Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 17 Oct 1902, p. 5

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1~ - I a There's No Use trying to make a tender piece of meat out of a tough one, bt yoîî cati have, tender meat iii tlie first place. We Sei Meat That Can't be Beat for teîldarîlee and wlîole- moi)nilesi4. Alil our regîilar eusîtoinerrt say thiey get really iiice meats here, and1 TRIGUS & TAYLOR, Libertyville, Illinois. LIBE RTY VILLE. DVR13Y BUOSOS J EWELERSa WINTIER 6009S-. Our shelves contain a complete and varied line of tiens, Womens and Chiidrens...... : Wi Uie urer A nice fine ofAAil WooI Waist Ooods and Flannels. **~~'~ eE**. FLANNESLETTFES 1In 40 patterns. 1 0 Cotton, Sha er and Tennis -04»-F LA N SMITHI & DAVIS, DEALERS EN Ueneral Merchandise. , PCKED UP HERE AND THERE. Local ftems of lnterest ta Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. la fht Sumday, SeMtafber 28, 1902, t iles a. m. TO CHICAGO. vaUx nDAva. Liaprt Fram New Depat. Lui, Libertyvllo Arrive ChIicag. lua....8:al. m............1006 IL M. 1l .... 9:18 . ..........lol19as.m 1 ...1218P.M ............ 140 p.M.. it .... 7o2p. Gi............. 6:1)p. M. nuuaDaa. m.. m2. i s. n..........l10:06a. im. 140 ... 9 ecA.u .............lo laiA. M. 14 ............eoMp, ns TO CHICAGO. vaaxDiTS. D.part Prom 010 Depot. Leavo Ubestyville. Arrive Cbicago. Ifo. 12 ... . %IL............7»Im la34.... 1:8a. m.u............S4 a. m.~ FROU CHICAGO. veiu us,. ArrIve Mt New Depot. b'oive Cbmago Arri-,.LII,et YvIIle. No.3 II...7.4a.WL ........... 838 a. m - 13.e:sa.m. 1048a. n 2:Li alea P........:46 p 49. :0 > . . .4: 52 1, n 14 ...8:6p.... .......7:02 P.M mulT.. No. 14 .... 9:6 . ........... 14) l7a 136 . 1.... . ......... 3:46p.m 43 ..... 00 : . l ......... .:02p. m M. M. M. M. FROM CHICAGO. vc!D])AY. Arrive t 010 Depot. boive Obcego Arrlv.. Liber) mulle. 1412...6:20Pm............ 8:up. M. 144 ... 6:U11 .............7:115 P. M. WrNo Trains Arrive or Leava 010 Station Sandais. Youllai Umthe own avU Ral o-night. E£yby y goS ia.night. Nev F. . l.eiid ud£amîyai viit IEngland ýaupper sud bzuz ai Toc n lng relatIvue t Freepor it is aU.e. R ail. W. 0. Trlf ansd mther moved hâte fBorn, taelit. sulire. W. C. Hot, the Madole housa lu Ochard %raeg lutSilnday, a boy baby. veek. Born, fhIday Biternoon liai, à boy lira. E. C. pelion expeociatio bava baby, taelit.sud lira. E. J. liadole. for tbe Eut nezi yack, te be gone a Leoeard UppO W la the fuaneof the mentit. young man, acting sa pharmaîcli for F. Ueo. Trlgga xpeet ola t maa jtteB. Lovili. lira. Gîbsou'à houam on Division eireet lit.. 1ev. John Lee. af Peotona, Ill., Nov.1. ilae guet thla veek oflMr@. H. C. ira. lMagon viiloccupy th@beafluHuibiitt. che raeeuily puircbiad aof Win. Barneil, The lirai bad rdtost iam. Monday &bout Nov. 1. niglat. Thbe vilha vore a niantie of No relief ln tbe coel situation- vwhite Tnosay elomung. uniae« sorticoal ai $650 sion lalit. and lire. Ir. M. sryda.u are ooualdetedaàtalif.happy over tha birtia of a girl baby, Laai veek wvansnouced ihat Otaca bain Mod»Y. Olira Fred. Bradley of Rendons vu mirried te a Everyting deirable (bard coul lit. Redmond a!Nebraaki. We ahould ezCepted) eaM laspurcbased ai the bava salfi Gertmuda Bradley. Tawn Hall t-iot e the Siobaita. Work of puttlug lunomernen valks on lita. Laura levIdad reiun ed liai Milwvaukee Avenue oppolie the baut, nlday trein LiVilie, wlo, vhere aihe barber mbap, Proctora and Hraie. ad beau viatilu fi er friend Mina Eder. Bulklaya la ta oommaenoe lionday, the 0.o. Sthermhan vil! eell bis bouse- funudatilaa llug allreedy la. bold gaode as buctlon iiaiardiy lits. Frank Muaon u tlii ealNov. 1, and vitla bi. tamlly remove to purchaaad or Wm. Bamut is.boua. Vrgnla. and lot, corner lilîvaue Avanueansd Stepbeu Taylor reiuned Wuduesrlay Diviaion teet. osidagatiou $25M0. frouna four veeka visil lu Mitchell licilaury oonuiy vus avarded tiei ocuty, Iowa, where be bus properiy place at the recelS Imlla lî miii.fair ai intertei.. Sprngield for maklug the lnaira- C. B. Shrman iaiurued tbe firsi oi bibi$ of lia prodncte o! a» couniy lu the veek freu Wuhlngtou, D. C., and tbe suite. <halatavllle, Va. Tbe latier place Ia W m. Walroud bai &bout oomploed vhere lit. Sherman Iniauda locaig. Degoiitlfor the bmpureba. ai tbe lai nov occnpfld by Autildgcarestau- rani, au vhlch bo Viieréeot a tva tary brick building. vîlfi stoe roam babyw sud flot abave. He vIl nova bis market Inta the structure vhou comploe.asd &W aoccupy tbe llvill tooma abave. A gentleman vu bure tila eat lu tb. Intercala ni a conoean canieu platina lnt.llng iaaplant ia Lbertyvlii. Ater loaflinfi if. feld aver, ha declined ta aiy vlaether !îvorahly iuprasae or not, but di.d admi the men ha reptemented vonld bchar itnihe course ni & iev days ta f rher lok the mater oppand thal lu blm opinion tlaoy vouid put a pani tu. A Ilzanclal cauceru a! Nev Yaik Cty vrille.the INDUpENDUU'idesrilng names ai partieslea intld la the organisatiouniofthe Virai National Bank k ibatyvllle. W. loiu sncb s propouitionl la belng conmdered, but beyand lb. futi a gentlema.n tram Ioa la back ofrlbhe enerptlaa, and liai bo vif oihera lntereatid ae ezpecied haronai veek ta perfect plans. vo are unîhie 10 obiluaulfieutilInforma- tion. Wbiioem la balai; doue sàong tisatiune la belng kepi very quiet. Maurshal Freshuan deirea io varu carelesa ones ihal ithe ordînance tala- tive ta nalng the public attestéaos a dumping ground la. taha rlgidly enforced. Ache., tun eanu, d refuse ai ery blud me i in e !aund lu tb. dhiobes about tavu. This. fiesaiye, la coulrary ta the ardiameansd Il uece.aary go improea the tact upon mIncIs ai violatara, azireme rantre vîli ha employed ta lnuer itaobserv- ance. On bis vuy &0 vieil a patient Snuday nlgbl Dr. J. L. Talor enouuierad ivo men vho evîdeuSir laid dealgua ou fiels ana uhageandau vallable psonai affecte. Ih vu dut, avini dai but by thle glu. aof a lightulng flash th. Dator vv o mnfapproacla- log sud did ont lIie hidem.auaî. Ha oormderlell gave Ifem ail the ton possilelalupaing, and llmer a Situe turned &bout j uis u mnother hla a! llgtnlg yould onable filint u a vbo thie mon vers. To bis surpri Shey voe follovlng film. Rlghi ithon the Doclto eoued lB vu fil a ty S< prmaerva trou any possible baru ithe CoronertendSaab Su filabeuds. The Coroner wn lîkaia. diaposed an regarda the Doutor. The puiueri proved good spinter.a adadsilvoly race iolioved. Ruan ai, he Doctr; Mike, exolaimed lt.e(Joroumi; valS, oid the puranerae, a»d lie merry bol fot oouslnuad. l vu Iailou. vay. hovever. The Doetor vua just friAt- oed eugb tu tend inspiration to fi&s f«Imelan d 1theCoroner ybo leirned a 1ev %hinga about runng vbon i candidats for oEeywu no$ $0 ho out- doue by ocmonI oo-pada--couae- quetliy lie vaulel-ba rabbeia tound tfiamivea chsAilg a ciroat, the iremoudous volociy ai vfich put lghtilag boistt&hbume. Tfey gave té up, and Dootor and Coraner vere gâte. The Editor vat.s oa ddUShaI fiel ha aodup iloasclgaire. We maS have more sud o a botter bad- "1..*0 Dunbar sud Coroner vI lemau vIa UskiP""" voi._ A boy baby vu bain ta Mr' and litai. Seldan Mitchell, 01 Wililaburg lPa , tecantîr. lirs. litoei wu firely Mise UraoaTown«r. veillkuovu lu Uibertyville. Peter livera, o 1ai auDaY, lait vom purcbaiad ni the Procior ootierz their dvelling and properiy an Mil- wankee Avenue, knovn u sthibm a Wright plae. Couilieraion $5M60. 9. licDonald hieas a miuracitat'Oulîr a ivo @tory realdence for A. i. Suaplai on the lot baiveen li. t. lplea' bons, and 0. Bahcock'a on Division miret The building la in ca about $2000ý. Tueay vias regisaion day, Soparvisot Millet. Gordon Scbanek, Bert Auatin, ilndolph Epkearand Jay Morse vere ai the Town fiallaud nol à aon called ta regiatet. Tlaey revice, a poil ils% sud loi IL go ai ihai. Aocordlug gthie reaglater 0ivoler conplad Tuesdiy, pracluci No. 2 o1 $hait trrltory eiat o! ilvaukeo Avenue bu more voter. Sb" precilue No. i. hiItlazpucied about 40 mon vateta vîli roglater ihe 28%h ni Octoher Lut Tuoaday ame &W41 ere put 0o the liai. A pet notice on tirai pige a tepubi eau nmlly la ta ha beld ai blbertyvillî next Thutcdtay ulghi. Nov hi ta up t, Lberatyvllle tepublicans ta sue to1 the Tovn Bail le lu abape for ilh evani-propetly swept, dustad, decol ti.d and cbaire arraugmd. Whl'] vaunteer. 1 Sunday nightit lbe ction wu viIe aby a vertable dowu-paur, asit frth, anonlh uvon beavîer raIna fait. Mouds thle DesPlîlnes river wva il 1gb vais mark sud aId tImers decflare ti never bava ihey kuovu a aingle etori yta go lucreaso the volume ai wite .vih lis houka. 11 q re or. ay ;e Lat rm StB A man uauad Faut Schultz vba cama out trou Chicoago Mouday o!fhatvaak go *aîb for B. W. Follett, dlad the tolloviag Fridzy. ht la Mid ithe cause o! deaifi vu cpinal meulugila ltu- dnoed by fbrd drink. Underlaker Heuathi toutcharge ai the remains, afilpplng lbem go Aliubelo. Tuoaday ailarnoan the axie on a vagon beiouging ia John Neudellhcfer, vfo ioild, mat nonîla of tovu, braie and bo.ud hl aIe ily ai Ilve were tbrovu ta the grou ui. 'Ira. Neadell- baffer va. njnrad ounith.Brumad a boy lai hia bad huit. Otbervlae ihey eieped nunnjuiad, the iuim belug laald by Mrt. Neideihoffar, The 5OxtO brick iddlilau ta Eston's ianndry upan vblcb vork la nov Undet vay, indîcates the ptomperity eUJayad by thil couceru. Tbey le- far usn. tby are abiolutoly unîbla io keap up vlifi ilser aiderand It vîli ha but iaottSime balaie a large addition ta the main ataory, vîlI of uceMai$y, hava io ho frected. The Eàtan !aciory la One o1 aUr Monitanfi- stautili Institutionls ad Iflbhepreauni tpaein tIKUna lu a year or ivo vil! 5 afard iamuuaraive amploymani io, a lurge number of man. INIUPUNDENT WANT ADS U uclaimed Leiters. Tho list of! unclimloitîvrat L bert yville il],. postoiilS.for t1h iweik ..ndlogooit. 18. When calîni for 1h....., **dver. tlaed. A. E. Clark. D. 8. Olllouby. Cha LIse. l'ho,.. lil Mir. El. A tvphin. 34Xl..Wtnr Shoher. lirg. Ulirlet,. W&AREN M. HEATH PoMMtOtr. Do Good-lt Pave. A Chicago min ha, obaurved ihai 'Oood deude are beiter tibm ruai ailatu deed-s-onme ofituhe ater ire voribleai. Act klndly and gently, shov aympaisy and loua a belpin q baud. Von cannoi poiilbly loi. byth. Most men approeciiu a klnd yard and encouragemant more ibmanlataintil belp. There are persoan luisl coi- muuiy vbo mlgbi iruthtully s»y: -Mly good !rhend, oheer up. A fov dosea of Cbamnberlan@ Cougb Bemedy vîilrld you of your cold, aud talat no danger vbuiever trou puenmonha vbeuyon neuibîimudlclne. Italvays crire.. 1I boy 1l for ih bas belpad mu oni many a trne.' Sold by FB. LovULL Llberiyvllle; GRAYeLAKI PIRXRACY. CLOAKS FOR GIRLS AND LADIES HAVE ARRIVED h putchaaed for ecash ie very ulceai linoon i vnter cloaks 1 bave avai been able io abtain. Tbay area al stricihy up-ta-date--lageal 1902 pattarna. I bonglat thoam rigfiisud ylsai an- cordhugly. I eau ploasa jon lu cloaba ihuî'm certain. My lina ot cbaac, dry gooda for vlniot vmou came Mlang lu came hlpmeni. You eau ni aford ta hny vllbout mealug thora. They are moders, rlgbi lu prîca, carract lu style, auperlar lu qualiy. Mrs. F. Proine, CLEARANUE SALE§ ln order to make room for fil goods, we are offering special induce- ments for the next two weeks. Lans atse n D tts Organise a Local Deu Bar. liondiy eveulng a Cou"rth fe Trîba af Bien lut vi. argaulzad Iu Liberty- ville by Mecssrs. Barile and Mmablar. The lollovlug officera veto eluoied: Piai ('blet. Wallle Wllias;echiot, 0W. Taylor, Jndge, R. L. Hnbbard, Toucher, lira. A. Ling; Scribe, E. Hohbard; l{eeper of Tribu, A. Lang; Capialu J. L. Clark; Guide, W. Hut MaRter ai Ceremonles, Louis Protine;lieunîlot, Albert Lyon; Mother lot. tirs. C. W. Taylor; Iluaper ai Onier Gaie, John Lynchs; Keaper oa! muer Gate, Ed. Muray, Rabbi Joseph, Myron Lyon; Daugbier, ira. Loulisl'rotinu, Jeves,, lia. Dr. Taylor. Afier the loiailon 0 clemonhea refreibmenis vere scetyrd by local membersanmd a perîod of socil lniercource enjoyed. The uev orde t arta oui vlib brlgbi prospects. Thle lInrînce feaineu are very de- altibleanmd already mauy are Investi- gailng vIlla a vlev io jolulug. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. LIUTYIVILLE, OCT. 6, 1902. Board met Iu tagular sesion, ail prient excepi Grabbe. Miuutaa of meeting of Sept. loi raid aud on umoion of Corleli and Kaiser ipproved and placud ou file. A plat of A. Bl. Cooks subdiviion vilotsb plaitad andnunmhetad vu ou moion of Wrghtiand Corleii accepted sud approvad. Tha tallovlng bills e eaon motion of Corlail sud Kaiser allavedadnd virrania ordered drivu. Ail vtlug Bye: lita. J. Gray........... .......5 4 75 Preeman Power Supply Co ..66 17 Juo Keita..................... 1500 M. P'rehman.................. 50 001 lita Ueo. Poioun.. ý...........26 65 Ueo. Boehm................. 3 00 Jua. (llaaan.................. i1 72 Dan licCormick...... .......... 9 62 W. Davlcon .................... 5 6o W. Aiihldge ................... 2 62 G. Davion.................... 36 4o) 0. Maser....... . 22 27? H. B. Eger.................... 7 61 0. E. Lesier ... .ý. 27 67 L.aka Co: Indepandeni ... 3 23 0. E. Churchbll................ 44 ou0 Au ordinince for eaaillahlng a grade vus preieni.ed sud vu ou motilon ai limnby and Butierlteld ta. ierted la aireai commitee lareport ai unit meeting. AyOE-Builertielt], Huxqbyand Wrlsi. Nayg Corleiiaud Kaier. A petitiou itou XW. Attidge vu raid "king Paermission to raine lhic building 5 test and tu oibatvlae topai t hand au motionf o!ilby and Kaser patillon vuianntad. luInmaiter oai llng old grader Ilva nsaved by Hanby sud Buiiarlluld ihîi ht ha)t$g lutheib steaiconsmiitee io diapoe of tg io boastadvaniage. Truunrar L. H. Soiauka repart for mouih f iSept. vu raid snd ou the recommandatioof aicaunslie as au- capied and plieed ou fila. Repart alaavad a. inîlous: On baud Sept, lai IPMI1.4.ptd oui duriuag maull $196.97. balance ou baud $36U.57. The illovlug reaoluinilu spro- aaniad by finance coumte. sud wvu ou motion ai Corlatt and Kaaer psaaed. Rie.oîd, ibai $500 bu lakun tram uuappsopriated t und and ippllud to e tbe teet llghtlng funud. 9. On motiou of Hauby and Corleti meeting djaerned. r. W. C. SieNBOaN, Nllage Cleti. Ladlia MlîîlînCundervear, lneluding Nligavu.w, Corlea ('ovete, Sirt and Driverm, 35c ta .......... lien'a Neokties, rito >.. .... . . . . Mdena&jUderveai-, 25 ta .... .$*1.90 ..So ... ... . 1. 0 Ladies' Holery, plain aud tincy, 10 50 ..30C lieu's Janesvllle Overalle, the standard lu prieiand qualiy, par pair, SOc tea....eO Cblldreu'a lichoal fStoo kinga. 1 15e ud....................25C Mens Glaves, dru. mad vork kind, 111e io. .$1.30 Mena Fancy flra Wool Dreai Gonds, & large. Complote lino 0t CUah. mare., rllllntana. Ohevit.sud noveliy drea. gooda ai tlghi u.. *04 é Exs SWEATERf colent valuaa and comploe.«sort en, Boy&' and Voutha' Sort -v 's momi. satan, $3 Go0lMens fluesi Ail Wool gwvaiara-regular tcoi.ball sweater...................$200 Heîvy Stiped Wool Sweaters-.. 1.28 nu. .. UjW-1, onp. o ...n. 10 LiUle Baya'Bwieatets ........... .85 ltle Boys' Wool liezdSweaiters .35 Baya' fiua Ail Waol Swvaiters, made ai Siaony Yamn ........ .75 A Sampla lino of Boys' Missa.' an d hilîdrau's fluait Wool BtSoablng Cape, 250 ta...... .30 Libertyville - - hlm A01. OITOI F.1B. L Libertyville - l is 1 DRUGSS.... Drug Store ýTENT MEDICINES LOVELLI - - Illinois. tb »LStI 1$ foma For a telephone in your place of business or your resldence.o You get the increaaed and growing service of lte LM County Tolephone Company and connection wlth. Il Chicago Tolephone Company. , _ Inestgat- 1For Informatlon, rates, etc., write- CONTRACT DEPARTUENTU onfllfS US? WU LTys 1 LIbOitYvil nmes ovhsDugSo i i

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