w ~ ~-"'~ I Lrnu..sa~ PAY Ti'ANi(SGIVING PARYY. f rtyejitoavue t A~al t o tb a AnerdouYgo oui ta fartic.v i' ludare Anda ldg "a ~ufay!Oh.nsbo av b 1.a oaitd laded.theaidaie un'bea î l. bot W. act uitsu rred fr.caeruct n'e <'Tavs set bj arcut usa, 'audeu- Asdthedtaer vuaastasdy, 1 T one tead aunast iletat cpa aises Wh. ir asvÏ Ylre fcrstor, vaudt Tai mi, the ud' adrind ilnlh: b @ad iLsetaainlarritgby aveld uoavmoraur but " ad ahav .ademe ilelg ATa mthe odmyuatrylduned ast est s And tisa aasai Il, or noieryefea Who en hd ifche s versrred aa Wh. ldaie g n is hthe rgt au< eard , Vo. tise CId mca dik Il foll; tae Ad hc tmnerng boy suld Bing!ur Et*seeaied h save tu ucrsbU i voIr Anovte onidutu mon uabd aad Drt ere Aned that ln it faror aner.efei t! our soneehaili bu her gtrame hi " d tllJar ewr faa Wilrthe avLjmantola ratlinca,. Ad if e eus ha usth ad a île crstr n And te traeriassa oued. emehuir Stad If ave asha le tns lagr ilua Mue uaqi t asmare, l auavl. h.th1eathered fs osidlas n ea, praed,t Whehr forat ib long.' Lary.. if.Outag la ili ec nearadataatebi Wa the làIg t auoavs gosd cheor, A'orIf wer abnleatnoavtonaerabte I, (As surait o-amlnbardta-iD) And gis! avilis a ert. aystw unarranoy Aad ai ytaiid makn andsLlad. on -'l'rus. 1l'eld sud Fireside. an' chirlena. au' a Paau' mu, an' green1 geaus an' fisin' up there?" bu demanded.i "0f courue," aitI eager recoletiton( la is voire; "and mites and miles oft aoude where ve go affer chrinuts and( grape ini the falil. and big tiondu to skate1 on lu the ainter."9 'An' yruari a arY rom tbem-for1 thia'?"suntching big frigtaeni ot cap andi haring it latta the gutter as expresive1 or lita anutirrabie diagusi. Then Le stoot! upan the box and sretcbed hilmuelf1 to bin ful beight, raiinghie baud a alaugh ia invoke a benediction. my san," bu sudi, oiemnly, "go home1 on' et the tatied rait a' jour mas] dooghauts. Tarry nt. Hausten to Pas-1 titres new where the rulves iiourlah as a green bai tree. If il bc flty miles, waik, an' rua wben jus get tired; If a tboasand, waik an' rua an' eg an' teal fides on treigbt tr&isu-only go, us my tailla' teura implore. An' now"-bere a puper Loy, at- trarted by is geticulations, darted uP snd tlpped the box su thut the orator suid ingiorloauly lato the mud. Charlie luughed la apite ot himuaelf, thea bietaree became grave. Beaeatb the llghtaenseof the speakers worde Lad been unanuder- rurrent of erlouamaeau aieh appealed di- recly ta i dleouragement and home- ockuesa. Tes, Lu aouit!go home, "Thaakyjua toc jour adrice,"Le Raid; 'I'm golng Itatairka ." "*Hoesr' with a ring ut satisac- tion la Li@ volce. "TLen tare jeWalel, an' If torever-Lut, gayj," as CLrle wae and teeling. go itla again with t>e gruat artiiet abo ores tbe comnion lnana itocommon ligLi and clthes the mont or- diuary objectaeavtLeuîtiy sud ,earm. la like manner tie religionsnauture dia- closes !ttcpre.nce Lj the ontalllag reuiL- eaeor t ls feeling for ail relationsad meauona and customsad days. I auam- bora it. loeaulugs dallj and dally dous it express gratitude ecasea Il teels deep- Iy and giadir the weigbt of its vent ta- debtedneuu. The >ears muj differ grelat- ly la tLe comforie uud blessings rbeY brng, but Godaunabrokea enelicence knows au divisions o timne. Ht% boaaîv la an nabroken eteruity. Ail yeurs, however bard la tLe experieucean they brlng, are jeursout Liesaedaunsa It sbotîld bc ours ta recre vb at God uendd and la Le contatij tbakui. 140W TO COOK THE TURkEY. Somme Pr&ctIcI Advice Olvea LY a Nae York Chef. There la a chet la une t tbe large Loins utf New York wLo la tamous for is roast turkey. Tarkuj under bis bauds comles ont ait OUal>&abeautitul broavo, but ut a delilona flevor quitte dit- turent tram n au other tarkuj tbat ever aras seea. The turkey meut la Positive- lj rtrb, and uvea the wbhie meut ibut la generulli drj Lus a moint,aplcy tate. This la is recipu for rouai turkuy: Cleun the tnrkey witL as littie handling au possible and rinue with water ia wblch 1 HE GOURMAND ÀND THETURK. HF: TurkeY gObbies LT the l'armer'a trace; I le Gouîrmand Vgb- TI, Bird foreveca bis (Ibum wità drcod Intense; 1),ieGourmand la-tg flatter. En t orthe taiulaM& huroansubigs ts The Turkeea ua't rupe and avili not try The gout has grippeal the Gourmand by the feet. But for at lenet oneti, a ieaviiI defy fi. Upon Thuokagivint daY. ail Christian& Witbitt a commun bn!i of gsiro-reve, And bea devoateat a iihi. valistdotb WIth grutahe Inter r v ars et the devii. And go the Tarkey siruta his littie 8aue, A atave t a luia etiiueittoof dYiaff. The Gourmand. havlad dined, the air avili Withrgsau avhoee ardor lIere ia no de- The Bird regret. hi a foe, andirau't Le biumed- Tootrogud te fly, bu eor.- attemilteal dit- The Gourmand for bi- part avoai, Le eahamed Tu eattlestihtan a Turkey ut a alttiag. Thetr inuitai Oileneas la muaiaaee The Turkey die», and kaosav he la a dut. fer; AN AMERICANTHANKSGIVING. O NE jean ugo, Cburlie Ladl cotat thse citj lu tomake ia fortune. Hr gg f ond ut furmiug analfanai etock; but îLe>' aere low Means te, 'Wealtb. He aould tego thîe ciY fr tLe9711 Jolcuna, ad avuolalîLescomle ock asud Intrehas e Le huaiari la the viclnlty, V a4 have fiau orses andl big ieudoavs v ,ud-oeniLana aeigLLors. C e. aaentanding on a aiceet corner,c 'avth bande tbrust deep doava into is weekets. uni waîng di. sameie loihet bo %ad bronght front hone. But tLe dmbhe vre seli! anal avenuthreadhare aj WsI>,and tLe ulcas aers uniacLea, lledi bt lactlng part oftIl*sbrianalB isiag neohe Lsd discardeal auch ecuras ao cauteanal cags. The inger. ot one bgud geiyeal Idly vith is tavo lai hait- 4é0lirO4 Lth of eliihaers uaed for tise pecr tile rnouaihoe ratealon sane aof ,the back airats; anal tLe othar ingera taqeW e erai pava ticket@, ashich Le bad jo expetution ut redeemiug. la- déo&d, isa s aodering dully If iLerei waeauythina rise la is traît ich eculal hapaavned. He Lad Lad au break- -m lamniriaa ru rn ea ftes anal ibere waiasDnuProspect for a sats'tdown theii.sdewulk, "give sma a a littie Lkig soda bshanena dlsaolred. The(',uanest»,adahs rmb dimuea-anal tic wauabnkcgiv'mg. tip ta jour arrel un' ieLLe l'il ruone wbe aknp"' butata pla it utbred Bu 1eide it a;s 1e ast A tcav yards aavay, a arat Loy was out a' apenal mj vacation avtb Yeuomeit uMb., andalointh îe crumbu chop iwo te r mitla o adr gual Lisatniig smnie,." iinks utprk s;usugr. Staff tLe turkuy Cbtclta'crd leril. Uis bff etn autonij te the tune CLarlile agheul, andl iben, ou a sadalea vn bsnttr nljs eoelîi haxe senu thsiing, But ia eres milieuImpuloe, arte i addreau anal gave ilbtinte lthLeovubiad nuit pork an th, o i hnagva tn fielo h lalensafigure ut ie neig- tha boy. bes !et ace.-uoe L pîlI-iiîka'ilaksii hne al "gi conry"sar.id adeuy "We'd hâte firt rate ta baveyjua raine,"Ijat- torPO eyrke i aen rthe o u hoîil buaffr, iv decorae trouasie1 "Sa', untry" L rIle!, udn'ay, e ala, Luriiy "an' avual try ta gl,vee n. W u h ment in curvealisa for lamy othcr occasion,. iaolli,, 'hat unthinkia' uIT.'u a agoodt! ime" la-o viibufun!ye'hiei.'Iiabouai-c i> enl erere ou i n bi OLib fases, otdll otauPvr. This la Oie propef ean! for the tary; atuîclri't ercmmne!traoîal aa;î MYtenterkiece wlt îe ga bral ttqsaaedo't ak acual 0 o' uir- Lut I1aant toa ud t tt tLe street boy be'raasnvngtabravlc.ami at îîaal.li-il ai trnit arr ageaa- e 'r îe bojaent ou; "theregnthin' id visit theni tLe nex snammer, sdana theai aay ai dinilure risaia , iiiiat av"alîanaoaneldya lu-iis'vula t a't veLook ere," the>' gava lmu sncb a 900otuie Leia Lvrape ticon-u e ejoydentygr uanaomgs ayap oîlng Lt is egs uPon tLe oi: "ucinded te remuin auandaork for tbem per- Aaune ita of hetalît artl L ai e-p cloibla toiu@are, a' wabitLuhre in ali m LauenlY.-Portlanii Traccripi.Tu, 1u Tanaga-ng t-'etta î aiobpapî I le onau irt mun' ni>'jren', A RELîGIOUS FESTIVAL The liuliermneii aers anileres!'a car tihtorth enIamnfith tîe i retot. ,ah u aid îLemoe"Pusn oin h e aîu for aptil," tenLi f theua tiital'ftti iaad aa bcikid rii d l e t in i a T m n ' m a ir t e m o a l o ' t S g u n et i n , f T a barv i u h u l d e r t i e i r m a t c b i c k s n s ! b r i n g . ý t o " ' a " " i to l ut s 1 î a a i i a ' P a n , a t ! t h e r l e s a n a lý Ill Walul dqrt an' ilrthenor auuinog taea-. SignulOOe iT ankgirmg D'a uch gamne as would aliw the murl ' il, leissuratb ouîîhat, hewiciisuaual- fast.soela aodr brtathrfsperati dii la dhangrt ntte rgioan, oba>' laa mre pebil menue 'r ta wr le ad ta', ala' foc ineac pnrtonpesuut liaava avlctln, " ut't ad o reu- 'bur ladagerthu îL nIgiay uig-joice ingetber." The reauli wasaaa 50P-donc up i ,a-liauper ied vihimor! lit. ghan' nly a 1raid petatD o r ppe aithicauce ut Thunkegiviug dotnaj epîr utfaili! irkey, acier, bruar ntiir:ic i rlla-l'lIart m.ba na <ni tei aighi: un' siale.-hiit'tnu spiki nai torgatin ou. e ca eaaa groir accusttoîn- of every sort ia surh ahuadance ai ant; i! al tutio. îa iîîa otthe pie.At tbe close te r ve d ." li e lgs av og ad i mnto ua l at o f thesi n t at av e arep i ngb m ta fred îhe roiony for a aee. 'l'iy hob ai t afiaaaa- ail Il] e patuve ds au d! vsr ups mth elso t tunvTeuromatieta uno tuguea re tOaî as guesîs tLe trieudly riiet. Mtuaý%iat. o . ti- ,ig-itaIlpaît andl a Parger. Ai te L.eonIuto utîL tue.'Ibru L said aeiarally become ungratefol by pure aîan iaely of bis hndiens. The lIndiens tue' , ccîio h aeha-tboc ios,d t'Larile ih or" Lede- forgettuinesa or indifference. But ca a nontribatealltb thea ivelIrel'r tan a iiaii1 îfaIl'taW c'ryauîîienuîaîs -the "Novavuts rak sli >U~ matter outilta mt aithings avlcb came "reibukl t0ytra"Tihsau I iis < a oli 'buhnkugismg season. At 1gaiutaoulebs uenurjouro oranure." "Bu at ruai et ni>' boe," CLochie a>'of otbers, anal Loav uaaortby doe feraunjfao iateiiuLanud te ,.m- t>.y ' acaaa rra vltnl ratorteal; "andl tLe lavepieceof Morley conoîden tLe Ingrate! aritelier, S. r. en :.okuII il.ean an iey test lttaslatta. Ion.aiîak-tissuepaiter. îOtut ofone I Lva uitareto sy Or i>'rooi. miWilliiala tLe Newe York Leuiger. lie ins1The mena art Iat Immontai dianer Lus of the-ta ornur-opiasa l ou ir cbot'oiaiea, -at& -aat'sa rse,l'ain ontt a job.on baelf raop o yrne n t Oie moai coniemptible cbaraciers liot. nasu! licen preserveal. bat it tn kaownoatt 0foltiar figseses! dates. oni oft lit 'Twcs't mub-swanpingout offies- -bt with wavbil we niat. We conider lhuaitniai îte taso dalbra munit uiiy unipra tbirau aîaaîa oîaaraisins. analouni of the lit useuta moulaianal someilin taot." aven uncivil Who does nt sponlane0uueirciaies! by the Indiana as weil a,-titlitafatrtia nyuirtAut .aaa W'entwarti The airat Lu>' stoppes! aruniming and al ujor Wite "TLaak rua" tontLe evons Ameriruns ocre tbe "broanra ras! la-ie n ta'e u t Itia ome Caimpanion. loekes! t biena wiîh more Interest. aud kiadaesol sbown iena by ia feiiaw 1er" analthebe îitmmîkin pie. The g rioe_______ a 'Tia suri o' Lad," Le acknoaledgel; mns. Analtitis word ut gratettil appre- fuosi or tLe aa'rk aras ouidoars. for the nIprtnne tusaÉ jon hein' tram the country a' kaoav- ation la neyer lest. Even if ih aur air aas bainyantl îLannbrigbi. MaAnprtnne in' aothln' mulles Il aorse. Whut'd >-ou seirsteiobave ne effeci aPon ina for sasoi vas tiare in ail îLe rcverv a -It "i artIiade dat rua al bo ualirhy oae for?" whom It av9a given, lti ailI net bu li'ti a ararlet ceat trimmed wribh lare aund a foil'h liiîkagivia' aluner," sai! Me. '<WLy. to gel nbe. ut course." CLarlie tpon thoce avho euaur avil ia indlu- rapper cbain, givea ina. n inte melre Eni tal'tflli-y. aswaeeu, "wat dousanuajone camle la rare Le puaerlema upon ina who eaiuavs viotîs, bj EdwarariWnsiow. hn a airatiga' 'Xti.ttles, anavereul MisM im IL. eCit>' fr?' it. A cultivation of tLe ihankeitiving nîedluj ut Indien garb anal a borroariaifor Broiwa. "Hus! detavul. an Lee 'vuLenhabti aili make tu grose tLe senne ut aP' European costume. the gus of Lonor " Wh o aiL de bua'?" lookin' uLeal ta gin' lta îhe couilini preclutiln, and au a reui aur apirite ilaas teteal and!untrrtained. cumeatinut "b vut eabc? to et elic. Bey, do youuLave tellera like e saeetenel, Ounrmaule elsrged anal ibere the boud ut frieni!aLlp ariLîLhe "he io ts"? Whobudialde tortue>' b'oag mne, an'hilthit croard au îLe cdewalk, îLe avbuîe horizon ut life eautifleal. TLeli whie sutiers avicb belal gous! trti une cp ia jour rautry!" tLe oraltuar>' affairoet lite avili sever yeats.--3cod Hausekeeping. 'Nibody fohgat iwe't afui ons lu ak Charlie lookeul et bien,anal then au more Le cuminoapluce; aur conditions anald___________dut queston.' asusthe e'iling rejainaler. the Llt-uioren direptule Men ar-busurnaundhtas aili alwaujapatal in la i Thanakeoiviag DIaRC1panoies. 000- "Bruidru, aftth a turkej Lan Leeu cool- aveamoking la front ut a aloon op- treislî ght. This la igaiicani. 'Ihe lelih aaite aOP utderte polverîy. Pu aicai' no va>' uf'drnllfyin' t."- goulie, andth Ie ta-o or tbree avamea sri,u ahsetaiuly ILlu iia a source Fate& aiaduna attav queaiIOD. Washington Star. lgvesuuh arrel, anal the aqual, ut cudie deighlt anal ju>'la one avbo hnas the ortdignesutrin s leF dl Soe Idffrt>'-tucea hirea piuying unid flghting darsntsutffer the commua reatloaabips WttoLas thtar idgsin Igi c adoe along the gaiter. anal ancaerus!, wyuLan nal Oie dally interranrse to Lconie cl- Oeo hledi h he udel expression af dlsgast: oriets andara. n ol. bu a ma keep& love A Wlcome Glae9t. anivrrary urthîe tauau!ing ut TLauks- "N~o inuledr" alive b>' clivatiig tLe sentimeni t uta- "Will yoa Lave auni gueulant >'uar girlng ar-ili ppen aloag. If t le keptint "L diuughi se. Thea îhe country', the fection. Hia face. is voire, i" des!,Thaliseiriag ahaner, Mr. ('lovernena?" the spirit ur muni centenunies, mrebat elebest an' let place." He lookea t maksoite% te iod courses ut lite bc,. aalà Wil hjeaxes! a tarkey." Noir York Lavy niaiitng draavn oui feating ibero 4harlie a lle eîîviousiY. aparkle avth a tul ecrent ut tendentosa 1'n'rld. ailIL e! IHANKSGIVING AI TUE ZOO. Y k -"i ~ ~ !h~I Di ILLNuOIsSIATIf flrWS CATCH BANK RODBEKS. Fiva Mon dnpecced af l'ooting Baie utk Gardhner Are Arre.ted. Five meanavere arresteal lu Cbicago cbarged aitb belng reuponihi. tor tLe soumatianal raid on the Exchange Ilank ct Gardner ncentiy. The suspece avre captîsred atter a ively struggle la WVestMMdisîon aireet. and ail daring îLhe daj tLey aers tabiries! tom one police station ta anotLer la patrol wagons te prenant lawyers iocatlnc thora andl suing1 for thein reieaac un rts ut habeas cor,-1 pus. TLe Gardaer baak waua ooted ia taeeariy morniag lion,,, tho raiders cap- turIng the toava mondiu al dtlng lui aip la tLe achool buuae. Ia bloii tLe ente they wrecked the baak bulding, but tLe muaey in tLe vanits waas nut dam' ageal, andl tLej leftitLe tuava richer Ly $5000 thun tLey avere ahea tlîsj de- aeundeal upon tLe place. TLey avare tralIed ta Chicagu andl loodhounda iru.'ad tLeni taeavere tLey Lourdes! a street car ln Brighton Park. Thoreacli trace ut tbem waas lent. A tew dujs agu thLefiA- cees locateal tLe suspecte, of avhom Sam- uel Ritchie, %aad to Le avril knoavn te tLe police, watt the leader. TLey asere la iding itafa dt building la West Mal- ison street. juat aest ut Ceater aven'ue, Lt the offcers delayes! raidiag the Loua"! hecaaa e heive muanaere neyer togeth- or. Hoavever, dual>'ly iècie, ucconi- punies b>' Edaurd Haaur, Charles Mitcchl, Hugh Blake and Wiliaim Ed- aards, arrivedetutheîle dt builidîigi oue partj, and the odicees surroustalia thora, and uter a lively encotister pl'ae"sl tLumn under errent. Tbej wees tak,'uî ta the Central station, but their friendu lie came au active dîîriag thte noruig la titeir refforts ta arcure ibeir reettttitut they asere cpiriiu'd awa. lit ithe evea- intiey weretu kî' front tht' Engleasuoda station toa aRlock Icintîtitrain atniat terredte taMorris, aviere îiîcy asiii bhlelil peuding tLeir triai. QtIINCY MAN UONOIlED eraca. .]lohe- Choaca He.d of Western Cathelic Union. HermanF. joeheni. îLe new 1regident )fLte Western Cutloe Union,sin msna- veof utQuiacj andal piroduel ut St. Francia' S ch In Sthere anal of St. Francis' solauiis * Courgce. Hecilanu * expert Larnes aaik- Pr.,uît!ad hile wuirk iug ut lus irade final, Stime for tLe stual> of ht lisiury. ir-l " l y itut pertauing to the church. lir. .Ia rhum tales a Leet Ialereat in ail Catit m. F. O IBd. year Le serves! ai delegate lu the con- ention outhe Amerirna l"eîerain îf Catholie Sociellea. avbicb aswuis! a n Cincinati. tATHEIR 18 HELD AS KIDNAPEER ]icard Biaauiell Ars'asta'i ut Feport for Ahalacting Hin ChîLal. Richard liainldeii, a resisient ut Cai- corais, seho lateal hie avitu anal li-yeaî- nid dasighier ut Oregoni a teav aseuh ego, avas arresteal in h"rruport on ihe 'charge utfluidnaping the chilal ans! sam taken bnck tut Oregton by Deputr Siierif Sieifer ut Ogle ('ounir. bMe. Ilioteil hthe îlelttie girl lanlier iiossemsli Eitaeleaisssla EriuL Itoitera îtaaîked I*s'uo i Fontaine ut Si. Pauaini Chicago aînd look ia baitînd $75. Harry 3inbaîtea, 12 yenra ait!, lami- lag tram îLhe home outliteparente ia Chii- cago. The rare maor nt !Eldorado la declired eudeal anal ilîe îilliîîbau bren aill- drava. The Upiier MicuaiiIai River Improve- ment Association hel ius firut annuai coniventiuo t Qulucj. lnauanencounner as'tîb truapa near Bloomlsgon a Wlter Webb ut Kewntîee was shot anal curloualyaaouîidrd. Henni Merot, l"renich consul Ia Chil- cage, Lue returnu'd tîî.Lie post atter tbran monilba spentinlbis ativue landl. Fitty seaver contracta ihât wilUceat the city $WO,000 Lave benu let Ly the Chi- cago hourd ot local lmîîrovuments. The natilonal convention ut the Royal Cmnle ia session et Springfile icted P. D. Ruggs ait Oak Park se prenideu*. Reeldenut f Illootilngion anal Normal are forces! te a al Irougli mtîiily airepte, a trike iyilig ut, every îtrcetteir. Peter Hin,%, 16ii nrs dof at Sati ChLicago, awon killedl iy the accidietntelita- charge ut a eboîgîtît ahile duck Lîîîiîîg on Lake Calumet. Hetty Green lens broîglît cuit naulsci the Triait>' Meiluadici Raiccopal Churtire la Chicago ta collect a ttîortgîîgî uf t12.- 000 avLchlaie holdo. laremident Rooaevelt Iha bren invîtet! ta preside aititle tîpeniîtg ofthie tlîîrîtito- otil internatioal liver aiiakk ctlaaisiata l in C'hicagoî stîiaîly, Nv,. 21. ý%'tlllaîîj ilNliairraof ibj,ýigîfaas n f is liy c t'yialh a piete oifltchi ut wei'ghiug fouir tonît. as b it-ltli'asauIil ing ta lplaceion a frvigb i-orý Etoiierco nitttîn ot St.iCînto. ai('lii- ,&go sud Easterna lliîîsow lraketuotu , tts t-riînhed lti lu'tit iv a fri'igii a iuit t cr lindloy. le vats Ir )iara ochi. Mare. Joseph Sharp. M y ears aId, aini. lnctazîaly kilird ac i lllauoîgton. tuai was cruslîîg the Illinois t'entrai tracke tashea #truck lar a freiglit train. The runiains ut a ma, jreeumitibly ibose oatJus Beckairum, avho disuppeara"l Oct. 31, were foîad In a cley baie ut Liii avenuead Perr>' airant, Chicago. a Amas Clark ut Centrulia relebratea biis aniaety-slath lirlbdaj anaiverinry an tI e ahaner. a icbiiîthe ctîauai wateriiilaî ssved front the sommer rrop wast crves! 4 Anoiber boidy asas rî'itavrlfronmtihe ruitns af the C'ica-îgot Guco e ltitî' Cuaîpaty'e plant in Clîiv,-uîxiakiii2 thti -elgiith purcittikuown tu tavase beti killed n nthîetire ofut.n21. 1-George W. l'trke, autre IKý'i0aeresi- ,t dent aof l îiîituî,died ut bis liîîic' sa i-tu asS-,>enrs tlt! tns! a Iiati-r suer- 1- rhant of ce'ntral Il lîit, liar ing ettla'a tf lu Metainura an 1,t it Tbree mnsirîbbs'd tue tBig F"our depua et NWiuduiir. Tbe i,'st day îiir'e cirait gs'rs sarre arristea tad hi-Id tu the grantd *jury. A attilean iitrage boak %sau tht( cotice of thi'r undîîiîg. 'tOak IPark.lias rnîi-acea pliîuistiio ut-ofmore thili3,.1100.ania t' village itoarc Lr an tuken stepa iii istnbîtali a tivsaiii ka of Oak Park, couxtensive ailla the prew ýeeut boundaries ufthîe village. na Nellie Bornes, a yuung andl beautiti ff trotn, temporurîr derangusi, escaît-' i tram a Peorialu Itopitai ans! attenipt." o.suicide by jumping into tLe river. Shi laie Charles Goaaage, a avealih>' dry Gurernnu repuort on 11h0 uirantrop iie gooala murcliaut itLaricgo ta pionîer showse 26.8 Luaiarls ielal an acre. artlu$A uays, liasbLan seiaratei! froinbis 'site 38.7 bualîcîs ita linous; total >îrld. -12,.th for several mintiio. learaing iliat tien 516,000 bouiauls, breaking ail nec-ardu, la usere ai Oregn.lie sent there a feas- 1901 y1l-isc1.522.519h.M buebels. rai a-anka ugoanal arhile Mrs. Bilauindll m'an Geta. ArthurNlncArtliur, avha Las bei ila frentra hîe iboase avbre shu in maiing in camiaofuttise depaunet ut the lier hume Le iaok tLe chus! anal pluil East peîîdiîîg thie neiaru of Geit. Cbiff,'a'. lier tna avellilrlite serurra froin o iivu'rn. is bockl ui 'cago, relteviaut Gin. ltt-s lie tnsiricei île driver îu bras!toard. ut tht ,ammuaift ute du'îartmleat ulthe Freeport. lakea. KILLS MOTHEI'S ASSAILANT. Aiîîîiuug su i rrtaîeto sa aoituo aof aiaoy P - ~lu-idera, thae bureau of jastici'rof l'icuao docaiye McauWb., BBe qys, Thr.ot- lias urluireul a blli ti ii lie ittroa e n e t H a er i i a s K a i t a . d t c a ' a I e f a ne t h e t i e ni t i . rg a i a t i r e r l n t i t ! l a W'atking plittu lee hrtIffs dira i Iig that the assignuiai t fuaaenried F Springfild, Johneon Ring, ages!4) et, ougu-s aucolloirerol for liuuu*alit choi unnunes! L utadkilleul e man auid aît anis! ui col ta giru hiniseit op. King'# victua inlalit s colliscionon theCicagaiAil Atoatita topera fauas!on thae bodiy indicate tutiie a-riaus> iaut.it ia believia. naît totaîllil asas Abrahiam M. Gruber, a ,f-eiunaof injure!. Va'liirthe St.i.auae a <'tllitl c Company F, Otne Ilatdreul and Fifieruihli mited avais tialaling rai the stationi it ea Illinois valantana, as!d mine un route to as r-u ck b o liîght etnglueeattan as!joiai- ta the Suaidiers' Home ai Quiîîcn. Ring ing truckli aura tue aicuager came to bis ruille' A seritas tuartaras given ta tLe laigli P bouse, six miles aWest ut Springfielditi. ai aîtiaidfferences i inotatingloa sahen, il nattaanal ilamanuieuifous!, tireuleaing the otutiui utlslayfr tain îL e ve na-ttaýý ageol M1ra. Ring oitb . kaite. Tlie ua ex pelies! fan île colon nrumb, the- rematinti raneta bonnauare oon atteraral nalatuduîaia la-t the asoliirouatn. A totl leani i t.bemotter starteallain arsuit ber dii! nai aapear nitlthe lachl in athe 1 utf îLe iccagen. A figbt eaaaed, in 'shicla aoraiar ahile mntsiof ibase Whalissn- Ring sans the letrutger. ar-buisan tas! Lis!dasales!out ni i autidynaitnului iîetne titn .ib^cd biai aita a kiie, Was h'ueu aajoanuluou. Io ctout hl. Tlie Stotu aîudiior otfppublic ar.eotinia ME0. MIKINLEY MINES ZINC. lias saties! a perlaiti tu Thorait %V. lion rosa, Edaars! S. Jacauba oi! Jarvî i. ai. Firei ore Obtaisved lis Illinois dhlpaed lttrniai a to orttiize IlleOttcava Bint- tram nPope Connioy. I ittgatsTrust <Comupant Oat(ttawra, o iLh TbeuEmire leaal analSitar tîinea. lu- a cnaital af $125,000. The State aialitoun este! un tbe na'avbranchiouthne Illinis uaia.onuied aia l m!permîit tai hegiu lattai CeatraI Raiiroud inalPope Coanty. bas-e nés% to the Addlison Siatu BaofutAilali-i j uat alippeul tLe ticntcar lotialf at e son, w uit apitial ut $25.000. tine uver mines! ta the Siate of Iiliaai., Staistica jitlcoiilal îrthe Saîtli This minu e inuonbaud oaned lin Mrs. Wil- enPacnifie Rlilat aoarltatrne Jan. liamnIMcKiniey antiwaat opunsieul b>.1, IW02, nione lan 800,000 oarns.aitrire tLe Boxions for severau yearcsater Ilir landsati Loulsiana und Texns loire ban Clvii War tan spar and tend. but lbey purcitased b>-capitalista ans!tartiineaut encouniere! no muchicarlulte out vin e LtBlteutfhIlinois clone, awbite a targe are tbat t yfinal>. aboadone!il,saut amlont ut simiier landl boa Leen purebas- :.knoaviag the vaiolu the raavn-coiored! us! hiformuesaand alcpitallist ram thie rock. Rucentir apensiioneware r sate States of hIava, lIndiana anal Minuauato. Ly a rIes-en maiarnaltLe liraI auipma'nt ait The ailier dal A. A. MrcCIamrock of titi- aince ulaa inali.Jplin, 11o., caltit- aie 1aaial$18.000la cuash ton (140 lnes Itubisasare latureaies! la the elaim. ut nice land iiitliarria Cauotil autra miles oui tramn Houston. J FOUND IiTINO AT HIS KET. Grief oser tLe duaiL utflier son onal - daugiten liai Mca. Heanry Balte, siteuit .Nigisi OPeTRser et Edseardsvtlia Vie- Oie pstniasier ait Aciington lciglilu. ta 1 tire of Myoieroas Assainit. end lier lite nt lthe gras-es ut lier nhii- SEdavard SmithL, night operatur nt ithuetrea. Her body ouas tun ly 1>-leironis nCiuor Lent Ralnouilstion ut Ediaarals' tLe ira-amoîtida liatithe ceneter', tara vtlle,.axefounal dyi tueisic e'. IMtu miles tram îLe toavu. 'Mns. Botte bas! nvos Larel>' able ta ami avben askeciif liewalkesifrtramier home to tLe grutvertacal lias! Leen assaultes unal tben becamnîsui- andi chut heeselt in tise heurt. The baiy conseilant anal lias rusuataru! luthat cen- for avbom the nîoiLer munesi ies! tit dition. lit us apparent robhery asaOi rs ugo maid the girl lis-e yeaes since. the reasun of the nirateriuasmenit. The Mia. Balte auene recus-ere! troa tLe lirai paître are tareauigutiag. berenveiOent. The big rosi dezii iy uvuiclian euon WEALTRY PARMER À SUICIDE. iîîlte as iii urrbaucnaltopcraie - tareair-tar 'eatipîuiag iouties utSatngo- john Werner BhuasOui Bis Heurt la,(lnstl is!Muid olte Ne., MlaoanCiy. has talicnti iroaîgi. O1atiim ritouitii it The suicide utfc aeaitbyfrifaaur .Joli,,tu ii$"ç),000 hlls!becia gîven liy ows ofai Werner, otofre uNasooCity, asdis- the nminesa ta Nuistuniaclisaitl loilu eoveres! the otier taonig. H1e bleu- oui ulphia, altoouas maioaging the dent. Lis heurt avtl a siîotgan. Sicknss tas!d hueeoptions wore cunnuîdered ta lits tailing Lealti tire tcappoueoi ta Lave iin-nine als-oms LY Mr.Jackson. spire! tLe des!-lite anas puai 70. At- Brother Hilary ut Notre Dame. mal.. ter ptaciag thseralofuthebaweapaa diial autidenl>- iiLteefull ut St. ,1obrl' againit bis heurt anal tLe huttofthtuiKun bositltinlaSpringfield. wile aail on ins luer ho Imitit lbath triggaee seLithuthearrivaI ut a physicien. An ilaquent a poker. DeatIh muet bLeabeal u*tuut- J sau Lebdalnd the avidence shoavu alta tlurne. Ru louves a avidose naMd uiedeuiL se.cgiffld1w l t. Soruwiiço et a 4blaoelelielr Malirîi - Lawarence Wason of liaple Parvk Gi&V" Wealth ta Cathosie Chaureb. The iong-sougbt-for avili a o ithe Lawerence Wateon, the Mairie PAk * jU mit. Weho allealabout tava montits Mupie Park, uges! '0 >'ars, wue la the 9poadesulan ut s uluce ln minob jagd The document azr cawa up la JMMa 1805. aud among the benrelicharies %mille tLe testament are lthe folloav!ag: -. The urclîbistiop outhe aus ince et'i cago'-.Elt acres ut land la the tW~AW1 cLiP ut Corilaîîd, algo a large peru land vith buldings on the aveat u"..d Bilue Island avenue, Letaveen Wgxte@W and Elgteeiitb aireats, Chicago. Mary A. Prîndîvilie, a iece-çlJoe George Doavdall, hirs. Elien UtCc.U Mrm. Mary Aun Moran, Mr@. Eunnt Moore amd Agnea McCal-Equal esam lii tLe landl lu Missouri. Mra. idîlen hicCali ut Adair, Mo., aMl George 1>uadal ut Mit;euirt-4100. Rit. Jassi M. liagan, 11ev. A. loires of Maple Park, 11ev. IRichard l)uîîn Ot Oak iPark, suiperar tif Mt. Peter'n Ger- latiin 'trb Chicugo: pester ut St. Vis- ceaiet'% Lîirrh. rr'ttr ot St. Ihiual'a à'iiîirci, ie. W. Di' l'aporie.,DI?'. J. NNi'tdî'rhld aitWintitid-Equal aLeln l threferme» it DiiKalb County, 111. A jprovision for masses for the repose, t lf iacouilta made lu a upeciltfnd cie- stied for tiret purpoce aud the perusri pctilisrty le dlrtaelo lto slxteentiîe, <sd- Lait ot wbieb la ta Le paird tae he phow snd alecea andl the rematnder tri Le glave lu CaîbuleLueîiltuls ta Cbicagro. Watse 1i cal a nianteccettrir lite. lie occplea a uitile siatuaI>.deîying hlîlmueit ail Lut the buirent nt.ra'aitii'a aflite. net tromé noî<ta i "nti ti 'ti saa eif-lmpsssd îenîî'for cuitanu cl or Imagina"i arang. MIURDEuf uYSTEIiY AT CHICAGO. Police of Weel Chicaigo Town F ind au i:okanava M.. CutinTaieun. irThe bodyr tf a teuc ut in taialuses c lo' aliastl ind at!ami-h James M. lthet- sanir carne oipon lia the yards uftitre Chi- rnandialNorthwestera Raiiroud ut West y 'iiago. Three deep avounda avere fou"d in hie neck. and nunr isy 1cr a kattat cov- errd aaitb bloos! Nîîtbing Lasu LanfouMn hy whlîth tire victina cuils!Le ldentified. and the tîlticers beurrTe tler Lave aàInn- a dr myntery ta suive. ThougL possesailsg lugoal ltibes andl a relinedal ppecauoge, d.noiîg of valne waas undab aout the titan. llininnrîy anti wateb Lad beau taken. an Lin rlaîtbee garýe usidenca. The onl yl- i-ra hha iih iay leasita iLe soly- lîîg ofthtle inystary roure ftram the kalis, salait-b Las the naue ofaitsPilafiui tiroir ataiittudoautheu ilal, nitian a page af d- aîeimîîraunmiibo i,, t nthe iiian'a c t'îav .tire înaine lliirirr. Tbis awos it.41 tîlîracd and iîîndistirt. HIGit TAXES FOR RAILHOADS. ni Amnsaraient Will Not Be Ecled Ld St aire Buard of Equaliaiaa. C iiticicnu aire thaitbthe traelBoad ut Equalizutiou sîli netmirke snuay rd cliantea in iast yt'ar'e asseaiafl('li on rail- lrudau and capital arock. Il ta certain p tLot the railruuds avilinaget teoffavth - ay lobaer aucesumeni. The aisessenat un certain kiada uf railrond properîr eoser i he changel. Liut the agsregate ss'li romain -J tîîlly as llihas lstjeur. For kin"ce t!d the rilroud cîîmmuitiee lias offIclal>' sa- bc notîtîredal t ilthe rîtling %rock avhich, lut .r ascecasai51e..usu.sn (m -làus ,<(30i)ahubtus! vd iiilt' ix duiesito e mata tnack assnet.The chanige nroliiog a Itula aaac Iecauca oft la natauni dc1recinlioa. GETS NOTHINO PROM WILL, Egin Ar.dna>'Diappelssad hy New- le.t of S illium Win.. 'rue s ill ut Wili.tani S'ng, filualfor S2.lu.i45 Ot, a tti ra at vai m'd ici One0uM)iî vi!- theaaea't Areald tt lienr itaaatnta.dir etwir Alfre rot Nier ol th , aalri-ptesxif thL Fir aioniial tuirtaundi elgu Alfea'r h.asaai aut tensainEi n.lfnre' aorth Nîr. the wdiail l-'hal!an hu Eli- foresuiy niatiil.1'ier iuctofEli aitateiy and ii tlear a ohr e dgtati b.- almuii- inthe ai tînaedinasnl.Tt be cse ibteir. wang îarcti] o i lrgeh nu gyth aa'tr. as irb ponse rei l'aei- tte a ti temy,'taierait r (bcogu. NoI rialdit fori iuatiltîoa(ifa mat! laN lhe still. *tTRUSTTY" MARES BIS ESCAPIL otii a ull., PIes. <'tnstu'rnatiitnuizeal tLe laniaun oiiciaIs nt Joîliet ar-brui h ba'u-unae kutusa a bet une of thc priaoîaers laed escapeu. Ail avaUl- able otnicre ans! guards ore ut once or dreu out on c hîoîa. The fugitive le Dien- tutuitiF. laluggt'r. nsuai ata aitle oe'ei a )-ear agai)framntRock Ilanîd far lanay la'. was a "trutst>-," beiug enaplo> edl ut- tale the waula ou oneuouthe prison tesna lie axas auîiing diritfraîna the plad j tirannna!for lalf ai butr aras lefi u tuluurdeti. Tnking ilvatage ofthis op. iortiuatth îe niaitleft ilasteam nd aaen tere!n a ooic ta the tortiieaat Oet tis prnison. sansatsunaî Eîoiseseat. MiaMai MeReynols, a pneu>' acet«y gir tut Mttuon. ulopelaiiTlac %'atighau, a business ian ut hnd[lanapoUlb The elaliemena c cuas! aà sensatioen, » Vnaughan aeuanbusiness man laMatte« ' itatt itîruee weeka aga, arlien lue aula eat« auit lief t bLcuse Misa McReynolée' rougi tivus retasel toalaloav Lito cail on Lu.- Mien MeReynola sreceivedal aregiterej tetter ftram ber aaveeiber nukiag ta naret Lim intaTerreHautle, Inal. Ï aittnding c parti anal lier dicuippuara aa nul licovene! until the negi 4I-' Site met Vaughuan aiTerra ligote her avent ta Chiceito, wirea 1e>'avA married. Mr». Vaugha a ugla RW 18 andl recenlly came tutu poueeeuon of suaint ofouoertroni an usisaieet by w'.' fthler. ____ t Fulls Far and lWalk Asea>'. RotberitoBar, a laborer, teil béaiali1 tramt tLe ihird lior outenantni* buîilding t a <Cîtirolit and al -akeal a*; raitb a iîtcediag inase. A 'buldling soutl- rial ele-aiaar lire tact fromt the groiaS". laroke lais fuil andt not es-eu tLe abng!deo cirikin it ausdiisioceiei. The eleaàtoe Tira Boys Seutenced. For tLe murder ut Horace BLrode.>p jeans ochi, la a West Bidegec>' - la Chicago neau'ly a jeur âge.hi la, w sea inteete the- »fe ua IJohn Runa- Wpa 1'.- ++ i i i i i à i * à b i & i i 4 i 6 1 * & & f & He of tir 1 Wr 1