~2 ---------- ----- I It$. tiouffma01tChicago, visitai1 j in aimma g6 cDltmn. je Mie gueM i Mt.linsdlins. A. J Mr. Oao. Barbon ofKool Barbon IMnBrthe Itbovts, etfOChicago, vistaI ber .151.,, lira. Fluebetg the pa oe. IL a. mDoosltte and tamily speul ThbWbwllig dey vltb indutilu Idbrtyvilla. Smy Finahcrg vu asuChicago sev"rabys ant eek on buinessfor te ipran tor!. IL Breaftsul anti daugblai Etina vm~t tieOigOte sponti Titmuiisviug hIit itns thora. John Rouie, B., hmbeauoon e' b "iebliai fStheb.laut va, but la teet- ing mit Ùboitter i bUm. Tise NMlBEm ma abaandI=Kniglo *t ibel otiser larcuo vialol fiionda et WRellug ever Sunday lait.t The .111 numue err of etihe0 PO"t ev veeka la nov giviug vaSutf more sesonable veaiher ln timd latitude.t liraAnuna Lathrep ant i elîrent v«o10ibeago on Weinesdayt1utma 1banbqitng ltukey vilh relatives Tisa Ladies' Aid Socety e! tise ongrogalil caî eeneh il meel ou Vduudey o ext u vk vltb lins. Prak Thtomas. J. . Dickey, ae boogicea aîdet frou Chicago, ecccpled ibme(ion gre- gamonae pulpit lunbhi village let Buadal uorning anti eveutng. Niés maryslMacArthur, et VaupaCO4, Vin., vile ou ber way 10 Vickburg,1 »ilb., etepyab ovr for eue day'm v"ait vilsber matien, Na. W. L. Elcit. lin, Mud lra. Jaesana», et Vc- bugm, Viiait i the boue eoflira. miann'm porevi, lin. audlMM..John Rouie, O., ou Toudzy oetiis voek lmas. J. B. Hoioub, lils Doetby a" u t mer Jofn Holcomb viaildasm *itghoue e9 lia. aMdlir@. J. M. Oaemn, ot Chic ugo, aven Tbackefglv- Ing. Cepy for the piogram ofethte Taaobam'Mlielng ai thescbool hous l«atSunday reache un tou laIe Ior tg rooovery. Geoffge Bocbnbcbis bovin« bis bouse »a sd". NK. saiart. IL. N.vaut vistet inl 0~ oa eay. in manda Wilmo, e9 W*Ukogau vMsella Dastulbond"y. MIna.- lamqu. Nulâbe sud Aice fluaI, et iglanulParkt, vib dbore ilss NaSal Mateu, et Hait DAY, viailolvli Nr. Manti lrs.a. C.Bubon TRe oUI be prsobîuig lu the Preetqiuran eburcis evory Buutwy Man. . B. <horma. visubel vilb ber 01»«., MMe.C. Y. ishlku a fao deys ode eL OB.Rion baur~ottia inlmîfl 04 bât »V oboue, vbleb la nDoutas wbp formaSly eibelu ref tes.J imautos lua thone Item INA veei. TbuMetn i«Shovuver van vel &molu am %hoepeannt ejoyel a pooitable noason. The okeekuler cigar o.t-là rapidiy meming te a&rotthe"elaia. Neire aul the desters a luLabe onty are noV Vell ecked up viili Ibair £0015 ouI msf5 eut eoe onter la socurat a luptso enter insure 10 10110. Tià tiso ours. la vry satistactoii te the management an veli uas t bei enteinlitlravllug mneman. lir. Laesser Burdtcb, sud iapeaba vU orlo qualitr e bacigare Ibsi mate. Perbapa nover lu the biatory ot 0cr coutriy bui Tlaeekagling lime found the Amorîcan people uder groater obligations %0 a Divine 1ProvidenceO than at the preos eua. True Illa th"t Metapoor mac muet work lest as bard today au ov o ea a living for bi@ fouty, but At oughê go be a source or gimatta=uiaee &bait uoarly evety oue viteban a mind 10o W et au gel verk %0 do ai noue sort o1 living vagea. 1%in la le that haoeand thore nomie certain crop han not been RÉ abonhdant esm ight bave boou, nselu thoe oueor ths e n crop hboailuLako oounty, but ilu other placea lb.ecrOP la abondant; enougit se bero la ne danger Of a abertege. Ooai la Btull bigiter lu prie. limil oughstu 10. but tiareugi théie900d ofceaosé O0cr brave Young Prosidout thse stnîke la aetlo ad dnot" ai pîea wvllho restoreti as soue as the nupplY eau ovortake tise dunif vo look oct epou the vorl mtlarge vo sec ail nations attrlhutlug 10 tDn itoor, riches, power andi £1081Inulueoncealu ahaplng the affaira o îof&Un se00tISA wO maY truly nay vithout faisea prIdeor boast- lng It&uin1he.ayezof o!0b. orit vo are truiy a grenl peopte--shai vo uCI strive thon oaeh oue for hîmaelf nt Ibis glati Thaubigiving soason 10 meotuoîttat in theenlght or an alInrie Hoaveuly Paiber vo uay au truîy ho roud à good people. -The faitutneUicg article 1 have Iu =y etore.-villes drugglnt C. T. Smith, oI Devin Ky., --la Dr. Kiug'@ Now Dia covar! for eonauptiou. couaba isand colda. beuae lsinvaluacurait. lauy s i yeurn et mie s bu hnenver taled. I b ave kuovu is te Bave nufforera trou %brSand501Jung dieeo, ho coulti gelnooitelp tram lacions or auy othar namedy.11 noihors rely on fi, boat physicien» proscribo il, andi P. B. LovUL14 Libentyville; <IIÂTBLAKU PHAEEAi cyarantiee natisanction or nofunti prie.. Trial botules free. BaRguier aines 60c anti $1. Ivanoe tems. big oe Si lo.J. L. Chamberlain anti f-117iy$sel0c clama colora sud motta- j quai Tliaabaving lu Chicàgo vith Thina nst conluolvo le happîcees. rehtlas. - The absoe o!visItera, the 8nbnPleui Me.ira.Ooby, a former nealbout, la ot a crtin hiaIoy ci&-a, tise Pepui ob"dUaige fev deya be.vlmting old vito louve tbeîr books ai bous, the sequatmaea. pupîl Wbo drsgs bie foot vison ho Thse Damaiic Cah bave asel Frday wahks, tise puplilaoho bornev penchas, evemlag, Dac. l, as Ibm niph&0te $ehbtepuPila Woe trget vbere tifir enutslmen%. flsuons are. 1ote« Noyer, living tibm ulles Thîngs Ibal preduefi bappinoi5: gmtb«of tovu dielumt Fidai The generai vigor o! the lgtb grade, messine luteamont tuait place lion- suggestions trou lutoroulel peeple, day mmiog«aiWauonla. Nr. Noyer the cuver design and readlug usaerl uels Yomosa f @ge sud oec e Imlu the Decembor Buoeis vbîich la fet »setlot u ibis viiulty, beiug losyn touni ounlise nedlng table, -ility kaowu and iglyi! especitid. lnierestilg lettons Inom us t yesas iCILOOL NoTIas. clame, use ponfft eoebsnofutthe suIt Tisa lira reoe!lie year, Tbanks- grade spellismg las, ton daya of gIving day sud Fnlday of tis voek. recroallon. The uppe, dvision eofte iraI grade Mocda's Vasîkogan Dàlly Gaete bah bogua reading Cy'a Fîrai teatier. heti me excellent editunial on --Brain A pffmcga unty gîvon by the ati Brave." Eeery toucher. ettient lover grades ilbeorouticreti Fnldal sudlparent eugbit ho roatiIl andtihnk- B... il bard. It ta on file lu tise acisool roosu 1ie Far Ibis Montb ixteon have Fovlug-, le an extrat. -N otion; "teiltr baen absent nom latdy. Keep pnognoai bas rocoguedt tathe noeei It u anoher eek ud beak he0f physical Mau are ce-extensive vît] itupo ntto vrksl rek tisbtose o! the mental. Thâtt h record. ei¶ncateul bal basn aph o unus Doon Wele reoalveti 100% lunbIsienineas but thaltishe absorber o Ikrioumuasilen lu algebra aI Oberlin. mîccallon muetî hoenergiset i u EiseaoRetritz w enu aIu ecelat. aquîppol vîtia the motive forceo Wh"at a&Ibt e utter ol&htheIbm asrebu alotlh anti perfect physique i 09 lm0? bava lait unnion liste palhvay i Claube Omit a second graler vana Oomplituault., eaftamafor a abotlime dutlng the purtimauwtlatl lu at Ylnll.amB aeaoMM eau holpoosesslou teie MeelablueSia olumu. The igIaiR Gaehanorgauieti h liittag tise foloo4ig oMmen: Pro@, cul Denise,; Sac* Ânlrev Doebk«. à oommltebuban apponutal se o i ci Li r y] T te 0 -'One of my eblldmen vastabou vISI craaup colle anti nnfferod ierey," Oysa . B. BIson, o!1lionolt, lie,1"I telephoueti for a docton, thon gove a lao! ofamberlans Colle. ChoIera and Diarrisoma Bamody, hand a tov minutes liter e meocti dose. Before tisa lootor cmibm héchilI va» rellaved. For sasie by r. B. LoTUL, Liberyvloe; GesàALKUPiumàlar.1 -1I DEERYIISLO. evauing aio'cloek.EvrnaIvlt a. Llae'a boresl utorn 1 ted vill giva a miaeiary progbmu Sutay orvoiug Nov. $0. Evanyoue invltoi. Bring yonr frIands. lins. John Jeffens anti ulster and tiaughter liabol vialtti vitlins. P. L. Jongeuson Buaday. lira. Jengenon aompanel tRuhome. Cautionl This la net a gentls word-batvison Feu tux nk ilSia leyen are ol te puraisastho e i emedy univermdly kaon "ai snemei lat tuhanua thit langeai Bite of anY -elAe luabise vorl "lous1805fer ibm cure sud tro s e of sumpion sud titmoa aM tong toubla u ibout blug Its g<t t opuurty Il ibasa yearn, yen yiulha ibéaubtul vea 00110your ai, ieaton te BouciteesGuruanSyiup. Thiro are no macy erlluary cough roeeles made Sq tirugglia andi otisora iRa rasasp anti geet tor iight eoudm penitapi, but tor savera, cote. breseili s, croup-anti es- Pe:VI h'for onaumpion, vborm tRaee Lle dioli uloxpcoailoantiudcougit- tmgdng tise nigisto sud morulugi, blura ilauotlag libe Gagman yrop. TM U sea uine bu, 3ma bues lu. "Wu. U pane 74 Mrs. Wetotls ntiAlta.oft Ml- Hient-y. mllied un trenla liere i 1. Wctinenîiav. MIgsaHelen Glit-sJil galnlng qulto rapidly rom ber necent illues Mn. and Ntira OonWimtomb,utof l ,tuaios,îîlanti enter lDn. Taylor'$ Ohinagn, ocre thae guer4tiof M irscaro. Harrison lest ocol. -I L. C. Prico andl tamlly moveti 10 vaukegan ibis weok wobere tbiey tl make their future homo. The Thauksgiviug cervicea and the Bnuday fichool llally vore interotlug anud dollghtful siervioeig. There vas an attandanco o1 nlntytIlve et Sunday &shoot. Next Friday ovenlug Nov. 28, thora wili beoa hiver modal content la tbe M. E. chuzch. There are &Ioanoimverai excellant numbers on the propram. Admisaion free, bute collactionvîIllIho &@aken astihe close ortheb coulent. PA LATIN E. lira. T. Dean li on the @tek lisi. lirs. Wm. Ocberiug @pont lionday ln Ohîcago. Mri. and Uli. Wm. Roder mpani Fr1- day lu Chicago. Mis Dora Porop open& lionday vitb lir. andlins. Badke calleti on friands lu Palatine Vetineday. lins.Paddock ayant Thsnksgflig vIh hem friandi e n ouanco. lilas AIme Vosanbai ton lier gneao 0. Lanipier sud lady trou Chicgo ovet scntiay. Mlii Clana Clsiios ontertaiiinetiRer Young frleudu FrA'tay Nov, 210,iit belng lber elgislo.nth irthday. Married.In luPalatine Nov. 27, li" Lous Ventutitîsolcte V. lilil«ofe Bietuervilin. 11ev. Dreageniur officIalîng. congratulation 619630& If you bavesa bel colA yen »"eata goond llabbe matilinu 1k Cisabai lain'a Coucus iteiedy $0 tocuen 0" ralieve 14<Mant 1 almy the iraitaS«, Ilanaupildu f et b roul aMiw4uege The nootsinlg ad mi bg wam~Il( -e Bibrodea; Md attack uft onalltle codqr Dr. Lockyer's care. lira. M. 8. (Ileasou la apoudnlg ime veok v Iiblier i ou anti famllyiynACtlI- cago. lira. A. O. icharde anti taugisten Mynîle, viblîti bhot pareula Iu Chicago u Suutay. J. C. Soimneder, ut Chicago, $peut f nnday ai homo, anti calieti un soveral ut bis trientis. lMn, anti lra. P. Bockelmaun andt on sno, o! Libetyviîe, viaieti their usolser, lMr&. Lnebbo, on uday. erocteti lu Vernon Ommeeiy lu mmony o e h t-îen lir..Emmett Gleaien. Thmocgh tthe efforts etflMr. tiorman Pegelov lu gettlng subsrîptionsaa nov nldevshk bubanhon builtin ut lovn euea lie cnea brige. A uuher 0f mondouatedt e voik lu building. Au agent ftebmChicag o Teopitone Company vas hhreugb bora 1lut veek obtalnng the atgt-ot.vay to builîla tlepisoce lno from Niles 10 sîfHal£)Y on lte soutaide of lilwvaukee Ave., and thon exhti t vest te ilamanti Labo anti Fex Labe. Nov vo are golng la bave thm taiephona fine dtreet $0 Chicago. The ncoull i h bch alectirondit. A Thaotikstvlna Dinnor. Heavy camlus la csumay th.irat eana. 0f intintion. Ilepueietmtanks nlamo the muceus membranes Uning iRa stousaci, eupoem tibo nerves eft he @mmcl, ptotiuciug a svolllg artla osliug, beerîburnu, beaacheanm riaing anti fl117ly atany e09theit siOamb. KeleLrelleves iRe ilaftmua AoproiectA thu nervs and ouru IRe lam. Kolol cures Indigestion, OU 88908M ngo»lm b g e, j q *u no m 'm- e feh fflV IuW . t Sormte lMr, sud unr. Augnat noyer, at NortMab Buadey. J pair et ba1hy boys. Dr. s»d ira. Heudornoli1 callel o Ohawtep SUUebl eba eturkey forfrien"s bure Wrd. J.. s Td~akgvng IMau. Me. Solozouetorîleinet ber nuothor Lit eorge quunvua e unena caollerfor a fow "jla esmt voek.19 feBilor. ous dua " titis as. loba banaier, of Ohicago. apoul fur Ou couffery, pil a dvileel of SuudaY yith bis Parents- oui L.23j par cvi for UMtber ". Mrk.lr. Vaguer, of rylake, @peut Do, George Waguer of ilouth Chicago, TuealaIWiti ber statar, lira. Methor. 40 eut Badsp vltb fInnda bore. John lioLeugitinand IRira. Wlallon br dit GElorgo Blepper, of Lako Zurich, vas ayant lut Votât TueondAYlu VaukOgan. hi, u on Our sht lai t Ttasdey. linm. ogeovand sou Loue illepnt Do G. J. Bomaber van hotplng Cbarles Batiay »anti iy vtth fiaond» lu m, ebronborg abred corn lest voek. ' OCicago. va Oharloy Webreitberg la helplug Attomney NeeGnifin anti Voterlnary ait tharles Lattents a ev dayiftebIsoolf. Surgeon iluttertieiai vore callera hore tir go lira. John GainIer anddiman Etivatiroc1 061191. eh leitati et 0I. J. Horcer'a one day lteslira. Harny Boîtas, of LibortyvîllO, dc rock. to cre of hon molt-i noverai day, eSi lit 0. J. Horceor bas beau sbnoddiug leat voek. o emeof et'scorn tibis veek vith Mli. Tbo niu rinonde aof J. B. Oidley mann'e ebrelder. yl ho lad te heu It ho As 18con- Charles Bolleubach and daugitltia eig-. lare. of Alingion Rolgbte, visited At Mn. and lira. Barninghauser, o! stng reve roeoritliy . Long Gnove, viattoi their dacghten, a, J. P. filsenthaier hem la mako a lira. Vu. Buck ounlionday. th unnd trip te haut hie corn home ou lir. A. . Richards aud dsughter tit menunet fIhe soft iland. Nytie spent Bunday viib ber parents, lu Henry Baker and Misses Miary and My. and Mrn. Balteb lu Chicago. tu Glaire Baker, of Quottn'a Coorn, Mr. Rnoblerroproaentatlvotf liNeil, et 'laiteti relatives heres ucday. Hlggen & Co., of Ohicago, lraneected Mri. acd Ms. N. Baker, of Palatine, buainona lu Ibis Incatyt! ouday. and Mr. andi Mrs. C. tSmith, of Elgin.,lHormon Peglov tradod lbIs yatllg visitait rlatives ai Long lTovte on lborougitbrod truting coltte1 Ed. p Tuesday. iltuonkel for his fuat buckakilà driving 5 LAKE ZURICH. lira. Mary Sceler who contemiplâtes r EImer Kompot matie a trlp lu Bar- spending part of*the vinton vith ber 04 rînglon last Frlday. parents lu Iowa bait aîti ber piano te b lir. andi lre. John H. Forijes were Win. Scheler. e Wanconde visitors Nondsy. Hiersohhberger Broî. ahipliet a Inoit il Fred Ruigge, of Rocketeller, vas lu of choice fat catile lu Chicago aS Ibeir 21 ton eu business Tnoaday. contributioni l Chicagoki hanks- Mir. and Mtra. J. Guoldberg were Bar- givln ilu i-rs. rington vifItera leai Thcraday. The. tamolls ofthie Milwaukeei Ave. b lira. Gnst.av Fiedieýr vlsltcd relatives eloutrie lino le stlmuiating Hait Dayn le Chicago a tew tias lest veek. tu fflle nov nldowalk tlkeof incorpora- t Win. Blekusae matie a business trip titouand a gafereai City air. Il te Hal Day anti Wheellug Mondey. Jullua Hiertel ahippeti a coubigumnmoi0 Frank Neyer left for Chicago Suaday. of over 100 tcrkeys and 100 docks to . Frank nays il lie ciel gel a gond job lu Chicago tiasWool. Tiie largea% titr t Chicago lhoWiytl bave fthIe nai. of tippeti the soaie ai 34 pounds. Wyoming. Xian Oallle Gutzler, wo huanboeu We rocelvedth ie nov, 1hs1 Mr. anti apecdlng a fev veeka vlth ber sîssier,4 lin@. E. A. Ficke have lofti Apeao.Te%., Mr.eriu l onraeleNrbn ed.e g ant i ntentite ho home about the rlira hmii othNrhted of cout menttb. ins. Hans, 0f Pailine, Who bas boon2 Henry Brantilug bas bougat onue o! apeudhng a fev veeoba vib lr&.C Lavu Broc. Atomatlo Gas machinea Vagner et Orayslaeo, is vlslllug ber1 for bi@ place of business onu Main Mirnt. dagb*r. lins.e. (I . Methor. Herman Prehu la ltustalliug lthe appar- lias Emma Lefronta. ef Chicago antid &tun. Lake Bluff, o bas been viailug A surprise party vas helti Tuenday motisor, brothers and tiator thse last ight ilu hor etflits. Chartes Willielh ev ay relurned te Cicago liuotay Il being ber lird birîiaday. OUmmalof' evconcg. Il kintis were playeti. A flue auppor ToBa oeytnCop va senrvait about 12 o'clock. Tho fol- Fre,,sthe Aieiluon Kan., Daty G lobe. loving guosta vwer. preaeon: M. and Tbis la the season when the von lir a. Boîter, N. andi lirs. Wm. wbo kuovs theo bes remedies for croup Bnescblng, Man Mcllra. Emît Frank, it a le eand fiu overy nigbborheeod. Mri. andi Mra. H. L. PrebSu, Mr. and One uithtie most terrible tega le the lite. . Brandlng and lir. aud lire. vorîti la te bie avakeued In the aidie Vred Hooft. Au onjoyabie liime vasuftheb.night by a vhoop trou eune ot flime chiltiren. t'be croup nomodies are bati -by aIl. Sh vas presmutoti vitb e amont as sure tebchonbt, lu cuiea ot e fine bauglng lemp as a tokon of their croup, An a rovolver la acre ga o bt friendsibp. le case ot burgiars. Tbere nociseti 0 aunId teshionoti romedy for croup, knovu as hivo syncp ant inl, but WAUCONDA. soins modern mothers Bay that Blibenif Griffun, of Waukegaun s b-toCbsuberlatn*àiCough Rensedy ln bettor on Ouaineslest votk. sud doos not cet-Oin unoch. If causes lime patient io 'tbrow up lime pilegus" lira. Grautham rtrnued tront and i gves relief lu a shoreri ime. .lilwvaukeea is voek. Ulv tils remedy es acon sas tbecrocpy 'aui lrs.Lapausarespedlu eogh appears sud il viii provent tue 1ev. ladtîa ek. ae penin "1 nor tailla anti le plosansn 1 bh week lu Chicago anti Elgin. ud salefo atae. For sale hy F. B. linrs. Mlilck, et Iowa, calid osu LOvE:LL, Lîbertyville: GEÂTBSL,&K .relativees ad friandis lait vek. P EAEH«3Y. tliemare. Ju4lin anti Millier, ot HALF DAY 1 onry , ver. onOunr #-tacts Frilay. This lo Tiaukglviug veek, 8o lettus Uns. C. L.tPratt, Mri. C. RIl W et clorget te gîTe Ibenks. ýeandi Miss Cary viiiteti at Nunta laut I îvycuaec 1 wee. B.L.S 18 515 18 nunen su uts e cn Cured orPlies Afttr 40 Vears. lin. C. ilaney, o! (Joes, Ohio, bal tise pilies ton lorty yeana. Doctoesand dollars Cel do hlm no lasting geeti. DeVtîn WilhcBHael Salve enreti hi. pormauntly. InvaInabe fta ntcua, bumus, bruises, s9pra.lus. lecenatAua, eceema, ttIson, sai ibeus anti ail other skIe dtlsasea. Look fer Sthe mne DeVigt on tise package-a-Il othsr are cbesp, vorthleis ceunI on- elîs. P. B. LovwàL, Lîbotyvilto. DIAMOND LAKE. Tho Diemouti Lake cometeny Ansection vili bolti iestast meeting et ieenutai lit. G. Mteel' !bqiDUo.4, eMg3 Wolok. Titi vinl as apublie aufflou on tbe JDavis fau,2 mles nathbaest o onrtyvillo aul oue uaemIau 015o indis pliorci on Balurdai Nov. 29, 2, oouaeulelug ai Il e. M.. tise Joiug desebal perby: 7T ceva Lib ,a triahit liur, 2 apringers, elbois W milkfuag; 1 yer oId Durham bull, EVg ulvs 7 mes old, 1 year oid butter, Jkju @bostaeleghing trou 50 125 Ibo ekceb, und sow. sonrel borns, steel lever Mel si, 10 acres of cern lu stock cul vith cler. strav atack , ooti double glv uess early nev. lillburu bollov t e wagon, noarly nov; licOormick over, vsîblug PlOv, w b cit-pa or, ridlng cultivatot, singleabggy gle wragon, i berne «eer. gartimu of ili, bal racI4 dunuis huards, 1 doson aoi clen e-sy. egg case, bos». an( kvelae, forte. 2 0olig tnaua, hait ,zan .11k pans. choru, mml i tcoal a c ce, gond cltvWibt mattrona, hait ioz W ihen chaire, hlgh chair, and othet ticles te cumerons lu meulion. J. A. licATE, Prop isto. Vnc.aL, Auctioneer. Tise nêorsignetilviii sol et public PA~ silon un the John Harris ltin, ou ae oid Plant Roudi,une mile voit et eormans cernera andti tv miles esse soc fuagea corers, Fnday, Nov. 28, 02, cumusenciug ai 9 a. us. tise- Ilovltug proporty, to-vit: 22 large olcu MilàcuweInalugondt coudutin, noew mili, 2 vush caives by aide. laan:e glviugmlii nti omnietu ebrcary; fuîl bloat D urban bull, 3 yna Id lu spring; toil blooti Durham bull year oid, 4 spring calves, huilera, ,ai Die onuad graY mares cousing and 6 yrn olti, vi 2804; boy horse, yrs nId motsud a al ght. vI 1500; rovu mare 7 yrs olti sounti anti ait igt wt lîtt); large yearliug cle it, suoking eVIt 7 moen od. clytie; iuvy double isareaanev, Dow umeon doubli barues. ,2 single arneas 1 iDov, 4 brooti aoss 1 vitb 0pige, Chester White boar I yr nid, 1abouas vIabout 175 tcd, 14 ehsima r 76 lbo machi, 150 banneti plymusoth ocka bons, Chanmpton biuder nevr, nov )eenlng muor, 1ow MucUormiikco Cre otiter, sulky sprtug tooth coltivatot, ivw; Hooien seedorviigh grassBnd lac«husnt. nov; pair steel lever drap. ivw; 2 waluig plows nev, 14 anti te ceh; timondti tnth culivatar nov, sow shovel pow, neev icformick 2 irse isalrabt.,Ithulier umber vagon 11th double box nev, pair lieu viseel 'necks nov, pair vagon sptungi, 2 mated cauepy top carispo nov, singto triage, mli wagon, nov bey rack, hoslbarrov. t2 nov shippieg cans. 1Cooley nana, 2 usihk pais anti rainera, No. 9 coek steve. largo hot ir heailug nluve. 120 egg ineebator and twe breedena, lot honneisoltigoedc, à5 bu feullnyo. 500 bu oisela. bite, »Is, 20ares cote lu &bhok novet bo vaya out vigh hîntior. 25 tena aplaud hoy lu harn, large stock of cet erav. lot of corn @taille, lot o! tonks,- abovels anti menT0Aber artic-lestn uusrocs 10 mention. BaguIer terme. J. V. 1TtvnNaO, PrOp, W. H. A-PLUT, AUctIOncer. 'Jlie untieralgced wloleil atpublic auciun un lise Lester Morse fari one and nue-hait mies sougb-went of )iaauoud Lake anti one-hall mile oast- of imer, on Wedneaday December 3, 90l, communcaleset9 ea.us.tbaril the eillowiug property to-vIl: 1A ohaice movB, 6 acvmlitens, balatice bpningeta coring Au la Docouber, 7 boitera comlng 2 ynsaiod, O6ppnoga calves, bsiiors, lail blood lDurhams bull comlug 2is tB, ro0ise borse 9 yrs nId vt 1000, eorrol mare 9 Y-8 nld ou 1154), cult cousing 4 yre elti, colt cousiug 3 yrs oid, 2 colla eeuiug 2 yrs aId, anckio)g colt, 2 noe doublo borne@&, iseavy single haaus, ligisi siogle harega, 9 @boats 1751 Ibo aei, 12ositais75 lias each, 125 aboute 60 Ibo t-e, 7 brouil îovs 2 wiib 10 psgs cadi, Polant i su boar 1 yr nid, 2100 ebiekiens. 16 Toulouse geoe fucll blond, Chiampion grain bludor nov, licCormtck coro hanvealer Dov,GOdboraco palverizer nov, Daasy check rovcan planter sev, Clipper sulky plnv 16 Inch nov, 2 14-ii,'-h valklng ploies nov, 2 6-ahoel vahkiug sulky cuttivalors nov, licConmik moyerneno, steel bourse rake nov, 2 sels steel lever dragasuow, froadetic @@&foer nov, pair bob) sioeanov, 2 bal racks one ueo, woq, tack, smootbing ptenk, 2 3-Ilch tire truck vegony, mili wagon, single carnlage. rost cari, grlngaitone nov, il barnel vator tank neit, gaîvanizesi Iran anollng tant boldos neveu cana novw, 23 astpping cens nearty nov, double iarpt',on fork anti puîîoy aIls 250 ti nov Tope, 14 berrel tank, nit box, 25 tans ulce êrîgmt millet bey lu barn, 20 tocs nico bright imotby bisl inbar. 6 tons rsplacd bay lu bamn, ait boy peit np vithont being vol. 4 siaciis cote, large qrsantlit can talka lu siasikea bout 1000 bu No. t yello w par cern lu cylb, 2 cros out sava, visel bartow, lot o! tomba, Shovela anti many niben articles 100 numetntl tu metlon. ]Regniar Tourne 4 Niait Kînsi, Pmop. W. H. APPLEY, Anctioneet. GikM E R. Milse Mande Vheeler. ot LiIierty ville, calieo n ientisbore Munday. A 11111e bey came 10nlive vls tir. antiM lr Hanington lest veeii. Louis llansao basreturnet tram, rDakota anti la uov staying at Frank Browv*8. e Louis Knigge vasneo&satirilied vith YIhe herse ho purehaseti et F. Lemiien se Mir. Lomiier tek the hanse book. * Lest Batunday morclng A. G. * tchvnrmenu nocelvetiby expresanfle ýpioceofnideen eul. Hoelute odoring SIf -tTetidy" sentIil. AGE WOVEN WIRE PENCE CO., AUSTIN CLEMENT. V. P., e MoureSt. - - . Chicago. 0. 1. LUCE LOCAL AGENTf Ubortyvil e, IMRnete. WRIGHTI IiOTHIERS Wagons, Buggies, Lumber, Buidr and Vehicies of Materiais and- ail Kinds::::,Hardware :: Coai, Lime, We solicit your' Cernent, Sait patronage and as- and Feed. sure satisfaction. WVRIGHT BROIHERs" JSTOVE S AND RANGES before the raise in price. W e hv h ih rcso Acorns, Stewarts, GoId Coins, Garlands. W e h C O rl le A N D E l U S . SCIIANCK BROS., Libertyville - - - Illinois. eue@*@*WEEKLY INTER OCEI*m SLIRGEST CIRCULATION OF AIY POLITiCAL PAPER IN TI T ~ Ifn rdi~ly eptica, avoctiu' ~4Blut if can always be reliedm 0 w.th ahiity t.nd frr14o L ;~0lr aA 0einis$..epa5JlJcd au - NE WEKLYmuTR OCAIISUPPLIIEB ALL f3ETCURETLITERATURE[ : t i l Morally Clefut and as à Faoîily Paper 1 ic WIIout a Pter. ~~ The Litendturce ofil columni- la i equl a 10ai Of the best maga- - zincs. i l li tro liio.chU-- _______dren as welIIas the pamotia ... HTi-E INTER OCEAN ia a WeSTERN NEW.SPAPER# ant i wbk it brigs to the f aiily THE NEWS OF o THE WORLD amd giveaits r &- le hast andi ablea m d om alasi a a l e-ions of thseday, it is in foullaympa±hy with the idues àaàd ampiratfia efc Western pecçfr andi 0 ducuma ifteratureanditi csjrot7 îLz Western standpoiLIJI SLOO-PRiCE ONE DOLLAR PER TElq $1.00 3 * *Dallrand Su«.y by .,A . S Up- year THE INDEPENDENT and WEEKLY INTER OCEA* Both Papers, One Year for $1.85. ý Separately Independent- Inter- Ocean - 1 r.J r.E la-. 01 ta, borty% fioe ov bervy, Du 4rty, pboIc 1, PHE Ibert) . O. VCTI A saist .Iberta OEC 1 1 --- 1 Il 1- Il ri 0F NEW JERSEY. The new electrie litie now building from Laite Bli bertyville, will have ita cars ln operation Iu the OP rrything pertaining to titis road te of the very ad, road bed, rails, cars, etc., and beslde8 the Ma rit hae e tn eu orders entire ny f or ib I. L.i-hghest 1 rallroud fettcing. Pose set extra deep in the gi A strongly braced. The f once when completed, w credit both to the Railroad C'ompauny and to the îveu Wiro Fonce C'ompany. WVîite for Catalogue:-