______________________________________________________Mm ARRIED iBUTr' NOT-rMATED1 By-au-----T--- CHAPTER XXIV. h ni,' mIl pt-akng very low. "t "And nov. rny dear fellow," muid l'il. if alie saould blarne me-" Dubar to bis irieud nomse days after "She bline you!" cried Madge. *' these events, "theres,no reten wliy )O tell you Il oil Kae ber lfe." live gond people »houldit be happy 't * @ a * * leit. Mri. Mariden la terribly 01I and How lie reCbd lier presence lie ne,,?r ehaken ater ail @heelbas undergone, but kuow. A surgng aouil varn loi hla es. 1 thlnik the liet medicine elli ecauhave lnansd ail races were indistinct and al the medicine 700 brlng with Your own voces unintelligible. I#seesed as if long prsence. How la Ilt yen have not been 1hours oere dragging by, and lu bis heart imear her mince the dey of lier acquItta'I?" a wld turnuit sorred, and in bis brain Ivor vivss itting hy the tablle inluire the blond beat like dizzy pulses. areary lodtints. Col. Dunlir hadl corne And then, quite suddeuly. arnid al the le psy hlm a fareoveli vialf. for on the war and tainuit of emrotion, carne a great rnorrow lie and lis %vire and Beryl Mars- penes, aud lie as standing beside assien- den wrre te, cave Iondon for the Ahbey, der, wasted foin, ln morne bushred. dark- aud bis purpose lu vomîng t10ms Ivor had ened ehsrnher, andud tllfted to hls own bien te, persuade bhlm f0 jon tient at ere two heautiful, afeadasat eyes-eyez Veux the folîooing vveek. Into whlcli a sudden gladnesa leaped litre "D)unhir," lie ald, hoarmely, "do 700 fdame, aud shut out ail theAohsts of mur- forget wli a rn nameleas, btilest. rowfuî pain nu long and bravely borne. fortuneleiia man, with nothing lu ail tiIs "You have corne to gay-'good-by" ohe vride world teuCal bis o)wn'! said, fainl!, sud ail the rich, depp njîvle. -I beg j'uor pardon." interposer! Col afthe,.il-utifol voirie waa haahcd sudd Dunbar, liatliy. -Notling? Do yoo ai e ddst ow 'lhs i1hî..oyu a worusa's pure trust sud love nothîug*?t l'Ihej told mue yau were goiug abroid Do jeou cal] frieîîdislîip nothlng? Do yoî agaîn.' callfe, heaitb, strengtli mothng? Corne. lie did net apeak lie could flt. 'r0 corne. Ivor, he s sensixble man. Yoo bave see lier 1> ing there no allere, 1ansd no ili. sîllerîl a gréat demi, and ao ham tile. I ote bin r, 1the very heu rt.sitl made - ont go rîînnîuig your headifil giit a nîtuvairau a sChil in the auo f hiie lane wall of obstinaey sud pride. You, great ljury and rerorse. Iosf the Court, by au acident; Beryl "I os anted no mucli f0 îhaîîhsou lie ~Iirsltca gaînelt di nluitremariner. " seent on, brokenaly, 'bot 1 bavei,-l erry for tIhe a y u rarbirbriglit. that 1% hnt) -11.1I1IkuoeYaIiO ii-iies failli 'f youra il-rdit I thînk tuitBeryImulifor . e'uînooui. -'e 50 iii have Marstilri-ji lic isiso ito care for i. But worked su bard, 'jr f,inil i, ,t -iniiol yoi *l liuld thinli fIi, e liori brOlieak Ano m -1 Isht,iild hle t,, tilailhali. i, hi-r beartnSurel> she h.,s1-ru' eiî--gî 0 poo r. butiv eo' ." leur liet bis lien(] un lih andaidso -I ssîîî send hîîo t-f, f00. said I vor, radaloud. lioarsiely. '-1I os iii I i-uid tel rou -Sy ion yl îuiue","perstei id ~ l bs gîvd 1arni .tte yîu le fhu- roîabar. h~ -ecîyI&bhope thîîî 00jw our mind 1i r sbook ie head. la ai reat. sou oi aisý,ilprs "I bave kept iay word-I bave aseoged-Thteîîîrnd aiwas ;u s s on the 'ho,, lier.** lie raid, lois y. 'But - bat rîglît de&itIfnult' athe saîd l iîilui-l"IlutuaI biif' 1teftrouble her any lunger? Slt la Ca", no dotibt, rny h-aih i os -,lasinai- fî i ,, sh@le al'e hapopy lu tine. I-lrove.- I ,iaiotirhng rny esatrellire erronsaber Be looked at hi-r, Lui hi r c-P%'a ere Pal). igalu ixed ou the wuii, thougli s'bicli the îLhes jon twill excuse nMy plain g aa- faelut sunlight niol' hik' aa, -efrm lIn. Liii ou are s foolr- saad Col. Don-tleoe wld Thevanaote bar. riing ta bis feet lu irrepresoiblei- paue.osIle ovor 'of reoti oanofull durntio. -ood eavnsman!wha lafor spech ta, corne readily lu their lipil. the use ni iplttîuî stras slu ibis rfshli"I wautedt'd10s1eak lu syusaboaut tie lu,, ? Yserare ln love selfli cdi aller: Court," saîd Ba'rî I ut lai. "I tai 0f 700 have fougli t b, bardent baffle tirait oui upon t as8iîît I ocrer .11211;l, bl tu. givea mies aî.l -n îîu o fightinluthia 1uiouîd îLe to kho"w f'ir wiviaes rr vorld, aud have i un,.' oat of Il nobîs, and spctng i Ls manu-agient, sud I1n ilI Ste aow yen wlilfally tiiru yaur bi'k ounlisp- fey are carcîed oui. If -if yo ooiîld Vino,.." write ail iofoitouo ls lf-ce 700 *«You 700 ou l uîu-lî lrniaud," muttered go_ ',- 2811M---- ---- ---- trm iu-, c is i i.. I 1«,011 i au bau-ht, ui -i St.fli iuc-he -1a rîiu f o 11 1. , i I a, i î i jul bîtfi-f -lî,-uIuuuhuc- î failu tu-lu. i -, 1;w, 1luuutlhl.- ui -i au o, a au h..iu]i-iuilitfui-ahi, 1 - - hua 1, uaî-- 1- i., 1- u îîu uit f,Ic svurriI),aI,' iî- su, I tui his osiuIte lips ,1tun),te--lu luitrli.i-I-is lui-tuI',lu 'No, Is ghad ilfi su;I cant," sid theternioltul luh s a sIn s. h t i -ju lussliiu.-ci ,, Il i. uapîla CZolonel. irsaicahfy. "*and vbst's more,1 me te olui? I fuiii't utlinst fir ,,11 l'an dont vialita. lire dlsAPPoîntel ln Yeu., saîn, liaitififla i, jf îu, iiI af tliii si.lsgéahSept iy Fore. tslar, II elIj'sus- 1 thoughf ionu %lre Il laja ever -uhghi t o-i'f a ahiaîuulinh ata tsor i 2tl îîuiîl,ît iota s sensible man sied nul ilie sort ai feil- s iudneti vtf " -ua viiboitlu.nuev aa iutIl'Y . iutro -ce int oritht one radis n ni-us sand romances- bra,vo-m1-I1t -11Iuu iîle u,or osishia rcit ui - vlvi, lfitiilig -Il lIi, tii-ho vorfngn'snvela. I shiuld 557 upselfîng Yon shahldi ilso uaiiltysju)ilirefîîrîuutune tuiri. Ilîjt iuuuIiuc unzji1 cacrythîng hy aorne cofoundel bosb "'No. nu.*' aienoubli -, -1" ujumuo ateal ov-iflthe uubhutn lîiîlîîga ii linIip-'cit -er about prlncipie.sud bLoas-bing vorfil1 an.oit ihio li ta.yI of tiav o-. a actth e fuilui «Il the Love sud happunea standtng ready "Ouh Ii b'cL is-il. 1 'tIiryî huournot il uigii 'Ihel v-, s lauii-g.il eI thelr band. Badge selîl ucaer fnrglve Vour teara nadts nit. 1,t lui' nofta .idtrisjgthé n-, ifthîe tîîuri.o,uiilIit Yeuuas.for Bey-" ho astrong, butl ta sie j ou se u-litigo'il- t ion-ru- i lue îusura ii .The bl,îsîîîeaa un "*Han aehau.the ipaken aeboui ie' la tes-Ible!'5tioen'if liesas.« tis- lî-etn I.,sl ie h saird Ovos-.falterlngly. "But j'on are clianged, tfou elue salIdistheinas I'lng ialuni t $1(i0l 'a1-rf "No-a, 1 bhoell. ofit." answved Col. raising lier tb-ar-weef is'c bhua "jelaIy ove rd lu> inurallut Tm en lîfiOs r Dunbar, reddeiuî. "But ail îLe tarne. You fnt knov? Cao n u néeh familija Swert e vlu Ihjiruii-is adail Madge cars the'*dying for a yord tfom "Yeu," lic taid aumpiy, 'I hao*î - for 1toutrhum ir ocjih irniitiino-ussdi, yeou, sud Madge kluas a abri bsrp lhsve sufferml dî-eîîiy." str,,jo i1,-i uy Thn'Ifirenrizi-atseîiciron, enongli." "'ue lhave ahuol ufferi'," taitn-Ia i,-srhs diiqdluad,t-hue localsdIpact "'oVen athe neuFils me, or wseseafor tut Béryl. 'NYlat a ii c log timiio'i Sii4 mubt osas nuua, , it uuu th the fluîuuea I wili camne 10elier," ssid Ivor, soivîs aoi-n ,0,-ine firvi S "But I camintforce mystl i lin lier no- 'Sus e hve Wlou.' lui-Raid. as tha Dras-naD-d iref-sa.aB.lino. tire no., sud sli-slie oould oaly d, e-,l-sie, lu-re unrthe'iiauhu IiltIiluî -.iigi,'i-'I7. a ht -ffl. opin5e me If I dud." rhuugîuî N e. t r eet. Is 1f vg. tueAronust. msi, iii,, a haili-n îaa,-noi.iih 'Weil.,t wash olioeii utthe whQhe Ah. if I bad liait iosiR it-iuit lo-l mtfiotlii lil aii affar," si Col.I i [ia ,-tiiany. "If She luidnultush n luit.lUrn ib-acftsond uait lfr-iie tsfarfing i-ulu ut4 you cholise f0 mnle o ourslf vîluianij bld ber fliat uîuly T-- IlI nu thre îiuuu oni.iliu,,, i- v huitl 1 a lu misénrabe, flits 3uur affilur. I asutpusé 'Lite us fuiliflu n, v- ' stli, I. ;ii teoulteulri i ljj- ii uatuî a t. i. yîuiillhegalng 0li1ta te l uio tiglon. or tuly. ."sA tle iio l m vti. i- to t),hj n i,îi ' a-uieIsran i.. fui-vt- tu 1,1uitl, h't Afghanistan. ori-Egu pf, sud ulîinz jaur are mshuuug îtiiîî i It us ,ti)abi s jtc l I l ai,,]ut tcti fiir lîihui ufflunat ta jeopunulize ysuai-lite iîj'w55 0f oarla." ftheot, ui-, o ciI.1iv uuuttIlit brushinglier hlurt. snd Ir-vînt ilue NYta,"- be sili ginuil). If a -,yual) a t h.lors i i--tfOatinIu- love. 'Ihat's abolit youur sont, isait i ' fersarîs. 1 it ,us us1u j t u i, fate n a il-hti, 1h i s tuiu. Itlu.ut Ilu , 1, re ilasdIýy ur luandh. îîî. I, u stii ti'.][fs-lt i ' l a tnl l if-[ h 110 t,, Ki)if it. woold sot ail taelier îîhauîîltsbYou nittautio. i , , ii1- luaiu,it,lu word on deu-il. le -su, tgiavrtth*'ut i lululn a uuuiuîuur :tOIlinoils liels *1,0l5,I2902O. rny fia oIuuba.>uuooul 'jri s 1I -M'hit u,- bhib-i- i11 fuih tpaluurugs, G-. o nielitali-ttu-I i fnuu. apono ler rn-ouîry w-,0 si Ii lic litlc thi.!" tht> S tc u f t Ii a Iu he 1t i.1 oh,rt ouimoult -- ',-li ipu nît iaIus mhâa m f1fuido?' SIts ci-tî9îuî1i1'fr i i s u u -h oui» i t5flnfht,->? Le sil uhuî iurfc slit bv ii'Stt ,-u ll.]fulaiIur'-iii Ilu os su iiiha vlitî-foot Ria , sucban toa, tfusil tiu ji l j a d -ut nnul IcI I uhului l li iiu '(i'111tn sot1'iiia aoi facoe,Ointuif luuî'c lip aftCuosuiDun- jou11 jnict u I aîuh i i,gl,t tr'lu- îuuîuucthuîiI i, s- ut. iiltr hu'sin flaI uorecit. ilujut t sluuî.uhbis mel tî of1"ut l'ut lu 'su,.. uit l h ti hui, iil tef u frl 0 if" Ilo ýiutr. îji o' - l - , h osrcl Sfili lic uts-l- , fui, I is tiilue l ii i biou n one brlet f i uiiuif at enhaiilned "ud- uac' ut hi-sitefluiand i -a 1- lnISic î-i.u, lî'pths ofairaony nuulgtiI lottin iit tfrutal Yî,îIualu- îliistil3 " ha,,if, t sol aorrowilog sool i-ifr trutol i ouipnltesurc. 'Ivar, rny des, fl odont ksoL luhu- AndI thougli I arn b,iuieiisa iomlea. tair It- au i iatiereets tilsl dont sacrifice oturoIf for sa I , uts , 1ui iî,î l e tLe lus- o sur 's lieus l -ta i1',Ili iau h u os! Lbe pli-all aculufriendt ouuî But Ivor anlo hik lis heid, .and lCul. "None the Itsýs," sl(, rtteati-slsortti s trji uuîî l i,,iuruuîi Dsubar mnufn00frtnambhuapresenu r'os il it ouil onu u> htcofil:-l rcEuoilu a cloudel brow snd a tverlita,; beant.lier f0 bio huuarci 'most falkIr Il unr wosufl hîige," lie "Then letihefht sur, a suîi wîîî Theuoliil 1 îîuî , firlilt 'l ti aad I îac lot ui0 ru ade matters If I eau makihc*s un huuîpIp.uîu us, nu- le yl iS $5 te1f ljw woase"let surely ancou utiir hu' emutut S,îr-t 'hiiiiiii iti uf-ij si s * - . . -esirt, o siihl lus l itu i, aa-o hl'i II itih I li- 1f Ir sens tseo duyolalec bon 'vasita brggsr, bufyuvu iuadui e rc b-ieLli SîîuîelI 1vilru bý,a i ili lil tlug lunfthe saniutrool i shen a cuah drew os sulail surds;- a i] i tidillI Iamti îot a fishuo'rtor H l uliiil 11ii 1, l c i-aili, 5uuiI op fa bis odgiugs. and a lady alglifel beggar, uIlerail, IBer* . rttItou , cl unaiSti-chut. and o-os ushero-I ijto is uapnteutmthc '-Sarnrthuung lnsiaîî ie!'sh, -tue! Prit A. . lrtu hi-r l-c- lady osas Nialge Plii ur. tioncul, and loohed op i lut,, hu a c d fus-ce ul iui u slj iillaii. o îîui-h ig lus le vI ati-I tf i, jus td n-lie Leasos sifl s uc-stooilr oni og unun ,'> fa u u s i ioe l- otjiiri l",i' t - ber, otu fle qiue'sfiiiulie vould bave pult "Yes,' h idiul outOîui-'the ('ourt a - wassayued-Ion hasluîus bY souac-ilng lie mine on' muni- ai-a'. ýscuili,, . va-sîuuluut ' l'î'uiiul I. osmu u-. ' u saseilu ler face. passe1 yesferay,asoitel o- jil,' th ,il, h reiujgiid jin i'-ius Iii l,, Ra i u t of Ili 'No," sre sald uusoirigthiif rînupoh- a dose af îpoison cnotcslj-o n I i , [lue beil tI, i, i ounitt-d iii i, il it 10ncautîr. eu demaul, 'ne arn ni t "aux, WlV as woîre. Ifîfore héb-- lh'sie 111,-a (i 1tu S, ot llu uuJai -i 'Fi-su-lu. --'- eould Dot go. Berji la ev 3i."' cunfession f0 me it il the uhuingo 1,f lesWhour,'uu-uuIl auîîî t-i I trooaiui -501e Hlm face blsnclcd. Thtehant psessed ie,, sud, abuse al, thué-mu-nlinle il'dciuvn.ih itNou -ia i j, ili ( saîlg It ou the table huj' hicb lie leaiued tro- uaed to deceuve rny mî,thcn. I-or sbc- oas a bout.i bled exceedlucis, decemved, dtac aud I bave tht proafs 51 Elluaaiiitina itiiai toul So 7,1 "IlI«.? lue saI, '-Nuf dangtcoualy?'i isaf" cash, i, roîuoaug fn-li ic u-stofu luuiiu ual i, "Yeu," arsoertî Madie, abruptîs "Oh, liose ciad Iarn!" salirciel, "Buf. tilecejar, l 11,fle u ui, ho di ( i "olliemo le I shiatililt ho here, She 1. ]Iver, vo hy hId'on ulottlltue beforel recu-ntly, jLdIuu il.î 1001t fding asvay. duo; by loy alie geta Wly iy hyj'n tilI prelend tht Court seas Ma laîi 1-, gii 1 er ueaker and-i vose. Nothing rotsabler, mine?" daughîuM,,til a)s-,usgeiuiiu inursun Nolhilg uuî,eu-îsbr! Il IR heart-break. '1 feit I cotol not heur 10 lire thers -gte fi ganrrbii lingta sarehir. I bhotlil I 1seotild corne osthoul yeo," he saiI geilly, "and no 1 050 droin jil inlt, i veoskahiliutoms juil sud teleyou. 1 1 I ilusahi chatnus. placel rMY fate hn ;aur banda Il ila oonfl0 utoRide u of iui hoentu btsv-ci' ui. anI I kuos that lier mort than isme or fortune, Berj'l, f0 A. B. 1Iilu ilo uti ovlleu p'l t.I love fur yeuita s uting berber lite. I kuow tht oui; for bis ovnuitae douensou Iiods to- toor1-fcil iii' uing oahiirci-ii raii ifcruel- iiuoiiitity fo belnse as yoen love 'My Lord Concti iC "N'l' o-I iig Iiic I l l iaoujchus it are ulinc Nout oai-,'hartej'onsent word "Ah,"-alie criel oill the il. bruglit, bis aom-fuouui ltjut,*uoluuuîi. t,,i-uuuuîi or n osiii- î tluuî ay in tht prison, AndI ieiiucblushb. 'ut remiol me of thaf. uDentiftauuiillu-s ufit(il,t inhtu. the illuuîni out iu rribt'nlelutit(in1 til utp- Ifr soas so foollali, seutnîjrue. so- " EVjIusýtIL iiji llî,, utliujaislaihu,.c lu,,il otu lie. sutetli sulcfargel if, a nd she 'If If tro id ru beep tus'in sour ujeon- 'lnsiun , i..1îe, ti bs, lire thunks oljiramu,îe i luuuusfuuforerer. Nofh- ory, deu-aent. nuofatter sviuîf lwsns:and hsnItjI -P uus r. bll- - ii lng niti-r itîu lîîer lui-n tu fG(rant- 11h set my pe veiiauul cOc nre miaune, Mnu rlil liai lu iuuIi, tigeft ii, lyi baum Court île t iii luli i,- uu.uam nli 1atast. for 3j11il nl huiete e ystalc 1;ijuinguic hlarîuuuu iandlgisiuug gi,d ta 51ilI-l', nli-i sIrel, a tu'l u jwovlibu- ldy,"lils, Ilunu o lto h (ivus ir ut 1, oh,- i-ares n, ribe cnld iA.lit tt fraini up t thfle nupitli a r- belrs ra, 'ulu i ho o ar. e ii-c enct ouniak-f hIý .1ýw ui li.1r- ie o o les t Glaciers tf(,r,enland. rnolutaut(hci lt. lava'. 1us, l- een." Tic great Gi-ceoland glaciers are on lat (,nrliiuill.elt 'Ii'uiIdo gave Ili.i tho' 'Dont!" bu- brIe rupn s t1ful fin average 1000) feet thîek. sud moN'e,. nîgctcbi nltru h'uvîu "Dont ainysiutIingis, 'lis I linîjaIr; fitty feet a day. Six oft flen yearlyI aItih ois osI u a lait.' hsorali th,-os uI Icolah eur il.' drlctr luto thue s-euforurtsquatre tmiles duuuc tut-ti îuviok lavt %'8h, lias to lui-or if," said NIoge. slaw- oai tee 1.1510feef flick. îuîo. jftuce votit o-s crai tIi, ly. "h)o 3ou ili atii t tu tih13 i sand il liiu uaîîviuvly i tire tistht 'W'hsl do ouviii s .h* ' , liecasbul,-'i Absolutely Eosentittl. car haras ,a o<f u ui-nglo atîdJolietale'- wylIIdo aaj'tbhiv fi, asT, ler joain" "Tellinme shat 7051 inslder ftefoun- trie cou,.auy at Joliet. Tht blaze start- 'i wish ye-to ucamne oîithnue nt once," dation o a boalkeprs succens?" ediraluone af tbe cars. To-o oft tlem vaid Madge, ln'cidedly. t'i l ih700 10 "*A sure foahng"-Pbladelphla Bol. vert practicalrulueil sud four thera corne f0 jolie for 'ouraeîf of Becil'a itou. 1ltin. scorced.e By bard u'ork the. la. dipert- ition. and tfel sait whether yen bave -sam-sent invel lIse bar» nsd mevacalotbs tIbeaeut f0 fraye ber. WIII79% ou .e Kib 3Uatc ;iia.yi mores ftto un lym*a l'he~welee, j-tIas 0»4.nabat o«.e TIo, m, -lui-rainas bat i i lirl, o ,-w,iildgetl""er ul sud marry a pour girl fi-- iiSchjua njury in a- -u P. !t'u,'c "afiîd 50voit ila- waheu s trolley Ijrl f f the Llciui Wluuifcouuid1IRastiShes rlclRaiîl I linI nll oulliru rn li, i Cuill îiiinlti nuet-u proipose thlerthaf very esen- I -ultuIr t heu former it ,îl,, - ing 0<- C('li ugo tt 'Ilirouit thLe-bridge wvuu.Ilu j-a-ii, li,.I1..-us cien,',11, Minir treet. 'Iii- ca.iii - ifutSPECIAL SEA SHORE EXCURSION Ile bi lar alit a i s.passoi,uu ,-u , ,I a'-v'plions fell throui, lietluini îuu'LakeShbars iouiMd thigan Sossaherai juid drl1I'lIeu 0tht eW fl,f.thri-us, c ull f}tiIy huocoîiyfl.f-st haloy. Th, ieit., a,, li Front Cliloîjli 17. $18.00 for tLe il c a et deep sîai, tt i -unitNILro rouinul tripu fiAtlaifc ('ity, Cape May. hooI andl chilI cen wli -u a, t% oli,- I(cea i (Il, auSlt Ile City. Stop ,I the Lac-, suce jiltebcd-l, ai -itu, fi,,-ooers uilIios t-i tNiagara Falla, at an cir ,toiutftht car, olwhuaf,,,, uî1,f, 'l'esifillulandI Saniiilky for aide trila il rperuuuu lisarin the rivier Mitiuuuof zlui-un toa uutauqua asol'luit lu-Bay. Tick- a, ce liY bcuised anid, otbhiu.tseot 8 giaul18s la uftietoseen CleeInelu cnr,,-itii-d injurie@ lIi uarr O tff î t I 1îffui b1If deolco-'). Fult Informa lic ronslue.xrept N a l all-o a flou uit City Ticket <fficet, 1Km Clark Th brusj Ii uidge mv ia I îîîndî hadl stretf, or bj' sldming C. Y. Lialy, lu-ioujrine-I frtsqteiititsoOusa Chief A. (..P. A., Chicago. The 2 wf,5J1ooh Gi Loioth tie u p- Tino GretasShock. IruLjiarati-d fuir tht su*enseooft1wtIi,' - Fellose ufit in ay -outry,0 sai! tep- nullî Niùosi (uid for file foi-IIII est reji-ufufise Cisluîjjuu. flie Stale ai Wash- nduug Juine 30 huis aIl bren ecalud. l ngton Lamaist-ojwed snother felIaw auud lu aditionîthucîsto there is au accu- pi.Fi) I 'a dl IiilîîTutala. At nid- miu,îafîouî of rîjil blles a t-îîout u t il Mordt,n1inght the matiosho $iitm.Theat billsa oill be tu I rit of o01-il tii>-miijiut>raille around, wokà his thle $.W00 i(.l oîllr i -catel fuir tl,, >,i ir frît Il ..ul Ïisilohinbhe rua îlot psy toi iiiiiv-iuog ,tuîi 1,a ih Osilii t icthf he t. fl5,0 i os ,hioshlu, fMeft i,i, 051,1 hi-s'a.,o urried me au I coulîntu talep, sud (Ifth fle gusnîl fuir îl. j'tsr ci-ilig .111, 1 just tlIîuIug)t Id fi-il von uno -,'lie sasil t30, 1903.1 lito u i- t 50111-it -hi - .sauid tht' ather man, 'woui auli -ut beuau îlin ta milic lo.u l iot 3-,1',,Rifttilmomnig? No I1 la-guuatirt fuir a Ioichis'uuy ii r, rua tîu h i ii-, euîîur'r - New o tN u I'Ill Adujt.i Ku luiflu lLi, ogreolîîuîi - he Hâtif 'Ern. ,n ' it tfle adîuî.î ,,tiliu .t III, Nj il a o Icub ls fu tng uî i îh u fo luulhaiI î l, --ituirlg p,-uc 1,1, i - , A d s l, l-jil asInlu-lanu u (a ,ljif lu, ,- t-ntf deti, , au t,,- î,ao la I [n o- I. , it i,- Iof nI-Si',u- i luu t , î ii d.îu iI he-3-ashi- the- lIILuut --I t tilîlA a usil go,, u l'louui Lt, i thaiY i t, IIh , juu ie hIua uiî ip ii ift.voup sfjiica - igiIiur furf luth uiitul fîtt- LIi , ,îhu-ulbrl,-i - hi l New fîdTrdt. cii la r Iii, I'i, hIuute Cli alo îîîi tt u I Lmo-petfis,-,!,, lu, Ps-cilent lituîujseerertr at the IllittioOî I ins fucgil,îi jui t-- ightfui istîMage Fat,. aloiîl,rtiuii- îuuo t îuo'ecaouîtn ;' , I<x- 'rpsîltuit îî îuîîaoeîîlis auopIedlie lu-he touan i-if,- for tiii, ý Iýlu iofl i u fuqatir luilu n d u l uf 11111 Ilo-I ers.and ?lia iz'uiufuuI lu i intetioun (Ii Ih xl,, -s ,iuIk istiv uiot 1- 1 1lu- l Ire ifutaithtI llinoisulaStato' faiti. V. t fiul. l uuiu " i. î î"11.IlI ull "pt I jta 5)11 4, lii iîiîi. ~'l l 1,f,, li-lic ho 11,1,1<,. atdu i tlîîi Itaio ay isil] il lFI,Lake ,, to 'Jortf !ln :u rins ui bii 1, - ,auulu-a bîuca t , sy, In i 1 uZ, , on , cl I. , ulegrit. Il,,--,"'i u"«-îlu"'i - a"lu ",1 ih e, îîîil,î-nuuunt-u il smu, , .t I--s niîil i li, ajiMsui tltiu iJourn ifi ---IIIIIF uuur i.t,i liii el Iiluriul t 1, Ilatit j-Di""",a, u Il thiu 1ýý ,-uuunlss rrlt NIt, I ý Aîtuuîîs i,, andluI juihu' i-ad irli ,0 a uîtf iiitlu us - r thi.îthi, I 1 r u angî- u l'u o ig Lt h Sjrtigleldl fs- 1 i-f F -th ut I-Il i1 i jl uîIl i t-iilju igsO o f- r lu- o-i Vut i ..bu f00 , Iu lu, itr I t h utltlias ,..t'ui un- lu- o, îîîate u u ur-r 1 ,il, u l-h lu-s. auil.1,hýI,- tuag if,,i ilt vi ua', i tutus i lI tII, luo iokfg huor li,- bc i l,,Iiiui t ufliuuu -t j--'tl Iil ti $7,( mIi A lbilil u, i, 'îu r- a i i .1, t-i 1 i, i i l, i. n îo if farc, t. @ loIii Situiii.nd by I, -lii c i -i :ta c-i îI, " ap t f11,îlth fiil, i he 11- - i.I,t- l ,It utju. AIfil ua i;, îu, htc , iuouTri0, iiEoee-kn' -uurslo i moltion u fli 55 - i ui iaocî- _ joli v;II ti,- S e t..I ,atîîoî n p oreui ,, ,t bf ti,- aLi,I lihi- L.n, t N c i , r, Ials; sital osus u rnid ouît i - i Issêouiig iii j- 101, "o i-t1t.I... igii Il l li t ici was rrie diNeatiIz o, ,i t nid lu ilij esalijo fut I] A'u f-uiii- Vlm spuuhîted toAîuc it , and li i, fuil a-luiful tj-,,îa on iBan , i- ol ni ut at--ut ilu ,- uio f-nIl riicîiu niii tip îuuuîriîu-îuuuî t ,-1 I - or jause t,,ho nf n, îuî ,-uu iilu itaf-uo or diut, ,- eorytiut; i t,.- u c ari-y out -Ib'i iaiT.i & I A,- .lnual lis, t he (th t i s, t ( , t t l s ii "' li s i i lO s lt e f ,utiul;uChutols '%VN t'. ,- 1.1au,t I i, ",f 1 til lu Sajs't 1 1 v, i i tiftruie -luaut (l i%,, r Soli1iutf.c 'ulu i ul - rime r, NVloui. iliis 1,- i.IliuM ? trfuurulandi F.jul I o 'a,c, . J. îc. î1 "l I lNu,11 1 fl s. tilt-m rcifItu- logu Z' 5O lîî ,,- t, i,, 'ri. i turi-tsi itu h1, it tirst adit. Th l ai'naîug iit, lit Push uondeuu ttugc'Nia uiti-l i- o-v-i-iuiita taiquire froni., lu îlii,s-@iee'-voins. 1II ilS)lIiiiiu i lCompany 75,Ima) Gr(i r ot, Rauil ,Rya suIls.bhume- suuîn- ti-t utlit 1 l itht wellt luiil sut, u-t,, ns fichaI, , f '-, ut -r iutu eu l us1 flue river brin-o-n NIlulsonin sd 'lanj1 tIi I II ,.t b i l ' t f ill iiut i 'lliu .s nu-a trêtta l,it ii -la- h u, l ahitr I iii h i lînof ou iruu Dr rvili titî -tCillcaicu ssiil- 'l u-l.îuR Lif Jlii -A,,gIt f h -ît-u lir il1 sos stft iliii huuî lin yearis' lil t5 m roundl tripî - fIIr o fn uiutiu i-l l, î u a cielorunu t, tI,,- uudero-uf NIrnoChardatte L. NNuchol. ' He- Mire- I iierits. bus b.-eu n iteiI i - ace5by ,Iuuîuu -, onSl,,'s fintîts. iut si, tlu Camrtwrighuitfi,, Slllreme Court. ni b -sli lîu ti,- Suuîro-ouî' h m'(ut 1a oit ms-cf h'I 1IL k,' Ns surmil -sd' s u, ,a uuss ah- (Ou filuet Itliuciî,t ill i jive t t r illiu i l ri1lz jaul oun ('li,lg, ît ht flint fume. Members of St. Germai Cati al.Ctas-sh Cls-e. olit hunth inii l11,uiu-uiuare aîug ry at stionu ui thsf lua it nuujl- u t he fi church l oi ji losoui-ll lîcîîIn P,1,1, littrature asn 1uu u VNSit,- Iiuul soo i-s ir fth e, tat sîu ias-il ln. TIo, tisu nled sai,,' ci îouliluif jouu thaI ll icr. uhtuh- isarlia dëriîcutir3 t1,I atholie priesta, fiu it îuuu as ' altageiher tonde 1 ht liiestI obnouosi- IIiîau No,;ltoi luisesuîruu'am anul inaiultioig. nuindenedl seat Mr. Rockefeller wouid Herman Wagiiati. a former, living aunla uif lue Lad hme. WoodIswn, romouhtel suicid by hasg- BIRED CROSS BALL BiI lu;. A builef seouiotwas touud inhais soauîd lie la ev i borne.halk o sur arucer sloua*ch, but thors wu5 ne blond on the for lil. Large 2 u. pach*gs 0 ly 5 centa, clatiMnisud unDo .d#r111 r ~taie? *bpwtua wbr. tise bail the There la oue ibIs; lu tfl i eduni- *Igadjt lm Ia o tv et- sers. vhiehhilarWIll vainab* mil hast - te kW iaIn.Olt vir. b *tractm-b* Tqdd. Bîal.asordered a permanent ifju flou. o ill ro ansd a fullaceouîîting of sasf0Issue agaluaf Paul B. Hudson. the manufacturer af the foot pou de calied 'Dr. Clark's Foot Powdrr," ad aiea agaluat a retaîl dealer of Brooiklyn. rearrsluing theru feom makîug or arlitîu the Dr. Clark'@ Foot Powder, whl(ch la derlace.ln thie dîcîsion of the court, an imitation sud infringernat of 'Foot- Esse," flie posoder to ohake loto yoîîc shîjes. Alleni S. oosei f Le ltiîy, N. Y., là tlic oi ler of/tht trade-mark "Foot- Ea.e." Siîilar 01h10 ovîli be hrouliîCt ugalotatiotijrs îoîîare nov îufrîngîng on the FootIî t v ruî,i-îasrk sud comnîr lsw righfa. Not she Matne. JIjifis o c 't. 5 Iu, lia r'coin, ta speod a 17os,- d oa-) -r.'auglal j iii',e been able t.iouî. rIs. fliihington; but I do hope soi-are goîng fo lhave bvtte secather, or Ianiîfrsîid 3 lIiiwo't enjay yiinrselvea rnnîch. Mr@. Gsiîcuî<buit suy dear Lady Boreban,, soi' jîîlocorne lere 10 rajuy oursels. W e anne to are you,- Punch. Hiire.eekem" Tikets t.o thie West. llurneerlrr can lîîy excursion ticketis via the (.cnt Non hors Btailooay ta pointa in Manitoba, Montîana. h'iaabington sod the estViv. ut &bout oie fore for the round trip, os irtandsou iîrd -l îesa ai Juiy, Aîîg-îat Siplenili-r,,loi ictober. 'Pichets asui îf,,cîîîaîî,unfa-arnail rail' vvaticket t 1îî -.Fl1. Wh'itfney, G. Murs' tur, Dt)o'rIîi ,ijcr, iaijam, but lte iised eh-rylIn n ii, ru-illui clicve youif hiîolaiil oit-,niiîîî buti I. to îîno araili lTii. 5,( fe- I",i. rt oai1hi-oie t-Il joat tell h,îîlj-lighil huit t hi-ar a hurg- lac (l1is'u Itîji- I iîî tss oj-s jid alie Du Flîl e resAhe aud Hurn? bha>-ii,u ir hoe.ata ens Foot- Kaj- a ieos1r foc the fict. It ualeis ilcfl -c Ni - ,]iî, IciEs.u. Cu r- ( -111s Bot îîîîu, iihls lotand S-111119 c eI-i- At oit1lirlgriots lmd Si',,- S o,25c'. î,ît - oit IIE Adi nco Ahi-,n S. (ieauI lloîy, N. Y, S. tayer. .hîiiillia, ,-. It, lait,- i iîi-. MI. Sau-îj î-lîiîlhu,g.lot utui ot 12. If,, lit, r 10i1t.s l i onîîîîîîî. 1I luI ,, h- -îî î,Iljiml at ii ii,-o ftîu- nî,î, iuiî vh,-iîi'îiîval,l. limcî'sl iaoes'n Trip. Th'ie Lake I' tiliîi ji ii NIiîgaîîSiiouhl cmn Ralios illuis jtil isoii'd a l'oc sommer boouk ,iibc t-Sthore Tours," showlng a an e-f, i-i îo f Easterno ce- sorta, wlth routîes mi ates.lic'-lipy' 50111 be sent lin aîîlla,îîîIcI. b'. Ilily, Chl-f A t G.1P. A., Iliii ici Arijfii-il thecuîa,-dlilucîljzogif 200,. ffli.i51t1 îoîp I îi, lîic,Il iniail qîlarter. if i,- ci-lj-. iii I f ,-,itt i aio.0l are 0000 uîîîr l-fi, cîri if tîL ie îsd Siaii- n the Pilippn, Wan~ oljda. Tvn bîittlea of lisos Cars for Con- anrnptiîîn îrrd n-ie f a terrible tcougl.- Freil Heroîanui, 2o[. Box avenue. Buffalo, N. Y.. Sept. 24, f1901, 'lhe w.rsara thf il..st .ii ny-relira Losc cîîol Itiaîs335.i olo,îa.aj adhe îleiiu-i ut 14,00f) len. ALL XtP-TO-I)ATE H(01:MOKEEIRS la- Bcd Cc,,is Bailflou- il mak" i-i îhrs cieaîî and .-teias ovOC sew. Ail grisera, Tht mfalist lafîîîe meincant dii ail lie a. t.ld ut tii. FITS P l- = K K.~s5i5 Buy and Try a Box Tonight. Wliile yoîî think of it, go bîîy and try a box of Case aret Candy C'a- tha tcîii, idealî laxative, tol glit. Vititil neve ergret il., ( inetileîts stainpedci C. C. C. Neyer solîl in bîîlk. Ail druggîsts, loc, /,- H M Is sA D I ~mi fu~ ire at. 4l mmbis miss VIUINIA Tec fo ENpital P =II~ Usne and Bdly aujdl Plnkham'u egetble COIN- peund. ___ DEtAN Mas. Pnçux"a: - Twe.hw 2'os rVie st the Wk ein,, of el a & prin bompi- .- - zz1 .a t AROUND A BIG STAÂ?E IoKuxla ke river danm I,îknkeerin thé Pr(enteoüsoevelt was a ditli'ctMO _S IU. ________prisence 0f a. 000 pe'Illl . -i-i ager. oia- dClaappilnfiîî'ut lu the Young son of sli.èh oSOtau0" In, nWhirh Chlda-en A,- lu oubi li liter ah rii citedhfor aios' gcicrni-unt official. *trvsk BRIF COMPILATION OF ILLI-li,,i-iilliOtIg theordinail a': iîîu fIi t iî-sieriî 'o"fnîînmoe Prc nj'uliatl-dohren NOIS NEWS. lofîliaf, 1%%Vheu R-'liitiii Wstrnmanî o neds l-fvtilîioneî"In, -1lias re Iouîred A 4 y,-ar-ofd boy wh-u î i udoptd ,_ oI-" nil r toi,- sîîullulaf rfaite aljs 8 l' tl ll--nfilefu. * laPi 01 uj' er! " l IY hy Mr. aud hic-. lu h SI, ki 3 tin t h, lisî8-otarei-îîgcf- lii '-'i fui- Preall ste lTickets Nosmmntd by Probubi- f. :î 3îîd plei- lS i i-dlir I î licn at ei-r o ei, lta h hî' 51f , lfoi.uîufcîi o y nforhat lias ita snlhiavialsis Mo.-deserC1m"d I -l li uaafIben kinl.Ils,,l, t a ,c - 11,1,1- -ut- ornîîîg au'! pre- ,-l lut flic houge- la ,ffor him. l-'lie amhotld 1. a tI oi, n ~- fesses sud eKilO. itim,sft l'ire iriy jl,, IleciIl -î t oh I-c- anfed tIie-lad Intli' prtlf't. Ilîîpîrîîsin-itii-e Itollnt. shen the Tvuiiagi.Caa (t ottss-ai.r -t- r utfhMr.Vain Sijh Thi- boy hallfîctu Impiessed IvI, i îu-. inOa puit o hlmlooked at bis Th______ nktm. ra' 11,i Iu' ofcî-l oswagon bru c i-uii, i h the t. itailit. osas II)f0 Othe blggu-of 'o f .andI lî s n'fe 1001Mlfat hlm ,Tht'y 'Ibefultjofi ti îtosafuulc, 13 li f,îîî, ive-r aI Si-ic 1ý-,j t i-h-i lInucilotfiec ountry, sud 1toIflt ---fi-î f a-nt a Jo],i' luth, asilo- Iorohljil,îuiisof lîni- h.iac u'1 i,î Ij7Il js arelajj i il i rsls. san osheu flhe Prealdent air(ink -ti.,. "ih-iiu o a, lr, Siue riîiiueeJuhu t ',ilu 00 t cliog sud twi-it, -hi--hfi--f aaula wmil ihiiîî flue yaufflAter &ae lmedoid ciiîîîîrî1rbav nr i.eanoijuei. Oiiiîlf-is aaiii îîlto, ile.. -a, he beilig.-'I- iniiii 10 tblnk thiot ihere waasanieme mlstake I n uî ut uuloctefa, v I -' - laîeîî- 1,sl l ct E,--.as-, l. ii,! oat $l'beni1luli't-letîjotithIl, anelflat," ('uiaA. l,î1U, iu iul, inîîîago Caai - Mia Nr. anduMra. Gilbe-rt lijl.r fKaoka 'rcyoîu Pro-Ident Roosevelt?"i ' ouuncel île agentf. lei huat-,- l'iiieriy- us i .-tiaîdtrasitur wîîia 'ismid tht Presîdent.'~But thitre arc xteiiutingob-rlum- Umsa O ltrIiîîcriuu, 1 ai(l uitiutY JouilPasaliniu,îsary 51 their Ilu siuîrroutoed "Iyu în obg'blre u n tht reol i-ltote and! crîtlîg bugl- J~~~~~~~~~~~ i.iiiili. iui iiiulaglat le tuf ir mix vildren i it '--eaI grand- tht lad, os ltb thte ador 0f yoofh. Dl. J.sk ,,, 00517nesa, Kidillii- get. lit ee ont nex- AS, us. ,i. M.iHa il ý a.irsld aud "'apn salît sou oer, the blggett n OfSfl i f, r rgrdt 'h,- îlauiu r îthe Pro, luit.'Ili, osfi' us aillemonîIl i - vilirTh-y lInbhe.country tuU _ei u iisiiIfi 10 fi rîguroit trusfîIr'fi uIl" iitith' Dii.i1Oi nd il,~I-- eyhal iv - 1,, thlte tireficlads Ides lit greatoicas, sasm tilt - tlon of th,,i lirelt" îu 1-e tellli.uc uii uiTeled ,'ii-u,-cesuwru, YorckYirkTIet. efth emsetasîdtutluîriembarrasutfi Ivesifl ta, ulu it friîl tu-,uuui t-no ioi il- .tciand lu I4uci sIe.,liius Iauuuîîeitr ee ru ufî'. ltuirii-rity (i t ailler at taie andl i'esldeut Roosevelt o"D'î loe ti lh 3o taiiti lot t ., litlk, fr pruillif itii t l Free.man for r.i. ia aS ili liel t ieb y tu lw ste N .I anud -a-uo îu iif'iici1,.>, Idopiudupti-ul u -pritede t , luailICi office onî nuit thterman tLaI os"i bg." But fui-y u-î,îîuî l, et. iiui", Mtidui -lu, lfi-il u il,- tii, iiuii t ]ui i ftSpîrngfield sl I fouiiilli -r r 'o .y-s. fcî-uuuîîîlu was ii u - 111--, 1-1.1t iroiîii ifael, :i 1,kî i, Ile iwereI, l.î i asaliit ave') tite '-aby. a tii hi-i1,ui,. I- ila îîîî,îîarniltht-audi- ,hics-c-I tbhtStAte m51,f 1 rt-11- if Nuw Prov-idence.,Iosa, july 7.-LltlI Wuur.e anud os---- q, sere(l fbe dut ri uiif-i ýfla i- 1,-iirbooîo - -i, or0f vblebhi-1 t.- t, au lticl Ilcîcu 'lo, the 3 yiaar old daugliter of Satent," ( hni i.ifi- în i-1s'uconie firjiu Chii,t. 'lIl..- 1ulîutfuurIu a(Illtid cru'îitp.- rit idenuut. J, E l c ituulpe f Mr. ,idMr,. E.NV. Mdoin ai Ibla place, 10 s s, l,- as,iel-i juiluti-u atoctar slSîu tili-lu- ,~ jlfatihliunI l , -ut,, f the POnDsil- i ishIip blgh hl a i aromsesc-ape frorndeath, thitiga Iu,îusc 'Wi iii, disiovee ha has one, j rf-dit-i f litOuihelîuking su g oi"al I-cîcatoSpriloi 1 tt iliir le place lier mother notie hseerned olaibe exp-ci-icî- Ilat %% 1-Y) tii-i tttisec thelr grecm .fr-, i-f: i riîs'dh'isuiutaudeivaant by the ru - ,of Cap- very clumuiy sud coîuplaluaedwhcsaîle cliillciru unI)ocoau-uîlî ly are to-n lloclijuail, ir i oi f figiriulfinlujutaun l'--tio.wa.arocîcîl lier lînuiba sud face ver. luîe a uuug-i i unpo hyî cual f.,ili.tii f i lu, , 11Ir 'I-f 111,-tflsa n ug ntT ,r m igt fuuulii-iiiifiil Ii- 1, ii-ubsof SI .- l.i sitho A octrws umnmoneti, but iellegor olt în--lusiti sitlml I, ticke-t il 1 f1 01'u.-lu, 'luiir, I uuuir ps-ig \: osi .-lunia- no better. Ut- saîl @lie Lad Kid uey rmptli atlionr ile fliilullog. T Aeuail-r.%5 ' fuiuu,-l i, iatfermpito b o, Th i e Trouble lu the sonst form. Agaliutlhciacf trelnants loijke-u du, n ,--tIA lioui..-n.j111.b ouiu gr--lu ci ci.afuir aome fi i - p-t h-u lun Tooother doctors vers callel in anart tacb îtlîcr oui] iaiglu- lic ho -I -I ii, serrlag f -.îîaundlthet' teY agreed tht lier. va. very lîfls. *'Our tohllîrlnn'ut nufuî,aid the ti oh I?,iii- - Oiiu Oîifs, iiîilul-.1l., c en nsi su - lut, rt fuirs-If auj', hope. 5h. w5aibloatel ail user. man. u-il-luda, Alfhough it - -ostuir m'au ber ej'es belng tonipletely itîtsel sud "*ChildrecoarceulIifl e," rotumî-d filic (ljlnl e su Cîiose hisîcie, l ~ ic - use fu the -. u l-ru- ihee ler abdomen bloate') untîl Ifosas pur &gent. uit Ii Illu-litiit iriicif--iii l i ilarged. Il. a, unuhurt Ipla. "'îlo îur r!iliulcctiaie irri-d' t u ,,~.i t,,h f-jjoîto , io l, ii -,,ju exclt,, i- -t uîuug the Tbmbuufsnbxsa od I li, jaryIol -'rîuuî allers if -' And .......u o.r 1:;i, SI,iia --ir I,ui .uî tus uitthe foui:, toey Pillà snd ebe î-oimmenced ol Ir I -iii- I Ij . --uiclj- r .i u il11,diriuma. f h1 ua.--,ai-vcprove atonoce. hiLe bail ose') nîneboxts tht agetttpru liarcl fIgo tInoorîau a At Nu ih liutijij,,f, s ciuiiIr, Sophie SIi -iotIîttu ffore fie Dropsy wssail gone. The thcil, seii Iutuiathe i - O , ihiiioiii I-r uh, ii --t la d ; hmp uod ii , t u .fa- tlier trestintt oas contInued sud nuiw @îie ht" fihuicciu'lni eura idl thte nan. foa i-hIti ir- u i lt li r libr- us'i - i olia e, set tI. -ýl "t i l ig la R e flI as eter. "and liai c chillcen if tlicir oW n," h aî,î i l, h o,, gi ha ul iil-I- l On j u,uI l nd flic ihi-t v- lan il ci uî toida sKIluluty PIlla eertaînly sav el The agi-ut îl rouifu lIs pen. tri, ~ ~ it julluc1 u cl slu f-, rl uiýt i lu-ifi a fev b 'l ilie ', ,l,.fuI'. the l11111e 's i- t e 1f. 'linlr -is icl. jI "hi' usî yauuig fi-iluii - ci u-1uîu-I au-i oi,-ils tu huverefntui t, tirtIius*->Inulgv-t i coatireo ru tusrtlu Youi Shniiiu'IujlhcIi.u-l",ur.1iî .1Ihh, -"uiaf.n-teuripolne tht-o l.u, iR&ulBahas-Disonragi.-î otaî, ne fi . i ifili.ru jil 1- pili,' n fl- I ho tI,îîhhî uthîrosril aIil, I, tai ut liiofiîlui'touti(] ime sie bad umade -a nfudlîout c ilduIn i rng tliîr (u llulcen mos t int ft îj uil f il. lfn lfnclil., -. vuuI,-rusdcel by It'ko The ii uîtluantd -- s i iulaitfaîîlly- golluengts. anîd ail wamaurreti,. Iitc, -1-i uuii 11, e., lula r ilellcrime ua l iiufolduith niîi'fhîî Wlai an0ecapeis! lu anîtbtr marln. sit, j s jui 1 tlut îiglueuughfsu va l-- toIlu ,3 r ' o l seiff--iltd brtnd ny palm an.! mOLaitcyuIhave barid tht iat', hie dil 0,f h l ii i l buîîil i lii h u Iolii uar .11,1 Iuglter, mI- satts ai,-î,i ug ile 1bu- wbuu Idil11, Iîî 1--1iurrhui.,g usithf11lien ShLe exîing,,i tý l fl,-ic Illum -SIonaiiy.apes-a- Cons-t Sm.ti. th.e Fo-K. frienî soc-.t. iliiIuuuii î,, nul ver %55 mu t lli uîther thre ut fn--fui lu,,n.a nd Anod tlun,' h, laid me fila t I wa ago- Tr.de- . sk. the roliu.,u, r, r, 1,, ,.u noa r Kt- ailliI 1,-rallier, 1megi tu aler a dîmsojnîaent in love. luit-Justice Laughlu, lu Suitreme Court, I* Dcej es r dardaofth. riLTlaath$issaas W. L. Douglasmakesud selle ucie mon'@ j.0 aud 8&50 abusatIssu aii otlaar tva manufacturaa& W. L. DOUCLAS 04 SH0Stb i CANNOT un ExOI.LUD W. L DOUMA . 0eT. au&i Ceto L T~fi v- Good Thlngs to Eat L'iB13Y'S Natural Fliavor Food Products ar S. B. G -ves.tiaa1 .tsa. " .155a ai -1,i h* lttroue - u 0- tla -tA sid. UBOBY. MCP4EILL & UBDY, QtKAMe WYou can boy of us aI vhole. sale prices and save mosiey. Our 1,000-page catalogue tells the stor3 V e wîll seud it upon recelpt of 15 cents. Youruneighbormi trade wiîh us- wîy flot you i CHICACGO 'he h mm t at wthe ab 11t& LON 0 0 Kvi La..s 15ri*T*'md21 HOW 10 WN AT CARIS and NOV TO SE» FOR SALE ir'ATF1DU f. P rk ~aO si ak. lin- RATE~ lýI AE hs lidi~s ' hl ion v i, s d h . - - 1 =d= 0. az HAE TO mIT?i Thi V-a Wffl cs.. S.N. V. o .8MiSS IIIINIA ORANES, most diatressing cases afi luiansmatlm aud uceratian of fil, varies and wmU t bae kIno-n thaf dochora usd IjdfBs E. Plnkham's Vegetabi.' C<Jm. pond vhen everyfling lu;mi ffl.t wltb their patients. f baeadvsduy patieuta aud frieul t sfane ilad hbu» yet ho hear o a ist affailutu o ums 1'FPour year% ago fI bal falugqo"h vamb fron. straining in lifting a h»s patient, and lauovlng ai the vaulus your Casa pund 1 began taoas lb s once, aud lu six veelas 1 vas v Wou O mar, anadhave bail uo trouble stueIs5 1 sau most pieaacd hohave bail anuOOs. e inty ho say a5 kwwvorinlupriAist 'tur Vegetabie Com.pound, &Bd shaib talas rvery occaion ho reccamuend itt-~s mmaaVsaeRONAGRAlse.-8aooe faeak Lydis E. Plxikhaa îVffltable Comipounndhba stood tthe test0* "an, and has cured thoumadi Mia.Plnkiaam adyjffacu i»t.