'99994 fîý ~TCign- sNe-lr eSeoooDue,•for th• ftpport of Missionaries,- ami OVER CH ittY PER69NS REPORT- Archbishop Riorlan of San Francisco• ED TC HAVE PLIRISHED. hast sued the Mexican governmenit before thle international court at The Hague for the interstun Cai- Monster Blazes in Washington Leave fornia'. pious fuând. Trail of Ruin nan Desolution- nye"Q _T la H~om. .aSwept Aw.y-Ref..oeeswith-Thisuira bas a..ndustre eiir out Clothing Flee tn Terroir. curious$ history Iand greater thn a t Ran goes back to thle date. Many new ta Thirty lives test and m-in and dleAola year 1697, when it nditnlis have ben added toI tion for a distance of mure thant forty wax started by ductive capaity, facilitiez are beg$ miles along Lewis river ln southwest Pious peopfle to en'- creased at old planta, and tle shops Washington near the Oregon border is able thec Jesuit mni s nmed through the settlement ot the record of the monster forest fies1ha sionaries tu carry controversie. A coke blockade Otg have been raging in Carkte tt on their verk in ist, i raibvavhel g unablet 0 B MEGED BaangLtian ive, tlletheawfl dx- TRUST HolDs YKON GRANTS. The fire swept through great wstretches ABP. BloRDAN. bMexico andi Cet-litnurgent requlest. 1hespite the r O ~ se BEMRGD atlpnsrivertkel the awflis-r of timuber along both aides of the riv'r fona. The Jeits veloenelt of transmportation facilit ,r-edxsîhCapi a osr thatlhas vertnteibmadiitaryWar ]Dsprtmelnt secures Confirmation iand licked up everything inlits path. were the trustres of thle fund, but when nat ionseeds bhave grown still rmedwith Cp traiocesofnornel. as rorhthedbyaves t of mner collector's Charges. - Scores are lefthomeless, without foodt or they were expoIù.eI from intpaish dolnt- and the(situaltion is (stres'sinlg for 0,000. f ý'scn-chrm anHonl.Troughithe cravs of e- There isevide iuce at the War Depart- elothin, and bodies of men, women, hil-luins In 1767 all thelr property, hincnding permsuad consrumlerik Lrgecrops UeacursvieWiscn- cholra aenttire mil tary orpos of ad-Ment tending b, prove fthat, as alleged by dren and mlanmal urped tu a crisp dot this fund, was seized by the crown, which being harvestedanthgrtea Miciga hae eentivs, en topunsh henotrios eofformner Collector Ivey of Alaska, a lhuge the barren and charred spaces whichhadaiteftrthat admiistered this pious fulnd, anfce ofoos uff licuseda deli r latstoualigan-thunxiterson Breea. pdo trust was formedu on governament reser been cleared and' were occupied by log- aind the Franciscan friars were given prices of comnmodities during Anugst inCh, unidter thea exStEnCRE RIEaSIID tions in Alaska which control the coi- ging camps, charge of thle mi-ions. When Mxc 3.5 per cent. ai nmeasu,,lred by Dun*4 i t n Consoalided Pa$:- ERTD VETOUCI" merce of the Yukon. A full report has Scores of survivors were fonditby res- won her independence fromt Spain thec number. ietail trade kir large, with cap f itlre deat r$ LeteatMors30wlanrat been failed at fthe War Department by cuing parties, without any clothIg except trust of the pious fond was transýferred ' bright onutlouk for. the future in jobb Siers, of he dea rg ietnntMrisKe(IlrFat e. Randal, andiwhen the faca have gunnysacks. Several parties 1 k1Bd'1wn by Spain to the republic. and wo ebTie 'herelare tel roe mt rs, f Ciago of Maine Disaster* been laid befor President Roosevelt he to have saved their Ilves by aeding in There were twenty-one mnissions qsup- of the caclsin o numnerous nt ti e mtte anM L eut. John A. Morris, U. S. N., wasx a aea aii eciyn oe of the-- - ~tiestyrhtecletosaem Strange of Oshkosh, found dead ka is stateroom on the Unit- injuatcesawich haveneeyng doe the gen-aprovn.anaime af229pr ee n th JhnStaneed States ship Olympia by a fellow offi eral publie by tlbe mway in which the relier- rin ak x.%il u Nw ork1oer thnt lenasha. The propio-eer. Hiebhad commlitted suielde by shoot- vations in Aaska were granted. Thd sae.week last ya en nuot be,-explaimted plants sold toutrighit iäg withi a revolver. The Olympia ls an- fis reservation was made in 1897 at Et. by seuail, asdealings in, stocks were ue, the owners nlot chored off the Boston navy yard. He Michael's, and anonther, it in understood, al..o heavy lin 1i1. Railwkay earnings la% urcas soc te asthre engineering officer of the Olym, was made later in southeastern Alaska. Auguit ecrdlast yer'y 4.2par k in part payment. pia. No cauise la known for is act. Mor- The grantees it is afBrmed, have formed ,centiandtheiroof jl'k .yIli L.lier ent."», rathv be i-ris lhas had a weight of somne kind on lhis acmiewihhsfoe u nyoh t i&to ekylieview of th mlsprvdiginind ever since the blowing up ofth ers than thoet whom the original Tra9de makriehefrgiguma. ýd consideration the Maine at Havana. Morris was an elee- grants foror front privileges, radsotnig tervws o. give an option to tricianr on thle Maine, with the rank of etc., were md.The original grantees, Atough the wkl alety f enso t ter s asitntenief. When hie visited of course, got eve(rything thant was value- Irn fra11i b't uspt as tr, [an. L, 190, for thre Kansas City after is providential escaple ble. There is noiw practically a giganticoreda t;. - tol'y fthe tron A 1property, including at flavana hie was very averse to talking monopoly, somne of the granteces havingi a ic enapeibycra stock, water power, about the matter, but his friends gathevred erected wha r, s, docks, etc.. to the value by i,ýtine bk-aeppoaly ofafeiai bank. accounts and the impression fitatie knew the cause of htundreds of thousands of dollars. lywhihleount nunwrous furnac e of the explosion sdandtatit wasonot (due ion u, ratlas ankesc OF WVITCHERY. to Spanish mines or torpedoes. They KEEMP OLD) BOND WAR ALIVE, dsumpt oiveor piints areinre Asiit - have aIlways believed, from Morris' fae- ni--e r t lc rer bodmr Sayk, Mre. lMclBride ,oint. litatltheexplosion was due tode- Holdersf Railroul Pper inrMissouri 2-nien .l,!a.,.inone e.wal he enmor Necromanr. feetive lctrie wirig on the Main,. In ordereto k uep livthCuaim apinstte liir id County Criminal l -drf, lv te- i gliq ot n! ra maeri lbut billets Ban i [lg s Srh Me PLAN TO CUT UP AUSTRALIA. St. Clair County, Mo., for the amiount cf -te ures a. Mrs. ach ra e-li--- railroad bonds thre county hias refusedl to ,,,n r lr m g itinowt er si ence was suspýenldA Legistators Dielike Federation and pay a new sit has been brught in file n a lleaf.vy:g impore-ttens ha", Inte nitoIt 1, Try to Split Commonwealth- Federal Court at Kansas City and a ni, wt: aine in la the 6dctetp Thie Sydney, N. S. W., correspondent United Staltes deputy marshal wentrto prevent'Iflrther », nuwe that she hadl ind alg Of ie Lonon Daily Midisasoluthat reh e la to s, ve the papiers onthe cunt . SAN G ABRIFL MISSION, BUILlT IT I A PART O HEFNI. Pt i ti r ar Mr. a Mrs.IMd-arn te table ofumvr alth oatt reb.ese Fid exprveral 3rars rsun rnty des fteriver with only their healds out oft ported by it. fr,1m San f un hi n getnio ewlcmtvsand they paid rs.s ae likely to provokle plain St. Clair have been tm isoned during water. Couriers say that only two hose in 1711, to Sant IaI therap nwnt rtun for whricgh, she es uins arut tey wil fnot be carried. Sir tegetrpr ftertrsfrcn are left standing alongr Lewis river for when Califorikia wasx n ed t"Nw amIbucri-fbot )ton r concen in te 'ing ni. uinister forrome afi- tempt in refuin; lgto order a tax levy to at least thirty tmiles, yhere the country United Statee. In the o. nut1ome hxar i n, «fopi 0gfo tesue hiden bu iren iam e. ani, alth, said in a repaythe bonids, which now atuount to was thiky settledl.lhadt slddflthe properties of ti, lu i onom e rdestha wee l torst-kan gra forid he m nebubi s ofthepomm1nwhhatle eoijze.d $1 W00A Th emes f ary frefugees. in 184* and tIrm0oheproceeds mi,, the ae ra, fhlingth"e improvement. Npo frts. MBrid caed puhe speethfept. alott recgie.He fom White's fmillniear Centralia founld nationial treasuiry, stipoulating ftoli,'aly.1ie nfwe e iennle.hrson ortues ycrdsfor te acthattfihe ederatrevmachinery WOMAN MURDERED AND UBURNED. teslessronddb irs ih h hrc uhrii lpe eiter iguelectionlrng mnr. I r in*r illicult of theataelems t n edrab l reachin thec the c ap toita s m 6nperpetu ity tebetr r b,,ilb a tASA MRDEERwas weLghty and intricate and dit ua rTerrible Crime C.-mitted by Trampe et lod keprbl.]Îls ligt tlpp Califonau wai ceded ty.%% '[ ie Stigh ei hv ur letn A AMUD ERexpansion, but lhe appealed to thec ustra- et Ste.inauer, Ne. bs am, they umped into water bankets e t 1llir(aes by theatr eety , of ,, uertr, epSl!mi om Ilyh,, ut m je Filachnat orGot-lians not to give tupiand urged tat Mrs.Kate Fourniell, living nertiStein- tenevzwalr hwtbad MexidStac ceaydthepy trts porinou ofithe i, i.. v L, 1tIrmyb i bera.. rý l'rltM0 Sercing fr Got-peration would bridge over their difficul- a uer,Nb, a fuddedinte adWhen the, fire grew nearer they ab idn res on te p, ilous rum . h,iildtw luforeign dr heli ihouid. reties.ingadéacent to her resîidence. 'lceloe ing K lc i ni w ndfied iith Chrch aunthpoities mai a eh:-m ortg Iry. hil houinds are sPAcarIl AngT. AUL CROWD. hadl beten burned fromt her body. M rs. of a mallitgrotto a moslt surrou baid beenthe f rrar lfoe mxe anuifon rics tie In l .o oe snfs whomuered ANIloNAiPFournell's nmiithler and brother, who ivýed burang timn .Hr gthle i trui n I rrrgadb te oveniitin of iýlýli. S uc-irn a ai - a.g- d hc nrya thteir fii rm Stepe Full with 500 Persona et a Torb- with her, vient to town in the mormng ed my efi er , nohruang ialfi, ardlThrntonthe nor1ump.ire ftec ne ei; em o Tc beyWt -Neb The imurderer ernacle-No Fatalities. and discovered lthe body on their returni. Tepartyan emanrerd itheanimals. Tmirsion. gave(jud nnt aga i.- e nins M, opllet f arlyprdiritereha r in the shoulder and MWhile 1,(00 persons were struggling to The house was locked, mwith the excepjtion which weyren less terrrtrickenim. for $ µ n0.99,t aasfiwenty 1.ap ·t mrketifr wfen sn hastening to notify St. l'aul to witness the dedicatory exer. been broken. It is supposedfthat M rs. be gbredotcmplaeely. l .i).hal-eTisune lude arnio n s due to Ml. on id gentind's wife obtain- cies the temkporary steps leading to the Fournell was atone in the house, sialndta1lae, wried antweo ch)itlren1were.b\rni-d 1809iit,lan -Me1 ai deiin f ay30,L"lbawutd. fwet n r rdn ars aigu on the groundls entrane suddenlly gave way and 5001,per- tramps bhad broken in, murdered ler, alla toae iath. Tywe hlrenamping in te 1Iiexothre ave beenin o y-ofrecip.,to at ii b porgf rdist er eening le went to sous fel in a ha.Mnadwmnthen set lire t the body. t ods w. hen cauht bythepire.inthe i et, and Archb-hpfin iobrdnu a no in"orn tions etawd iottin qure w ith e fath e- oucreamte menddug t nasan tge UPOLD PRIMARY LAW. wagon was found buirned up, the charred ging beforefthe imternational court ait whe.n a dcin old a ebeni i eigwowomenanes-pot foth ea, and itenwe as olyby..--bodies lying near. A 112-year-old boy of The lingue to claimth ie money whit. 'tnent if fuil confidenceweepad . Neighbors are hunt pmp ortithatlatalitis ee avet-Judges of Minnesota supre.ne Court Mr. Hanley's siludead. Mrs. John b as piled up ince fthe churchaauthoritiw cial retun o odiin ptrdg.od.ess ofil c platoo which-led h @&y It Ia constitutioat. Polly and baby and a brothîr, aname un- in California obtamied their last cutr- lFailures for the week numbered proesson o he hurh bokRraks nd The juiees o9the Saupremes Court upt- known, and Mr. Newlhouse and Mr%. bution for the piousfud aithler Sbehalf nteUie taeaant1 mEIU R. rsenoe ndcwd, revefrntinfati eld the eontdtittionality of the primary Graves are dead. ward Thoruttin'a finding in the rbhl. year, and e223n Canada, aainsit l sendwomeuand chilrentfromcrushing election law. Thre question came op fo h pefroroLwi ivr [orhin18».yerao Palret of Anoer onle !aother in the scramble. When quiet Mower Coqnty, an order being sought to T he lsaa riwan fiftvectino: --- -~~ r an dFlu.spr t. Pire btie ou .uehadlbeen restored it was found, except compel the auditor of thratcounty to pro. tathe Knet tmbrv aterre de.tNews ofsecnorn»ote.rateetsuFluay xorai pa., febunout . ýh for a few, who were bruised and cut, no vide blank spuce* on fthe primary election tryediaet timperonssibole tgie ayest-Theoaof utesof NteIw :.We.,Batncudiknglouepot:o irisoerand dell oneS haid n roulnjubr e ' rallitan or eSupe crrectthebalotin mate of the samount ofthe dama c:dn enltural Col ege is anxiui i r urt hw r u h a ai t. 11airzeate ral ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t soeaddein sucaeinAnAbrHtl thmanrdsrdThcoralohdtoproperty. O1k deit, ed there ar sericesofSeeretaryh hof 64ricuinuth Nweek lasea adW Valos H ot,..Mels's Two young Bmen, L. W. Bruski and Jo- the law inintis respect to lbe constitu- bia river, is totally dwro d.thêretoi-eson ait the tiraitoft te sl i ! hat exprts snce Val o' aonCMiiys' ph Kierzek, of Posen, Mich., wýere tinal0noreports of livesltinab ut $301k. f) prop (o.Ryr fTxswl re pe grgt 1172bses g bern depmndmiiier ne fi ooer of a roomrain the erty sesetimated talen 3M, K. cial electio T hea Clonrderan 942into il lst eso nd 4.i85e uns Theitotl los ound dad as tAu ro.RichkiYouth Fouad insane. Argrat fre icalsoragng onthe owe- 1iedtermof R C nIe . ti ros. ~ ~ n o h oasve am milA M Hery %V.Graedy , Jr., of Atlanta, Ga.,mAnfin thlie l nohrangrtofthe county.serve thle tun4 pir etirortRbehel.inlit- ) Co> xpots ggegae 1f u~~~ b. e.Tefr spoe httey got up in the mght for maanbenfondinCtyHathar. ewEvr t buber iitsath hs raenei, usl, gansaf.1iaa" we , 7 rt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ YK ylab Htlnuoe ups n undontegs og a dazed condition. lHe was n-encn sue..h irl tikwhloeb r fholast yeariand2.4101 l,7k0 iw19. Fi Colu la a thnkig tis wuldprouce igh. Iable t, recogIzefriends or to give a smoke and falling ashes. Colemnan Grndyof Arkansas Cit, as teufstalye arnexortnar 9M31.ul ampi etiDayingve. r.«Bklyl nocohler, lt accounit of his ackotionis. IHis 1viet oees nbe etrelo h asa -imte e.aais 12. are l seasonit| eryat ayon.Momon Bsy n Eroe. ieds nd sicansstte ha acte About 3)0people are because of violntions of the terms of hii 37A57 3raino11a Ohb olcedearinnt Forsomne ftime past there ha. been a fil-4adPY. agsne htsneMuitonomah and Clackaimas counties, 1. s, & i,,ttin s gfalire .ri o'termY ) ohf>à polcetideprtment s eýineaein the number of Mormon suffering fromt ay fever affected his (ie i, s areultofthefoestßrs. hepar u of ajai rutdeli veryat rat nren ia both Germuany and Swit. brain, causing temporary mental aberra- firegas avebrned tov te aoie scpe of forPar ey ntewrb fcme bee olrequestaedovwtch n rland. Germany has nearly 2.0% )suchîtion-cury hvebu h rneatestde i ht ste'ueir(outofWptna enoft i eingof ea , colored,chr with mseIissionaries, while there are several hun- fa.fe BlowerkkArecaug.ht. . State a er have been done i th hde uiticharohld tha oyn"trward iithe No drew rd cey ih osede ilwizran.Br;,lars were surprised iby ofIer tocounties. t t whhel Iere theicextremnely lighit movement ad Iamson, l.with I l rofMK... while trying to break open the safe in the The ois distressing losm have)been vwhen not so c""stt.. h t prig hat to mar ket lhasrcome t and r Bechel, w T e Iniemry of Mcile IKly. , lalnle pasengr liat Wheelin' thoe suffered in-the vic-inity of Spring- w'tibyheriiacorntya u cnidaiuofratnpran. The rieEns. d annisobeve ersary of thilliaMKilysi a btleesedadan f h ter Clackamas onyqndLnz f eu lima nont fck bth e srie Ede dethwa obered y ervce trouh-burlas, hogae hs ameasJon ititonomah County. Thle Sp)ringzwater Mgr. Guidi hasbeen ia>miintýl dolh-'to than fior the puot fil we, .beras le J G. Brill far workk, ot the United States; miany owers vere lwwas faareyhwoundaindesoonrgoh en utterly sweit b h frsnohlhhpnead sep "thki t ioinu pa àidu g ., haseben declared c placed on Canton tomb; Judge 1)ay de y- ftr. a rty ner Pulp arin a dsan d thioas eewho ae rseact'hed oiti a sten.is dearueMitniht n u- ontio .nytmraya. art d ks' dt rratin h umnee n address in Canton chrc. atred. • cmmuicaionwit th ousid wold e Martinn"r, a ase atihewaye te arvtlirra ue e k ' u r a t o n T k e n i n . d t h s e w b h v e r , . c c - p i n s r k V a t ic a f t e rcao n o e o n d ig o o e a e, h s e n u i e c t enty-two men hadt been Warhips Ordrd to anm.ceaoereramAuuenFctiaytat immeditehelp ustb tt ematicCathoic Chuch intellip- wryniou-y owht it sieshide e emlyclaied fthe Te attleship Niconin as been ,or- Tealnexcted megero he rec. yfanrdrto savethe lies recued f, ro t in M September a>_ there is as et ne made sbecausge Il men dered to Panama to, prevent bomnbard. imeat-parking inte-rests of the United devouring nlames ____-~lleys.ea herike was are rament by revolutionist, and cruiser Cin- Sa wilg it ctv ndoe oel-- nth uimt laaplis eleva oncessions. cinnati to Colon on siiir kerrandl'ari-Stinet. 27, uo nlesscthveradensoulve " E IO AT E S NW IESAac-hyfrer 900K by Masked Men, ther ordered to Colon w th380 nmarineso enrà unooed for, change in thebplan RK FOUR HUN RED buSO NhW TEdo À"P"" E ,i ao te swo1ries Industriel ÄctivityIcrasng gri 1 rupon by l! those concerned in tr t h'r, , t, may are at ta for th UrsaMajor Dun & C;o.'s review declared industrial 0 --.__ vrtigi h ruewetta at lwaIlll Carat hwasn aivity inrasing In spit o transporta. Fstet hip of He Close. i ilad ,e rth, rinle ír 1 see. maokedw Iimend h-adtion blockades; fooldstuffs dieclinied 3.o5je-r The t.prpiedo d-troyer boat Wordennpalnoi th ii ht., oilarudn and, loalliulhand rob-cent during August; railroad earnings whii,with the BatinbridIge, was given i h t t oeint ver soon0 ic h w . y a t h a e B e e n g a in e d 4 .2 l e r c e n t r v e r 1 9 0 . l h r s ta n d a r d i a t io n t r ia l o v e r t h e B a r - n it y 'i t e i l e t a t o n .o rtn W a the employes at the Big r<n(i Island course the other day showed'hegvrmtweyrp d Looet an Indiana PostofHee- that she lisde speediest vessel1 of her vorale. 1-s-- hav eortsion JuheCoeTkol. Burglars blew the %aft, of the postoffice ek:s< alat. During a spurt she develup- alr Vn ittle ofa-saewre agiughter orTr. .at Arcadia, Ind., and escaped wmith all the edasedo -05 nois. ' tesenuv mkt ncras lanl ie,auterofeTaM'money and stampe in the place. The citi- ----Ieeyhnr tl in is so d bof a,t muril liernaire, m sade azens wIere aroused by the eposobut Finale cont Mine inuHis Yard. ,mtuiy fhtit] ri obl if anyo dams t to endigherlie by)flare- were nut able to catch thle robbers,. W. J. Whitehouise, the Quay trader --srou nohtofag hespl ithn aSi avigk e Ren1kilCour.ty, Pa., asdicovr lok meially, is poshibeatths bifren subering ro an Former Goeror Shepherd Dieu. a ei ocoin h liback yard t Putts- lodat. Thamntyin joihencutrtyprad ic ae e er e-Alexander B. Shepherd, former Gov- ill. Thie find was [lmade accidenitally datvewTe nurgi in thlenetreme.p tireor of District of Columbia, who ildhi but oe was being made in which to -- -- --- ilg!I fleexre nen Found Killed, rouch tu beautify and remodel WVashing- b1r a dead] chicken, 'Mr. Whitehouse young womnan, who., it tir, ton, died in Mexico. ha ls already taken out about fifteen tonts. uer, edwsfud New York Fiinancier Killed. Behool Fighât Leeds to Killing. wr NeYlork. Shte hadl Nicholas Fish, financier and brother ofr naqarloe colafisJsp d hoke milhrac prehident of Ilni eta almd Watkins, a former of Beaver County, CiaoCt , omnt k. lThe oheehtave ofoundr w alan'y a nnw a naNw(la.. was shot andi killed by a neIghbor, $0 t' .;hos tshppn eniy ran raeofhrYork beer hall,- -M Craven.. The school board had $4.25 to $7.7.;sheep, fai o ice, ndeatax eywhcci ntmetWI oi4l; haNo e, ù73ek . t ý. il . li r el .D ieu t o A v id ela tive s- e y ii h d d n e t W a 4 2 o 5to219; a ts, N o.4 ielnt l,ýlsHerielf.ry IaacFriend. fged6, aged bhimseIflf n's approval. firn a,Noo. 49e to 59e; o M ie an c o h al iss a r y It in a b a r p , i x m t ile s o t h o f P e r , I d . S t r k i n g T e a r s t e rs W i n . ; r N . 2 5 f)509c :1.0 0 p a i i, N . f Mp i na oi s , a4 1 1 p a t i t e a u s e l e t h o u g h t t h a t r e l a t i v e s w e r e S t r i k n g S w i f t & C o . t e a m r t e r s , C h i - $ 9 .v ; u ter c o I c e c rt u ie a m 1Pkospitl mAS. an!, ded o raighmrgt ago, won demand for recognition ofiteir 'e s,$freshu 1.4X to 19c;rie poioning. Aphalfonnee iin nand resumaed work; National Bis- b-t.ercov r-ie5 d cntind oionwa Kllig rÅe n orhwet 'eit Company restored old wages of strik.'30e té oc6lier bunshel. ocket Heay frnts illig veetabes ad in ingbakey temstes. Idianpoll-Cattle,shp eLean cont ng ant egg 1, ring egs i ly for the,,pý on corr. jla be-I)eliwwra ed a bl of -gg. ;1nal u nqiumber prisepromni. A system of wa the county an, placedlitNservi, from za ll. who mr are bVingt:a 1which is in, -W soon tas the placed on zine Th(- frameis- they will lhol throuigh. Wh- filed theyarn and acrs: light, wib. h wpots alo r. badness. Th bfto ý balk r. these te..l t 1 tentw, A re po ered into the · gay tank, or and a hialf in E:w. E:n-hl same nii th:, 10,0Mid-o fluid. tho mjr, a scrtand uI the emf-r.m on top f :e expend Iab i to be starti1 ty and era Proecutor in Charles C., bas 1-n 1-·a1 and his b, ris lat firstI bly hah horse. Wa derous uu roblwry. II color.ýl m-nlr deavore-dt ý il a chanie t1., grarud jurm. U FRE8H THO Barn of a col the N, John Bean, mile from E1: the othernhh ashund ml The imitia n e limoe of t the bu.an until it a ahopt twIee ai hle wa. eI-0h nepar the hoto, BOCI ET Y MMa, Ca le Young society rife of only chiengo p-r, left at her h., ting lher siu crazedwh are doin e Gond her, but STATE TI Receipts for and Dishiý The Augus, Williamson l to 4%7 (19.S, un d 324.45. Fol of the re-il fund, 19MIý fand, $72 Total, 1K 1397.67; sia ,43; Im ATTACK A sensatioi at the B reeport. F ne roo,in wn and eerful il where the In y 1fron .OAK PAR E, lui-Kit t le 1HÜE INDEPENDENT PBLiffED WEEKLY. ABVERTISIM6 R ATES ON APPLICATION. NEW TRUST FORMING. SEWING MACHINE MANUIFACT- URERS PROdECT COMBINE. IfayIl . eto Be Jo.ined in Co- VariactoH vingCapital of Thirty MIllions--Troops on Presidio Rese- Tation Break Out in Riot. PAPER MILLS TO ,ne Orm9tiin f a.cr oration with 'Big Trust Being For The formK) atal, to control the mianul- of 030,00 facu00pof cait , m ines is the lates't All the paper manufa iatueEleof rsew s, matItresentattives of sin, Minnesota and l nte ineof rsts.vebeen meeting recenlt- asked to sell out their 17anufate oars ge n the detaiils. tic paper mil trust, Thy inew Y r m arre anctries reported to name Of the Amierican Ilnthe eorngraction are: The New IIomne per Company, is to be Comen nthcorpOratie, Masms.; the 11.use- 000,00. The proulote Codopyof rne, Tt.I.; the Domnestie Dewar & Yerkes, br etldNofaroviN.J;tee, . • st of Wil. whose liiterests in the ofmNewark, N.:J.the Wilimsre lu ufac- attended to by John S turing Company of Plattsburg, N Paph frerlCoMpanygerofM Batandard and White CompaIny of Cle.vsition isCoanyeothed land, Oh.lo; the Davis of Dayton, , at ; tirull ase heIl the Foley & \illhamis iManufactur att e complledastorap Company of Chicago and hankakee, Ii;trust or to take tocI the Illinois Sewing NMachine Complan Blanktrus form also on Rockford, Ill.; the,(Chicago Sewing a tblutedfoachr of r chine Company of Chicago; the National rth to acstipult fiewing Machine Complany of Be y dre mill owr agriplees IlL Barnabas Eldredlg,head of the Nad Del w e r&Yeesta tional Machine Company of Belviere, ignsrunning' lill J V., is said to be slated for the pridency spurchase of all1mi1l et te cobme-buildings, pmachinery, BOLDIERS BHOO-0T AND WiRECK. etc,vcpting only 1 .. bills receivable- Another Outbreak by Troope at the CONVICT WOMAN Preaidio lReservation. - There has been more rioting at the east- Pennsylvania jury E erly Outskirts of the 'residio reservation, Is Guilty Of 1 B"Fancisco, Cal. A banid of soldiers In the Cumberland gathered opposite Anderson s saloon and Court at Carlisle, P, iifuthrowing stones in the direction cf Bride was convicted Aknderson s place andl the police wevre al day's trial. Sente aummoned. The soildiers then assailed The formal charge«sI the poic with sticks and stonem Somle un which Mrs. MlcB, aboi were firedt by the oldiers, who then was tried stipiulait reshed aAnderson's place. They set fire false pretenses." M te it, but the flames were extinguiished by Zug claimed that t the gire departmtent. The soldiers then Bride over $500l, in r dirteted their attention to the saloon of gave them informat Adph Rehfield and partly demolished location of a $30,00 it, while other houses in the vicinity were their yard. Zug dug a»o more or less; damaged. The rioters did not 'ind it. Mr wrere finally quelled and a patrol from the that aihe only told fo aserv"ation forced thema to retreat to the pastime. iréntin.Sofa & eu ý,lbe i d no alwas Briouslyabrsand ea ne HUNT FOR NEBRq Bightly lijured, a Policeman being strue posse with Doga - wiha beer bottle.lebN Leagure Base-Ball. Race. Posses with bloold Following in the standing of the clumbs for Gottlieb Niegen et the National Baseball League: i frme irM W. L. W . , er ah 1 Abet Pittsburg ..5 34 Chicago ...62 (66home near Pirre, Brooklyn ..70 58 St. Inuis .... r55 Og818ak oe dwa. ree Boueton .....63 60 Philadelphia. 51 475 kBrceerscwo was o Cncinnati . .64 64 New York.. .44 7 9 theYneighosN The lubsof te Aelicu Jcgueed a divorce two yea et c lbs o mrca egeof cruelty. The oth W.ta=L.s fllows the farm, picked a q IPhiladelphia '75 50 Cleveland ..4.05 62 caed o t he wods St. I»uis... .71 54 Washington. 56 0 C69 ing the urder EnOMMn......70 55 Detroit . ... .48 7 5 lttemud rwi "ef.... .68 55 Baltimore ... .46 7 9 LAMKP TARTS Threato i.E l Roservelt. ZmkSchmits agéd 40 is heldby One WholeBmock *eCninti plicePndi gInvestiga- Destroyeda dm tn asttement that he has thet At Prentice, Wis emed the lifer of President Roosevelt. Tt alcbidn és declared he made the threats te peoiple fOlwn bs., g in Everett street and the poice a"eOue; th..eerCmi 1fmeanhing for the men to whom lie made soe oreir thetheas.hotel, audry, bar MolasseeCombine Formed,. store, Emerson Be The American Molasses Company has barns and store ou bmIecorporated at Treton, N. J., with about W5,000, par à capital of $3,00,000, divided into $1,- originated in the M00,000 preferred,bearing -l per cent non-ý was caused byal cecmulative dividend, and $.0000comn- alDev manstok.Thecopanle to al in The Columbus, 0 ougar, syrups, glucose, molasses and simi- has been notified iar roduts.Dayton and have h Henderson Not la Candidate. for Joseph Parker David B. Henderson of Iowa, Speaker Murder; William of the Nationa.1flouse Of Re-presenta- stealing; Edward Stives and Rtepublican leader, withdrew pocket picking, a gin candidate for Congress in a letter de- burglary. dtaring himself oppo'sedl to wisih Of part7 a Wr la his Statle and district for tarif revis- Th asrke at t lionRand trust regulation. PheiladelphitPa Crim Ge.. luBiti.* after thirteen wee The report of the commissioners of sftruck because tw, Vrions shows an upedne increas'e discharged and thc in crime in the Uniited IKingdom. There discharges were I 'Were 17,163 nælre pirisoniers setecedtowereuioiT imprisonlment dunring the yevar ended Off without any cc March 3191, than in the pirevious Robbed of $1,0 year. , harles 3Murray, camp Meeting cottage. Burn. a freight wagon Ridgeview camp meieting groundts at Suply Companlyi Milwoodl, a few miles ,east of Ilrry, Pa., held up bty two Il were visited by ia mysýterious fire, whici between C4d",f.xa destroyed forty-five cottages, the. hotel bed of $1 1 and a store. Most of the cottage-s had Used to paly off i jusgt been bu t. I)ippe>r Rmine. Firenlch Minlter Gives offens. MDILIIonaire's Da I.L ellta ,Frnc.hiister of ma- »,iis» Edith Na vile, deried Entgl) andoan Germany in a Nagle, an Eriv,.1 speech at Bizerita, Tlunlis. Prepartiýon desperate. attempq' wars urged for "h1,ly %war" algainst couIn-ing her throait w try's nmis Ital waIsQs offeuded by Of late mihe has. speh.idipsiiovhi BOrtillvi --Pýt- Rj .. d.aneholy- Oscar TomYoudwrdConelan Th blyofa and Old lPad ' daffy, held in ilhicalgo as TvI.yc acesrsIn 11he murdeir of rs.Anna belived, wasIlm Bartholin andoi ]jioýNuie Miell, have Jbeen pier 3> Eat riv declared naot guihjv of the carg ad beenhetna ordered reeused fr mIlstodv. ws lmost Iblak __ 1 no clew to her Idv Negro Convicted of Lynching. . murderer. At Birmingham., Ala.. llo),reJackson, Hospital P1 a egro. c'hargl w ith participaiting lin the Overcomne byi 1ynching of Aleek lemn another ne- T. Abrahams or gro, wasfound guihy anId sentenced to at St. Luke a hc the pntnir for ten Iyears. of carhohie acid 1 Death to the Ca ts and Dogs. foundain her pba Hleailth me rülihhan issued an f iinbrp