Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 14 Nov 1902, p. 2

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NT E ,1.DEPENDENT 1--for -Fre _ -t1Tr11n1port-ation. TIE PRE DENT'S ROBABLE.C-...ththe gretestlcarand-powr, or e pUhLSHE WEKLV.OMMNDAuON . gineshragle in the ir h iry. R is 1 - - . , .1 ý ~timaýted by conservative anid exper afi.. ------... ârl imAPIAINý1en tat the demand for cars taonmove .ý AOWBISIG KAES N APLICTi0. 1Roosevelt'*S8tatle Paper Probably Will tetrfi o hecutry wvhich isn iow OPE . ..inad Arra..e-ent of Reci-rocity. 1 ceaseo ,aythe -r than ildeceaeutil mki Tre ady W »ULIIN FR EWYOK HM- Tt -4d President Roosevelt has his Annouai yard and every freight houne lantthe coune- the country containling el Ott BUER NGFOMEYR CHA1- messagý to Congress for advanced toward try in blockaded %with traffic tawaiting wholesome developmlent. Fall BE FCMEC.3 compfletion. Although the contente of transportation facilities. tien was unusually large, Mand . Th ---- - e=;ý ý ý President Roosevelt's message wil libe 8c bad hias thre situation become that transaction& in heavier goods .iatte ltx-pr«Ld.t Ci.ýýe.d X.kenSPeech -kept secret until it is forwarded to Con- a sudden period of cold weathier wvould tonsiderinig the mnildness of the,,_'i la-Pth e a n C leIresa ... ereltt Z ý mmmgres%, enough liskn ow .te th e a inat imen the r re the osn fac i Cm laintest iofest g t M e ins imut romi-ag o or og NwMxL, HCG OTNBY TROLLEY to enable a forecast of these features to danger of this, traic neid operating men unie of buiness handled byl the u- an ."t PrieEs---KansaINuBOER WAR arnefratu hog ewMxcCIAOT OTNbemd r sn lns uehuman efforts touwich lreport earnings for 0tflý ,r matsae gcr saiMrr• MN sANI BY • Aiona and Oklahoma proposred for a ri-oveie Tatdereh enfocaneinterelie he iotuopne aeroin e en agr hnlstya* WithPrýientRoosvel andfornIr utb kG inDetail.-o e ent subomiteTe tpof the stecomtittee n M a a eU neElectrtic Cars, attitude of the adminitration on Cuban aegainst thope. Thre facts with respect to per cent above 1900,"The feg$ li Winîet h residentR asevelt and o for ini A vu rak hna ei tor. T hecip of the su bcommttee D.Lo. ,8 kbridge of Boston, has iust reciprocity will be made apparent,:ut thre trans§portationfaclilities Of the cun- from the Weekly Trade Revieow of 1pre Pursdn eeand t erga itsgestof r- Mailadvicesreceived from the Orient i rprtr otecnieainb . . Cia ,hvn aete wehrte essag re e wl relgislù try and the &mmount of traffe of every de- Don & Co. it contifinnes. 1 tan hemr ndwih epesnttiesoffof iieorts from 1Kwei Chune, committee of thre application of ,hese e returnied fromt gr clie),har iwithnthe ex- tionor will prioiste t raiso f srpinadcasta sigofred it is the exception when snan e sig venmets nd the ditinuis e tcBoce"r o f ze Chuan, detailing thear- treb erioienoram.sont a e eti trf i bytroa o hcaPb bnrpocitylteaty o it esena tutopublie carri-rs airestarthing in thir ingbat plante have not contracts i-ý ' , Naal ew York ChamberiofiCoinetrae et Bxrotbektee.Atrrla-ho.took a steamner to Muskegon, IMich. probably will depend upenthepors significance, for lin the- trafe ofhthre conn-ancqvity for motny monthes, àth di 'J an fersalydedcaeditsbuldng -n haingteicdnslaigu oted-HAZING PRANK PROV E8 FT A1- ro m thoat pointorto Auburn, N. Y., hoe utat aylbe umdein t he li ne-,two wes tr'smrrrda rseit t su- inetoe i l et aken orner ciy usdy.Te ewbilina an truction of thre churches in thre two dis6-- rd ntol as eigteeolgd twrdtengtainoP eoc ty ecntred a t owtylin l n- In ngti mportunate ecuoi sý boz nae trctreofwh teabeis sit-trict n h udr fmn aie Student là, Dropped Fifty Fent, butito takre a tr'in at &schenectady, ,whiere treaty. Tesaitc eadn h mvm e o o mdte rprtion ý ete d LbertldI-y . treet, bet ee nsau montertterpr as:evtated is- Po fw trBek al e rd ntrolleys te o rudon, N. . Poa(eAtonoerut. offegh uigte>attw ere" ton sshw y u ar str ened wBroawayTe pro ed gs metsof trouosmwre set o hedir- Though every membler of the faculty thence by train to Hastings, N. Y., Interest In the forthcoming muessage la almost inconeivablle and show 8asduos declined about 1 lier cent ith $ 00,6t -'. weeoee ihapae fddcun turbed places and beside-SIlyig 200 o uenes positively thant such was the case, where a trolley car toôk him to New largely centered lin what the President noth'iug elie the inc(reaisinig prosperity ne ber, $9W,579, comparM ng,,W ýý li liyrRev. MorganDi, eto o rity 00of the linsurgenitsthre troops succeed- an attemipt tu base a student of the Un'- York Cityaetlotalditance fromt Chi- may have to gay on the subject uf trust every brnch ,of m lustry--a comniuerciul.The derea.e occurre n meatea brhrnades fwloeb or- d i caturihngtusev e al, wh e r ve sty of T a enssee at noxville re-cage of abolit 700 nailes. Betw4een WW regulation. The I*resident will urge Con- Industrial ndit maiiifacturing a riviy nainly tie lutter. S,. 10 rie K. essp presid nt of the cha mbter, boghio hntuad eapttd.f- utd TnanacietwhcnntinsusYreadBstnhewsabiedt tk geKtocnsdrthxsujctcrfullhtesbcoig h one o T eolydveometb n h 1ie folowe, ad ten he raton -f te dy tween 5,000 and 6,000 Boxers ad l sm- amiaceprevented fro mt eing ore ne- taiscoein nwomre aotgpth e withte vniewtothe ectment oflegis-tion ns. Weoan teaeae a st ro nitelmrela en itst was elivred by frmer Preiden »'ledi wyn sen hnagH o'rious. J. . Willford, of Memaphis, ws2n26 bi ' from the m'etropoli". lation which will reguilate the truists Withe- gthatduring1 h alrai ftw cetrdcininpieo GrvrCeeln.adCein ow , where thley a ]oyc p -edthe t e rctim of t edpananrd unlies%%lhe Unfor unately, Mr. Stockbridge did not out endalngering the industries in which country transported or movedatalf takre effect 1ec. L While somteebfQ . iri - talon ofmark et n and le s may c-n was inern ay onjur ed, s fered hetike a m oandum of this fares. le-they are engaged. over 1,0(x)N0p(x) ton. of fre it, for was anticipated, thie tradte was nto ý nIlgST GOVERNOR MUST MARRY. tim o tetan'ad sthyc "A eoe. at f aessezdhmten- o nBClvln e-d I asarayiniae.ha e l wihte rcie vr 1x)9 aedfr olag act.I tere --- get hold of. A sarantiforce was sent but lhe escaped and Ofldto hi@ quartierstwee miTledo ath eladf ixtyanrour' H f savo cons ituinal amendment, ife ch andthathey cri ed over 60tWA000 K() plforingo prce lita e t a f intsect«,i 1-0ople of Kansas Demand thant N e othe Boxera to exhort them to disersne. i umCHal here the door he had n y rinc les itishe paofsset hrn ough fan ramendnt is ioaneessary, io e able iengerilt, fo rhc teyreeedoer g( ((K of in the m re holst imueratn erW 1t T e ctivth e hal e. Iddno aesrignoeaue nths lced wsbondwad he nwas opte erc Chicago, Muskegon(). Congress to act effectiVely. He han been $3d,000,tXx), hi. mental faculties are tradte, there will tnoccasion fr igru . li Th atta h e oenrad cccaion, because 1 feared Iithat aong seized and dropped out of a third-story Gend ro u. iGrand IRapids, Jatckson. advised, however, by such a Capable law- sttunned at thie magnitude of these trans- cation, au somle exceptional expert inmme IJeutenant Governor of Kansas aire bach ;the Boxers there migthobe an'y famline Wvindow. A pool of water ww altht rnAroeYnlat.Arin eritaeil tonyGeea nothtte cinhsdh ein oralz htth etisneeo iatthtev4 ilers hbas caused much stir among the ;strickeon inhabitants who were not ds- broke thio fail, a distance of ifty feet. Afn ro Ahtbusi lant a dr, Telo,, rncesairytowne r alady xint ndhe atU n nit d tae eis wthr enlmos t oser-,ports fgi r ý, o and b irets any, 2 people of Topkadprtclryteso-oeoodoeibtwre simply niid .aDit even then his shoulder wsd 0T'i vil S ahrn . B lalo, wl eo medlgatin alot, ngdhelies on clmStryesin nh eld. ee ni gt r , nacshae ben c peliaitt ca se.The people of Kansas imaist b h oxr.Afight followved and ctd.Hsco rdsworeadd i ns e b iibay ehncady, och Atre'Gnrl' itbug lre steyae il egeal1 ýbcue fteporrcepso c ,a thtteGvernor get mDarried, and hople 1Boxers wre killed and the thlers driven l'ghyreaize wat heyha doe i- ockorseurof tnkrirewYor• oh o fr !-2 aw tosealtmbsinofitCherkorlileevdene o iproem ffrrbillintl scial unctonsln thonewiacn.Thenorcee nteas ..gedto motointanty,-adehaantineinhfiItntordHastan, orwalntBidgeortIlruewageprobbny wll rfer o th iYatnkeeea.fngeron , .omn rcia and noth rauay stuatin, mtivep11e exctv aso.Gov.-elect B iley ,as tr" Cocluing, tiie reort ays6 evryting they coutld to toe orIr-lwHae-Hrtod, r e, l'l estrikeinte tr acit ies n d tothe t OlIItial ime-trf the counliiýity on>t b,--e ,i uterlI nede, ua-e ttbeen in Topeka since his elction. His though there .till exists elemenbao feardis trick. ThIe utmlost secrecy hatnsoe s t li rc- a esteHran stfo S n progs riessbinge nbaade toward ahAd jut- e ilstare to ,ay hat thincreas i nt rat i 'ntatsrI'a te utr agd fte silathsh m tB i rder, there is not much ta e - served, and local papers tprnt tre - ,Iis, W retran otn io f tnhe g;ditute e tw nrd Airi th .iftheit o t e e l r . ll ( srimoetr tr n ft r i O r ge ftuelu a. leysiville, And reporte say lhe cannot re- from thre Boxers, becauseaithtie rebo theefetthat it was altogether acci- M NI GKI GBE TtOAI•or athe i ne owne .-,,ýIitres. ll f treseoe ral yea ;r t cme, pl-sroil) Ix' l . g,t whiile ate s al o rie . s ieh t y 411, coever. iWlhether they have received Of- chiefs have been exterminated-thedent --IheeIilNeGotin i te esae ur deshe ar althrear one- woksmo hpyrd..ig pe Sna rig sntko HOOTS OFFICER, KILLS SELF. S I N L M 8- B DO E . Letaoq Belettt convicrted of Fraud, 14s a ori go tobn o ent Of the Prin- quently no er p firihireu. lire t ili lil nfo e n t ideleye t ,ýI andHanname G e is euinl. FoetOio iee Cmit-So8l-Cre aoflhe RnA.Laker Tae toJudge Munger of thre United Stattes vent himufromt recommgehding thre redu BIG BRIDGE IN FLAMES. lda it rgub tr limtprces. Rte nt enarIQý'N Dftr eyer Mstotoreni e iar. FoetOi tPEsae re A Y wl n ak ur acker I)igtrict Court at Des Moines refuged 10 tion, by direct enactmient or 1 y recip e New tructur Overrte East iver w ihepla s Aferalealbtte o hs red m At Forest, Ohio, Jame Young, a Pls- ire on the steaneak IroIdov rat.etonlal trihae etece-ar mnthwthfoe n. erbenedd am ge 60, Mu ' th lit rly adirtoe f hemake thant lasted nearly six years, and asterer, ahot and badly vwounded a police- white bound down Lke I oat s. mining king," al 1000tr a nd ot spend eofuty wh h iy Firewhohnanerl aiestmata cla - a h l, tly thserelouenof e rkeof Me ;1 .n w aged in a dosen tribunrals, E. S. Deeyer' mn ho sought to e t hman he teerthtot nrrfgenoawPlmr a nthnn f j1eBllle as Itnanr yamebe f geofM uxlaa kl hen mnihd emnd or unond co Ch eiceago ake Uwit eSttae om itenuiibc efoicae r anatthe tug J. E. Run bell sig ted the convir ue th p e 1 e heaontfha tet e gewi f r rtirae iYork it d u sin e IIiunn ol i s ligt. teff che t Supem Cur a Wahigtn ooa a the bruttlimne in f6fteen years, and whien burniog vessel. s o sempmsad chsdwa skow stW iean creaution of anpermen t c mnlit a ionge Brn overuthree o urs M asp auan q Iuir ing for seix aplei .ees, f ý O thge lastbopre of the man convictei he ledjiscovered ggtatie was gomlg t le and y vgr su e bf e Sea rch w"jsan as e t lakr Oregon.e Whi h a en t h re tio fall ti ge expert n - mannrreder rehu.ia Dýtu ar n ot e livrfed asolr ail as k ý_ e enhessiement of $816,000 of West ar arrested for beating is wife andtbreakt- homeextinguishe r'sire az .STrheyl ar e , iByketheo.w er , nden to d ratin talth neds of theegoern t hela-ire a ttetpo aseeot Basrets w.d eo y Bo rd fndu by adirming the decisio oing the furniture, hid himsef in a ro omi madefrth a de d icew nc ysars e expt it thr ouh v ri se etsl- d ofter gterestsdthus e- steel stru t irQe toi fn mthe i. .areaiplefeiur t-iil apdyaenyb&m. 1ý theSuree Cur oetnoi. psais adfho Jhntauchy.ou et e'dstrcaewstof eturtockh ig otok ottee onhlypamet lan bin i tomae ecmmedaios o ws edbytwetyornoer rrmore What oeidin fou, xpotsfo t will a y RoseofTcott.lie nan as rah e was nerrribly lacer- The Parker is at er dock. B othi mioke- It was ,llshownt the trit1 ao t m retho ongri es are wh ich wil aente omit..u .cti .e mera fr|wekenig1 lagrgae5,m Alexander Me onald a millionaire of 1 Theplce a ed rlfe T eshoi stack have fallen, the after cbni l 10,0 aeeevd yUi tts tees chrged with the prepara tn 1of ,a at itcl b" lO o vT Oflom- iel n isrI-,ili ·rfl 0exoast orweek, - canten, ois not iathen g n fefpu. t ed and i ring of ermed and excited ms esrydàn hedcsare, buried alliinvestors l vr ntadolrws revenue laws a great dent Of labor and in- rlr'lll abl.'g 11- Te lim t.IeI-ý s bels4m a un hi .e lsyarad ,. . €haseof Abbtorthe m ctani eot ctizen@ ait he YoungIoe. ,An attemipt for a long distanc forward. It wa s o iýshown tint ialthough repre. sure a more ntelligent framing of iuetiitiatti-tulttiIto e "1a al on h th ionsefi;;s t masuicideabefre the obot h cutil DROP8 DEAD N HE PULPIT. sentaa vt, er ngmaetthe ontitrary in laws.Views on Currency Heform. t>l.r]rkI l a .7071a r ) iatli mneJ I Walter S cott. If the negotiations are h h fi The case has een Closely alled tonthe1questin of reve- fellfor an hour or o r1 .wn throFi aCm sful Mr. M Donald intend to lire- rene im. D.-.R.R nyn- tikeh eticer an apea.routie govenment t ue ise- subjct currencyfean.båk rcue W a ueaN ead neprsn:rgt 3.4 se h os n saet h cthUP OLDS T E ANTI-TRUST LAW. , PreC higi hi T own. tried twice and as i h ovruot n g e f torm. ec tf arny awis bearti y ranr in1 o r for v-erl;- l yi n 3,6 best week, geople. . ~~~White preaching at the 31ethodist $ 0, farf te -stblsmet0f.,svr lrutreinBr k-r l ki i ni 1. orh l ie n T hie l Couplled. a n ebra.Sk lagpee Couritt Decar heChuirch at New Richmnond, Ohio. the INDIANA POSTOFFICES ROBBED. tem of assetibaning which wouhl ivelm trr n atI-: - t , :r e o r nre 1ý7t .!r ho. Fo bu ' tte ta u cs tiuioa Iev W.of R.Grnya n distc, rsing -- ad G t ;renter flexibility ito the nationatl bank ln % iýtttt i.i le t r r%%il1 l I, r t -7il 4l ast n- U1ason41ande0% Whupo ie Wiotingamchken o, was hao The Nebraska Supr me Court hse ldr fthneoR W . r gtown, ) di, sict, as B r-ar yn mtelae-ad Ge .creyof n t hcon ry, and w ould tien-e fot a a1w etri.: uposkled to benrWillimeyaso a n g iven a de cision a stainig the co stitu- uddenl stricken with he art dise ase 4nd Awy nawits ea nd Cash' abey the a nsthemselvet oultie -oer frnt-O a ý. t t al 'lstru1 .. cion.7.7 l. -.n n l an klld y eryBale, aileytionality of the State anti-trust la v idams ntnl.SotyatrDr h aei h ttiea lvr a n e t ros of mo-,ntay tige c.r a - -t(ia, beam.n ami rderi-fi farM e livig Itn, L ang d otinn. y which a d tal be ataced by thessoN- IBunyan ad begun h is sermion, thre be- land, Ind., was blown open thre other i hc hymstnwapa ote S'e of-1 thdi- l .. t. wern d rop- t wa repoted ur aruedmth igtbya aamC te& bak ealL merDaes soi-ond of te day t te sa e church, Le ih y6emskd mnadtCon- treasury frhe lo.u te w Peidenthdes hti. " ko1s11bo . tewektatteralod eso, ied his gu n ruhe d out o He tion, as defendant in a suit fotr damages faltered sand fell at the foot of tem-tere nts, conistmn f evemrta nd tred o- ntre specifico r e comIf inenPi riuc egdv isa n 1th-i rn n .l r h kethtof fth-,- l - e p elle Wes t es umd edat ano m pte drns, efor forcing a retail dealer out o business- t n mbr f eron rthdnot e , ar s i tam n d ca s h carred doyt toninhi m1-gehepobbl wllenl it rve rn1Wbe te ir w- in n uti"trcton1t cmmlM. n= K ao'copethe next morag. -The law exempts laboring men. Th e r'asi. tiue, bu beo/r e the rahti oelabet, woown pin e te c att y entin of Congr s t e rco. a tteries erk,,f I - l '-uri',nal ents n< tfegt e lnt toice ae oe Alan 0. aso Is Freed. .ourt oldo the association totobe inla - asss i iwa e x tinc/t h Bes B o store n whct he o songpasânadth e ndtoso hertroh ra-at m lcka a ol n uies o h rsn. O en of G. a f ,but d se thl n tsIncorpora 15 Ubye ars of age. watt c ptu re ythe ole mandwend temesgeil noseterco - a.t.. trc i<Vr t - t ein h rt sh lib u C are m ft able for danages ciai;iorro thirir EXPLORER FINDS NEWRIVER. finishedt rrworkp ot o mv. Tend saIon whic u dor itry M r n inaloiall r was a r.the h g til retmic - INIrd District Court of eastern 3Mdle-at- g tremaC nda BDsoerd r, a nd gwth pot liw a le three resCnularvmnto-h av esanifrot nterie regt orterrod -ie mew. Not sufficient evidence was found ESTIMATE FOR BOER COLONIES,. lbyrMember of Geological ÉSurvey• Worth of stamip. There wre tsaf-e (dooreune fn the quvIes ftw irh n ay no be ion [. .__- - --n ll ,trel --, ) - n ed wI iont iess androuh oblet re tu hold king. - ~~~~~~~W. J. Wilson, an explorer of the C aoplsinno-dnae ai tinte d . finaly sof he'l of yt he Pres'ch ide>nt I, liu imntil utiitlmr-ý i- il i tf.r t.e ry ay. ha( ve not R ail &y B rike A ver eiLA ddit onal G rant of $40,000,0 00 M ay dian geological survey, as returned w ith w a blow n through t e s i e of the buil j ust ly bef r i s m ssa g e e i et out he vIle rd thea rs r a y.close l tas T e t R a i l w a y s t r i k e o A vt e r d eB e A l l o w e d f o r t h e Y e a r . h i s p a r t y f r o mter a t o u r t h r o u g h t h e u n e s - i n g . T e r o b b e r s e s c a d . y r nt o e s i t h e . r e f e r e n c e n th i c h e w- b t i n o o n a e a Th1hetne tieo teyrmn A civil service estiate as been le- plored Country t the outhwest of James - Yote- mae tohel nmcalierfru-nahl is e suilt ens I p,,ýId i nts heimle acy s of 1i C essply oed iteshag eeya rote sud in L onidon placig the additional bey. Mr. Wilson reports the dis'.owýry maiousy hemncnvce f fereortA ttonarney tA.en r ltorilodei.l p o wcunr o troithwaycopanies hfa bgeenavtted amo.unt required as a graLnt toanid the of a large river, hitherto unsurveyed, und ity yin ythe mrder f illiam he wf ill e rpr fAble tonorm CnressK ox,-hat I ha ptidng Poft he buiness Iýlinr its. I t oghteigigo anare e T ransvaal and Orange River Cony dur- running between the Albany river on the c ip l aY nd tinow erng a l i sentence th, it ed at e n anra qi re a un- no r mýlr.. -ou v o ha en ctrommen th eriad manaerMêand The ycommit-ing the present financial year fat $40,- South and the Ottawapicket river onit te i e etn cky Stte niatitiarylac duti e d itle tote atpor e r o te-- ---'nfrsowtie T esiutin taas reprsentig te n . ea yf arden 00,000. The sumn of $1500)0000l is toie north. T e ely discovered river ias a in tird o-infk e uolce *irinta t 1af-Frnc P na a nlcompnyand if TheMa ehtireFedraton-f--hl xis ]n oielnow i t. ase verl1 -eet ustniliceaeo ae.devoted to grants to burghers, $10,000,- courge of over 300milen, and rnear James n-adeanWfattess on fei n c on-r t atin:Is- thenc negt ati o lin]c w ithteClobiango omnui. faheh%[,-Iliis lork ng w ih the o hIle n1"rIuarle LIeosnot ,-s. Trie@ Marders Kills Self. 000 to British sufferers by the war, and bay divides mnto two branches, enpip ng wnt. onlyat toepronfeutiong otunela inenment hadfadmvancte as raily as had "Iiý,t' ful.o ,,rl wittin ooCob-'%,eAl'naIlilw s. onorcha ewll I.i roe is a ý floge Crme, w o@ bone In n i$,000 000lit e sed for loans pro -in toge Hud on b y. Severn1re ca kon oly t r se s arg ouid lit i nenthpli oui,>libe abl to atu -e or too f raIse -i:te sa indof 11it:,pr",fa1 el1-in . ailroha i als are e. O mer ramhio.ut w o was mp l)oy(4a ed by the terme of surrender to aid in also were discovered by thre exploring i; eet c he e 0 n ing corr bo- tat hedwayewas clea llor habnnic ing arlgramms h ooý,Ils Of ilt- Sta aboui]Iý.t roak 'Iing promIisand doe not 4 urm.inhCoum. resettiin rgthedloess.ut pa a e c oe.rty.on f its ontents. Of construction Iwork lat Onc. heCo plrof. Stanley lait Of Clark liIituar- u hixfrr ie frsmet ey : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ce Laa-rierfoeagrcey d vFuidB pRaagchonr. raio - loin neo l(gotintions ýýhave dragged along ¡"tybs xr ,,inlialn a r 'oni t on weieflfor ginentvme ,bas, Oio attemptloed tonmu er OeoLa Dcard ald.Thnira atd F pru t m an stae r Aquie-Prtu ne e nla t in such an u tiifac t.aneh w-.<f'hire s f effive shlor by grea.,te-r (qanity sortly, white ý A i esda B u rk , h i % form erdlandlady , t RBy a d ivided co urt the U n ited S tates A dm i F ram ps ops rIta e rol- T he sec ret a ue of the A n g o . rnt .aer t Ati .t i dou t ul if e r b bo v le ch o l ib.I rem , (']li rlt IIyis il i th rm ' , e a lr o i l n aur l g n um nr"d bM hle wain love anhe . B re e Court a f tire te oeiio fided with the threemasted schooneý,r treaty relates to threacquisition of thre to tell tongesta ray ento. acquir iuener a", II oi el IýIth from n, l e ars A featre of great bi wnb a- -teSprm outoheSae rN w Charley Bucki, bondit fromn Eddyv!ile' 'rums oois nArc. B hs tu Lg oied omptinga i t te t ermsa of lallor. o i,, ttming ten hi prot oirt a c as te.I, poit i Nhw Train Wheels 8911Man in T- o, a mplshire In the case of Clarence E . .Y. orBstn aotfe is off lause Germany isll u fire thenotheri h aa a aasc. . aM t t se tesotwsenralod ocnell E nem t Armstrong, a married rake- C lino vesus thant State. T e caileli't heN. Capeur od ligh uttshp. iT e schooer , u.>a rt fthor uu esil cie possessi tl ëons as far arrit il.teimof Lceiýgtia l. .,I i ebsnens o th<iremnpele .ad il e t here ba m an met a horrble Ieath in the y rds voled econ stitutionality ote he waspeukCd Cti n re a unly a irwieitain will take mrtheanmaerC T AnC un eRMt. sTO GU . d ir l 'ur ay througth lili e itle gra nal itheyo d v anc es . et Lexington, Ky. A. lhe w s descend- H mphreSat aw rqurngh e o- of Jonk n dsport Me., UlmerHutley, pathe fthe rmamr , uwl l aossesosag<a furTb ae wr-nymn-Ar- -i-hewgesul.teodswllme in fo amoig regt arte P margarine to b given a olor different maean tw samn oter u c e e and Irn zoM rue.Rter. than Goon thesoaurgeon ie ,may sier n ,ay'crk en,,ioya l en alf waytri on any oreadustn t p rie and lhe-fell aetride th rail. The from the color (of tter or e l abe led.madrond . Heoperted n Hi selfawrece . -n t thework oitonrtat i'fai car whe ls diied his body from the The validityf te law was su stained'HodUp. ..Lo _ _itznesrpis-obes.T e rnd .ofa lnwM a, a- L awtencevlrity art ngi,-kcoJý- y tlI I .n e rg m n yt s lwartat I le ch in ow . ¯ rD rig ed mecwth drwnse Dhhrsmae n nsccssulattemllpt known ilIr,,oklyn ve"teriLnary urgeonl, are T[lie amouiii reor,,ýt of l'I-reide.nt !,,I - radh e areningm nr monen ow iet 4 The imprial trbunal Hirtylie hrAe tfrarmnen.ia Thvovrsee re a saloon in North St. tl, olt telleBank of Seymour. Mo. Thiey anxiongly awaiting lthe outcomeoa eli1F- er T. WashIiingl,, lof Tuskegee Inst t r bfoe h hghprcs f vel militar 8ecret Betraed. Thity-fiv hundre trainmniinrtea- volersvenerenedaolholdxphthetccon ofw liwnthetafabut wile-thy were.narkabe experment am exhibtion of tlw grs dorischool n AL:0that ene into mfintennce an The mpeialtri ua mhfou nd lftor e mploky of eUnion Tra ction and on . Louis and atte mfthe ci mag ell pth tenc- wcorkigen t ei nnet-or aarodtf.,ereln'spat. Hihataleto" giesth tmiwmeatS >! eum ntare a sertii mo dr awbackven , t it Italian subjects, three 1men11 and(' one solidated lines in Chicago rceive n - P anto. Duri g tGearett an inr ae ct izeorkns appteair. tAousilade".from th ermaniof 50syart. whose ha gl t has Value ,. o p,I to wned 1 $4 . oerat ncin exlnsesae nin g prolà vie mand uit o.etayn ,ml t s-crease in w ges of over 10 ler cent d t- . ed Richard Garttn aa table. a s robbers put the cý- i tizens torlihtadfrnd the ,niforlygod tl ey reenl. T e isttu - a las. upIl e r tionately oan a ngbc t et-1,acodigt te aenlarger, andatbe.vns rber o leli that the net"a eoV In fp,,,.r>- Le i 40.2 ý: i lr sros rw ac,1 rtsad e -vrigthto aaenscrt igbc o et 5 ccrigt.he aet te o ah n wl rbby obr et h akad a o te few moths go aotback toocthI v n nd- 1ecer. wetytiec.e igsar o olag a oudheit af he renh gvenmet. he ecrtsfindings of the board of arbitration, sot In th e fgh ned w the robrbeyr , rload, eaingonk hndcraceandtheahalit puled. «*ot T ire ittagt. fromsthe enormous business being ereethe plans of the fortifications ofowhich made ts report, after haing had me.dThe5no oot ward his tongueand neck became a - 1)ut-ing the nwetinsdof the Gernnen e Md ad thr i potat pacs. the dem nd of te street car men under Who ran withou securing any b . Bve Hlld y aqi d. etaisngeandheav sk er, sco t - lna oges tBriPof rul h wetn re a ing Igged consideration for ne arly two month . SxH nde- oresOnt Sosre tunigt o rioa o a eduin tbccbu hegowhin il riughtiforward te ring s i ti n tài o -n frntstfro r ecent hIii b oints, ma W rck and Rob T w oIf ee"_ Six hundredmenandwomn ploe d Mrcal Sonroore:ta br iorepor otaler e muhi e asa ed, until eroul are ly $125.turspent By h oern wnto.arl ti li wr ur n ededa.we j The office of Walker & Str tan, Will e A F ree. Sxhe Mredma n Wriht factoy eof te y qi Ind..aians. rte wyn et. Mearîq oi s n t ime . thelglamla nthi e k taint ain Geýýt(lCo ru schols f)li 'ie d i > akts ovegrgthe electon soap manufacturer% on Ierru Island, Amba sador Cho ate as reporte to t btheMrugan &Chicgh av str uckThe Macial,ýion coan y Ontiw fa dto S n mswelle minou l. e cuilounel $2t rMiesnt hus teng,ýrýtye th e n '- nroanereet 1211 r int m in Pitsbrg ws punerd y rlarsa . the e eetary of State at a hinton rubberruscim hiatohe a ny is ot.Micn, J .Sllvnzuprneenn M . M rrycnslte a peiala n< trios. owefuimnd hoflanguage." A - wak.essapprenly Two of the four sfes were blon ,)ope n lresoe to instructions In reratio te w ving up tointageeme n ynerin nto ameica t La3. Me ll wasu attacked nt w a advoinislytath hd acetld te pae doae h ooe i f.ier n thevils rdowtrn, neco with dynamite, $6 0 w a stolen, and tadb the Briri ti h go v ern ment aOs dre- ithg iteunan agew daen ag aterlt ane et re ap ouncedform. tr. uraratinor se. of Ge'ray t h Amerf ntuiaan . ollowe. hr e h as211 beeo no chna tul uld500i otnoga ag.a on nrso ari e lnthaLord Lans- oard of arbitration tad adju td griey- B rnngofa hete. e dmusf sm trtouan vape BOnt liriotn. 1113 idea i totromo-,1-,t an < generalTe nt aiet.hc s ir . Tl to the ne han inforedli m thiat it i pur- "anc. The randopea THue in ash ie uetmb wit e itki o cn eon theue rabl un esan in with thia en;thge aesmebaisLetuethIr NewGod FndinColrao• posed to send the prisoners li question D uhbr rvnH m. Tenn, a dOera o eiy fire vThethe a Rathtineilt nde th erMuray r-sakin g nisais itel aer p eith nromeasing oprimary Colorado Springs as new gld ex- t th e lU nited States by thge fi ststeaer. Aother chaptrivn Hoe .Dukobrt erhawodseting cpciy of 1,Ge0tnd Ralperating tta reonhi h e. oWithaet.arle d shess . lii wt h .,li. mernrt, buntetocl tradern areut. inb sltemen Ttire tim i e ar almostomewithin th.e. iv1. age began the other day wen %wals lnxt t the argest place of nuste- sove t operet 's n hoife inhandha etoo-eiet lo fH rvr esone beaish Shyomt. h tie si e r t ree e f oi ,1SriA W mnslin-. pi l ime g rment cotcial started the Snu-an men.t in the city. T. J. Boyle. te man - erinary surgeonifr and pulling out his iniiaddressing theal tnnecticut Sotte Canyon six mile* out near the SorT e.aou Yllw pins Iosea te ovonigetunrhirwaobmefom@yrsasitwil e euit.Thils ibuabfredi o elnerar ead ie f eahes o«aton o;te ube l ine Rond to Cripple Crek. A says Yellow Spring , O hio, hich w a recently Riverco t hle adonter w caI rd th e etmated at$50,00 . Ttongue, cut thd, alireztrued bis "The resngthRe CoflE xent Sure m erih 11' "o gil vin rn'n fon $M e bo ughiat by the incinnati confere nre of Yorkton. T e laeh ilre twlllt t, he re thetgro P iof, s cho.olis Muc oo oth u d. sho god vlus rngig roi $40 ome fMeth dis Episcopal eChurch fr , wud nrell aie in e i llge asteyb Pope May Come to New York. longue shows the marksof the keen knife, Pthate th A merca popch oun ot .- ai1 1,292o ele.1 ct sample . hm o h gdw mno h hrh, wr eemndt otnet rsa c atholiechearyen are advocatig te adtegothsesrmvd t o itithis oul re. e ntoed s Molnex l Aquite. a destroyed y tire the osbeig esti- fr the M ster. idiginN w okaiynfthdare t iWe thr or not the ca viesne othe A i a int metconel Chiago--Catlecommn t " and B. Molineux of New York, cnce nmated a about $ 0,XO. P ongrphatthiFnealn omglfie ntYo housetyof t wolrshipin isetielr mo v ttedor nai s ruthfrm t h p osp ular edusc tons. le fne osTi400to$.0;hosshppn i der sentence of de ath n the charge of .- Rev. Samu e ttPerso, astrofet heilil orttnld, toce onn$0,00,00. r mi - gain pperinov or % av i al pi n-Versisteeof a mlintie la iý,t-hck f n $.2 o-$6.55; heepfaon cho1 haàving poioned M s. K therin e Qà. . Rairoade Fleur Car Famine. FrtCnrethnlChrho evn tpries.ts clait o believethat wtin i s thiaeeson on à whire urg ucctfrt wll .essfl e Rtdof n oeromsngThe t $.0; hgr. ei .I au», han bee acuitte, the jury taing il T e rairad of the country face la car Poth, n ue d a poogah osu-fw erste oyseCagb mvdo s i1dd- - -peratne ohf ailr onivtiesaisf ufrge$ r.'.! No $.525 1 he, 2;t a ts N seriously to interfere wih enormous busi- P._\Viamstuan o rside teand lls in' Recommendations. cities, theqlt y fpouarteaah;ohy 8.0 t$ .0pa irteý Afte reeate.atempt at he.S. mnt oder-hav ben plced butinuu- arritge o y mêby adjt lGen. orbdIn l ied b .Q d m. . pidt h li e; the tenacity of felie 2 $5; %gvire , 9e e toc;I Louis hors sho, duing hich the actuers n unale t mee demnd fr FrightAgeni alfreiht agnt o omers i opp t dclard inum- oswel Beadunevwhrwasappote<l spois sytemnnttheciv. sericeand'he53ccto43omer.bshel ridr asthow tic, utno ijued crsan lcootve. he etit ter Ralrad cmmt-inhi anu -rpo ae. etimntl oosmate a Nrt L sn nceain feqenyef abr trke. ndanpoi atfesh o

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