Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Aug 1902, p. 8

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GOOD FO0R '0(u h AD By presentiflg this ad and accompaflyiflg local agent to the Dakotas you are entitled to a discount of $5.00 on a purchase of 160 acres of land. One ad good for $5.00 discoùnt on 160 acres; two ads good for $10.00 discount on 320 acres, etc., etc. COMPILED BY DOANE ROBINSON, SECRETARY DEPARTMENT 0F HISTORY. Soil and Climiate. ,,oth Iakotas sOQ la nifornll! fertile. Est of Uie Missouri It 18 entirel! glacial de- posit. It la a ricO, deep, black 10cM, nnderlid by Clay. l'oc snrface s l ndulatilia and pleasantly lopes to the valleY. Th lie limate 1le lingOt, heaitlf nIand Invigorat- ing. Th0e average anneli raiilfaîl eat Of thje Missouri la 21 juchas. More th"an 17jlches o! thla talla lu thec Ove grow- ing montIls- Thc average somumer i8 deligLttttl. Thn average winter la mild, agreeable and ai- luosi enoavîcas. Tise normal mean temperalnri< for Jannary andi February la Il degrec alove zero. Tise aver-ge tmpera lare2.3. Duritig thec1188t Wntt'r therA were 'lot tOre weeks t,! reit ainter Wsitiici. Livestoctk grazOts the 1uairiîî rangea ail vinter wtlit i ilt'r. Octtl Productions. admnrI Th)ttlvalue of the agricultorat n iea production, 1111, wats $-l:,"Il. vsalue of ncw aeattl pet capita $229 541. ltLW5 an auaverage yecr. For tive successive years-15tS, 11,98,l'9 911 19111 NSouth I)akotti tis protiîted more new weeltli ler capita than anY coller tate. Wheat. Wilsat growîng lx a promninent Industi-! and se pursuied witlî profit iii the agriCultioral section. Feor tweniy yearm thce avrage crop bas boen 11) blishels. ' liocr00 Of i toI taVeraig"ti l 1 Itblgelq. Modern methoda Cultîvâe, harveal and,4narkret the vbsat crop at a nominal Prie. - h otsThe Corrn Beit. elr TeSuhDakota corn beltl ilucudea the ntr cet hait Of the sage. Every jear tihe corn crop recelves greater atten- tion. South Dakota corn tuu1 ýmht came througi tise béat ci i uty mucil boterttalu nauy other weeternl atage. intelligent cultlvatien of 11515 cfop bringeasplen- did returna in every section.' 'The crop of 1901 averaged more tisan 25 bucbela. The normal yileaceedo 30 busiseiS. The ctop otf1900 as 45,000,000 biiisoi. Tihe t-op of 1901 vas 1 ,oe00,041 bushels. .Live -Stock. Thie live stock Industry vatly exceea an! nîler lu Importanuce. daiuig, yiolded thse state aiment S30,000S,0. Caile, harem, ihop and abeep ail tOivlysou oui- nutritions native grasses. Tise vondert western range for stock cattle. Whre stock graze ail vînter vllhout bay, grain or aieltet. T'he fertile tartns of the grain bell for Ilaishing afford a combinatlon of Iutereasanad opportunîtles net eievbere sqnaled for live stock mouiey rnaklng. Dalrying. Dalrylug la an already velilentablimbed ludustry aud la deatUaed te become the mont valueble. Every condition la tavoralde ta sutcessafîil dairy- lug. The sta. dalry and food commission apîroxi- mates thse valne of the dairy products for thecoesr- reut Ia at $12,00K. There are lu lhe stage 152 eroamerlen. 'l'lie native grasses give a pecllarly pieceaut Ilavor, and a soildarity of texture tc butter wiich places It et the very top of tihe esaieru marae. Sheep. Diakota ln Particlarl! adapted 1gosiscop raisifll'. "lise climate and grasses join lun eontrlbating iseultb and splenididly llvored tmutton. Dakota lamubs luvarlabl! top tbe Chicago market. Wool of tbeflint @iapie in producod, but th. mutton brceds are mont growu by liouths Dakota eleepeeën. Ilog Breeding. As the stage la tact taklug a leadiug position as a c.ornu producîer It naturaliy folos t glal; miie atten- tion in given to porkuSakiug. Boa are MOre lîealtlay boes Ian lu Illinuois and lowa. 'fi l diuatry l8 one of lîmet Importance conàtrit,- iiting auually fix mil1lion dollars totboe matea4 weaillt " l mI.- 1 --- Write or cail on D. C. LORIMER, Libertyville, agent for Lake County for the great LUND LAND AGENCY. PRzAIRIE VIEW. * Misas l i. tattit spent liinday t 1 Rockefeller Items. hm * MssEmna ttîmen liasut'retnrned 1 ton 'olcago.j tir, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h anitr ih ogeaerat 1epleasent veatbor Of the last teus s.Kn' l alfxlly apÜtl 1ilîta! g treuilit ut Palatine' a fev dayli this daysObas been dilîgeti! improved lty at Mr. Smîithî m 'eek. the tarmers lu Ibis vicinty getting 10 tautl Pegelosv.01:1 a lierai' Ln Wil da tisir besadanti ettiug Bimaitigrain botit WeIls last wseský li"as Iattie 0(Ies, o! Chicago, la thceo!1which are uexcellent erop this rues ofber ried Miti mma nige mo...MisiAddle l2atotir im visiting lber i i tise Xniggc Iotel J. H. Crookiite as tOc material e gon -aens Dr. Lydis C. Scbotes and lier mon the ground and 1s pittIng in tihe Vtilt Wc'lc st&Ida tiormpe h'Iester al rank are vlsîting at the home or the foundation ftor the new bouse ic il, Wolf lest week. bnilding. %Ve nndersitaud thal. the Mr, litet, of ,leferson Part, vas a a (i-. Grover hlis week. conti-acte are lot and work wyul mon iefir udy begin on sieveral otier fbouses tintIbis at Fred Stuckeis8 brother came up frous village,.tira lice aeN tertaiiig tiNo lîttîn E"lcago for a ev dayâ tant veek necafot hieo visit ttise home of bis people berse. To My' Frlends. Marlon Kucaler aut !anity spent Count! Treasursi-, Oeo. N. Gridley It leq vîtO joy t tel on wlîst Kil ,nîdiîY ut tilgiiwooîi. 0 did for me. 1 vas tronbled wltO my nd tamnly, of Wankegan, vtsted aI stomecb for several months. (ipon N'ers Geesit t'e uttle dauglter (if the Wilio smes luntmis village over belng advlsed to use Kodol, I dld mu, Acli-li (,Oeet im very I] Sunda!. and vords contnt tell tOc goOd ti huma dune me. A neighbor b.d dyOpsla Wlit'elog carpeotL'rm are btuilding aw Fred (iocvetter liedt au auctioli cale Bc lisat lie bad tried mont everything new lbouse for Mir. Wolfe. of Rb ouselioîd Rond& Tisrsdey tter- 1t bld lm-10 use Kodol. W orda of tirs. Jobnsonl, vite o! Captain Jobn- noa. Her! Appley, o! Llbertyville, gratitude have Cone to me f ront blmu bananese 1reconemeaded It.(10 W. son s conined tuber licd. Cried the ale. Fry, Viola, lovwa. HeailO sudttrengtb, tir. Richarde, gr, sud Mr. Vsa,,Sr.. o! mind snd body. depeud on theaietOc udyt Ciao à program compoaed of recitatione, tomis, sud normai activity o! thceutStre uClao dialogues and music vili lie given digestive orgains. Kodol, the greet ]glas EtOci. Enedier bas retunedd Saturda! evening, Aug. 9 under thc recouRtructîve tonte, ecures ait stosaacb front ber viil to (IteuvleN'. auspices Of the Christian Endeavor sud bovel troubles, indignation. dys- pepsl. ie.Kdldigests ai gtod food tire. Oridiey, Sr., speot a 1ev dayve at Socliey. Admissilouten and twcuty volea. Tske a doge ater meacl. Rogers lPai-: leelwaek. Centa. F. Il. LovEnLL. LlbertyvtiIif. Miss Amelia selbe, cf <Chicago, is vimitiig LiernantI, tirs. Friliman. *.** *,** **** ***i *è.***,*********~*~ trs lien z and rblîdren, o! Chicrago. *are visitlag lMr. aud lire. iturio. Ivan oe Iems 4. iiiefurds tarted for tlakotsi Mon- » 'day tV, fie goue a of eeta. i loia". ttcr'iiscir. gr., ls ctontem- BildeNatkB- A nmIlsionsty e ntertainmifti it uIt uplttina îocatsng Ili I sis. tn sctn. Invoieing la iu progreis ai et iîies. given lu tise nearture, 1,fîî*tîg rI'- tMr, atnti tre.litetry MWebrstbï-rg, tirs. ladieretroctue liorn Ib ae d tîy lite, gouoglkm. nertuedfo avp ,Ccgo vecit. *TOlA.tetiAstttatittts las <ern Missi Graclia('mli i.,îf i'îglcwtttl, î pheepartsttboard met fo Ocannuellitîarîî( t tvi9iting licr frienitl iegutileMasun. Mr.Dotie ad leuwen t th ety A nuser o! fricuda met ils tis. l - K n cd .1cwresCicwîeahi1 Mise issaon Btird. oic u îown ofi i!Annie 'iitus ',npsiay. I bey liaid s ver! iiV'-tiw'-"1 itg îiîrt1 , Oends.enjoyable timne, il iîtirîg lier lfiti desy Ileorge ttadkeo aitemaroraliîtg laid wcdding aoiversil!. Mr i-iif Mrs. Jlimas-a tiî'h t'h , 'are Thiretay. Tc jîîtî'icaîiier f lu(S vor tli arri"alif a tali! tirs. A. A. i'ayîîr'îste fo O met and gave Auna \an cIi1ew a very gt City Friîia3' - atcecssfiil stîr IrIse. - lT't-veit ig Mistacs \ pt li , I (niaitanti '(tlts CC. tbumn vi8tillfrneîds ver Passe I Lu il very eL'uoyalile Manne t iimki tlii i,,it'itaI Uerlel'HSai(turday Snnday. Lttnfiets arc ott aunotineug tte ,k, n1i git iss (King bs itrettriiel tîî lier iote î'Onfcssifhlltif Jtames Stuart, Dt)cst'r' Mr it, I i4rs. J. ichstard@ sitetainel et Lake 'lillit. or 1'ntold Secrets ttf tise ivtl %Vr,., îy tMr atifloi ra. Jîîai>i î Mrs. Farnswîîrti.ofNI iayfair, isv ia- Robe..rt Dudley, a cîtîcn iat f ls'atlsî, il' , ir on Sîîîîday. itiiig relative'slitre, l'he book vili <e otitt ii cît'î(î' lu alîte if hi-" ain otîr farmnt-is bavel 15,i Miste las îcsi itetlitnle 1nilimbied lty the Abîtuy l'resm, tof New liarvestet llistisîiilly tsea"y crops of Mrs. Mikle bs 1)en eýYorkrt('îty. remlativcit frotthe tCity. Le%tîe lieekasth WhO hlinal'tenu qulte siet ta repîtrted better. Misses Lllian sund Alice 'f'1ayne vîre Chilcago it -its Nbltuy. tissa iF'orence t. sllnw, or M .beton, ls visttlg roaIsta Ou h-re. Tf"",. ili be a lUsWn social givîn sut the home tif Heory Giahi', 1riulay, cveing, Aîîg. 15 l've ream andI elui ailI (te iervetl, a pîtoL prograntîne lR itig preltarttd. l'rtice"].I v i ltt' used for ptsperlng tIse Iviiîîoe iiarchs Eyeryhody coine snd lritg y.uîr MI. Nt alter the Sve<is0 Vice Consnl, rd Cjiagi pent Sttirday vitb tir. anti Mss . ltsici i r amîi Nljfs.Gridley, NMiss Cora l'ont. Mlst'l-a Matci ad uj ci' Mago, ('Oaq. Stolre sand CantiAl(.ri'iicy attenîleultisti(lance ltt eitels fta>viliuw Is-AKE ZURICH. Bace bail next îsuday. Fred lichult ttot sa ride 10teicrriug- 10 Tnesday. h1r. aud lirs. J. .Forlies took s ridé to Fox River Tuebday. ,iirs. Fred Scîp avent 10 Chicago lion- say 10 vîsit relativcs. hir. and Mirs.Chas. Seip, of P'alatine, wers visitors bore lest Frlday. tir. sud lira. F. L.Carr,pf Wagcondn, <etc visitois in Our village 11nda!. Emil Frank anti IVn. lueatthlnguiade a busineastiteho icago luti Frlday. Mir. aujdirs. George Formau, of Barrt»gtou, vers bere lt unday taking iu the hall gaine, John Forbes bougbt a fins t«eau of Indian poules 0f CisarleY NicOls, o1 P'alatine, Isat ,T1usa#y. '10he dance lest Miunday vataIr-h wetl atteuded. Bern'a Ciicao HajP orchestra lnrnssbed excellent munic. H. Brandlug aud Wm. Blekuase vent go Wukegas Monday te attend tise meeting ci $1ie Saloon-heepera' Associa lion. chas. Givens veut te Chicago lion- day, accompanYIln isa uotîbér vbiad bsten vlsiting vîtls bIm for tise Pas cit suc to 0Il 1) se, ul) Iu a i tal ag tu tir. sa n . iMtuncon aeSi-t' tîeiding fiends. Admission 7YI cente. ' etirtsy a le. tRi il oisvit iity. For varlqunsrisons, s-iely concert]-Ocr'Wsz misas tecittuis. of M isîtinsin, lici 15t- iug Oatvestlng.tise tiateot 1e picole ' tter l ta uLIciegitlsealpttteo irg viil iss Icri SmiIt.vas not accepteil, aud tise event vas à ' gir seutîld allgrOper tuo ltojamIun (Igood msîetît a !ew deys 1used for "tneday Anguet 12th. fil ililte net of etileseiy treadlug on ap ,ltigitng r,lativcei-s le est irek. be field ct the Hendee place on suakte. l'is lm Isps-alled iy the p»»n uI George Scuevcy, of Evanstîn, la. the north shore of Iltnd Laske. Vile)iteuis a large anus o! mous! bîuilinlg Ia cyclone acllcr. but ncgtects viiting Oisa ctusin, Wni. Declser. 1The !treooon viii bc @peut in ltatiug to proaide hie fauily vils a hotUs of Mtislairot and dLIugter Edithi, of sud gainies. Aller diiiiet tOc lîoramseCtimbei-ains Coile Ciera and vîli ettusist îf raeker, idotiglnuf, dilue l)iari-oea lteusey as a safs-gasi-ti Iowa, ai-e vlsting tirs. Win. t. lcksry. cond lite etlsg contostte, egg i-se, ito- againsat howei coMIilstey, vboiqc lsversil frite tvanfine atti-uded tise tilte race. vheelbrmov i-ste, Rack vîctîsua outuiîtitei-tisose o!0e cyaions ssrrl-a't l'rimrose Lodge' lat Sunlay. races anîd tOi-e legged raes l4 ltallca lîtndi-e t aosne. Tl'bi emsdy la jrizes bave been pre.pai-el foi- ail. andi everywhOcre reoonizeil asu1thenost tir, anti tire. ATie'ittis celolites-i ni la tOe aimof ail.<'ouveyaii.e prompt anti tellalile medîcîne go Uset lIseir viscen védtlsng 'i tsn'day tif thins vIlOc supplict.l IwOn reptort to th1e for tusse disease. For saie by F. Il. veài. .tustesi eficlent ttîîie. Lt aliLovent.. fibsrtYVIllc; UBAT19LARE Mies Mary trgard criiveulfroi lntatndtî<isoY Deneerit let woek andi le nov ai tir. Shatters Ail Records. PALATINE. Orgaurd's. wilu 1hiosptal, F. A. (Gtliendge, Ongsand'. 'serlacea. Ala., pcla c a at guune lu EcrI 'st'stlbma, utEvansiton, yl MrndouIMl,. Jottlins<ttasd the Misses doctore Iocuene asesveecaes'io!piles. speud e 1ev wes'ks at hie <scles, J. a. Laratîu are eperu'ittg a rew laya vitit causlng 24 tomvons. Wbcu ail teiliet, sebierdings. Mr. Oraurd, uckien's Aricas Salve scontu reti rlii-. einà nfarmtia.conrdrs MisseItulula lîekman attcnded the Ausoog thîe Suiiîluy viittirs wevt'M 1 ,he Sitnslulmein.cnur *aches. kilim pains. Beet salve lu the pîenc ai et tienitele lu Arilgton Mibbard Ames, liate l'cyiot- and vorId, 25e ai F. B lovE.. Lierty- Belghts Sunday.9 James Van l'lew. ville, (*RÂYPLARE PT'îieMÀt' tir. and tire . JobnatOailWlso eatrtiued thiir daugitter Nelile, frous ilRiIL inute Wilmot vlalled eut 1h M. Vntem. licago roeeeay. Dri. Rassir anti famîlyf-trirtainrs is aeanlsse.trsînn.0 'O issPdon netic fnîcude Sunday.Mn M an itr r.Fakor lle miw ale etrtie Clar Seligla isiili uttli ilm tiissousri, viilted t Lake )liaifla4tI tioi- frieîsd Mise H"el iailuuer, of <'li- Sll t vstto u tîî iîî e vk. - Libertyville, rmecntiy. of ber cousin, Emmit "(<lia, l'hc dvelliig bouseecitishe Boyle liot o tie fimsi-aso bisviîîssîy The 11.v. LEdwin tteltuonotf Iligîs- sto'-i tare lînmed o the 0*grouind Tues- bavetLoi cats on and8holan. itrk. ilI preccit Iu tise l'resftIy. day morning ut e.o'clock. bavetOoi- cls ét ud suelul. teraIs huncb us-t Suntisy niglit tMr. and tirs. J. l. Sclertling en ter- Ut. aujdlira. . W. Petits are e-nte- taued relatives rtrmChicago, Evanu- teling M. Pailis,' eetier. tof Elgitn. frmJas"tttth 0Aýitsiiatlutilet 111ton and hPalatinie 'luesday, Aug. 510. i-. Md ise. Fred Parieuse, or chI iteamen15h tolt i5exctrsion tikets vl lilfas Eva Blggs, a1 tise giadmaies0 liaitan vét. e moid to Duluth. Sulieior sud Asiland fritPalatinue Rigilaction], lon ill& a 'a #7 utwek ss round trip. sgocd ti-mIni-c nutil 0-31.aîigtat414- 01- l0irh , 42' FUaI, NUm AigU 8- WWiz ns ovfr . IL & et P. trài. hlsqiuri, WOeDdea. u~V Mrf. and Mmre Louis 11elp aud daugis liallof Cieucgo, vere vlsillug 10i ltir relatives bers over Saturday 'I Snnday. Ont boîys veplt tsi Long Grove Bunday cplcayfbail viltisehLong Urové boys. 'bey wero boaton badiy, 10* score 0e- ng 32 ttt e iu favot of Long tiiove, but ir ittiy ise, 10*7 e an't do It again. IL Vociilker, of Atvot Ylev, o#'5 tirs oral rîmes liW pal month tooking i1 c lîicalîîp lu Uieury tllilieana ne, ibdvlsîti rca~li u itartinI acal- .ng faittoy. 'J'lie l'aIliganesarsiiSnday betvees se J en erso Grasys aind A mirîcana vam tain woit by tise Amuerreus, the score uaiug il ho I10. 'T'OcAmesi-bns ai- getting to I)e one of lise bcd sas li se couoity. Mauy (Chicago peuple vere ont bers over Sstiirday aud Suuday aujdaIl lhe oarditg lbouses vere f11usd. A good îaiîy lire tI îrued a<ay trous bei-eou rcotsnîtiof incnllhclenlt otel accommo ation.i Iutber good Ootel la sutel] netCl iiLake Zurich. Mail fI#Aaffl $c*e pleuttut nov-a .ayc. I Il ige go"astue outlook Ia Lake Z i ricO vili Os a raitoad centsr The electrie i-oad troua Elgin lisroug ici-e ttt 9'ancouda is a sure go, an' tai-tIrs i,(the Chicago rond are slow icry (îu4y gettilif aignature@ of th înîîîîerty ovuera on main aIréSl i beyt xfucdt ho mn 10dmi-oeil fi-c Oak 1 srk Io lPalatine, tiseuCe tO1 L Z i-sels apd Wpisconda auj au to Fo Lake. ltwouldbeffifrcS1boOnàtol.A Zurich to bave a direct i-ooe from ýC. f g o , a m i v e r y i lt i e i a i o u d d o utmfomt:tt that end. WAUCON LIA lira. Owen, of Chicago, ltalie gsuent T a D of lira. lMent. The Page lira. and lia inaek retnrned fi-cm Volo monday. Bev.and lira. Lapham retnrned tr<m thismr vacation Baturday. Arthsur and JaaIs S3éien are vimIý- lus relatives ai HamPailre. 'l lllw lira. apk&asd lirs. Tekampe ad t.> li)isrtvville cilidren, ot Waukegau, vete boe la6t v.ek. Evsrytlîiîîg Ite?. Pierce aud tamily, of Riock kilio, roail hi Faill, are spendiug the week at Jas 'hrisday evenlug a Yard Social was is-itrlri given for the beneilt of tIhe M E to otîr ('mit- Tisee ili lie a lawu social On Cý L pahy fo Prattîs lavu BtuTdaY y euugf0rt hie of railr-oiid f.e benefit of!SILO Balitial <tburcli. anîd stroîîgly A basket social vas glvenn o'the a crs-dit h<tl -Bis Four' club T nday evening at o e (leu. Ranri&'. Wosî Wire- lima.Katisiine itowson, usoîher oi chas. Bovaou andi formerty a reident W ofShi»1 viclily died At ber homne lu Lamai-, Kanma, We<bsesdaY. Dr. Berry vlio leavea Iis veek for Jaipan la a guest Aitishe parsonafa. or. Bierry gave a very iuterecting PAGE WOV -lecture ailihe lav e tesu<n H. Hantia' AUST -lavu Weduemdal eveninlg. ~ >Mno t liy1oy0v0enfourroee nisv. re Ln re le -a id Â0 le et. mi ie hi- . I A Nfeeoqny Pneoay1tlafl. Dl iI egieci eaooqd. ;b i. vorse titan tilîeaitant. Il eâ da4gotioge. JP nslng otic Munule Cougis Cu"s YOppp"B cure 5 i itonce. Alieys inqammagonU cleare tise isesel, ss94LeaSsuâ etreuigtb(iestble tîtuison ieibrane. Curesti)ugiàscroup trios- And Aunff troubles N.4bsGoloIG sae. *cta$i- metlieb-iy. (iuidren 12k 99- . V.B. Loy f.5L, Libertfflill*, RUSSELL. il. t.. williama la et pou du Ian 1015 week. ý tMNolIe Coiby is vîitlig rela- tives ait Wbeatnn. Mia, lluby Mollis fspou evéieI ldaya et Gurue la"i vOOI. Mies Nellie (Lodti-ey, of1(ir&Y§lakOla tOc guîait aofKts Farr. tii-e Ferr viattéil qt Roserana Tues- day cud Wédnosdmy. - A liftîs sou airivd t et Je boule of Mir. Nrison t asiunday. BleuiteQI~v~ isudNiue Edvard@ arc opend3ng &Wu ee etBt"~eMouf. A inimbe, fnoM bffl $gA»n4l1 ItO mnusral of hr. Aines £M fjiey on ou iasyd.UÈtue OM bMtus saIé iWailhteU aKyebovllhuour pd campa lu 01k al4a lh colentd 1.cmpaJn Os- lujecles morpOdent burte dOcbi ad bc illuf v orphe, tthae cOlu bail aetD toonful of Cbae ai'haCll, Choiera auj Dlnrhooailemedy, sud lu hait au boni- hé vae sleepingand »Coun recoveréd. F . L. W;LgiNti, litOsil Lakhe, Win. lii-. WiliIn la book-kcoper foi- tise 110.1 Lake Lumber Co. Foi- sais by F. . Lovard. Lîbortyvilîs-. Ult&vt- LAKE Pif Aauiecy. care@s ilvils taIaunliser 'litîre Iast vnek. ThOMU JM0 ClUre wlsbg1onis trous Chicago Saîni-de!, Fan-reh linon, vers buse trous the .dity over Suuday. A lai-go cr0,4 attended tise tienneet S". hall Frlday ulght. A content vili Os iseld Ktthue bal bore naît Friday nîglit. C. W. Chantdler bas purcliaset a ucaw etachet for bis lbresiig machine. hi-rs. Frics yl bulid a ucw haruono Ober tm 10replace the une recntnly burneel. Mira. Loi-a Woeo0f Chicago la vit- mng Mr. sud lira. John Flotoa and ti hter relatives. li-. and tirs. T. E. GrsJy of Chicago gseits sth. vik lIe frienda auj rela- 1tivea ibore. l ilas Floy Dixon entertatued 7yooog lady trienda frous Nevport Satortiay an u uiday. Woven Wire Fonce Coniny 0F NEW JERSEY. I pletri lie nw Ibîtîliî îîg froîn Lake, Blaff lewil a rs iii stpsrationi iin Jly. 1 etnin g thi- rmidiî-îsîff thie, ve-iy hemt vil ralsandi"id <es thié- niaîiag- 7r 777 .r',' - y fs-rciîg tlîe s mtir e U ni e Iiiglist grade bracs-il. Vo) thes 'I'Iw fcise extra lié-lthed, iI h B.irod(înc axly aiîedo Us- Pae Fs-îc- oîî1ad sy. )i ndt hePg ýrits- for Catalogue- 'EN WIRE FENCE CO., TIN CLEMENT, V. P., 0. 1. LUCE, LOCAL AGEP4 Uibmsy villa, 1IloIola. Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Builders' and Vehicles of Materials and, ail Kinds: ::;, Hardware::: Coal, Lime, We solicit your Cernent, Sait patronage and-as- and Feed. !sure satisfaction. WVRIGHT BROTHIERS ~he automobile ciott Saturdiy IW E SELL TtIlE,.-.-..m.- atîrsatoil cusiderable attention ODi tise lins lu this vicinlty. MN WARRENý. t vU Bu ,ge C4 ai- LeOajvie Ip lent lltânt et May McC lurein provng1frent B ur Ie tallufi et 14 r. W i;ao'p. Ftien trahu, of Waukegan, la viait- 1lng bar aunt, lirs. Anderson. - tmaa=onsd ayfrad pn The name guarantees the Thé Chicago Automobile Club peasd thiougitrstsoots aturday. A crovd frons tiore attended the services at Dr ueLakoeltsnnday. .qu lt .. hi-rs. ArIhur Adams la veril. n ...q alty. vas tahen 10 lyaukegan ta undergo an opeimîlon.________ h Needsa eTonloc. fTisore are urmes voeu yonr liver nees" a ioute. Don'$ give purgatives ta r sud veaken. DeWitt'i% i y BtleR is ier$ expel m&l poison Iram tieseussuo d àtut stoute te thc IItër.> W. Scott, 631 Highland ave. Ida,1 , y: ,o bve ca ieSchanck Bros. aV. LIborzyvlMurs wtv m B".ýkt= sui Irudnhb À !ni gu at Fr i ci VI li Dr Llbeu Dr barsi Libet Dr.( Libei -Dr. li. Butl' dars!%ro. Libei D. F Ph, Rock Gurr Dr. Homec For tOn, sud i Rock BE A OCHAN-C Wilii Ai Libeg PA Attor Liber Libei WR' kL cet IINDI 'rhe average tempeTRture fer the Y

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