl. loi-bwere dpan ilric e. h ct. I o "I1 did not knolw what I iras, l>ut see- thus the,'- ouiand irou pb "are ire- w --ncsrikn Iing an adlverrsement of Iodd's Kidniey tied.- Destruction in Cenatrasl Iow. Illi I cnclur•dto ty a ox. ---The storm traversed a section of Iowa. i en olysa ttthat one.b1,0,, Rhat the F:ght Meane. ln Des Moines considerable damage was} aliane lhasdone nme mure g>ood than any- G he iht n u o gm tI bea aiindonle and at Burlington several boat$ thngele ve d i ne vctrytobeon itlte side Iwlhich lwresuk and manjy buildings unroofed. .. cfi el o s vr1 lr au hold outl the Oogs. <n the fae - - -l--lT e storm struck the town of Jordan, 1I oave recommended ih>dd's Kýidneýy of it, it woulid seem as though unde r- - a few miles east of Boone, and, although P,11, to several (othern, who are iusing I uh crtnsac te srles w ud-it is re>orted that no )ives were lost, then ith good results , Tl appe1 ra o metimues de-l -several of the principal buildings of the M r-ir. id J ,a iI c, itl b y'rson n is higly v rI-Iwe * i ce ive. -hestrikers are unitedl.tirmait ri -- -place were destroyed. Oskaloosa reports determined. T eypcan ve onlittle. Thiycon.sderable damage from the wind. The mady ilke a statementa uleIs it wIl h,I v the sm ah of the business inter- - town of L aurel was reported wiped ->ut. abslutly rueenis throughoout ithe- anithra, lte reg, u.Larli in, Jefferson township, Mar- They willhavetlse matrialaidwhen9lial mnyand has a population of Would Inlitrtn ay Poe. to1lre aske-dfor, if ognzdlabor. erw er.about l100 people. .lan er ay eres a uy ut eren 2 Fully 4S,4KXO of themn have left the LoaiiB rigo a iie ytesom fiMI6edsénineeth, totrike b>gan andi have N¯ Iiis were logt, but buildings were listesKra p tpoti e hm i oudwokin terocuaios thus ..Inrofed, and telegraph and telephone abluu the n a - ri, to better care wires were blown dlown. Much damage .1, i o 1o I!dA. but Ihe. : 1- d , 1for th se b' emn - toproperty resulted. I ightning struck a ndlo a nr by a a. r: nth ot rha dte es tin fw rk--1- - in several pl 'sThe steamer Comet mensa loss 1>t the ."Yacaryigando-i brokelin halfsuran sunk, IRob Roy, a- lises K a p T l hm i e ja col i ninug: r-"ds of SInomN WOO i p - - easure craft, was badly damaged, and benr u tnimonlth. Ths Ila. cof-deI Me It em tll - lo ashed ashore. lBarges and boat houge@ ln an sige :kI th s, whnbel, nq talk in -- ere filled with water or bilown highi and Do our VFeet Ache and Burn?! 'illios.. Perail.he rLI s fte-r nn-- dry on the, banik. Thereare miany're- ShIake into your shoes Allen's Foot- other moýnth nmy c umeto ,,nsilir this. - prts of damage in the wurrounding coun- Elise, a powder for the ietl tm ke lemne se etr ie o e an-FtrY. tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cure@ out unt '.th win. For the union 't il -1 Corn.. Bunions, Swollen, [lot lantDnot now ea n rf igtfri'e cn;it- -WILL MINE ICE.. Swearing et- At ail IDruggists and -efgltfrr prcn.i Sibue Store%. 25e r. Sample setrit EE.ta a fight for the future and a fight fr- . Address Allen S. Olmsted, Leltoy. N. Y. their eisece tubborn as are lthe----_ A Company in. Arizona to Prosecute - operators, the i nersa re equally re..- - aQueer Industry. Would Have Had Foeur iof a Kind- lute. W"ith their own resources they feel- Elaborate plans are being laid to Put Mrs. N-wwed -l'ai ghid 1Ihve in a free confident that they cau remain out four "B amidd, how'er air, ar,- secit friends. into operation niear Flagstaff, Arit., thie co nr;l'tri.nIll use for king..ots hi eeos dscr ihtebtl n most unique Industry in the world. It . Newwed thinkinýg ofa poker Meantime a new element has entered In peace ther wonerwh-ce Isnsor-,i h ups fcranprist tl gamiei -1 coul have usetd ltwo of '-1m the situation the soft coal strike In 'he And a-k how, m ',l"hke cold e'er belot, . ize the Ice cave. whicha are found ln verya an oty last night. two Virginiias, whiere nearly 20,000 men ->h State Journal. abundance thereabouits. In theeare al- - -are idle becsause of the refusai of the -- ----- - _ _ _ - - mont inexhausntible quantities of the cool She Knew. b~lituminious operators to grant an increase ad Fign and a li vt ais n 1 Mr. P'attenlha. been on the blard m ore ing product and it is the belief of the- - . - -;, lbor W l r in eprm nts in wages.. If this strieL u ees; if (Carr. M-I f th o l 'h e o n :a nyyar Y He.began hm, as a parties engaged in the etettcrprie ha --- . na.m dan.,Ilit ln. tou b t ho >resident MlýheIllmandfthe other leaders nlm ro nn ,and it afi, d nii farinler b1 yat Sandwich, Ill.. buitmo 1d the stuff can be marketed at prices which g l'"" ln the U itdMile Worers I ion sue i bletIr., zefor f ithe l mIl fi. t, (hi a ad entered the Slltategrain will create a great demand for It. E. R, m s sýdleladIy tt o- Itrits uu ceed , it cutting off Ithe supply of soft coal A mnbr'f irr't, mithenlr, ueinspetion1,-ieearly in his lc-r- r.Ji1Dutton, a younig mnfromt New York. To0 rOserve, P riTy, ai o: rouble lto Iel ',I oinw...... ' -toth, eascern i rkt thereby frc s been made and nli ne men b-11 all'bt n M ~l was graduiate-dfrom iithere in àaifew years i is at the head iofitheueterprise. It in 1. There's Mone in I |the shutting down i f nn;Hsuad factirI-'s lthlidn.a.dallel. n fo- he1ani-ad went into tin- Board of Trade. Foýr the proeof imsielf and his companth Skn Ha d , and rdedthey eelconfident -ha: o io neu ifiptr , teAmli I the past ten yasMr. Patfte hals ben ion, t, sppyDot only sco sof §mal) \ntw ie mu db reon uhindene , e roght b a :- T e dnIln n in b t oa scesu peao inn11 an- i sttin towns nd u mtii ber campis in the N t i mlaw a that.ou upon the opraorsto co pel them o . bes f th, 'll oceofT r. is k.. le II a autions traderand is viilnity.but to poiea -supp lorthe N t i g E u "Aw rblo a Mon pdic o a -. make suchi onc n swill end otih i rg r , Iton r-f' ilo !ts reog izd on, 4 theshr,,wd t I rI riloasof northe-ru rzoaand New & barn. strike«. The two %Virgiuias niune 4.0J( baX)1n r fri t 'I ndt he1 iril.t.ridncthfi boardeIio. even into as in the Abl' . 1 a atlw, - - erthe 000 l t.ons oral m onithl y, and tis, ,wIth uniti th., ae xer iaedIr.-ate .h s adventit . ph:at on f :a lwa <on u th, north- Fhe hh- >ft theo " , ni:rk on , l l n the output of the soft lcoai reg-ion ftis Alaýj 1 . \ý 1T. \\ ao r 1 tex , h I- b un igf-rA den i i l, t ern part of thec greait A meirilan desert ie tpin lonniet, lIlo T i t funnr State, supphes m t f the eastern tra Il- t.: Iln 1h'. rIl t 1 n w, paJ.;, 1 gl. lie wal jd . ited and ,s...n. afte'r fac torn-s haven t e t en itrodued. 1. 1)ion't Ilaugh. May b, u I By cutt'ing 0hisoff, thle in us rie fthe F : o cu iig hi prn S n vdto E an There he h e 'nen uttn mde Is, way into the best 1;lo.'l helEast wouI l.b 1 alze . ut suIh a trs .+ a !,a, r e s ccs f iad f, Ir i servinegil, ayor. kn wnof these cavesIlast s m e, It is pressure wouldi be brought t e ru ajran-hnt repar i-- -iatthe hea o f arks-bll-,sve t n Hionry'v A. S l , the wIll knownIl the operators inaa settlement couil fit tf t 11 rreIl, th a WIL COST $60,000. n ouh et fF usuf lhecold Whwunu,,,,n seedsmnan, gives fthe 1lat long be deferred. 1 , he , nere -- nI½e en iitnse-not le- than orthuend'àdolas t. wipeCut the(deut IPeaceNoit Yet Aban.doned. I lb nt ount of 1Uncle anr'. Wealth in the 60) degree dop , tmpeatrebeing In- Aof the Laforrasse t.rM.1-1. A Philadocelphia bilot. couneredinlte 'ure of 1perhaps twen- Allhops fr asetlem ntof he ron a rar uwngto te : oinm,- ila ew ty miutesa fter -ne enters the cave. Ir a suy rls hs tiy l e ble have vnol, however, beien aband.-n lriy u r1 Il, f t "d lire fore re k uston bI h m rnng a d Under instructlions fr-om 1l'residenft Ho a lLite 11m1neyithe, IIstored um1, bas:eIlToL ang, from this arcsgs nooh so lo ly ha hs d ug teron fur I - velt an invesutgaition in;to the whole imat thlr 1 a abe nth d. th- k wi l l s l th L r avew w r l otsldy w le '.y.le has s1'onw t bto Iltay w ih u, tr i en icted bv Carroll Il I lE l n1 - Il , - .,b. l11 ,1";:un ara)t» Iif e W right, U"e a e C i m sin r of' ur- n'le I, a tathlnIliqun.1 i"l,$ uwith ice Labor. 1t s o lhowev rhc st ftd tI n lim f's -der-s-- ý;,pt inr mlt . An id the fn;lmn u Hall'. Catarrh Coire. that M r. W ritis ,inot clotheýd ithithhe Il. d-uhch hea -idt ,s ' ith un"r.kngn be g:lnn'd 1COL. ARTHUR LYNCH ARRESTED. Istae itrnly.lrie7ýeent. jr (dc i of a bta torn-ran Mr. wa frIer n ,- , slm, 'Il ft sa 1facllt l .,theg, alone ,,in un",ONS of W OMEN Use CUT I Mr.nt nii ith whsup rint nen . HilLandig in E.gland ment i mentined i the E yptia ree- elieffrom te pree t sit:itionand hra i ,i ujr-ah:-j a iltreatre.hhece a notlsrpr gthat te Bos in SIibArica ad whoonfg crrustsscale, and andrdf, tand the S ords 2(fl) Year,, I.C. Il iseas111 gr9u- is wo mp, vg eore> u ein I- n ailphaue. Iu s 1 1h-hul1euie n n vmbrlg n lctd t rpe"n o Sfe igitnig a d O t in 't , In îalostany'art of t wob.ioertmlPeidn.Mthelhbbicsled th am asapulpttede f inwooe 'e fiGluyn t lu o omns a or sbaby raswhetning, andCohings, r I' ,d-tM toi l ..Til forv his posti n withn a r itaresteg\\,danddy oring n hi ar DONT POL OUR CLOTHER. abeyance the caillfor a nationar ovn an mal any hsho ittag ri old e ndi vl int li ll, iln f titepe rane- O nOigirttOsadifamto wb 1 sno. A ir . e u då Mæ-r al.lakete ".i !--n Coilynh, wIu- acopaidby Iivt perspiration, in the(orm of WasheS for i eas ua aayfomhoeif be enn SPEEDING LUP TRAINS. m w a i 1o lo 1,-fil a -l W hftelic ntis dý,Tr o ed af u satin Sbseuenly ol.Lynich was : themseVs to womenespecaymttr, help it. ----hgo n w sunwh f."* i "o . $S8133 7 . ilve,, 1araign': attheil, w street police court , of the toilet, battit, and nursery. No other P --- - - - ailroad Men Making Many Change ! - 448,%2: ýgold ,, 7 I ' •I ' on thichageofIghtrasnand was O rd Wth i O rSvn ,p rfi in Their Sceue.THE LATE JOHN H. BARROWS. -un. $92.4K133m I1 remiandeld after formial evidence of his lfpaewthtfoprsvigpufyn C ^Railroad men are interested in watcI' The l'hiideolph omint i, thln Il arrest ha-b1 nprsete. n. C"p, hair, and hands. No Other for Ring the devIlelopment of the idea that il:-1President of 0Oberlin colleg. andoi tresngof all Iloer n m1y.o.1 P nnucd nIari, that soap, however CZpentive, is to bc compl creas"A edspeed on passenrger trains isbe-, - roietThoo1" à oiLt l fI ee m mn e wudreunto Englad and t ak, e s' u O h Olt ah n usr. For Inf"ts and Chidrezi. ing - lled for by the public. Along with Thesilenit raprhas, aken on thaýt i.derthe value of idollaraare Imnu, theat in Parliament. lie belibaththat nupsrpy. the announcem ent of the 20-hour trains last long joneyIuhIbknowslnorMurn tred1.nit. teconlus nof ithe-Biler arladtea, ONE SOAP at ONE PRIC, the BEST The Klad Yom Hate Alway Bonght h, the New Tork Central and Lake Shore anoterprolmo-lkil l t3" hral anmesty ermns granted ithe burgh-: soap, and the BEST toilet and baby soap in Ber hcomtes the further announemenilt of fast- , ui. At 0lhe1ihneswudisuehspro adi m nt er trainsifthan ever liefore for other sec-on f moom art ret. a and hwvr 0ELT TETETFRE 0ga ,r o 'd tions of the country. mIvaea - htBiih deetvs wr atching The new daily 20-hour flyer now, ln re mno n oarethm sso-a e t foot unOo ttngfC-ren sAr( \Vest Ioaarsedliawiay and li Kca.l e1 .and oftien thetl en -- ~service over the N-w York Central and n17 glish sboil. etontatyaa e ngi Lake Shore il k niown asn tbe 'T wetierlh in fthe, p-rson of - so te andhea ; ad tmeunA . m Ulgan ,,kRev. d 11.atHar- Ji alanI.seth.eblood. ASINLE s Y AO N 0 0 IT Tt ° " ir'"y " tr i °°'li ' l" I aý"'u I '" " -4 9 M I'-1P R E D IC T S W A R W IT H E U R O P E . T H E 8 E T s ao.t or u i g d . g n , n h ýu whose claimus and the ming« of Bd these 'Shfornia g. And udly at- 7Àýoists b inb ai§ Pm hie tg mau. He fue Pro- tidpre- follow- lichligan, igo, ind ý mo.nths lnuity la ent of a try home bere and I are tak- . Che ma nsn rfou med- ture proý'- or wor la- alrule i ement of itio will' n.funa e tha- is to oer- it person- orore n tol. vHeo and inthe nd fon.ll 1 the mA re f t he y hdi s Mert agre om :he fold lfai beg.on hire tnt o ad wieth- 'ifo te o n thety nd is noto follr dlese liataedk U see arees. fýae the raiin pora ns in' Zion of the peo. se, fnathe, is aunert rite. in ut it ri- .i as uthef th ostal t l frndsre gc amnget f risome n aur ofE lnfr the Ma unsre-h prbionment andt of Ese Iwhi le hie was Governor or Cuba. chief famie, how- r.n a I- n ivr Secretar Root erplains that Gen. domiiainlg force , rs-G HOUREi'KEEPEH-R Wood hadl complete authority to markl gr-ss of HlgosbSiieHcr etni hcd. Uetebs.Ta' h hybyRd the ependturefrom he Cban evenus, iF ai in 1 lli hwin i Du ithe mouth of M ayth, suicide crossaanl Blue. At leading grocrl 5 eenuts. and that ln his judgment the expendi- trips to India llnnodil r reco-rdiv ,as heaten in Chiago, Lifty Per,. Jglr-utntmk lih i- tures were perfectly ilroper. It was to partsof thio. 1'l S:zi t. sons takng their own Bre During the takes the interest of Cuba to haie the litera- Dr. Biarrows leavesa oi , N 1 t lhaun x" same period there were 134 dieaths frol ture circulated, and Thurber and the Miss Sarah 'Mole of \ % ni1-,1-e r ,o ih, Bright'@ disease, a reoer which in also' 1rv e aura Export Assoelaton bad nMIeel ctd asilas. a slon and three d..upnatd T 'E **4 disuetig gete in th* United Satan6 nd Hair Dr. «L. J. KgB S. N. U.