I I ils cause ou Ibat upun ire ldem xm55 OlO r of Utmm leUic(lerki 01 a to au thea defendia ant harte- seid Oourl. and tbat a ut of Naid do.fendanta. terin 0f lia" b"s leld kt Nala Lake ctL>mhr A. D. hicit ost la AT (Jl.rk. s 10 tntor. wk. 'Vili. on th., 241h U'tlon &a iLe l.ountr. and lst4. aildmltt.,l i<,n f,îrther arsane au" : Emelli, I.a Trelcînel iii Itrman rA. 1). iea. ms lu pali i tr,.Rer. If aaistta,i Ira iei y Ch rI. li. la« WIll.- y !Oncel- 'ai the 241b1 Ill, cn VaS I., C,a1utt. lad T-..is. ,;.eaad Gsi I r' -K I nntît J , Iacneaa.ci ilîyt esa rxias ie;tl5- rA 71io EAN. $ 1.50 $1.00 $2.50 [HER. 9,i os 5t d. ;eI I. thi vest.g Mîits, al $4.oo. faction nakes. ne very e right -ods. CHAINS Best valIue for money. Knives and Forks, Spoons, Gold and Silver bowl; Berry Spoons, Pie Knives, Tea Sets, Etc. ti igli grade gold filled Chains.. Vest, Lorgnette, Neck, Bracelet, Uobs, Etc. SILV ERWARE AT Right Prices. Scritchfield Fountain Pens. The YEAR LONG Clock Runs 400 days with onie winding. An ornament to any home. DARBY BROS., Libertyville - .- - Illinois. WINIER 600DSO Our shelves contain a complete and varied line of tIens, W(Smens and Childrens....... : Wiuieî (Inderwear. A nice line of Ail Wool Waist Ooods and Flannels. FLANNELETTES 1 n 40 patterns. Cotton, Shaker and Tennis -F L A N N E L Sm- *,*~ *EE+ PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. Local:tem of ntrt to Librtyvlle Reders. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. la Ett.ct Suaday, JUDO 88, 1902, at 12:01 a. IM. -THEf BEST TIIAT EVER WENT INTO AN OVEN ,BIG JO FLOUR" FOR SALE BY TRIGGS & TAYLOR, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. BLJY ITI TRY IT! [AT IT! BEAT Il! FROM CHICAGO. vaux 0555 Arrive nt New Depot. Litas,.CbloaaO. Arnît..LItnrrvll. No.m 13...7.46 a. m...........O9:3m. ru. 133 .. 93a. M. 10:43 a. rM. -m li..2: 10p.flM..........P. M. - 17...46:00 . M. t52 ai r lu ..... 510. . ..... ....... 8:04 . 143... 6:6p. M... ......7:02:ru No 47....s8:0a. M.... ....... 9:9a. M. 148e..... 800p. m. ............6: 56 P. BATUZOAT ONLY. Nuo. 1490.l t:2 p. Mu......... 2:27 il. r PROM CHICAGO. Arriv Bt ld Dpot. Le avo lJlieO.go Arn ceLîberi yvllie. 141 ..e60. m.r ........... 6:35 p -rm. - 140. 6:400.DI....-...*.-.*. :6 P.* No.161-. . 06m.......... 10:6 a. ru Mms A. B. Cook il4borna trou the (0.H. Averill Md family vili eccuPY eutl. the;r new houa« Ibis week. Mis. 1H. B. Eger bias ms ber gusat, ber J . T. Ayrem poolpOnied bita auctiou motter, Mmra A. E. tailler, of Baaboo, mje Wedueaday, owiug te anfavorable Win. weaier. C. H. Smit ViII MOTeOtai I. W. Slaiord'a houa. on Milwiaukee Ave.e iloit Veet. Adam Titus la drtltng à Vel for M. il oiby sud L. B. Bryant on tbeir Cook Avenue property. il. J. Proetor la itaving malarIal itanled for a cesent valk oppoaate bis Milwsaukes Avenueapnoperty. 1 W. E. Millet, P. Praline, C. i. Shermanu and P. i. Juat tel lu te gagne dinuer at Fox t*ake Tueaday. Horasa Buitley aontemplales pultiug in a cegnent Valk lu front of bts buai- nemsblock ou Mlwaukee Avenue thia telt. No traee ai E. fHachI's soleu has ever beau teuud and lMt. lecht lias about gîven up bopas of ever gettiugd te animai. Gi. H. Seitanet expeets a car ef cotea tse latter part af t eseat, wVbN mates a dearable subaitute for liardà ceai.0 Thte ceumuber harveai ls about ever, Vit a ligitt yield. osiug 10 Incessant talus a& lirs& and iatrly lu premature0 frons. 1 Frank Suydam. Vite for seteral1 moutlin "lasbeeu n a ployeni by Il, B Eger has*acvplel aa rstlou silO ScitauckLiBres. 'l lie psstar of thie M. E. charch illII opasiSalibatit morniug ou -Rock Feudatilans'and Sabiat eveming on "S8and Fauudallous.. Mir. and tara. Bisseli, of Font Dodge, la., sud lirs. Blaaells daugliter, IMn. J. Nain, et Chicago, are visiting Mr. sud Urs. F. G. Cleveland and raully. At Ibeir Septembar meetiug Ithe iinpervisorsi raised thte laz levy tront Gou to 7G cents on $100 meanlug an addittenal revenue 10 te eounly of $15,1)(K).9 Momars. aud Mesdames Alanson, E. Cenk aud Voler viailad Zion Cilty oe day lu$I veek. They vare mucit im- preesed vîti te magnitude ooiLoi- paovemente periectedadnsd naeray. OMelcais aiaved tItemnttrougb te immense lace tactory. We cannt understand Vty nmre eterprlsiug Individual or Marchient dos uao&arrange go ul magazinesansd periodicals. Libertyviile Voutdoe.r- taluly patrele %0 the exteul of many dollars monthly.fil Vold as Vei prove a groat couveuleuca tu eut people. At a meeting efthlie Snuday Sohool board efthlie M. E. churei thte tolloV. Ing were leced mu offSlees for oe Yer: B. H. tailler, SupIt; M. B. Oolby, lot Amst Bupt; (C. W. Taylor, Id AssI Supt; Addie Millet, Bec. sud Tees.; W. C. Trtggs, Lbration; 0. W. Taylor, ehorIte; Bluet Taylor, Organiat; Arhur Miller, Aalt Organist. Tbos. (orlelI bas te contraet for a largo varaitouse teolbeerected at itondout iorte iPage Woven Wire FoneeC(ompany. Tite building yl lie 201x60 vith 30 fot posteansd lte Lamber bill ceils for 100,000 ieel. Thte coorpauy lu question deIre a place le store large quaullea f o!tnce.vire and shiet affonds gond rairoad iseillles. A. B. Levis, of Waukegsu. vite bu beau serialy 111 for materaI monîba, lu fael uearly alit e lime mince his removal ftram Liliertyvîlle, viit rbeumnatiim, Improves very aly. lie ls now jus& able go ha &round hlitng enfleradt aaslgitI relapse Ilireea es ago. Il viii be sprlug bainre he yl regain mrenglli tu any nottcable dogree. Spance.Baud and Wm. Bernailt coulempiale holding anction sales lu lte riearfuture. James san *etarted Monday to patine a year's counse a i te Northt- vestern Sehool or Pbarmacy, Chicago. The rattan fiM liain 19 green colts lu training aI the Fair grounds. LaIer tbey VIII b. miipped te nome smanItou %rack. Llberlyvilie Ladge, No. 4A- A. F. A. M. wll verk te ltird degrie a Saut- day evenlug, Rept. 27. Banquet. X.W. BIrLKR., W, M. iàbettyvîlle n6e a tdergarteu. The village la Dov large enougl int support sueli an institution, sud ve deubt net il wanld psy te promoter. Tite Ladies Aid 01te Iresliyteriau chutah it imfuet Vîtia tat. C. F. Wrghit Titunada! alternoon, Oclabet 2. A full attendanc aadauied as business of Importane la 60 b. trausacled. tara. Geo. Peitou vacalan te preulies ou Lake treet T nîtaîlay, re cently seld te a Chicage Party, Mm. Peitou and tamtilymoyed l m rcus in Mmt E C lPelaon'u hane nAA ,1Ombard strpeel (Inn 1 Lnre lut ist ekparciael of Mso. (;Ibwnu ber PropartY. coirner i Braluerd Court sud blte ,trect for $1800. lIlte png liîe li ereet a nov remildence teoreon. viticitcliiliec occupled by bis son Gilîbert. Mmr. Frank Praline a ilunChicago buytng ber tult stock sud allendlng a MillinOrY Oponiug. Ste viii returu brlmming aver viti thie latenit Ideas sud fada Iu Miitiury suit preparod te pIee te mont tutidious. Miss LOSA Kohuer arrlved Sunday evtming irom Weldeu, Getmauy. Site ViII maliterefuture home Vitit bor brother. Mai Koliner. Max bai net snnlier mince abe vas lit11e more titan a baby, ulueleen sud a baIt jears ago. Au armature ou one ni the dynamoee aU te elaetric lighit plant burued ont lant Veet sud awaiting repairai, no streatllIgitIa are f urniabad. Thte other dynamo fumites enturent for lte commercial circuit no ne inoonence la «mused patrons, but tma dsrk rainy ulghtI te treet lighis are grcatly issed. Word teaebed relatives Wednesdsy ai te deatit of Mr@. Theodote Mlle, toruerly ef Diamond Lake, a$ (ireely, Colo., shera mite vent Viitt botrlns- baud a year go lu bopes et recover- ing ber itaalt. lausager delaîls are obtainable aIttis lime. Thte romainsi are expaated te arrive et Dlameud Lake FrIday, vitere tbey vifIli e butied. Ms. Milîs la videly luowu lu Lake county, a womsu ai sterling qusllias, beleveai by mil vite ojoyed ber aequailtauce. A number of gentlemen pronluent In te Page Wavon WIre Feîîceomr- pany, contemplatse eecting a factory aM Reondoutnear tl ite laof te pro- poied varebonse ta be bultit y tit eempany. Thte movement im Indepen- dent of tae Page Company, taougit pi-emulers are & Il mure or loss in- tereâted til taI convernu. Il lte Ides le uanutaclîîre field fonce sud Boudent tleelod because of excellent sblppiug iscilitica afforded. 'iThe gentemen beitind the deal boliove ltaI vtit lte eleclric nead lu opera- lion, employeee can lite ln Litertyville aud expriance ne dIlfilculty in gotîng te and ftom vert. L. B. tiaiby sud J. W. Miller dis- Tburaday evenieg or lut veot covered satai-met lying near a roadide fri-ends o! the Misses Lanra Cleveland, oasat cf bsn ose day titis veet i a Garidîa Shtermuan, Alie Bydam, Lieus drunten atupon. Titey uolifled neigit. Watts and Etel Wlsnan gave a dance bore, Vito oued ior taenian. lu hb@Isnl ltaeitbonor aI Libenlyville Tovn hochts vas $180 lu vnrrency sud bow Hall. Eseit of thetouong ladies vamed longig liada lain there n one knovai. hava a birthday In Sepaubet. iteuce I wu forlainate noue ofte uDy lte aPpelation "Seplembar girla.' Il slrangetm broughtl ta aur vlclnily by VUStitis tact aR ientaIinapirod te te eletrie road luprovemant uotieed friands in question u la<va te dance te man. Ha vould bave baen an eUassd party. A dauly lunch inter- viclim for tlleu. upnmed lbe dance progmanad bal fat Wm. Atridge lias purcbased et J. S. lt e 0 three cakes Ver. 'itooked" by <riey tlie lot adjaluing te otd Young urebîna lounging about te hall, Jamison placeaonIu tallikee Avenue, ual a itait accurted tu mat lte even- aise 1he restaurant building fl0Vcoccu- Inge enjoymeut. Il w»a avery pied by Mr. Atridge. Thes latter te pleesnabla avent and te ouly regret wIll maya tu bis raoanlly soquirad lot, af participent& vu ltat the a8Beptom. add anter &tary sud thrwsa br gifla" do net have birlthdayai tapait. Au sta.d lut; Veel Mr. eflanar. Wa bave haan sked by te (idlsy VIII ateet a tVa siory brik peunglae ltankt Iem t fise faot building eouthéa&aitqnov oupied by tha benof douasIaem. Vhieb tiey thért uliMt. qtraemaulappuacii le School Overcrowded. Il lai ouly a malter of a year or Ivo until anetiter building sîll of uffesslly havte te be erected in Libertyvitint. lu the tirett sud seeasid reenmIn i bas become neceassry te utilize te aisies sud more Aeats bave been .,rdereel and vIii be plaoed wherever Ai in t ail possible te taate u asle witb auj degre et couvonteuce in the bigli sebeel but one. seat romains vacant, and tlime moto acholarl§ are jet te enter. lhe rapid growth of or village accounts fer tliiscondition sud il la certain amollIe sebool building wîlI have te lie erected If proper oducattoual faolittes are le lie aforded. Theo uew building, wbeu i>nIt yl uaaraliy lie lecated lu the seatiloru end oft ticn. TO CHICAGSO. VEUX DITS. Depart Prom New Depot. Lffave LI bertyvilUe. Arrive Ohisau. 18 1i. :8IL m.........8:256 M. 13 91. :0a.m. ........ 10:0 IL M. 14 .... 9:18a.m ........... 1:5 la. m *164.122@P.m ............i: du P. rM. m P. . m . ............. 600aP. nM. &U MuA T . sa.13 ..... 8:0 . ............ 1005 a. M. 14 ..... 18Sa. m . ..........lnîla, . 148 . . 7:44 . . ........ i p. ru TO CHICAGO. W 31 DTSi. Depart Prom Oid Depot. Leav. Lîberyille Arrive (Jhlao. No. 132...6:w a. m. ........... 7:85 a. ru -1396... 7:38a m .............e:4 r. BUNDATS. No. 192...6:8a.m ............ 7:u a.ru I amn doiug ail kînda of sewsng at res8tînattle priccetéandt g.aratitee ta piease. 1 aiso take nrderts for ladion. taler made garmentli and ssure a ftt 1 biave nut w iy bore fall aud winter galiipleus. 150 2-d Miss. STIENo.0, LIiertyville. Lniclnîsed Lettere. M'i. c.i le ii .... nic Ptt 7 T. W. PI c. WYsntS M. tIEATiî toeimtn"tor PEOPLES' COLUMN. W ANTELI T ni îiî1,n ti f rom 0loi120 s. r l», M ce t I. e jan.lI Apple ut thisot51-.Si4-d W ANTED-A lrit )(,tI. willtlig iP wcrk. to earc piotir- u à: ili cliii. Adjudication Notice. I'îbio Noti- 1[,tn, th.nlii b Su b.ý, rlIvr tIi. e. lir i 1b - lWlIl sal teRtamnt r Cilonb.e GiAlc.,ule nilwlill atend h. teCoud 1y C. Ct -ifLut, Ccii t y. ut Aterru tln~,i t tb l-,,tlcinMt lb Ciourt Housel Iin .ci.litIllali uity. on the girst Miiciajy i iecic text, 100 5en and wi, >iitens iiiiii'i oame atiainit 'ai Ctt ' ulI . n Lii rel iestd ito Botes Bro's .... DAIRY.... Milk or creilin uay be soenred at aîîy Loiur ai aur lioadîjiiarterm on Lake dtrcet. It âaal be our atm o l fnuninl lthe parent andîl ean- est miUt ponqnle. Boles Bros., Lake St, Libertyvlle. TM E - INDEPBNDHNT WANT ADS elSNaEIN CLT RESu IS 0Lovelli CL 'EARANUE SALE. In ordeIr to make room for fail goods, we are offering special induce- ensfor the next two weeks. anm , Batihte and DIMItles, fornnerly l10 sud 15c, now ... 8c PAl! AN 011 Liber Ladies' Muelin Uuderwear, includiug NIgblgoVos, Corset Cuvers, Shirts aud Drowaea, 35c te............. ....... 19 Mens Necktîed, l:îc te Meu's Undervear, 25etle.... . ..50c .$150 Lsoles' iiaieoy, plain sud iancy, 10e te, ..0oc Mens Janeaville overalsa, te standard ln prie. and riulily, per pair, 60a bc .... f Ohudrens Scheol stectings. t5c aud .................... ZC mens$ loves, dres ansd Vok tnd, 1110 te. .$t.5O ]deus@ Fancy Shirts, 50lotla....... .............$100 Wool Dresa Gonds, a large, complaIs liasnoiOfcash- meres, Briltisutaus, Obeviote and uovelly dreas goode at rigiti Prieas. ..PURE DRUGSU At LoveiI's Drug Store ILS/ rtyville TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES PATENT MEDICINES F. B. LOVELL, - - Illinois. For a telephone in your place of business or your residence. You grit the increased and growlng Berviee of the 1la» County Telephone Company and connection w#th Il Chicago Telephone Company. For Information, rates. etc., wrte-.m CONTRACT DEPARTMENTs lrugr StoreIi8SqVI COUNCîL PROCEEDINGS. LIIIEaTYltit.LE, SEWT. 1, 130Ü2. Board met lu regniar session sîlli llalterflied aud Wright absent. Minute, of Aug. 4 road and an motion uf Corloît and Kaiser veto appraved. A petilion tram lue. S. Grtdley ast- tng for permision te remoeo restau. tant building was read sud on motion ut Hanby sud Grablie petîtion vu granled. Thetressurer's report for Angust VuS road and roierred le finance coucmttee sud ou thetr favorable report was ou motion of Kaiser and ralibe accepled sud piaced on ille. lThe report seved as follews UOn baud lu% report $335V.68, roeevod iluce $700, paid eut duriug moutit $1281-4, balance on bud $3861.54. The ftollewing bitta voeoread sud referred tefinuance committee- Thte commitlee reporliug favorably on saine fi vas moved by Kaiser and tirablie ltat bilts bu allowed and warrants ordered drawu. ail voling aye. J. Leter ........ .... $ 2 1( o1e. Pelton ... ..................j20) Frank Walermau ....7 00 06o. Boetu ... ....110 M. Frealiman.... 50 ou Geo. Pallon................... 9 60 Freeman Power sud Sapply Co. 112 t7 il vas movod by Gralibe sud Hanby tuat lte trosident instruncth1e marsialnot taenferco the bus ticeuse ordinance during fit yOOk. (arried. la the malter of chaingina te strool liglits on Lake streot t wu movod by Coriett sud Kaiser that If lte lîgbit committeu couid gel watt doue for $15 tey sboatd go abeoani ith ia e sort. Motion caried. on maioe ef Hsuby ?ud Kaiser tue0 appoiutlng of special police dnrîng lte fait %&Man unute cPremii nud village nmarnhL, oi î.. t,, .7 Ustiàuj seL .i tîLe ieutlugaia.î,. W. C. IAc.IUIIt, V'i i 1rh ilt. Sale. i ai i u il ll b cil i i i)A giîiiiin t miy homo near Meuaîi î lctorY on Mecd.y 1Spt. 29, 1902 at 10 'cluet. ternis cubit. IMES. J. 1'. .IIC dTIRE5. UNDERWEAR. of Men's, Womeni's and Chidreu's Fail and Winter Uxîderwear we ever had, is 110w for sale at rock bottom nris. A big lot of Sample Under- wear at abont hlaf price AT Libertyville. Illinois. SNMITH & DAVIS, DEALERS 11 General Merchandise. Libertyville, Illinols.