Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 17 Oct 1902, p. 2

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~~IINEPENDENT PUBMEDWEEKLY. L m am "TF.$IO AU ON APMlICTION ' WROLETOWNTOMOVE a1ENTON, NEB., W Lt. DROP 1DOWN t- THE PLATTE. Ziuteton l to Lcate 'h.e 'uo Pumle Cees...the flritae uSmlb 'BLg MiII" Mea Gel Limht Umaeofor Tstlfylngr for State. Ima village ut Benton, Nel., ai de- W, dial tanEuve ThIi doec ot mean the khàalltants clame. The buildins,. noutea O M heoesea.esîdî' aili tIhepemsnai ef- Ha limets. iilintoutdo,o the Plamte iver lai' Br lbffl miles 10 a, location shich tht' vil- 'ta' bsg e neterataits prettent ont-. Nolhiig her VIU b. lefI hehinai except the nombraI 511 uSMty. 'a'lach teas Ilire saItn the vil- hal Sae a but. The adalisou ta more di .ý with the annaunoemeut of the Mil UMMosPacific Raila'ay tht la ne tasei.1Hi I>na'a eooalnlng c large miii anîd cicea- lira 11. voulai b.esatahlailacaiet the poit aIl mma th lincrocaed thle Platte iRiver. 5011 INis i tbaee miles dawa alresnî lfro nn l pressait group of boune calît-t Benlon. Ai VWM uan agent of lIe Union Pacifie lre- the mmlaed Oie mater ln the rigît ighl tbe gri titiom o Benton saieat Iathlby %are by Iklng la the a'rong pare andt tut -e se' Cdd til mveand belit onautien rn'ifd lie Sm eto!thIe nwtoicu, Wi £68» VAN KILLS TWO NUIIBERS. e., - keý Un Attack The* Brothers la a Far.s as( bosnse andl Ar. PlattOa Bout. li laa às.cluded feramboucc oa a cannte; WC .smd. two mailes lcem tIe village of Roch- a1 sse, Ohio, a terrible btnle wae ougb th( et 8 o'cWok Tucîday nigbh letween t 1r,'> hi moud mon namea Menach andiix deperate'aij rebbers. As the recut oI the basttîet 1o hai et tbm relIera 'acre abol la deitîli.oi' vu probaly fliially msinundea and falo et the Memch brollicra 'acre Indu; blifit l B l'bm are Oree of Oie MeitelibrotIlttea '-o'a gnai eaily 80 ycare; tlii about 70 anad Jari.i, egeai 65. The-(Id~ men are s"id to be rici. About 8 ';ock. n whlm Johnwsauin Itue har, lhe iana sur'e noumdeai by tîren roblera andi lonti. Go'il kg ho, the bouse they kuocked Jnrvio ri, * Mmmimb haao nuasility byb late nitflic Nt besLd John Meacb saorked himanîf loume bc trus Ie bandsa,d.aecan'ng a ailotgitta. Ca gmeutoualy atilnupoma Oie Ibree buegr,,ýs ~ 'uba ver. working upon the sale. fIet-iri - - ibt lwo ut them tla aitae aid faili TI vouadeai the third man. The IbrentomnIi h paamn of the ma-m immcdiahniy gt g, £vay. The Ilird of tle bheîra, Loren, hi, la bei-ridaen ad coulai offen, reaici îtu Messa ho bwu Dotal mle.ted. gr ISOCAPE WliTR EASY SENTENCES- te c g Umu WhoTurcal Stat'. Evîdeuce ut Mianeapolisa (tonsDay.. 8hiIy" Edwardsanmuai"Cieerful Char- Lý Sb" Hoaraithe "big mitI" nmen a wioane IfnooY revealeaitheib nlodia of *IpMWt'iuseai 1; the Minneapoliaslpolice in du, ispartmmatnder lie Amec adminitra- Il t 'ti4s were sentenueaitu liea days inma jeufla .. b7 Juiga Harrison. Tie; bave beeno in SI JO a let Maeh.Counuy Attor'ney St .*Remeuy Smnithomad plemi for the men, - tgigthair service ho the public inu tom-el Î, mWbbutmssmnen bmd pro-ml _tesi w kgmmart. The. ighl sentence, vas the T D 4 OmoterftllAmnrica silver dollara aire 1* mmd la China aid circulatni inA Tmis.lhe suspicion isield tht saome t Iis money wa% sbipped ftrnm flan t Weaedmco, lThe dollars are ot sucer and ettu u b ndrd veighh. Tbny bave Iccu de- 0 Iseled h raugh theI mproper eampla.ç uf làssyWordaLllarta on thn godlles«. liai fflA'mbition Crusheai.' IL G. Laeda. 16 yeîma's ad, con of IRocka teamd iJro#ad president, s'laaramlaîwey I *M Aaidoaer Academy lu CaiutiIp t i nsurgents. bai relurnedti laNew ti Y~;Amerucan conaul stoplied IumntaIg ~iaou familstcructions suai senti là. hume.n %: Car Mie C. . S.P,child.L a Ex-fiacretai'; of the Treasuoy 'linîcae IL Fairchild waainserely hart in Nets Tub, H. vms knocknd daim by a trillav ear us be wa& on the 'amy ta liua ttilît. The. ex-Seretary utealken boluuue, s>le( lit asefounai thatlibe laed ualami n v't-c a; ematushana about the head aid lace. Irmaisry Clrk Killas Hilomclf. I George Huston Cooper, agnad ifi. eo.-tm maitoed suicidaeatbis home in Witiua lm b baaglng hîmmseiftot a clocel uluor. Memwuasa clerk la Ibe Treapury Dlu.ici- t-New YorkBuhker la lissa. Alber oh .ioisenior in tle balîking firnu et Albert Loeh & Co. of Newe York Cuti'. kedeui brm apoplex>'. He was bora ii Cincinnati foil-lwo yers agit. Mudmr am uiucie. Joe" Momarek of Tyndall, S. t)., aibt Amas Vacbten aid then commilnai sui- «di.. It la salilie @hot the girl bec'uiiis, eh* hb.dJ'led hlm. Deaieso f Arbiration Court. T'h Ragoue arbilralion court reache ila mUUlManOs deelalan lathIe Piouns fond Seoademin Mexico ta pay the Uit- Placa for lDr. Pattoa. ]DrFra"cisL Patton, former 1ilrs dmt01PriaeooUnvesity. lai t'liuat- Vtoet utPrinceton Thcolagieal 8eîui' Tva Kîlîsai la Cnt Mica,. TW Tamen were killeai. tour a'stisît; and " lbissserloualy injureai u an explosion «t Victor'mine. Pasuee, 111. *misioanof Bacolod afl e Wr. The Sultan ut Bacolod., Minanao,lbina ,mal-@"àIbme rieudl; a',Warmof e on KILLa SONS AND ENDS LuFE. riteo f Procalceat Brewer Lu Oumaha Commit.î Triple Crime. Mira, Amellai',Iluiens. ailetufoflr;.n ubeul. vice-p-cident ofthe Stuar ewlng Comapan>', loitthe liveaofîliber KO boy-s and ber assie ly aspiiYxmiaiiaut er reshienice, 1547 North Tat-iticîlu 'neet Omaha, Insnnity in suptoset-dh rve inspîmei the cimt-,. Thec Iodles siene corerel in Mra. lînubena' bcdrooui b; lie Caroline Haubens, sinter of len-ar> nubens, eha loi' e-rtraI manthe ina cun living at the Haub-ns homne. Thc t5cr nîgiet Mrs. ltaubensaa skc'd lit-r ns, WValter'anal iii, 10 iand 12 raiea d, ha ext-lange slepîna roosniui u IIlier. Lb itewasIhaughItaulie anly aa hmidu li mother the requesl n'as mentdit rantel. 'lh.he thronm ostiali>' nccaulî-ul ,the buy. coulai fot le aibut off by il- lf, a fecht whicI the mnîluem proaaly d in minai, Mr@. Hanlens es'idetntly ileal lu the boys' room ontil île boys aid thIdi'coultbiaigone to seep. Theut li vent la ber ovuroain, phiiegeu tlae yhole, lockeui tlîedoor mnt tmeqîîeaîly t-ai andl turneai an the ges. MIca lIian- ns dmaco-eeai tîne tageiy s. len une vnt tait ltie famîly la brcakfnal. Il, Iiel note vllcb Mr. fiulcta . mrtte e bidc lt-r ubîî nd gond-b>'. SIc nii eat sIeco'utl no001gel wcll andl lti t ht- eiiedtio (diea ndairae berc ildt-eîî s' iî -r, POLICE QUELL A CQAL ItIOT. ili Force Neccîsary ta Dalk Mob's Effort lu tSlnaiCity's Fuel. Th-tlie locaulIpalice farce swo-ealled t aI Newtotn, MIas.,ta suppreset iai lot. Mnyor Wcrka had purchamedtif-I cru ear liaidi of colt na.'IlunVimgmuma lot- ut' by tlie cil;. Wheu tieen shlîutt ir- veai it tees rn on a aide truck mîer Setonville. Sluorlly altcr dark a crusea rgen ho gatbem andIthe peupin began ta imry as.'y t'ailuls of coal, lnshie aI ia aunliaun moitemen, teomen and chi- 'n tere seuring a cappi; ot fuel. Imnee oilcers sa'tre snct-oh thOe scene, lut c;e coulai not stop the rosi thefUs, aa ;enerai cail waaseul nul andi lorly'two alicemna eapontiet. Tinty haid no easy îîsk ln dispecelig the crotta, teblel lied 'oa'î ta 2,000 persians, ail seemingi; de- eramîiiedtîa10proîc the pour peuple m lho eme enrrying off the cont. POSTOFFICE SEIÉVICE OGROW?'. Largeetlacmeane of Recelph. on Hec-' .rd I. Mode Lent Moule. The largeal inein hapostal et-apte in the hiatory oftIha eseisin owu in ane reporta of tue groas receipti ufthtet fifylavèirgentpoatolhices in the Uni tales for iaaih mouitb as cemparea itil cephnmler, 1901. Thaae"Ift; oficest-afur- icI appi'aximaîei; liait thbe nuire potal reenue oftIhe country. The net la- rema. aver thescamne monhh lest ;etur was 20l par cent, The total greis reMepts wert M5,Ofit14, an inerçeaofa! $83 .. T'he largest incîeaa vas 50 per cent, et Dayton, Ohio, clamai; tolloweai 1; almuat 49 per cent lucres, nt Jersey CiIy. N. J. New York CiItymaid Chicago mach chowA c an incremsn ot 22 per "ent. Rectipta at Albany, N. Y, teil off $«19. MOB LYINCHES TWiO NEGORES- >cc Ceafesses a Receat Marder acnd 1-luajutca.sthe Other. GarildaiBurin; muai Curtis Browu. ne- roes, ver. lynced at Nevlera, Tenu., y a ioob otfla5W)pmrsons. Burin; -bot anda klli'iI)i. ltlatt, a young fermer riear Dyerabui'g. FInttlad tradetl bornes seltl Burîey anai tbe lutter ainuiendeai tînt the trade le deeltirta off. FîntI relucati andi w'hite oiebis teayhomne wstu huit 4owu o; B.urey. A passe hututetidauva îrie murdener and enugl i bin lua ut-grocaliae il Huffman, Ark. XX'ileint-lsnen te t>yerahtung le enfeetheIbmmuriet-mtis iinpiicat'tl Caris Browen e, nu acaulfu plice. Four Slai. lu ArkasmsFenda. A abootîn a nura>' Ictsnen tIssura tîta aon tle atreets at Eldorodo, Ark.. recuteili nthuekil luuag affour uime,>,n thîeateauîug attitude nI tle oppoaiing faur liinsos-,feDais, lu omipluanre nitI i ru'qiuenh Inonu thceaiueriff of Unioni Cotuni; ou deredth îe State mîlillu stilioitidnutEl. dat-adaoai> diii;ho aupîtreas t'aubIen lii Iint-ctere entier, ào.oac .l aFeuil Case. Prof. Philip H. Clark of Ascuonel Mais., tees netaigt-idblncourtun th> change aI having attenupteai ha poison lia Iauiîly of iuis cousin, Mrs. S. A. Tt-ri' anai lit-r brotben, Fr'ank Barrons, ci, persona in ail, b; puting suger of lt-a la thu e -lslerom subict-Ihe; aircîs' îe, n-aIt-m suippl;. It lit kuuosn thuih a fi-n mxistmd heIn cen Ptof. Clarkandaitsîldis tant ucousins. Faumons Trotter I. Decil. fluitard, tIe greit hrohtiuag aire. diui aidaient; et then brin aIPeteai'itr eý ai Leiniitoni, Ky. Hm was foalclii 1875 b; OGeorge W'ilkes, dem Dçîila (île, of Direetor, 2:17, etci, b; Membrn Chief l. t wcu@asotnea b; îaPeter' Duryt anal W. E. D. Stokes, tlhe Nov York adIl imait-c. Violent-e ic Strîlue Distrîi. V'iolence ua agaîn repnctet lin Ile au îhmccutn regiaiu. One atniker sens XiII, hy a guard, lima Irainsuecre imekai t dynamite. circuIt-res uggeuting île qian dmernIofttpressOra imere posîtietaid 1,00 m)utnaia of emmunilion tur stnikera te. ccufiscaten. Cous-hclcd nIWife Murder. Aifra- 14"«Baffe, et 4Me- oLii.1 t. ""QI. ~1fK1fI~iKUL arrangement% cempît-al toi' a genemail re- W guîîîpîion oI vindose glass fachai'c. Ft-ona tie prescrnt otitlooak îheplanatutof1l the Amerlean Windose Glass Company stl lie more u; y anneai Ilan test Ycur. Thils la dure tathue removal oI ml Bues cri Imposer] ami akilleai sorkers 'a'IO 1kt tir luej ohl oariaaln anal sere nmpln;ed linre independentpianots. ar ae NO BIBLE IN PUBLIC ECHOOLS. nu Nelr a Supreme Court Sa'.lta I 1a , Violan of ties Le-ta] B; an opinion reîadercai the, otiior cremi- TI iris b; Ibm Nebraaka Sapreme Court tlenDn ieaaiiug of the Bilile anal sngilua ut screal tu sngiai n publie chaebofaItheStne i mclit îit-uuilibi'. Tireicase lsaOnc Pap-itd ae fram the)eistit Court ot Gags Ciiuahty,'ne anait the- Inani'court ln revret. Tireun pIaluhiff la Ibm original actiou lc Datniel Freiann, Who cdaims ta b Ile firat boloe- stenle in the Unitedl States.,'l'ue cyllis-lie huis nI tleopinion sey.; "Exemieiau a luj Icacîci' in a publie acbool, in a acbool t building anin the preseoce of Ibm puiol M eoîlusitg af the reRdlng oIfieagn bu ft-om tIe Biblenandl In île ining of b iga andatihyiniiaandl offerntuspra;er un lie deity tirau n'oeuInnce s.'mlbthe dactrilieâ, uc-itfa, eiatuitut or tigagea of ct-ctiit chtirclitai nereigiona orggnizanlaus. îs îîurbiaicn b> îhe constituution nf the MURDERS IS NIFE AND SON. -N Mînneaula Min Aie WOuads Mer-(' chant and Flnally Ellîs liseif. I Ati 'Tracy. IlNlitai, Fi Stcickt't- ht nul m kiltvlItai ui tle andta> uutug non, siniotl> i si otiniletFrank >1<ail lieher saiîl di-h cauaiittcd suctie. Shncer and bis aile et uai liet-llving nparl fart isea cnc. 'heic 11 otuier uiltenoon lie- futlanad hi@ ia sfe im d NieCaliem'sfuinilune cloue atoii aisinth ai res'olser sbol lui ierna. Ather Initia o anotîner bullet îurough lit' henai of heuir 01 lhite bay lie tunntd bias wapuon onaI>l ia father iiu lis. ',I. Itrrcy. Tire :u.lauih stoandeai Mc('aIiten, wa bis bInacitii'al a' conditionu. RIOT AT GA31lE OFt FOOTBALL. oi KaunscEi-en,nc Free-for-AII Fight - and Macny tudrnta Hurt. Sesent bunairea stidents of I'rWeort- rilun Cllege anai the State normalmelonl of Emoporia, fKan., mngagcd in e lre for- ahi«iht duiing tle progresa oI a footbaull gisait-bet-etsihîe ecte-ns mpcmat'iting turet hîsoliola nd Ibm police sutrt fat-e- v -i la anae tir cluteIlt-e;i.quit-ll e dilturbiicc'. Mauntelan, a noruuult', lttaatcuch on theltaid b; a polaceTuuu and ai hiigori tl>' iijîa,l, al ii ni; aIfth botys lianthurt b'theîlamcuta oI tht' olf-- cers. TIc nommiais swan the ganle b; ac scre- tf (é ta 0. I BUILDING$ RAZIED BY STOR . i Macn, Mo., Saiffers Whea Ovept b; Wind-lujured at 15maI.. i A alnattsrous winaitarm vîsîteai Macon,a Mo, Several bouses anal buildlingaistere deelro;cd in the sotheast portion nI the lawu, The ueraitalealrtrgioo ssas tiinl; popalateal or grenr damage wvumiagrava heen done. AtIlmoa nminbug villtage, seceral buildinga, ncluding the gent-rab mechandbse tourt- afEd Voit, acre Iadly damageti by'thc toraîl. Frank Cuaiitiiua, mn Italien coisi miner.,a'ai aici'ousIy haurt tia- sere\ olîcro are reporter! bjuncai. BeIr ta Tieone ofISiam Greened. Prinice Choalo MnIh'ajireYiudî, tht-d renuivu proce nI Siam, imivei bu New York ou tian steamer Fut-rat Bisairck fncum Southaptnanîhîîsd Cherbourg. lic wsaneni 1> HerbertIlt. 1). Pelmce,,tîmnai8 4sI8ttuiSecreler>' of tae. sud 1). Il. SickeeofaINetw Ytrh,formcerl>'tîunîual e geintcal ahntBagkok. epreesentiug lt-i- Of the Stite Depnrtîuîeni. Fatal WMetkN.-, Altoon. Whlt-uticasseliet-iai No. 4 ut>nt-e Pî'îuuu3 layItnutu main lme % s nelîîtiot a t t Inouigl a ftîg a lut-n il v InuIt-tafniiglit staus. rehked ii lt-tnt of ut at Garmm, l'a. dItelorethile tagmn>ufaaItîe freaglît roulai tu> back th opliithit- exp-lrm fallas, ng tac lit-ne; pacenger train dnîcai lint,,tht- a wreckage (tuflioleen ftrigit t-it-. Tsi s ee klleai anda snimber injureul. ,l Cnai trike Neve.lieLod',t. J. . 1'Morgan vsiilnd Preaitîetat l;iinut vetlt. uaid uon îunîaI îl te ciieaIîtîîto t. i't-a'd u naînilt'ifiltt-nct'sscil aîtiucau a- cihe î,aunîrs t,, urlitrîtioti b' aruiuuna le ftic' taituil ythe Pr"'tidi' . A.c h. lu n prpoaitunti raicrglîalî; nante b> Jîhii M- i uuuu l ad la agrecabie la thet- cir--, oniiendaoftifhlm clogale in In igiai. Bd hngln Epress Train Heli Up. Tîtete nuked vmc ielul up ltarliîagîttni tramhi No. 41, thet'Pacifie coll cxliteia. it-uit- aoodlaa o, fouir mileai oui of in- t-til, Sel., ah 1 o'elttck Saînrdaya; îîuct îîug, andi et-ttl a large aura, prihciitlly en la golai oiti. The estimetes on tht, lotit in refuge nl ie aa; fcem $2,0W ta $50,- ao 'lu Olai soles DIsanree. l- A rasa ho Union V'etemans' Union )test- loi; uttWashiington esulînai in delegnahia frmliail a uoen StatesilaldralvI'g frnt hll; Gen. Dyreufortie retîîstd ta ed pemit preetiitiian s! report recuia- hymenditiaIls aauspension. mahas., uit-wre lr arcl; acuideai._ _ . 00 O' Ouarde ail FIee. re Fmlhen conviencs aI île peuileuuinr; vîurklig in a atone quara'; twa miles iîoi'Oist ofSalta Fe, N. M., ovrrp v er- esat'd iheir two garIs aid ob Ibeir grill ao ava; train theis. Twa af the gang ' made llner ecacpe, telile île otheru ne- a- aiiicl ana l hîeralei the gouerds el. ra Cosly Fuel May Mala. Priel fouu & Cos et earepumîcai vouaI1> a. flt-hina>'sauri, ferce maniuacture'ra ta I- rsine prices; New Eliglenai ctthan mihle leie mpncpnrnlug h io ims-i; relmoad it' earnungs fur Sepenaler galnl 9.4 lier e cc-nI 0,cr 1901. le Kmugo, Baoies Anu.sf lacs Paul firigere mSiot ', now 'bing printc'd, accusce Chamberlinit of pros'ok- eàs inc Bot- rep'iublilIesanal lringlng an siar: on Millier la aicloreai Chamberlain' accetai- ri pl- anal Johannueburg reform part; b; Jolie. ____ Rligion.s flssn*lKîlleil. Jahn Keusit, EnglsIgentî-rituitllut lesder. dînai of Ihuain-Irecenveai tron Birkenhea mol: chiesel lIroten b; noter strucb hlm Iliste e.. bleatb Ciioté t sîe Decîb dismlseai Ibm chargeof laiue> ba l'urt dm"os mgtIabmIO N W&. ieg 4wdk t twAI "#go l 004 WILL FIOST PACEING bMERGER. ldapendont Paers .taB Ililal Largo Plami t tSt. Joaephi Mo, Independuot punekeras. iti huildainmdiop- eraIe a large packig plautlu ho Sth St. oaipb. Mo, tb figiulthIbibg merger. A îpretenlmtivmof ailindepemdettpackers' organisation u basiemainbSothliSI.Jo- sph gathering data. Hle lookeioct-r a umber ut tracta of lamai sullable for îltes, examinoal thc terminal facliîls.the apîchlituf tthe sitoek yards, maidmnster- ajna thue cent of itîerilhing a planat lure. 'lue man's nome Ic wiîuhcild b; tht- local men. seho la; Ibey are nat lui n I>Ol.tiofî telnlk for publication. Tlcy nadmitl uIt-anse, that a figlit bn.î.o' e eai r a-ga-r ndi thlndependcol coniais in f15mini- cnt. "This fielhaitune been examiuictilu>' noce aulsideutotuittla e omuiiooly cumilei lue combine," salul a local packiuîg house îai. "if lime; huildai pîlanit lere.I s.'iii e t-chi a oau>' nuitwiin oîtenioui, acco>rd- u11 hat inaformaltinI1ilote recelveai. Thuis wmi lmetnute e lîîv,'aluuît oaIrut icail $5, 0,0,for 1h akfaisfuîly tient amuntlth build allaiequlp î at,,cuitplant.001" GOTHAN BL;AZE I'EIILS LIVES. Teniait* Drelvai onit aul Chîtaire Rsacol tuy Fîreumen. "ii'e an Fridny ulainngeti lit- aix aoi';y biial t luî I478 ttid48(0 IPenrItlrect, .Nt- Yor' V a nd miiti iaanhnaîn Ite t-lit-fil of $75,0We. The eatahuieantm of [t H. 'ordazu, nlectrotcîteai; t'. F. Youîng, pliea tograupinalcrialic; S. NI. l'raiik n&.('n., soking lpipes, and l"uduilîa Bras.. nuiiantp intlrufmenta, seret-ompltl'ely tioric ut 0. i'he building in aitai by lIme ,lai'han tstntc, The lare fuir e lime tlreateuîc. uniy lIes maid cautpîell'uI tbe larcine 10 ldrire tenante ouItad lift chilaircalraun lheurlieds, AIonit-stage ia terriblhe hurel ut union lssued frîmthîe lau upier litons of tle building, îoîhowemfiby a clouai ui @makte it awph dive'nloto the att-cal, divîng emra'body na;. ýTue ct-escaI, au englue a'oakiîug atar nah Ianaise-m t-tmpellit-t e cranwI on thunir hborde cutI cnet-J for lialf a loak before tht-y ace out of danger. Naoaile aas iujurtol. REUNION IN PLACE OFe iNEXA. hicnagm Allen, Sappasei laiHave fIeI, le Met b, itearso andi Moarners. George Allen o!f West Unît;, Ohia, go, off the train île allerdoy andl umet a lerci slie imno tvalting ho reccîce lui& reunine andl foundaiarmage nnuti-r ot fniendi galber-aita 'a; lueur liait rîr- epecta. Allen had li-neen et a nuaaahcr of yenra man rcetil>'alu t'tt'i canme ta hie relatives sayhmg te scas liI In a Chaicango haaipilnl. TIen calule a tclegram anmuun- iuîg lie dealh.luitsabrother veutta ho i- caoa toarrange for ahipplug lis baod; home, H. then diaicovereal lIera seere Ina George Aileua in the buaphial; the otler one waa dcad, He ftud bis broth- er so mach botter' be tank hlm, huma with hlm, A zt amlgn~uions lookthe plac. ,t a fanerai. BiGAMIST OSENT TO PRISON. Ba11yai' P-udleton, of G(eatry', Ma..IRc- cels-es Exîruma Penalty. James t'eadletan, Mayor nI Gentry, Mlo., convicteaiof bigamy, %wassa eilnteet uit Eampor'ia, flan, ta five e ;an un tle uenilcnairy, theexIteme pt-naît>, l'en' dlelotiniutier tflnâaianied nainme'if ('îuîi S. Marris.,inairrictl Mhse Gmt-e fuIe; af Emporia a lt-w manîbioaga, and aialr, fin. der riuenaitne of Johnî Cix. lucaeui a -alu cuntiuninig ie ent Orlandoa. 0LX. aindlicii- lutithe report liant Coula S.?uluuri aild tuten kile.liii a rstunwy. lPendîcto> las n faiuily il Geiutry. BOY MUiRDF.RS '>VITH*AX. Kilua MalIce sud Sh.ltetan md FtImly InJure. Four O<aGas XX'ile Inborinnttiner men'tîal h'r. tmî,n, tle retit af lte train aI perfcintg sun nppîinue for paîttantaouina nirturaka thle it->' ta'iidinat lin %'ahiingtofi Cluha,. Caa'ley. 17 s t-it-a olai. af Hanacaeuiit. 'a., killeai lismanohtier'sauIon e iter nd fa talymujuia'-,ufonr nher cbilan. lie aait-inci olaly labista oierrIclîeu's, btint s atltea, oa'îrpiustetid and luira' cd ovc'rlat t'epolice. TIc acapo usatd wrasaî,air ex ili, ahicb tie crucliale ad liankia i. usvidtimai eyonuI recognition. Trains Crash Together on BrIdgre, Est uîutidBig Fîour frigbhtNo,.lK t-an inta ric(-merof f li-t ,îNoa. 72 iii thc rtelutr if tht- înbaisnlrmaer bridge ai Tt re litt. Ttue caboa nt- thue fratut train wts li t andtI ell blueathe-rivt nit1 thle elagililt ir one car lonuhuti th u a tmy us t--t' titpîctel>' areekeai. Tso tutr tnt-t-akîlledan ud aix seruoisl>' itjurcul CouralSîrike XXilI Go On. 1 t-w Xturk coofereaîce bets.'ecîîi pen ruentltcora srefuanai ta negolinle or ltt-lnia ioltoeu by Goccrior aindiSen rersPlntt, Qaey andi Penmose; S5oenta a ton aidsaneandl recognuition a faI iu sre-c e il Ifunminera andi relurautahorlm 6uantectl. Witt Admit Coal Duty Free. Thue prteiîi'n effa',' nIo 'ti'euîrcL Sbhas ai t-tin istructions 1e collectoru of liorts iîiiîl aier coumenaolhita-rrthoalfa taililate un machi se possible thImptiiorta tien of coit thIe preneur tite ahi t, 1o tu am i e liard cool tntee af custoon ai dulies. Ritai Haut Mails iy Thieve.. Fafit-1i tlaminanai dollars' aortî ut ina" dlry and $7W1 in mont'; acre aimien froin thue countîry reisence of Arthurn C'unpaill a liikerif SeN York, ah Shocri tî1111 N. J. Thit 11ev,. onaincteai lied, op- eratinna - uu ieti; that nun of the ouait- bolai si ia kcîît-tl Pcbnai ier avIi î ien MetuSel. 'rît-in,ps if thte It-uezielati gti>'tui- nient lail - lui-il rnîiieti hile rnatuallaaîî- ing gn t, tu tucumi> Corît, caîpitel if lie Shahe (i Blclîon. anal siielaineai Ienvy Ions"ea A achttuer witli aixi; mal' îîîi huard viîns siml. Leasel 011 Lmndmi CiIîtltuidaîny, trecidcnh of tIe Cndi nI> l'aitkiuig Campany, hums unit lma-a tso ci t-tiuuiofaIoh landlaIn te fage aima Chiertîke- nîliîîeandaat la quot-d os iuityiig thmt li.> t'utttnmy villisîeful$200.0 la iit-lipu thie proparly. End oaf Neat-Orhcsu t rîka. Nea'Ol-teaustreet rkiay s srike lias hnmaeuatdu-ul 1;employes aeceptlnug uit'- maluffu if 20 cents au hluia rge, til ton haurm a' uxiiaaim vark, Accaue ai îu are ta le taken beck. AmroaKui limilu sa. Do Bradsky, tIbWma~sdt, Bai Monk., aeopaia, o<l kg'. hUUw, a~~~ ~~~ d'IIi hUsmoegs -' e2 Burlînglon Truahn 1s littIaiUp Near Lînamaîn, Nel, Four expert biglîsuyttuen, nmcd, maseti dandtI -quit'ped wsitiu nIstock et dynamnite, la-lld upt'hue tuuliuugln St, ,ouie i'orhauid mugît expressnnfourfiille. 't tif ILincolni' Neb., huelne dayligît Sturda> nuanuin g. Tht- iig saInl ie Adams exprmaess carwat-c salteret i abîla ouple o tuaimehaoaIdyamuite, tiudtiailthe a inaîl,' conteunts tîuuableI itto a luallaci aug enditcuarricîl off. The svalue.oftiflIe niai usntîhtosrn, hutit utla îîlaed Sany- litre frntm $1,(X) ta $50'u>). The'it- ubera dîcoledal il their cnt-rudes to tht' exhumie c-tr. fluer curestîmce oh inuulcn utr uausneîueern ii,iIt-t. 'l'u riGuer; ,su n uttiof thle ItîideMan d îîunls cles-cr>' aera-lou ont a'uu'lat hi%'uîy. No onet- Ialit-tt'th Ie Itbaidi t re uturueul tlXhn theî traimalt-lt hhicola fuir the Wes't il s n a fesetnmiiefstabti'. A miîle .t-yoiid Wes irimucu.n, ar ttut mil-a fronta tht- City, no hita-aiduIu,u'îblll. tam.iiac,- A.. L. ('la>'burg sente e rt-lanoutn ii Imar c briaige. The hong traintn cho taa sand- 11hl and from nt liat , hu aîolît tietida maakeai relIer, Sîriniinc uiln tin t-- glue, be bruit a revolver mb îte luire afthe engineer anti sire bis onuicra, TIc; wea' obe;nd. Wben a seeond rallier iead oncuaqipleai then exprenssena' fron thîe train, the thimal, suho bâai gondho prolect I lac -ear t'aune forwer admuidththue secondi man litairdedth lcetaxpresn car. At flan a'amd of thmnean lntIc eîugmnc tIlt'lotoý notmve anaitle firet tao Cuirasnit -ai uwaa. Tan milen fuittht-n on, et ansu iraI fing pant. une tilie fl'ui Wtla .tua train ws atoliuttd. liit t'e it-ttins la: Unt- of a buggy and tl etarn af aut-a se-esc-tn. Assintance vs, n nrue gien hy flic main h e ubuggy. W ill ilt-e rolîler vît lama stanIs, iii tfhuer tht-et-matît' lnh îîneîuiaîaioans luithie exploion. 1» ninauti %vias uruuglaî frntautht- buggy, pla-t-aiti the- anft- allaitht- fit-a s we llhhad. lu a lt-t,'minutoes tht- a utk of Iitttiig lia, c-uit lutu buencencianultmd andaitheno nuei lied lt-t-ai tIîited inl tt-he uatgy. LABOR FEDERATION ACTS XIsenGeacril Appesi fuir Aid f.,u M hes Tîte Anucnican l"cdemaiioanI of mIuur týurotmiilia t-).xecutire concl. hîcatît-tuù an aidreen ho tle publt- ic. a iealiîiatfa fiaiu-al anti mot-ainid loi' tlensfcahuumu anthuracite minera antI deucîinina ltne cI titude onIthecine asnems, cm talam. il. nîmpeni aayi. nmust rest-e ii'rempuihmi lit; liii île tunicileipa rt-aiulaig lt-unthe (on taamie. Dm. Francis L. Patton, former bîrea denît of Priniceton University, bas lic unîaaiouanly chonen prenident of Priic ton 'rt-ological Seminase. Andrese W. Etin. tht-totmleîaeuaîo va cîmosmu by IbeNets Yorklioerai t naincatian toa aucceatd John Jalsper astai tucrinteudout ut publie sebuoli, f thîe 300 candidates rmetal; cran lunal for tbm cadelthlps ut the Nâci Acadean; about une-hait lableai, ny ý them alrapping out afîn e i aaIday questions. .L Harvard Colego, iu a meccat circule bas ftnell offercai the "A. B." degri Ina thbrdt'-ydr course-, begluinx svil thme tiens malariaS la 190W. Hub.?rt nuo bira-ciésecollige han edopleal th polie>', TababsalaitGlia aof Tukia. lapin, hi wotn lailgIhonoeet Wenlnymn Unircesit haviaig gradoieait îtehesal of bis clai In the 1mw deparîmeol, selb .<aarkingu 98, 98 and 90 in tieres, branchmes. Prnucipal MeAndrese, vIabas charge theesaishIament this fsli of girls' tecbuienl ighIseoooj in Newe Toi Cily. bas aiccide tela n a thIe tl conrsez phanocal a miniature deportncu attire, lu wsehhgirl@ vIsa ieire ft il ii1 Iriaineai tor aalesvomeu, A number stoi'e nmanagers have declamnai lIey sv Inke th~eegirls lan preteXce te ahi ol es. A alaif of pîrsielana vIa on banal the opeihig of the oseoihatu Brookly N. Y., asuai;h chilMrep ebuing eviait-ti ut eon.ugiïLmedieueas, sud IL et] catarrhal ConditiounaI noce, myes Ii tbout abai psravitic dîacaseo of akin mt scalp, vorer'exellided train altexace. l'a',coloreduirls vere refot nnaparia. @ion ta room in the a'omn's aoihtori nt the, Northweatero University, Et-et ton, Ill., anal the Case tell proalî relerrea ta tise nnliveraily atboritoai t setiereaL Pr"sieot James refume gla an opliLos W"isauilina vas me >v . WSab~ l~~liaIA»isca oDiE. R«Aô RHtyrAct4- P»robaneltaesau4 'Was>W4, There Wa» a bot tue. P!ettiiy aftenan, betWmen Gos'. deI Lad'Presld#pt B .1 of the P._&SILfaIroadîý tu Senator office dnrlî.g the CORI strike Couler- ence. gentar l'enroue * salid that the situ&- tion was becoumnag sa ttc"ai thLt IL solutioan îMUst b. tOnunaiat Once. an>d %suggesteai thît the, / opematurs sbould 'Incline tme con-P ceamiOntosvard settinuient. 50V. ODLL. a. liner, Who was in an angry moud, replied: "If you menu by thuat sie arc to rcaia'ule the existence of n labor unilon, i tell roe riglt now that the operator i sel conulder no sucb propoulitioni." Gov. Odeli excitedly jumped t0 hig feet andi sRai:*'Are we toaunderatanil no kinai of a concillatory plitiion wilI rt--îe cunsideration nit the bands of the *îpera- tors ?" "I diai fot Ray that,"1,,l Mr'. flier, "but I do Ray. anid relterate it, that we ,ill ot eni Cept poliica i d-a vice or allowth interferenee of 1>01 iticlang in tub aUr aiffair'" mna by 1îtlîtî- clans?"said the- Other Olteratotr undertamidtb:t i amn the (,oi'eraîer of Ne,>' York. the lît>.i AR chosenrpî*' tice of 7,(MteXOlllpeoplt' ait>! that 1 amn bare la hua niî>tt r nol,1y in ilint ci tl and to reliýe' if poîM-,Itan lii ileratlle tiliîtioin. uil sntlia -ore, I iiiînd tot o-c 'st-r' anr ai n y coi>alidtu do it." Bitrin îitî e'î~thit b" liaI Roue t00 far, apoinatlreuit,.the (,îtir!iîîr. tf- in tlî,t it- eiiiteniidî noii> lae ,aIiiilfîti foii sisal tuelia nbnrs' Unioin Ns, Iglîlut b. EXPRESS CAR LOOTED. Favorable symptomi HevYak .ll predomîinate, andi the business oullonl te eue aur- aglag dempîte the adverse factora ot labti? contruvermles. fuel shortage andi 'tlght uaonny. Thot theme dirateachi bave flot serfonisly clîeckeai lndatrîl ipi'ogreai Ies- tille. te the atrong position attameti dur- lui recent moutha ofutnlnterrupted fltihe lty and growmg confidence. Manufactlir- uig pialae ependent apon sti-anifor sac- lisse poisser arc8 flnding profits cortaii.'d b>' te bgh price" for fuel, and nuîni normai conditiona are soon rnstornai ilt till bc ncemaiy ta seure hetter quotîtitîm for produetu." The toregoing ln front the Weekly Trame Iteviete ot R. (0. Dun & Ca. It continu"n: The îtrobiof utadequala transporta- lion la alan disturbioig. as Ibere h lsaîiY congestion lis the colle region. Wleîilaoi- tbracite co n mlng la tîîliy resumedan d grduaiin ipmentuatauma peeted dimen- sions the i'aliiaads asill bid great dlii- ty lis meeting ail requiremnents, deapite vigorioi effortslatu Increna. ,faililties. Raiway eai'nings In Septemiier were 9.4 lier cent lerger iban ltant ynar anid 20.2 per' centîl iscta ofut19W1. 1)uu'îmunt- is:nmner oft eammoditY pitreo pliriictlîtuallacousnipitiial s $1()o,(48 on m fie. 1. an aîntmace of 4.1 lier ent eompai'cd selIthie posiution tun 8,1>1. 1. il in certain tbal ail records of pig l'on production ss'iuuld bc furi' urpamoA elIf coke coulaibclin ahici, c eea antIhliii't î- tlonally hlgh pricsia 00w prcs'ailii.. Ht-nc rî'Iirts of active furances nmeaaiire the as'aiiahle snjî;tiy of 'olle rallier the" thc' denianai frr ii[rosi. imntrts eton- taitM ne-ri a litersiacide, alîhougli flc'ri- inggam tn lii %rlff rast,'arlî-cked arrn 'tue uf steu l lvci. îleais, îy cîilîîein atal til,.,îîîît ec'îisc'fî'ntîîeif hie itami- Lt. ciîrnlitîiîn nekuîîg niterial, î bu.'Pt- ilera are lîlareed for lari' stnttils'n li'eîiiic, carl; iîjiia'în-acli1tuiue Ilig ici> trt'iiiis arc' ffc fo lt îciîli' ti, ce. lut aihlv oiseler ltioka hi'Iý s,cil] ii oncxt ,î'îr. Lîotst"ielî fiin islu priî'.'î (if alîrci a and i , tri lii ' mit 1-t'nfulîitc îly îîîy s'tati'nii utiber lîrînî-lîc oftifi-,'trite,. el>ile 'nai>l], ltrîîvtd diiîîîla reîtorhn'd lin the fin,»' Mailing coc',iisons. l"Fiiiluri'a fi,' eh nîiiiti'ii47)in lii'ithe et Sîiia natîne231 lenit s 'ne, 8 mtil 1- l it Cl'ai lii, comiiîart-Il a illi .-I a t3enr lti. Tim rnîtnelary sitatîmioun Chhdlf cîîn' it lir.vv'mn.nt as' oui' Sicait, it b cotdil ine nirl- aloi tit y.iit t hc' îîî,mcy slring,'ti(v 11liait;il'yîno î'îîîîî 1îaeed. îali iglait ie lînt t' ti t gamiii s, 'h in ficl), ai Il i. Irtî t iirt'aIRno earî'ity if iiuiîeY in the iti. and huit ft s.'i-t> nlî.iîil e liii.' iitiniitlatit f-r unil tîl.on tBut Iit' s%%, ttrn taiiàktihae. ii'lt-t> Irait .. it iiîus tl,î'ir ct'ili r ri',' e. niai it pr. i ttit lnt tiet' rcîmrnitte tu fitie e ti N.'>, i'rk wsIl l e Intlr titue 'ar thli: e timiiii. 'ilite art' oeîtilî' iffi'i'i't i ciatr i tIsio tir lait tii,s. -ai-u ssilflition. Ii ritil rltitritiun (tf I is lîiî'lîl utît in10iti'- i'iiiti a . t-ot auaicetral W'c'a. 'lucre tii i,' ~n 1- croisfailcal lamist >cand îllis i nt>lu>iili alits ht&'aatîjlî'tll',rs rtaheil ttîîMar 1-ktl.ait ft-t'ttuits ainîîivdaneed z ti, ii lyai one of ahinelrgeat Corn crotthei colan d a'>' bas est-r petduecai. lrohall; ne-bal. ai wf elch wili lic fedti tock. It ila i raaitle ac uttîattîn tIfarina-rn . bt ileleaneiotint leur egaaaijlitinulaial jear se wilIlna' t-ti Ilt- nd tlîîre siIIlac lait > I> îîaîîd for mioi'y fotîriîs liurlioise tua icI ,lthet- lîka nmtot nluly. t- The 11>05enîa'îîl tif -a i tîtah nI ti -,,et teasn ill lit' iiorkttttýl s.1la'I, nîlî'r liaý le arly'lisi NiIveniit'i'. is b it-ll noîî'aîîit lieavuiy lni'ri'clme utilny tiînitt-'. uni isal a ii iiiý ýiclaitis tIl tht- fain. e til le îtîhe lîcaî'y lii' ta lc îîîîk î anii ,lfor ilit,-iuîiks and>1raialriiuidaiîirîît t'lic'in.h.itafie tli>-laitle il 11îl ilftrecliaiiitsio lue nefîiiiiii'lita lyi rIt [n i ren ilhe r"lt- . ustifituf efl c oet. ?y Ni rthîîttI îîîle I> in t ij,'nii'nt oftifrie- I ait li' -f 5 t ex'ldt iel ttlini ciot i ut c nial'l l I' aitilin iî iitt i ' î'î,iiîI ~ Iaiu ri. i ia'iliityiftheiiiil;'t tr t-il lliiii wiont19ctmlg fred>1 lit niitttel'talt h-ti Pd statîi'a lîimitit. N(ui'tli titi SotIit or hi'.lii- av rctl113.7 lielît li t li uit-' itnpring wsîhc'it. 'vh'intî tiîtl i :t- v iiiî tiisi.iarirut Imloi ci iîn'aiu.s he un liglîtlt is tî iilillriciii i t h li huit 'a ty Nai liîî'ipeI lîn iltîîe tî ire îliig ia ri. la aiu'-in îîtîi inihr> aIltuahe pmi-i otf il dîîiîîitteforra ioli>, lit tî'lo. 'fi atin'eiilati ce s. bct market ciiitdi lfa dt'grt' t-if sirt'iigth. lut tItre lit a liii k a gnitinfitrtar> cxiîaîrt liniIiP'selints11, a 1Iii u.nîg chipi-il otf l,S70.4Jl(X) l îl tI' a ek îî rc'is'îî v e fîllotîîeîilt t hIb piaIstitvcek v,(Mt0 tîîlî' noaiinatîîs- il t aeury iltmfccYtotai foreil el- 'elai. Si"Jtily 1 an are fart'-li ne liaIste> r, iliii iig a'>pîtrtî,l 73131! L.unauit-le, agnaiegt S9I,5417.844 bu8lelî; l' ai'.lir'- far itai tdif 110(). a lt'in in -J orani9ne aeriod ,shcat exportai were 514)tr Of 11,2. if the pr'caeul ente tif t-xîorh dît tilnnesit wll nîtlie long litfore tint-qtua u- tty vailblefor' tXioti ua ear t. ill lIghtened aiterially. in. val r, Chicago-Ciiltle. comneantel lrint ee $4,900 o $7.50; hogs, shipping grait h $4.25 te $7.50; abenp, taa'r ta choice, $2.1 rto to $3.50; tebeel, No, 2 rmd, 6ite é;ho@ hi$ corn, No. 2, fille tu lOc; oate, No, 2, 2 ta 27c; rye, No. 2. 48c te 41)c; boy, lit ,.a othy, $8,50 ta $14.00; prairie, *6 Xl y, $13.50; butter, choice creariicry, 20,i .a 23c; eggs, frech. 18e tu 20c; potalim MMUY orf Théen Malta a UkesrZV Twecty Mset BRush. Thora are pretty well auth«f recorda of samn uclearing a f&Wi more thau twenty font, but thea lon& fer moch a feat musat be unuaiu We need to aveas. lmedlately the alu a gond "take-off" of uni' deep wattnr andai I tbluk that w, nm hav'e. further, a aleîeloprneut lu t partieular river of a lamiI7 ofad that by natural selection have able to, clear a fali ut twenty feet. lle tilat 1 men that the weaker ilsob bavo beau killIod la elr attempta, or ha? been unablo ta reacb the op& - grounda for senominy generattueis tha, only the best athietes bave provid their fitea for survIval. At the second fali on t4xe Wash'mtle- contai River 1 have se' saumon burle back repeetedlly lu their attenipte clear a abeer faili ut fnotmore eilht tedaid have thought thattlit w due ta the raplai waicr andi unfavors *'take-oif" just beiose the faiL lu ttd Kegaska River M1e sairnon managa te get ovni' wbat la apparentiy a baer fall of neariy ixty f cet. bot as tbey are flot seen during tbe accent It là ha- Ileseai that tbny fluai water hies la the clii! bhiind te main lîcet of watçr ad that tiney aprlug from one auotber of these hoie. At the Big Santiy fail, on th1e Olonxa- Mna River, 1 have masura-d the léap falrly Weil. ns tiae saimoi'lihose a lau of about nline feel close ta the easI batik. 1ty tylng kialwisircEs feet sart an mny Ue and aliawing It ta bang over the fail ati illspoint It lN possiîble to make a st-'y goottie.tlite tof the belgltof tleal':iinof s îîrlooq llah. iistiredl lieiu for abiout tw'o baur% one dlay when tlb>' coi,>l Itre gaoni 111) nt thlicratec'o f foulir i i tu itille. Mosîit of tlt-i mcillioîn cIJe,'rII'd a para- it,, 1.wtli IL a lse ofaI a Iit Ion leet. 'r, vo sainon lt-aputt if ajif oirtc,'>. lent sud one scilliIiîîîlet-ia l aîl sl Nxft'cl leet.'rhe latilter Mii>liii il laeri I lro,,' 1 uî,'k lis',,or tlîrelianstfroînt e îliîiîriti leiîî . I r-'îc litai1>01front, a loIn plac ('11îîîlits lotten tinot ciîon"î l oIn iy Plcti me lttlia meîalîn'0 SaInion oenm lalac nt- le Ioswlt tiîrough na lacer rfil ofwaler If the w nIer la solld. siya the Fieldl and Strenam. but ansm,,in i s 'lntens frarn adimxture of air lue "lailliîld" laliot auflii'ent. ('losn tathie scal batik ut tue fIret faiaIott- Enigle Ritver one0 ceau nne the aliinon ihirtlog 01> tbrough geseral bel of callî flbil, but 1 bave not lIt-tO ahile to 1, t-rita 11e If thpy lakte a zizag course' lkc rot. lîccauan îhey tlo lii,>appîtna r iniew t'a 1011i li-y cad." ileiilvpasa close tu the- fac î f lin cil- a ersc'r whlancatie lcr a fat rock ai the t-dg>' of the fa:il Trouble RlineID Trouble heglns witiithe trot hock- antt. i-fickit-li esn1ta 1 m a nfy luiiii--satiliîn i ngca îof tain. cliirp allîclica. &otts. î'liatii e aichles. Must IiilîiepainA ire kidnefy pain>. Tit- kiduieys aiml t,, îorforlntb, 'Iiif na ltire lutnds îatiiem o do andi lime warnlig if troubile coune', lbrougbi -the bock. N cgleî't the kldmny warn- I ng. grave comaplcations will surel>' lffolios.. a t'rinary dlaordlera Diab)etpa. Bright'@ o ise-arn1the dowiawarclattelle uf ncgiccfed kIdneyi. Iloain»Kilney 1111e dIre nvery kld- ney anti bladaier àilîkiiese eand tbe cure Ilit',.iet! IL& prouftif Il: Nirts. Allat(ltianfle.realdîlnizntI-.01 FIîth P Isin. cIree>. CrawforavilUe. lotI.. staI"-l iiotle a public saite- m'u en t ilI7 KiaY Ilng t'lai loati a Kia- ne v PIlle Iîîîîlcurea a interof aur t-faniliy aller lie huitailciftrcii for yeara ss'lih a sî'ak bai kand klctney lroubleci llitiok lire litxea of thala remedY aloit w ain vlltl urent Nowtitres y-uira lins e eizîtr'ciimnce-1Imalle tbtt %tâteietnt and Iau only 10ao1leaaed lt re tîiiarac- Il. I hase aiso useai le I i illtt't llls îIîvîl. oItiîlnng .-tIi' 1>-at reailtia Iliasve recoiuli nintîc y ilits rî'iîedy t,, my frie'iîiiand ii eigb- a tairsas utnoe sîlalli ean alwaia lie de- a A FRtIE'11 t of thie creat Kid- f is ieIîli'slu ciîrî'i I't.Gunîle II i' ii'ill0ed on a1i1ili'iilon loanay c- part cof thi- ft'uiilci 'tPRic. Adtlrfsa I- îalr Ntllliri t'Co- liiffito, N.Y. r Foir cale lîy ail drugglslc. Prîce 50 f cents lxar box. 't Ir. Mandler. 1 Ia igg rutlonrrid NMrm. 1ril t. lt'i 'aM>s. tîltrlhai I -a Hreimitti olHl ti What .oola itinîîk îf tatu? r NIr. ltiggsI'î i i îk xai»' iî'ser ntîs' 301 f in the'minut' rîîîm witl> a mouun.-New I ol, acc'-k vo Contracte Goa. y[ Attorney 9 t-balas thînt triaitz 1fr> endt'xpire' caolot ii Tuent of t tîtîna. The micing loi teoralla l Aoliat'd 5 avaa-mil fall.nig aller i inilsalîîiîr rt-farinait Meetaingt stait-i> h. meeliie randtîi f A. aarf l'a'-EI1. l,îîîil h t- orgo-ll jury lt,, A Itir gRtail, . - - ft iit 9 rla"f Y A t 011ali' 1 ti'e i. ci'ii- - amui Atf Inut th otf tut' rtn.-U cIllielS 1>iii th il,' Rt ON Alci m t lii filt jami it fa roi 'ta Ball'. Uanrie cre Lia i cnStIltuiou.alctre. llSu. 5m Unaospecthn6wPubhlie. "I tiave a diflonar' sali the callega graouiie, pruudly. -"rIaIs al nrigîl," rehîllealthc cynle: "nabuudy a ll emcci' museit if ;auî keep Il iu >oum lrunk."-Boafon Poal. Ton laIe la cure a caId ef 1er cansump- CIou lia lgeecItîleaiadly grhp ou the longs. Teke Dr. Wood'o Norseay Plnm Syrup teille yet lIere la tie. Evra';grent litecar; wmrk las leelu fol» lotecti 1;aebhuaiof imitations. Aller tilt publication of île "Fmemrie Qut-en" hb humas vas aelugell imîhIfaim; atores, anu mter "Itunyana Phgrim's Pragress" hu.A- dreula of sinilar vorke appaea. Pîso's Cure for Consomptionucured neu nf a tenaloas anal persistcnt coîmgh. Wm, . LHarrison. 227 IW. 121@t st:se» New York, Merch 25, 1901. ' WbstlaIsknoten as an engel sbark. àd tîgl; fia I tlîlan igîl-inel momti es talinul thre rotes of teethbbails fyepepsta-hane of humain oîîf. Buruîock Blond Bitters cures It, prnmpte ly, permaneuth;. iheguhijîns and inegan, the stomnadli Astoria. Ore.. tnuk le nline troua JoIe Jacob Ator. tle touîîdcr oIflte Ille1 l'or Campany. I ae nt firai a forat aa", trading staitiolu. PUTNAM i"ADEI.ESS DYES caot mort- gouain, per package, iain Qt'jer Onue of thc let' feaatiree abolîi inilut:î, ina- ;ouur atmhitlasInn thîl il lathelsusr- nal ronduai happiaut-s. Zeacal; dies not ailmaln t «rrW th. Iomel; vomnsas uiir. St. Jotis BISlIX Tonte. 56»qi i TOWO.-Wri«14 ao. x Mme. lac To lui two»,N.N s mi"& ne 600* 1 : te i

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