PUBUSNED WoEKLY. MYURTisiNO RATEs ON APPLICATION. EAST WANTS PEOPLE PLAN TO DIVERT IMMIGRANTS TO NEW ENGLANO. M arsbalFild ofa!Clic.leago r»e e t.tes ovessuent Ca lit-idue of Nem- Osaies1IdRounti Toledo Womu uglaged t.uS esrch fur Palrent. Marshall Fiý 1i1tif Chicagot lia,ltees il, Bostos in îîîf-rî,m it.e.fStewrt Aih, luin o! Suw -u ek nud it <tdott, wi whom tele t -t-il)iii tîmu-ilarge ilu Ttnent and tlitl u-ut-eltl y iii t ta *tcooft< ,. îitthe svi lt- ,-,a tu wrirtrN-ob, tuttiiii rîtf iti- <t iect laettu ct ut te-t<<" f aî-î,îu large- pari t o 1 iii, l tof attttt flnctai lii-t-tfî,i- miiii 1,- t ,lit- tlasi, ofrteî.tîîrît of rît, lt n i, -lteîîv land railier- thontît-tub tti 1h iMr. Appletuon, wai, u t,- ýt, i- i itotf titi enterpt-ii-e. utillrii l lilt t-i t-tig l;itE - i- Illstratitiî-rd tr- <ttititg tii- ui cutua-l ant i nîlî,i ttutlr-t-fStu -M Ugianti. T<liîîu-11i1. ,îî.i-î. afour- or ive i- ufireni îîgît u lit tutu te put t twO >i-5t IerhA11.1, I ii lias ettti Ilsetd emigt-ntimitti nli iit,îî,î Paria, Edintat-git Di tiii,, lin li, fuît bumasatdthei-rît fot r it~ilitiiitg tîli tons tf cai-Os , f piiupltii Ii ile laita gSaies ofthbi,-titffit-l-itl ti-u,--s.. lt Iter-at o! I r- Fii-I l i vie trtrutu t ailae frittutii-fa cI iii lt, nuo uutter- mhere or hlutt ito-eu ii, a cri- aruttotf the immsig-ats w iii g, hVW-t. - tnt lb boldings n soriheutti rlite ltatehckItu st I.lilinoisn (<tal andtiothi-rq mnote kfis wbtbt o aid ti-elîî-îuîî. At tie l a native o! Ni-a fogliititi' wottismo te glai I vto e , îit t.îî,lifrîuîvanti decaylng village tuinipi-l SMARCHING OR 0HLitR PARENTS. Ni-. CsherlncAMill. o! Toti-do En- gaget n a SI-soi Qui-t. Uca.$rCa teir te <thtlo i <fTolti-tiiot te la Ne-s- ir tii- t 'l li îg t. a luiI aomething o! hcr.-t- i-uit-e tlttiy tiudthetti tata o! ber psr-euta. fi-ms-hon nllewaai mepratet a-heu taetit. moi-,t-hitn hall! a century agit -hieu h wmslàvery 99 11 gl, " hbut- ait . t- tui-ni ai Pitta- Seld, Ohio, titieiou>i-hitd. as 1Itihietid, et Chaibe pootu-n. sa -ttulurarmer. WVea 1 grew tutur I hiami-iltiti- ppoiin culs hati atoptedt uue andt ta my parents hal l ved in. Y ortk.Afuci- msrryiog 1 look p these st-rt foi- ns;relatives and éal jeiitonthe end." MiErCUILDB8 MURDER CHARGED. lbrlfuwt. HKa., Wau Accusetioa KIBirnu tTem-Old Girl. utm M . aEawrd Zimai-tv bas been ai-- mateti ilBarringlos. Kan_ chai-gi-ilitit SM urder o! Viola Ghsdyt tarha, hm- 4-y.e-a lptsttidaghtr-i. The coi-o- »W@ sJM r ound tht the chUt iami- to Un fladeti iy brng utampd snd ti-smplet arn hyglMrs. Eduards. Titi- mman a"y& a oi-inge Makill-a the i-ilt. Mi-. Et- ,Ï Varda la Edwards' ibird mîfe. Illem ibi Vasl adopteti by' bis second s ife. L5warue Base-Ball IRa-a. k in bbe standing o! the club$ cette Xational BasebalLeagrue: Plttabsi-g .42 12Philadeiptia. 28 &1 Broklyn ...35 27Cbnrianati .. .22 311 (hfl .... - 32 2f5t. Louisa. .21?_ 3 Baba n... 29 :réNe-wYoik.. 20> 37 The cubs of titi-Ami-i-lunLea-uo stand as toilbomi W. il. W.hL. Ch Ibicago ... 33 11)hlWatshtoioa27 32 Bouton-..13 -»ilDetroi .... 2_5 30> t.ons.--i2-'r' Baltimorie --2b32 Phlsdelbbui241 2tbChuIe ad 2:W Bioms Train fr.-u. -k. Ai Houston, Texan, t ut taidthtitia mînt a! trasta Proportions developei t esi Roasenbeng ant i hi-aa Stutheen Pîcifli- friegt train fion titi tract. wrciking Il ant in uing tht-ie-r four Mount Wr,iaI lanEuuîltt,. The asteamer Berths reacht 5.-uctti, fnein Vaides asuwt -nsaiti ionts o iituit Redotnbt, a-hieshbat bt-rît iii sut uuruluuui,à stg -e i-epiii hi-e aibltibue itit- t-o-t DoMiibeoaibi-po uititeUt <-l- atttiu selinanution. atfu 111i-u- i fi-t Pr-yita-upi ralý ~t i-lst r i-ii-ii- ,i t andttae tfo r tUillieittoi« ii- tut if nii-aet- iE.tof MficnsaI ia-iv ui liai- f5- o- noit 4 -.38 iigat, i--idt Ii flecul y-ai- i-lthei- mi, Iwuîhi.t u i-as eclaefur>50oit iionsyt-a ar Al un erIatC, is i -sitt tiititw itO51t lu. -t ii-isuî lteth, fscyeun s:oieiJ tît 1,îtîtior t, ta; inr Craeolt,09-îvesr ut. im uskts AM riîttlî-îat- tinEii. tilu- fOn iero haittutu vali ttîtiv ;iieire-tl methr.l )i-gîseuîîl. i tt11 -ti- loi- aay-s eontutittn uni- tlari,,ag. A frelgitt trai of fu-t> rîu u- coihie e tritn aibi a turtuug tenglue, antia a t -ar- ai tiýtitoiferi-tiih Kistimini-tas ,Itinctin, Ahegitene h ai- leY, l'a. Eîut-rJuin Fleisng orf Et Brasty anti liai-r> Il-t isutfin-man, Mer-c Collez. Glana BAh Gifus. WEis C-gi- aiAotii-tt-c,.SY., bau r-- ceivet gtto ggtu-eaîîîî Sl2uiiî t A whie i lato tic tintitir r-t-titig itu-ttt luis anti ndi ire- t i lo îu ilt J oh s ei--y 'suneu"A'I, tarer, due t-t uIl t flîrIijt htrk ut)-. h. hat gtti-forti- ii- rii j- ti h- t Metid-atuit - mi.-Iîuhi-, i, tt l, i t faver, bttilit maltto i i- >t1 r. - -ive reaîuîuî-uîîftr tuilaI îîîîî, I t-î msatnm Kaiacrtsta-hI B-ns Ahi-. Etupeoi iuna atr bU tîti se-hourses-yct <i-t uv-r, auitt ti- Eînti-ir himail!«os brd anti airermuani.*of the liante, flui4d sevra minutesuindtwtait- Imo eonopMA ibeat o!fte Cicinytlitth. ireiliOMto riace h6dat àe la con. bsciiba iltàte "-gata. T »10 INSURANCE FRACI CIARGED W. W. Hahi. vi- pl'e.ldes or M.n- huitan Fi"e, lot-ed fuor Iarciny. William M.Iliahn ice ttu-pru-Itt ortf te Maaihttisn ii-Invuratui-t<îîîtsybiaa -ee hmIntitetetln Ni-w Yort, itat-geniwith titi-lat-ecu; o! $39,.3(k) ifrountttiaSti- ,tutionIlDiti-t Aituai-i-; > -van di- ietted i-t-ltvt-iile tagî totants- i-id, Ohio, vibtu neluta lu îî,ui- tit-i-i-5 andt tuttilua to St-a h <tk Cte.lie- -quistoin ta vhai,,îi-lsîgîtet iii Utc, Nashioto!. Th,,ii- iltilI'uaIire- lu- aurance Compati; faitti th iv oer Ft-i.- 000 itabilite, ttiitnd ttti tet tr ti Pooessionof tlttîthee11'liy outa'.it_.. 1901. titi- nsets v u-e lut. $21. t i I liii was titi-i-eutol ityife r î i ttî-ei.l uitil bren filet with te iîu-îtac-aîrete)iutiii, lit rsituaing a aurpluis o!utiti-t ,î,< î.uîîî tii-a uitabout $40.j>tteî Atut utl i, wano t-t-ed b; ti-. iltic t-icisuin, OfI fiee aitbute r-ite-ut ftIhe iosit-ai- tie- partint. Ih w uo ,i iti thal îîîîîîof tht' boots anti earri-uîutîiî, l-'hilwe~il t.ten oui o! thte Stait ti a-i-i,re .iiiI ttc t-iai-h o!fti-ecurts., Kaugit ut tditu Corerect, bower, ta flîîd ne iîiluenl &galaot Pri-entrnitnii M hers fiti-the- alet edre-y-o! $27,to, uueoýëttg;attîîu lahomet. itlainsli-geti, tiat tht- auceid men tucreasedthtt-eupital astock frouti $250,4M) ta $ ordu t.10atta!! titi- iuuaîue etipar-ti-ot. <Vte> tai-n burdot--a-ta ti- stocrk anti pithe lteîîutueY tu te Company for thi- ihass. i loavenu-; mnn ttr-ateni- t tiey 1101<1 u their peroonnlindhittesae ta th iti-lleî o! Mansfildit hsun O!f 1 11on1 tthi- Joint note, for wsicit th atkhiui ns ecrety800 sitar-es O!fte Stock if titi- Manitattan luourance Compuny. It un titi- intentions a! laitîtaudtis attot-lot o< have titi triai in Ohtio bseiat o! un Si-m Yoi-k, GIRL BURNED AT THE STAKE. RncaiîrC liroaxtu Si-boul Pu-mamnî- tion of "Ait hes" ui Detu-it. Te cloing i-î-i-ui»ts at St.VoL i ochuai in flerait, Miris.. rame tu s a,îitt i-iaiic finias the other evcnung tdt-mir the produiction o! the trama ,Altiteat, t; the lispils o!ftetihool. Misa Anui-Me. Milhon mas playlng te tillei-oIeuanthtti autience mas doseiy fouioming tliet- taling a! lb. parai-c atuon o! thi-Citris- ti"aby b . heGi-e-k. Tte bei-oins ilu titi i-laigsceee o!ftelesot act as bai-nedt aI the talle ln the midtslor wmu excite- mesit. lis McMahon asa Aittea mas diret in a Gi-eceian gmu o!f fii&man- les-li. anti when te mas lied to the staire andthie ire saitet hi-r resiaught ini te flismes andthtti neat instant tme ans s-rithingin AîoOnY-anti bei- lir aitasbuti- et auq blitelre- She nsy taot i-acver. LFNOAD MOTUERà QUARELt Totua XIIII f ist pahuta Mansers SAuce Cornon ie IHve Beau Iusuferabi Sisc e SS coalionuo!King Airana the quasrels hetmann hlm as the .Dom.- gai- Quena Maria bis motter, bave bei-n &0 fiequent anti violent that they have hecome a vertabbe saadal. Ber sigitl- est effort 10 guide the monairit la ana-e-c- ed in a tii-ste o! stable boy pioftity. Rcceatiy-In titi-pi-mai-ni- o! servants titi Young King informet ishi motter that li- moult ripai ber- fiontiti-palae if citee tit i t respect bis miathes. Aifutuvus, manneru hsve bei-n generatlyiy louli<iraii- sioce tus coronation. Renemal ai-Triple Allian- 1 Titi tri-at> pr-viding fuir the pt-ai uiug-a lion af thte aslianceuer hi-litet- minu.r Anainsa-Hongai-;anduit ttîy- the driibati- mras signet lut Beilin b> theiti x--ruai Chancellor, tuant t-on Biti4om; tite- han hri-an ambaator, L. t-on Szogyeiny-NMut t-c, anti the Italian smlnsutd,,e. Caîrtt Luanadi Su.scs. t'ne nllîtue ut -- nemi-tio itso oi-ugial fîr-it.0 *cy te bribe and si-ecpI bribes hy ihe Jui-y- ln u Joi Bretaueos coi-t la Obicago. P. H. ODonneli, bis leur pal-bser Bradiy, tînt Cyrus S. Simon. tbm attorney of titi Union Traction Company, mere fini-t 82< 000 iet, t Glagber, th iotutactive agi-tnt iti- conspirai-y, mas puntisiet w-it an nditeriminali- sentence ta titi DEFEATS IRAILWAT COMPANT. ths . lu I aspreyCase. <>ifJustice.Stan c!fte Minnestaî Ciîeut-t'turt rein-uethe judigauict o! teRe Iusi;Caout; District Coturt in tIti ease e!tri . Lantprey-. appeliiot. m. ti soltatnsd Chittago Itaiway tout- tutu; an utul lo-l Sage. iutei-plrteaol wit ilit, Furites' utan andilTrust Conpîta;, i <~<itou Lamprey brouigitit- ai- t)t,> verau--stIieifiti- îtrfanuuuunre a! à -niîîît uîîîtr whieithte raiuront loin- pan> o as iii- tao -1il ha 30,".Xt utr,'oî4 land lotedtuinluta-ent; ia eou.utti f utitr-no Mutnetotu. Tite couuîîauu;de- i-inn-ilthte conl-art forteilet anui trans- fi-t-i-etthe'lands, to Rusant lSage. i0nm- uiýt-o ir-îîîgtiuîsuit, andthttcDistict Court gal inlîtîtuttutti; n b ictito puy thc auo-ey due- . ampr-ycy iaimi'd that tte contultîttiiuit lta at-tpt hi-tlitant-y. Iheti -uiItsi aan déetlaret forfelte, ad hi' ai,-mlot<it the Supri-utirCourt. wtsteh rr-,i,- lamer court sutditoits ibut Iauii-u< utoiuti atirbu cumpeltedtotîspuu tthbaanceisi-,fthei-pur-have triver lit' coutrt be-otheii-tt tefentanis gise otte taittie at- i.lliung t.aait-ipt titi-mun-Y- suttii-lut-r t lei-da. Rites ti- $39),- 4100 îîîritns ntlu;ti-i-eil; $62,2t)2.2)i taxes andt ltitudie. LEAP FROM FIRE ONTO LAME. anti Chlldreu Jausomith Meu aie Gasoline La.uteh 1Rlams Up. Titi- ut-mgasahîne aunrit Ranger. mitb foutte-n pasai-gers on hart, i-moitI i-e ou Lakte Bemîdji. Mino < anti sas totîbi; tt-stroy-cs. Atiti- passngers, lnridîtng a-ami-nsud rildiru. jompet overbontti anti mccc save-ti -ilh liîgiti injurie,. Titi acu-tnI0ecuit- e ri te shtore eut h tti-litoi- thtii-laie, Itwmss i-unset t; matucht sud ln an instant evei-ythiug a-as envehipet lu fiames, After the peuple itsd junaped overboar-tiasudreartet ubore- the Rangr- tf o-t n ade-p watser and nant. SIX MEN 1,06T WITR 8111P. 8teamter Gervue Dunbar Sink.anad Fsa.aofPPrt af Cs-em Ia tnkeomn The steamer Gi-orge Duntiar 3 h il hn titi-gabe Satur-tsy-nigitîanunt s4 ut i-ock Sundsy maing s tat ti- bot tom a! Lske Eri-, tes mile, i-ast o! Kel- lys talant. Cape-in Little, tma momen sut one menti a!f the oeem mer. ssci-t by people living ou KeWls Ishant. Six alters a! the ci-c motuctd s raft anti gaI amay front thesiskig vasal before ste faustien-t, but il e feri-ct&Il are lent. Tmo Ticialunoa aBoycott. Geor-ge Eus-to, a member-o!fte itucîto Colo.,.Cuoka sant Welters' Uni-m. mes" uttot sut lustsotly killet adPolice Offi- cer Joie-ph Il. Sh-pprt mus dangerouulY mouadet hy Jacob Dodaou. as s n-soit o! te boycti by ibm Cocks' anti Waltet-a Union against tit i-aviride cesgteurant. Elmin musi ctlng àas s pichet sudwmss attemptsug io lui-n people amay firn the resaurant whrwte trouble staitel, Jaermer-s-a. Fount Guiiiy. Aueer bing oui imelve hoors the Jury bu te case againat Jenie iutarii"-n, iharredt slI ti- mardi-r o! Mrs, Cibla Casile. et btr home in Eldoriado, Kans., ln Jue, 190M, retit-oct s verdict o of rity of! moulr-drin dt utsttii-dgi-e-. Titi-Jur-y Le-e. iâtaIco!f a. tN. ie-e Uiuggi-stiuil f irpuuuobrnt. A cop> oft!htit-1w11i tf titi-lat-. la-li- Dent-,ai chuae issiO. BIt-ad.a a;Ittîtn-f Ni-m Taiklu-tui-,Tuerit-cer-a; o!fte prove or a!R-h- dep.itttiun thiti-lyitu; ii-ri t <titiiitCituan, China , tai notifletitti t-ezvu-rn- Waiaahiu, -Tefitst iiihi- -r u-l,1 Te menut thât titi-Anti-rie-an antiBritishbnit- wîi la s lt-îugîhy <I-tlti- tt aundlttuii-ebion utubuildings ai Tien-Ku-o-Chut aI-c o! pioperl; vifti,- ebitui< Iiitf $1-- lui--destroyed biy a moit, andt ttt a nie- f1100or taure, ttoligit a -t'maute- Of te aonar-; tahi-ru murtier-t-t, liameuo value la statut. andi Otitouaity tt metUariiprti-t, Fire Rusi n.-uttallToms. Body o! Jeae Ja-as bBe MoveL 3icrecur- ti- gre ati Cyrtiite guilu utamp, Titi- toduy a! Jeuse James, ito vmas andth tcsecond li-egi-t tiuung toia nta inluiouamotrs bai-k yar-t niai- Utah, mas prieti esl> mpe ont o! ru- birSrngM. iundatl fe fiétencerb; hlaut-i. lite at-tuao!fte tini-e tEi-aa- p ,M meiti r-emuailleo s - tei-e ciipt thai il iteg h e wmss tut-tby Bots Ford at St. Jotuepit. with a puetîinîo! sortie k tn l anii M., in 582. la îo b. iakleo up andtin- upper alon; of!l'ru île bloit. la ahuit tcr-i--ilt Keney. titi Oquti-rahiteli-i s- tet-tui. ecle SHaum'simua Rýait5Ehie. M ...aceni tytta.ips The Anerican yai-ht Uni-le Hans, us tue Militaui oifruotuîasr astîackuou b; Fri-sda R igge o! New Yort,.iwon thte grain ini titi- 1111 river lhtt~riet ni-a t lira-t o! thei international speriail itasn rcooilio it-Ssertmlg ascesut nIKiel,the Stat-s sot Stripaut roA»s la aaitith fiai eeela u cmattu;thte ti itihe ioe rightminutes abeadtoftif]s peuandsuit ituthuherran. t-ie ndam! aier y ns ose. Unoia ut -t staitîthetticiaune o! Asîl-Trusa La uatdnslld. te troublie. Missouri Sapr-ema-Coou rrfuse i --t St.-lklng Eiupliuyes t11scissimecu. o! oater against bref paetkei-s, hohling Tit i- o ait crit- ha* diachargedthtii-trust is ual provet. Stste anti-trust iam -mnainiuug 5tM tm n ptay cd laitas hauta ln sustaini-t, bomever, "dtifurthcv lu-- at Cheyennei, hyo., mskutg 65j iinal lIg la ortitretI. TisIa luetrtitit;boîter-mater-santi lito-a Ins»mutinera s aisua iteipeen wi tru -ct, lite ortcr- ul*lauue StorI-tn souhera Indilana causeti titrer- bng thcmno aates titat thti hiope ai-e toa tii-alttMt. Wendel, serloualy injorel tir i-oset parmauî-uiîy, cîglut tu-r-sautsanti testroyed auch props- ChAcaga Bi-- s -te.ueu. crt>. T'hais ci-utImai-lst In Texas uii A mnu guvîng te nameuo ja!]ttEngin, t-une. Chicago, tas hi-i-gntu ariu-tito hec ;eurâ BLissRenossien.ed lunSllehlgan. ID te fInie Priason fur try-iug tori aks Mihigan Republican iconvention s nm- titre-e-ti i oule faune oii i-.0- SuotoA n tote-t (oc, Blns on thie lest ballot. giv- prouve-roua fei-ner o! Autîrain u ><utvîux ina lm811 vote* bu 214 for Straris, Lis Mo. A tuutti eutti iii-th, amueor 11,u1.îtding oppîuent. 9100lut Inti- guiut.. tmadehlisi.-cap,- ttalversîi SBat Rama. Robticu. Gel B.dn utoo. s. levarslty elght-oert- ce-m efrtet Bur-gluns fort--ilan niutace- tî'-ry-Bai-yard lu ammosi record tinte,eci-mso J. Biougito gcni-t-s ture nt luti"ers-four-c.c.dcrew wm otmthe bine, mbie ville, l'a..tirs- pu-n titi- afe i- oi titi-o te fieshmnselgt rami-t a test het. gtyeei-n< aii--utet 81,t00(11igout. 3$1.200 unbuied i-orr-eucy anuitci-ei-ki, fi-un $ti,î13 qXJas'0 Jaas .Rbs $2suit0 in-.IauIîî.-.- and ronsm smua ai nîî here ha mas Dot" an $5 lvrth If ostge bora. thte hody O! Jesse Jantes mas smova cote. st $iuiauîttit post-g st-iti a otireburleat In tt ithe Keat>, Mo,,cens.- Brhhrs M 'y le Eai-I.. téry. Au n mportantîa dt t.10ti- su1t. lo tien tri-t; unt -ice hi-)i-t, dilt. Aîrgl o'»prtraios United Siatea ltlia ignu-ul b,; Atîti ,- Appropriationa b; irat ..KaiouOrt, lîIftyý tacr Cisyton anti Igîtail. nanaca i i seventh Colitg-,grr(-iatn lut-e $VIT,- lti-r o! foirie-nru-uuitel.îîua. i; ciif iOOl000. ai-gi-ato i-ver v.Ut.l ccecpt la titi addtioniti- i-inuit-<f<iAuii-t <ý1t <turne o!a-ar, Mi Ioi thc lisitf i-tr-Iî<ital, - ii.u.i o Baaisiy DI)reefor Wood. 55hAîîîuîInî in i-vry lttli,. iiuuig titi-honorai-y- utgre-es oîîerr-u (leu N.ast f 1,11110lia, lappi,,tile I îî.t l;,,iliuus CoIIege sax Ihat a!fL, 1). L. <our-dosu tni lut-ti';o!r C tGe lnii. .t t--O lioua itrîîud. LieuterIant î,eîrr1 eitt i (<l I i >esnctlve InuienStAoi-m. Nipper-.eIgncd-This<11att-tutut t11j Star-m lu nortit t-t-tral Indiana hiihmd cordasîti- oit hic tu- ortiit lite 'titeitwimapersan., Ini-rel fifty- snd titipropae- Courtî holintg iht Ia cisen-; eiaeti >tyannage atitmatnd nt $2,0.0J. Chie-auo juryBri-be"sconvintet. Pr.du aud Os . PatlckODsselJames T, Bruty, Preiticat Roaeveit, spaahfg mit 111e Wila .Gallatere- d suit ( fouan s- vintUnv.eellr, Umade à dfellimm « 9« daib i-a .11bauud gnUltio! couspir- ,Wood. latue nom ad q4 !Sait, J6 PIN PICTURIS OF LEGOSLTO o G S . INU ME OUSIL ]Prauunt Mt on Who Are Polaly lu the Senate on Saturday Mr. Teller .. OUW.I.U ~ prenented a tetition tanEstes 0. Bath- ge&de u otrilrs t '«" on.payn fra ulInvestigation _______ latton- The "Bazaoxr" KIbement und loto hie performance of dîîtlrs as director Thoir Strong Mon. of ponsaof Cuba durlng thte occupatiorfFoeg gmre byô Cuba. 'The petîtion was reterredltt ti-Ne OI. idIjdiantred Wasiuitaacoregpadees:comaittee on relations with Cuba. Mr- nie e. or the KIVe. Washngto eoreupudene:Âldrich calied up a bill relating to tu- and there won much liquidation Prioait tW i ç~>RKRK boas be à barrco passed by thte Senate and me the ciomilns of Britlab enchnangeilfsilla lot of talli about to &grec to an amendient of the lioîne Weduesday afternootu te o oiday %lances RepubUican bonnet provlding that no packages of-iantufuct- li uetefuica odtio» Ma5 lu the Benate this tured Inhacco, cot. f* Ijr.sant i sfar- exceptionaiiy satinfactory antd trade . seanantiý the trio. ete, shall bave jittached ta theut aDy trop- weii mainlalured, aithough low teulpesU- IPUTS PAflADISE IN AF ,RICA. h Iors ta the galleriea resentatlon or promi(s of a ticket of turea luterfered wlth the distrlbatlo= 9 f are ever rager to chance ln a y lotii-y or'auy immoral pic- midaummer speciaities. Mauafi'«"uf 1 Bi Lufa Green, Grocer Fonande Soetl, have the bosses taire. The amendaient wa, igreed ta, operationa have locrei-aeti lu aitivf ty, srwith. Pe«u"*r Ci-ed. -polateil ont tu thens. thoa passing the bill. A resolution offere-t peclalhylIn tite iroti andi ateelioidantry A lotoag relîgloufi; cct, wblehcolla e Tinette visitena bave reeentiy by MI. Mitchell ntructine the textile production, while thc constructilo Iti Organisation the Church o! Goti and heard about Aid- enommtte on Pacifiec Isianu andi Porto work on nea buildingmansd bridgeas which has a Inuit pe-oUlar creed, bodo rfch, Piatt, Hamna Bencoto investigate. dormi the receithte very henry, Lahor dîflicultiea have »Il mention ~e-t-ir! sunday afternoa St lnd Lotige as thei-condition of things lniiawsli nidteimproveilulitthe anthtracite icool rfigO, Thfrteenth aloi Bînton treeta. St, Louis. bonnsem'ho crack administration of affairs titere, a tii au- botl numerous iettieinentavae beretf John Cheary-, an aged deaier lu poultry the Parti whlp., but thority to visît the ilaands, vias adopted. fei-tr-d i-iewh(-re. Riltuîay tarnîn ga thma antd vegietabiro nt Biddieraiket. la its ~- they, bave hein dis- In the flouse resolutions acre ohitti-ifoir riortesd fat or ehittanaverags tounder, teacher aod toanclal backbouîs appointe ino the deciarlng the aent occuuied by Mr. Bti inereaae of 4jiiecet-t ter bant y-car A"4 et the body. wohilai composeti of tiir- performant-. 1er of Milisouri vacant oin the gr.oti 17.7 per crut oser t~i teft persons hIie "elder: as Mr. Cheari The-e lanoneItons- that there bati bren no vail icotitioi. lMr. IL (;. Dlu & 0,.'8 Weekly Bcview 0f in ternird, bolit that te garden o! Edrn ing la the methods o!rSenatar Aldrichi. Bmhcock <(Vln ) aakcid tinutimttia contsent Trade thons auna op tii ititimtriailsitua- wax la western Afri-a sud an Noah lied Nor has Sinator Phatt of New York giv- for consideration uf a rtlttion te t-r- tion. (ktntinuoug tte lIt-vicw-w asa: to the euit 0orŽNd be mont therefare have en u exhibitiona a bons. lu lte poier thec omml.,licernt; f the Iti-tîriti Most of Ilieblstt furnaîto tîfit were settled on the saute continent. Here. qnfetest andi moat unobti-usive uietr.i of Columbia ta moiti spet-tal ri-gulnatttt tappi-ti iy titi- n-arcity lt!antitratîite icent CheRrY boldo. Cain frit lu atth a tt-arge or the Scoute ao fer as the open pro- for the G. A. I.ettntillictit l bn lt1- have re-sont-ti wth oet,-of va bur the cOmPaaY, brîiz îhyslealu i aliar to ma., eelings go. Hie ranch7 spi-akmanad la ington ucut Sepîteilîur. Tite reauolution ut ina have i-talt-dlra-et-ords ef but his lnferi nt- noloililgeoce. line-of sever &set-n movlng about the thaîtiher waxsapanard. output, and msilteiîta lias,- bt-tn atil thear, sarru Cîder Chrnry, bei-une the1 tehlng others boa- ta vote. lee -tnii larger oui tg t i lite utti-it. .-, ti mniateti wife o! Con.n I,, prove tbat i- duc. nett an onloolcer lntti- S-naiti aiment aanchi- ---dtîrlîg thé- (ar ohortirei. lui-nite the look frpon tht -ti-wn sin a apirit of litty asithoar ln the galieries wlta are liukiug .Io rdcin uneml andi that hi- tj,îndcavorjug taoaalt-sa ail frte the S9,inte to Moroi bot a',rls vlg-ttt-ttnspg rutdîiî.iimra the knoticigi-ofthtiti-ublie e i- frettîbsse. exi- lontrac-ta httve lu--tula<i îiautnd luetdi h atusti olwtadi- Senator Banna ln more ott-usivi ian ps-itutho M.B eitît e nin) t Itlt, tîisiilt nttit-ntî,çîtnfi-tr-ao vertîsement:--$,À) l I ahd-l il ri ether of t Bee He vrîli-ilttîui it ""it i-"' ttaes sud itplîtit-i tt., on titi I er the above re,,i îrd to any une idiot 'wiliinaggresaive adte nt.aantifiocî îîiy lytaiitîtmoteul it-g-n-ai> rcs--kuitriî Stti tprodirce e-it, ttat the ni-gi-ois a de- caunot help appelait-toa hlofàelanaifuese steilant !roîîî itait. Noahi& sou, or Cao- msin tlhlb.Ser- Texn as tt-itîr t) te îurfaîrt,î t uraw. mi ha1t -so tntie nul tniie non. HBa -uîî. John Citeary. 1 i ij- td te, where toth- f i . isn. r. Haut-y- - c-i,-lite,- te v,sy i-tti itn t îttin-ttii-tliiii ari die market. rîty>-, titr in ta6- y-cnrs olti. er leaders arr as a Departitut-t foîr lu haîltIlingt t <il,- i- et. t-rn b tht-n i iîtu.rthtîite-ut marri, ed tti-e1<1 lie; 0frsx s, îî it vlequiet ad0p f an Atîterit-an t-it tutu- iPr.St-tiltîtîandatdi-st vtar iis a tit(i nit- oi r ai are bi stant-litle,. anslaç;"5rid ta part-ntiy indu-fr- -refi-leei0ott tht-e o; iît n>;f ilt liitti- -the-. tut- îl- . i k, b. ve-Y' weiltu oeut. lHanni than Renvetîbîte lictai ,i-,-dtiif -rit!he1<1Mho. .Ilihtîrît iînhit- ti ti -il SPRICIAL tF8lo tfl0 {) ie etoraieni- , T*a#a St-atorir tue tila rrttlî tat n,. y iluithat-alargeî..t oraltt,, it il it u n'O ea v asreniahit.Titis uiittractstrizatolt Mr. h i îîuîîev regmî1 îlhia ani -'tu"tt-i uu u e W t i r v o r h î t i a s u n I u l t i . î - : t r l t il, i.e tî-u l.,î t î a . t In u , lu t l u I , o l t î (ît f , r t i i j t a t liatumewiîî Need un Replace Law* would me-t tie ti- sn- i-il.E-I u L s»ý ,lAiîtà-ri,-tist,îsîîe Deciareti Volt by couts. paios(fthet ._NiisV-tV-ut l,îlîr-t altifi ii tikî<î,i- 1hl) i An extra s--tu ot tt- the OblO-goa- iutos tif m-spe-cht lu fatar tf!(tite aîltl--sttionifîo't heUnite-tiStates. agaititl:â4 I lut.!yîar, lui-e sertua cerîttan sthe Sitîîrent. C'ule looiting for a aiîs*. sud 2" lua<iti i-t. .iut l , teagit. bas heit a nutier o! importantlt tIo but thni-a-i-i-cnttti-st iittýr-tior if I-,tà t ttitIl Mr. Bratiatrî-tî,tr-lit-t soy o hi- iavalld. Dhi-mtons audc-tidiuun so monentoon as Eikin ri-taritn d-t-w- a le,it, lt-t t 1 1-11 l,îr rtie~ o- h Thursday drilre thei-Cetelandti-iti- go?- Ittey sii-emd. rti-1fr. Plaît (C-oncrnettînîî -lît) li r twc-k agrî-7Katt- 3212!7401 bi iir glais etramient aaasiecal iaw ruactnil for mer- (moly the eni-a- Y. A. BANNA. tOhiol, a-ho îeîrîî-lî,i n îî tti' ltet 38111o43-4fijut t a-î-k antîtîl 17I li îtitis the city o! Toiedo. takiug thie cîotratof o!est-efforts o! Mr-. Hautin luniti-ilf ut a prortoation ut tht, tîtît- htttîîîilo-lit-lit 111.1 mn-hlesti y-ai- 'îiitl u ly. h police ont o! Mayor Joues' bauds, ta bill la wblch chibad a pi-i-anali tutir-t.bis pan-cii a-us te gît îog lit-tir h i tudate. nsîgrerse -lhhttut-lutîta- he uaeonattuttonah. tu the Ti-atîgeror. more, properly spes king, apesasmirai Sî hie->tti-he ul, loand i ttir.lians 150ft - Cn i-amethe court directs G-ov. Nstaa 10Iii-covItln ansd traire ta win, a rt-ar admirai onto heilà-ttc i-ut lt, eisers anat214udIite l ittnîtt point a Lieuti-nnt Governor. The- court -navy-. %Ir. Gî;îiîîîgir tNt-a aniltuliire. i o-îuo expgrt-e :îu ut )î i- V es sostaluedthtie validity- o! the îttyeir- ait. I Senîtor Lodge bad citai-gi-of the titil hbarmnît tfthte tuituittte on b~ unh.nCori-n i-sports ttggrt andhîîy wtlch Uhits titi-Jurisdlictiou o! the Su-- '-l- bil, andliesete ydthe deâîl mdt aiaIt toil,,iutte Prenne Court 10 a certain cla"s aof cases on thai bili werio afterrlivesk.i-siel- op- hy te piuin -înnîltt .trtttg fltv- 245440<rîtya, u,1 fé). udt sndit akes ama. ti95 per ieut of ltraions- poeling auj nue, butonivaie s ppesriîîg etnuo.I h oj . -lePr-- 1,=l7ttý,o diction ln apu -tiicases. Tue-iît<y tthbeui-nie pitsitiniii pvnià nat<- tu,-eîiinttà-tieaîut13tno-iifmt court het ape,-i]sh sasiy hasfor ouuty for the sake o! bar- sgirgtsltt7,51S aiteli-.tu-gittol, 00cers te hi- ttconstttutionai. usa that Oiony. Yet hi- wonti îi- tîî,,< -<t lit-1 St. -tt"an i tIlus f ft- Ihi- yrenv maltera lin thet,- -tesnameti. as wa ehas à ever wateettnar foc 2552. li tl tti î<ttt-11t1t - ', iàît Chicago. I,. taàt-I'P,- n, th ln !orty-two or th it-eghty i-tghî connues, opirtii-ttiàiî-telgt HBuie ilS--utle-.ion 17-1, lit ti< -, of-lt x tt f<îl <pîros- are le!t i lu a te stae. the bîillitti-wu t-tby Ijîtai tlu l t-ut,-t--. - -<t ii- ttl u- ritfy u- g tiltl lia tc t ttl te .t - ni-c VOUNDRY COMBNE WORMED. - tot aan i.ti- Andy ,ait h noittt u tt-îtIIti-t tu tit%i. l h fi-te î l tnut,f- t ttttit-ht-t - mi"uiN- eaj htrhi- awon. Iritheit-'d. îtn î-t'.t-toit. otîtil. ttfitl- haveî- àirîhumrî. ie lttîeiîItîie Orsa.nlm.d titder Ne Jesey Chsrlerway i t et--tatr tti- Bîtfîtî1iuî alo~tii $ltpttittf-,r itidi-uitaitet. aItti,thi Itit lt -nu< mth04o,00,000 capitai. ] W mon lu the- Si-otite. tin ht- lie-tîtl .otîutlt$.1.-titt f nbu-sti-t-is, i-rîta s gi-urai -tîîtuttttîttin. Formaiaumimoutement o! thei-organiza- T- - lhe lu-dsdat0not 0iiie o lîsît i-- lels _11-_tIl ht- l t b a oihtttitf ttitt-.i g tien to! the Âmciciui Ste-i Foundrie, u- show thei- power-i--utît r)oarrî,î .ii. ît titIti,î,tîte gtuttiltu rîsytttt- iftttt p der a New Jet-niy chai-tci, wili au au- T. C. PLàr'î. they ei-airt. t,,rc irtt- tuttl 1 t 1>2. il Il ttipottuntty fi-tr.-i-the -vuitstntt f i-wr thoi-izi-t capital uof OUJOhait t par do noti bore. Titiy persuade. nd itne t- r aLgitlirt!lortî- uttt--,tt-eîi92n. îtit<e cent cumulative pre!errenf stock aund halt greaitral persuader la tbst mutent man- Iegfislattire l lîîîîtt ilvv.-esplIstl, fî,r lulte-iniutut i> titi-itl-. . i commun, bai bei-n mate. Therir->ni-ed min tram Iowa, Ailison. a-ho bha0tirpr-aen i-a sîohin Wulttgtt -tti- Iaihi-tnti artýioifs ti-tth,..liiitn poration acquIlles the !olowlng plantsanîd brtail ccuised o! atatylng the movinnta at i urhs-ih-ietit etd havi- ahown iittît-îass - îlly stiiàîriug. pmoportos. Aixier-am BSel OaUnga n.lands t. bc.iaay cal when .eekinug berbord paa .Me Jese Blisi- telciat - ortwearposai rasboe. n he 5mbr rai. n d laha-ouic Part O! Puli-deion- n. d e*Pectahy-sa to titi- uaIt; Writlua' PMU ut C@w 3«Y.(Um inelli o! PlttOurst-orwîklug bCm ewadtinth Sna ndpublic landta t be open 1ito unra&t-iera. their metsnuine vir a itat tthoped tlaits -l~ ito temar S ta upany men. wr e igis ft e- Corporations are t-iltitetb. Monevs ttnd-- litite i-tîdtu ouiti domai-h nitre thon ofS oiMo.; rnki telaet rd anti bauktttg mslii.%-tpoi- itaintatit th isti-îg ut-ts o! titi-prt-a--d in o! pany L or Frnkin PS;teC - Tetheuinitjat-d EIins o! We-st Vii-- ».0 r-eu--utti-it tîttil 8t-Iil1,t itbe ligy-est. Th.- irt-u our itaîttu vere ingConpay ! rikiliPs: heSac- gliia, Burroas o o ate-otntluot,t-,oui-o! e> î-îtt la- tankinil fi-t-t-frotn nytig tfu andt- gi-ni Company o! Chicago, Ill.;Ameiitan IMichigan, Nelaon o! alit-r.ftutiie Futur-tilii h Xlîti ,vir.,- tnature--. prht--tutor tvîîttnoir Steel Feuntiiy Company o! St. Louis, Minni-iota, Perikns uhirict tbrti,au.t i it,tu,, '-,- .V-. anstht-r-rai"utbaugte outlil ithe. iruming o! Californie, Duel- petnýl h illtf--u 1o atu BLAIN BY JEALOÜS IIUSIAND. rich o! N-hi-aka. thernî-îih Tiaoa t-i tni and -ett-. thî e fi--toir Mtent-t1».-t.tu.tît lii-lit-t.o!n- Burton o! Kamono, J.-duittialiiu>- Bth-ad Crtisccr Mlet hylN.hraaka antiaseerai othi-r i -(3îniitterite liave)t in mtute ir - Mi.. Who Attenants scie. t, Senator wito are rm-galtha- i)tth. --t-htgtnit h John fiat. a i-itiiel siocer, wa o.ahot roie'*Boxeis' by The ittil etiet.,f thItif, r- - itliîîav rdîuîurîly a liîlutten t-itlitîltme anti kiieuhat Semai-t. Ni-h.,hy Alt-anutrrthe aide-r mnngenu-l esdrtitt lîtl il- 11<t1-i-ut of t rat,-tteà .---îtr-ttmttir-.tiiibtttold p Lange, mito arter-mard aah ti.The would appertlite -ttià- St-ts tt, o uit bi iitut-tI -< i t ru et- tre frttîc htuîett menrabat nit in tieti-sri-it ntiquai-i-i-cI, tti- bonnes. os thc-y- itittiut di-itie. T<àl î,îîi--1ict ani~ d rutu -il - lnittl t. s-atIvtx'i- Latge ai-rosi-t Ianti o!cau-r-yiog on a Iliii-- fly, about tc -a -, uitt- ttitistht-îtlte..tli<it l 1< Ititt. il. ;tîr- i itili i-t-, t tit-,ît -r«titg-r tation with lira. Lange. The fat-ter gi-o- ber, hoiti eoui-e, bui ra i.-s iuuitîete iiil g -à< tIt ) tri in, te-tit li - a--lt- tsai as cci- mati r epliythat tinard Lanige i-ni-es anti tait Hi c. LiDGE. ttaintliitti- Piiitî -î-iuuà - r gl er- tî i itt istt itiuttt-, anti titin hi-tartedte tarais away. le joi tiant lonîg iitit-i-e -iundusanti as wastlitai t.tulii- , .lt- < theî"li -igtk intuitii t -te (<o wmai ttiihe hi-ad. dyîog uatatiy. ohrswoaretabout t-tui-irrieut. tat-.«itit d ltiiititIi;vlîI hA i t i iP,- ,, -i it-t -iia-lllut. m-tu a Lange lrftits i ct iîliyiog ia the st-t, tp e e tn F -ý o et Ni- piiig - 1I, - -i 1 -t ,d t t,.tr waakedtiuillits 0w-n haro anti ti-ee ired titil the Ichtiern oril" n ox h-v Vi- irlitiiand l-t Ut it it,, il 1tttt o <l-itittt It elu, t111 a' ttuti- tta ttuiit-ru ttuhi.ia brttu, 'ityuirait thse luoeipet-fi-ct tytîeout abujisi-ever eu--un potl A e trt, <ltii%\,<î <il, <titie t-grtatin tîttît ttvott s te oi l ie., _- lu theUttt-ilStates 5-îate. Ht-tn orud of u ithite-ri fi. ,titit, î, if-.o.,iIl tniiut ttu it Itubthe tti Porta nud, Orc.tflhok liai-oct, enti iudt> o! fuie.i-tutu ttIo! body, - ui-h tttlt I tiiii -' iii t1iLlt <- t, 11,;.1 itt w ilr ittrn u t, ftiit e ta i hlu 'oi-tio lit, i-e.,.lini-destroy cd ln un anti aggt-csii t ta u-nibis- i nruiti i tu ilt ir-it t ii-e -, ,- i -ut i - l O n tii I , it tit i tý , ut d ài ltit> t îg :oie- tire block <f fi-ami-buldintus. Thtiy- votubli- anti positive Ilt listait. Euliy boqiti t--à, n t tii- i - it <î --ual-r-aloe i - tirve bai-s-tiaongiog ta the WhVkLcl-inovet- tas opinionus. luiettiksau iy- t-iiCîIiitî iit1t~ttt itt-u -e ulit It, tou,-tlii -ait-Iutien Morse Trait-fe-r Comupany. huri-ied to lir-c facts titut reuire itItIprutîo i,lotutat-~ lî- - titttlitioiiaj-...... ou,îî,bi.ui-ti ii, ttIIl-ii traah, amîux titim tht-ee vululîle parer., niauy-î npt-ahuan anc tavitîg full auttot-- dtuîti lI tr îjiil eiilit, lti Ii t,-pe-n-tti-i i-trf tîti..-ugrtti Combro C.. A ana J. sont] MNay-moitI. Te ity, uand atttensoy-im v gîîpi- tg hi --r'.li iuetIlîeittii ititiit I <<- Tit,-70, fi-1<-f-r-t, ett - "hlth, e b-tn. totalilens îu about $35001.> auittsmurante.andti n bi,, -i-,tm'thuîitig li-ilt-î'i-t liii le,- ,Irtire -e ht IliiI-tk. bortif-eit t-tr. was 82(1.1)0. oîii be ta ail ith, tuguitiu-it lii. a t.l ieîi lu li t- , tt i-utttt, If tii, t.h lu-eaders magazine Expiotes Near Madrd. otitiri I'l'is la nu tiialuni-r- ii i à l i. 111 l t il i liIth,- mtiritiatr.-it- t t l pit, ti-u-enay -. A goupoI lur nmagazine ttti-ei-ucamp- a ntii-ai; tuitet lilitit-fîtu-t'fliiic lu,-- t11tt-Iîtlotok .î uttl lii i ithi tt-re val- men ta i t trahantithel, fi te mles tfian or lu-Itlîri ! l ttiu- i i t, liti l. - - ttttttt('lt ll e sudO-ilt -lii .1ti-i1ltitî gtahe ib M adi,i, l<,Id.ti, Tas o me t-ee hiltiiil - ~kite. It to a potit - bl-ît - < i, i il u -<-li~-- t- <iii ttv ., î uta anti fouit-iwerc hInuri-t. llie aliock c,! lus natturaelai-I! andh uiinge ictîtîtte 1-. tuelitjiltilulà i i tie- if lio i til iitIit w. ulllars( athe mai feu for uiles,. 13cores ai houtn-d mer-e Oardt las ucni utferan dut maroit-nt- huiu<llt, 1 < t vi l i ltutht mlu tin- ltit i t in l ue iut tweniy thamaged, tue dtotn o! the ioyali puisce m ou> eut et. Ilt as iilie oi-tit li u .f tt i l- it t1 0 --t -e r. Iliinslu- t raeli ithli i e butgs w crr trîtail ptip-n îy ti-ie for r tk e xi-- ,, w tt-o he i- c-t ti-tl a--te - ed :à, i t' ilit i) t i b 11111 i . -I iliiitt litt I, $1 tai îte.,,iu-t oltoui platon asut tony- windows ai-ie ontuttiet. in Nuw-tuNhi e ic adt , Ilthor-i,,, tli. -Iil,,« f ti 'liu t r ittttue t- T e rîgliýts ilet if thc lasa isnci-tutur tu! m ti-is aiteitii- liitît1talli iii<< tiîOtii-t- wreae-it, and ti-e-lî,î-reord- 'reft il> t ,aceaini ail traies )ftiefi-r isaturi neua n;fort> y-cura ago, Ilt as ri-titcîthtut itsi ttr tu i ltt li- o iliI a <lu ,!f .:ticliirit. h,,,,î, i le la tise scort, tîtîtgittie~y crited nwia-t;otut n80 wten hi- uume as.satii-trite ta Con- tîdu-itîia and tAt,îî hjotinîttî-<ti<iîttintuit tre inlt-iîîîd lIitit-àt,îuu 114,001> aitri.o!fiânenchina aud bti-a- gi-@ rasian titat teirtuit-ry bai-kin tti- was au (Itittltb itpritliiu catt hanti goiltt gealul, au troteta-ir- FiSé bnsc frotn tliti- magulficent resiidene-o! 7<ts, lie a-ou titi erjus un tatitoat ,î,, ,,, heîs i à uirtiî-,îî tn < ,,. iinuit gotauîrete us Spîîbie-- ae .Mi-*. (ii' ieSudai-fflu <todsie, be ans rîtuilu iti- eg'tveri-autiis a-,teFruroi-tNiili tiîi G<li.iI ilttiti l,-,-Ilii at-ond 7e L. I.. burxlatit ocked Il te duora o! thse Dom us tt.t te la anaging lte su-ottet iiil i tfSit-lirth<Car-îîiîît. aslt-t ________________ fine butai-nditti-n tirew a> the, Nexi.t ti-ri-esBîtr-s, Jîtlîtii esc b; t-.outltîîu tîfthe -otitutlào keys. - ___ _Buonsof Ii(tigai. [lIe iathe' agtr-îemen-t unithe Je.l.n.y Cau svmoDentitio. sont-t mati in the United tiSatea 5-ciate. 1appr opt-ionttttbtilultî a. ri At Spri-lugfiteiM ass.,. Mrm.Antone lie !iiaisne of ati- mnt impresticve Mueilec bas licio *hoOt tratitty Joseph orattara un ti- Si-nIe. i- la catird tte a bill ta mati <iti-ni-ti tiiers alto Beneker. ahi, lhue comnittet suicde. Coitîmbian oratot- o! tiat grent h-o;e-nint lu the Union ut-unyîîteî itii Chiiago-<4'otttr, tomun ta prime, 'lie nîîrderttl momansa itosiant i tcov- Tieti-httiie in Knuoe Ni-son of Minni-: a ~145 siltaue u îi~l.17810 o$2,hg, hpit ial, tre te bdis o rturin trinhfi "a.He mas bari-t n Ntrway-, cane ta to 11).-The repîoritîof t-pueti1ti-tii$4.25 te $7.9t5; ttiep, fait- ta ioiti-4.00 work titi- biray on crslofro n bis have ts, muuty i aitte-ta iuve-.tgatit-flefî yu<ts tîîîuîc- tut $4.r m belai, Ni,. 2 ird, 75e ta oi-tc mnrk. Jte liîttsy.i apn-t abv IMDandronte luin tien -tttithti-etîurch-ie t!(iflt(- I tiiîtt uorn, No. 2, 7l tu72e; osto, No, 2, 47e 1849.anto, sîh-îi ic Wetot hotes w-t pi-.stiitu-il, ai-ti-t-t- pho-t-- aste.8 t- y-, Na. 2, 57e ta à5&-, buytira.- i-an te i-aey Maoitee ed anti i--tiir-e totahtti-catibi-a. at;Y. $10-00ta $1500; pri-att-m $5.50 te Misuimeur Dromas Hbats.< ciart-led a ni-w, Wiblam lriw.a mini-c o! Mindncu rote-an i othe- Nor-tW îî NI$11-50;butter-, tttici- ii-iantii-ry-,20c 10 Uno,,afrisito! beini Ijitched for the mur- ite and ut te S ertttiy uit;pntil-,- u-t t-nwNottes.; hIls fe- rb ushcta-et. ott der o! a feiinm-workcr, jumpedt uthlb.saine tu ehiainetcriuta for tht- tas; trai m uitithe lte i-k- Itauoi-atisipn,8>01 11k ri-ver ni-ar Lanîgan andi mon o! nohiln e- i--utuyvuitt $7, a, olicateligii 4 ,0t$.()ot eti. Brao-uthadl ben arrestet for.teti thehe 1ttltIlepu-nesitativet îo anit tnî$i-u75v;rti-ngepramma t,,pt-ut-. $2.(x)taS*O martir o! aaaphEtagr, mbse dad îaWtaraîsiu ud c llenitîio pst-hi-r pio rta a i-i iu1t hea, N.2 Ti I 7-r oi- t il