GOOD FO R I N R A D E L. - - - - 4ý l Kyi" Thelre are ln the state 152 creamerles. Thebre are uiui miihcowa. T'he native grasses give a peculiarly plleasant tavor, anld a molidlarity of texture to butter which plaes It at the very top of the eastern markets. Native Grasses. .1 le native gramiaen of Dakota are of (ex,4ptionial Vai a fod pdants va beya are chlienly of thirceevarieties-rdlinary prairie grass, bleue joint, biuffalo gram«. Th'le value of prairie grilais and bIlue joint for hiay in generally known). Iiuthfdo gramm im a wonderful pasture plant. It ripens oln ltestalk ait is an s nuitritious ln the- winter au in the su mmer. it abounds efverywheýre, west of the Sonix and IR Ilhe Necret or Ilbe vablle of the wondcerlial wInter pas4t1ures. Modern methods cultivate, harvest and market the wheat crop at à nominal Prie. The Corn Belt. j'The South Dakota Corin boit includes the entire east half of the state. E.very year the Corn cro)p receives greater attenl- tion. South Dakota Corn luI 1901 came throughi the beat of Juily much better than in any other western state, 1Intelligenut cultivation of this crop brings splen- did returnsâ in every section. Th'le crop of 1901 averaged more than 25 bushels. The normal yield exceeds 30 bushels. The crop of 1900 was 4-",040,000 bushels. The (-rop) of 1901 was :3!000,000 bushiels. Lve Stock. 'l le live stock industry vastly exceeds any other in importance. For 1901 the live sitock industry excýlui@ve of dairying, yielded the state almnost $30io,000. Cattle, horses, hogs and sheep all thrive on our nutritions native grasses The wonderful western range for mtock cattle. Where siteck graze all winter withlot b ay, grafin or shelter. The fertile garmis of the grain belt for finishing afford a combination of interests and opp)ortunIities not elsewhere equaled for Ilve stocVk money makling. Dalrying le an already well established industry and ta destined to become the most valuable. Every condition às favorable to successful daIry- ing, The state dairy and food conmmin pproxi mates the vaiue of the dairy products for the eurn- rent year at $12,000.000. 1)11iugtheI)as witer we're not three wee(ks ofl real winiter weýather. - Livestocrk grazethe pr Iairie ranlges aillwinter withoutshtr. Productjong. llt, toali value ofl the agricultural andrunea production, luwl, was -"- a Value of new wealth per capita $22 -I Fo lveyearm-isý7, IBU , V , lu, Eii )ot akota ham produiecilmure nlew wealth luier-Sit han any other tstate. Wheat. Wlieat growmg is l a prominient imustry and is lærsueiid with protit in the agrictuiitral section. For twenty years the iaveratge cvrop bas be Ien in 'l he crop of inali averagedi l i bushels. Sola d Climate. South Dakota's soil is uniformnly fertile® East of the Mi4ssouri it is enitirely glacial de- Polit is a rich, deep, black loam, underlaid by Play. T,,h e surface is unidullating and pleasantly slOPes to the valley. Tlheoelimate is bright, hieailitfl and invigorat- l'eaverage ainnual rainfall easit of the Miss§ouri is 21 inchles. thsalsnth1vego- Mîore than 17 inches o isflsInteÈv rw ng mionths. Th'le average summier is deýlighitfin. Ieada- Thle average winter is mild, agreeabl n l 'le norma mean temperatuire for Januiary and Febiruary is 11 tiegreesi above zero. Thle average temperature for the year Is 42 :3 _ - -- -PRAIRIE VIEW. LAKE 2URICH. yyyy¥¥¥¥ lisn iplt 1Thurilay in Plercy Gridley visited the Tartu Sunt- E ramion pieute fromi Joliet nextTh P ge W en W e F nc C mp y Rockefe//er /tem s. C tyardsa.ddaug ta Fice wa a Chicago vis T eP g oF NEW iJERSE Y. C mp n ++++$$$$$M4MV ido caller Sun ýialy. sipent Thurstay ln Chicago. J. itaymond, of V obi, was speein O ur Et li fLbrtyvii lle high estoeem. lier hustbaind has thel Hornl, to Mr amoi M rH. Itobert Mu Ni4mssoudie mason has retuirned from tEemmFekltat Monday fr Maido rs. a is il, this place one ay symnpathy of aill our peuple in the greaot M mdI(ay, J uly 1 1, a daughiter. . u.. n extended visit to Kansas ista Diht11 call e net affiction Itatias fallen tupon im MuNIRs. Laa Brant. of Iowa, im 'visiting .Julius liertel and daughiter LoulVise Fkitoney hippet 11r1ov. avid week. ,of1(Jat"ws a Mr. J. LCronktitle returnedT h- hr mistr r.Mr akr are; visiting with Mr. Hertel, Sr. stock from bere Monday. ii-l i-iwbliIl i vid u he ron,'l ohn eKal eride daiy of last week from lan extended (1 Last week Mrs. Laura Iiison retuirned Mrs. Butler balrecovered from lher Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Forbem took a to i bertyv\ill w vi lut ca> i vhisitrate hmeoi. visit to Ilis brother in Colorado. Ile from her visit wvith her sist'r. illnress and la able to be out again. tide to Barrington Tluesday. M r .,ou e b w e a d o , f M y r e p o r t s a v i n g m s e e n m c h r a i n a lo F r a c e s D w e , o f W a uv o ni d a , il t hr e F r a n k S c h r o e e r l s a b l e tr o b e p B r u c e e e . fr t hias mp Y d b j lle hi g T o m- : i i i i g t k si b e dif R h ee ee wtiflnd et as well as Mr. Ilguet of her taunt, Nativ Frost. againi, but la tiraid of hospital life. Frank lioney sand Wm. Bleknasioe wooefilad, ae vsiinge , beuiulad elhycunr. Mr.Miss len iRaymond ris spending M rs. Simon and son Fred, of Chicago, metde a trip to Chicago Tluesnday. Tilllt lia Lcchoedansat .ant- Cronkteri s F lunooig)well1andfe Rjudgeltsis ekwith re)latives in Elgin. are vis3iting Mr. and Mrs. 8prague. Mr. and tirs. Henry lehaefer were .g.v.el. .<. roi li FitsgraldA Caaranareuonst- th tri hasdonehim ood.He sysfiBarrington visitors last Friday. P 4E* t ]r adding new mnito their force amnd however that Lake counlty ls good vmmember thre lawn gocil tGerg homas McBiridlean fmiyo GutEch n.fCiagsvs-to lr l-w yetthy ln temelesfa bhitienug fr iPWeare aillglad to liusou's Tu esdaIy evening JuIly 22- Rockefeller, werecalin:hee o:iingwit hr prens or fe dys.-1 thirorer- eeimbak.Iho Ladies Aid Society will meet at udy Mr. and Mrs. Miles Lamey of Blar- ) Mr. Cham. Cuillenr, of Anitiochi, callett At anl adjolirned mleetig of the Lianght's jiThursday afternoon July 21 . Mrs. Roued, daughiter Vivian and son rinigton were visitors bere Tast Bnlay. fi iir i|f t ti+t o n h ie old foriend an d ar m)y V ch u m I L ocal Im p rover ent Abcat o ell d W% illia m l i iro n iim us a ndi W iliam C h arles h ave bea n v i iting t M r. F . EM r.a nd e rs. E mnil F a cka o i mt s ifl ( ra il g l y d fo ei . T ltj,'le erg ea n t H en ry I u rd i k o n Il u esdi ay at th e d e p o t on T h rii ay v e nlin g o ore are t ire p f s e s o rs o f ew S tan cliff . EbmT u esd ay .o h ca o v i i o r 110 1 e i t b racit ti l T hoIlil fan iiv( l c l w11é of this week. latweek, theecnomittee on biillding carriage,. Mr. Conrad, of Milwaukee, bhas een 'Mr. zandr. Hno Ciso a eltI)l I 1ejIi1idadt)te ae T'he Wisconsin Central will give reported progress and asked for more Miss Natalie stoxen, of WaucoInda, Iis helping Hi. Lumk Rot up harvesters for oMt.lantTday. ftno CphereaforaW vitllir ee Cmp y another lows rate excursion to Milwau- timie, which, wax grante<i. Thle coi-m senldinlg this wee-k with lier aunt, Mrs. Hierschiberger Brost. couple of weeks. kee next Sunday. Train leaves here at lmittee on inlecrporation foundii that Raymlond. Mrs. Miller, mother of Mirs. Nelson The ball gamne last Sunday b)etwee \'it oriiib U l 10:12 a. ri. Round trip tickets $.5 there were nlow very nearly enouigh Mr. and Mrs. Sutkin and lady friend, dlied Saturday the 12th, age M3 years, the Dundees and Americansi was won rt-fn Mr. and Mrs. 1Thomrson and their People with"inthle prescribed limits to of Dundee, spent Friday at A. J. Flinerai at North Northfild. by the Americns, the score was 3ý to (1 Young Bon and Mrs. Egeberg, of Chi- inopoaent couinting any of the liaymond'w Mr. Schoneberger han practically Cut Out Lund's ad If you wuant a msap.9, cag, reatth hme f Ms.people Who b have eey cohre "lheodore and WilDcer fIa- rebuilt his house and hasunow, one of Gustav Fiedler, who has been in a J. E. Holomb for he summes in con etion i h e vfa cr be, called on their sister, Mrs. Charles the prettiest homes ln this locajity, hoeita fra coy pleofved e 4al, P G E W N W N E C . .1 C ' Magr andMrs. JGH rain hitde and As sool ad orccu ied by families there lParker 'IThursdaiy. Mr. Behm, the collar makiIn our but not Weil.-ASI Ll N, .PLCLAiN daughtrnMrs Grce hadle ndou l ian ilolegal im edimti-ltoil Mise Glennie Traggart, tif Joliet, vwlas nearest suburb ia building a newishop Bame ball at Oak Park bal] gorod,2Moroe ASTN • - - Chicago.,LOetyvLlA(ellnol Meleilu iss nn wet o elayie williremIcrati n (lgir P tgo' li fieglet of MiJennie Walton the for is rapidly Increasing biness. Lake Zurich, Srunday, July 211. 'Thle 2oMno t hcg.1ietvle li cete o hecap ill écurthirthinc Iorporat1ion fthe cvililage., jI i a gn te vi.Americans vsliighland Park. am Wednsdayand i py IL nw ht h orite a is1o h ek Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher,formerly caliced at 2:30 p). m. Admission 1c tuotcagpetnghecapond d.('eui secured Iithe assrance that thireeew Mrs. Ialiamh hines,Iof Waulkegani, is Of this place, buit now of Chicago, aire J. H. FounER, Manager, thecap eeinesasnMrtCon h ousmes willlbe erecrted at once('anitspendingtis week with her wisterT, rejoiciug over the arrivai of a baby Grand pavilion dance given by Bar- hite will dlivide his timeht -mot betweenl Iro br ,Iht ir.rington Social and Athletic Cil u t . business at home and thre camip ground(. id blivet httomr i oo eMs l'ho nutimely anpledge.iThen a gentlemanawho Cut out Lunn madtif you w'anit a lsnap. 'ThecAptakiic peoiple fheld a meet- night, Juily 11, 1912 Music by Lierm " The uniMly nd epected death ofalways baoklo fismword with is mli neyl 'Mrs itiebarýI 4Com lton sHpettthre past lin riday night and tdecided to build Orchestra, of Chicago. Commnittees-: I i of rs M arGoeerou m o ao unt of bst. hesioiI e S- Floor-Carl Ernst, L. Dolea, sand Ray which will bie round elseowhere in the saysewilbul tesiti n wekwith læer idauighte r, Mrs. th ieir new school bouse in the center Myr;rcpinMxLns t rwsagetbekto ti,; entire in aillprobability ILýockefejl-I wil Cos-man, oIl[ li [N. of thre village opposite the dempot. Haey and WtlriM. anLon, (4ck tlo->c. E muit. rs Gsselerha benhavsed t lt i e delighw s . 1isnsn nam riCt out Lund's ad If you want a snap. Bupper extra at Museler houme. well known here for Imany Yearu ndn r nt i nStadltlienII attended the Icirc,4us t r t eeesbyi ufrn rm Abouteighteen on N , MrW. haed a host of friends who heldi her In ' dwah iml.Wauikegan Satuirday. S.ood poisonngthongAgd banyheNeir ielen cod eahe stsi IiHsses Dora andi Lena fStffl, of step i on "Ba ru'toy lr's m a e-fth lbn1:eiclCo., Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Builders' If A Man Lie To Yo.Acts imrnemoately. MHn wr e ussofMisprov g ruirD.Lwko' ue as su ferigfrApany ced attack And say somne other fsalve, intmen)lt, Col are ene imesore trouble- ir -'i, .hKneder Brothr('lnew 00 horse ofu ib o tr ameraina d Vetceaoek eriai lotioni,oil or allegeid healer is as good I somi n summe or than ilin w111inter, Wl sol ILtoe s"n (Vril ighit. Kpoer ro rs'ngnew has(arrive.oldaic Cho-era and iarrh ealiedyhces o M t ri i a as Bucklen's ArniiaSalve, tell himl'halrd to keep from adinlg t teilis lrew GageofSelery, l'he irm willoongblueadyiag aivnt.forle, Ceaand Dobt ain immeodiae alynd :::::; ad ae...... thirty 3ears of vmarvelous cuires of mwhile cooli Ig oIl afjter txeýrcise',. <>ne 1was thieluest ofaligleo leib ym tdebuinsswith the best equ aipedomillrelmaea. sucheerfu(l cmmed tiisX:H rd ae Pils, urs, ioisCoru, el ns, inniite Couigh Cure cure, lat onive.]in Northern Illinois-eiiet hs sm lry elce . Ulcers, Cutsi, Halds, Urises and Skin A bsolutely sale. Ac-ts iinmeiateiu ly. i seve ral days thw past week yo ý TE omsPNKT or sale t by F. B.LovstcLrty le Eruptions provoe its the best mand :ure (-ure for iconighsi cs, I, op irs. artha limes 4)tllrllwdlto Ju lo heIE lh"PiI.Fr G a Iy F.A a P.nL o y.L Lbryvle eape8t. 25v at F. Ji. LoVELL's, throaot anlo unlg trouble. . b omte lin 1i in ThuIrsýlay lfter a lew toy Spirague 1s visitting his grand- Coal, Lime, We sohcit you Libertyville; GEtAYsLAKE PHARlmAcY. LOFL. ibrtyile-iyrviitw h ersstr.sos. ams|faherWA CO DA -,raj Lloyd Maether is visiting his uncle Mrs. Sylvia Fuller left Wedntresdlay Cement, Salt patronage and as- WET RMO ToDERi.:Dred tficir liome inrrahi'ago in T'aiatinle. for Micigan. and Feed. sure satisfaction. Goo crnwethe: is Hel an ws WukeanSuda afera ee s actin1it Mr. Bock in enltertaining friends Mrs. Wentworthi, of M(ellenry, was ManJy farmers iIn thii vic'iity lare visitor Sundi(ay. Irienids and relatives in thim vicinity from tne city. bere 'I bursday, Cs.Tarinhomasethrhay re asos o o as eiiwrkn i thdlaFish g eeletrtait ilga few Mrm. Maude Knoll Id assisting Mr. Dr. Cliester tBowles, of Plalat iv, was C. . hoas hoha ben orington reda- f her friendsi. T hose promu were: Maether lin the store, here over Sunday. ut Long Grove lor the pasnt four mnthso Mrs L,. (,. 1olle t ji . 01 MIisenri, Milliv. Alnnie and Martha ltosadent- Mr.ieeB.,hsbnvryll lv.adr.Lpamreacmp rdeturenome last Fridaysy Ather her, N vit io i rost, Clara toiriganidig the past week. meeting tis week. H ltR 0 lF Wm.Lohan nd ifefro El viit- Artur Gstr eteraiml anumer racesMiler. - - -A, Htlst has completed his contrapt Jno. Curry and family, of W aukegan, edatlinr N rd eyrslatIunay 'o his friem'is last 1 i hurmtay v en ing. Not a Cure-Ail. on bildings for Mr. Kohl. visited bure recenitly. Henry Nordmleyer, Sr., madle a busii- Mrs. A. C. Anites andi M imss luedermtedlt Dr. Cabiwell's Syrup, Pephin will rLtrii mrvn i lc r.Et eil setrann e ness trJIp to Barrington last week. we-re c(hicago visitors las4t %womi, almo only eure diseoases of1 the < ige4t ve M. ite mipolghpaeM. ltaNvld eetranilie The rescoiiýstoie wich o iymt(r- MR I ý Mý ilaLTract, msneh am luifgestioni, hillousness by puittiug in water works. sister and childre!n of Avon ae. The resiy m astoee hir o ter. M si M admninig wbile rettiu- ctI'iplatlIon and sick hemadache, which Mrs. S. E. KneLier entertaineod her Rev. Lapham exchanged pulpite with iousoy disappeartitaeweekior soragoi, t he reslt of thlese tronbles. it i1Bt8ud put lin an appeloarance again latweek. I1 ig f rm slervmes at te grLooe odi n 511101):c and $1 bottles ixy F. B. Lov- father nditster Ilast week. Rev. Tuttle, of Barrington Snay. en nretb, oo.k Horelunbger a t iiilLibertyville. s E Kuedler &and famly visited at Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Price visited the sy m tomrs. Liberal reýward if retuirned.-- ------ Long Grove Friday evening. latter's brothier at Lake Forent ]Last w E SELL THE paif you suxiiir from smick headache,I Cham. Hlimstromiiwas s urprired lait WARRENTON GIROVE. Btichard Smith, of Rockefeller, week.E E L TME m ow apitivleon of âthLe healr theatimrn. o;odrnd mrninyt-ihe arrF IvlofWi ,x Mrs. Charles Stolzman il' on1the S'es visited relatives bore Sunday. Harry Green and family, tif Chicago, 1codsten the ny ou th omachuireldien iirK l Ekl. , in list. Harry Knedler visited relatives at visited at E Greeni's Shaturday and had ast inthemout, yu hve arMr. Smnith 14 working for Mr. Kelly. stomach and liver trouble. 1You tshouil<i S Maud1emon l oii.Ch RYr l ii1,izzie QilalIn retrned to ,LngGoe uewdyils we.ay. ontce aliayb go tofyour. dggith-ami1111, I C Chicago Sund,,ay nighitLafter spending M Kele adfamily visited In Cuit Out Lund'S ad If you want a snap). once ami et a botte of Dr.Caldwell' the r na few days with Mr. and Mvrs Sheridan. Il.ihwo ls Thursday evening. Teproaewl eev e 11,atoiiv Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan are entertain'- Mrs E il. Mason lis slowly Improv- Coaut of paint next week. F-' llammmif SaeB ug o s kidney trIonI,1H loc ad alo . I;:rSld EV ER ET T. ing relatives from Auistin and Chicago., ing undier the care of Dr. Gal oway' ild.h ok byF..IN á etvle i r. !Arthutr Stuenkle of Chicago iMr. lKelly, of Chicago came out in an 1 li i oagaln. Il not undayany Mime Daisy Grovenor whlo was PALATINE. iýte i m ith jimlbrother motr IHund &y. auItom iblie one day lagt week. . threatened with appendicitis ls on the PA L A T IN E.m r i enevr and sixter 'peut Son- Toms ugan is thle possessmor of a e alran o revst ra oreoey lMpiss Wanda VWatio Evauston dayRwlthMr. Pilt. 1. alwu.andfamily, newfhorse. r enber parents, Mr. and Mr. Mr. Blackburn, of Chicago, who wasx is sendig he vactionwithher MrsPhilt I oiCicao Le >Me Carthy entertal ritedfew of Whigamn. cle eeb h dnileso reltivs l'bitinI el iettefrt- artof thre Mmp n i andymon, Ernest ae hieifelaretuirned home hrunday. Mr .]amiMr, M. Iiluchonsi oan M". irs. husLicid ami onJohnof weeki Ciag aukeig a. deswti r s T'lhe bqy who was rescuied fromiT e n ua a te h family h·tt Wednesdilay '1u1y itl', for Kns vinited w ith Mr, Il lliiford M. k umin isudggo ewban. MssMak eMson if, taking a forced drowning last Saturday recovered ther otag huueinM ebgan ad amly hi »ek 'A band of gypsie4 werlcamping in vaction on acOU conut of a serious injury suffleiently to y runto his homle in )oiled at Ishomefin..I u alatini. Thurs- (On last w kMr. .1 m -l 4hnson, (ait, to her eye. Chicago this week. dey J'ly Il, Mrlý.toflIour1),arpenters o, was married i nil. Mr. Bush a ol o<lIMlast wOeek Cham, Miller recently sold hie Place day ermnSnoI WaukÎe gaonto Mis, Annie 'Vonkers of A grocery wagon from Wau'iegant hcaoaten il oeno The Lawn Social given on MNrs. a, an ithntalaonè nealSu-chicago. )In ebroughIt hohi s bride passed through voir locaolity one day Stanley Foote's house,larrso's lawn under the ausplceesof dlay, tu his neat little hmeon WeodnesdJay, last week and met with smuccess. It Is Hrchar resEport egewa rn Mrm. Il a su~~~d (on Fýriday eveing a largo, crowdmrsIl Linand Mm rs. bre telpoti egeW rn Mrs 11 o el ( rftIg nteralivned aanthered at their lomeouand all hari a a wondier we coull-1 nothave a ment are having their honfseS Papered. success. Five dollara over thre amouni coaimany ofurelatvsfrm hig, l tmeCnaulationsil are in wagon. Young Bros. are doing the work. pledged for the parsonage debt was being her yunTo<aguelsbrtrdr Mrs. Dulgan is entertainting comlpany Mr. Maether is treating the interior raised,. day. fromicag ovar Sundagy. of fim store to a coat of kaint. Coeaifnun Il lgh.,t ijurioian sab loumanAuigustus Loomis la doing the work. fromt a hurt she ecivda short timje ami twhen blood noison evlosNeed More Help. Misti Elther Frey after spending a ofThe most ang eenrous ean ftanv ago. She was bit by the maIl bl' soetieresullt in fthe loss of1aL band Often fthe Cover-taxe(d orgaons of digem- week with Mime Jennie Knedierr- diseases t hih antosarsbjc.Cn CDS. being thrown celiessly from thé-train olims hme l' ain) Bahlm ition cry out for helpi by DIyspOp»aa turned toil) her home in North oIt ca beuenroedlhoweveti rwe pr)Oerl recnty.a atiiýIptji liniment. Whenl appnied palins, Nauseua, DIzziness, tieadaches, tIeld. tred.Ail thant is necessmary is to Mime Dorathea WAi lsoni daughter of to cuitx, brimssrand bulrns itl cauise liver complaints, bowel disoordersg-Mrs. jE. H. Masnisa critically llgvChmean'Coll, Choiera and d Ms Jhm h iWilson them to hieal uickly and wvithjout Suche troubles call for prompt use of iharlpeoftpodfvr D.Daroamedya estr il a blretn'ened to spend he vacation, maturation,anud prevents any danger of Dr. King's New LIfe Villa.Thy eienldo hcg w ald in diraected withe@&eh bottle, and a cure vit horlore uesluPalatine.bodpoison. For snle by YF B. ge tle, orolgh and gaanW o cn o w the attending i VUn ofle yP B.n e L ib ry il ..--U O Libe BEN, Dr.( Ofce BOL Liber D OffiCE , to Residen Dr. nomeoi ForI hr- OffICE liourt, in ord( By pesetin ths a andaccmpayin loal agent to the Dakotas you are entitled to a discount of $5.00 on a purchase of 160 acres of land. One ad By resntig hisad nd cgood fornyi5.OO discount on 160 acres; two ads good for $10.00 discount on 320 acres, etc., etc. COMPILED BY DOANÉ ROBINSON, SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY. Writ'e or call on D. C. LORIMER, Libertyville, agent for Lake County for the great LUND LAND AGENCY.