et nom et aw'tb OL8#MW train l.eola5the6>11W uom bavr.on ts. (SV Thl e MM"iUa lafahrs aue ft Mfoed ici liaIofatilahOMd *lbwleaIébtlhe iooaice!oflte 1089M b ler. la mot ueioaly cou. oMWreL Tic commiamion ob»M ohi6 *8 Oaqitéos Md ben. la minI liaI SaTecudve prevalo elidicales lIID&sioins nov Be lIaI lhe c wj~l »Tel eBitation viii be Im CpiaOiSfgo, probably ho. Obicego andl Wanicga. Ai. thlie meuhbe!orse uwpee. bi.d, vie are making lIeirflnal ÏIp el not commit *u.0m , lI&ey Wint b direclU- " un* g00,000aplropiaton for 24aee l d bolng viiheu t ta 1.1. Avrthle mirderer vho vu tUivree by the Wakfan polie = ba klling 01 lia aveelimul avaKeuocelaon the. night CO eh. ii yUl henirtséuor telie loc. ai u tae- 1ali. Avery reeuived tau ent. STimsdyw ithont a Iilci of ~ ne.Md toeing fStr h le bar of OK4 lo hm ltheIlsentence e taint IMM puM4 oves bli s foSud vili hieam rovil hVOUS bok *à* umNOm Avq tau-, Sscreed Md lvit ge< Aslh.imprimaionam 6UIafSBtWat baI labor for a OR Yjom aur halM. Tii 1 lWM ommee à% nocs e-merol SM4 me ma a Who b. scflry.. GI fNt Dpeguty. fUi mmem o*ea" v» e mawtohm e«Pires laama mB5<011vod-~b viec ~e a hoejm th"ou nà"aeMW o et aa mleu M dl - 5151u ci ecmpllèamd tisa utàMd onvisblesteshtu po ae u a u écaele ot uSD05te mohees e mlYm ab oea>mmy Mp rd y coul àStb,' drug«iat.Ba P«b&M ut ga, severe leshll.oonp-aid es eesmlon, vi.e lic nipmeêoMdionmoma ms ime. ni.~ mi AucionSales 52b,.uagad4 flgu fviiet ai .1M"«ethé eu lolMd but h hi fer mm. tue foilovieg on Salaud 1 x«. l1 l, 101gommening si l P.a *4 mmeinof!gool faim lats " mun ef MOWe bail.prcpeshy la %nova1 Wimi.Teme of me eul. AvoVouriffl, AdlnintoMmBlo Umam?, AaUoloUQ. Tmi aesgnel viii aell as pabl aimules, on me p.ii$ e Ilh ' c-ia mue Bath cf Whoella xvkyNv. 11.0, lOOMMeaClIU 9h mi. me hfdiicmgppe IevlM bond or caile ScoUat b"s,? Ogbspal.1141laiicIea 4m..,cffl5B 4I!n4m% , tyr.o 1 ihm bm5ê = lb ontii 0] . hub eUlaad.mayboua. b ýI' M' mss. 12 Yr" aid ;LA,%b"e r sJ 014 vi 150,b 11 OMMi8 Y" U «200, 7 Toad Chi 1 M Wa yl- igu 'lad China tu leositescsée 7ua I clia Il au u bwla hum oelhj mol , elmbw, lawom ontulth bh" OU av" «Mco tui oddes, am 08 *106 - lU cMI@,aboet 60 290ea.Meormiel nw - a U0' b«henrail% i ichse grin apge toatlno onv:~ eu tulin o b heqp oit sdiotami 0 elso ba. . adesl"ah b0eoa.liRa isaon talii, uvrxonaltai 8. amr i lltsor piola o! bal u lisu idesaimli.wl b th for fuIl;hI orîtillrt vAm tiI rtu das afrnlAs orPubliei li 01u lAni thAUl iein" tfe xeuiuWins turinsl s eh ii ofnli<mdsnsl walk font. alrietil ivtAi Vilst th s irdaAt iloîîg the. fr0ou auIneb liI or lots. jue.or puent kvaur or îîwneus ut wiîLh mtî elld rala~ b sob hmulenalitsoitd oînstriit ,Ii ~Witk aF 011 Iriif. tie , . dt~iie ln héostd lu lix,,allîxbc berela nrqvide. au-e IsrulsaI collectitrodffO1tihe rpret.lxownuxerI.f laid lots orlinreulsef andtaxins provided lu is1 ordînuoe. bzc illu mile ottbei]ifantt oriaflure of ouf lot uun e o ours latuooistrue4t 94b ,.lde vli &long sald lne frfiont ot bis or t helu lot or lols, pari or p iiawls. saiprovided theuI- v fiauolb@rtyvilb- a b fte of soil, ile ai biiAi e oflstlixiti by sald -MI ovil u90I 0e 1 thu cost aofratlag. muitral.,, elg îîWn anIsîuul*-o. eh., lefiill ieam.o the Villag lri.cerlfllAtu by ibe Clirk 0o! am]Vlaetgter >uth atlifthe loto or 1aol îf docIiîg upon the linoî of k d idvai n mus ofthde uwnerlx teniot and tie frontage oui auld mialowak af eisaii lot obperuet BtA.a. 5.U0thlb.fAns of tl ill of asnob llataf tta o pardaln the offiie of lie vl:ow flo. sidolriali 91once proeud te ropre 15euWlt IWt tagansmejdd IonÉ an rparlels. oxl thle owevixc tereof fil a anaiaelI l z10be0oiautautlt allah of md ounrml" and the owutrp Ibof onauicôait aheonumtniionuofu ,tid uldevaik. -ourd gta ie rate fixe(] for the tuarI io b chSpuiatas b, 18 uti; o xnnu, ve sehe"alta bI hhle 5>fillxil lia l t > leotbeVilg OeinedVlguc 1 bffmie. .the ul VlI Caksam a. ne 1,upi.,thtlliinl" U aol pe"lafx ltln bs officue. Issue mI warraàt dlr-4,a'ilthlb Truasurur or md vlligufor due iolletlclî lu the auvueal anoinnlaor speclal tuix s0, iac,îru talitul and] usianing 1om smli ,pi-idt"x limI la le due upon tie seversJltl or i,afrl11 of la] ar froimtheuowiu er hoof.ti.o fiIng ug t&u lino ouuf sad ildoak edI amunts duoe joxi alI 1018 or 1191>1 vhi aibEdomano for thline f450romn. i ah Il * li e ue oslfuabaoinluRaaid Warrnt aI. tîxi ov lia. ldlis r arlit aifland. Siddi Truiulat sailuVllaigi. 10 wloux aidî warrant shah b.e Isiiîai. shel pertoriii lIai 4dtte rirbed for 1lxilit tlue ortlnan,, sihaxetidays r.,ni thete ole t tntA varrant. andl ithil il"! day. arumr Ibe expiration oft saili Wrraît. shuli taake rtrn turion ald warrt gsi-eilxtR aIlamouls liolsetuiland ail oioaixxot oolleoiedand] shaht.una par or't., tîx, ClArk cF' euh] jiVUlsge ,dau 0111ofr n,,nvy bu hlm oulketl tiereali. là a1c. 7. Upon folut tA rillt s ni apeelal 10.1 or an& par thîrxo.f. 1asluîýrtoforu jrvd- 1 iith oudlisxî.il eb&t Mbu tie duli ad CIk '.vthlx lhty i]ys all ei Zon îfls oMA, oruthl! wai rmut lîaned bit bilm fur the ,aleaîuof exah plai lax wle the ieturn of tielu iiolir r tiioruan1 m I= rovîdd].10 ouaý le ffi rpdoto als aN intwrltiii,to machudx gneral ooifi le uoliixty a.> îxxxay litnîar0 18 by la o &paý Arfur juilimtio s i gint ai. oei lad fou &î,s doim-i.. nlty oria oof l tltaou o auoulaof fond ulioti wbilei %PC ~~ulaiauix abolul,11o uu i tt h &nmes f lb. respectiveo oixors boua. a. * iiaithmmeeukoowu losal]CheIk, aud lthesunanat due sand un Ilixin en lract. Itogother vitha a pa aofhue oUdnance, orde. bi th leotinrucido of sueh slaewalk, whlic re. " bc euioupasiied by tue ousti af 1 'relr.tibluSt Islas torruel returxx of the 10 emelai1land an vikhis W pciYtx.'ied bIlieh. thrtl if od Vîllugu!. fr the. axat of the ai]e-wulk u this on.lnuonoe apecifli]. remnni'duo ani!unnpd mdtliat lb.ansounis humilo alae] aao-Ine mIfd n»d hve MotblnuoqieWle ur oui pa.e00il nov. .on. a a iak ov. .00 PROPLES' COLUMN. A- umisfits ib muaI .iays le pIdf lu fAav.. a"., 8 - apurli» ar psu Ii.7 ORBLEo TRAD-llilwaukee two roil Conditon. B. J. XOiUO, LUbert7vllO. 4-4P Uaclaimed Lettera. The. Dot ofunciled lettes etlbrtivllle LISi. postof or the wuok endiua Nov, R, Wb" algng for theso lttera sa, advr w, nI W .. a, lra. SchruuluîBd, grn. Obarlea Tonue. Enni E& Werner. Wârnum.L HasT poslmaalr. VoI't i0i'S aie' UGman Aith the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years lie .as been travelinq around the %vorld, and is stili traveling, bringing health and cooefor heever he goes. To the consumptive he brings the strengtb and fies) lie so rnuch needs. To ail weak and sickly children he gives rich an< strengthening f ood. To thin and pale person he gvs new firmn flesh ant richz edblood. Children who first saw tht old man wth the fish are nom grown up and have childreî of their own Hc stands for Scott's Emnul sioîi of pure cod liver oil-, delightful food and a natura tonîc for children, for old folk and for ail who need fiesh ani strength. 4OT5i lchrnib 4J4I .0 s lUsAia -i" litMaria Wirhb5-f! uBt.Ill45the gacale! of llie Soby. MmIe iver bau veturned ihoue Bf*.È a tvo voe" viai la loue. Messie. ACOrI na d *@MUesollay vere Chicago eBim aTînnuia. M"a. NelIic ouagf, aofGone. s$peut Tuomdiy vitii blonds la MImaell. Mu. au ais. Robert Henéer, of Richmondi, are guaula ah James>liveu'. Umi Vida Taylor, of Taylor Grave, visihoi l mIa.Bby Nellis liaI aé arday. Um iaNna Etiwauds ealetlaleed Mies Blanche OlIve, of RLo@CSoUana. tardaY. Mue. Wm. Muruay and lui.Forman speut one day lait veek at Winthuop Barber. A supriseparti vai givon flua. Parr lJas Tilaan d &Il present report a yeny plearnani lime. Muae. 0. A. Edwvpda entertaiiled lait Satnrday evonlug lu bonar ai Misa Nina'e fifîenuth i bltiiy. Peter Andlersan vas mBrrlod tea (Jieaga lady lait luday. l'bey came te Rtussell Taeeday evenlng. The Liierary Cluib wu ouganizeil on Monday evening and lvil hold ia flis regularmeenting on Satuilsy evonîng Novembor 161. Farmeus cast of LIiertlille are paulicipatîna lun1the taoi unt'a onder iupiesa ai the Onvuuta a %lub 01 tlake Forest ail enjoy th1e sport lngely. ailes convay, M. Iledmnoal and wife, Thomai Nolau n sd Hauuy Braleuy are among thon vwhû have uidden in the honte andl vcne afler- varda untertalned ai the cluab bouse. Nela RaamussolI snd Otto Rassell bad a very naravuescape tlt aturday evenlng. Tlsey ver, cnoaiing the ralruai tuack a& Trueeadol and ou accoui aiOfn a vaiîg af tie eoming train vire nearly killeil. No, 6, the sontih ounnIpiassengeT due aI 8:3o tp. M. wua îunung vltb no Uight and thuy d14 net observe Il Ouly JUS; limes te pull theïr uoxae. tram 1the traci. Mu. ltimuaaon vus dusggod by tie bouse. dfou aiveral rade and ueccived silgit dinuie. Mr. itussellvas bruiseil Li oouiieuBble. AI them meeting Maudmy nihllthle village hourd pasat by tinanimona voie, lhe ordinimce eatabUshlng grades on aU eireets vithin 1the village, lu gnother colulun the ordinance in' pabliaheil. Foiloving the varione pointa ladieated illii honotloed figures vhIohushow, ai ve anderstandfi, the beigita u tirolby 1the ardbnsuce Sbove lie plane ou datua uas establiaheil hy the government. lu cîhen vords tue normal levai of Laie Michigan vas ied by the goveoueii ean igo a a point iuom in h 10 tomeaare and the figauindicaethe nuiner 0ot fnl abov i eelth 1111te var0o18 Pointa shipal&deilhoiuld bo, tu canloîm ta tiât Asleep ^Mid Fiame. Bueaking tutu a blaslng home, sai fiume l dagged the aleePlng An maies hou death. Tancied seeurl&Y and dealis tienr. Il's tbBi Yw7viel Fou neglect coagiea nd colla. Pou" do IL. Dr. Klng'a Nev Dlgeovery foi coneampllon gîvea perfect proectiai &gali et ailtitroat, ouestand itlunî trbiLo. Knep il seau, anti avait saffouiug, deati and doo$ora blit. J teepoonful @tops a laie eangh, pcî diatent usne the mosat tbtoru. Alarir leu ad i uic. hing, liasguarauteedti nhiatpy T . B. LOVELL, LAbtrtv ville GEAYTLAzz PHEÂSACT. Price 50tc au $1.00. Trial baIlles Ires. 7- . Misaeollanloetnig apent Motidty I Cicago. Mu. and Aira. L. 'V. .uak Snndiyc vilh relatives. Mitas Nomi VasuY oasa aGraYPsla caller Haturdai. Walter Whibe, af Laîig Lake, vas Our sîrouita Mandai. Mir. andl lin. Houry i' îcoiln oi Neiienrv athura Silurday. Born. Sa Mr. andl Mus. George IBei wol W ednesday Oel. li9, a non. 1 Geobrge Rets or a fWisconsin, ope Tiursday and Fridiy aI C. U. Hnaon M lr. and lira. John Doyo au] aildri of Wauaonda. voue Vulo callera tM,, day. Mua. George aMon, 0aFTort tBi speI; Wednesdaî afattraon vîti Ru Haomu. Musera. IGeorge Eiluger ail Frai liroalmus &peuntthefliraI ai Ib e v lunDndee. Mu. ail Mua. Louis Knigge, GilîsolLake, voeeliunday oallers George lteuwollsa. leMlemeaalon Raymandl andl Mon le Wallon voue Wa,ýeouda ezîlera Bat] g, day atron rt ieveaaniofthe Young people fni oui village attendeit 1the Halia vo' te Social ali WBuoonda. Mua. Jane Converse vent to.Chico Sonday vit ber sou Elaun viere s yl @pend 111e noNSi two vesSa. Ticu lliiihoSoNow Englanil supî ai lie home of Esagil Broa. given the Ladies Aid Society fflday evantl 19 Nov. 14. A cordialI nvitation id exteudeil tu Bih. On Wedacaday, Oct. 29, al 1 leOauoUe obhrch ocunred lie I"urig af Mn. John Bave andil me1L w Brava, 1Ber. Thiele peufoumIng 1 .r oouemany. Ticir many tinedw 11cm mach happinna. -aLuak In Thitee«n. By a.ndiag 13 miles Wu. Spinal Wallon Farmae, VSI., soh a box ks Buck1eu~a ArnicasaveO,laiVILA id arai a horible W«vmsoureon bie I Nomhig" . qui& Pu5i 011 o bralasm, taons.-ios, Pl >bu banne, orne mdI>Up .4wUOU fierelde o ......b..tYIleo ............ hh uprin. 19...... ............ m 00 lii'............ ............1m00 M.W200 m tfest orthOfuers,.lal ai p01 o96ieuiiriidiitîi,îotonof borins m rosi 1 0 1410 fuelni k*qtiteierlU lAr Intoietlail.....A' ............ 117te Intrson c ErlIUtCxr... 1 ilonîftlno1of llit .O Wesit ......10020 Nor ?.......10400 @OU! BlIas aof Broadway .............. 11010 bat ln. t barl trot........... 110 North ....... gr1 ost fe pM~........20 Soutlino O0 f lieStrieut. . 1 North nos11 M, -.&~ 1190 ut 11100 AtlneSOOli<i5 Ai,,,Ât 11 NO f001 nono .1010 41111010 200 f101 bOrlt 1PUlI od101 429 .. ....... 360 770 .....>.. 128 m lm2 :...12D Ou North villaffu Drois..... ...........123 50 100 fel aEst afPl llwankeîi Av' ....... T o 000 112ou so n ...*.....500 WuoM liao or PaUIr eu ,1 ......... el,010 Bla on llt OOr ra 0fout 00>010 Muwak Ave ........13110 Rosi! aauth of otrFria fe O 0f MilwauAkee A,................ «.127 0 dBout b of Ponrt tri,1325 test West0 lof Milwaukee A, .. .............100 Rlond South 0f Pourmtain ittvillairgv Limta..................lui on lnterattOi ot OfBile y .troT. ........ 9 i 120 ftutWest of Firet t,sut ........ 91 lx) Intersetion 0f Tirsai ..!e1t......... 9100 LAïC OT [l1 ET. MX ootfixI et of M1loîîuk- eA'i:....1271 0 1154) .............. .21 7'à51 . . . . . . 24 (Z 22M 1%41el West IlgeLnl................ i H1O. ,Tll£ET. IWesat lino of Mii1uiuki-i Ave-..... 1,9> lntermeetofntCey Street......... 1?> Jltley atrucl ati îlsoutbeurn tîrunls... 110ou North Avu.. eulino. ut Firsl Street ,...Il6 100t eu of Firsl sîruel.. lus 00 North ond 61 Sret ........... lotereo-loi of NorthaAe......x o mt& St. P. B? ............ 17 iohiliuufoi9li................. lis ýest aouth otrchîrd .............. 9os »00lest nonlb aofiBroadway ........... 60 BNorji lino af Broadwy,........... 0, North Ulne of 1ai îtt Court... 11et Sou1h lino c09Oterlîut L court....... ut(M 'l f e south l 0 H u ibutt Ceurt-.- .. 100L 24...................... l, 5 l1t....................10( Intersuti>ln o! Park Ae.... . 100( UnoBUru COURT. S 2,o fuelt ut fAMlwaîukee Ave ..... l Wfflt lin" of Park Plleso.......... . Il leuteseuatgtak Ploaue...........11w04 Wool uneof étrIiet...............Ilie0 Waest Seeud ..... ........100 0 IR B t Tid .................. îîe 0 f K Thi ilStreeit...... ....... I IrgtiliîouXlh trdet ............. 90 ou w or .... ..................... 9.Q0 lnthrsolon cf Flfth 01001....... 7 aatliUneof Tourte Street............... 79 West - 79 Estflt fs Thlrui 09vo........... ..l Woull , Ptî,n îe'.............9'.1 il EsallinuofaiFirol struot... ..... ......- - W est . . .. .... . 1. lnleraeetioiI .1Park PIsitS Nrh...241 11 Interpfflttcn Uf NWrigbt Court...... 9 Cr Fîrel strivt 11..i *t xonut fBr,ulway..990 )n W,1oetU *,,utl. iUrolard ......1 Ig 14, ft S OUtILl iBroadway......1 114i fel 1>1,11,.1 urlbert Court- ii Wrlucial ,iri o.., fout so ut fOrohittrd ,Ltr -t.. . . . . . .....- >. . . ..... . 111 m-Wright Court 215 feli et uofOrelard stol........... 1......113 O Fo urlshrA0et-e '7.1 f-t- -b-0. ulh lt>0rchard le; .lri..................71 dFourlli etr-i o. î fout aolc i llruaa... A f..c,4 MWaukîî -A>ve. ...1113 .2.1. .... .lo ,LITUE OTRE&T. A .~t..l .>Iilîvu okSiAvi ....12, loureoil i e* t ..r t ....etl4 d ,utot 00g iN Biiri Io tJrainuird Court .....IMI lî,tui.,2ilwuiukoi Av., .....133 Is 121 'ID2>W..Sl stre-t. - ...124 ,IUTilli >T115T. >1, 9,fi't w. 't.1 îl oth troma Mil itu- k.' '................. 121 l"25 foi.- 1. ot foMilwauk'ýe Inîv c.. i)vision "etret . 134 en- lInter etti 1 l rk Ave.*.12 Ilralnuril C, ort aitluIn rve.toflof CuIî, kStitee Io o.]>trou. eut t. .HET 1211 'a ItratcotifwiZ Ayie...........i12 17b Oal juw,, toiteart Av...... en ii7Ô n. Southb ln.,,(if ivisionstrot .......12 l'JO folot, lvaoî tro..1 Ns.rth st" IPakAv..........j.'dS oIaCuïUD ilEEiiT. Euot lIn cf Mhiw.ako Av,~.........8 se 251 tot o f .a.ot in.'nIMIlof kî West li 1 0>WthC r.... .. lk ni ff<t at 1,f Wilgbt Court ...... : C it lurff.'thl of cimti Street. .....14 »)4,, tort i ,f tetnd at -W. Wsst lIn. o!of6aoond Street....... i ElSet .. i of lu iact f Tlîlrd slreet............a Wes.t 1111. ,UtF.,urth sîru'.» . _ ..7 Wet lilno of,!Flfth Struet ............... 7 FlUsOT STRLEET. de C.M. & St. P. Bu.......... ....W 115 fo.t non!, of sors""gue lt i tu. outh IlIn, cf Nauth Ave,......... 136 fea.t north ut North Av ........... ... i PARE &VENiUS O Eaut lin,- if Stuwart Avu ............... on s ul ,i .......... .......121 410ft i! of tewart Avo .. 1 Westfoot eutt a f lotersuon of p . .... .....11 able jaklsof prta.............l C. M. a St. P. Tu"e Table. 7 67 010 06018606811ts 01@" wu" oséIL I 10so&, 20 In o PM 2 i0P0 4 00 010 60 & ce à 00 " aSO1 Bses- 7110 HUNDAX. TOIII 00501 001 10 27 an' 910 p. 08" i»pOM14061 Wiscounsin Centratl.meTable. OA LcHRaGcoo. (11110100. OXAVaLEa. il131 n 801000m 2Op ul ipm 4 38 1601 1"00 ô0(W liubilau nW J. i'lar.v, ha inuo ve>! laitifauniy 1.9 Frukville, Vîs. George Adaîîin, 01ut aukgai, w"o tige ghlest of bis îarenîls over dunda.. Mrm. Stëvtrua eutertairned Mai.anaîd ailSI Staey, of tingo this wo..k. MirfRobinsoni hanle en etertalniîîg hi@ oster tram i WsecInoîn this week. Nemmr. 1hultz and Wald î.itCrI;a>ued sevüralI Buriington frieudéo rver 18uudnly. Ni rm. J uhîî and d elhdren ogorit Si duy zind Nlonday wih rvlltvei% u lurling. Mm. . .Il. Ril et 2ertîtiIii'1lier c,îîîsn 1and hîouiîad !rouî lîst Troy, W s, ln..t friîiîd rmîialIî'iî igu Si ;Ivm îl,î A is j 0 Mr> and ir, î>ilîj uît irNti. roi, ut1rigi t of N. Shîtî~iti, auI.ei 0*llst Frida.v. liam hîigun iisrlti,iilsil l,ý, i h aiiii iu the ux~,tradldition. A1 îaaot îmarke il l 4Is iî l iaItiae oui ttuid of Ir. *al r iri.inotfhe iîur futtir,, ' wtIi NMr. tilicu aus llîi iiîtlîi- vil Il ý xii -itil hNI r. jut Nîai Thur n- îî iI,îjuo. Mo iis tAî' SAl . Mns.W'righit lias t:,, t el ut,, pa'rt af thue Iiluewr rni iîIu f arif i iii ttid 5 fcup. Mr. lieds famiuly . cipyi ig liah ruaut tîxe Ixouseý WilIIlietîr jeturnKi franx a it j'.t-t vitin liliaglitiîl Nlniay of weo ~ ek It. rpoirts a çieaant tvi>]ugi and a flou jimit oit lalîa is aren la a iut ber rslativ. i Mmr. .fîst. of Wjuukegiîa. %. t Aji.. County prîtuleft wilI trive au xî In the ongrtgati htîii tl Iiri e% Lut; nu ri(ili e'.ening, Nai x tt, Eierh ii y su, vited. in the ( pharinaey ,iîoelait May wililile .ayit tiîl week to Fort Hill. The Wouanns ('lub wilii 50,11 rueivc *tuiotli4.r lilrnry %W ihtu wiIIlibe jîied in the, îlrîig mstcor r [untie duîring the cornirig six iî,uli.flhe hore otîr releiviig ayid ,lotî iîiiiig lbooks w il eIl)i,- Mi oille a, befo. Thk'[ii iwlay afteîiîouil n'id ,iStilt rI,îv afterterioori frî,itîil, rie lu tive andi]Szitiirlitîy îiai l'utronI3arie flo.~~ iit to, ,îk for u-r% j,,. ut>de iîîîk'v îîoifl for the libirîorv .Furthr niotic'e jîjh .1gilîîi en thu Dew lîrary in esti.sliedu Th horeport o01Ithe superlinlenderit of th1e Cbicago Pasteur Iiîtite, vbure persane billon hy rabid Banfias are treated, eshowb thât out of 1,53#J ptienta Ireated but aeven bave died from thoir vounda and la homou of thleitoIL WSs abown thaI delay lu u.ncblth11e umintti, earied desib, Direcior Lugorlo sîtes hperso ub1iften tîy nîd- dogm do not barkt maîîap or hua sla girtiralt.y onpp, sed. Twvî uty-nlt temtave .>beeu répreb.ented lunbtle insiuilon. 1'ersons btlten bly dopge, Date, bouses, anaken. wolves, cova, calei, burrog,, eyoios, rats, mules and piga bave be.en ,îxcuaaflly iuealed. 'Tb. DirecaloT @tâtes tte sooner tho patient reachea the le- tîtule 1the better wiii bu 1the recovery andienooer. Cured of Plies Afler 40 Vears. Mu. C. laney. utf(loneva, Ohio, bail the pilies for furly yeaus. Doctrransd jdolara conld do1film n0 latiug go0M. 1DeWItt'a Wllah Hlazel lSalvue etiedhlil periuan<111y. Invaltiable for ente, barins, bruinsa. apraîna, laceratliana, octemoa, tetker, aoilt rbenm and aIl otiai skîn disaaes. Look for tht anantes DWitt on 1t1e package-al 0oiera are obeap, vorthîtscourrter- toit@. F.B. Lovrti. LlbertYville. 0Darh Hai' 0 I1ha v--useçi Ayvr's H a ir Vigor for n greai mi îy yvarsand ill- u hoiigh 1 amn past elhîy yeara ç?f a ge, yeb I have flot a gray haîr in (ueo. e Ioni, Tovoon, Md. ed a ion, 11 We inean ail thàt rlch dark color your haîr used to have. If it's gray nôw, no matter; for Ayerts Hair Vîgor always re- stores color to gray hair. Somcîimnes it makes the haïr grow very heavy and long; and it stops faIing of the hair, too. si ata bits. Ail Ubesaa tice Il lu ya.iu uiru~IaI CannéS su4iIity~e5, E aSti] as roue dcii me r.muI v. vi su lu gAve 10e name elle lE slun~?~sse srIhj¶ i .I,~4 co.a' . TOI* apm, gakmq1 ça aêry wzgIi* rmamned tro hies Oabliferala vistilufit vnk. ErneqI Moore bal had fine wether for thhing liiis vosi. Rtay Slbbard affnt Snaday viti Allan Nli4boLeoAsla The.Pl":;., Alleu . Montagne, ai chicago 1v1 the. guësiof aAlleu y. maaelhanve aunday. Mr. sud lira. Joabh Jeffera have aàdei 1 raysiake 14ace Yeu ordo» st me, fincal maner aad la 06e paisible .1aSlai.lltlncl, log theu ltucloner louoh viii11.1 ht l? AT f t negbbora. mpr.1 L as i Mir . a n d Ml ra . W . r. lim n l u h M U îl drove o0er tu , LlbetyvIlle Prlda..M Theyua visitefi the lidgevager r~i * Poullry Faria nir tere.. aie M. S. Gate@, 0f Chicago, feeling au lue lrresiatibiy drava ta ih ___ale tbis âine tait veather, pald aB liyfng *O WU0f viat# te Tiie Pinto, arrivlng Thurday Comlo~ lam eveang, roturning ta Ohicago Friday luAl:' se niornlng. " 1 .»rnd Allait F. M&OL&chîsuaidlhie zoom. l gsbsa4du are mtraiOc cuie, M. J. hlonry, of New orleaua, illnoor Bocannes00 îpnhemor1 h arrlved et The Plue Frlday évenicn 1 4= -ý~ tn dresaed andl orgueilfor a duck tuinâ. foniit hrmu»o d. Ttiyweemoeraei àoccofulan canano t onunotit The voe odoaiey uccoidni su erved upoq thon o0Mh roturned ta Chicago Sunday evemlng bff. 111,ino th 51uv ti ;b.b feeling happy over the resulS of hel theaald abovi naied and Ul a de anti thAtth1e abov une.4noie alrennous effort». toto,. lied hié =i1lo conrt. on theOanoy- e If jou arc billons and mae king dvlaora, ta nioati e 4~ Tako DeWiU»e biUle Early Miser, anti. ,tauraable on tha mdit. of e u J oit belore gbing ta Lbed. huthle (Jireuit court of8 0(oaI e l Yon vgri lad on 1the morrov, b,14a lbet ou foust eluw an m .ald LieOuût .ou the fi Ueiav Yon are rid ut jour aora- DonibtA. D. i00.a la by bnaiqltb Tiuara aU; Jmat eîough salol. gd vwoisuit t0 .111vedin These tamoua plillado ual gripe. bul Wauk n. tilt ois,0. 0 M0000 the bovelà g0ntlY aIlS1*ailiY. PAULTÂCOnIlm. (;0 cilnlaUd leanisng th1e liver. Thoir table effroi______ 8.0e givea atuenghute theglands. provoul- Notice. log a retua aif1the disorder. Y. IB. LOVERLL, Libertyvîlie. Horeafle1rIvIIi grînil et My MM lef. lvanboeonevery Batarday. T.DoLM, Pain ha. on show 0th Tir. Ul pain Plus,144 r *1 * c Have you seen our line of rruniks and Telescopes? We are giving good bargains in Ien's Winter Clothing Boots & Shots. I)resa Goods, pe'r yd .......... 18C alico, Klbbons, Bcd Spreads, Iloode, Mittens ,Ore in aud inquire our prices before buying elsewhere. -:Our rocries,-'M- Are a weiI selected stocl new and fresh. W. W. Edwards, -. - Graysiake. Uold Wealier is Comillg. Llnderwear and ogotblng e.,33as per cent Discount. Special Sale on Ye Y Boots and Shots, Rubber Boots, Glibyes, Mlats and Caps, of ciuality that we guarantee. jMatches (itot. in the' trust.) Get Prices. IGeorge B. Battershal, I Hainesvîlle, Illinois. - - Illinois. y a Libe i An 1 moved October ist to the -building just west of'sý Strang's Furniture Store. E. B SiIERMAN, ck,