Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 Aug 1902, p. 7

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30 thea anecdote coaeaunnathe tats *Peil! Letr Fprd shows bettsff bt -"Iat courtesy end self-possWslOB , 1b the folowlug. . Zt VEs at a lterary reception lu »Mloiyn. A nunber of "lions" oti Sftatet or lefs magnitude were thert. *Bng them a clergyman whoae nmre Wbat atrogalit manuer made bli nan- dtaY eou.pieuous. As lie came forwaird, blinking ear- Sigbtediy. to greet bis hotes, be no- tlced ashort, liglt figure standing : Lk bide. Witbout lookIng,. more closely at tbis second persop, wboru be supposed 10 bé oneS of the boys of the nelgbborhood, the elergyman slapped hlm famillariy oln the sijoulder saylng: "Weii,nd bow are you, my littîs mn?" "V'pry weii. flank you," replied tbe ether, poltely. amld a genérat gasp tram thosee rounid them. *FiNi. lad! Who l e?" querled the ergMyman. turning t0 bis hotesa. *"Itlal Mr. Paul Leicester Ford, the guest of borior tbis eveiilîîg," the enswered. Ulia a Good Narns Doea. Chicago. Ill., Aug. Ilîh-Mr. Valu berg. of 222 ltoutb Peorla Mt., thils cty, ba for yena been au lnvalid wtb lver cormlalut snd kldney trouble wblcli was fiant lastening him to the grave. The doctors gave hlm up and i friendisud neiglubors ail declared hé coutl not lite, WH[RE A GREAT MOCK WAR WILL ISE FOIJGHT. I 0010VM b HEmont Important sruîy snd ua'.i ruaneuiers ever p&jticlpated in iy lthe figting forces of the United States wlll take place »Ou, wheu the ~navy will try to "capture" fortifications sud tawnms IMn the nortit At- lndec seshoard by effectlng a andng wttout being dlscovert.Ttsma represeuted ln ibe torte, aud a part of the nsvy will try $o eut the cap. ture. It in flot known what chips wll taire psrt, where tbey Wl! corne from, 3^»Yam eor when tbey will sppesr. Every effort sa being made tu ksg the moveiseuts RANOMot the opposing forces froni c other. ln order tbsIt the test Ual be of value i n determiniria the question sougît to bce auswered-nsmeiy, wb*heri hostile fieet eau surprise and take s fort or town on the United ttn coaot. It la possible thst s of the Buropean sqoadron vl! cross Use eces», iesvlng the other aide eretly, to partîcîpate in the sltack lu addldoa ta the north Atatc aquadron. Hluge eletrie s«erclights willi ad the §hors forces ta "r tcwsteb. and wlrelest telegraçibY will lie given a tborougb test on water snd land. STREET REFUSE 0F PARIS, Vont it. Collectei snd 1DlSpostd 0i in the PreUc, Capital. The probbtem of the disposâi of a stys refuse bas never yet been sat- istactoily soived. It bad ben sup- Pl posed thut tîhe systentInl vogue lu Pari. Was as uearly perfect as &DY that could be deviseti. butIthe oMfcWi§isOf that irnuilpality are nul aatiafied wlth resu ils The prefect of the Seine lias subit ted tu the Mluniclipal Council a new sud ýùntireiinsit e eclenie wltb re, opect lo the ilîsiiosal of housebold re- fuse. Since Ni. Poubelle. luventor of a dnistbîîî learing is usine, reorgailizeii tht collection of refuse froin tbe hou-s of thie capital wben lie was ait the çre recture there bas becs little 10 coin- plain of respecttug that part of the malter. The great question in Paris uow l19s bat la to be doue witb 1the e fuse wheu collecteti, especlally m'lien t reqîjîres au outlay ut about 3,i0(.000J rai c, fi v c fi%,e roýtj. refu tlx éUi1) SVI ro rond trai 11wn th Hia brother came tramt Minneapolis tr ln see hum before le dled and lu- AMERICAS DRINK BILL. MISS NJLSON, WHtO Us - CMURCH FOR WORKINGMEN. b quIrei if le baid trled Dod'éKldney TO WEI) ÀVANDRBtLr. Labo, Unions la thdsa on r Pilus. ILkor Prodlict of th. Countr la «ai. onAt' Ou belugt bld that Ibis remedy bai î19S valsai et 0340,615,460. Organltun Ont. e not been used lie sent out at once and For tht, tratt Ime thetens,ofFe tas Tht movensent reMsthY Isaugirtti bouglitî a box, feeling satsfilc front noada the manuftacture ot sicoholic liquOrs Marion, lad., for ths establiahmecnt of a5( wbat bclie w of Doua Kilney PfllsI the onbject af special lnquîry. and the cluret by tte orgaglati laborers of the f sud thie noblie rork llicy hblie» ndo- repcrt conlains saime Intercaîlua tacts and ctty lhas nom progvsead so tac lIaIttre lug lu tiiinieiîta. flaIîluey moU[d bae Sstistigcaucecaîfle tat ludustry neYer actifs o le no doubt butit s il l e car- lig trot liarnIte. before prescîîtcd. it .-unraces ine, malt ricdinto succesatul axecuoa, foc thetP Thle OrsI 1w-o dajatIr. Vshlberg aud spirîttions liiuoi nsd llndan the total forty-eiglit unions bave aken ap thetI seenî)ed to gros shîrse. but ater that cosumption ln the Unied Stats in question, and there la said ta b. sade- b. gradhiaiiy improvei under tbe treat- î ear, ta bave been 1,325,-- cided prtpo»dcraace of fsvîtiMntu l a meuh andl mas s.oo restorti ta rom 838.09 galloîns, or 173 gallons Per caPita . cr of IL. plehe gniod heiulîliof ttc population. Of Ibis 1,198.0r,104 Tht men who are ltercsting theol- gallons wr-r malt liiiihrs, 103.3W0,423 selves lu tht movemien arc mrembers et urniioubiedly the case. dllieliqisori sud 2.f.1!i, ines, 1 differeut d&nomnations, sudit mss esrIY it .a. 11:30 p. m.up te drt ln the Tt otais show aise, 231ý51 establishment»s .settidtht ttheoser chut-eh should blis shîrl)le sîclthttcYouth feut calîcdul iiîi-a tl su output of $500 vaiue or more fori unienominatiouai snd ttc prelehing tr Msy sîornthing. the jear; a capital of S4W,6l74,087 em- abouili e &long thselines that would ta- liant tiih Luo,' te rmarktd, "Ipiayed, whcl represcuts thtevlue of cher doctrine entrelynoSa t cas it relatesn eotili ait lis yoar sIt eforever." lad. buildings. aachinerY. bolssu5d lu»- to tht dogmuas fflwhic e îechurchlà la Do .t eed hedAc l nth e md Bta? not stade. Prsbt sIlbU* MSore b tl. L o-h *~ts" ssswerd îe der gil luthtplements and the lite capital utilisabtuoriied. Ibut!tcoc eopn1 es. suplreiug à awparu"and 15ntt- dota not induit thtespital stock Of aujBpitPebtku ehdns u preseal wmning It looks as tbaugh oua o! the manufacturing corporations. Tht- therans and ail otbeglîgiosists, na mat-b Intendeil o. Cfhîcaza N ws. value o! the producta in returned t $ W - er mIat their b@Iefài, bat iinla eces- 41.46,toproduce wtlct luvoletien Wry tateor anSailber mant a fmm Do Tour Fet Ache ad Durn? *utlsy ot $i4,301,M44 for salaries of ffi- bro raie a«o fàfml Stake intojour store Ales.Floot- cais, cdents. etc.; $23005.484 for vagea; misose head la coneteil wtl %#me r Easu, a powder forthîe fret. It Oak" S8.0976fo selapsexng.1ui. tîgît or New Slues frtdEais .Cares@ 180076tcmselnastpueuin Crus. uions. Swoilcn, HLah .ud lucîding ent, taxes. internali revenue. James E. Myers, ont tof the Montà ftshting Feel. Ah ai] Dragrîsîs and etc.. uni $70.512.042 tor uaterials used, - wwpromineut union M« lauMerin, lsahtthet fIlme Stive%. 2:)r- Sanspie sent FRiEIG. miii supplies. treightlsud fuel. It le nat besi of the moyent s ad thon detinest Addresa Alcu S. lImat-i. ýt.ty. S. .ta e b.siioeil. bowt-ver. that tle dît îlhe objecta of ths proposci laborlngc laenece Icha ciii tht aggircgate o! tbee MSuc IS' N L AD"L. me'o.churet: "Wbat the laboring men Evena a BokwsmssWITT Tuen, sumo andte saluterot ttc producta ls ii r iiSNÂN .vàIo5t f tIiscountry uee&d. udrth t e bhope "Mrirumsiîkis anc of the t utr-If auj senne indicatite of the profits lu the Ttc forari a nouncemenh ofte en- ta bave îthin aat wmouthe,.laa achuirdl eseificung mn i kui- of." saî iti-u manutacture of tir prouidutring ttc gagemsent o!fiss Kaîhleeu Niison andi ected snd supported entircly by aies Cayenne- ceusus year. 'Teceî-a-aaa ctedule takes ltinald Vanderbit las becu maie. Ar- wto tar their bread ln tle smest of **Ti, mhst *sY?' no cacaizanie of ttc rush af selliig mnu cordiug hothic matrons ot sociehy bhe is their faces. The tins tas cone men lie tee i taýncesofut -lsihi ti t. utacturei articles. o'.ot intcresi on cap- the faireat of sil the tair wmrn» ho w-e feci ttt we are mot melcomin uthe terly ieutoratizeidin order hanail Oit Ital ilusctti. or of thue mercantile lases lave manriî-d lts the Vauderbilt fsmily. big cdurcIes, no maftie, of tat denomi wbat boos le ougattul prevet allier I ncurrt lu thIe buaiai'u, or of depreela- people trams reading"-WVssliniatt Star. lia» lu plaut. Ttc value of tht product iai glula te v alie obtaluci or tixe LDE ITYIN $IWA. Plotieai l7p. et tht shop or fatony. Ruli-Wen jas glus 1ter gt at 5ti Tht, total value o! the- produrt is made sprlng plombn'? u@p t $6,.547310 sutie,. $96798.443 dis- Josh-l dont caciat t. do non,. Ufle Tilquons sud 275i.1 malt liq- Rabs-Ton don'h, by?so. JosI Wo't lave ter. s'lortIn 5 'a1Te production of malt lîquors lu tht- lot of amateur gltcri ter suts yfileds TUitd States ba iîîcrew-îlin the- Inuat fer praeti*ii-s-tc er1Pbyarv extraordinary minaer doinne: tte last PisasCuirefîr Ciosuiptiaupromp lhitcantîry. cosing svih 1155hettcnain reie,,-, ttîyit- r 5">ear Pon ssronI ber o af stilîsmîuîto liiil,gifine-casci c ll itl ,Y er-e.ld lI1îng ram 41 ta I si. i. aîrl froi0 $1,072.-08li surett. lniol>. - t. 2 91 ta o ag.ii i5. ,orcan- troin2.47 to 3.%32, rsgestrîrun $5G41414to $ Tte Island out ttalaiii. the great pt-soi 826211 and value if prouot train $5. eaoaOjo!fInoi.s slai ls-tiddforetsoft7286W ta 272.1 or sud pisse The àgrcatesl jontI;. u%%oil rinc tht- firsu Sen ycnris otte ipi -i-r1 î furon.tram 150 aIffas. .a. ai, nds a ..i a- 1-c>11).t W bn-Ite i rrîu-nan 272 pet- a.u'ijqasasss p.r cent. n ni t S pi- cc,,i trio 1980) o 1>415> t dirai iii lpi-r i-nt.aî 1R I . Es 'IILNNELLLI ranu t tio '14_>i por cw.O-r7. Wu $tk Eight Years wth Female Trouble and Finatly Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. ".Dzà,a î iKA have nents-lu my life gîscu a testimiali5 before, but you bave doue so, mach for me that i teed caîci upon tui gise jou tiIa usolicilci sckuomledgemettals y*-ItF'fiivý-- - MR& JL'OXIE E 'DOSNZLL. r»"» se 5fOakland Wasaa'a idlsg lub. the woasderftil curative valuentf Lydia IL.]Pinkhamtis Vegetable Com- pound. For eight y-caia 1 t ad temale trouble, falliug o! thb. mub and aller complications. During that tune I was more or leas o! au n vaid sud not Mmc Egood for anything, until one day I tnad a book in My hait tefllag t liscrsyou coud perfors. I becawm -rsI bought a lotte o Ljdia @und sud v e le;I1 continuditla "d aiiln smenalmontha vas eooed, and = thatnkie 1bave lad perfect thitak, er Mrm Plnkbsm y&54 or thl, beat1 Inov aay" 19. OamDDosNEsLL, 276 Rail $Jmt et,, Chicago, Ill. - $00Qfsfm ah-~ s -Wonei n sftertmg faon» any fm eof femausu Us ea b. cured elCompounfd. That'slsurs Mas. Plîalch unil advlses sîck wo- mes froc- A<bIrcs.Lynn, Mas. ÇOmio stmopçed C. C. C. Nete e intehu.L Bowsceof h deahce 't-ho tries ta4;r asntthigg lut as ood.'___ SWAMI VîVEKANANDA IS OEAD. Aiviren tri-ai lsliiha auluiruacithi- drathit a niti-t-ry feur tcre rf Sw uîýii i tuiirî.hIe hindou inuï, and pîosiilc, -iilt-o le hoi-cif ItilaNew t runts eclsie uity 'ivttanriIdas oiginal hiîisri, i n thin coiîtry sas as a dcilî-it irtle pauii mnl t f -ig t theliii 'u'u uucFair. 1Il cemnaiscîjlorng aftîcutht- far utai 5cr in reauranse tii invitattns lutpraînrnnt mcîîîbcra o! lie "Ilihir tiiiî l ou mient in iis iiiitu h, isar.greitl impresaci by his ciîi u Thîs ai) clehy toot tîn op asoao tad sotdilion fred lins. HIs profis-rd covprtsina Iis cautry mere ntiieruiils.i-aeciia'i aîiongthi- SWAMI VIVEKAOtAIDA. women, One of tht moost prominent ras Muas Zimmerman of C CinnoatI, wîo af- terWrribeCaue thIe Young liuche3s a! Mtancheter. Unden is aivice and guidanuce Minet. Cslve undertoat a pilgrniuage ta Indua in 1900 for the sake of ber telt. BIG SUM TO IMPROVE RIVER. $4.3.57'26093Since 5Wt9, Tht- tlissiaoiptýiirivet-r omunsun. hiv- lut sincharge lii- aork ot uuu-î iii of tte river froiiOth1e nouiht uittiic Ohio ta, ttheheai o! thie 1a"es, hns auiîstitn-r ts, anuiol repurtto utht- chic-f uit cgi- nc-rs . The tinnntes for t;., - l i ti Oontini;isg mont undir tliii-i îuîis gialn, $.0.0:protectiomn o!rtuîîko a Caruthensvilii, $30000); tanhorntI tn- plis,. t-un.. $50.000: barliur ait(Greeni Iville. Mise.,. $25.000; peervation oi Wgks nt Delta Point, La., $25,000; lisr boa Êt Nateles. lNila., aud Vidaaa.La. i »eitet ~i0s et Piedtad sAtcha V.Iiuu 1,1-' A STREET IN WATERLOO AF'TER A RECENT 310 STORM. Kathlui- Neilson is NIrs.11,-le Ncilruîa*s nation, sud ve muut n oct ouItaur salvu ici,iidiaîugliter and tii-cfore l"ru-i l)cl ion inlutîrosa siou IVe realuze thot ii d ntice. tte big eturches st-i aopparted l'y ,uic Ilu ioa alluaru thut NIns. Vauderilt tici and, fflnsequî-ouit me tee[ that the ,%a i y- r-trontgi r iiî1rsed iii bercsou psy miister mbo depiiiil iipan tem frc1lus 'ioz attention hoa Mis seilsuui and on miore saiary canuot have ort- tecesîs sut hi-ut- -hotuni-neoreasio-omaie this appristion Whlat me masS r i man s-ta tauma ki,,a . Rtignali. towever. foliowing tise somtthing abtouît tir labor prolilenu. a ofuii-ui theut Vanderbilt famiiy, maie man me t-on go tiu o lira lu troubîle. anud i ih-it-l.tigardltss of tte lautiet-hilI a man mto tnuss hom to syiiaii.tta tîîuîîîy. Tir*-cecapades af yjaîhualuider- rith us and cari tlliius la tce iia-of 1)lti NewSoit rak ast sintir ici ttc tan-teti, iy3i l lueie that înatniinuny niight. attet ____________ ail. lie-thi(.liest cuire, sud ail 0opelu rppusi ~ PAN..~ 'LNH tien ceati-d. ATI .N 'LNM Miliss Ncisiin i sa gtrnt favorite w ith thc yuingec set. Sue iîs tali and thin sud u o auter a mt-ut gnature, hit ste pos- ,esses imeîuîruonsaccompiiuuimtiu , .tht t- -att îf ber couvent trainung. £AoAni dthe Gînhe. Amocet. Mo., îs 10 liaiei a nsw State liant mils a capital af $10000. Frii uJly 9 ta 25 cacîliquat e wt- uit daiiy occuirrence iu potions of Inils. The Peansylvanis Nautical scoouiship Saratoga end tht- Massachusetts Nanti- est acthoolshîp Eahenpise have arriver! nt Havre, Arnold Kroegem. a confessed embezzler of potaffice ftutds lu Essen, Prussia, ras arraiguti i Sas Francisca. Ht nill b'- rturned ha Priusia for prosecutian. Captai». hsatthlas Kuslebel, ose at th- loeer ivermen of the West, iied aI lhi, tome, St. Jose-ph, MO. Ht was 75 re-ins of age and be hlbe ie» auinvalîd ton 3jean-i Rt-v. Dr. St-pien L. Baldwin, record- ing secretary of the uissoaey saciety Promineut towra. tIo bass liti ofth tIMsetltodial Episcopat Chut-ch. dici baud trou» tle effeuta ofthîe bat-ad> g n Brooklyn ut typbhi t evter.lit was 67 of à friend. Buint- af thse smail lîîrîî, ycars of age. 5ere crusti. s canrerons grost-t cu 1h la officlslly auuauuced thal choiera and amputation hecauiic ecessary. s rating aI Mutien. Mandat-fa, Tliere itcne 757 cases lietveeui July 3 auî-l JnuIY PUTS B3AN ON 13ORDER DANCES. 14, and S1 Rusan and 363 Chiuneoe dit-i f îoi the direase, Otiahonsa OlIli ahWiII Stoji soii bruit Prible. anc ot tue wn-ltiiest Gtheri.s is iNhonlhosei' tai iler-i of Southern (,tagi-CoiutySet.. 'nitre cali eiri more country diii ru 0tange i-i bltf athtitibtrne, tîtio ani a hl-d in the sct-,i b,îuaes of Okiali usna Ial mutuilca soulîwst Of OIt-l.lTecacuse 1). IL, Baxter, ticitorial superunti-orir-i ufthte nat in uutnosn. outeducatian. eays that the holding o ýr Peter F. Coller & Sou, îliiliere of dauces i tIe ctnitrY at-bol boutes suoli Criliira IVt-t-ty. are siiluto e t thc w-tans out the biuiding sud detaties tiie slirai ut a $10<,(.(« corporation w-hich chat-acter outhîe achool as velu. l t i., brig orgsuiiei ta boy a number ort daims that lIereare tue00 iny rardic 1- retpaliens uli the nte lu New Yort. atteudngthhese iauices, and they alwoyn a- epulN 1Bill MeLansore alot and la- mutilata the bahiaiocior eseala lusouin tf santly tillai Dave PutY, acitizen of moanner before lcavlng. If us$ that. tht:Y r- Leon. 1. T., hile attempting to arrent are sure te ra ohen ures Or hlm. MeLamere survsadered, edumI110 hs beazia atertdeed t- seIf-delense. lEs la o0»e ifth*.Oues - s-i «an l.seP let pi u114dpiireluldlaTÉ tui dphw t -107= = lea te The nMiÇ for w. b pres hio% i ru deui C. mil age lesm ed leu WhI ben w: nut the the of A wi ta art oin ba PIELVIC CATAIOR1 Palpitation of the Heart, Cold Hands and Foot, Sinkin@ Feel- i Cures Catarrh Wherevor Locatod-. i- lier OSUiii -. + fine womananbusdY..pePslat, anotble irclîrdng tu 11the w plan Parlas bromb-itis. suothIr Briglt's dlise. ld b lidvided lut. tour sectlollS of anither liter rompiaint. SuOtbet cul- arrodisemets il nd ri achsuuiPion, ailother female cofllta*lt- arrouîlsifurîfiscarlsu luo tea \These rme» -11id1lie erY mut sur- ou î,ra fr 1w dspoaI f te 4pised 10 teartiethatthey are 9a il sullriug se s îuid lie recëci The metliod ___witiîchronic catarrh. But Iltlaans, siffer- ec i-îpi s d itaI aeady adoptth'c. lîy si-vetai ciltis ithb ,isi (J etalle CMrs.X.Schneider. Esîl ne 0flicte "irrlis sud a fient ceso vizincieratoî.Mail, Tare are impi! etarrl-thst top uwever. the refuse ofchrînuenî-iiiilarnsation of the mucou$ ilulsi ot 0h13une ar..,s44-. - 0 --06-e orf ihihevrer argan tg affected. An ilu- dissemeut v. îuld lie bîîrted. 1ha1 of terrai rmd tr re ess." cr, la othr fur ein puverzedsud Mr-s. X. Schneider, 2409 Thirty-seycntIonlh ao ii ire i luyaeffoler. cehr orben uleiedadplace, Chicagoli., write,: This in why Peé-urs lis» beome 60w I1l nsorted haloartitela arte for -Aler tai sversl rernedies tamoul, n the cure a! femaie dinaase. t I motn aktgrelugdls "A c Ëfbgin,,jnny u res catareh, whec ecr locatti. Ifs cures. ta arouid lParia. Tbere would also ~~ remtaie. Peruna ities not Pallite-it, 1901, to take your vaiualie re-adr. cure. a spécinl station rnear the Halles for perun. 1 waa aIl omnplote reck lo.Jsp .ColY ogesmie disposai of thie large quautity of litd piation ef tihe beari, om frtrtesIllinois,. rtes troin Robinson, l-. ýuse gatliered inDfile markets dally. banda aMd falot, femiale veakaeas. no the foliowiog praise for the "gresic- le cost out itis scîjene would be 10,- aPPetite.iZifbllflgo slukin.gfeeling tarrhai Ioute,' Peruna. Congremmm* ,000 fraincs, sud the annuai outlay àry ilthe urne. You SEM 1IV" SCrowley soya: IVln wliis systenslc catarala.and1 tali maintenance 2,900l,000 fraucs. belleve tisai I rocelved yonr h « is ". Crowley bas taken a amobe7 i-i would mnuana salugof about tise nlk a ie Une. Ifollowaed yu fhues of Permwnson ce ,000> francs, as couapared wiliî the directions carefuiiy and can IBio" > nervoaa trouble& lit ba" piveadu sent system. The great îliffiî-îîiy. thiai1I arnweIi.agaln. I Canfot tbaii aimastankand Lag cure. 1Ia ,ever. sill ie ho 1put the îo~eîyenuenougisforrny cure1.aiwll lwaYS ciserfully recommnendIL -J . tialu hiecit'sairad~ivetilr a yourdebtor. 1Ihave alradyrecom1- Crowlcy. uIl budget.ce esn aa'finasa A catarrl book ment fret by The Po- neigbbors end tisey' ail praise IL I1 ua Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. CULTIVATING A CARRIAGE. ts'Ir. tsaltfering wcordngthen Ir 700 do lot derive prompt sndastl@- Mrs. X Scbnldcr.factory resiits trom the une ot Perass. rry a Welsht ou Tomr Head if Tou rt. Mr. .Shedr write et once te Dy. Hertman, glviat-0. M'ould stand Bretet. Over biit the rosie» have catArrîlin fu statîmient of jour case and tWev*a A tooplng figure liqflot oniy a fa- sonne forai4 or anter. And ye, pruob- 1he pleasci ta grvec 20 bis valuable sdvle&~ liar expression of weakness or oîd shly. sot a enîli o! themameil kuuWr fithatihuir diseuse isn-atr. To dis-lieasD atsPeîete c, bu il s w-liused by cane- tingt ist caarrh of varions organe if hlasThe art..u. ulaim Cim~ s, babits, a direct cause of couetract lie» named very differeutly. io chesl and defeetive brentlilug. Un- sa you rid yourseif of Ibis crook TWO NATION'S*CLAIM ACRE. hile at ochool you will pribali!y go Iteglon ln South Asuerica ln 1)lsPste ut tu your grave. There is one gioil inîetu Bramil sudBlivrie. ay 10 cure If. Siîoulder iîr5ces w-iI Tiiir'- lma srégionu lunortlierrs Bolivia )t ble. Ose needs not n artlfichal kiiiosu (ls tbe mapes as Acre-altliough ibtitute, but sosne alcalists det-elip i comprises iuauy acres of fertile je muscles w-busilî, it s 10 bhaa li rus wbicb lins bes disputed terrltOrs le beai and slhoiilders ereet. 1 kflw otw îecu Bolivia and Brazil for uaearly r ily ose buls-eye shot. RsYS ia fitty years. The lutIle counutry lian ritrr lu Hall'& Journal oflitealli . ellnienmbPublic notice retentI! bie- It la lu carry a weigbt on te lcai caue Bolivia eiued a part Of tbe Acre The.iiniversit of le uf siîeep klîî or otijen stroug b eg filied r gion t a a» & g o-A mie ic au l syndic a t. NO T U DA M 110 11 * itb tweuty or îhilrty potednteOf saId Brazil objecta tu Ibis business arrange- PUJLL Co(IRSBSs CleL ia good wclgit. Wben engaged lu ment. and bas Ilreateuci to break off âss.nioe d UIS uîr m orning stiiuiîes. eliier betore or diplom atie relatio nolîs nt-a hîe contract & "d j, - rler breakfast. put tehile; f îgo and ls réacinded- Thoeumgh s .7Md C G W re your bead. bold your bead erect. Except tient the country lb rlcb Ina R pgy 5ailU .tudho bbavaouý Iras your chia close 10 your neck and rubber, luttle la kuowu about It. It OC- ~. aon elqatuire lma se t a s alk lowly about the roOm. comlug captées a triangulatr space between theCeorng ack if ole please every minute Or boundarles of Brazîl and Bolivia sud ver velvenCteau la5 so tn your book or cr>iL t bkPerteandi Bolivîs, itthîeRs ie r Àlmahsd atsasdlas5f5$,-* 5 thse base, Thse position ofthtie sdes , The muscles w-buse duty tf l ta bold of this triangle as lnterpreted by thse sats1 .32slit.5MOI lie lipad sud siîoulders erpert ire bit, two contries la the ecause of thé dis- ~ >~rI~aS ot wili satîeîsg bolbut 11et pute. À traveler receuiîiy retiirned from ~£' rifte hall.T'leieJenes ot the spiiii aiît Acre bays ut fie sîitive fiitItbey are te iîtervertelîroi sulistanci Nill sonte lu many res.peî,ts lite thie Bu liasa but Icoiinilate thenîselues 'Ibe lilCWfibat Ibere lire aliolig thesi trilbes utf tti lilili ()lie year of tris I vprucl ce lower raich iimie ti rcil',i te foln i eise- aitti tue1:Z.I e iuz ii n bolIr îiîortiititwiere l ltaIpart of fie non i Some and et etilîig w ili git e vu a nulle caror uberai are sui tobc canu ha ls, and WI lige uvt hut * terfeti ngt a llil h lt ail are aii îîyiandiavertse tuthIe invasiioni O tii vont- Ottfl ,ot their îuiir by the stIes. Tbey îrcexet- iiiufile art of using darts. spears sild jo'lIiino, and deliglit ln i T o prar-tlclng wNitJi i eue train the bli aîon A3Dm O C A T R A Jtrudero wiîuîu l hiuMîsuaily îthîick OMM.DP LOUIUe For Infan-ts and Chidren. trou ibeliiliil 1U MM M The. KInd Yom Have Alas SDhgtt-ahi- lieiriilo i- t -.-ii,ibut iaistie-s f" . Beers ilth s' ,ef " i benJt iol th vuiuc'îr ues ldwtUa sigatue 111 . -it ýritJ"',o rutiliîulêla îei i iirouîrînîi Stgnatairs utet le r lcaiiesi r,1u r'ii ts iere are su MbSO U I irue-i or îîiw--- i, i et-end he li his A-.J. T=WUCO.IOrM.4 isus - sil,, hastuWalh. l- a iuîtifir if ut-or-ili litiuguilst il t t'ii-i ililu3 1 ti n, r lniiiu liua iii 1, lii'lîîîi ii iiigý.ii- i îîîîl iItîig. Tht- fui-frut iîiciî11, hi.i..g:ti, -id nshoiu5tlat tc liairit 1, I Iluî,t Ii.îl seised lut- voula avrtu-ii Il, i-nOii'imllith ut- ll]is lu a iiiil- i-t i', rus te hai itl mnucli morit-- - liii lM11Mîi9gilis liohil umuong hou r In Illei uiiuua50> peit centut o hi i,. gi i iisliaicosni(Le ther iîîîLît Ifaiii.,ti-- iulhait the naîl- bbit--i rîi i iir tîoudehi l. Tht inuit îrii filii i-iiOî51ly bethocci I»li-sis li'tli.sp , i-- ri 1d, i, Ofig trUn Jiîih- i -i--ltgu in", De Tue suhiîte' rb nuirîltses quii-tly bua- fs ltid thîeîuun-l c-i 51 hlit l h e tiet s beiside. M o 1l - Ht- w nspla I il.y lrrî-îil i nît iis a st5. -Have 500 tI13 tiliiig Iiio ýay.,tenderly qskei the îttiîlig lu13iil.s -ouhliig nui th,'7 ',gasped the ly P. 0. Ir- ili.g ,10 Il t'- -thi îr tgrt-thIis pasteur rcuuorse-- itfîur uîIt-îil int bu in self- e» respect!"i'ig i lie breatlieduwl.uuiia ainiriii uimaiil- ith four gaLlons ofgas.55N' leand tbey benI bin lu olit-or bis hy i.». -a 5 I E i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' li'u litliiiîfiliit- 0Ralph Temple4AU.str*. CCP.- tjijjIi tii tiîiliil tiiot I lusu c anaoied ie a.h*... , HC4 Igilliot nutiiîioWliiii.anît teianîid litiiî lute ttrut ct- r yu 1ii ui wo'goii?" 1It tuas t.i îîuîh. anît lie gave 'li te - UM s meUtgSurplis s I Nîuts fotb a doulr. - ta 1ii tisa - ta. pecaona'flly ntru:wed S t trhomesait r ath. headac*he sdlnevoaCas' ay oniKe y 'ilorc hcm. pas-%,ac o wa; ellîng oh-ýfater h Limbu Th uh aSIîoo ke thvt .a of dla and dropsy"sign atnish, 1ey corimes follouug ec ofer inetlyil atit'rin th.-bricdat Psnt. s phusotanlyinterewatate of Doaes. itang, nibbîg, and unerv ihe-ir Thcy realizcd vhat hhcy promasd. pis dissolue and rcmuve calcitli andl By îheic direct action on kidney grave1. Tht-y are frctr ea nolers oio structure, backa hc, back, hip, sud ibis 1aper for a mut 11l.1-i Ct ont S- loin pain is rccuoved. iThe tondu couponi, Cf îil Irc i12îîîs and mail WA tots causîng lenplcusuns, lheant pal- oster- SlilbIiri:,) , - liflàil,, N. Yý INSENC WA Irt AN TE 0îssIasI You Get this Free ny utlng ouithtraî. N'TR w FSE- ILBU N CO., s 0-ri S stt.. tA .1. N aK S.NY«.SU 'dn£g - -oe Tisse ne .te- Amer o arhi- lh their wisb It. ýrt char- ris co-d at haif îeu ausd hat tîey shrt ha D Dol 15. o lacor- amen- ions art uiey le- t strktC eu rrec: Cicago, g arvit- ors that Kenucky ibis cer- ilvait- lais hava la Colo- an Victor, g ta sip-' nup fishieri te inva- ordinarly tinjuta ta bat fisllne orna rater lied out by - a efforts tat ait water meaa 0 i.-- ma waa 1

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