Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 Aug 1902, p. 1

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'NTYý INDEPENDENT Vol. X-No. 45. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, August 15, 1902. $1.50 a Year in Advance. AVINI, purchasel 1t1e lsllotlng buiness receutly condncted 117 Wm. Stevenson, 17 h ave moved 017 esabishment 10 1the store before occupied by Mr. Oteveeson, wbere 1 abailibe pieaped 1u meel a&l my old cuet0mers sud W greet cev Oues. WiI11 beller tacilitlea I @hal esled go lune out th1 very bet o0 vor l udathe rîgbt prîces FRED The old sta LIBEF SCROKEI :ad, RTYVILLE. Il Dr. J. L. TAYLOR, Office over Trlggs & Taylor's. wOUIf-7 10 in î. m. 2 10 4i504ft. tomà v. m. Libertyville - Illinois. Dr. E. H. SMIT1H, DENT IST. Office over Lake Cou nty Bank Sean. i mti, 1,i a . . i!1 t ,p. in, DAILY, Libertyville - Illinois. Dr. C. fi. GALLOWAY Office over Lovella Druu Store. Libervyville -Illinois. *Dr. A. J. NICHOLS, of Cieicaco.hue openad a DENTAL OFFICE la uti.r Ita..ov-rSIiLl & Ihol. P'rr" 1i. 1.. rua ni f.1'l IjtIiny.,,W 1-, Libertyville - Illinois. D. R. GROVER, M. D. Physician and Surgoon. Rockefeller - Illinois. Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG, Essidnom opposi, li.ol Bila R, Tailor.' Kaiser Block. ILLINOIS.j - - _____ -~-.--- I GRAND DANCE * AT .... IIERTEL'S PARK PAVILlON, Saturday Evening, AUGUST 16, 1902. Music 117 Professer smithma ChicagoOrchestre. DONT FOI!GET THE DATEL Every accommodation JIirH.t î'ass time aii4red ail wiîo attend. mmmmm mumm mi, Gurne - IIinOl 1arn prepared ta doi Dr. 0. M. GROVER, Homeopatina Physician and Soni<eon. Suu.eiai ail l..,v, ti iI t' For tht..m Yesrm i'ioi.oà Jt,il- ,lIltil and 21 tli..iityii r iIe,,, Rokefeiler ilinclis.! plastering in central and western Lake County on short .....notice ... Iguarantee my work. BENJ. H. MILLER,1 ATTORNEY AT LAW. iLet me estimate your OCHSNCS UA.CS Ç TELIPHON& P40 26 4.~wr Wili Attend t1 usinesp In) Chicai.o Libertyville - Illinois. MY PRICES ARE RIGI4T. PAUL MacGUFFIN, ... . Attorney and Cosnseian aI Law. References Iurnlahed fronu promineul NOTARV PUBLIC. parties ln LibertyviUe sand Office ovar Lake Co. Bank. 0111r section» where Libertyville I llinois. i have doue work. MISS FLORA COLBY PI4OTOGRAPH'ER. STUDIO IN *ULKLEY *L'K Libertyville - Illinois. Lake Çio. Bai WRIGHT DYMOND & CO., Libertyville,Ililinois. Issueis luterest Iearing (jertifi- ostos Payabile on Demaed. Indlvidual rosponsibility, $100,000. aitrîagos furnlshed on ordor Lady assistant if desired. EDW, F. STUENKEL, SFumerai Director. t - -IliInois. HIUGO PEGELOW, Prairie View . Illinois, STEAM LAUNORY. Ali Work Neatly and Promytly Done BOND BROTHERS. Liberty ville- Illinois. F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite MONUMENTS CRUETERY WORK OF DESCRIPTION. ~,las GenesS etN. BLOW TO FOX LAKE ELECTRIC. 1 DEMOCRATS IN A DEADLOCK. Waukegan Councîl Refusen 10 Meet ifeqoired Con- dition@. 'ibe propomed elecîrle road f rom Wankegac go Foi Lake, 1the construe- lion of vblcb depeeded upofi favorable motion f1the Waukegae counecl re- lative 10 graeling th1e electrle ligbl company 0f gibal 0117 a nov sîreet iighllng franchise, reeelved a serlous blov, vbeu 5 ethir mesling Monday nigh 1the council falled 1o paus the ordinauce vhich providea for 111e ligblieg concs nzenlioned. A large erovd vai preeeut 51 1the meeting snd seelimenl vas beartly lu favor of grantlng 1the llght contract sed %busmnne 1the eiectuic roud, and Ihir dlsgust wvasevidient vheu 1t1e ouecil by a margin of one vote faled tu pou t1he messere. )Ijr 1 0 le. C*.« ge. ge-qE 4@W Fall to NomnlaSte iiHIarvard ConventIin- M illi try Agail. 'à ticdemocrata f£MWd b nominale a candidate for mlnofft7 rrî.resentatlve at th1e convention h*t u iHarvard for tbat purpose T11ufli5 of laitveek. One hunifred ballo tWr,' mieu and th1e lent sud ireit e Idrî,tî,ai, as lu WCt Worm easth oS Oh. I.auiredcust, tinte in110w it aSiod: Peter hMeermoil, 01 lake.... 22 votes Edmond Deamoud.Otliclirutry 21 votes C. V. O.'Connor, otS Aoone.... 7 votes Il oeemed a& Iha grsitChat Lake and booI.e would gsi 1.gethor. T11e lemporary organiatlion wa..erfected villa L. Il. Wiioxz.Of Moo'..., nlairmau and Uieo. Lynch, oSid Ake, aecretary. Theon oth1e perMàlaMt .rgauiaation Lake and 1100e. VoSd togetber, th1e latter evon votleg 80 five Lake both chalrmna ansd aStotary, tîbereby lelting ont tbeir ove man. M. H. llussey vam chffsuad Ueo. Lynch regained as palumnlt ..erolary. 'I'bnsil vawu n"to lueve Ibal alter a few ballolla Bo.,î,e wouliî go uver to Lake. Betl 501e, W !th a dogged pSwblseucy delegates froia escb conaty stouil by their res4pectIve canddt« e, oefl ot belng a deviallon on a single.billot, It vas a monotoluiIi, gond flatured coutest. ïveryliug went o019slioottiy, 110 111 feeling belug manti at aey lime. Flualiy McLI.nry joifled Lake iu a vole t0 adJocru 1gonvet iurmday, Auguatl 141, aI à o cioci. lu 1the Sherman Bouse, Oiticag,,. lu the lnterlm il labeiievec malters viii be 'lled, 1111 HomeVoting with une 01 the otber coctllSIf l i probabillly, bul wblcb one, eveu the vime democriats cnnol Say. Asm111e second Oolyentiot 15is l session ai lime of gateg lu press we are neabie t10 publiah Isauitm Ibis veek. MIS5 BODY WASCIJT IN IWO. Section Hend naI aerlleld Ter. ),by mt81Bo by Fast A au lo hsad vuas Jerry panions vas and Evereli Tunday. Other membera of th1e section gang bad atepped f rote tbe Irsel on vhlcb lbey veto vorklng 10 oce aide, and as1the faut train came nearer nmre one calied 10 Murpby 10 "ýgel Cil 1the track." lie vas valkiog ou th1e liesjiit ontside the rail.Hev lurned and vas lin1the sol of jumping ont o!f1the way vhepn 1te pilot twam of th1e engine bit1 lm c.îuarely in 1the back, cowplelely set, ring his. body just about 1the middle. (Jompaulous plcked up 1the remaiii. and to 111cm go Deerleid, vhere Coroner iTaylor beld an luquesl. Murphy vas lunovi. 10his fellow isorkmen oely iu a camual vay, and Il vas Impossible tb determîne If 11e bad auy relatives. le was about 641 years of age. "lie railrcad vouepauy pald expeume of liitermnt FILES SCIIEDULE 0F $412,885. Lake County Gains Wbal Cook Loaes. Laot veel John Alexander Dowie was victorloue belore1the Cok Cotiiuly Board of Revlev ln an effortI tubave hlm assemenla of laies rediiced a cou- mlderable amount, fi bing ahowu Ibat 1the removal of bis aait. and eftiehi 1 'Liake Cony was ai a date auflcieutly early Ibal 1the Cook C..uty aseameut vould nul bold. Bis personal assema- ment of $5004,000l, and .1 $187,985 ou bis Michigan avenue holdings yull buceul down tully $551i.a very con- siderable savlug. Mr. Dovie lied a hcIelidle lu Lake Counly whevhmcbbasben scepled and shows thbe lollovlng aemsesnt: Zion Land sud luveemeuit As- sociation .... .....$91,280 Ziou Lace IndustrIe' 'Hi.... (;4501 Zion Ci1y Power, liuuî1blug Lig11ing sud Heaitig Asso. ciation ... . - , . ... mion lily Phéiaulg iii 2,71i Zion City Lixmebel-~,ît0u ,) Mlon i iy13' liurali r 3,3,8M0e Zi40 i cy Coau 11i 4) i>np'i. M2) Xili ity Fremh ooi~ i7 2i, /.ioo 017CityBicki 'i di...... 5,5:11 ziou City Wagon A 1 irk sop 1 7o Zion City ilaul.............. 14 9, 1'35 Ziou Citîy Livery ..............;( J ohno Al6exuder 1>, ai. . .14,07(1 'l'bus Lake coun lv gains a very sublaulial addition to lta laxalle properly, wbich Cool loses. BARNIS SUCCRECS PACKARD. The seperation of Samnuel Packard from th1e Zion Ctt enterpriae lu a lople of conversation lu Dovle's cit. Mr. Packardma siiceNsor lm Jndge V. V. August Bargain Budget We are nsing herolc meaubrea go free ou t stoa rom --carry over" summer merchandime. Meriioeloua and destrable gooda that ver. 1the laient;eammefads aIl goiug nov at prices eut 10 1the lovesi eolch. READ EVERY ITEM. COME AND UE. Woman'à White Shirt Walos -6Il11 he 2.50, $1.79 and 51.28 klnd for ...........................................................I...10 Woman's Cahered Shirt W#sts--ali at $1.00 or above.......... le Womnan'à 23c pink, bloc snd lavander Vot-fasiclra.......9 Womnans 23c white kace llolry-All aises................... Children's 23C white lace Stockiugs--alzes 5 10 if........... flensa fancy colored 23c Black Cat Hose-pet pair........ ........ lic Woman'a black Rnfs-from $3.75 10 $1.00, ai1 rednced in price. Shoe Bargim-alal brokren lices and cdd suzes rsduced la price. Prices Redued-u meus gray nanvi absoea snd oxforle. Agil bumar Wssh <looda al ccou% t1hthe i 0 f price. Iedgmeel. New Stock of Womnan's Muelin Underwsar. iust reoved. Telephone No. 109. Vskegaa. DL FLY IM 1 have the Iargest and most varled Uine of fly nets and lap robes In this section of the county, and arn selling them at speclally Iow prices. WILL RUN CARS FOR FAIR. l'resideiut Frost Promises tu Carry Paniqengera tiret of Neal Moelh. lieplingtoa aletter froua Prealdent Miller, of the Lake County Agricullural Society, relative 10 furniableg trana. portatiln ln lime for 1the comlng fait Presideut Frost of 1the electrie road w rote Chicago, Augusî 11, 19012. W. E. MILLER, Pnes. Lake Co. Fair Asnan. DFAIC Sin: As 700 knovw 1t1e veather durluf th1e pi;t Io mouthebu aigrestly delayed th1e construction of oun rosd and vltbout a berolc effort, aud 1the expenditure nf extra money, il vîlI 1e impossible te place th1e road le operation le lime for your annel fair nexl moulh. tbnt 1 vîlI do Ibis, barriug unforeseen accidenta or de- laye, ou one condItIon-ltai la, liai you viii properly adventiie 1the Lake Conuly lair and the opeung of oer road t0 Lîbertyville lna &U1the 10vns along th1e north shore frore Evanston, go Waukegan, sud vherever yon pro- pose adverllieg. By Ibis I mean 1the postllg of attractive postera sud cevi- paper advertlslng. A. C. FROST, Prealdent. Th1e fain dîrectors axe advertislug t11e fait goeronaly and have advlaed Mr. Front of Iheir Intention go comply vlîhbbig request *long that liue. 01f course It wviii 1e Impossible 10 operate1the ars b! eloociety by Ibat lime, but the epaey bave a couple of mmall locomotives and:oeof thee viii 1e uned forth11e perpome. StenrnesBellae1the Sun. Alderman 1Frank Fovier, of Chilcago, bas purtbasd of A. K. Stenra, 111e Waulegan datly aud veelly Su,. tahlug possession Tueaday. Mr. Povler oves 700 acres of lied ie th1e viclulty of Lake Ville, Fonrlb Lake sud Sand Lake, vbere hieenmer home Is located. "ie heBale 0f 1the coi s surprise tu Waukeffn people, se il hmi been predlceted for mocîba ihat Mr. Siestes vould dispose of hIs property. He st111 retélns s flont and feed journal vhicb 11e bai pnblihed for some lime and vill continue ite publication. Be vîll IBlOopen a lav orne.s lu Wanle- fan. Pollîlcians âgeele Mr. Blerna re. tlremel, 111.abandoumani et bis Ides for th1e Leglalalure lima fail. D)ouble Headers Couinât. Hiead Consul Northeott of 1t1e order of Modern Woodmec, vbo la leadief 1the tlgbt for increased rates, bai served notice on 1the memberm thal1the average of11ehe moberablp la Iccreais- ing bu fast tuâtl "double lheadet' as- sessmuus are luevilable in a short time. 'l'le order aeema 10 bave tescehed 1the lîmit 01 grovîla, Ihere belng a falling off uf 26,000 n ev membets lail year, ahile 111e agitationi over 111e Iccreased rages vîll probabiy cause a furtber de. creuse Ibis Jear. Th1e olicers are luinigl Up bill worl. 111e prospect 0t lucreased rates eutI beiug popular. Attorney C. T. Ueydeclur, of Waukegau. and J. 0. Johnson, goeeal attorney Ior 1the order, candiîdates fur bond consul tu 8ucoeed Mr. Northouîî are making thler campaiguis on a platiotm of opposition 10 1the lucrease. A stagneet la goieg 111e rounds of 1the preou Ibat W. A. NortïbeotI 1bai notiled the tiiad campof ulModern Woodmen tItbct 1e lîl cot accept auother nomination for 1the offce of hieud consul urth11e order. lits present terma expire@.tulu.nue, 1903, and ai th1e badI camup meeting vhicbà thon con veues 111e relus sail 11e passed over to anoîber man. Thîs declsion oun1the part of Mr, Northcot ie colaccordlng t0 t11e general expectallon of 1t1e meuibers of 1t1e urder le Ibis vicinliy, as bis determiued front lu 111e premeel resdj uniment of tages agiation In the order, seeim 10 present il »ansIsue witb Nortbcetî ls ochief supporter. ibhe bolce of a successorte1 Noth1- colt ail l lely bu a litely batllsasd at jitesent Mr. lieydecker'a chances are fiattering. lie bas alvays been oppomed 10 every allempt t0 feint upon th1e otder auy suore ike the one nov peudiug ahile Mr. Johnson buas i various times publlcly expresed bite- self lu favor of @orne 1115 arrangement lun111e teadjustmeclof aItes. JumI ai tibm lime vise 'one& lu 1the ordet are iîiggiug nP Jobusoius old speeches and are lîurliig bock aI hlm 1the Ibundet- t,oits of his former samples of elu.iueuce, ail of vIilch tonIs lu give Mr, lieydecker a Iead tus the race for head consul. Fair l>rectora Meet. Directors of 1the fairssaociation met Wednieaday sud selected avardlug noiumitieemselndJudges for 1the several departmeuls. Tbey also arranged for necessary lmprovemeeta 10111e dinlIng Chave pw&nary neS eLiq Dudmt............ A good hp robe her......................... 135 36 Stable Fly She">,ot ilHkinds.,and,-sImats, speclally low prices. 1Li be rtyvi lie C. H. KAISER, - - - - illInois. Tbis meaus " th11e proposition te beiid su eleetrie rond 10 1the lae region by tue prenntpromotera vill bce dropped. aIleat for lte prenant, sud thora la a feeling ofllesu dlsap- pointaient.oul lun11e country as veil un lu Wanlegau, lu consequence. ÀNOTiiRB COMP'ANY WANTS FitÂNiJiIiE. E. W. Stees and W. T. Arhur, pro- moterm 0f 1the lecîrie rond more Elgin go Wacconds vero spectalors ai 1the concîl meeting and afterwarde gaad l la t11elt Intention go10 ailafranchise v1111 s viev,10 building àalno e 1011e western laie reglon. Their original plienaswu econneetElIgin and Wsn- kegan. lu vlev of tbe Foi bL"e en- Serp rise matenIlicie, hovever, they gave up the original plie snd are nov go bild fron Elgin 10 Wauconda sud there cocceet viIb 111e Lake BIuff. Lihertyviile sud Waucoudu liue, nov, builing. From Wsucouda they aleu proposed 10 bulîl 10 Fox LaIe, and Inter 10 lAke (leneva. The rigbt-of. vsy betveen Wauconduanad ilarriugton la ail parcsed aud franchises granted. Accordilef 10 contract the LinoemueIt1be operating by Novereber 15911. Nov tibey propose t10imealso a franchise Intu Waelegau and beild s oonnsctieg ltbeswveen Foi Lake and tiMaieity, liaitla U th1e lpresent promoters of! mchiiasrosdI li i 10do buainesin théam teinte. plana, sue», adparlioseor 1the le. ierealional lruvester Company vere made puble Wodusesday aud include 1the Immediale absorption of five of 11e larges% batvestlng machine and agriculgaral implemenl manufacîuriug concerna lu 111e coutry, Iucludlug 1the lv.. great euterprlses lu Chicago. Wheru 1he uMarger of Ibese liuge msnuuaclcrlng plants lsa cmpleted il is &Dtlipgled Ibal 1the COn.binallon2 viii ruecb out alter 1the amaller cou- cerna and ultimaltely lnvade Canada. '1'he beadqnarters of t11e combiued Company viii 1be lu Chicago. As aunocnced vtb 1t1e tding nof1the articles uf Incorporation alI"treuton, N. J., on Tueéday, 111e capitalizatiou la $I21J,UM4),00 common stock lu ahanes o! $100 esch. 'lho Compauy ln said10 1e capitalized upon an ezceptlonally con. mervalive bais. 0f Il assela $80,OOlî,0oEN are lu cash vorking capital. 'i'lie Company viii reqilre no fnnancing aud Ibere vili 1be no effet uf fil stock tu th1e publie, al1the casb requlred havluig been provided by ila stock. bolders. 'l'lie International Company 18 a mergen of 1the fllowiug sgricultural Implemeul compsale.. MeCrmiel ilarvestiug Machine Company. Deeriug Harvester Company. Piano Manufacturlug compaey. Wardeu, Buablueli J. (liessler Coin- Pauy Champion1., Milwaukee llanvesliuag Company. 'l'ho ullicers of 1t1e Company are: PrenIdeul-Cyrus 1H. MeCormick. ~Cbalrmau of execulîve commItee- Chales De.riug. Cbirman of Finance cummiltee- George W. Perhins. Vice Preaidens-Iiareld F. Mec. Cormick, James Meeting, WiliaJm B. Joues and John J. ilesuet. Secrelary aud 'lreasrer- ltie bard F. Liave. FAII-iER<1<TRU ST i0RNIEt) Fromt Sionth Dakota cames informia. isîlun fibath11e Farmers' National Cîîoperatis'e iellange Compaunyflas ltied arttlooe.t Inucorporaion, wlth a empirali 5l,44944,vi 1tuieesecrtatry of that .ite. 'i 1e purposeta ofth1e corporation ste t0 boy, sdIl sud deal lu grain, provi- sIono, lire stock. asud aI lutds of pi oduce, on commission sud otbenwlso sud fur ibs$ perpose bulî sud e.lifp grain eletatorm, varehouse.. cold storage planta, sloekyatrds, sud vbat- ever msy 1bec ecessary 10 carry oun1t1e business of th1e corporation. Oce-fonrti of theepitlistock vîlI hae ue for building the elevators, yards, branch offies, etc., sud another focth viii 1e made a cash tund for th1e parpose of dealleg laeuham grain sud provision% on t11e board of tirade. The remaiming bal! of the capital stock vîli b. Iloft virtnally vlth11e larmers le varIons banIs vhoeoth1e m&cey bai beau raie, 10 enable Ibe te 10carry thelr crups for a more favorable market. This vîll give 1the fermera $50,000,000 back of-4beir inieresta 10 belp them a l secoruf betr priesa for tbeir pro- diae.. The sboek hbOck viil 1e opMtoc bmu »aO bo O t Oy staes. 1M. ~agsOoea». afflonaWwtot, Easy 13001555 ft~ I that you need a lot .es to be eool during ir, September 2 to 5 sans of t.elling you J ve, and_ a good many f yon don't 2Oth Century Cash Storet L. W. MRKltIRSY. Pr4qi4- 0 6 You are probably aware of nice -liiîeîîs anîd accemsorit the Great Lakei County Fai inliive. We take this me whatever von want we bav, things you tîîght to waut If Bliiff Jîîly. o il r grade ,roulnd wiII be Page 11< To Mak Room 1 wîil dispose of my stockq ot buggies, surreys, road wagons, etc., at a veryq close margin. I do Dotq want to carry them over,q * . in faet must utilize the space they occupy for stoves and winter goods now arrivlng. Buy Now and Save Moncy. If you have cash to offer you secure a buggy rightq now at a lower figure thienq you wiIl again be able to.q H. B. EIER, * Libertyville - - Illinois. Colored Mcmli Neb s........................*S 75 - ' »with imw rows of tsel ..... 10 Shoe Sting Nets, 50Imh............1 00 Roun Lether Duy Nets L. ......... .. 1 76 Scrin> FIy Nets, per pai ............ 100 Heavy Cord TesteNet&, per p3l 00@ Celebrated Vagrier neb .................... 375 --LAP ROBES-- i 1 it 1 ri

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