IgnmmThayorbus rcurncd ta hm b ere la AatiOch. The lvsmee miii villirunever htlimenov On. OrwlU.e Silb vauin Chicago over sa.G. n*m mia ..edlng e kvdm sla Viakaga. ULiaM i . vom Io10Chicago Battu- Ua raIng lionday. TbeW.3. M. 1. vo moeel vitblira. U L .Bryat, vite sud daughtet lemI SUmlay wuiIvanhoo tiona. Uàma.Enmm*grabbe sud Emma »Waffqot Slra nisunlay in Um e Imuoupoasi Whioh com? Wwvbb ie engm i7"ko~-b »ladh Who bu bau1c sentifu fi 4v @Mk lalovasillng relative. ho iuibc" The adie CameriAasociatiofl vM mnaisvilb Mir. Hnr Grabbe »M Tbuau yafloroom Dime club busilme men Wgiq ovemnt gNov. 7. imporant UW1on vIE ba bscaght lrvard. lis falic 0m1b la ficuntshim me,~ilowf vraeffarssme piayj IMuscS ca minie Looklnglarveh &li" 4Umy r l isacmm AuSioa.hboleairu la taie à ii *bu égaoar.e in ombobnd, e1t ems'2 âme rtéa, viSipissa. lesvete 1 menaut m lia ukîesa alarebef c NKov. 16. Tiehomeof A» lias oniDecion'w MO maccusof a mcMl njoyable a earicam gtbmrng hastpttrici etenin Tiche munmas iey arrivait vs MUilpisomèe soulie pcrcb wvb voula eM loi bn Ofbve.iug0 et alaMesbay vote aimiOW lata toMI, dAsly I bflolby lie grinât fama. et artiicmilysenvolt pumpil ure m dpovorm igicis, vbicb i VOIR tmlng 10 a biaci Ibromo a Ihime y7%oWU vine sthveb oe. @bA Who paooesied«.o.On niaiens mbeli vWhite oboti gho 0 -th"oscioicmlublisâ, vWb aoniveno aU questions VUS MuInil mavfnl sulenc* e.Toa reug"a J" a ugaVinse MI iteabîmât zm We Ua M oerm blime thong ym ertneelaished ixmiy by1thé fc 1@0,14 ge mlly into th air1 pbUMh ovu Uic a teck la soit buj Sisoeea foeme1.8er, vhcse face br Md nue mmlseme B og pois pm of etpaslpraisul w@10e buly anem cc Ibat bc g v m gt dispiaelh"vte gy. bia.cfm ety qnaunlam sput l «ome. Gnm.appropriais udwveýum Voe u plad, dotugb o0Mis% pop sort Md app.. vens mono UB man Mmm. vuyomo uImmtbos cur Ivauo. girls A 011 09Mm.Gao. T.BSom bis âmimai Smurdiyan boa;@saina a bol ai hms mm Mehda bot ~ vea ty IL la hm o. sa ppiing il -~ - wc~ u IN M ler.D ag 1 Sd t. D- ir Dras Md ng. ore l.e Md ne IMUg ya led M4 1co .-U RôcvvvvvvvvItems. *WAW1, 0#WsbUa4montcm., Sbas boMOm ppilUic po aI DesPlMe, gofua uw k11eovur S a ev IOWour li~gascline gne a "M MM e rumna cotn »a ga5min peal oun ryqulsli lx rio«" ftiaip. Abou lb. Md 40 lm vm ovas poee, Vith US iipfbiiam mjonty. ~ ecm sbrets hal have hem nmula le iiivicinlly for Ibe bu v**or in ladmvexeforced tea tmSbbIaumlE b eek on »mcun ai iboblm"i tML any WnftId Md his broiet-in. laev, Am Benddler, rs.nty Pur- alad 0f T. J. Moridu a Bufflo Pilla m8 busepower aleam enagine vhicb, ig MM Io b@osonr thUiulargest sud b"s moewsna 0911e klnd vex .bacam'el'uSolAie Counli. Il viiibe ma by 111m la operal. e grain Ihhubr ati omm aruider..- ont iellcv avuamil, lix. Barri »«»c mal vith a very avrious sud Pàtaful aidant one day b1maI ci lmb dtvn n m Ccgoffvith a qlnegbora.aisu alky bum ee NIIe. @iibOUI Ivoli Uml ts omhome 1ho ma a Passmuuo.cyole a4vbhi hbis bornabeeme 80mc fl@il m s60 »lâgm atm unamagsabl ami b. rm "m 1 gl bt barffi vira fume b117the tcshiavlb Sncb violence as la Imse 6lmolsh m1110 carlbeak lab ianoThe boras vu.renderul MMInI Mems, sud Mtanmaltflge lri vus a narcv emope lrom instantl die fi Ma Bose.Bismny frienda hopfo r b t eooveri. scRaoL Noya. As t . ssber'ameeingIlaiSt Salut ca" theare ltaIUrschaptet.aif *The An et Bur vers disousiolasudilc vau lacide Io bolti the nez mee611tin et iloiieUierou Baurdai Nov. 2 et lm3 p.. 1eRv. Robinson, a tetireti olige preident, sud present pister of Me L Ubertyville l.M. B.chmrh et- tendait Me meeting and ably discumsd thé5 dutu, sud capabilittea Of 1the 1u5c11. The oMoets af the Centralà Laie Oouty section of 1the Illinoais TeaoeirrVReadinigMCicleare: Chair- mmn, John-I Molge; iectetari, mi Mummi Oontre; exeoutive committee, lm uscAy nlleUlm Ethel A. Winer and Loo. Y. ;seamene. severa of Mr. Bouses nb. and ciuaing vbh a u vSy user being a broken eok. 80 bMe u tvshe .mc Injued the »«u « urasunible 10 hold is bond la lis nomal iupright position. Mr. flouse vas ptieed up hi a passing tenus sud br«OgbO huit 10 Wheellng vbbe uire à lem ta bring hisu borne. Bis injur»oes eoatunde ga by thu family physicien, Dr. Galao- vay. sud vo unduaslanbcheiladaingmas vel sas coul b. oxpoted, but Il viii bo nome lime belotleomplets recovety A Thaakefgiviw Dînner. amvy uaing il a slly thetitrat eanas of indestion. %@Pso"attacha inim e 1emuooma mumbrames lning lie ftomaob, oxpoc e 0move. ai the galih. ptatuing a svollig a&lr ealing, beartlburf, heciselt, saur niing sud flniH eaisrbcof 1the gtomach. Kodol relliUe5'linliaiiiui- tion. proteols lb. mrve. and cures 1the catstrh. 1<0101 curas indigestioan, dyaspieaUalamaOb troubles by cleaaing savetolng Uie glande ai tbeslouich. P. B. LoyEUL. Libexty- Ville. BOHOOL 1508'U. George vagner bai enroled. Ada Kuebiex ipet Baturdai sud Boudla alome. Oko va ocmpsnied hi a ciasmaute, lias BleuI, oi W&Iuke- gan. The obcou o moncde riday and lion présentlindications il viii-hb amaliar record breaket in pont 01 atlendance amd punet»Usty. The deooraîing commllOee ai the Bucoma. Cub ln loing gooti vork, Sud quiteo a umberof IPictune. haveb8eun placed on the vaU. Havever they bava j utl bugula vonk. Wsulei: Viilors aetail times, but ve dtetu a ulti aà speil invitation tUbo il10 Dqd 1the opical prostrna ofth 1e ue club oveay alle-Sulng nuido afleamon. The mx one là tallai, NoV. 14 Mud the tapie la -.Scbool apiri.» Frank Y. GqWggi lU hi the time Iis l e aprint, have bean elccied 00u92Vi aplatmuat ia oracios ai Laie Conti. lir. Gaggili la a mem- bet 0f MIU&Ihoo Aumi àAScoin mmi va laietlia mmuai of extendtng Our cangrliomi u olau.i 1cr genainc bualie,amivano prepara-1 tiou anti oveg th can hinga vOj rslcm yan t e th tidgrade. Tbeyj ara aêdorn if evei heard t10 m, 1"1I bavu*t quitea uished,'~" *ljuil gaI that1 fer vban te loucim edi.," " II Di'ti iknav v. hastIhat" anti 01er familer1 atue htanlii amlght Mention. By the vay Ibis claminlaompacsdeetlrlY Of grs. Leil ve fargot, Thotthebu ormmug 0f lie habit ai punetuility la very, vomi essential te, sucoes u iI t ma mhe sslutcony Meeting ai engage-, mont& Mmd oblgations, the abily 80 alvais "celtoh sateai, 1the promupt auaeortug 09f tera. Il Muns th"t jou viln noto isarh albers t cburch or thor public gaboring. t Meung iveelrtampen. mmi lmes. lmagne e conaarvmliofaienergi sudUlie. Il maie. friende sud keepe the aid anesi, ese moucy, lengtheus lie, gitos one a baotrappelite and canies oaa %0 keep youug in spitrite sud goed Lloaking. Farmmlie habut la schoal and ejsy Iliiiof Yanm Ilei, the luxurl of bavtng salitie roette fond of lime slv t oromaan 6eo. QUomainmoeoa badnas maie River Vio eluslsiV. lir. and li». John Niokol are e bhappy parente 0f bibi girl. G. J, Horoher la building a shed for h ie sbfhng machine outil. , Whore th1e fosrmer@ bave Dol hushel corn yet the shrodder's hum vii »ouil b. herd. Mr. and lis. Peter Busob, 0i Ar linglon Heighla, ver. meen on Our streets lManday. The Long Cr0,. Craoke-CckB ee defeated by the APlakISliOSbuudaky, score 17 1, 12. Chas. Stemple Who bau been aufiYer ing trom, au alleck of rheumeliam hl doing nice]yunder the care ai Dr. Obris SpOoSleln dled lu ai fturdiky et hig homne, miter a very short lnesa. The romaine ver. laid 10 reet in the Catbalic oemelery at Buffalo Grave. The votera of $bc town Of VerOnO ahowed Uieir apprecltan o1 agond dlean candidate, b)y givIng AIb-t Miner, DemooatIOILe name for Couut6y cierk 113 votes 10 15 for Mir. Mondeo hi$ opponent on the Bepublicanticket. The Quaker Medicine Company gave entettaininenta the pa veek in Union Hall and 111.7 ver. veil attended. The bean guessng conteat vas van by Andxed Barcher. cOmmonly knavn un msggie. The- prime vaz a live pfg vhich 110 va obligea ta catch. The populax ohild 5contet vau wan by Lile Ballon bac b. one Minute Couah Cure lnathe. aMy harralens cough cure that givea quick relief. Cures oougb., colda, croup, bronchitis, WhOOPIng caugb, pnoumonta, asthme, lagrippe and ail Ibra, chest andlnng troubles. I gaisoaked byratn aya Gertrude E. penner, Mundle, Iad., and oontracted a .evere cola and CaUgb. 1 failed rapidly; lest 48 Ibs. My druggist recommended One Minute (iough Cure. The ftrat battle branght relief; several cnred me. I arnback tamy aid eight 1>4tglb.one minute (Jough Cure cua the phlegmi, relieves the oaugh at ance, drava outIinflammation, CUrecroup. 1An iaeel resedy for cildren. F. B. eLavinu, LiborlyvillO. OBERFIELDA Mien Shermanu, of Liberlyvle, lasitl bere sundai. Mi" Prenons Biederatedt la siffer- rg irasu a severe aold. Mn, sud lira. E. P. Eatoa are lbe proud parents af a daughter. lira. C. G. Mubîke sud dangbter vere visitlng here the peut veek. Mien Basie PoIluo entertiued a lew fienda et lier home on Hallowe'en îigbt. George Hockenbacb sud iauiily un- belainel Ibair uncle, lir. Ott, ai iceosea, lutI veek. Ur. and lit.Reoa, ai Chicago, riaited vith lirsud lira. J. C. Antes a loy day. lest veek. Bixeu Wheelet, oi Eveteti, bad one 09 hia thumba bath culs vhile .awlng wocd in aur scbaol yard. The Christiau Endenvar tapie for f unday evening li. "God'o Coveuiant aud Ours," Hz. 24 3-8. Pledge.meeting, -L. P. Todd, leader. Lest.Bslurdi evening qulte a large parti ai friends snrprla.d L. H2. Wilmot at hi. home. The Iutetming- iing of 11e seniars villi the juniara made it yplongent ianorbt. The juniors speul 1the evening la plaîlus games, vbich voie yull supponled by Wil Clark. vhilu lte seniors voe micely onterleineti by bathe vocal aud Inatrumental seleolfous. The Beat RemedY for CrauP. Fross lte AtdiionKas., liatily lobe. This fa lte Besson vben the ovau vba knaut, the hait temeies fot craup in in demaul lu evdyni nlgbbarbood. one ai the montterrible Ibinga in tbe vonid la a obc aakene n thue11,middle of the aigl by a vhaop irosu one ai the childnen. The croup resuedie. are almost ai aune 1g o blait, In case ai croup, as a revolver lfasurea10 bub l in case ai bunglare. There ned ta b. an aid lashioued remody fat croup. kuavu as hive ayrup sud taIn, but saine modern mothers maY tieat Cbimberiain'a Caugh Remedyinlabutter sud doee mot Bati no mach. Il causes the patient to -"Ihrov up the pblegm" sud givea relief lu ae harler lime. Give suis remedi as 4o0n as the croupi congli appearo sued il vili proelth 1e attack. lI neyer tfeanti la pleasant sud smie lo ajae. For sale by P. B. LovnnL, Liherlyville; GuAiteL*.K PHAEMAOT. lobh The oommitlee. vbich have been EASTr FOX LAKE. led eppointd te arrange ferMa iculuct hitn ee ile tEg o snd Ihbsluesri umi bmquetare n a kehremtl ee iale Bi a c f Iciows: Invitation cammilbee., AhIce Li eet gha Payne, Mas@. Bmeh, Orville Smith eut F. L. and Bort Glger voe Ruasell In.. Emna Grabb.', Eocpiin oommiliee,1 elitars outai. aui Alice Smith, B. D. Walla, irs. lins, fi. Brown bai reinîned home lIeS rdo, Stumrieat IBrainerd and Lea F. itosu hem Chicago vilit vas Jesunne; supper ommistto, Orvilîs A. Tweed 'anti M. L. Caligox ver. cm- Smih ohaimman, ho t10 oceehis calers et Pstqua Bey lait Fridai. and aa.isuta; Pnogrmrnocmlte., Lao P. The Junior Ad Sociti olfiait FaX Iried Jeumene, Theodore Doker, Bon B. laku viii meu t vi la..Mande enl you huierMd lira. B. D. voila; Dsecre- lthsWiinson ai Ibelit boume neut lins lion commiUt , arriet Bt5II1et& Round Laie onSUrdai SiteUccu Mmg ebairma, oéa he aoci5 the 0er Nov. 8. Al are velcorn. a su memibera of lb. commile.; Table There wyul e services et 1$ho ib go committe., Lilium Peine, Rena Chriti»t nchurch ai;Ftr I O n Sun. nt, Doke, Suit. Pane and aliers ta bu day morning aud.vcuilug Nov. 11h, s the cosba ,t he ohairmen ai lb. com- and &W effort il b. ma"o 80 Mott& nov mlltes. The pragram coramiltueu hChrltion Endeavon meeting led bhi le yan Priday cvening, thc Invitation cofi.potr e.Gauodofbls. sai mIIIeeuonbua ameeting, and lun à tr evGenat, iCiao l3Oc4 sanua l een nhon xlicr f orne oui sud help tornsla tàsuooM. dThé affcers et Uic amoiaiaion ere: loti Pris., John B. VanVio, Vice Prai., Goes Lilas Ht CM«s. bi111 Hrriet Brainerd; Hec. Sacy, Pearl "The fatesî oelllug article I bave ln Oher~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~m stoi or ey rvluSin; ~ n lre," yrien druggtl0. T. Smih, h m ith ao.i67 rf mt;To.o Davis, Ky., --là Dr. Kiagsa NovDis- et fAllos Pane. oovery fan conaumpion, ongbeAndm toa. colla, becani m lcays «r61. Iu MI le. 'On. oi m ohilitren vas laien vitb six Yom o f nues@fi Das navet bfl.1 h lie rsmp coite and auffoe eesvereli," bave knovn filae sVe aini eafrOIR àa km mse. S. Blae, of liMeIl, No. -l Ibromi andi lung dilaea.swbc 00. non icephonul for a 4001cr, thon gave BafSet no blp frcm 1.10b or aMy clhi , Va. dca. cf Chamberlain@Colle, Chaieta remeti.1 liclbure roly l ,Itbel niet aud DlarromBca mely. and a ev physolans proscribe l, and F. B. arme, m-tanlIs lSe somit do o ero cvm&r,Lbettl; qIIE e by the ueres me m wuiva rltve." ?fi*ZlAciJ tui ibuif VéNM Fer nie iy 1. B. Lovw.a, Isb@07sl,çM rotin p ieetali SeIN601 (INWNAU IlaBiki. EpWfqSU 13 L. Tdpt10cm Uic iek liaI KMd l Ua.iv eretl liaon apent Bunday etI Waukugeu. John Schtooeu, oaiehcag, apen$t Tlinradi aigul et home. lilas Elma Tomb, ai Lethton, lai wrking for COb».vos, Jr. George Bb"mn ta driHung a WOei on Uic tuokmun ferai. li.Mary Suler visiffed iondatuin Chicago 3tidoy and Satutd&y. 19vercli Mason hms mvect an ta the1 faxm he recently boughtis ram lit. Bexter. Nearly everyaue tram the locality1 eltended 0. 1. Laces auctian onq Thuraday. WiUlie Inedier has been qutte I 1 witb ulcerative eatarrh ai mauth and etomach. Uir.,.and lir&. Wrn. Edarda on- tertalued Laion DearlOve, Oi lou. .1ev, luit veek. John McI*ughlin ad sudiiY re. oently ent.rtliued Mr. Waàyman, ai Arlingan Hlghta. lir. Kramto l ittle boy uha burned hi. foot $mone ime go lasuferislg ~1 bal he th dc of R Mrn. and lir. Moýgiand, ai Elgin, speut Snnday vith 1the lattera parente, Ur. and lir. Harvey Coan. James licLaughlin bauiefi a lad f Mubbard sqush laChicago ibis reek mailing ëame et $20 perton. Emma 82bley, vho bas given up ben place eablit. Hernian leyer'a la spending n iev day. lu Chicago. Mrs. Bales spent sanie day. ai home rrenging for the remaving ai herj Lafliehold gonds ta bibettyville. George W. Richards sud daugbler Vers, ai Gleuview. vismtit dhi. brother, A.C. Richards and iamlly Manday. Mrt. Amanu and Mr. Heliet began aorn shbredding Mondai. They are urepated 10 do corn shreddlug ion hein neighbana. Mugo Pegiov'm gang ai men are doing 1h.miaou wnrk and plaslering orc anew houga t Round Lake fot Mn. Baumanu. lira. Meyer@, lire. Nelson, Mn. Amen,H. Albrilgi, C. Mason, M. flexschbergun sud Wm. blinclIffe ver. îniang 11108e vbavisutel in Chicago lut week. Prom Anaiber Correspondent. Nathantel Nelsan vieiied si homne lalurdai sud Suuday. lire. Menry Lipe, froni Wheeling, visited relatives hure Tunday. M. Kuedler sud iamiiy vlstted ln North Nantileld Sunday. Mn.. Harry Bales, irosu Libertyville, violted ber moîher, lits. Hermàn lieyets boe.Baîtday. Fax Lake Cemetery Asociation meela vilh lira. Lee Nelson Thuniday forenoan, Nov. 13. Viaisors veloome. lira. 'Mans vha vai vimitlug ber danghter, lira. lithen veut 10 (raya- lake ufili ler daughlt. lits. M. A. Wagner. Amoug ltote dia vieiîed Chicago are A. A. Loanjis, A. C. lisother, M. Kuediet, E. iziertel snd lMre. Chai. Albrecht. WAUCONDA. Jna Ladd waa quit. 111 lt veok. Ï lire. Menrt Clark wus lu Chicago 2 Wednaday- st Homor Cool vas lu Barrngton Wednesday.c Jas. Murray was a Chicago vistarc lait yack.r Normanu Ladd vas s Crayelake ciller Wodnesday. Harry Fuller transacied busineess laa Chicago Weilueeday. Blley Hill1 sud family are moving ta Wauikegan Ibis veek. li. nsd ire. L. C. Price vere city callere lait Wednesday.t John Golding sud Miss Irene Golding1 voe in Chicago Fnlday. Judd Pratt snd fainily are moviug luto 1the Laxeeldu hotel tiis eek. Ueo. llapke sud iamlly have movedi iaoathe roomi aoven Otto lialeti's. lit,. Carne Hlli, ai Chicago, l. qittle tîl et the homo of lit. and Mrs. M. M.1 Bir, sud Mis. Poster, ai Elin, vilbe irioude sud relatives hure the liraI ai th. yack. Clarence Ncumau, oai Houey Lake, @pent Saturdsj' sud Bunday wlth E. A. Coldiags iamily. Dr. aud lire. icCbesuiey, ai Wiscou). sou, aire the gueitaai li. nsd lira. h. C. Hillibibis yack. Frank sud Fred Wyukoop @pont Sutîsi vitb Ihoir parents, Mr. and lira. Nil. Wynkoop. lins. Mary Bluick and Mis Emme Smack are ai home et th. parsouffe again aiter a month'a vîmit vtth tala. ltes in Kansas. lles Emlly Bates retuned frosu CIhifago Satunday vhere 51e bui boen teoeiting Irealinent lun1the Ptesby- ttain hoapilaliafor thelait maith. Ou Monday uigbl 1the harivar atone 01 Doeji Putwu a sterol anti boflveu Ienty sud thirti dollars vorli af ammunitaon, kuives, raisons, ete, veto atalen. Msrlest, aIbthe home of Mrlin.sd Kr.Erokine Cakes In Chicga Tues. ciel eveniug Oct. 201h, lin Lîda B. IWord sud Clyde A. Golding. A tecep. %aonvas given the Young couple aI the home ai Mr. and lins. H. Golding tWedne.dai evenlng. Startling, Sut True. 1 Ilf every one kned vbat e grand rmedlle Dr. Ring's New Lite PlUii. i, wIeD. H. TurnesDo ?o5vm a., «U &U seilim voWbss a ly Two ahow bou ami 461 Ibis veék., Berman Ruelta 001aiok vtb lb. ip. resh oranges and walnuteab etmii Fraenka. Guobv Fi.41er vas'a Barrington visiter Mondai. Frank Boney shippufi a car load af stock freinulbore Mouday. lKn. and Klra. Emil Frank teck a ride ta Wanunda luit iunday. lira. Henry Selp and danghter Emma, returned froin Chicago Mon- dey. Louis Seip, vho has been aick vitb typbaid lever he piai tva uutbs, i0 ezpected ont here oei veek. lit. and lits. John Pocbes hast their baby boy beptiaed lait Suuday nt the CathaUce chnreh ln Crystal Lake. HOe wui nemed Thomas iH. John acheah, James (livena, Chai. Nrberg snd Marah Undervaod expect cc leave Lake Znticba nezi week sud go ta the Wisconsin waods for lbe vinter. Chas. D. Cien, ane ai Lake Zurich'@ aid sandbys, vham the maxaia ent ont ai tavu abont sasuoulh ega camne bock lest Bnnday, but the suarshal bâad hie eye ou hlm aud gave hlm bis valking papersa gain. There are a fev more sncb ni litons lu tavn Ibat anghit ta be ment the @ame raid. SAUGATUCK. J. P. Shermen vwent la 1the City an business Weduesday. Frank Taylor bai purchasod s nev abiredder aud le ready for vaik. Dld yau vole for the very boit mon at Tuesday? If uat, vhy uot. Alsuand brother. have nearly cam- pleted Ibeir newbouse. Il f8a ereai beauly and wyul W a sjay for ever. Mir. aud !drs. John McCauu arrlved hure miter their veddiug trip Bnnday evenlng. Monday oveulug vo erd a --mized>" baud playlng (?)fu It M. licCana yard for a while. W. ail wlmh lit, aud lira. àicCau a long aud happy vedded L.ie. Clark Chandler bld 1the misiortune ta run bis lhreshiug englue intoaa very bâtd hale lu the Edic toast lent Monday evening sud had a great deal ai trouble gelting ont. Theo min eveulng ou thesame rood, lit. Wilson, of Grange Hall toas vas thravn ont ai hiesmurîoy but eacaped vithout iDjury auly breaking bis ev vblwp and the vhip sackel. Thf. i. only a sample af what ont rosas are. Wbere, Oh where, are the toast commiisiouors. pffl Ceavinedui J07ay ti la H. C. Payne sMd deeghteto ver.abt Ivanhoe Ftidey evening.1 John Lenacu, Jr., and X. Tavuaend eeob lait; abotsesihis vsek. W. B. Bmith, oi Wankegaun, tiaIt relatives hereabonts ibis vesk. litsud lira. George Deuveiliare rejofciug over $lb. bfrth of a sou. Miea Mary Payne, af livasha, visii ed ber brolfer, H. C. part of lait vesi. litsud lira. George Huannexpeot ta suave la Chicago lu the uer future. Meurs. Davis, Deutohior sud Diethoru shipped cattie 10 Chicagoa Monday evenlng. James Carnay, oaitbfs place and brathet-nlav. a irv, have reuted1 John Converse,@ place. Thomsou Brai. vi th their familles,1 oi Grayalake, wve.gueute of lir, snd lira. 0. L. Thomson ou buusay. T. Bilhasu hm aprchsed a fea inl Vireli& niad expoeo mois suthore thia moulth. He has bouglit a car oi baises to take vilh bhlm. Wanted. We wauld like to ask, tlirougb 111e columa oiyaur paper, fI Ihere la eny persan vbo bas uied Greens Auguet Iciven for 1the cure ai indigestion, dyspepsie.,and Uver troubles Ihat hma nal been cured-and vs sMm men their resultea uch s our atomach, fermentation af food, habituel casti vo- neom, neivani dyspepsie, headaches. despandent feelings, sesplessea- lu fact, auY trouble cunnected wish lhe asob hor livet? This medicine bui been sold for suany yeurs lu aIl clvflzeo anutries. sud vo vinhta correspond viib yon sud send you ans af aur books ires ai 00s..if you neyer triod Anguat loyer, lry a 25 (!ent batletie ret. We have nover kuavu aif Ia isiling. If so, samethfug mori serionsua fthe imalter vlth yau. l'bo 25 cent ssO hbas$albea u inra- lucedIbis yeer. Itegular sîze 75 cents. For sale by m*&ytLAK5 I-isaSmAo, (irayalake, 111. 0. O. (hEMz, Wood- bnry. N. J. mo.dJ., - Is6à~ .Ih1 1r1 mis" Amie Wilson vas à GoyimthM viailor Tueidai19 MiomsBerti andi Mary BKock va%& Wanoonda Priday. Paul Obs«.,of Chicago, ma" Oa Viuit Mt Roui" 18 Umday. lir. Amande Wigbtman u& avidimu~ at VIllus Maonday Attorney 0. C. Edvarde vas a visiter t Waukegan Tuoeday. Chas. Hucket anud vite ve t»i guesbs of Olive iBook suaday. li@. Bain.,ofi LakoVilla, wui Me guemgtlai MissLydia Edords 1h0 vmi We are.glad th"l thc Bon of tLuml~ Borge Who hb ba » srfoui tiss vii bis knee la improving. Min Darby sud rinonda, of Wlimo,, Wil., vire visiton etab$Uichomo et Orlando lBook over sunday. 1 Ney@ bas boom receveti of the dqotb af Miru. J. A. Borge, of redfo a muss tir. Borge vau formerly a rssidet ef tbis place. A. Chriobtisu, ai tbe lrm 01 Whituey Cbxisianan & Belloei droye ont iran 1the oiy nday sud cas thc gueil 0f Honry C. Efivardi. . UtaiMande Efivarda irnicampeny vili ber cousin, Mis. Oletha B. Wright, aifCeliforniao4 ete gnusM oi Chas. Lamb, ar Gurno., suay. Mrs. Lamb i. stili very fil. A Timly Auuounoememt. There yull ho a grand bail et the Grayalake Opera glouam on Thankagr. log eveuiug, Nov. %th1. Make 7001 arreugemnents ta came ta Grayalakouc &bat1 date. The suait complete gad uperiar acoommadatiins are sfoodei and thtis hall la recogniaed as decidedly th1e boit in the couuly. iierlla u. ira arebeasayhae been secured sud viliitfnuilsh themmuale. Itamembar the date Tbanksglviug evenlng, Norv. Ml. The Page Woven Wire Fonce Coiny 0F NEW JERSEY. t IE ti AUCTION SALES. listing decided ta quit fanmiug 1 'iiIl aes etpublic ludtion, onutbc0 Lol sarsu, a mile soulh ci Liberty- ine ou Milwankee Avenue, Thnrsday a Not. 20, 1 02, commeuciug as 10 a. su. bnap, th. flUaving doncribed pro. il uerli, to-vil: 25 choies cava, 12 nov mi kers 4 viîb calte. by aide, 4 apringers, balance giviug miii, il hefiers 2 yrs aId comtug l a aire fnezt tach, 15 boliers caming 2 yrs aId lu prlng, 3heliera comlug i yr aid lu âpring, feulblool Durhamu bull 3 yra nid in spring, Durhamu bull i yr aid, pait brovumemres 6 and 1 years aId et 25M0, bravu geldiug 7 ira aid 16 bande hlgb es 1250, brood mare (Nib.ey) 9 yen aid by Mambietoan Prince dam Bannie hicotland and 'ogialered, anckiug colt frasu Nlbiey- %ire Cea. Willi, Jr, 2 bai Prairie King mars ont ai Nlbsey 5 and 6 yeara aid wq 1100 each broke single aud double, !bey mares cming 3 and 4 ra ad ired by Cea. Wilkes. Jr. oui ai Nihsey, I double herceuses au. nearii nov, single bernos, aide siddne nev, double carrtago good condition, single cartiage, roast vagon, milk vagon, lumben wagon vîth double box, bei rack. sahtd couifoît sulky plov, 2 waîkinfi plaws 14 sud 16 Inch; seeder, sulky colltvatar, check roc coru planter, TrIumph grain blnler, pair agoe lever drage oev, 800 bu choice wbite oat, big eack ast alrsv, 20 actes corn roved bath vays lu mhock eut vItbibnder, 30 ablpplng cana, nilk pas ansuatrainets, steel rauge nearly Dew, 2 coal beatig slaves, forks. shovele sud mani ather articlies t00 nuetous ta mention. An abave praperli ta be mold. Regna tAtrme. OnivIRUBava, Prop. W. B. APPLET, Auctioner. The uideraigned baviug dfflided ta quit larmingviii oeeli etpublie anotian withourreaerve on the Thon. Dwyer feai, located s mile moulu ai North ubicaga and one-lonrtb ai a mile sautb ai Fuve Points, Tneanday, Nov. 18, 1902, cammenctug as 10 a. su. sharp th1e iollavtng praperty, ta-vit: 2l head ai caille conasig ai 10 00v., -j miliers, one heavy aprIngen, ô yearling ballets, 2 2-yr aId heliers, one fuot blond Ayerablre bull casuing 2 yns aId, 2 thoîougb bred Swlinbull. 15 mat old, 1 tharoughbrod Hyfasebull ceti; gray mare camlug 6 yrs aid, vt 125>0, good driver; mare I9 yrs 011 aI 1350, broad mare Il yt. aid, 2 spriug colle, 2 brood Boy. vith 7 pige, 12 sac%, qusutiti af hey, Champion binder nec. D«eiing inoCOt nec, Deerng plav nec, sulky cultivatar sud nmooder casublned, nev; ianuing mli, bed cuiter, wagon, 2 oeatea sartey, single buggy, 2 seàsed buggy, bey ru",knsldauble york haruensel e Uigbt double haruess, single barneus. Plymouth rock chîchena, saine d Unka, barrel oauru, ammnailiu"g stove, hausehol intuiture, and miazior articles not mentiaued. Rogular terme. BumY . BRaIPE, Frop. W. IL APPLa, Auctianeer. Baving decidedta 10quit iermiug 1 yulioeil ai public anotion at Saud Liake ou 111e oa Martin feai 2 ml s eut of Lake Villa, Salurdai Navembon 18, Ion2, cammeoing a1 10 a. su. sbarp the falloving goads sud ohatteis: 7 hue ainslkocav, 2 2-îr-aid aptingers, $ spripg altes, bey haro 9 yrs ald, bey mare 19 ira aId, bai borse 10 ira nid, bay non; coming 2 ixo a gaod ane, bravu 81tae 8 yîa nid, Shetland pony, 6M0 bu cala, 500 bu corn la bc oold, by bulin.laMO0 hacke corn,orn falder, 4 mlecis uplad bay, steak ai atnav, 9Decntigcorn bllek, riding oultivator, puiveriser, ne etaisteel drma, Bradley piov, John Deere plv, Csée ad plov, Oshamne mocet, lumbet wagon,. pring wagon, top buggy, sel double harnas, singie harnais, Accru ca0k slave Na. 8. ail abov earticesare nev and fre1 olase iu eveni parliciam. Lunch sud M.fesbmcutsa @4noaandifaix Ineat- L Mumm. ?va" to Lihertyville, will have its cars in operatioîî in Juy. Everything pertainiîîg to tlîis road is of:tbe very best kmd, road bed, rails, cars, etc., aînd bosides the manage. ment hîave, fencing the givèîî orders entire lino tour Coinî-1 with Our 1aiy f<or . highest grade of railroad fenciîîg. Posti; set extra deep in the ground and strongly braeed. The fonce when completed, wiii b. a credit both to the Railroad Company and to the Page Woven.,Wire Fonce Company. Write for Catalogue:- PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., 0. 1. LUCE, AUSTIN CLEMENT, V. P., LOCAL AOUI« '00 Monroe St. Cbicngo. Liborlyvîf o., 1Ihes. Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Builders' and Vehicles of Materials andý ail Kinds:::: :, Hardwar:::: Coal, Lime, We solicit your ~ Cernent, Sait patronage and as- and Feed. sure satisfaction. Ivanhoe Iteéms. j. D Off i Llb Li D. F Roi Dr. p Di lu. Roi B W~RIGHT BROTHERS MA We have a complete line of STOVES AND RANOES that we bought Iast spring before the raise in price. We have the right prices on Acoms, Stewarts, GoId Coins, Garlands. COttE AND SiEP US. SCIIANCk BROS, Ubortyville n~a 1