Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Sep 1902, p. 8

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..ýThe'Greatest F a %SP7u M of the Wortd~..~- TheDakotas. Rich Grasses! G ood ,wate r! Cool N ights! See Lorimer! PRAIRIE VIEW. LAKE ZURICH. % 'lise 5Iabe 5iaob«,n ilueut Sulilay s! lîb orbes sam - Hkrrlugtoî.i sîetor Rockefeller Item s. homle. bcagii sso u ~kH.ur~,n John be glnwmo h ik Angnst Shemn fGlew 1,Ib Is veek. sa lu our village %onday. KmIs Laûra Iema entertalued coin- the stock snd ixtures beel to Chicago.1 George SmItb and vwile spont Snnday Frank Rousy shippnd a carlid of pony from i (hmer iset Snnday. We nnderstand that the factorY c S Kelr. stork froth bere'luensdsY. Mr. ud lMra. Frank Tbomas visited open again SOOD Onde? 116w IIC5S. M- hr.and-M rs Marion Kne lier Vimlled jEmil PFquk bas piat luae w s tock of relatives in Waukegan over $UndaY. We all hope it vilI at Nortiilleld Sunday. u ttiniery. (i ive hlm a cali. Mir. and lMr@.ED Joues, of Ivauhoe, The general clirlhtîsu ipirit and blirs. John Coîjine bas 1,en on the John I1.leer cf hiver View, vifilted viléâed at the Kublauk homne last Bun- kîndusas of our people vas manlfested sick liât fur a few days. Pih friruda berv la'1 FrIday. 417- in a very suhstantil avy ubela the Nr.le"o hcgsatafwWmlFakailIer cpmd IM.Mt. - -... -..,.n Sr.Ie 1 fCiagaetafe miPau'n lny cpmd lir&. J. E. Holcombl retnrned froin ber vl&ite 0Wlscoubiu One day laut v.ak. miss Lanra Dooltîle le ai home alter gaverai weeka vîsît vltb frîeudfa lu Wankegsn. . gobu, or Franklin Park, -vasthe gusst 0f bie lrieud HenryOnde oer 8unday. Mira. VaPlev, 0f Wbeaton, lavieil-t- ing ah the boule of W. D. Porteous and0 Mir. a»die. Snyder Ibis veol. 1 lira. Specit viatelier eliter, lMra.1 Enma s rschberger aud other frleuds la Chicago a feu daja lant veek. 1 William Dreasn, of W&npsca, WIR , ,illed bis parents. lir. sud lirs. C. Dresmen of 1h15 place over 811114Y. lira, E. G. Payne resurued froin Chi- c bgo liondaj vbsre &he bhad besu vitl lirg-lier daugbter-in-law, Mir@. Mary Payne uho base been qulte saidfore fou dîa. Mir. sud lirs. WiII Inlgge, Mater (1ou sud Mrs. Specbt drove over te Everehtlelst Sunday t0 vIi ilasin Lueîla Hericliberger vho is teachlng lu the Vrnon sahooi ah that place. Mira. Fred Kigge retunued Tuesday trom a vees viil 10 bier son sud tannlij atWhollng. 5h. round s uev paundion %hors te grset bier, of vhom ail ooucsrned fesi verj proid. Frauk Croukhihe srrived home Tues- day from New York wbere hie bas spent mcont fhe nummer voation PîaYlng hall th thoeIleloit Leagne nine. Wrank lok s lbongb the exoircise lad aprad wvlh bitm. Ou sceconu of the lobaceco trust abutting up the Chicago marketý spli alal compeitors, Ftzgerald& i auerou have closed thieir cigarl tactory hers for the presntand moved IVAN HOZ. Misa Pearl Smithh suterhalued frIends from Libertyvlis 'lover lunday. lis U[MaryPayne alant Saurday sud 8»«sy wlà inda at LlberlyvIllis. à"» sPMaII flle ,taolng ai Glmai IbIs jar, tabs began ber vork ~week &go. 'The Ladisa emetery ÂAocation wiliImont ou Thursday atternoon vlth ,tris.Delo Âmes. At a receut business meeting il vos voci!1g reehîngle sud repaper the chorch. Work ulîl begîn ah once. Sert Luaklelaet bis old stand as clerk lunlMrs. Mlliesa store for a short lIme Whte aho la on a vieil te ho mpalgu, Il. We understaud that the Endeavor Slociety yul hold a Mlssgiouarj social luaIthe near future, conslting of a prog!lr nsd supper and somens ovsl leatures. Purther aunounoement viii appear later. Ounlaut Frlday eveniug the ginis ofl Our vIllage âssmbied st lMra.Dockers1 home for su 'uld Itaie" ,pairhy 1 wbich nouseG01lise boys hsd a bld. There vas a councilio! var held acroas thé streei, tbonghi he resulta Of Ibis council viI I e apparaut to the public laher. Wauied iVomen su]girls luin te1 paching depsrtment of the Amerlean1 Macaroni Co. Lîgbt, dean, bsd work. LONG GROVE. *Little ClarenceMiller le Blok lt Iuug foyer. lira. Sellâr 1s suftering uitb the qulusy sore tbrnet. tAlbiert Saner auj Juolînu Hans vre clty vialtorai Tuesdey. Miss88Mary Baker le vlltîng ber aister lire. (Jeo. Quentn. Iteuben L. Ores» vent te Naperville Mondmy to attend college. Mn. aud lire. Geo. Queublu visiteil al; Elgin one day Ibis igra. Shermman retarned bo ber brime ai Rogers Park lest BSnay. i.sud lira. Chas. Lit@, of Chicago, viaîted ah Fred Stahis Sunuday. Do Dot target tise picule Ai Buffalo Gnove the 201h o! Sepiemuben. Be sure t0 attend tbe fraI dance ai Long (irove Dext satnLrday ulght. arinaeister ba sienso hiugled hi$ baum. Ho belleves lu keeplng thînga dry. M. UMhdenstock and sou Frank, of Chicago, apent Suudaj vlth relatives bhre. isdloss of sue Ltowfn urJedu t luir ly sud cheerfully 10 admiuî,ber te tLe vanta of 5atauage voman ubo fell sîck Iu thetr midst one day ibis ucel. "lu as rnuch as je have dons II; uto the leanh o! theas," etc. A very forcible Illustration of tbe practîcal vorlinga oftbie truste la utae fiasodl the condition of those familles vho nsovedo ot hIs Place go llud employinent lu the cigar factory and vbo are nôv strauded boe ont of vork and ont cf monsy. AIl over thîs grand trse country of ourts to-day are thonaude of famtilles of vorklug people Who are hhua 'loft hoîpleas becanse sains combine ot mousyed mnuhave bought up or driven te the valnorne amail coucoru Sept np by indivIduail enerprIse sud capital vbsre tbej veors formef ly employed. Auy etein of busInessi or combluatlon or capital btaInlterferea vlth ludivîdual enter- pris or the protItabîs inveaîment af sinuasumb 0f money by the man 0f inodorate Isaesuenufair, uuamerican aud tyranîcal. I21basano place iu Ibis couutry. Il savors t0 troligly of o118 mn goverument of Enropean tyrsuy and la buh a moderu modilied f,îrm of the vionge sud oppresalcus the peopesusffered lu thle dark uges Dovu vltûthebTrusts. A Sad 0Dlssoiantmont. lueffective liver medîclue ls a diaap- poluhiusnh, but yen don't vaut te purge, traîn sud break the glana of the stomach sud bovels. DeWVtt's Little Erl, Isera nieyer dîsappolut. They cleause tbe systein o! ah poison sud pntrId malter sud do It an0 gsntly gliai;0nue eninya the pieaeant eltects. Tbey are a toule tb the Ilver. CJure billiiousness, torpld liver and preveut fever. Sold by F. B. Ln v Et, LIlbsriy- vlle. Wanhed-Womnen sud gils lu the packlng departinent of the Amerîcan Macarouni(Co. LIght, edean, teady work. Wetterinan at DesPlatues. Mra. Philip lttuhalsr, grandsou sud daughteý reîurned te Ibeir home lu Napervilie Isl Mouday. The MsNoyer sud Schneider, 0f Arliugton iigbls, vllted et Laure Stabla several days lutaIsoiel. lire. Bapist Welduer, of Buffalo Grove, vas hurlait lu the Ctholil ceustery ahthlal;place Thnrsdsy. Hermauu lahlmu ansd famlly, Oham. Renuack and tamiiy, ot Plaine, vlieted eah (à. Umnbdsusocks uudsy. lira. John Gaisher, lirs. Jolce, lilas Joice, lire. Wsgner, Master Eduard (isîster sud sister Lîllan visited ah G. J. Ilorcbera last Tuesday sud ail veut hickory nuttleig. The union meeing vof the Yi. P A, vblch vas beld at the Evsugeliial cliurcb Sunday eveulnig vas vel .thended. The eîngimig andl speaklug vas excellent. Wanted--Womeu sud girlsimi nbte pscklug deparîmnent cf Ilie Ameican MacaronI (Co.Liglit. eleami, teady vork. Mise Claire Touner, s youmig lady of Breaktablen, Texas, gives ber nothers opinion, apeaklug froru experleuce. She ssYs: "liy mother ihinks there la nohlgiîka mothers Ssalve for burns sud scalde; If spplled lmmediat-ely inother saje Itll eal vitbout pain sud vithoi lesviug a scar. l'rlce 25eý For sale hy F. il. LoVEra,, Llbertyviiie; GEAYaLAKE PeARM5AruY. NORTH NORTHFELD lira. Mentzer in entertaloing lier sheler a feu veeke> The United Evangelilal cloraei tieid quarterly meeting over Sunday. The Misses liliet etertaîued comn- pamîY froin Chicago the Oat week. Firet & 1Iedlugerm tlresblngc Machine la agaîn mecen lu hie eioiuihy. Nr. Koelielin la lmprovlug bils place îy glvlng the building a aew coat of paîut. Mir Koelelius unotes and ber limneud tromIn ova, have beeu vlsiting relatives bers tlie pastt eek. 1ev. and tire. Koten vent Mondey to Manhiattan. While Ihere tbey vili spsud a ev daya ut tbe Grand Prairie camp meeting. The Evauglilcal Snnday school beld1 their annual picule Thursday. Qulte a number atteuded and reported a fine lime, epecaily the Young people. Althhough the day vas coid, It vasuit toC cold te est ice-cream, vas 11? Snndaj sveniug the Northlieilj joung People sud the Long Gaove Alience heid a union mneetiug lu the Sahurday and Suuday vitb reltiîve@aUbJet of the aveulng beng. -'. eh boe. Y. P. A. Wrker aud bis Bible." Doth mis eRima Btauthsler la tsar-bing choira sang aud speaker@ iroin both tbe Hnbbard achool, thîs belng ber AllfanCepartlpatsd. Qulte&aiumbsr liet rin. steuded sudail report tIliatita vas lira. . P. Rtanenasr plckeds M good InstrUative meeting. van" oauedysu vr îlt by Watsd-Wornuand girls Iluibh wsIkedaws~. acklug depsiîuusnt ofthhe Asnrlcau c"&s, Eemsmu Mdm ali"s mal Maoal<Co. [Uebtl, ean, atss>lj daya recently ut Fred Staielifa Wm. Stauciltc, A. G. Maettierandci M. Knoiler were lu Chicvago lest yodk. lirs. M sether anid sonu Lloyd and tirs. 1Enoli ipent a day at Licoln Park lasi veil,. F. E. E at,)ti, of Iliim os reve, calie i-i c> rier> <ii hre a a w ilaya agst w ccl. MIr. Flemingts, o! Ci u-ugo,mipeîît Wednessy vitil A. ili-hi*ril ad famiiy. Mr».Jil. M eyeri andi ilaugliter liaytne spent I uesiay smnd Saturîisy in Chlicago. Chiclen blileves visitai bld» locaiy Sundsy nîglit. Frauk Foni-te heiog blie principal ]oser. Clarence iller wubo va» 11fi i pueurnoîia lia- rtcovriig i. ui-iDr. Lockycr' cave. Slîlppmng hisy to Cblvagîî Lau lii-coe one o! the tsaery day oci'>1ii-tons o f the farmerg livre. Peter DawNoiîi-14 bisy liauig Ivo carlosil of drain tle wliiih vere sblpped huýre tir lîîm. E P. Griley bas left the faim for a short lIme ho take a trihin thte sonîli- vest 10 purchase appieR. lirm Wiuklemau, of Chilcago, and Mmrs.Kiapp, of Wahington, vlalti-dý the lprsgue familles tiI we-k. Nil-> '.liail a Rymeur, mut CLi-lygan Falle. MWl» , i-ithe RIi guiof! i Ml-s (u Roberta 5 lWiai the vofarin. Q-ilte a mînî ier fr00> i bre atten I ci the Y oumng 1tliphis 17[limi uieetiuig et Long Gruîve àe omett>ît ci rrvi, Sciiisy eVenilOg Dr. Davey, of Chicago, vas caiied lutI vekl io se lira. Josephine Gîsasou Who le5Ilionglit t(;tue Il]I lhb typhold fever. Mir. aud lirs E.- A. Trlpp, of Hsrring ton, Kano.,,have returned to tlisir borne after, a e teveekm vimît amnng triendsansd relatives. business trip t', <icago liondey. Geo. Fortiai and Uneo. Wagner, of iisrriugton, w>c, plecant calter@ here Tuesday. The bail garni la Sunday beiveen the Anýierîcnauîid Chiceago Lavus vas an eamy vlctory for the former tena. Sebool corunneed liouday vits abjout torty pripilliti atenîlauca. Miss Mary Freund, if \Vuî'uuda, le beaclier loy atnother Yoar' The, coumisdoors of bigbvaym, o! Jollet, gave sau excursIon picute bere lest Monday on lit ucsia eubdlvielon on tue> faitefront . A largseand lhappy ir,)v aa lu atttaudauce. Fortune Fuais a Texan. "liaingdisraalogpatieslu lissd, bai-k and tstosuac sund Ibeimîg aelhouh ippmtlte, f1laogau te use Dr. Elega Nev Lifs Pill.' vritea W. P. Wbite- heoad, of Keuuù,1ai,-, Tex.. "auîl bon fenT l11e àa nev man.' Infailile ln htomuoh eud livî%r troubles. t>ulY 25o at F. Bl. LovniL'.i, Llhertyville; GRATs- LAKRE 'IARMAOY WAUCOGNLIA. Cari Erickison vahse Barrînglon calier suuday. John Giolding %pet-ti londay at Autioebl. Jaspar Davis is vnrklng at Lake Z lrmcb tiIs fai Mi»s Gratin MUi lien opeed her SChool ai Foi Lake Iaat wsek. E. Jernla bas billi a nuwev r-er Bmil ou fLis lut tu thi>village. Vedtr Stone lam MoVi>g lUU, bis vesidence ounb&lielein lre. J. W. Glbert, of I iîlon, renuoved tLe balance of fils gîoîte Sunday. Mr. Wrighit, of Libertyville, vas a buminees calter the Élrat o! the veek. Mr. aud Sirm. Lon U an sd hbb client Hunday ait Mr. sud Mis. R. C. Uil 11. Mir. sud lire Cbrleapke endl !smilj bave nîoved Imîfo tbe bouse vitcated by J. W. Gilbeut. li Hale Gridley sud Mises Fouler, MiassMunule Enîphel uho Sas spoul and of Etanston, Misas lieregor, Bl. F. the pat ive veelaît Chiago rsturned Gridloy, Nir. Fox and Carrol rldley. home Suuday. of Chicago, vîlatedthes Grldlsy famlle» lira Wyukoop and lira. Addie ladt Buuday. Dalbon are the guesis of li. nsd ira. Mir@. J. Il. Luttrell aitd imter, lilas Nîle Wyukoiîp. Alleu sud Chenrle Wheeler have gone Jo»mîi riîîies eîîî l ins a iaor, ol ho t.Louis for the sInte?, St. Luîiels cUeury, callud un relatives and bseug the beadqmarters rit tr. Lîttrî-ll frieails i r>-Sun<lîy. alnce bis conoertlen wilîtic 2.1 Sr iii M Jrm Dcvidii i i u a 1), hC. Mssouri Pacifle alroail. .(',,(,k, t Igli eî'î i aburilay sud Wanted-Wouieu and girls Iiithie pachlug departuisut ioft1îm-Amorîu-îîo'I Macaroni Cc. Liglît, dlem, ufrisify vort. Not Doomed For Lire. "f vas treatcd for tirce ouir» îy gond doctore," wnitem W. A. (Irer McCouuslsvllî, <0., -for pile» aud fitula, but, vîlen ail fslled, Bifîiklenm Arnica Salve cured mue lu two weekm. Cures borne, lrui'ieme ii» corna, sores, emuptions, sait rhetitn. and plile or npuy. 25e et F. B L.OVEvL5 lbertyville; (J5AYSLAKii PUA,>MUAV QUENTINS CORNERS. lilside qiKlelusmitb le underte dontors qcars. lir@. ien. Quentin, o! Lonug rve, vas a liooday calter bere. Mise MathaS Illey, of Atîilsic, vlalied frieutis here Sunday. Will Gravas, o! Boulli Ubîcagri, apent Friîlay and Saturday ai Ueo. BekersR. Arhur Sturmn epent a ev dsys uii bis graud-parents at Palstine recently. Mir. sud lira. Lewis Kejensapeni gunday viJl Henry Bsker and mdaters. lilas Cara Asmus nsud a lady frleud, of Pullmnan, speut Sonday vitrieuds bers. Mies Amnada Frîsia. 0f tPalatinse, le vIsitIug ber mîster, lire. Augusi Grever. WIi Hans sud motber, of Palatine, apeut Suudsy wlth Ueo. Hau@ sud tamiIy. BarrInglon, »point Sinday uith rois. tivea ae the crners@. W111 Ahîgri l lti lest Mouday mrnu lut for Washington, vhere ha vili Malse bis f uture borne. Henry Wagner, vho lus» been apeud- Iug the susmsn vlhh friends ise returusd te the cihy Saturday. Fred Quentin, o! Park fltge, sud broîher George, of Long (iroe., madle a pleasant cal at the Corners Batuday. Mis Penlna Dephnl neturnsd 10 bsr home at Waukegau alter @ponding a fev days wvibli lIIip Young And lamily. Omur scbool linos e acl Iug a nev enat of peInt. A mnuch nseded lmn- provemeut. Wm. Qqenlin la doing tha vork. Misses Auna Lesebsrg and Emmsa Wagner retnrned 10 Ibsîr homes IDn e City lriday alter apending lbhelP15h veel vlt thlb. ilem Mury sud <uIl 8iuîîî î;:iptvr.îmaur faniily are iovlîii8 îl o thîe liougae formuerly ocr-plil hy lrs. Audrewve. ilie M 1W. %W.eudered lirman Murnu i. uorprisa party ln lionor (if hi> birthday Mondav evADiug. Mr, and Mra. Lester Bîîrdick veut 10 Ch Icaîgý,-ii 1day accooipaoieýIîl ingla Gemc,>-ratid Ilareiîce 1Hill. As cra vimci> villI iel]vii ailasuiled if lis, ciii l hb huimrouil on ecru bes bvo 0or tIres veeke afler tepratning big smille, sud Il la ueuaiiy lv»or thren iiois lefore hclias fîmly rmeîveredl This is au unneoeseary lon o0. f urne, for ln msny cases iu sluiob(liuberlaîn'f Psii Daim has licou priimiitly and froelv applied, a compiere i-ure bas ueer> effected ln legsa tban eue veeke lime, and la somes case% Sitihî tbree deys t'For sale by F. B3 LoVFo, Lî bertysille, GRATSLAIKE A PT A KIS IC. Tiý liîchool opened Monilay. Dau Sexaner vasa Long (irove caller lents dulay eveuing. lire. heu. Plister enterined tirs. Mlle loden Iast hirday. Misse» chrInisîlansd EilIle tabl vltitd frIends at <rayaale Sunday. MilREsmFma schley spout a veel vlibing friands sud relative@ lu Chi- cago. Miss Cicra Schoeuerberger and Mliss Anumî l Fiiýîy viited ah Weisud's ladq Monduay. lira. Laura Nahter lemtîxel af ber' a lue veels viait ulihber parntis lu lire J. Z/ummer sud eau Frauic froin Boumercuîhhe, vers vimIIug relatives bere recemliy. Wili Scihey sud Orle Neyer froin pullmanu vlited ibeir parente snd triendg siînday. Oso. Liuk ls havlng bie new bous@e paluhea tir. RelIer troin Long Grove ls dolng the vorkr. Mir. amiiliMre. PFKohl sud son Preddie, froin Chittigo spent a fev daye here lest veek. Albert iauermau ansd Johnu Wehen froin Chiceago, visited thelr relative@ and friemi»» bore Snudsy. Mn. aud tira J. Schlsy vlslted Iheir dangbber, lirs. Charles Kiepper ah Lake Zicb ,tia 1ev days lust veel. Wanhed-Womn ansd girls lu the parkIng departmnt iof the Alerîcan Macaronul<O. gbl4 dean, 51*4! Auction Sales. The nnderrigssed vIli euat publie auebion ou fite iladike farta et Long Cétove, oppOsfte eheffas fautory, Sept. 27, 1902, &i40 fullovlng desserbed pro. perty to-wil?: 17 chute mîleli cve, 10 neu mîltera, 5 Nprlugers aud 2 with esîves by tla»r aide; 2 helfars, flue toeuvy black hestu orhîîrses, &also mr 2 other boises., 2 colts, seli bluder, nsarly nov Chamnpion; 2 pair harrove, tarta wagon, opring wagon, vide tire wagon, 2 sets of double barniesa, seder, corn planter, nsazly nov; hay rake, ussrly nov; grindatone, usariy nev; cross Cnt aaw, mower, corn sheller, nearly neu; sulky plov, valklng plow, taiuning miii. bob sd, sulky oulti- vator, 2 waiking onltlvators, pair ofiliy nets, ussrîy nov; 7 aovs wltb 26 pIge, 2 soya vlth PIS§, lit shoats, bay tork, rope, pulîsysen ho ayrack, trou ketii, quautiy 0f coru lu nhocks, 40 loade of hay, lanme bay lu baru, grave] box aud maeurepIaula, ascythe sud Iandie, vine proepilIe of eplit vood, baga, honaebold goouis, aud mauy ithier articles toc, nomerous tu mention. liegilar Termes. JON BADICRR. 'roP. W. H Av 'PV cntioneer. Ulavlng aoid my fari 1I vitiislpose oif the folluwlug propsrty on Ithe promises onue mlle south of Liberty. ville on Milwaukee Ave., ag public adotion on Weduenday Septeuiber 24, 1 90'2, commoucing at 12.30 p. m. sharp: 5 bead veit bred horsem, 112 ycar-old Kentucky mare, 2 jr îîld dam Kenucky limbe, sIre Gmauleon o!1<akwqod stock farmu: iucklng colt, @am>> breelng, 7.yr- (Ald mars, driver, by Liban Allen Wilkes; 6 jr nid mare, .imOe breedlmîg; 2-jr-aid pure bred Jersey blcIer, ap)rinigor sud elîgîbie t>, regintry; I-jr- old better, 2 pure bred Polaud ChIne brood sous, 1 reglstered sud other eligîhîs; fou pure bred Baried Ply- mouth Roc)km, a licCormîck corn biuder lu good urder, TrIumph grain lîluder, Bradley sulky plov, faim truck 4 lu tire; bey rack, Tower sulky enîivator, Koytone hay loader, 1200> lb. Fairbauls plattorminsalesi, aide iiellvery rale. corn pIauler, drlisund eheol rower attschmént, tîp ,nggY, hay forks, Harpoon f.rk, rarrier. pulleys sud 150 feet new rope; IRon pig trougi,. cart, 2 doîuleiu ork bar,îeses, e lot n ofOImililfautn. new; 5 gellomm tue ereatu freezer, new;,3Imlage lie crearu paekerp, cool atove, vomi beu-r and a lot of oddesud ends. itegmllar T1ermes. J. T. Aîu,'s, l'rop. W. ll.,éPPLIT, Auctloneer. iielng about to quit fsrming, the on- dsigusd viii oeeli aipublic encîlon on the Chas. Kiepper ltin li mlles veet of Prairie Vieu sud 1* miles uurb of Long Urove, Tneadaj, Sept. 30, 1902, the folloving proprty toNiFt. il0 chaire cava, 1 wsthcuit by aide, balance apriugers; hall 2 yra nid, 3 good voil borns.a,2 Set udouble lcrusas, $logis barnes, eaddio, lumber wagon, truck wagon, 2 saed buggy, top buggy, rasid cart, Desriug grain binder, uearl]y Dew; Champion infler. isorse raIe, sulky piov. 2 baud plouc, shovei plov, sulky cultivator, baud cultivator, seeder, 2 art liarrows, bob i-Igl, lilbt sîcîgli, roller, bey yack, uood rack, corn sheller. feeml cutter, grlbidetonA, mlelle grînder, 19milîl casu, tire setter, hsv f,îrk, carrIer, pnlleys sud I110 feet rope, 800 poondsceaiesl, vire vnder, set d tmp borards. 3 doz. grain baga, 5 soya vith pige. 12 sbouha, about 25 toua timotbv and uplaud bay lu barn aud Star-k, IS acres corn lu ebock, cool etove, heatIng slOVe, vaInlg machine, 10-fl extension table, vaher truugb. ly nets. horse blankets, lsdders, bînder payer, log chaîne. sledge, forla, shovels, and ollier articles nît meotionsd. Iteguler ermsi. JoINia KE(LTgWEILFIi, irOp. W. H. Am-î, tAictloueer. Gi LM E R M Morse veuit tb the Cityoun weânewday. Miss Zoa Morse bagou lier echl et a Falrfieli, S"Pt, 15. âtrs. D. Rltzeritlialk3 a bieemî lîen qulle airk for Ithe lest ev deys. A. (1. tielaburmao lias pîrcbesed a gasoline englue of Falylmauki, Morse t Co. Wamted-Womeu sud girla lu the pacllng departinulof the Amarlesu Macaroni Co0. Liglil, cha,,, stùady wnrk. WEST FREMONT. Walter ILoney vas a Wnkcgau callet lest Sunday. Christie Thomas cclied on frîecda et Long Grove Bundey. l8evoaahof tlîe formera have tartaîl etinlg thelr corn lu tble viailliîty. lirg. Gny loOl anI u-IîIhIrems, iu! Fiix Lke, are vleltiug a iruek fi. J1%ieN- liroanao. lilas Genevieve Roney I as returneul t0 Kenosha. Wia., viiere Mhie yl etort in Hllgb echool. lire. Mnute Boyce, wvb o vlsitltmg vltli lir mother. lira. Stone, e fesa deslutI veel neturnod 1telier bown et (Irayalake Mouday. (Jhrlstle ThoinsaLbas bis buggy paiuhed andt by the lools of thlugm '-Kil" learîied somotblng vhon bio vas vorklng ut Orove. Charîme Nordinoyer le gstting bis Molassees Milîl rsady ho maIe molacces. Chsrlîe mens business alîriglit sud use eau maIe fine molases, ton. Lingerinia Sommer Colde. Dont Jeta cold rmn uaI hhls eason. Summoer colds are the bazdeet klnd te cnre and If negiected msy linger aioug for Monthe. A long Riego 111e this will pull dovu the airongeet esutitu- lion. Oue Minute Comgh Cure vlh break np the atack ai ouce. Bafe, sure, acîsaI ondce. <Jres conghs, oo1dm, croup,5 bronohlis, ailtianroa ud long treuble&. The obldrma 1k. Ié. P.-O. Lovuu4 Ubugl11s. G LE NVIE W. J. %tVý»tl>roq>kllu insienew houae. Chias. Saiuderi% ,Iliscoo lie la bis new hbouge. Mirs. Gaîy ig agala lustallc'd tu the itaingusl>,I Jack l'roct lhan already heguin bis visita aui n 's eh-oms eguecht. Maliy ca nges viiilieomade en farmei i thig »vleluty the eoluIng esson, for rentern prefer moving ho paylng the hiliier routa sasked y the ow uer,. J. lutchîngR, lDr. Kenuleott suitW. Tupper luteud movlug ho i'airnyrs, Va.. ut an eariy date. They bave purcbaaed farine tthere alres(ly. Northeru en- lerprîse In tlghIý ucîcomaedldo-n there. It ln uBder8tood that Our A>d friand WiII Tupper lnhends to tale a partner wlth hlm ou Lig plantation lu Vîrgînîs. A very gond idem WiII' Yun viiiuecd mornine ien looîk aller the chlckeua. An automobile vas slrauded Snuday nîglit about lu -cioek riuai lre. Snydam'N place. The cause vam lark of a lîthîs gaAoilue. Mi. iluydamu kep thie lady (.r the party. The men tool poseeen of the hay loft. Walter ileutye la ispendlug île vacation lu Colorado, lie la as Colorado SI>lrluge nov iooklng for capitalias to luveet lu the now UhlessO, liaillakes trolley roadI Good boy. Walter, ycmuil got the ruad If &Dy GO eau. The Luiberatn cbnrcb la bfIlol, remodelod. Mies Hazel Vaut là attending igh, SeboolnluWaukegau. MIR@Es dna Antes bas been vleltlug relatîvas ltu Chicago. MIsA Virgie lParsons le attsndlng ai1gu mhl loiah liighsad Park. VIliI lailoway lof t lantweek Wednsa- day for Champalgn and irbana ho attend sebool. Mmr. I. B. Biederst.edt aud Airs. L. Decheut, of9Ccago, vesthe gusata of Mr. snd Mrs . . . ledorstedt Wotdnesday. Mr. snd lire. M. floreuberger snd Mir. ansd lira Chas. Uolmstrom vaire amiong thos bo atteurded the @Itt fair st Milwaukees Isat eek. The. rumor aaylug 1h51 lira. (J. Y. Muhîke lntended movlug t h icag.> la a talse report. lihe vili i 111continus living lu l)eeriild se anber vork rangs$ froin teerflid el Morton lucluelvely. lier daufihter, MIRA Florenem, lebar Suintant teacber lu piano snd aiae gîven vocal lnstruoýýtlu. loge-tber they bave a clan of forty. The Page Woven Wire Fonce Comnpany 0F NEW JERSEY. The n îew e.-etriv Iiîît îow bunildinîg froîri lAks' Bliff tA lil>êrtyvilIê-, wilI Iîavv its carsin opi eïratioîî iii July. Everytlîing jwrtaixîirîg f4> ti.road is ofý.the, very h.-'-t kiîîd, roaui huqI, railis, cars>, e., anîd bei>idui- tteflIallagI- T ment 1 l ve Ie1vi i' the, ;îîy f or li . lieswt grade of railroad fi-'îcirîg. anîd itroiîgty braced. a crt>di( ho)th f4> the 1>omts set e'xtra <deep iii the' grolund The feîîce wlîeî complted<, will be Railr<)ad Comanay anîd f>tlîte Page Woveîî Wire Fe'îce Company. Write for Catalogil':- PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., AUSTIN CLEMENT, V. P, 2oo Mouroes St. - - Chkago. 0. 1. LUCE, LOCAL AGENT LibertyvlIe, hItnb. WNRIGHTIBROIHIiRS Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Builders' and Vehicles of Materials and ail Kinds: :;,1 Hardware :::::: Coal, Lime, We solicit your Cernent, Sait patronage and as- and Feed. sure satisfaction. WVRIGHT BROTHIERS W15 SELL TI-E-mmmw- j, Vol. W1 FF See r Dr. J. Cf fIce ove LibertyiJ DrE off Ice ovi lion": Kt,il Liberty,> Dr. C.l Office 0, ILlbervy- Dr.A "us fr0 , i Liberty Phyfi Rockef D r. H, Phyak Gurui Dr.C Fcr blmruue1 andl Mci Rockei BEN AT« WliIIAtter Libert, PAL Attorne NI Libert3 MSSU Llbert. Dr.O0. : VET Libert Li 1881108 Stdver Buggies F.E N The name guarantees the Schanck Bros. L.ibertyvilllo - - ~ItÎpQ~#.

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