Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Aug 1902, p. 5

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,eak at peut ia tîler of Lakte ttîned seut,. ler anid PIICKED Up HERE AND THERE. Î 4Local Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A TURNPIKE EPISODE. A liobo walkei aIoug the. pike, 44 At hie bliîîgry m lo'i io11011i, Boiîlfoi- hie <<idI minîes, far away, Elîtirely ot ot h 11e. ' If îe rtrick a furni liouse-)ii l e iil, 44 i* Andti lis is whlat lie saihl 'siîy, Illil<ti'LS ail I sa w sone Woodî Fotr a i4lico ofi yollr g<xt<l Ireati' 44 * es"qîke fie i;ny witlî a sini le. 4 Bit 1 autrt-ally set' Wiî :ll .11voiîl înhîs cuiib tîjis ill 44 Anîd ask îîy hîcati of iiie. 4 Yo. tî !! -rfi) acrt-lithie rmati To heLr a, bite of footi.-- 4* u «IaII i nt-e lire, and ecdi (oiltwaîîts + 'U) saw :a pile of Wood! My jiî.igIilxtrs. u- thie seif-sanwt-ymast. ' f And iall .rive pîlea-<at t îtk-';4 And t hlert are nîaîîy alil.e)nîllllfl I lt rv lio.t-to ok . t-.TIt is i ot thaîe. îe ltillje nidI: ' Iîiol i;i %t- a sigil. 4, Toguîie ils 1onlir wt-ary way T' A,. ve go dtluwî tue- liii,-. uîr i rai i-4 Iitadle ofBig ..) lluîr. 4 And «iilti- ivel îuî<erstiol 44rgg & Taylor, 44 t li rt ti, ni Ti go ci j C pi pi lu ri pt vi Business men ou thn e Vu aide 0f Milw ankee Avsne boivun Attritifos restaurant anti Cok Avenue tails of putIng ln a cernent vait ln front of thi etorea, 18 vouit b. a splendid Improvemeni anti adt gaetly te the, appearance of lte businosa center. Tine Mises Carnie and Alle Nicinols, of Chicago, are aponding a montin vitit titoir grand-falter, Levi Whitney. Tieir fater Wm. Nîitbolinabu pur- chased i Tev aces« of land Duer Wieat<tn, vinera e vwiliengage ln oicton rain- lng anti onnaquently tinai placevilii b. tmoi! future boues. Thne Lake Couaty Toephone Cou-. pany lenuotia nov tilroctory tLina eet, wbicit vu ezocuted t thtboINDEtpVO. DENT prlntery. IL shows tmat 112 phonesarSe 1n tin service andtihin nompany bave Ortiera te inatali olany more. Tino ayslsm las growlng raply anti conaquontly becoming more vluaitie te patrons. No business man ean affort 1W b. vitiont a'phonoeanti ueauy otitea are instailing tbem lu tineir residennes. Explosions o! concrete valits are suetbiug nov, anti yet tboy bave been reporleti. Dovn ln Ciampaigu and Kevante. te busibau xpandeti Lino long airetcies 0f ceulont usiae o tIhaï tbey bave given avay laithe veaesttplanes sud piscon 0f cernent bave been burti Lvwenty Ifus tuto tue air, a report Ilitstinas froue a cannon accompanylng tse explosion. Tino vaiks are nov b.iug laid vitin ta hicnicoes or building paper betuoste eacin of tinoeq uarois. BOND BROS. LAUNDRY tpped l ekle piated cash regflar te li aLor-e lixturea. Tine aunnal Dymonti-Atin famlly annilon oocugred Tburaday of lut eek et tbe bonne of BortAustin. DanHeorictk suoi a spair cf baekneya to E. Melýaughlan, of Leake Foreat, Londay, receiving for Lbe to.m $500. Lakeilde comretonyAssoclaion met- îg viii lMr@. Barbour, PrWiay alter. non1, Ang. 29. A full attendance la laireti. l'boa. liayitov, cf Evanaton, visited Ile aitger, lira. Puab. ilansa-and leces lMr@. E. 8. Mubîke andi lra. bhoa. (orlett Monday. That pair of inactneysa Dan Hlerrickt ti for $1141 Monday vers aired by bau. Keinie a tailion, andi Mr, Koiri ia naly prouti of the act. liembera of tbeNlm oeenter village nard vers ln loa Monday invest- slting Ouir eioctrto Ugbt .yaiom andi laut. Tboy contemplate putting In a lant St tba* place. i'rescblng both moralng anti ovea- îg ai tino M. E. churoin by tino petor. b.e programn anti plana are about >efecteti for the great jubiles@veit hicien begia September 7. A tiepartmout viii bo maintaîned i a le cnty fair by Lb. county W. C. T. -' vine .womeie may lirai rsianti creation. Tomporance Iltenature la )rovitiad for frue distribution. lie. Lb. Dakota Eziiit et tins Fair Tino local W. C. T. tV. vii (i lsua Ijourneti meeting Saturday aftirnoon Linoheboome of lra. iSerait Manon, St bicin Lime viii cour tins &naim seciion of omaoce. liombora ars irged go b. presont. A iciter va-Itten et Den ver froue Mdis ka M. lieliogo vino reconitly vont we Jlorado for bar bealtn attes etuaI Be Rpeete g 0 o teColorado Springis ad neblo, andti tinaainela sornovin an. ovoti by tbhebange of clmmate. What ainiosi causetifatal resulta va« ho explosion of a bolier b.lung te, Fina. Saea tiresing outflt on Ltho ne. Kelly faim Wedusaday. WiII ugo vhco acte as engineer vus uoveroiy hakenuop, but Dol serloualy luaet. A. W. Waldo vino vont te saiem, &a., over a veet ago, wbore bo ineti baisle vin precotioti m, a Bota, le expectoti bornaviii lir@. aido Satna-day. Tiey viaitBoston id other eeatern ciLles during Lineir lp. ise Mainle Bacitue, a youug lady tvlng a coneiderabla acqualintance lu hea-Lyvillo, vas marrioti Aug. 19, Lo gr Herman Leon, of Cinicago. lir. uveàon lea aplomber anti bas a lucra. ie position St Colorado Sprlnge, tlO., viner. tiney viii live. the While in Lihertyville don't faiu to cail on i- Pr( [)ARBY BROS., ele M Isit-al iîîstriiiitîeîît of al Pi 01 klîuîl-.. Alsît ag.îîtH for Bald- Pr' (î %ill ilots aîl "rlieler & v Wjils ii St-s;iiig Machines. Th, TI for elllt iwl , Ijol i la evttiirîpianîo îsîisie< gil .11141 pÀsa\.- ie ,finiishî. lstru- o,ît tf ailI kindts rtepaired in -110,11LiÉ _________________________Mr Lai The_____ Lake County Pair s going to be thc best of 'emn ail, as wili be Smith & Davis' Fail Stock of Merchandise and Ladies' and (lents' Furnishings. The Celcbratedî RAI)CLIFE SHIOES For Ladies. r hey arc thebet. N EAT AND NATTY. 1 ,lia % e aî ii-e asmortineîît of i.,j.11il wîuil sliiît waists, sizes l luic-li -eare seliiîg for ~î.to. -.J~thie thiiîg for the and. areI î~-w-irth i rn $2.,25 to e;iiii. We have a lot of ladies' Kid Gloves, $1.15 and $1.50 ThieloliloUtctompazuy la baviog ail lta pnle Vianthe vinage painted. Yon ame 15yffl. andi cordiaiiy, to attend alO oarng,êat tinohomne ofira. 0. E. ChunîM ii(LhIlsi Fidayafier- noon, undSg ausIces 0f theo Methodînt- Ladef Aid. 46-2-d.1 Ilurvayora for the electrie ruaitcoin- menceti laylngU àaino froue Liberty- ville t' O obshilor thiis vek. An officiai n4 theno ofpany informe unsile lino wvii ee bulîl as far a lRockefoller Mbis fail. E. lMeDonald illau a contract 10 ptinu maple diogs lath eo nid pari" 0f tino acinool boua,. Woeitmsn are engagoti on theo job. OUMie repaira are being matie, tino rmiaoe .tittroighiy reno- vated antiBorm ev»wsts atitiot. A bore vu a"on from E. Rochnt@ ferni over vileHeMnry Lavrence tu manager, "miTbmraday nigint, anti as yet no tracs of 118ias beau founti. Tins Lio took thes bote froue a baro in viniin veot oetsbut ila" vainablo borsos, andi by a circulions route Lirouginlfieldu stid patures, reacinet tne road vith bo. t. iii id trace vu founti of lhé borée ai Jefferson, vbore a&l track vas bots. It vas a black maro, veigblng 100 pounda anti valueti St $200. j est ai lime cf oing t,, ttsIbismrumorei tine horetWU 1folat tho ti, ock partit. (hiticago. AÀtitective tuam lu tovo thilt inttmnig anti loWaip@rlle, ,o.nar ie is-e d wi lit,ares.todi. agelt,iy lý,f.riligitI. The '-Bw«4-box" system omployed by tlhe Cicago police La compel rsfractory vîtaues te diivuige criail- i aec!ta ia to.oing Linaggenerai conidamnation ci theoprose, pulpît anti public an a us tsiit may bave 10 ha aboliaiod ontmiy. certalnly is ig tai Linssyate la a cruel nus anti uet b. ameiorats. Ihonlng b. put tee tw0 vitusesla il murtier case wvee "evweaiedte, M n Otent taât bOtin gave vayaundor tino puai meulai stress. Openamgof ichools. Scinool viiilio Open iontiay Sept. 8. 8pocial oiaiunflSBlBi vli b. giveu on Satua-day éSept.4_90 titosavWho falati lu toir flntai oelaatlon, or vîeo ver. absent dutiil bo lat veet of scitool. Tins i lesbool coursesvii b. lncreasetiby 1o nov studios. l'lbe brancinea s agi la tins comlng yeax viiib. begiaalMg Latin, aigoibra, anciont hialory, Ucology, pinyslogy, geomety, (larguaphyeios on ad- vanoi aigeig4ad atutronomy anti hiltory cf Maglio li teramnre. Tine scioola have inatia number of tinitJon pupMisand otiners viilb. recOlveias long uM lier. la rocou for tileul. Tino rates pe« mouLin are Si 04 lu th inflnt a-oc., $i.40 ite secondt, $1.604 ilinohe bird, $1i8SOiu tintfourtin andi $2 4t) lit thie inîgin ciool For furtber Infornmatlin i-alilonor atidru-e, CtE i'.-,Prin. I il 1 REAL ESTATII rHANS,-ERIS. Fornlaitenlby Lake Counoy Titis & Trust Cii. Abstracta of TiLle. Tilles Guaipauteeti MasonîeTe rmpis Sldg. Watîkegau, iii Louis J. (lutias Sory. Wni AfînIge to Fretit Sirotier e w 4 n w % ecnu6s-ilvWd............. ttesou Freokt Sciroran d ali 10 toT. F. 1 or- ov 4 nv 54 @e- .t-iî v t ........2 is, S. M. Spafford tu A M. Tiffany lot in vliage of Autilou.................n326 w S. M. SPafford t10ÀA-N. Tiffany lot in neeese »Q7-U-0 Wd ............. M 0. H. ilurnot t a! et al to Panlini. licliitonlot 9 bit 2 BUrntîs add to Lak Vlavd.................. iô, o Frances IL Boutset ail tIa M Dae-riiot 18iiaogenartiadtu oau- .eonavt.....u.............. u JBangs ant ivi.e 10 Socu Smith lol atit 10 bit i Wauoanda wvdti..e1wai E. A. Otemminga et ai subndivision of ile Iotala v ifsesc 2-6s-la ...... W. C. Buituaès.anti vif. lin enry Brantlilotlot Il ourtnprat se 20-ei - 10 dv............................... lus 0 À. KL White ant i vIf,, bAlonso Foi Parti M 56sec 29-44--tOwt. ý.... lm, où Citas Neyer anti a! to Preterlot voilsihe. < se M14 sM, ejine 54 ......-s-a ...... ...............54. L]mcaiiued Letterg. Th. lât o uiiit vtss±Ltry L Ill. postoffice for Ltehe 0 e OinAugc. e, Winou cIiing for these. ielten-s gay u, "det."- iallit,y B. Bennet àMr Viiui M.r,vt- (. V. SMaentJ j WÀRaEsu M. HKAiT Posfi.tîer SSIP H. MILLER, Aiar..y. Ad.ludicatlon Notice. l'uhlc Noie lmt ierebr gîiven tîtat t, sub&.rlintr atintitrator or tlitaat, if Louasil ias dteoefti wii attend the coulutp Court of Lake CouutpY. et a WtemhIoroor t0 ho huitic utSItlitCourt Houslu Waukegau. lu sa«I ouctv. ou lins iret iontiaptof Noveminer neli. îeo Whoun&atiWinsre ail Pereouts havingchâiansealut salitate aiem uotlit anti r.eiittsci1 rosenîtti, saone to, saii Court for adjudication. JiOtîs P. 0iuea. Admlulelratsn Wauitsgaa. III.. à uE. 2.1Ion. 47-t retiriis yotîr wash to yoîî, Old, soiled garmnts eleaîîsing, s0 they look like îîew: Neglecting nothiig iii auy part of the work, Doiîîg up gowda in the fitîest style, tiîey îîever a detail siik; Bedspread, siîeet or îoilltiw Case, ulirt, etilar or ciif, Receive a treatmeiît anîd a finishl, not too rîîîciîjust enotîgli: Ove ralîs, blouses and sweaters are reîîovated well, quality, which we wiîî sil So they appear even better tiîaî any Miîe ierchantm sefl: at 90 cents per pair as long as this lot lasts. SMITH & DAVIS, Lbertyvllo se - - llIinots<l Ladies' skirte and waiste, of cotkeii, wool tir silk, As well as rnei's garments of every grade anîd ilk, Uîîusual attention get anîd are lauîîdered with great care, Neyer coming home to yoîî with either a rip or tear: Lelivering promptly good.s, cieansed by modernt skiil, Requirements of ail patronis striving ever to fil, You'H mfid BOND BROS. LAUNDRY a eredit to A LIvely Coucue. Frliay s.tsnoou accurredthe nare- Publican canons to cinooe doiegateu te Lhe convention lbeltiat rayalake Batnrday, antiUasuai tnere vas eometining damag. A lev vise one@ inat proporad a ticket anti nadi printeti copies, vinicit ers iauîisdabout s fev moments before tins nancos con- vened, andi or course Liiere was opposi lio nigit away by thnse vio ere to ho iaft St home and olters w ho object on generai pninciple to seiectiug tielogatem ln thst manner. Fînally il was declied to vote for escli delegate seperately, anti by a âmail margin the tielegates on te original prnted ballot wve oelecteti: Tiey vert, Dr, Taylor, Ernest Davis, C. N. Doranti. Jay Allanson, Eti. Clark, Je& se i'orteous Fred Croker, B. H. Mhuer, fi. J, Proctor, Panl Macl.infll, itaiph Buikioy ant iWliiEnlage. i'repare a Fine Exiiit. i). C. Lorimer, representlng tihe Lundi Land Agoncy, of Minnesota anti the Daitotas viii bave a fina exhibit of grains, fruit anti veotahies froue tino Dakotas st Lthe fair oeit wvet. liesbas a large ent in vicblinothedaplay viii be ebovu. iL viii consist of Macaroni vineat, commun vineat, iai, cdover, apoiiz, barisy, bromo grass, huffalo grams, tomatoea, appiea, colons, boots, eveet corn. ileldi corn, cabteage, cannois, etc. lMr. Lorimer bas evidence of a partlcularly iervy ylit of applos lu a brancin completely loadati. AUl bis mampesa are supai-lor anti sure t0 attracit mucin attention. nJ. H. Thnon, 1va satia- F vife .tu] It le05 Id=cn onvince il Jng antand tOVILL EMAOY. IJOLES BRO'S DAI RY. Havlng purcinsee thein Libertyvilis mut route vo are preparedtLo furnittinIl U RE, BWEEî mut sud croam Lto cuatomens. Mut or creane May tbs socure t S BY bour St Our headtîuarteras on Laite street. Il &hail bhOoui-aimtu 1 funulai thtenpurestan d cdean- onit ut kpossible. ~Boes Bros., 1~ Bor-n, tb Mr. asud Mr@. James Jolli, Tinuruday, Ang. 21, a baby boy. lira. E. B. Shnerman, 0f Grayalate, vlsitsd iii lMra. Thn. Oorlett Tues- day. Tins Pair bus added a ine marbie Table Cours IND Napkinsu A sanîjle hne tof fiîîest imported (s imati LiîîeîîTable Covers , andI 3 yards lonîg; every oue a lîhiereîît patternî; almo 15 lozeîî 'Samîu1e Napkiîîs, '20 to 27 incites sq< uare. Thiese goods are mlightly Soîle I ou the outer foldhbuit y te caîî buy them 40 per cent. helow the regular value at ~~«A.IM il ~I~1 CN ~st $ Dominai For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. Yoti get the iucreased and growing service of the Lake Couîîty Telephone Company and connection wlth th. jChicago Telephone Company. jFor InformatIon, rates, etc., wrte-... CONTRACT DEPARTMENT9 Loveilla Drui tevtoe, LATEST ARRIVALS OF SUMMER OOODS. I..aîlies '(.ottoi Un<lterwear-iii white mkirts. corset Coverm and drawerm, 25c to 95c.j Neck Ribhoîîs-iiiail colors anîd -11l widttls, at lOC to 35C. Laîliesq' Short and Lonîg Silk Gloves aijî Mitts-whjte aind black, at 40c to $1.00. Ladies' llosiery--plaiu and faury 11tose inî white andî black at 10c, 15c. 25c. Applique Laces-large assortmnent of ap)pliqie laces ini white and black- - er yd. 7c to , 23c. Ladie.s' Slippers-latest styles andj shapes at $1.40 to $1.85. Fancy 1ihes-a complete line of Crockery and G1assware in plain and faney shapes at lowest priceaj C. N. DtIRANO. Attsn.y, .3. Ilsrti.,d 0sBId.t. tCh"og. 8ta.ttof illinîde Countl i fLait. -s Cotlt tiott ii ai., (ou to 0tht, toI-er T, ni A. D Ist. C. Frant Wright, AîimIutratî,r of th. tetleof Mtuy J. IMyrlck d.o 'A.d Arthur, L. yrIci Ethel Ihyri,. liaI, myrick and Frank ilarlngton .petttion t,, "Il -ral.-,sat. 10 pay debta. Aiiildavtoi the uî,n-rtet.of oArt.hur L. M yrick. Ethoti Myrlck anti Dait, MyrlcL, dtf.ndu.,t.t ,.vyenazn.d. bovin«g ottfe1,1 ln thte office of thte (Jltrk of the, County Court oi Lake, County notictulherehy gI vanto tso "idiArthur )L. Myrick. Ethel Myrltk and] Dlet Myrlot thatthe saltipîtltionttrU(. Frankt Wrt. adinlstator of thte etaIe t, gary J. riuk. deueautmi. bas hertttofortfilet igi pet onlu aidCounty Court of Lat. County. prallna for adtcrttfor the ait, 0f th li, tai-esltatt, belonuflng b ite eâtatof said deceaed. Or su mudh o! It se nmaihe nttdeti to psy the tiebtm, of sajd doeoaset andi destribtttias follows tu wit An un- dIlvIteti one-tourth iotft'r t he.Boott 26 acres of the, Wethait of lte South Esjtt muarier of Section i andtihtiNt ortih ii acres of tinoNorthit qatîuarer ot BeOtiQol 20;AloomecgaIataenlissa lineo ofSeton 20 between "asformmrly ovnsd bit Cyrus itai.b andi W. 8. Hutchinson anti muliuE North tne rode toma sLaite; inenS, Wtett on a pst-allui lino wiItinte Isouth ineot of salti farm. leu rude to the hit Section line* tneS othtu aeon the line of land ow»at by thne ald Heathn andti H ui. mon; thtioe Fast on saiti Une 100 rode 10 the place of begulànnftuontalulna e aRem, mors or le" s ieutcton 2o. & ail T ownship " Nortit, Range IlFasat 0f line ard P.M. ttXoepting Ihereironi s iloe of land describsti as foilowe O(ommgnelng at tht, Intersetonof nithe lMenhanlc * (rove anti Dianionti Lakte ruati on tht, West fine of tht, Northn Eastt Jusrtet of Section 20 at a point le ehanosuad 2z lnkts soutin ol the Nortit West corner or saiti quarter Section; tittn-e roounngSouthn aJOnR the uarter section ln",6s cinlosanti 70 lIit,; thenoe East 4 chsins anti 28 liks; linsueNortht prail vlb th inquarter section Une il citatt anti us iuite tu tins usuter Of ato ma;ti;lienue South&&an tegrees West along the, Conter of saiti road oains antià ilnke to ths place or begnntnz. containing 4a-5.tuacres, more or le.Aiso eOejttln itaItp,art nor tineSout h West quarter o0lte Southn Eut qnartter Of Section 17,. tiecribiitias follows com- menus lat a Point 29 Chain nt u 2 i nksmit 8Wâto0lthe South EFut Corner ut said SectIon t1t: ihenoe North lu chaîne and M imInk; titenoe West 10 chailse anti se îlots; thence South ti-34dtiserees EesI 7 ohaina anti -96 linkts; thtnie SoutIh 22 i terýees Eet a haine anti 3 lnke 10 the, South ineîlot f the Southit tquarter or sali SecUton 17: ti,,noe E, o chaîne anti 16 Ilnke to theplace uf te-llanri, ontainilog î-% cre. stuated ID tue Town of Lîbertylt, Laite Conol. Ilinoois. andtiltat a s50nnuOs bet sued out of salti Court augaiut pou rt- turnalt lite b October feelu A. D. 1<10 f 'aid Court 10 0e ittlden uon the tiret hMonday nu Outober A. D. 19M at tht, ,ourt-house la tîs tCity Of Waukertn ln meal'Lite Count,.q Now unlose pou t,,e altiArthuîr L. lirricit Ethel MyrIciu anti Dale Myrit ekhall per- sonalli 0e anti appear oro 8 alti (.untp Court o! i.akv Countr on thet iretday 0f tht, tî,rm Ihereof to ho holdenu t Wautegun ilu italti Connty asuaMoradi. un the tret Montiay la Od,,errA . .iwn. andi ['l'ad, seeeer or deinur 10 the, iaiti adminl-tratort, petîllon filletitherin the, Kama aut itemallers and thing tinreln thargtitianti tateti li 0e lai- en as confeBeeti and? a degrete utI-red agaînst Fou aeuirtilng 1tut.,rsy o! "aipetili on. C. N LiUaÉue ttorgî-pfon Admtitâltrator. AL&sEUT L. nEicî. Clerlu. BBNJ IM. MILLER, Atr..y. AdjudicationoNotice. Pul'u Notue Is herebp given thatthi, subticribtr e.utoi ,f tht,]mot wililanti tetament of Sarah Madoit, 1ev&dtiwil attend te (Iounty Court o! Laite Count, et s tertu tîjerof touLeholdou ut the, Court BoumseIn Wauk,gýuu. inla"li Couoty. on the irel Muntar of November next. when &adtiwhereail persone huvînit laltue againet sld estait, art, ntiied andi refl,îet1 Ireent thesanie Lu ai Couîrt for adjudîca- tion EDwaeRD J. MÂOOLE. lnt t f0! Ladt ilut ndtet.stame'nt 0f 'tVukogau. Ii., Aug 25. 15 i PEOPLES' COLUMN. ~t~ti SA1.1- A 10,, ,1 odl trnihorst-. 48-3d , -7A M ut Eu. tre , lii. L OT-A Li,. oi11 watiLu il,,vil1wtc uf oLIbutr% Ili, Flinîtr pi-so watve ut thislii t. 4tf-d F Oi SAL No,,,atid-lut. -AdIMlreCLÂe F J M, ýCott. Y. Iuht.Ill. 47-it.d 1e~ kes. ICE CREAM SO~DA/ ICE CREAI Yom wIIIl idi Il ît. H. LouI's Deug $tort )IIsO OtflN odar 1boî t edtrtudks, sucb as Vie ulce and Loi., £ALoa£1, LIc. F. B. LOVELL, Libertyville - - - - Illinois. l 1 IL& A a âot aga a aà à a&&&& Ag &&à à à a à a&&&& A. A. ! 1 ýjý RA&dL&ÉOLIL Co t--& A f %A Ifir J/Y-dl 1 -14P

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