PUBUSIIED WEEKLY.ý IOVERTSI16 RATEuS ON APPLICATION. SINKS IN LAKE ERIE. CITY OF VENICý GOES DOWN IN FIFTEEN MINUTES. Colision Causes Pale Ausora Passen' ger, and feath tof Threar Meastaerîof CM'W-Wboie Otphau As lue Adoisl' eC by Couple at Soolb Hove., M Ich. Tbe steamer Oty ot Venin-t-varos nt-n-k and sen01t t tht- loittutuauitLanke E-ielu t tifleul minott- byktht- Ctnadinstaerntit Sequin off lPoiînt iîn-iî'nîauet1 Macatk ?tiesay mrniog. t'lree outheiV-ulî' creW wet ofl iuît ot ti tit uii).Tt'the lo« steamer ut1on utnt! down, t,,kî tlne from Lake Sitîer-i- tîth uat-u-rgo. t.ft2.54t)( toits of trount-re.u l utso ttnt-lie ii ifflo course wbe hu -ihteît t'e Unlitut nttlît. ,Many or tin-he -.tni- o f ilit, ilfat,.! abip juinii-i itA - t-ard io t h- tutinefui- leanna tht- unllin-iontobIitte-et-tntt-utIllte lois xilh hc teoinf ît-eni-tts'riin ftu te year 10 the- marine iluanii-tcouipa- tithe Veiee vri altid at$180,- 000, aud insured foc neat-Ir Ihat amutl. The Wulaon, losI uoffDuluh.%%astof lth er vaIue. bît ni tnuute.Tte Vet- iceW@ r e -a autd iiith int- talion Compay of foi lit>, of n lin.h Thomao Ct-uuoge iitht- vlîrui Shr e ut, out lu 1892 andti ta-, tt-tni207to n ielr dimensions vert-t it-tgtit. 301 flt elku and herst, 42 ft4t. Titi Sequin ta a lutial steel steamer of 828 tona. The Cit ' tuto Venice went doxa nlu rty dee-p waîert lugs than fitteen minutes afler the t oi )Waon. Atter sandingt ly for an boum tbie Seguin hi-atitd fuît-Clevelandi wlth te mnt-vivoma,'ne vt-uist- uf tht- collision le nul known. There tMa no fug andttte nigbt vras fairly dlean. The lights oro the City uofS'ralee n-t-te uninc tirignthly COUPLE ADOPTS 22 CHILDREN. f Nghtgaaa aroer Wauted s BOY o.-l Got the Whnie Asyllmua. Mrt- ant iMra. Johlnt Shandror. n-ho uvin a a fruit farma neat- South Unven, Mîrît., Ère chiltiiese, anti. basing deieil ta adojt a boy, n-tto 1 the- Smith Fitunti ling Asytomin luMnneapulisa mkingt litr several chîttirea ie at-t for a aummers ting, wiîh te pniileeof ehoualur frein titemin incase îbey to lustitution ptomply forarardodti to-ti Y two boys anti girts orer Il y-cara of Rti. The couple bas tiocidedt 10aniolt ait tf tem. Lýe u âHae-Bal Ra-e Followlng ite standing of the clubs of the National Basebal League: W. L. W. I. Pltbbunrg .64 20OSt. Lt-os..41 49 Brooklyn .51 41 Cincinnati ... 39 47 Chicago ..48 41 Philadelphia. 3q; 54 Boston ..... 44 40 Newt York ...2, 14 The clubs or bbc American Leugît- sltand es fottoara; W. L. W. il.. Ciicago ... -.49 36 Washington. 41 4-.7 St. Louis1... .47 87 Cleveland 41 41( P1iladelphla 44 37 Det-oit -37 41; Bouton ....48 41 Baltimore .37 51 »asabid Bout Toured Imb Port. - The Itait steamer Sardegna, frott Genoa anti Naples, arrived ln New Tnt-k t- towlug the Âmerican schooner Notice ut ltIOvlduce R. I., front Bravra, Cape VUrje Islands, wth strt-tour persons M board. attaln Montanta of the Bmr- degaa aid ite founti the Notice disableti and driddUng elpleany wth theitl Killed la a RunaawarAute. lira. R. B. Swing ut Valaaraiso, luti - W&@ killeti t Plttsburg in an automobit- t accident. Sbe vas ritiinag tn Schley Park when 2isoUt .the tooeulng of a at--no au au atomobile ini wich bcsie as rititug eoursed wlly along a driveîeny. lhe vroman taintoi f coin the rush of air anti £atI from the runaway machine. Fauie Leuda 10 Suicide. Given EL Brocar ut Louisville, Klyani landamas of te Uniltd States crotteri Mintgomery, tying at the Br-ooklyn flan> Fard, commillet auticide by aking poisnt o« 4ard the rettel. Ilta inhongt-clutit lacent tailure 10 pRauanexaminatioo fur clavilyeoman esnet i hm 1 t-eoeunr ni ipondent anti kilt himiteif. Three-Cent Fare , eSight. In Clevelandi track n et-e eearet fir o 8-cent taire &gain, arben teCirtuit Ccit- dlasolveti thet emuiotaraireslrainlac rder b y wbit-b the COty CiauneIt asaioîio froma Paanany frant-hise t-iaatton. Thre-ceut fat-o franci-,t w iii nov hi gsnshed thougiî tht- ('îîîîîrl aI in,-. in accrdant-e vit-h Mayor Johnsonu piansa. Four Di. lua Vreui. A beati-on rollon belaveen mlk tt-ain,- Ontheo Ontario anti Western Btanrtad. nu IHitoa's9. N. Y.. reauttet ini the deatn 'f titree Pt-tsont, tht- srecking outwlien o giies andt h. dtihiug of set-et-lahrts. UllKnowu EdOcator Pises. Awy. Dr. William M. Iloardaboar, precitient Of lowa State Colk-ge t Amea, died ai the"srauit Of aervOaa rtirnatînn. Dr. Beardahear vas une of lt-é foremnoRt tj-tn -n cators la Iowa. , T,,ais H.tO Up aulIlIteecia Ch!Cagu, Burlintlon anti Qiney lîmteti lratif en t-iut-fr,ouîn 'Ivtago ta Minne- s polia aras bt-id uitt-ar Saranna. Ili., by tv. mashed ci sndat he exprescar aras Iotqd of boty îsan'd tia$2.0' Aadrev D White Restaus Âmbaaaador Wite mnateti hia reigna tion as minialer bu G;ermany 10 the Unit- ed aIatessOetirl deys 890. It la to tlle aeet early in November. Big Floue HII.S l-. lne CetenlatPlouc 141a14aetSpol kaae., Waah., with i dsity capacity t 7on berrels ut Boum anti 200 harrels0frtet-eat s-' ~jiu~ ~ TIIIL b" dl t OVERREAItS A KIDNAP PLOT. Mau Who Feigned fiteep Itobbed by1 Ta.Ra tufions t in ener. ttt-i-aise th,' nîro raught wltile dia- li-ig a pltauitktdnapiag the- yoeîta datîritîer tf Jamues A. 3eCltitg. -ranit- iaitghtt-toft lant!vidI: )%Iofgt.tru-ondi-al af the FirtaotonalîBank, lu-o gltxaay- oun laaaaoltrd nd utithen rololoru MI.-J. Ili-lhy, a sattionary r>tgîtut-er undi blon-k- titnih. in Cil>- lutk,, rulîieng hi utfut$92 int ruit, a gulti aluti !tt-id -bain anti a titatutndtie.kpiu. SVhnle 1truill>nus ying behinat a tîîîtch ho hent-t nul o men, rooghly tint-uc., in t-onve-îtî 'in i 'ls a rnh -idnthtulait mrianus thu un. n îaîdlown. *- SVt- enokinnap tine rbld andi none unl litîlet. (Our tur- 'lnits rtotde If ne t-- 'i-etn gettiag tht- girl, us McCitir-g i-ta u t-tnuIan-of Iltf futait. d th Ie oZtI1000thtuin o mach of hili ntIe grandtdlt-hit hai il]hIpsyay1 iumt 1gel ber bat-k ocîun".aitisouati.' Iltlli iouu ibot. finîrnun lit- lireît, hi foiu-nod I"~p oand uti-lt-i ta t-t e ot- toila ufthtueplot. NN'tltn thtte it fituoi lob. au ki- tht-y aîcntttiionhî. Hlie laitit ît'> ntilnîledt 1taLe the chutti tntNo.84) :lf a linîtI the narrmorutwbiuuh hocotuilntn catic. ine police blrteve the lt-> anti apeciRi gîtondsaore n atehtng the chilîl. CROI'S BADLY CUTUP BY HAlL. Lisbtoa, N. D.,, the Ceoler of Fuorions antdi Detruettlae stura. Iluimoît N. I.n o, the ct-tuer of a fuît- ti uiîîîtîe tuandidesruîctive hanitrîn. Ct-sua tnîttnu ot.eateixîindtac leunui mot-e nuion iorttin iltnst 10ttoti tumiles ,oîth ant iven- tnil-',mwide wCe t otali> de- stt-ti;td. lu placues et-en tbe.paiarit- gt-an was smunept off. Bat-na and tiutbhot.t, in ail dirctiîonsa w-t- r nt-cktd anti dit liing- bouses damaced. Al nuindowqn(un ihe aorth aidieutfibuildiugs t--ere hatteritlty bal andthIe htoit-a lootil bt hbe turt-tuI uit min n ict-h ll1. Inli lit-hii rtty a building eai'aped sontetdanage.T- hie lir atv- i-ehoolbuoue, liurtou's liolel. Chi- caoostort- anti otheribuilings mu-re inn t-nîîuthie lin rolit-t up anti carrieut far anal iSociensu latterod andt litnsannnt nf thieken.anutuit nrd, mtutru-killi-tI Nn pet-sun ns klirti. butIa fo nri-t-- t juint-l *yvtuing ecal lfinar glas-. Tht- neugrhbonnng luitns of Batatille. Eut-le- tale anti Sheltiînn et-o ale, fecteti. AFRICA BUYS MUCH WHEAT. Slipnaents front PIatiifie Norîhateat Break Ail Fre, joua Ret-ordsa. The ahnpmeuîua otn lit-ou oandtgufie-l-tt the Pacifie Nurîtheal ho Sotuilth ni. o minee Jan. 1 ahou s a ttal ut oucr tii. O)0bilhels. Ti is mare triatnoun ubule th bcamoott-t- i hititeti beforo nlito enliro niiîiiinthene latenogh tininage til i tutu-t-rtner-to iuadaIltPortlandi antiPuîget Souontiportlafor the Cuiete l brilleg tilt olt y tht- enti ufthe calondar yoat- op to approximsbety 3,000.000 lusi- cils. The arbeat sipmenla f rom Portlanti have amounte t te5MS,607 bushels anti trot. Tacoma andi Seatte lu 5M,791-, anti froot the tree portlaoror 200000 bamt-..i of Sout- have been abippeti. Notres Worth $25,000 Lott. A )lt-lt- citning $25.000not-tît ut ntotes was lust on W'etnesaRy taat orme- wbere belarecu Boston anti t.uelinu tînt molao. The package rais sent up Blake- îrnihera. botuhiero, to o corrtespotndentt il, jýou it, te atiltmtailingbietg tut-,.- lu a ttittt- eîupioyo nWho til a tipiciai delta et- st-tutnnpfun itle lutte-kntctUrefure iiii uiilu ti il. lie didi tît rtgi r-i. No Second Op-eaîlun Coneup.ted. Tht- Londono)ilti>Maill aaya i i.t.i a poiin tu tulue taI ihereit ne qutes- tnof e Ruy ut-nonu utttrUtitnon the- King binitr ontet-ollatt-di Il atda thal there nl ex et-yrnu-at-titiiixpeuttIhol i maiut-.y ta welt un tht- t-oultutpermanent roi-tii ry n ihott futIbm ni tgi. l t rruttut hofnuit innti Fl-ood. irl'eteFatal lui..ta Sut lii i-sluei nlt-i'tol rniht:ilmu the- floaod tuit-nrit in T-xaa fis,.n tht- Sut ut Mlionunaller aoilout-lt oh3V>lut- The n ofii-s .of uliniult-n nt- uSan Mi remua t-uîiey arrenut h l'lt nit ltxumCt-n 0 gt-esi-t. î Wylite Dnu -uavisi titaTlttu edt s0alenit- n-amnd unnl mal>l-aniîl. fouod. Tîhîni tin,,lot Traitn Itiiier la(aturre.. Ni-utsbla r LId l'l',. trrxnn nu tin- m iii oui-t' nulini-otf tît-, îtth o, - î iit l-n t-a rn, rtt -i hIt , hl ,,tut otnt Vtu i. iu-guii l m l a n ir, ut -tt of Ilet- ui. jili nuitJ1il>l -I., iii t gîtt aun, ON il5uil, , tutti inuitl Ill is ttt i tNa miu. 'tct-.,nd h- eu hi-tdent iii-.d BIl ':ah.n Tr».iluîa I-itI the Pi'ce. ai-ut-t-r fr.outhe ut- l, lroîne %%.-t-î ft-ainn cf l.-lit t-in t ni, o! i,, ta. t nuI u tt- nue t tti n -tutlituoglnt t-ilt-ed -itlins rt-t ler, batienif uan.! otr cr îaratpht-rna lia. Largeut Tre, o.n Escah 1. Feunti. W nullt iu Ion, lIý lu-y t-e lI n g.-.îk nua tr- nu t. t-n'nîi s btu--tul î. unuin the g. eicri îent rt-w-vt-l, tu ferat-)î itn titi Fint--t-an Fresno Coanty, Cal. Six tt'oî frîmth,-b riutuiil tbi a litnuit-r I],->4 fect bao ugttutuilt-le the lt-ie, ratihi tuin ut-tt- ftt nt-e f-etin dti îît-ir. Ifoti.faît Breks ir-irds. Juît- ami Junix troke te "ait- rt-mid for (bit-agît fOte foot unit.- oinfmt r t au inn utf rouitf.Il int hue tt tî mntia. '1 mre at- tr t-ane t-sua-tonat ta JUtî t- n e nt-t-thrty- inno 'uui-t rThe nmnhs pnu tiî al 578 tncbt-î. -litifur J'u, Oaa.1in, lut-. Arrives .ath Lt, euer..ýaBdl. îT-eAnuenîclun team > abI Cheýruku- art-ttt-!auiSt-w 't ct-bfruîîa timeruot- S,iiland, aftu,a t--rrai -f tlt-nt d the (. h-u - uitt. u-1 h,î l'l rat- lo- L.uît muumîacîue a. At--ord MtieesSal .Str s E1abellohi>> -t-r muuI, d ui n. nt i lItittutiui. S folfume t, -t-u Dr.î Funu Nuugîu~uît i-,tm imu. li-h i-ith- I n i t 1..u lml,. n t ietetil n: uni mmc utul,, 1i- i Itutieaitcb l'L-t-. lIin mgg r.tii tli--tan-ut.1 iu .1 Ilium n-tii, ê' I. in Ci, ngu t , tlet, 'tgt-d $75.tOiIt u lu r SNh t.itun etoPIuYetilain t-he biiiing ondt ot the On- una amyston>. lo.Bote. il riaa iWaIb. Ait-ti b> dynamite dateon tieperaîe couýlt-is, beatieti ly Gos Hyatt. 10e train robber anti desperado, anti lier the Mal, chtester train robher, -matie a bol.! dach for lberty tram the rennessee- perriten- tlat-y at Nashville. Fifleen of tht-m rot clear eftIhe promiaes, bol Et Carney. the -Nashvile afe bioxiter, mas killeti, arile Jue [osa anti JameasI't'rk wn-eot-n doien by looothounuts anti caplareti., SENATOR OUAY FACES PERIL. Caught lu Sq.ll ln a FI.hiug Frost Off Atiaubic Cty. Unitedi Slalos Senult- hM. S. Qiiiy hati sen Ociing expenrience at Atlantic' City, N. 3, Hearas ont on a uitIle llabing smaeb onjuying a dnyî deep-sea apornt arebe ho ssa ugbt lrt tht-fient-e attirtt anti awepl lu uses, The Senator vrusa ahý ing avth is otti frit-ad, Captain Bien Sou>. Tlhey et-e abont ton mites ont arbeu the alunt.rame. The shy autideniy becaute an dot-k tailnos impossile torise-a tuiati length arestl. rhe gasi t-se 10 a dangeroaa heirbt. SRia n-et-clcose reefeti tandttéluattpprepat-edt lrt-de te t-utm. Thé,Inuit- carniedtitreratat to ,at-aanti the t-inapeutrdin ltonsfuit- utert-tlt-e hour-. At one tIloe itlotoketi ai if tuec boal otoulitbho asnptd, bot it nrudet'the îlot-ni otain aaaety. The fiaberniut et-e nany froot Atlantic City xx heuite stltu-tpasojrover anti n-et-e ohli-etu speroît ire nuchi at Brigantine. Scinttur Qiuy wîs onerly pîusruatt-ti ly iis cx- CLAIf4 LIART 0F BIG CITY. H cira tof Doiel Pesrg W ilI Suit for Phil- lidtIrplaitsLand NW urSO Million.s. Ilant-l It-g' cx ht-ut--t elttihata tat of Ihirty-fit-e utrt-rn nthe ht-artiof l'hI- ti-iîu a btluigt-gi1tht-tut - S-iet-ai nlain sani lune on ltOtt.ltnaita unita,(ni-n aLe- anti other Indiona î,uîs. ijîhimo ise la Michigain. Colorado anti Ohio. Mtillins of doîlarn at-etnoireul lune Ilittntirîm t-ut the ient-s bat-e bteu illedtita ttet.iluIla dianuapolis the ta.t of îtentil, t.. t-ai-e t anfdt1t ,si.. n-nl lt-gui t-tpt- arai til teu tt Phi t li-11>s esit-at nlu lia- it Ibm aim 1 tu t-etiriiie-tty. t iîîuîu. l'egg losord ltht- hodtu the eit, tflthil ati-Ituhia fuirnioueîy nn,-* yt r-.i. t 1 lt-ast- expurîti ht-t- tu-unr-tgoctatuttiftiltc Iînti c,îutrndthîltint-r at-t tult-ti luio-- sta tf tht- la nultratai fuît-thé,t-ett-rnio ît'e lente wnîh ant-ro-i thîrein fuir the pi--ti. The teaae uta recot-d! in Pilntnh, piitapreridr foth îe holding mut tnt-t of te fhindi blintht- înuuuuiipuity tufPiînliel. phi., uni t îo- --s-atnte tuehtira ithe txatioif ef iiIiie. BOYS DaiEtil'THE It('.() ENT Poaloifilce esangcra AircFinal!, C- a tit-rd uf Tie. ito B -îît htsuint-y tf a titiuttott-tltnt- snute r n a', pî tututiof nfumy e> t aie fiat 1.-lery pîntpîtai-in. huiy-nint- pe<ial detinery buys onuptoyed rat the Pâtaititg pisoffice wenî on Rt-îLe. Poalnuan- Holiday coarincodtihIe recalcitrants Ihal they arere ia open tebeiion agaînal the Unitedi Stales anti bâti viotdtrîhîeir osîha tu the rot-crament. 1.hertpt-iii hey nesumeti C-ut-. The t- i-thhcunuinntiil no hîtîra, daring n iicr ime the pitautdti lit-et-ysertice mxstai lo itidatli. Bentica70 KEapioyes Idie Waolter- M. Snîth, trnsaurîr tîtîtgiý- ora, manager of thIbe rtnnu.d ivtn-utno, of the Mtouint St-t-onu V'uoi!r,v fCtton Dncb Conmpatn.lias reut-ut-eitiifiiiiutiiiti fnon i te -toapoyn mnîttulad att Baln- tiiii t--t te litrt-it %ou i.tuiln. ii ui untuetî. wxa ltu bas >1 'utîli -uIl -ýult d,%% aiSu-pt. 1 fer aunindleiiiluii tît-n Seeka 1toiAblitah Airste. Tbe ojîct omatIhecntil t ot-é, King tut Itoiy tut tht- lieninnEunîuurur nit-t-é,ind oft Iis monlh iu iii propot-a rendui(t tîuî n contneîntaluintimniet'rTImas-ttht- t t-i-uitof bUtis nuIsi lu the- '7inn. -mn nho lit- e t-tet-it-d îrtrny tn ttnt--i le nîli gui Inn lhe>Eniierut- nitlm-i,n t'a fuil support. MI-i Junlîi .iluneli tuf l coît- ut ntletsun-ie ultLa Vlatoliauîu .imtiwitg bouse in, littit-)itaii ttîltîîîî Th int ,i d n-as nniitti- uî 'tim'-l xuliut-.! il[ liautoou,-dlu-rt tuttahu lier lit-. Kilts Faiher li aUtrr. liai nl Mtra nfut-nr. nîgu-i48,n,,, kilidlu>hic, oui, luta Sînorit-tiu u,.122, iliraviI iftnr Tit hé,n'.î.i'i n- lu- -ut , k éi, h i n tîtlu un îllu'hIo tît,. l it utt l ié,nuit înt Sa rai latireti tn E.plottau. Sult laitn -tahrte Itiuneut y ni)t>xt-su i taonn o-uneorftiti- hu.ltinugs uftIbm-St-i dard Moîinnfactuuing a ut-Is antnitn,, Ohta. Titet-eîrobaly nul dît-. Titi-- plot-ion ni', catîneti iy a luakuge of cite- ut-ai gas, îhouîghil ihntlkuon n Itou' te gao wamaigilet. Cuba Votes Big L..u. T'he Cun IBouse tif Repteeuiuliaen bas paîaed a bilautliinissue -of8$X1,. 000.000in coteramînI seuriti o te lete - deemet inta orty years n-ib intereat ut the rtOe of 5 pot- tent pt-t-sunnittite -itid Sua Itt ai>enter oUbjectionînit-tlert-na atitelmeti t n u T- aKiited bts Houesttke 'Minei. Jonul'uorierrandutJosepho Sot-i n-t wurthte ere kllet by a cont- itu on îhe sevîaith est-t uttho Itomesiukt- mine au ta-ad, S. I). lino itloon.A 0fthe lot-el ranîî itis nwitb aboatl hfty teet outhIe lt-car rock. Imm.sigration Bureau Circutar. The Immttgration Bureau bansisue(] a circuler stataîbur hat natives armeidenta of l'utta Rît-o ant i lippines ituttl ab- mtto luce et-sntlaatton as otîlir for- ecit-ra. - tsvyer Admitt. Emlb.zt-uet. Wdti a t-utC. N' an Ierlip, et mît-mm nemI i.tmnlau yen. at-et-eufuirtht- lt-t-tny i'f lmnida tutt tti aI hie>)1 , u ts it î teti m-in- întutîg -i0.1J leit-- nuf i itb he muile iat-c. Deittit Aiscutifor(s. i in. t-i tles utt ti uct-i o inti utt e h ,g' . t-i it let iii fi ue' c i it iait e .,i i il,.- til mue.,r mt tt- uîî. mi,.Saut- ituen. ltmit r ingîct-m t-l mni ncrit lieh- -î orn,îc chtoietatnICairu. Eg3ptt, i.inut--taing. Iht-re n-i-t-e tt-y- t- tuturacasandt tirtit-e deutît la .tti- dis. lirder% ufrArtuiia hIaaktd mon near Lsckeys, Wy.s., arc ra-porledt t be bestinS ebeepmen and klU- lu gtheir harda. CHICAGO WINS CHEAP GAO FIOHT Federal Court Refuse. Peuple'. Com.' pany il. injontiontt. Accordlng ta a tecision rentienct by Jutige Gro.aeop the city of Chicago aias the figaht for cbeap gas. 'shile Il la ex- pecbti Ihat an aîupeul ill -ihbe tabou front the 'Uiteti Sîtats Circuit Court 10elte Supreme Court ut ta tint betieveti Ihat the opiuion 0f the loin-couet aIlli oevet-- tbroien. The roîinn aas enltee on the bilt of the Peuplea Castliglit antiCoke Company askiar aa injunction restaItit- ing the ftIy frein eofot-tiflg the ate fixeti bY city'erdinance. ihe hill aras tht-oaa eut ut court tonrn nil or juriadiction. The company ta allouent sixîy tiays arlîbin arhlcb 10 file an ,îinieltalinthe Supreme Court andtu10file titiappt-ai bond. vhich n-sameettaI$«0,îi),Int tahe intorin the Cily w-Ili make nu effort lu enfonce the 75-cent rate, bat t-butil.! the final deeisiou h. favorablie the gai company aili hoe lualle 10 mit corpnxnuuîforona rehaIe if 25 roula per thon-ion.! foeorutias paiti for trot. Jan. 2. 190.1. Il aras un this date Ibat the ordinaru' tas lu batte be-i comte eperalire, butniegat proreedinga baver heldth Ie entmruomOub of the ot-di- aaace la abeyance fer more than a yoar aund a baif. __ SLFEEPSOVIRTHREE MONTHS. Kan"%s City Maista Cureaj of a Myý tenion.s ,tintleny. A caae ot coutii,uin sleep, onme of the itnitl uîysterious atm.! aliar of disara.A lit, lut-tncopot i nlt succrîafoiiy iii Kan- sana City. The îaînu-a. 1). C. Lt-at-itt, la tnta up anti abouitult-r iet-ping t-nnee Ahunil 26. Mn. l.î au ltt ent houait-el> B! P'arsoans. Kua. at-nulafiert- eadoaswaa lahuen bhome, n-ivre-lie ha. ber, îuue lit pbyielan'a lhu-îny Cao thalt by %aop. ingr n car senta bxieth he ft-qtently di.!, Lent-it bat! tiishot'-utth ue endutof naiau- t-ht-a. mruictua stagnanitt-onultii ofui te bloond lute ht-ainaanti caosit i,]epl. Me 'vkneatiîng the hplace mauas tu ciaet-hIe vain t-oomIto pasa te blîod the palieios tlot-paras matie let au.! lois like stuîoir anutinflait he aruke np attogember. TO5WN IyRNEBTEI) BY RIVER. R.Pubiicau Pot-us. Ne-. Redi, Buntng Mil.ta C.ttrrita. Ka. At Coincortita, Inuit., the lttpuina rivecin ae the rt-n tifloodi han hnoly rhaî,gt- t lchatunelanti eft the ety i toile 10 ont- aide. 'llieno nIrchauelstIatl abtoutat smîirean.! n liait uurîb anti Cte of hliterity ant ins tatht- olti oint-ogan aboout a mile anti a huaif norîheoil. t-tii,, inc teveral fine fut-naanti tîaing the ('ont-uruua aill satuf elecîrte plants îî it ontth Ibwaler powe ir oy ubiht ibavhoe lîien operateti, The ity vili lot-iimttnil oui ta exten t is at-Ces oner a mle ta at--tre an ontiet. sabie the connty mustt luiîtt another expenaive bridge. the coauiy one ss.icb formeriy spanneti the river ttc- ing noie mure Iha àmile from wamer. Virginia Negro T-ice Ranageai. At isV e coxurt bonne, Vi rgtuîa, in the presence uf a thousamuipt-opte, Geont-e tobinuaon, colt-ou. vas hangeti for flite iutrder of nnmmtt-n negro. lin te ltn droup the roîte loke, lRotinsn'as Umnnhlup the alepa onlhliii ui-nu ou tht saafoldtiali le lîangouthîe ateondtîtutîn anti hîdtît lu ioun ti lt-e aheriff i-ut t.> a ntre l Rcureanotierorpe. luitnluron Itooeveîts lut-bt. St-t-nis trot-ul it as tr ,,,îîît miitin, Nliii flutîs et-i ttnîstieat ltt o-- - t' i, i ixr ayacht. tîuriar utlc I fu lo- tht-mo huve loeu une daeotiona un n t-e rtrisv. 'rntrly te truntllat-t-t, u trt-oint-orQun tîihe rit-etilin t-ohmcroft lut- Shnp. Lut-ut. % W. 'l"Ph , t it tn- tien uasrm. ita errbuarng anad tyratîtunah InJ.»aittatAgai.tueli-trtbi-a,. Juticu-Kellerr"ut he l'u-cut-gm t.- rt-nulcouit- i ssue.! -nt, ti- nu,inta lonui t-a tc llt r t nnn. '-t 1, tainun tenen empiloyel uf il,- tîrahu udti U,>Coal Comnun - acrtbutuake u atftr. î Fi.trthqiiukn- ni Lus Alumu ,i fornan.citaot-d ant-face eof i. i stil fit-a iiilut loac andt -- - ru-lia lt-lt ,1ta mi oi - st- i ltti,t!i t a a- utanic. tînt- it-suit I the it-t,.tau,; Suant- cîinitinui u.. -utiltienti ihat t, -Iutr laurtinui,mt. ijgeuicen itîtt n tt nii niiat-ut untte ýi îilo ballot fetulr ur.umc A ti i't-Imu t ei aut n xxuî i [i mii ii Il S t. i uhMinnapolis înt u, un..a t-nlouî t ies n.rîh otr ut-mut-Ntubh A minuit-o d fut t of trnck n un ittiti ony a Tlie utitid mot-r di i t-lina; loot-e off is ani,îmu Bdxais ien u Fos}uaid. Su afnr scmii'net-eu butinehbaneUt-un recov t-rd frontut-be Mount KimUlataoe- lir, n W'llo.nong, Auta-ina.n bot-cit explostu tio-n t-i'to. The avet-i f rexvet un greatly h'.nînmîmred by .lftrtonîp n tilt lîtul fuNipîit ýNoi- a taraut. raifi cI t atteroti, (Charles, idoa- ut-u, tht-e n toldtiie îuiî,trei. w-us ptrhedu~it nuh, t ret-t-bint,-anti Justinee lt-tu., ra intumat e î lot iotmn for untaytan -m-n lte change ot sograt'> ExîrrArrives tu Nrwe,. Explor-er t- lin -mbasa atrit-etin Non- w-ny frontthni,. htt-tandtitliaorf ret-u Irogrrooi: muninu point- exhioratitons anti uf put-t-tit immn fuit- a unît 1ut-e pole lu Bout t- .k lB.y. .New. H-,e Bî-t-i in abrcckuofSWisotnin baasnu-li- -le îîroerby nititl, nnrlh- CeaIt-ot--fiNui-rt Comui ul andnu B str"tslin i\ t iut cou for ficttcoinlu'ra- lion ort-nf0 -1a cn-h Wti-utI ' iihotE.t;tttoet. ant i tît-f,-t-! mî: --e îî-rtîut,ly- iiti,ýd lu> tihiei -inn mtartgei- hui t-rnuhins sa(nnutuutu , reit-u . lu n aui-- -i TeA ,ttimîttai prouri] t'lnt.o o -ho naauoliixt-ic iftîit-t ii aup- MA8KED BANDITS TAKE 1 PROM OURLINOTON LIN Torpedo Truck N4ear Bv.. Hait Plyer Nortbbound-Oss. ado Forces Ensinear 10 Obe Co,.pauion Cl Off Eapr.s. RAML~ stoooo IITÉO. , il., and b Deupr- y Hlm- Ce r. MONT "YRU. JOHIN L: *PALWNU.& Setai Pfflat Whso Mal, Be càtkaoe Archbiehop of CIlcago. The cicrgy of the Roman Catholic arch- diocese of Chicago bave recominended John Lancaister Spaiding, Biehop nf Pe- aria. Ili., as the must fitting auceeior ta the laie Archbiahop Feehan. JINhop Spaling bas been in charge uf the- dio cese over which ho now tolet fot- more than a quarter of a century. Ife has trana-formed a @rmatil, traggling dio"oae lOto a compact, powt-rfui aoc, putî.esming nearly 250 churchen instead of !'i, andi notable for the aize anti oeîtclenie t4f iis eotiege, achoola and acaîlemnica.nuthat- Ing neoriy a quarter or a mtiliont Catholici witbinla itoundaries. For 250 yeara the ttnvetors utf Binhop Sinatding hateo iaed in America. the tirât of the nama. u t, mo littht ntw world Train No. 47 uftIhe Chic-ago, Buriioglon andi QuIaey Raiiroad wa, moit op by two aikodrobuiera at 115(1 o'cioek itlcaday nigitl, tht- expressaa tr iliiwu ti)wilb dy- aottttit sîdttihe satf, rottieti of aOautan Ptataed 1 t. 8e20,0. Trhe robbery tnntiit it-o aboutl).5mOies trattn Chicago itetlt-etn Saranna, lM., anti Mat-ras, a iiag sation tight mties anoeth of thaItplace. Tiit-îeditt.a utr. piec td uthet- tat-k ty the-bantditsantdtias the norlh ioutîd t-aitnexpitit hit îttt Ihe elnginetîtaat off 1hL tefmntitttantîîîllît.i tht- tîntkt-', Itît kitgtg hut then' x,asc dat ger aiteati. TUhe moietît ielt-ait. cametirtia stop one ut the- naakt-d roîters oîrantg abo-it-t the otîgine antd tt-at a rt-t oit-et- tutu the flit.u ttit-theeglnter aîtndiaîotîter ai lte hitt-ta r.Buth muttinlit-t-ofuithieii nzintt ce-v i t-c ithrvatvnedit i tilt tlcttiit itiît-a tht-y ulu-yt-d th-e ,nnîtîaîndgofuthtitirob- bers. Cut the Trotnintlwo. Meun'ltnlc titi.sei'iitii bantîit tîiîiled gîr coache-oanduititithetintîitn tutitlic tht-a ra.aptt tg aiîit h, ie-tiiiandiiOrt-ltr- iii thc-.ettcr il. pul tpth, tilraek. tl t. utctatne itar] pt-iiit-dî-îa ahorI dità itnct- to a polont fat-frottt.ny h î otni haitltation lte ruhbrsrto,dered a hait. Tite î-ngtîtîr, witb a tetvolît-rtait- pt-srmîo cit lushia tr, haduliîiîgtg l dît lit Oue>'. lzlith roiliera n-PeO cill -qiiiiIýd for the laak before lhctn. ty,-dt-i'î'stitcks of dynamite front bluitgpikiiatnd -ui ittIoaard lter it,-otar t tktog a lnng tht- tagi iti-ra ii. ton. A trt sngtuc aitht, ni i, t-(If tht-t-t t a-'it-, the rioliers niet of îtth tîtii te in.theit- lia Pit-rt-. i'i,- lnn i -îfr , iii ,,r î-.r ,as Ihî-n ahaitet-td h> tintr t itiloi-nof d3 Dantote. Tite mont-y lîîtvng 0 i e m-lalnhi-a the aafe Catblutait tit,' utfte rllt bogan u .iek otît t ý iit ndtt it ilî ioto i hag hb tt-il. fron iekt . AJi 1taitstme thet-ilt- roblier nIta. mtidiitg gaetrd tirert-hl,- en.ineet- and irehcaot. When the-tinte If ittoua J. lu .tb ai vaaathed ii-tit-tchtîblg tht - iii n i i leetur" gaie iite tignal andtishiaî-îftd' craie marcheti the cî-îgintt i--tw bita their ponts. The- rttgitît-t- at.d fhrrtan werre tld ltopit tutet t.aspRssleUt fromttht- aet-it. Tht.-imomentt tht- loii-ttoînre bt-cao ta Ittut t-e it rînhl , ier id n t inth,- blackt t-s of tilnt tighfraiilt he tIti- t: i-l otf îind thot tîi-nititi- iilo tîn i .1 Sii-.ttine at inii ot i ré i- riti if eosa-hi-', lb-l itt ni lii t-ni I , t a f. tî ,î lt-a bai-k or,îl lie 't-n. t tîiii nig Iii -once nhîha bat i în 1i, l o' nn ili.'iul'td m u t-r Sa îîîîînt t.' g,ti.- t ii l tît-in 1)t th-e nay hhte hi-tnt-il .....iini-I if ht l-,tble explosion tht a t-, i-ih-n lj-) .-- a, t and the salt-. Afler a t-oit tif ut-t-eraI nil. steitiagi maris--ared s a nn..a lit-tu-athon hret-thlt-gg, but hl eitattage.dti l1,1t-i t short 8t-ry ut tht-fate tif Iti-t-aini Policemen and rai ay uiiil- re hutru*diy sttmmaed b> the stattitn agent, 10 whom the flogman but reput-ted. Il was thon 1 MOtiek and sorte diliculty waiaencottoltereti il geîîing ctaginea andi me o let'h-et. Ofiicers Stert ln Pureuit. At 1:30)iiink tne - iin engin,0-as atlaehod lu a t-oaeh ond tir lntîîr. ilit'd wiihbehavîl " rit-itei utiir i t in -il,.ay empto> en,. Itted frîtî 'binntitt-nthe tirette utthe t-ill-rY. Il i s -u nta lion tif lte ofitiailsti ti knilie oin bohînî ,ds of tt- ii.î Ii nu ii i i n c HIC1A1GO TO THE GULF. The <lt iProjettoutna l'c,, chan- uttc-tn enT-ttc,. t-t'etn' i ln- iii i t ,-'n I I ha rtiitt iloii . n' tni i. un-11. bruiint n i tî.:I-î--î.ltnî' n lihe t' ti iil .i.l ' i, l ... t ..iii t ohj ..n oit n ili. ttn t '.i n i -a t. 'ii n t , n min.' ro, .t in1- î, V : ît-, 1, -t-n a .t11 m nt t t.- i t Ir 1, li il-'.-on i tnunintt îîn ii iti. l in a , ld priii- a i,.tn a d"mi în dt alfln ilt -ann eni. Af ît t-a f -u :,h, 5-'- as l-t tin,-inanitt .ti- tii-i ', -ir in iit t-1- 'l't.t -tn-iil, -i-t- i f mii i n n t- iz ethgnnna - i- mt- t-i on, t - t i huti titid -tno n i ,tunirît-'. ni.. ' i mml ý barîi -iiî.i I : t ttis lsl o ' -i'nn tnaa t-i' tii pa--hninn i ti C i nt-n,.-iI l' ut- 82.lM.el l tî tno t t i lo. d, ...ttt;e caual in t tt' ' nl-it i-r , ntî lriiigh titis nntti-ltit av ardtt h(-, Sielî.lit u- btatve tittire t -nîinî,-n iîî, t ii in.nh, . t-Cter ftifihe hmtlt ?lr. I rrîî,--tmi fotiatiorf li.a- gît-n tititri- grittitît- iatnt talt ut.-lut- i dreatta Pie buiingofz a dtetii--te ur chaniw.teliihi, gînf vtiîtllo a-t-s mt-it lt-wat-niil.t intiizt-.ttnt. T v- r et-- t--.lic.- Ct-tr. ptno tfîltI rttt-t-eat o irttieulalît y lit the t-,.lantt htlnînlnrî i t-iuttth,- tr- ryion'oîîaî,î tli ci-an ithtîît-îtfion the Wetn. tht t iciil rîgîtt tîo lit-ut-t i tih Intense hoclilty. btntif tht- pînpl ifrte Missiiippi i niqgnrt-e tîpîttiltteycein doubltica ntiy il trîîîth Cotîi'-t-î. Birlet News .Intia.. Sect-etary of Wiotot-tnt huit -ttretion a irverai arceka' Etiropt-an toutr. Jothn W. Miatkay lofti di-it diîilng bls real otate hatu era tut-t vifo King <G-orge utof a.tty-hobt tiocjt-e d to the Ibroîte Jottct-1I) tOtitht- ithtrt if ti hrotht-r Alhrî,t, , sofernnîg front puunî- montan. ltrto.MAtne Fut-tnt-t-. rotier if ia- roae-'latingt--t iti 'rîlîne tni'it--',ity. tf i tîn rni t-th, or ri.,t-,o '- t ii l , nntîoîf .u- it ,nc U it- ii fio it i tl i ttii- m - i inîn At te :frotîmbery raineaI» New work S it u -titralrint. m - tillac n-tiring Plinot114 Jit- titIl tt esup d a tex ttlnoa ttil ft- t. Friuelt atrcit7 J atil tiit. tu tg iti tîn. atihuugh coke ove» ar utco0t-ilig itrvoua. igrrof uont- y upt'rtti At momt tinta retlutrade- la at-ttî ttui jnptrn ttionttinue for ht-at-y fttlil , .ai,-a tî it. ,îrittg lboa &re tiitt iithgînîti tt ltttt Bitway ell ittra iî. f.t r uit- It>'î,h w a gin i-r 3tt 3 e, r9<tlt I n 08 IL 4,11 ttt& lo W-Li ew of' TIraie gt i%, tit,. tt,,-îig aniary of' W il'tiI ljî-n ît i nit (tr et lealit IL :ot, t. 1h,- ttii n,-, l t -:ititîtîntso rutthe ii attnd -tindtintr; tilts pîncllIy heo tin- rapnilt in t,.i ti tîrî l o ic r î.îii ton- te ilen t . I li.1, - '.; fileter, a th,.îr,- Itnt. il r.'p-t ,fa nni hif i f.- ,-nnt f .'ttît u iîntUghl tht- SI, ttfl', thr .t lin! tt tît îtof eria t ttti t ttlt t i t iet wtt rIlil- r,-;il 't- ', , t utl;re î ror a t it . ttiini titrîi tint <mort foI f it' th.i t -f liît i în broi at fn-i t -f tii, i- itt if- fe l.O t t ite ftot.t 1,t - ,. i ont* ,dîrto -t-p pl-ahe dI- i,-n , ii îtît-rii t.rihl iftu îti, t t ir u.niri. , ng ad.ane haen ii li,,, n~ , l î, f tte.o'i0l1 ato ,, I'if Itît i _k I. lit tît r'th toît. I ltg t -i i - t i l.o itri0 t e fat Cbi- -l r -i i -t 't p I a d it tttt> lt nf î i.-tii lfiat. largeotîîîîîlat t drope tt ý a a ..-n-i lfiiitt tt-tng rsani- ttri eth-tilt-tt, t-t. , tnt,!-,tif h targ shortintr , tt ,f ý- <Ioi ,,A nTenu.b h lii. fat1t,, t balinl oftîna rata tbac 'tgl'.t a i h,1i- t i l ii- t-e tit at-tioa, trdn rtun tirly t-1, ofnthellar. lb tInt- , t t htan 1i l - n e &% t îtn-tîtling ittînt- enport% for tho' îe.i .î,n,-t.îlî 'fi t -t- tte -.3KS.f.34 6,.44:1.31.01 ttt thitawe-,k ]t tyJar. Whm'îî epttorti o-lîue ty nggrekate 18,15&M8. hîtaheis. agatoal 26201,Mlao as aut. Cora pilatra ggrellile 28.4ME huselilis. sinîtt 79,6111 laut Woek attl ttfla it y, ut- Vît- the fisaillt-ar cerra eporta are. 4t1< 'lit aattth 7.i.!17 l ait aoeo- Bitotafaltri',rt i tth -k -idutti I l tan,,rI.S. a, tsnot17fýlas! -iel, l'l t i u -kat-Chlt ytar. 173 iin î;uta 1.0; In' i si ' tti oit Itt i n 14t1t' 1 Il.ltt li1 tti tc lit. fii tr r I l-i lit,. îti-ttli fot' 1, iil irli- rt. nîliftt-a .r.i il t-i i,-1 nil. Iiîîî- ltîn.t n-WY '] n-t '-iilu-, iuitatro n ta'î-î of Ilunit,tIt t-i Iti . liand-tilt en u utft hit tnt I ln,. ihe ttiti fma -htt t-nu,- fo ln tir tt-n 9ý ilnit ith, ln tili.-il i, aii repttt e o ie of t-tî-î t ..î..îrliî t -u i t-nifth on, hi-iiii itiir i tinncî to ut-nuiirthrt et-hinnt- uit t'-oh It-J,at priertae (tig î uti. iitiini Itnt- pim-et $4.lii 1 $7 )0. lt. 1, lt.[ in t gr th.. $425 ii $t5 a 1.î fntoinehoic$,0 li 441 iii-cai," no2rot, 711e b7A, tut' O . , e l T 141. i oin o.theex- 1- i liig ,fe t-dtiNu o25.-10 3e thaotliwm-ç $114.I lîtnt tir et h ýI i)(>tn-t-Pli, 17e 10 1tg-Ca tt.lî.ISe(tii non, topriame. $4.Y)It'lt.G$7.9-;hor,,lipping rades $4.7jtiliattnttiilafailli fairt hi1ie, 8.00 1 t $25; in,,-nht.e lNt. $4.41, 0cta 87741; cin,ît.N. _, 9c to10. il, con , No. to ;)*-I,; 62e.10No. 2. 521, No.532: hlb.flm- M-.:tiint. ille .,c t-4 416,8; oa, $381 ut $781): het-Pime.$2.50 10 $4200; o lent, No. 2, li.hiiioCe-t; conu.Non. 2, SSrii.. 62t.63c:i n. Nu.No,2 wit2e. re, Stt.nîti -<ttli-. 4.O'to ln$8725,;togq, $3.W tiitii$7 l.80;-iieltt-, $2.54) 10 4.25; m i. SUEN Hl S 1 rmer Won Unltoî la the Cit-t. -Oorge R. shuui r 11ivltgluin Institutt-d Thlat-ttf elle resetib -'vite andtihie XIispunwihle for affertinimTh' i tiiwic uitarlil 9-volt-ci. sit elltio-mlaket-ilit letingun acout - ;,ttfoty lt-tu lut-e been rît- tlUecoutry. fitsttrial.i,,n 'ithe saecttr lte hithir ir IIEAT A ~<lUinoi. Ctaa lDt. 't'tC 'Villagt' li.uaî <tonandt, It snoliti lty 1F glittt-r.. atnd tin Bt-ttti etn. t- attitt', an, tiA.t- thl and-"Au il n tht- aaaail. eaer tut- tri dins. a at-Il Frank an-i t-lutnaj.ti 4 in tht- liai 'olat.,u-i NEW CI) tai Itlc ri-aih IPi 'l'ltt tut- nl-itiin a a et- ttit ntt t' rîtla -at c.anbin(. i ly lu the a - so ri gre..altaO Lo. iîaha' - ant i.ta i Nia'tr CUTS Chailrte Ing il-ar Itl. ilt-gr-i Sth litv.,t- ternit- îtCityu uiti--0 tel--nd- lina iTain ~Iii- u tut ofi UT. Kg',. at-i) t..i Asi tPALDlitO. tauca foliiunor 0fLourd faltitnt-, IPuit- ngti ite ruligna of tient-y VIIIl.ututia -t,i t n E:turIlt aitelin,- taitiing tuttni>' itto,-,fuîtr i uaithtit ]iu-ît-y il-ut-ii *vtri-lt, a.s u-ii-ilEt. lu- Itrtnswi-n lunt-lu.ntuin . 'n ii.- 2, liait>. 11lantuu lut-t-i t,..'aie htil liii.itiof o Ittinuire il.*r,'î- ni u.ruaiun itu nu t-,îîunlynuîtl] t-r ut-unriK.urdaut, ,tîîu atuit lui Imant, fu.r a nIn..î,h itr-t- f .tuii!y un ti- fu-iuou aiuluc,. ntliauli h,-tntt-m-it.. ith SMITH CLAIMS NO BLAME. Dieturat-eti ffi"rr OesIllet.Ciessiaiges In I>htttppinee W-- Not Croci. Ctti-o an t,Il. Suîntl h, s .it.n na 'tr mututfi utmîtitntantha for biq 'Liii au, btîrîu i.i -1 tltir aras relra- i nlbà retpritasadi ly Pei'-s. aietulifor te fit-at ltut iiie,li rt- ruavai fmtht- Pl'ui ippiîno-t- t ilk fuir BilIu.iît utu hit tub i van, ltat-d t nînutlie ne- t iou-l lnîîiuît t ula-t itth.. [ljurty lu. fttlirg tnai. by his ontarce t e i-itut-tt fnntntht- i.,s. aî ru tu-t.>andtit-hel'rem tîtna rcptiuanti tI alnoi illinthie g.rrunt-rtnunlsortît- be itaîi. '-adil nul aIitberty ludmîs ree'nt pot-aonai occurrences." Oif bis forret! retîremeut fro thtie ansny Geuorat Smith sid: "Ilfaras an offaertome surprisle to me. I natttratty aupposoti thîl t 1sotîtt t- roîve a roprimanti na a retttof tht- t-or' titrt of the court martinai. utiîîutiuu inuite. I atwayapbavt-etu0duo îuny dut> n a ronsientlinuit ianner attd! oîttu.t tarî-t f ai asnlle 't spi-at mîtîî'o nf the lime I nss un ilhe isandlintuanit untuil amit r I aai o unie t-ni lu tnt l 1,0 ii-iitt-l t foer fite- si n unoltîi mît- t. T'Ihe nanununof Lui ftu,- t,, u. of th.lo. in. sainsua s-.-îîthiîgtigbti aa ttil .ut ut-nu r , tînîît lu, lt-at- tt-i itm h,.îîuîie itiy ai it matitaeit-itu tt., *"tîitaîu-a f tieti- tuiu- out] i ii,..'n -n ifitur't ut-i.. Ilr tir,ri-,' îîm-.m- A~ Ilfotutoi mulîtlointt hum'liaitfint-y« uIcnu- DoI tunultit ,,i' -thtilliii- t 1, nînous haut- tritut utmîn, n nnuini-- tîunctîs at-n'militng lut ililit rl-mgu1imînit în. Iu nu.n[t fuir tnttue nnuy î th1au itlim-tnul lint- il-e itxlnat1 tulughn ut t gint t ii lu i r a l REVENUE RECEIPTS SMALLER. RJIet of W orToaeCou-t- IOr--t if $tsu iisiti: punt imt iln- un-mm u- il hnî..îî n tht- fi.,a'1tly-ut-I- I InnJu, q, ' 1t(îl2t 't- -ti-u m t tuati liii t(-e',uilefrontm it-urar i m-l .7.m:.lju-in-lu in îîîrun,-îî unit-t- lut i,- tiin -î t ;,,t-t-,. t titi i-u]lit r lut- ttint-mitatri, t -f htary- landl.nul fuit- Cliii t ut ulItty' it fu-r mo hetionu îs o uîîeîîmmrî.motig a dmir-ruît f $l-l50<XI.179 frouathlu- t--e-ii-i for Ihe- fiscatl >oor n bit-benduit Jutune ~î.11, antvic &e e-oat- rmul-tt-d f,n ntept-m vit-lit-usotf thtel t (uncuru, mif ttî %hurtlh 2, 19011, mcaîn int tu-ti uid tuutittuiitut- tio- % at- ti t .- u jume 13, Psit15 T't.t- i--tuttit-t i lt-"inuitt-ait fuit fltu ,al i rni î -îli t.ut-3'-141902lil. m i tm i mnIte $4.712.S94. Attot-ney <ltnet-at Knox ta atit tut- ling 10 oookup the ruaIl trust. If lutl snoter waaer murb longer lit May locun 10 cîtinor for tsbip atînaidies. A Chicago man slol oba a;vife becanse ho lovoti ber. SiaineHi-n at-e au timon- atrabive. Nol hei-tnuitfrun. th, Preaadoui, the bref trutal,î-)(rtnals, n-t hoîiag tînt Le ha forgoben iti. t-net-ai Bit her xnillh pet-insu i isiuug froua thet- duad. SWlo.tsa i te ag-ou mitrutet I i-tPaît't Pt-tondent itýosunetl nnul> huegtunung 10 discoetut-i- lai ni uy mnen-t-e nrc lu the rnugl tinter rugiiuit-unI. Dntlttuthet- ltunil ili bPet-int it-lt- ttuai hurt-t- itînhoa dtin> wili, ut-lIeCoin gt i-l uiutgiî hrl.ting thint. Nit-. SI'nuil to ha-ie hîmumlt-s h o im hit n-ien tut- gesboiacIt lu Chinua.nI- y- body b(ips lhey ailnutl huit. Waalauî day was rpt-îtt qtuqitliti the- Prrîihu-uuit'home, wyul(-bspeakie nutuînua fer tht- iresident's at-i-renîrainî. Il in a greal vacation year. for lb. mai]î boy b4i as ly la lake off bis tnlobes iii 40 sviutmlng amnts mnherau.