Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 5 Sep 1902, p. 5

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_________________ I I 'g rie ruar- irs. shape. g nsd good ortiand tteroa. ýable. While in Lihertyville don't fail to cali DARBV BROS., JLWELERS. on1 and I î'ît.. .. .. .. ... . ' iS iimitriiîmeiite; of ail p kiir-. Aiso ageîîts for Bald- wîV.ini I iall4is aiid Wlieeler & Wii,.oiî Stewiîjig Machiîies. A Iitil cond h4I4 i ii 41A <bin liavSe yolIr pliio p1) îlisled an aiil$1vt te finishi. liistru- ii11411 . t>z lii kiîî'Is rei>airetl The_____ Lake County Pair s ý,ong to be the& best of 'em ail, as will be Smith & Davis' FalitStock of Merchandise and Ladies' anid (lents' Furnishings. The Celebrated RADCLIFTFE SHOFIS For Ladies. -~ . ~ ihey are the best--.mý> NEAT AND NATTY. Wolia vtr aIl îice assortneîit of i:î.ioeu ;ll w(e)I shîît waists, mSi zhs Pi hi s i w e are ueIiig for iii '. îîthte tlîiîg for thîe ani'. l Iaie, woî'tlîf ruinîî$2. 2.5 to > 41 ':4 i We have a lot of ladies' Kid Gloves, $1.15 and $1.50 quality, which we will si at 90 cents per pair as long as this lot lasts. SMITHI-& DAVIS, - - [Ilinoie.1 44 A TIJRNPIKiE EPISODE. * A ihlx walko-<l t! urg the pike, At the lîîîîîgry iîoîr of nooxi, Boîîîod foi- tliv uoal iiiiiies, far- away, -eiîiriylt (of tuîwe. + I le-, 4rick a ft-rinliîoiiHe on the i, I 44 .And thisis i at lit-ead IK)Jl'a ,lici-of y sa so rn (4(1 + s ' r4144k tlad Itfy itti a smile. - 4 Bit 1I tliît ieally set- Wh1y alil yi>i u ,ti> iJ his hîi îil A\nd amk îîîy 1iîca Iutfic. J~ Iii l>eg Iabilc of l 14041 Voit ail uoîuîe livre, and ieaiinoe waiîts T4) awa pile of itWoodl! yet. ' My iw411lll)4>rs isv the seif-same yat > 4* Andi al giý 4. î4eaant Itooks;+ Aiîi ii î'4 11are iaiyl aIlrouiiil. 'I.'11vurIest of ii 44ks. Il i74 it srîut. the W iliîe sajîl: , V. 1l(Ii o i i><r4 t i Ilsigliî ,I ")g11idu iil,; 4mi 4411' tVary way As- v . g()4i4l()i ttel fii. Y'i. reui i s îmade 4)f lBig Jo I"Ioolr' 44 And24 'G,4 ',vIl iil 1141-4'$oi1 ThaI t ý - Hcpml' 1 yI 111ia >U lt 1, îl h a Jii4ý u Vf 41i ~ ~ 44 Triggs & Taylor, gr Lihertyilte -1111Ilîn..8 4à4 -4 - -4 -4 Doit! Werner Colby, of ituasell, la Cierilag for E. W. Parkitnst dnrlng tise Mir. Misé 2.lzabeth P'ope la home from a tivé wééis sojourn on Use Main.e00mai. Doni attelupt tu telli iins heil lthe l1111e hall la under. Ita 100 expensive. Work on thse Itohley store building la ln pregreu, and Bter tisefair It will be rosiséd 10 compliton. ' Lyte, Use 14.yer.oîd son of liobt LiBI, cf Dismond Laie, dlsed Tuesdsy mornlng, of apendinitta. Prealdent Miller &mys hé has ar. raogéd 10 havé electrie lîgiste and a telephonie on tise fair grounds tblé year. Mns. M. Ionher and son, Mnr. Edcln l<oiner and W. A. Mayer, Il of St. LouIs, vislted Mai Kohner ftom Satnr- day unt! Monday éventng. Chas. Appley pnrchaned of Frank Brown, of Norths (reenlleld, Win., tht. veek, the ooted sire Caîhotin. George Wrlghtas ailiais tam vere sred by Caiboon. No one tu Libertyvilé vilII hsorry vien 1the fairla Oser, eapolaly thé t1Usd isouaevves visose dutoa sa éntertéaers of friende and relatives are Do Ilght burden. Conduntor Johsn Kingsley anid vile. o! Chîego, vere ln 10Vn Timdy tu maie arrangements for thélr daughter AUne go attend Et. Mary'. Academy thse noming achoolYsear. BInu apropiielora yl mot bo reqoniréd 10 p*y thse 82 a day tait lisaYeur, beretofore Ievled, and more bue vîtI lunconaquenne te runnlng be- tween the isotelaandi fair grounis. monday vau Iaisor day. a lugaid oli- day, but not obseiveti ln lietyvlle. Even tisal.oons wvon open, la dîreet violation of that nov Saaions ordînanc vbinh requires tha& &bey 10e Closud on publie holidavi. J. S. rldley bas bean granted par- miission to move th0e bakery building on la Milvaukee Avenue property froni Usé soutis te north Bne ofame. This move, It la sald, in ta maie rocou for a brîci block Mr, G(idiey onnten- plates erecting. liens Crosby vas ouI from Evanaton for a foc deys vigh the Lesestnwevei. tise reporta Augusta Les, Wiso la in LEviauà >uder the cars ut tralned urses,tasDotimalniaJliy botter. and ttbougb lise bas temporary perlods o! iniprovemeot uo hopes o! her ltimate recivery are eutertalned. Later Informiation ta 10 tise effect lisat Do trace can te found of the horne stolnii from thse Hecist fan as ooted lu last vokaisse. Il Vasetai fret re- ported tise horshbut beau !ouud ai 1the stock yards, Chicago, but tisia proved 0o1 tO 0e the caue. As pet Use borie bas flot beaun ond. 1 notice ln Prairie Vlev Items cf ALut vosi Ibat 1the ont crop oft iat section le yieldiog 5044go 60 buaheis par acre. 1 cao go you Boino botter-cals ln ltedfleId and Oaia, Go 10 96 buabols 10 thé acre and on $20 an acre land ai th*t. 1B. C. LoRînsEh, Lîbénlyvîlle, agent for Luud. 48- 1-d. Mirs. C. C. Buliiey, Who bas Osais serlonaly &tek for several Vseks, does 001 Improve, and ber condition causes grave apprehonsion among thé famlly and friends. I9 may become neceasry go remove iser 10 a Cicîagu hospilsi for Ireaimeot. 8tomânh trouble, but o! a nature whlcb puzzles pbyslclani, le thé cause uf ber alcineas. F. E. Mars10, uvfér auth11e Grattan Stock Fan cas marrled lutThur.- day tu Mies Louise Rens, attishe brIde'. borne lu Chicago. UmssHesu "d acted s Mr. Mars's private aeretary lu the largo preparaiory medinine bnaloea10e conducis lu Chicago, for tvelve yeara. Mr. aud Mr@. Marah isvlI maie tiséir home on Use faim al lbertyvîlle 10a iavlng gîven up bI& borne at Hiver Forent, Visere ha reslded. The public sohoola uf Chiscago opeuéd Monday and fonnd tise 270,000 pupîla narryhsg vtei lu botîlea for drlnking purpoaea. ThIsawuaioncE- sloneé b h ie vater mpply for 1the varions yard sohools belng shut off SatnrdayunotI thisycIp ater depant- ment suppleti pure Vater. l'ha Vater brigade crested qolte a lange amount o! Intereit during lthe moruiug and tise pupIla rather enjoyed thé Ide&. Durlng lise morts of Auguai lisere bave bean 190 duatis. ln Chicago fiom typisoid fever eauaed by bail vater. In Anguai 1901 the liai vas but 83, Tise totalumbe oi dthMa tvou ail causasfor tha-moath wvasmIO. The fairs are vith us tis weei and bhey are a "aemooih" bnssci 1.50 1.00 2.50 a PICKED Up HERE AND THBIIE. 4Local Items ovflnterest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. lU Eft.t SsiedaY. Jume 8, 1902, et 12:01 8. M. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO. .exlDAIS. VEX 3311 Dsepert Prom Ne0w Depot. Arrive et New Bepot. "ev., Li rertyvlIlle. Arrive Chicoago. i.ýav. Chicao. O AiTVl- 1,1rtyville. 13 .....3. M.............M12a. M. NO. 131...7.4 a. M...... ..... M IS 3. . 0 M. .......... 10 0 . 13:3... 936aa. M .... 1 44 . M. 140... 918 a' 0 ........... -10:81M. 135...... 210p. M. ..........344 P.13M. 144.....12 :21 1, M»............1: do M5. 17 ...... 4:0 P. fL .... 4:52 1-- M. .6 p M.4............ 7: 6p. m. lu ..... :1.5p. ...........045il. M. %UNDÂTS. 143.5ý1 P.nMi. .........6 254 , . fNe. 133 ... 8:20 a. ,...........05. 1 3 . . à311 M: 1,.:5.3.............1 àa. M. NO.'147.8 .n...... .....4.104.01 14 74.0.....4410 ..... 0.2lIL 'n.3. ... ......... 9: 1 . lt8 ...ý.. 7 8"P. Mý 136 . 5 .1.....21p.m. ........ 38 p. M. ...N ... 1.326v. M . ...... ..... 27 3P.n TO CHICAGO. FROM CH4ICAGOJ. VEUX LDAIS VEUX DAel Depart Prom OId Dapot. Arrive et Old Dopot. Lmave ltertvville. Arrive Chicago. Loave Chteago. ArrIvv LIIort yville. U 0. 132...6:4:IL M' ............7:u a. m. 141 ...:0 p1. m . ...........6:3 P. M. -13 ... 7188a. in. ........... :6à,0M. -1446. .86: t0P. ...........7 56P.0M. îUSD1AT . 6U83A!S. NOm. 12.... :6a.M . ..........130. Nol&.M. ...15 930 a. ...........1444a. m jubilee Week Program. Dr. Robinson hau about completed pino for Jubilera Weei, and ne niore novai or dslightf ni divercluuon ,uld te Oonoeived, than 1the unique sorles o1 mieetings 0e bas alranged. Mimd> credît le due iteveeend Rtobinson for the enthuelaam manifested lu ail tise many dotails for t10e varions meetinags, asud thiaorlglnaity cf his Idoa. huuday neit yull be "<ld I9eoplee3 Day. Monibers of th0e Epworli Longue ViII coat for ail old people wlth carriages and cescort tInuï1 tise chiurch, wilaye rockers naor tihe plat. form i yl e pîaced for tieni. Tre laistorical booklet prepaced by Dr. Rtobinson will be resd and Jettera fcomn distant pastors. Somae oftise oldest panters ViII male addrese. At 2301( p. m. Cisaplain Smilth wlll addrean raid soldiere and cîtizeus on At 7*344 morne former pester yl speak. Tisnraday evenlng nezt la "Jubilee Festival." The Lîbectyvllle band and tise quartettes have been invited 1&0 furnîis mniae. Id. Alce Davis, o1 Kingston, buasbeaun oecred 10 asslst Ste choir. A pastor yl male B short adilan, foloving which refreaiments VIII ho îervedi. Stonday, Sept. 11 l be c'Yonng Peuples' Day." At 10) 3(l a. mi. young Vorkeris from -Waîîiegana and Urays- laies viii lead tise service. At 7:30 State Jirestident of tbe Epworlis Lage, Dr. Wolff, of Chicago, and liev. Catir, of Evanston yl speak. T10e chucch ilVIII hiandsomely decorated foc ail lthe services. Fair i>anceas. Frank Herrington and Gord Snhanch are go ggîve dances ln thse Invn hall Thnraday aud Frlday evenlugs, and tiiey willite iargely attended, as Fair danven always are. Chancery Notice. stte utf1Illinois. c (.0.onte ut Lai.'. 484 Cirr-'tit Court of Laie Conuty. or-lober terni. A, D, 1952. tin Chanrer NO. 1237. Fred J. Gies vs Hery L..a44rau-e. Auna i oet. Christophec Yest and Mare Vuet film wite, Anui, Mahler. Mict.ael Unihdeusîor- aud 1.ion.eUmeisdentoxy ishicoVle. ihai CUdron l u aoi 'drtookils yite Fraur-is llucpert. George Hors ragtar and Salomila Hsrsersar ie i cvits.e. aiF. (vasirfi Her Hurlingharo. M.i&.aH Suîtherlandl an lFdeila Bu ieri"aubashife.t Mark Sutherlanid. Christian Crueha, Christian Wresche and Sophia Wreohe i.s vite. Auna IlooI. oAnaa.Junot. Auna Jost Christopher Genet. Chritopher Joost, Ohris1ojs10er Just. Hencry(loont. Henry Joost sIeis cra 008G etrcaJost lteeoe Jot. Jaherue _eri.Unknowu hoirsu ni,4 de1 s.,. -fHenry Goost, deoesed" ".' knonboire. and devise@o. Hery Jouât. decoased...L'ninown heir. and devi8ees ut Heury Jomt. deoeqased.' '*Uuinown owuers of prenilses blIte bhlli0f SatlafantorY afflMed.avltt hat tirerearem Pomsoune lnerested la lads sui& as **Unkno wu uviIers of lie prenileesiiiln hill11of Coni. piaiut deorihed* mid asoCnknowu noirs and dlovisses of Henreyost. ceasd'and a>. Ciknown hoirs and devise- of Henry Joosm. doooeasd" cand a-'unknov heirs and deviseeos of Benryre 0esids(eased"and tirali e naines aiid Pia of orsidence ni naidtirsons are unknowri and abat Heure La Fcanoe. Anna Yost. Chrtopher Yoat and Mary Vos bils vite "A2nua marier. Michael Unibdenetoisi anId8aionie Unbdenstock liis cvite. Michael Uuderslouk and Salome Cndersloo- imhi VIe. FranocîS upport. OeoreHersvr as and Salinia tersv~ lar es lfe !ranaltu P Wasisaurai H eni iBurlinLulami.Bas" B. Sutherland sd Fidui a tSuths.and te.cvile. Mari Sutherland Christian (irusia. Christian Wresshe aid Sophia, Wreoeho hascvifs. Anna Gooal. Auna Joost. Anns Jost. Cinistopher UJoât. Chrlsopher Jouit. Christnvhier Jost Hence 0008et. Henry Joost. Bonry Joet. hbeiea Ooost. its-e..-ca Joost, Biehmaeca Jomt and Catherinse .k. deîcutauts laurials calase ou lue sîuire ",auuot he touud sud tliaIlapon 11,ilit ls4î,,y ire lsoir 4a44ut ofresîIdeuce r-nuot l4e0 uer'taiied 440 tat 1,ro.,oas ounot Ici, ,o racola41,ntirerai0,or er out(hemu iaviag 0em'u llosd ln the .oCiý.oftrioe(JIJerk uf sidd Court. Notloe s theretors- Oe-be given 10 ail the salci 4b0voanied asud nunovu Ldetoudauts st Ilîs- siovs- uanied .oniplainant loreto. lors-[lied bis hall of r-,,lllut lun .,fil1Court. 4n talc,,cianr-ery $ie au.r'4t44d thât s s.liommost0s-r44140u le,.out01of mai] Uc444rt agallnutth" e bQosh1arrid 41t'444)dUfL. r-'t4,riat444on the fim,, rtday c4,1 114ternibruuti1e cirusît Court of LAis- Cunuty 144c4I-40aimait u flic, C4urt H114,440, IiWalik-lgau u r, ,li ace coîîîc 04 ri4tJoiret 310144,4447 Ot,. , A 14)2. a. l bi hcAv i4'>àUlrc4i. k4>44 ,1Wil it 4418 stl ,uifé.Lno4 is 4. îso, 4,wAt. ('.40k Buro If 384I4 .u. Coî4î, Moilî o r 14. C. N- DtIlANi>. AttOres>. 133ilartgsrd Htate uofllim ouic044y 4of Lai... sae Co4Ity (jourt utLake.s- Conînc t Ot 414444e041 Terni A. 0 140. (J.Flrank Wrigi4t. Alininlorutor Arthuîr L. MNe, O.Ethel MYierk. iais- Myrlr-0 and Firik I315rlnton, iceliotI0 -ai 'sai-enati4,puy ilO-t. AfflldavItoutrace of4 4i4,t44 tArthur L. Myrrei[. %tuer MY,4 O and i.a1s- Moio L 4iet4ndaute 410400 aîued. l44îvlug eo u, l. ue, otie ,of th-, UlorI "t 144Cüunt eColîrt , Lake Coolîme. otieý, bars-h ul'uto th44 sait iArthu4r tL. M,i .Ethol Mcr-uk uni Djale, 38ricc it 4,1Lue oaid î'etltIonec (0 Frauk wrii,.admiuiotrator (A tu0.e stats- 0f Mare J 38ercideamoli fins h,rototore lied ls getition i lu ali CO44nt1C urt rut Lake U"ounty. 1rallig t'oi4, a -." rte sal' ot lis- real-estat" ,, ivnI onui trio siestA of(4 outid doeased. 0r044i) 0.m4U, 1 I4a4ra, ace to eed10444Y 144e 14,1, 4,7ofal4i ds.'eused aud deecil am 444fc>ljowu t.,, it. Anunlu 411 ids-,1 0-rolth lute14c40144 Ili the10South, 20 cwi. of -4 th.b, West 1.laI ta'.4 Mont, as mt cluart.r ,ct Section i . ,nudt race North îir rrs-sQf 114eNo4rth4ioEast ct4,r utSeotiîou 20; Ahie r-n.uihont stllke on tie aUt lineofutSection 20 botw.,eu landsu tmonirî ovuied bac Cern. lis-u114554W.M. Hu(r-hinsou auit runurlue sorth, 1ui rode t.oa stakle; (heuce Wee1 on a 444llralilfins- sith 10e Soutehue of slfatali. a&, rodo 10 tue 0411f ser-lou lIns- thorum ,, 44014toit>stalle ou theelineoof surail W14541 bai1te '.ail HostO nuiButobion. o014; th,,ue Ear-t on saint luie. 1604rude toths- piar-e utb,,g1u4440gi. cont.aring 1344 acrs muore or lce.lec8stiou 20. ai l laTowuohîv 44 North, Ranfge- Il Eatt 0 f 10e lsd P, M. eZr-sPtil4i tho44rtour a Viosofo!land des.,riid s-d f ollovm o. tlo nilng 51 the lnter44er-i44ofuthe0,4 Mehanîr-'. Grove and Diamnd Lae ruaituthe West fins- 0f ths North lIat ,larter ut Seu-JOou244 ai a oint 19ic8lu 40154Auj 2Inlinks mentaluof lhe North West coruer 0of41441lu arter Section;theru-m rtnunu South &loug the quarter sectIon luo4m cOsSue sud 7o0links;: ieno Hiat4 r- lt ad 244 lis: heur-s-North vsrsiiei silo t0e quarter se-iolinolue 51 -sansd se linOs Lu the center of sald road; thonri.. South oh deurees West sionz thee conater of s-A4l usdIr-alu sn 5 uI, th"10eplace ut beàclnninug. on(alning 4 3-10 acres.amors- or is-s- Aso -z-eîin tatartuttie Soutu E. MDonald VUI tralct a dwelllng for John Bauman» et Round Lake ni inonth. DoilleLimberry, Frei Enaier and John Brixon are alltilg sa s pcia1 police durlng 1the fair. The Libertyvile band la furnlahlng music for th0e tai, and It la tise very bout muale, toc. Our boys look Une ln their natty unîfoem. Il the many dilapidated sldewaîka about toVn are te 1be flpatrs-d or rebuilî betore winter someoue Viii have to Ret buay. il taDono 0long nov 1111 &Dow flyo. TIsat neonentli ali ln front of Petgee' aloon ina a plendid improve- ment. It la te 1be hoped adjolnlng property ovners vili follow suite, au Ie now 1the Intention. An insignlflat coon gacbed ln faahionable attremad veaclug a ping bat and a large oullower, atiracta more tsan blé aainie of attention about town. One vondera a@ ic passes whlch Bide of th0e $tract ho owna. D. C. Lorimer believes lu lettlng people know %usai Lunds Land Agency exIos. Cauvasa signa, large posters and lterature of ail kinda announce lu unique phraaeology tisat Lund @elle land. Tise Dakota exiit at the fair la a bummer. Tisat the streeta are Hlot properly aprlniled dnrlng th0e Pair week shsows a tank of enterpie. We are ai. tog0t10.r too lndiffairent in Liberty- ville ln maltera of ibiskilnd. Th0e village board ahould appropriate a eafcient amouint eaoh Yser tu mure the Itreeta being opnimiied during Fair veei. There la no one who will Ulnd foui viti Use expelsdlture. Bruce Duaenberry wiUl drive lu the racesa 81the fair. Wedneaday bo drives Miles DeVines' horne DosesaMarc inl th0e 2;191 pane. Thursday Col. Dick Thomson vIl! be guided by hlmu lu the Free-for-all pace. Weil, ail Liberty- ville would be glatd to se a '-homo boy" carry off money and honore. Voubtlerns BruceVilII have a lusty audience of -'rooters. At thelr meeting Monday nîgitthle village board retused to tale action relative (o sprlnkling 1the sîreets dnrlig 11e fa.r. Il woild aeem tisat lu thia (an emergenoy, caae the board abould take favorable action sud afford relief froin the disagreeahle 11115 visinb la aiment 8stllIlnginl thébrui. neom conter where trafle la tie heavtoat. IfL lbertyviUe dors flot vais up b 1the nenSalties of tie hour, th0e galk of holding a compelîtive fair may flot prove the lokeis Ills nov' regarded. Unclaksned Lettera. Thelt o! uulalied lttret Lib>ertyullie 111.! pogtofftas for 1the w, ol s-dlng 5.6, Wheu caliag for these 1I-tIer8 Bay~i lied." Mr. P. Braîken, L.J Cary, MiAr-. l iproythe. Wnu Smion. WAEEEN M. lHEATH FO5tmiL4, r BONJ Ml. MtLLER, Atr..y. Adjudication Notlee. Public NotIce la hers-he lven thatt ho auhacriber ebouutor ofthe lenat wili and testamnt of Srah liadoiedoneaaedi wili attend 1the Ccuniîy Court of Laeooounty. At a terni tb;eof (o te hubien 1t th. Court Bouse ln aukeca.iln sala Conte. on the iirstMundav 6<t oveniber next 1902 wheu an1d whers ajil Done havisa uïs sainât sald oBlate are nottfied and roquested tu Jressnt (hoe ie tu saidi Court for adjudîca- tien. £0414450J. MÂnOLE. Exe4uutor uf huit will sud testament of SoLmh Malole doenesed 7- waukleffau. Ill.. Au«. 25,15442. BENJ M. MILLER. Attsrs.y. Adludlcatlon Notice. PubieuNulloeslm heroly gîven trat th., suber-rîer adminlsîrator orf the astate ut Lousia ?Loo deneaeed will attend ltse Couinty Court o Lake Couaty. at a terin tiersof 10 eh oidenaetthe Court Houselu Waukegau, In al Cont, o 744 irt onday oi Novmbe oellievisn 556where ail versona havinuaome Iganst laid 55(447. are notlfldda&, requested to prenant the saine to aaid Curt for adj udîcalion. Jhon. P. Giesa. Adnnhatrator Waukefan. liti. Aus. 25. 19042. 47-4 PEOPLES' COLUMN. FOR SALE-A driver anl good farn hors,-. d. aq111r0of A. Manga. 1,ong Orove. Ili. L0OT-Alai"es goîl wi,,-Ai lu(he vIllau.e aOf Libertevil. eu s4145 e aue t1 10144 office. 46-11.41 F>.SALE-Houes- nfloIt. Addrense C1. Adjudication Notice. Publie Nulloeslm 1er'by given tisat Ilîs subsiribertboihe meutor ofthe Iatviiîand testament of Chari" G. Ar-heu deceaaed wil attend the Counle Court of Laie Counle. at aterm thereof 10to e ioldon at the Court Roueln Waukegan. lu .ald Counny.0on the4 ârnt Monder of 1>oveniher nel àlem ubs andwhsre ail versons haylu<lassassiaot said estate arenotified am 2 cqustod lu p reent thse sanie t10 nd Court foradtudica- Dos. RmuAE J. AcUim. lisstrix. Weka.Auu"&% 1. & 4 ICE CREÂR SODA/. CE CREANl Yom wil I 4t: al . 5. E.mirs Brui Store luail ttbe pplar flawr. Milso offber poula«r It Weadta drisks, sucb as lelulce aM !cola, eoc oa, etc. F. B. LOVELL, Libertyville - - - - Illinois. CM cet st1»1989îaa For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. Youi get thm iucreased and growlng service of the lik. Cotinty Telephone Company and connection w1th the Chicago Te)lephone Company. For Information, rates. etc., wrte-~ CONTRACT DEPARTMENT, THMC S TPA R.ILovlla Druig Store. UibvtW*4 LATEST ARRIVAL OF SUMMER GOODS. Ladies (<ttoîîUîîderwear-in white skirs, t',rset covers and drawers, 25c to 95c. Neck Ribhois-ju all cuiors anîd ail wjit1is. at 10c to 35c. Laîlie.o' Short and Long Silk loveY1 alivi Nitts-whjte and blacka t 40c to $1.00.J Lad1ies' IIoliery-plaiii and fa.ncy h<ose ln white' and black at 1Oc, 15c. 25c. Applique Laces-large a8sortment of applique laces in white and black-per y(l. 7c to123c. Ladies' Slippers-latest styles and silapes at $1.40 to $1.85. Fantcy Iishes-a comploes une of (3rockery and Glmware in plain and fancy shapes at lowt rc j 1 A saniple liîe <of finest imported (h-rmau ii Lie Table (3oveis, 2, 2j anîd:i yards long; every ons a diflerexît patterns; aieo 15 idozen Sample Napkins, 20 to 27 luches4 squîare. These goods are slightly soiled on the outer fold; bt yîîî vau buy them 40 per cent. hielow the regîîlar valtue at t I~I kes. -eon IA-q ir 41bertyville

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