I., Wlho lies lii -- tasesi a ', Dao"e nid do creau- 111y, do go thoe al; bee la give ,erj la , richiest r. ctoil coomary e tate. un tise L)akotia. esnsi n Lwcte 1 In Me11 erdeen. o pusis ou tise )iafinr. Ling for ia nov le etaIt- ta relier alt veek oin bo-ra iPlut*.- vam heme trreata on At of lM-. tnue remi- Ili glie a imeis nei 1fine iadles ilisg tise tiSe. b! stig aug cie. -n tCuo tisa .01nI Il anil - ia . stn $1.50 $1.00 $2.50 IHER. os thi 'sests Mfitq, ail $4.00., faction nakes. lie very e righù~ tTE BEST THÂT EVER WENT INTO AN OVEN .THE. ,,BIG JO rLOUR" '-OR SALE BY TRIGGS & TAYLOR, LI.BERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. L BY IT! TRY ITI [AT IT! BEAT IT! CLIAINS Best value for money. Knives and Uorks, Spoons, Gold and Silver bowl; Berry Spoons, Pie Knives, Tea Sets, Etc. Iligh grade gold filled Chains..... Vest, Lorgnette, Neck, Bracelet, Uobs, [tc. Right Pr Scritchfield Fountain Perl The YIIAR LONG Clock Rtns 400 days wth one wrd-ni_ An orn3ment to i DARBY BROS., Libertyville Prtmium Ebets* p p We purchased the North Dakota premium cheese at the recent [air. lt's too good to Iast long, so order now. We have the most com- plote stock of ladies', gents' and children's sh3es in Libcrtyville, and su-lI cheaper than the ot[ters. Try us and see if this is not the case. Smith & Davis, DEAL.ER1S IN Gie ne rai LIBE RTY VILLE. Merchand ise, ýEAR liibbir - - PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. Local Items of Interest teLibertyville Readers. '0 C. M. & ST. P. TIME. TABLE. lun Effect Sunday, Jume 18, 1902, et1:01 a. M. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO. VEUX DA 0. VEUX lAIS. Devait Prom New Depot. Arrive at New Depot. ~ LLibertyvilie. Arrive Chicago. Leay. Chicago. Arrîvi lurCîL -134 .. :1I n .m ............ ':25a.m. , No. 131... 7.4sam......n ... l:>iam. 1- 2 a*0. Mm ............ :O. n. 12 .... 9:0 a0. m . . ..... 10:43 a,1M. 11 . :18 &'n. .......... 1:1 1.n M, iU . ..2:10 P. M. ........... 348. . 1 l...122P . . ..........1:40 P. M. 187... t:0 . ln. ..... 452 1' M -14.7 e2 p n:.............00 il. n. Il...5: 10 P. HM...........eu p i. M. RUNDATS..143 .. :P. M.......... 7:02 Il. NOI. 1..... 8 2D.m.............ela.na M'BUN ATS. 14 16...9:8a. ............10 aM. No. 1.7 ..:0M.............9:lxa. 14M 7 44P. m2 . .... . mu P. M. - 10.. :10 M. . ..... C e ,n. 162 .... :0P. M n ... .. . 101 6 '. n. N. 149 .. 1:6 P.1M...........2277ilM. TO CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO. VEUX DATE, VEUX 11Tg. Do"Part Prom 0Wd Depot. Arrive ai OId Depot. I.eaVe Ubert yetîle. Arrive <Chicrago.1 Leave ChieMo. Ari- ,Lib,r yaili. No l .... 6 - .......70M. 141...40 P. M. .. ......... 6:mP. M 2. a.............s7Uan -11. :00.......: pn SUIIDAYR B Ullîra!. NO. 132. 6:6 . ............. :ma. !Not. 11 9:3 La. ............lWo8a. m Dr. iobinaun anal vite attendeal a voddisg ai Iebron Wedbesday. Wm. CLen basacouple.ofear loada nI Minnesota cuve for sale. 48-2-dl. Heu Prie ela iyng use oundation for W. Id. Heah'@ nev bouse on Cook avenue. Mir. anal Mr@. M. B. (oby viaied frIenda et Anderson, lsd., tl ie nt of tise vesi. bynue Coiby saisi lis homeobis veek lu J. A. licAiee, vho yul taie possession nezi MarcS. Tise romains ut J. P. Melniyre were taken 10 Boomils, a 11111e village Sean Aurora for inemment Tun.dy. Mn. and Mlin. P. G. Cleveland llotI lionday mornlug for a fea clapa viait vils relatives ai Freepont anal 10 viai 111e KikisonsPain. Tise Ladies Aid ofthtie M. E. chuncis viilgive a ton cent tes ai theo home 01 lire. Danl Leet, Friday altonnoon, Sept. 24,. AU cordiaily inviiesi. Soi Kelmey mye tisat fr00 a ftony yeare observance lie nown ve vili 701 bave plety af warm veather aaudstai corn vliii rpen. fliitleonj la tisai visere aL kliug frnt douesnet corne between tise lotis and 2itli01t Septein- ber, a long perldof t anm veatisen foilows andi oeopseare vote. VDui n u jour corn jet. Attorney MéeonfIfn bas closeed a deaI vherobj a two tory brick business bioct wvus pressealbrick front le go be egecteal on tise site nov occupiedbyà AtM«es restaurant,.lise secondi fluor viii ho Bîteanp s a afiat. The tone mntam aiready renteal, but by visom Mr. liarliulifn aisaluiely refusez tcaMalle. Tise building viii ho put np ibis fan. Laut ovening, tiselotis, vas given a bisiiidaj pari! anal dance la bonor ot live young ladies whiose bintis an. niversaniesO cur lub ept6einhr, ai Liberijviiie Town islait. Invitations vere iasied for thse event by Melndset 0 Milwaukee Avenue tram <Jisrch 11e youisg ibM,. 'lie "Neptember k« Se tree tu pring agreet ln beiug le. girls" are laffl Cevelandl, terdina gavoen andl DivîIson fromntMiwaulkee Siherman, ÂllCOe Bydam, Lînna Wells Avenue go Mechaulce (Irove Roned.ansd Ethel Wimme. Wtie loadlog gravelai alShe Oopeland W Nho- bia , bý.wlîîîg f. oris, Pi Tuesday workmen uneartheal ivo Tis olaPien rsal noý Mu ii I S. Indien maeletone, lia B good atais of1 TheI16e wkreonluaday or inywoon prentervation. Bnale eteb w att a large f<>ulech Vkluua dave or 10 honIr a t.ilrkhors.i near Sie depot. A winl-tnill ln 10 1>6 Job,. AyTee 1tilts week fînrrhlA.. of erecteal 1.4)PUO0P vatlu :t,,a largei any homne. àtre. Frai:i Màsoiî br I auti','>reservoîr lu atlie 0f Ile lepol fiila f îrcLàl el et- l.Wa îîttrsfau l .-i*ueaary tu auiîfry vals-r for [lle oy ieater>, 1',t,et 1l4 a 141M' ý -deput aloi tne10lau 0111i I -onl Lice.4, ousd r4t11111 I ieth ieY eelnaàtl- tilI 1 -ee Mien. Cra.ford, of Chicago, , ter fur î.early aya nIith art of lire.Waley, ptsrcmaod of Thoa. pormanaeilly. Work '.l, iw ii 111 i M Iinois. Ruselliilit a loton vesi aide of Ulianerd tkotldot 11%telanprogremm. Court Ihis veek au(; vilii uli a modemrosreideuce. Pary or partiel vio borroees jack arevaa thlie (Jaun! tarm in viiiples retnrn sarne. We vaugt ue tise.ansi cananot recollect visa isaroal ithem. C. A. APPLUT, SUPt. liemsi. àMebier anal Bartle, organ- iera for thse n rtlodge bave aecnred 20 members for a local Tribe. They ezpect g0onganhle ln ivu veeka vus a&bout ibirty mombera. Tise new eieetr ist oad campais! have plans ont for a car barnu26Clz6Ctfeot ocuaaning four tracke, lu le butiof brick. juet eant of thiei depet. Work on sme vili commence tlisemoniis. Neit Sabbath morniug Dr. Roiinaon viii makre a memorial asdreesountise - Lite and Servies 0f McKtiey." There viii ho suitable decorations and mnte. Tise evening stbject vîli ho -la Man Infalttbie- Mr. anal lis. Ierman J. Meyers, ut Prairie 51ev, bave isued Invitationsa to lie veadiug o!fliein daugisier Mamie Auna, viso vili be marriesi 1 Mr. Harrj E. Boies, Wodnesdaj, (ctobet f, Kt tise brides homo. Ligis ronta andi much corn jet In the miliistage causes farinera lu look bine. Wéporta fr001 mauy sections of Ilintois are ta lie eleet cunaiderable c0rn ta being cultfon fodiler, lu aome Instances aboutiaif lise erop. 1 amn doing a&l kinda ut soving ai reasonabie prîres anal guarantee to please. 1 also take ordors fon ladies' talion made garments andl assure a lt I have nov at my home fuît ana l vniol @amples. 50-2-dl lias STFV.rsoue, ibertyvilie. Wm (Jasselitue popular jooisg1 narber vs shooen employesi Sp P. J. llockeimau for soveral mouisevilii open a siaving parier ai Round Lake ln a fev days, Is AmatIs limas. btock .1 lin. asaeii la a goosi herber audeaisouisi Meet vits succesa lisbSu venture. wailace, use iborse entereal by P. Danbent-j and wviicis reteal ivo memarkaiste races ai lhe e te fairtvau ontereal-&t Elkhoru, tioatatt Wednefidaj anal Fnldaj. Mr. Dusembenrj may lie expectesi t0 cameshome vilS more honora andi munej. Walace la à great borse for a green one. The American lMacaroni Compais!lla advertng for seip, deairln telueure a number of young ladies te vonk lu lise akng dopenimeni i tier plant. Tise vora la lilgit. cean aud desirabis. i iere ts au aversion hy snine yoistg ladies te factorj vorn, for no parlieular neason union perisapa liej regard ig as genotallj consideresi not quite tîspectabie. InIhis lie! are mistaken. Facialry von utf tise îgist klnd andi under preper conduiins le prtterabie to muaI oliset lins or omplojment open te0 yeeig ladites, andi so regand Sl tise general pubiei. Tisere certain- ly eau lie no objection on tise grouuds meikUu.d ta smploymeut affordesi Sp th iseemoul COoMPaa. W. C. Tr. L. Note. At 1110fr annuel election of officers thée local W. (C. T. UJ. in addition tu appointing auperlatendents for 1the vuriona depertmenta nanod thie follow- ing omOeza fir enauing yeur 1'reai- dont, lira. llis; Vice Preeldeuls, Mrs. Churcill and lira. John Olvamon; î eoeotay, lira. liaon; iTreastîrer, lira. Rarry (ieaaoi; Oorresponding bec- regary, Mmr. Churchill. lira Ets Klis vent as a delegate 10 Kavanavood )&nt Thoraday asud Friday go attend thse 4th Diatrict Convention. Nezitmeeting vils ire. (Butlen, Tunday, September 23. It wviibcoa mothera meeting. Ailinolliers rcar- nestiy requested i0 attend audi brIng Cheir babien. Lorluner Say@. Thse Editor daims luIn 100t 1ne tisat Lorîmer gave hlm a bunk nt tisa i ne prenlum cefeese from C.lka, North Dakota vush a viev 10 adventlelng hie rgouda. Give Lorîmor hie due. His liberaiity exceeda a&l bounda- lie givea Irae lectures, free mample sliowsanad free tripe In allviso go vith film 10 Norts Dakota. Lonîmeihmas aio given 1the editor anotiser hnnk of tisai ceiléee-coudlîlonally, viz 'tlbat ihe keep everaitngiy mum on tlie etlljeut. Unclaised Letterm. Thue Itut of unelalnedtletters &i t I,rt Yller III. poatotflce for Ille week en:II,,rgS0. . . Wisen catinu for fluese. etterm iav :ulor- DAbraîn Mismary B. Dombs- IMr . J::IIu l' Fiynn Mary E. WAaaEN M..MEAT5 P,,talinfr. SOITChili Lilze the running brook, the miî 'biood thiat flows througTh the x'ins lits to corne froîîî soi-newhtere. The springs of red blood asre foîîî'd in the soft core of the boncs called the rnarrow anîd soine say red blood also cornes from the spleen. Hcalthy boîîe inarrow afnd healthy sfpleen are full of fat. Scott's Ernulsion makes f7(ew blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest o! ail fats, the puîre cod liver oil. For pale school girls and învaiids and for ail wlîose bood is thin and pale, Scott's Ernulsiof i j a pl)easant andl rich blood food. It flot only k-h-Is the blood-rnaking org ans buft gives thcrn strengt h tî do tfîeir proper work. vend tan fre Mapia. Scorr a&l6uWbi, htt 0413 PN.rI StransN.vYak àçe " koOUd1.n il Ila Jmbiiee îWeek echoe,. The banquet Thnrsday eveniug et Jniiee Week vas very euotyabie. lise bana l dsonrsea del ighiîtlmr>el anal tevT. fR.(Greene, ot West Pnll- man, Marie an addregs lilgily appre- CI &ter. sunday moralng Missn'J esie Tyrreli, 0f Waukegais, presienteal an excellent papor. lu tise abstrîjee5 ot Mil#s Wistisam wliovas 8ek Dr. it.blson madle somce api remarke bIntise even. ing Iteiv. Catir, of Evanston, maute a pluaslng adclress. Dr. Wol,tof Clii- cago, Blte i'reoideisi 0f Ilie .pvorili League spoke grandiY anal profltaisiy tu tise deliglit 0f ail.."lise MUSIC vae Su pin l Chancery Notice. lilte0fr Ilinis.u0r co.rntn of Lake. CItrilîl Court ut Luise Counlî - 10;ttlir terre. A. D. 19M2. luClisanriery No. 1237 Frel J 0fOr e vs ent-ry ai,.Anns 's nit. Claitîi p ber Yosd andl Mary Yîut lis alfa. Annu Mahier. ichmaelt) nî,nntua andf 8Io..a Unidenatoo, l. bs ite. Mihael t.nuirfou- and aurne Inifîruluck im is il F rancisRupnert. Corin, Berrsarr ad vulonl,, Brsrraga is viteo. Benjumin F. Wsasburn, eurt B urlntgisun. ElisasB. SutheirlandaunI F Idalla BSutlirlund hiesvlet. Mark Sutherland, Christian Crusba. Chisltian Wreaurloandl SophIa Wr"sObbis i vite. Annsa tlsxst. Anna Jnout. Auna Jost. Chrîstoplier (00oat. Chrstotiher Jouîst. Chrstoplier Jaît. Henry oul. BHenry Jouît Henry Jo8t. fkelr-îca iooet,2 B"heoa Joent. Blebecca fot. (Catiserfi tek. **Unknown istre andlf, de,e if Henry Qoost iaasi. tUnnown ieresud levlseele of Henrt- jooat. d -esf. ninown bhaire aid dcicees of Henrt- Jeet. deaad.' "Unknown ovutrs of ItiiOfS,-0 ln tise billuf cîinpiaIntdel ,I 8atltactorv affavft tlt tisne arc fetso une nt.-e(ulu tlls eSoit os -fjnknoocn ovisere of tise Pranlsuoln th", bill o! r on- plaint deaorhIs.vfanrd a, Unnovn biraln soif ifeteeveof Henry (binai,.3eeaauiandl asi "Wnnown b.1aIndjul ofus-etuHenry Joomtiecasand aIas Unkinv t- and d.cvu î, f Henry J08t. ,ei~efur-]ii tisut tisenaîne.aronlîraofutrestalenceof safd Lursoisa are unkucwn ond) fisatHenry La France. Anîna Yoet. Christopher Yoet anal Mary kosi bis vtfe. Anna Mlabter. Mîcisas1 Lnbafeutook an.dSauone Unhaleueto,,.bils wife. Michael Understock and Satone IUndertoci iss ite. Franeis Bupperi. (leorge Beremporauaran,)aionna Berepers- aorise te J2suiîajin nF. Wasis urn. eîyBurlingtham, Lilas B. Suthserlandf and FidetaSutherlfand te vile. Mark Suthserland,. Christian Crasa. Chittian Wrasuie ad Sotîbia Wreecbe bl. vite Anna Gooat. Annau Joost. Anna Juil. C'irImtopiser Gouef. Chrisopher Jouet. Chritopiser Jost Henry G=:et Henry Jýout. Henry Joet. Wtube-ca 0ut.Itiecca Joot lebacca Jomt anîl Cathserine ena. d.fenda£te la tsi, rause on due In,îuirv runisot lbe loundnd ailat ripou diligent inqufrr Usir place of reaidence cannot 1bc uscertatinse0tiat p roouescannaI bc serve,) n on tiera or e itiser of Ihem iasfng basan lied in lise office of tise Stlrk o "id lCourt: Notice la tiseretore hereisv given luaail thse said above naîneal and unknown defandanta tisai tiseabove anns,)conplafnant bie- fore if ted bh ilui of comifl&iit ln satalCourt. on tise Cliunuery aide tiscrof and tisat a sounnons tilareulpofl lmed rlout ut said Court againat the abuve naneal detendanta. returnabie on tlilrst durot tise terra outh1e Circuit Court of Lake (County to lie ised at tise Court Boune ln Wauiegan lnsaaid Luise Oountp on tisefrat Monder ut Octoteir A. D f00. s iv lau, re'uirCd. andl ueblch Suit lm .tl edn.Lewis 0. BEOCKwAT CIoPI, Bso. H. MtuLt.aColiflantg âiiottor. Wauuegana. Ili.. Augut 3-1052 C. N. DUR Ni). Ataraf..3.a I.rîttod Buitlding, "cbago. Stute of Illinois (J'oui-tv of Lots..ses Couiity CJourt 0f Labo Cousîlti>tr~i:,, cirtolier 2T-rni A. 1) l120 . banis WrlsiAl>,,.tao or! fie i-tai.- -1 Mar y j hi)url' .,irrorr Aril:, LI.. N(> ::.l Mrl.h. k ,i. My r11 rki, 01.1F , fi r Iii AIT>: ia t Il- -- o 1: '.1- ,-t A i har L. AIA M,.,rtW, .Ltbi 1Myrrk and Mi, Mun,k ti.,t U.oal HI,, -P L;.brank Wîu lit,1. ,ù,arîtr , cetutu, 0f Mary miJ f M>lk. i a',,n.-l 1n.. reo fr, ils,) usii-tlou ,. Ir n1 ,, tv tIn-ty -rt rLlake .oulty. prayllilf fo,. a ri-efor th. isale ot fthe ralrtle loniulng to4the "$tâte ot suaifc,sod. or oen u,, if t a. mat lie neodod tu par thli"t)t. of .&id daceajeal and deseri lied gau loeV) Lu it:Au un- dleisbdone-fountis interest is thse foui se acresaorthtie Woan bail of tise Souths lest quarter otftieutlon I, and tise Non-ths111 aomentf the North st quarter of ISection 20; Alfflo iUIieniioI1 010 all, on 1heaa"t l'u,, ut Section Se betv,,i l ands former ,wned blivCytrus bLeatisanîl W..Hubison ani runiluaNorths lurodmtoLua stake: lisence Wr-at on a taralleIlino e Ilsthise Souths line of mil armf,,1le.rods tO tisfaibrtSection lIna tisyno South tisa etaka :on tielino, 0f uf rwnAd hip tisesal I t-aand0,1 utlhn- o,,,,.tb.-no., F0,1on uaid JlIns. 164) roila1tulise on., f blinullng. ol.n.lfnlug 1u aune, mon re rleaoIla Sa!tlon 2o,. ail in Townaship 64Northn. tang", Il Fi-t o0ftise 2t-d f1.M. ,l.aurlted am fol,,,r Cîfanfnl ai tish, 1Lsotn,îln 0 i.,o l,îlf e elt.rovu, sni Dilamon a Liserowl (rn flheWesat lii,,, oftisa Norths Foot îîuartr r0ff Siton2Se t a point 19 rhum d -ri2 liss. o,,îîof tise N~orths Weaf ýourner 0 o ain i urtar Nertion; tisaiue roua1ng South alolng tisequartier section fiue m obainu 0oif 7u lin4ks; tneE uelt ohsineand *2s Iis;, ilîce Narthsparajlel vlstise illator maviolinlue l aiaine osnd Se l nkeluis,, r2elitor o!ofaidl road; Ilience Siouth 68 degrea West ul,,nirtise center ot ibegînan«. oontalvlnir 4 2-l0a aurv. mon or les.. Aisaeeîrjtîng trust pant of ti"Se ouths Woatqu ,,rter r o îlSoluthn Fost iuarter or1 lietion If7. dcll- as fllows: Coin- inerguat aàlpolnt 4: rlalns ant 21 finks îWett oftiéýSoirrtl East o-orner orf"ua llealln 17; throrie North, I3 ,laln nsud 25 1lis. tîleur,.West lu chalu, suit 6esloats; tisence Soruth,41- 54rlagfree at t7 cisulnyîandl 24 mia:s tl:.ni:rSouth,22 riegreeS Mut 8 cbalile 0af 1linîka to the,,Sauthsfineotortise SaIlli Es u Iarter of 001,1 Bichlon 17; tise louag t lania ndal6lis 10 theplace of regitning. urrntal11ln9 7% srtie. eltuate) In tise Town r! Libet-tyiIlle. Lake Countr. Illinaois ndfut a ommlions lias isen ,anneit,,,,t r!islICourt ,sgainet von re- turoablto fa li-on .ro ber T-r,rA.. D. ibn of said Ci-rt utrlire is,Lren on tise lirst Mandat In Outoher A.tD. juiit:u tie ,,out-.oume Is tl:, City ,,r Wal.-î l, a in lLaiseCjoutait N ,w ai-nrIasvyrî i sa elirArthusr L. M yrick. Eîh:,l Mllis nd a,:) l,-MyrWk h aaîllpar- monilifb,, andrl lulrref,îr., autîCounty Court u :irCourn,yorn tise firstday of tise 1.11 t,,,-"f 10lu, ,oîrlen ut Waukegan lis salîr C.kuîrua a1ne saiIdon tise firet Mondai, lu lOIr,lii' A 1).11511. andItlvual. ansler or rlennr tir tI:-, caîrl dmlrultrutor'm petitho. 111.1I tl,,routh,-saiune,,uI tiseattera anîl tl, t 1,ii: lur.land staWed) viI ha fais mlilii crr..r.-1,i a, ,lgra etat-i-a.lou --i:ar,, 11nu1 t. ,-, rav 0frsa=à t.itton. C. N DU.Nu attrurYfor Alntrator. 47_4 ALBEaRT L. Basinai. Clerk. PORF <[RS[IMILR. Boles Bro's .... DAIRY.... MilIL or cream m tiseb seuredal aIany iheur atOur heasiquartes, on Laie streel. IL ashal libe ur amn 1 fut-niais tlie purest ana l an- est mili Possible. Boles Bros., Lake St, Liberty ville. CLEA RN E SALE? In ordeIr to make room for fail goodo, we are offering special induce- mnsfor the next two weeks. LanBatiste and Dinities, fortuefly fle anal 15c, nov..... Sc badies uslsInlrer inclu.fing Nigisigovua, Corset loüver,, Shirts anal Dravers, i5, t1 ............ .. >........ $1.90 MeuS Necities, luittu Mens undervear, 'bbc 10.... .Soc .51.50 Ladiem' Hflery, planaludfancy, foc 10 Mdensa Janesvtiie overaila, tise standard lis price andi quatit!, per pair, bIte lun....80C Chiidrena Hechool Stocktuga. 15e and ........... ......... ZSc Mdena louves, droeuanal vork kinal, foc tu.,$ 1.30 lensa Faney Shirts, 5oit 1.... .1.001 Wooi Dresà Goode, a large, compileeUne of Cash- meres, Bntlllantene, (Jieviota aend novelty dresa gooda Bt nigbt prie«. Dressing ISac ques'-..., Six dozen Ladies' Ail Wool Eiderdown. D)ressing Sacques, made in 9 difeorent; styles and 4 different colora will be, solîf at the îrice of material, at Aetiîal value, $1.00 k> $2.00. Libertyville - - - - Illinos .- IL". tbro$ Aimia For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. You grit thei increased a.nd growlng Bervice of the. LW County Telephone Company and connection with CJhicago Toliphone Company. For informatIon, rates, etc., writo-e CONTRACT DEPARTMENTO Lovella Drug Store, LI.Wf~l ICE CREAM 4 SOD>A ICE CRI YOM wIlI i I t1a . B.Elo~i's D"ug Store N 41i1 be poplar fla9orS. J11». other popou l IIî ea1b ls ks, ludb as cime Juice 484 Lot., LoUA Lot, etc. Fa B. LOVELL, 1 t-- E, ft i Libertyville Illinois. sbotsib- lpý