il Rla e PoTsl.bM* Na. îtvt &DaUlNC u"t» ZAD*E EONV9OSAPPLI- Friday, December 5. 1902. RecÏeeiet'. Pogition o..aTrusta and Tariff. 1: belleva ihal monopoliea. uDnent dia- oriminationa, whieh privent or cripple comptition, fraudaient ovrcapitai- Issiion and otite? avilsiIn IrrU organ- isations. and praclicea wich injari- orusl affect intersiate trade osa be prevanted under te power cf Cou- grecs t10 'regulste commerce viit foi- aigu nations and amoug te seversl eaes." ihrough regulations sud re- quiremaul. operating directly upon auch commerce, tlitntrumentalities tbereof, sud tose,,eugaged Ibereiu. I eesely recommeud thia ubject %0 thecooalderatiou c01he Congre«. witb s ve. t h. Pafsage ot a lav tesson. shie luIl.provision. sud effective lu ils oprations, upon vbich te quee- lion. eau be flnally adjudiosted that nov rais. double as 10 the of onuatitutionsl ameudimeut. If Il prove. Impomsible o 10acompUsi theb purposes aboya se& forlt by sncb s law %ben, asrediy, we 'dhonld ual shriub frcm smauding the constitution go sa bc secure beyond peradveulure the pover soughît. Ouir al satxuld bc uci by unvwia i tarif!dbanges tb give torelgu produets lbe advautage, aven domaiNe producie, 1 but b.> proper ragulation 10 giva do. mastic compatiuion a far chauce; sud pis aud ceunot ha routciaib.> su. turit changes vblct voui affact on- I lavorabl.> al ompeusons, geai sand bai .11ks. Vie question o! Segulation th le truatestands &pat fromntihequemtion of tarif! nevision. I SIit& l.> of nononto polio.> munt e1 vuya bc tha prima ecouamic nemi cf ibis onary. Titis afabili shol net bc fosiliaatiou. Te countryhiuse- quhum.c a theli. isiom oifte proe- tiv.slanlftprîneipla. It la exceoagl.> Undesirable liaitia aîîstarn siouli bcN destroyed ortHial litera aitoli havio-. lent and radical changes timnoin. (Sus puat expetance ahows liaI greal prou.d PariS.>lla bua aaîscolle =dàr a proteetive tarifasd $bat tho eaaa&iY anuiot prowpen ondin filn tenRchauge& et short intarvAI&a REAL RUTATE TRANSPERM. Purulaheu b.>à Lake Coalat.>Tille k ViuaI Ce. Abslrndl of illa. Tillai Guaranteai liamie Tample Bldg. Wukegun. BIl Louis J. GttuuuBeci. IP jDietaier an d v ta Hnry DIet- meprer lot 3 sud part lot à ik 3t originei Wackagau deed-.......S &W 00 EBil . Douglas andbu toal aiat Cita W Douglaseond %Besvand ntadjulu- lut a Dougla.s ou aIs9 v cor Gian inaAve aud Sheidan rund lybLiottîanus tu-le G8Brown loe IL lk Lnoz nuit Wauka aw d sas le Lrnse ala Bluff Association ta MasLCoolk lot atltIlLake Bluff elle ................ ...Xm«I'« -* ...ule C? Lau IuIlf....................~sa Bu-Ian IM iver sud hug a 10 Oto& Mliv EueBSR strip of laud titreaw X me 34t-i .dt? .................... tmaor Y B Ku hen andi vita Minîla A Luat lotu aW %uw B4 oe 2--0 W el.. . 450 0 MayL Stouchttn taEmasM MEvtuýy lot bik *129 tudt attteLSL Bluf Wu W E NixontCla. Barniitai, $%$WvBand 90ei"0SacsanylS ast-46i9 j0.......t......... 0 Abti. J Il Wouil andî bus lu, Mary A Siott lot 6titI 72 iioutb Wsukegan W B Cruli tte and i10 ta Matba A BarDiet part m-si 1 and 2-41-i-tansd part ses 34-44. 1uI v dl..............fiaiM te J H Cronthita sut y! ta mrtita A llartlett part mfet1 ad mut ilaand Conrt Siegitand tia Hrasn Daugge ai ascelu IntNe- -w vd..tsanste B Jeitonnett andi vi to lienry itralia ttii iJoitouutts at 0AnUith wd................._.-...........lias Briîletat Fli z«raid et ai tia Marvarmt WasonA sa4i liio île t 7 it lot ns Biityod eo......................t1 ne 4 eniarvey t il Trusepa 10j ebie lut La h l tLake Bluff q o... iti T J mitit aud wvîteS9IBMeels n te ft lot il sudtanlati lot?7 Salît, sut lna sue l-4e-s wd ............. ina s. Lavreune Kennedy taeL F Swit sae :Wa.nd utrlim-of-vay titre svt id s ec ai-s-t v Ilt............... 12M ne L 9 Mutaîl te Johî,haMitheil lots 2i. lud 30 MIkLttk"e iluffqeso.......15 0 $%rab A Butlier ta Jaes ran ce0 % n M Ov Xsec 34-46-11iq 0............i ta W.% J Rian mtv I n At si teJaob Eetz-ii am B ne id n. X ce; 3-s-11 W... .............................sais.0 Vna J Brunan sd y! le Janan Bran W W vMB£WvXB excepl pari n of Oooi Cigara. Simoke, if you VII1 touai 51ou smoking, MIelgar liai la miii sud ptauast to 70u3sMd sgneme 6e 0 othes Who Mai feili ur soiie. lsa cime agplu"t yoursolt sud thons ion miagle ili te amoka a pour lgar. Hemember liai The Spetai, the lAi. Conly JFavetite sud la Farnauthle tir" impeeali. populir irsudaput up by TiieccMkefelle CWgan00., sud Cu9ba 11@14., th.bast champ cigsrou lia, SanieS anbsre huaeau.>once moansd eauj..>ammeNug visiosbeing dftefv île sicooinoud yon. Tri a la"o Geais.> avonîte on a fpectel., ton MMatai>lai e luS.>desimis. 4l-d "h. Eciilwmier Cige Goc. te Oc.W. IL -ga, IL b il 9 tg JI d si d 9 0 b Il p Il lmasJoue Dilvaiapmat Part os lait Lw trrell, of Chicago, visiteil bi parentsbore Bandai. Z. IL Young, o! Hebmon. Il.,recntly ilted as 1Dr. TouaI's. B.B. Dizon veu$t 10 Truendell ou bialneaiMondai morniug. lita« May licClure la pmadlug ltae veek vltb frienda ln Chicago. Mr. and M»r. F. N. Gagglin roemed to our lovu lionday moruing. lilu ay aPeleracu vho vw.onIJrntred In s runavay accident bua recovered. Mrt& Hickoci fChicago, recenhli apent auveral days vîith frieude here. lira. Frank Nottinghamu snd dangier spent Thankaglving vili lira. Dalalel. lir. FUni Pelerson died lu Wsnke- gan boopital Friday ulghl nr typhold lever. The Yong Ladlai Clubs hald a joint meting et orange Hall lst baturday. lir. arry Flood vas lu Chicago PInduo! 0lutI veek ou accont of su auna.deatb. Ur. sud, lira. Obittsnden sud flinguer Blace recanil> vlalled rea- tives et Lake VIll. Te Woodmen gave a plasaut dancing parti Thsnkoglvlug ulit. A good orovd sttended. lma Amelia Wuisteulald sud Mr. Niobola. Adazâz vere nsrried lu Wankegsn lait veek Weôduday et1the Baptisé parsonaga. OuI.> s tew rela- tivea viltnuadthie coemoni. It w111 ba good nev. tu 1h. motlais of imail obldren lb lesa ultai$ croup oa N prevented. The tiret aigu o! croupiM bosirsenees. A day or tw0 belore te 51150k the oild becomas hotre. Titis l accuo followad by a peenular rougit cougb. 01v. <Jhaatber- lalu'a Cougi Bernai.>freai>Uas accuas te Mid heomes hosyse. or even after the rougit 000gb appears, sud lé vil diapel âai symptoma of croup. InUn wha va.&Hildanger snd auhlali mey N savoided. This remedy la ned b.> min. thonasada of moters sud bul neyer be-eu kuoim tu faîl. Itloi la lutthe oui.> samed ienit eau alwa.>u N depeuded upon sud ébt la pleaaansd maie 10 tae. For sale bi P. B. Lovwu., Libertyvlle; GaAya- Li.àx PRARNAOT. Frank Sennit bu returnad 10 bia home lu canada. Otta Mury, of Johusburg, vas a Volo ciller Mondai. George Arson, 0f Wisconsin, vislted et George Beuvelîs Ithe pont veai. lise KItS. Dovaîl vilted at Long Lake several dais ofthie peut wesk. Mis. Baule Ddnuil, o! Grayalake, epent ber vacation vitit ber parente. MismeJaunie sud Mande Walton ,isaildrelatIven lu Bebro i. hepais ei. Richard Campton la vlaitlng bie daughéer, lira. Bau Comamas, of Biollina. Dr. Rcu.eniteeber sud daugbite &unleapent oeeyii9!thb.put veek lu Chicago. lir. sud Mis. D. Bailli sud Paul Aven, of Oak Park, viated et Robtert Paddocki lthe latter part of the veak. lire. D. C. Townseud, of Grand Rapide, Midi.,vaathie guett cf lira. Jimea Kirvin a f.. dais lhe puat veek. lira. John Moeuransd danghter Mgues, loit for Michigan Sondai, shore $bitai 111violé relatives Ibla West. Vangitu sud GCarlia Fitch sud Will Johnsonu rned to Ihoir home lu Wankegan aller apendlug naver&] daim nt ( bia Dilie. Consuimption is a human weed flourishing best in weak -;nigs. Like other weeds it's ...sily destroyed while young; ýhen old, sometimes ira- piossible. Strengthen the lungs as. you \would weak land and the wccds wilI disappear. Thc bcst lung fertilizer is .,cott's Emulsi'on. Sait ~r is good too, bu it i ver ard to digest. The timne to treat consump. tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others sec it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Be-gin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it iSn't really COlîSUMption SO much the better; y *o wIl soon forget it and be etterfor the A Coids Wave. Te foreoaai of adien obasgaIBl lia vealier serves notice liaI a ica9rs. voie sud a heiaavy ongi Ma. invada @&Duil>09! ealtit lu Four ova borna. Cautons people bave a botl. 0f On. Minute 000gb Cura alvaîs e8 boud- E. X. Wiai, lidlon, Ga., vilas:*11 aux Indabtai b. (Que lInuteOoelai Cura for m.> proent joot bealli, su probbli My ili.- lt cure cougia, eooua. lalppe, bronhildts, pueuMoul sud ail tiroat sud longhrbioe.0» KlsC ouglé Can sus-i io dzava out*ii usaaiu oh ioçthu tui mucuaasmea5 Dams a et thealî an S aelulsasu se air Rosiera. Vie COUncil Monda.> nigiti--Petd Mtuinaismodjamksa rptono ene.. streat bridge and ordored the structure opedou i lie« vote, lia mayor daut- log lb. deeidlag voies..TVinaMtilut lite structure Ila opea s ea- sud treet car trafo, a trul.> forinuhie condition Jusl as te holday Bougon sUd thiegraie front sijoiuing tavuis itarta lu. Baveri lfrigitleucarsdut tbem con- tenta voe.plled la s Promiacums eap of aplinlera, boer ils suad coiS Mondai lgit tuIna NOnsliveslern fraliBt vneok nean South avenue. The causie1 of lthe vrok vos ltae bruaking of s couping ei lie top o!fte grade nain 1h. Buga Bfl en.>r aud the subsequeul coolion cf lie jvc parla of1lte train. Vie accident ialaied lte Nrii- weselrnaervice greatl.> sud euecl- $asiltae sendlag Of lte GreeauBBs.> lrin a rud ou th.e(atana diviion. A lirae tait.d lu lbe Baver bout fiolor.> lest Saturisy. TViteire depsylment sUOC66edilu confia- lng the blasaesW thea isideof o!lt building, but a considerabla por- tion of tlie or vas butrnaioui.1 AcIde froe iteliamage t0thie building thie Ions la citiet.> lu flue destruction o! parlsetnisevarai udret Yeoman Wall Piper Trimmers vtici tearamadt a lte Bower an aeony. This large lot o! mnachines van completet ready.>for assemblng, and mucli oft he lot la ruined. iThe cl.> nOfV.aiîkegRo comas lu for muniaetiosulnu uimatheoongys-slonal appropriations sinecomujendad 10 Congres.Monday b.> Seoretar.> ihav.1 iu th.eastimates o! appropriations for ltae fiscial yiiar, S2450151 la recoin- mnee, '*for ronipleiiug lima improva- maul 0f Waukegau harbor. Firîliar titsu titis .eoaliog qulte ne. te Waukegau people, likel.> lie resull o! lte reconimndsllon of Engnaer Warren islte recommandation la cougreant10e.sblinit a ligbt sud log1 Signasl& tWsniagsn break rater st a coel of $10,00. Unable 10 Ponit uaI! over tae bar at lte mout o!ftae bnrbuîr or lu ie druwn aunos by tha big lug Dizon, ltae barge tarnooca loaded vitit 2300 lous of hard noal for tae Western Coal uompsny vas obligedte 0pull ava.> sud go on g0 Milvaukea Saturda.> nigiti. I& vas about il o'clack viten th. beige ga&Idean sud slartet for Mlvîn- bei. Te radant storma hiew ilu8so mucit sendtet ltati he mout to! he barbonrviit Ithe Preseul loy vater, lieralaJa a pt of but 13 10 14 f0eui. Mionda.> nigitivoater boutsleiaed ili lbard cool ver. obIgai 1tu Put about, sfiter vainl.> endeavarig 10 enter lb. arbon. TVit lemer larwalI veut la Soult Chicago sud lte Britaule 10 Mlwaukee. GAGES LAKE. lUi assGilbhert @pettMonda.> lu Waegsn. lir. trong sud !amil yuil mave la Evanton Ibi vea. The[Laies. Aid Social.> met viii Mise. Frsuk Clark Thursis.. lir. sud lis. Cita. Crittauten spai àiouday viit friands lu Wukegau. T baie viii b. s Chnisîmas prograci sut tram given aItlite churcit Chitina avre. Arthur Tuceur sud (rsoar Brook@ apaul TiturataI li te Stock Siito nl Chicago. Ed Ais, o! Edgebriiok, i-peut lte pu, f1ev u.ayn vii Wîili iirotg and family. Ujeo. lBrooks sud con lisiV"iîy sud Afred Dix wtt, Chui-egu viato.m. Iediienay. specuii a tiltiga tlil biuhelîl aIi ta ohuroit bsgluniîîg siiiy iglit Decambar 21. bilîns hable (iieland Frait pllonai o WsVugegsu, epeul Sunduy vighthettiforimarnpsrenta lite. ftiii Ada Manchester neinruat go Chticago Suu2dei having epaut beu Vianksaglrng vacit1OU et borna. Mri nsd lira. CIOD06enc mollay and iae. Elle Patlerson, Of Gunmee, speut tlundsy vill Frank Clark aud famli. MIis Barnlce lmoraainie Edlth MiClatar.> sud GU.> sud BOY liai, ot Wsukegan, aIlsniai meeting tara Sand*y nigit. D)onl firgat lte Bmbai Social il ltae home of Mn, sud lMra. Vaut Wond Friltîy igitl Dec. 12. Everyoue in corditnU.>invitadIo 0attend. îtrom Anotiter CorrasPunlent> w. F. liacLachlau sud fatull.>sPeut Tiagksgivlng aetlte Pince. H. A. Vollen va. lie guasl or Mr@. W. Y. MacLactîsu Thaakigivfug. M. J. Heur.> open% tae scitocl vaca- tion .itb bis recun-mate, Allsu Nie- Lioblan, ut. hie PIura. EVERETT. M a. George Voie ig la Chicago. lUayrnaZeinn enjoyati a iev daya vacation titis vael. George Yon,, Jr., spant a few dayî vliaiing l lia eiîy. Misa Onromelu la vialling lier uft, Mise Marie Lanuter. The dane etl.ubetyille vas Weil attentai by lte y oung folk@ of! Brmt. Nias Margaret O1onnor la lmprov. log ver.> rapIdi.> sud .111 aoon tit a %0 be ont. M. OlioýlO bl an su action ouis firi vest oi Ever tl liaI veai Ever.>- tiing aolt veil. A large number ci te tanmana aI- baudet lte Fal Stock Shov lu Chicago turing the veek. lira. li. BtieaI.,o! Ti,-tlv, vIellai vli Mi. anduter. John Horeubargi r ovar Titaaksgtviug. A youug mou caesm$0 gldten lte homne of Mr. aud lima.Jo6eaptBadley>, ai Chilcaao, lunI vaek The Box Social at tia Everail acitoai Tiauksgivingao vwxas saucleas &îtitongi thIe night wva s tora. ThVe $Otal receipis vare 89.50 vhlcb .111 bN niai lu dacooating the lnterlct of lie achool roomu. Tie teacher sud pupils wli-b ta10exieiead rn Hiska b. tioa - "vitentmua ielping liad.'" Beidinte aorBimtl, do' ha iigbloed If ion bain tbe 0sounior bors. boms and o1309lua aviile a amoliurat eoreaimlu tho dems. [t in nos a casa 01 kidnapping or alopo- ment as ion migits suppose, but JUil acua of or îouuî adis acospuaia b.> it mesorta, lr.>in go .masmte s*t of boraa-beek ridlng unden c0Oos et 8 lia ikui.,Somo of timu gêsSug promisi o! omta ecMPia- -55915 lu 1h51 BHe, but vil MVeina - mesaoep sy uag fa t% biltveei l mae Hote ud naie. on o0i 0 " diajond seling coi osier, B t: *q P. BssnBatufulle un amliRevad. 9 1-P WeSWORTH. J. akbobwte i.havlng an addition bailli b.uhi e n. Th e mt"apatienla are ait cou. valemicsÇ4g et eauî. Tier. vais largo ataudanceat lte dauce Tieukagiviag ulgit, li. nsd M.IJ. Taylor alarteti for Fiants Tuflai morning. 11118a linautura, o! Busaell, @peut a fa. da.>i vwiirelativesboe.. Nusaa Carrie Doyle sud NeIJIe W"la, o! Waukagsn, spent Thauka- giving bie. X. SInus sund vi!. mad Unr. T. Stea, of Cbleego% vitet relatives ovar Lait Thiwily in Wsukegsn ooonnred ltae mannigfof H arrion Siver, ai Russell, b. kmieMlahal Aleock, of thlia place.. Kodlol DyopeaiCure Digeate &ail caséea cf food, loue.sud sirengliamiUse atomacb sud digestive orgmn.. Coi Mdîspepisa,indugealion, etoniaci trobleasd m"«e suit rai blood, bioulenautreugth. Kodol rebulda WNernoui Iloaie., purfiea, strengliasA aavesane 1he niornuci. Gov. G. W. Atkinson, o! W. Va,, sa.>: 1 have usa & numuber o! bolîlea o! Kodol sud hse fon tu110 a sver.> effective as udeeuta ipoverful nemedi for toacIsalimne. I recammeni t ta rmi blne. F. B. Lovux, LIbertyville. FORT H-ILL. MiSsa luitBauer la lu Chicago. John Lauzilies abail% a uaCool bouse.f A. B. Combe spout tiret niflice veek le 1he oit.. Joe Davis la itt-uding achool utI Grayalate.1 Nr. sud Uli.a Geo. luson hava gone loOhicoago 10alve. O. D. SmihIoi.buildlinga a us. iog bouse ou bie tarai. D. V. Wait. of Chiucago, epont the puat week aI home vîitbis famil.. O. L. Thomso aud fsmil.> aIe Tttaukefgivlng tînner vîit brother Abert, ut Groalaka. WhteS i,.a Nome? Everytbiug la lunte name vheu il comsaIo Wicb Hauti salve. E. C. DeWili k 0. pf Chicago, diacovrai som. years ago, ho. tc maie a salve frcrn WtehBHarel ltaI i. a specfllo for pilies..Pur blind, bleeding, ilcit- lug sud protruding piles, eczama, enta, hurno, bmis ansd &aIlskin dlaeaeaDoWi'a Salve bas no equal. Tuhiban given rien.te, nurerous vortiea. countentelts. Aak for De- WItl'- the gennîne. F. B. Levain, Libertyville. WARREN. Vilas Oanson l. ounlte slck ]litI ua lira. Chas. Lamb lua ver.> @tck at ber borna hase. H. Baty sud faml.> apeut Thanks- gtilg in Grayalabe. lire. Wm. Odeti ila nlarleuniug s sisIar frarn Nebraka. lira. Beitruaansuoh roidant of titis place dled lest Tueeday. Jas. Bok sud wlvife liedneaives aud friands lin hiavioJiîl.>recengl. lira. W. H. Wilson relurued !rorn th ospîtli unda.> but 1q salllvery alic. N. P. Svsuson sud vifa vliitet lu Chicago éMonts.> sud Vusadai o!. lI veai. Mis. Francis Chspmsn Io ver.> amok In Chicago;, irnelslives vara seul loy tiueday. Ni. sud lirs. M. Audtrson clabralet lteoir Wooten veddung iltSunda.. Relatives frua Wsnbegsu aut a fav intiuate friands frout baya vara preunt. f - "i ayalake 1 ' ~ Items, of 1~ ~ Interesteu. Mril. Coates bas bleau very ill tînt pet witek, but lei improviug. Dr. Palmer asaisted iun a ierationAii Waukepran luit TueKday. Misai Mildred i)uily, of 1)ownereliroti,, in the guent of friendo he- Mr. Lightioat, of C'hicago, speut nil fF days of the puat week hem,. Miii. Effi.. Bnggs went ta Elgin Mon- day toi ba gone neverai weeks. Il. A. Robiuaan returned 8nturîiîîy1 f rom a feîv weeks visit in Kaolins. Meodnines Wheelock, Boyce une]lita hoitz tirove ta Waukegan Tuesday. Mile Mauti Gate@. and Lynu Harvey, of Chicago, spent Nunday lunrayiilake. MineMalade Turner returni i'dhurnday1 tromam nweek'm visit et ber lome a t Autioeh. Mizpah Caif R.. ofa A. will hold i their auntial oletian nexi Tuemday,t 1i,44 Il. AU l tîeuiiberël nam retîeiit'di lii Orr Brrian wî*nri. n mii.' thina' (ayé; ou ncoaltîîto a litttle grand-child Wilelà arriv it tthe boulie oi hie mon llenry in 'liii-Fox Lake Cêeic-ery Associationi wiil mieet with Mii,. Fiied toak Thtiri.. dlay for tiuîtier, Dec. i1. Visitormalwiiyii weiiaiiîme. Mamuie Bariimta&bi-, S.cretiery. Thei,-Ke-naniîîfai li-s niai îd hl-k ta Ci u-go tîis wctek. 'heir tstmy wîaî short duîrtian, ou t M r. Rtwit Ke-,nuiai Iuis a 1eiiiitininiiithe- city anid of iiîîîî çiirsta, lit,- iiiîr uis wrk. ~îSois 'lii ttîr 0. E ..»Ielt-I flmtr. uit 'luiliiy îî gîtt's li-i Iiîg ih th. f)lirîlîg s-att. Mm, t. liai eMenti, . M., lre. liîicu Mars.-. Ase M. Ilb-gi nid Gailtrey, W. ' Ms i.Muiiii lluikiiaiii. , ,4, MiiAri.Hiiîuiî l,,ig~i- i tugli, rea, IlMr. ArI lu IV où-,( eiIeîi; M rs. lat i- i isi Toin, .Ass. i'ici. 'ih-- ',N'trtny Matraît %vil iaiki- lier aiiniit- mentlalt the itex t meetinîg. Iliitaltio i wiuli iw l-hiW.-îimeidty m-viiiiig. De-. 17th ti wiiih ltisiig Huill 'eiget~- îl eiirdiaily trîvité-el. Thie LIMit-s' (liiin-iAi1 ui. iety 'tilli itid l(tli#-ri iiiuituizar uetuoiiieiinn Htiitiiet Wtednedny eveiiiug, I14- lei. Tiiiir will-il ii nuuniis-r oaiyuith. Hc h as th home liutie incl- îali iibo, lie..I t1wrîth. ii-l'e 1ie at iiîîtheti.,a li-nua w e ati titirt-lieý ns. n thiîîg tro ui il bail tiie laloti n i- îak iig. liroi-r uînd atîjiper n ilii Wu, rveil. iiiitioti.andît cnt n gooail nle, anujîl 1-ut.' soit t.ii t shiinig ahheu lin oîîi.' tr ritre iof thii iîiîîthe;a ndiîlielhi iîi n g' itiii ti Obituary. Mr. John Meyer died ai hie home In the goueuaof Fremont eauly Frlday morang, Nov. 21. 190W.lUn was bora al; Lorraine, France, Jun0 11, 1817. Mr. Meyer wau one of thie ploneer setlIers, comlog go Amgrica lu 1847 sud alna rebided ln Lake Coaty. ne leaveé te mouru hie Ions a vile sud Ilrea childreu: Peler, o!Ivauboe, Min. Peter Bayer, of Arlîngton Beights sudMNy,. John t. Tijeisa, o! Bublette. Iuterment Look, place Monday lu the Cattboile oremeery li Wacoouda. <lARD OF' THANK5. Wa wish ta îhank Onr uaighborn snd triends yho nho kindIy aidad us turing tume Mloinnsandsdesio ofur lnabasut aud fatber. Mue iJOutN MEE, PETIM IUEY2iANI) FAnMILY. PEOPLES'COLUMN. Ad, nelder lim bead mugtan1w.ys b. psmd la .dvenw.. Rate. 35 nperiEune pe ft. 7 vî,rdacaaatltuting nlina. F RSALE or TRA.DE-Milwatikooii INo ll ibm rnhuiiker anti trend pow"r. lI gond .'îindlu. 8. J. ouao, Libartyvilie. 6-4p F RRENT-7 rouleibedon and barn. un FOi&oekeftilir rond 54 mît- veat of Ltirt) - ville. AppYt teF. P. Drtuioron preilca 7-2-P. F SALE- baitws, milkrs and sprInetii. FWMX. CATEs. Lbrtyv îtin.s-t-d L OS-Orta Wlta Ango.rra tuaiet. LOtrotm-rn-o flawtlmworn Farai. Lihertyvla R,wat-ii88 no - J.. (i EUI[5TZ8. Unclaîsned Lettero. The liqt of unelalmed lttrltLîbertyvills 11,. iontoffiialfor Ibe vek ending Dec. a Whaun allUafor thenir lettera sar "ndver- Âthoncht. Bermian MCarthy. Mr. Thon Brown Mr. M. Maroer M. A. L. Chevalier Mr A. Nlta. Mr. C. P. tran,', Mr. Arthnr Philii. Mr. D. Cagtpeii Mr. A. D. Rudigar. Mr. B. H. Fonds Mr. 0. A. Sbcuttl. Mr. T. Frilihtil. Mr. Frnnk Bobulil. Ur. J. Oailamîbr. Mr. Ja. A. Swanoon Mr. John. Kavanaugh, Mn. M. stratlon Mr. John K--ly,.M. John Shirley, Mr. J. H. Kirmiel. Mr. Emau Simnpson Mr. W. P. Launycoit Eseneat TaYlor lire, Alma Matin M. C. Walleyr r A. C. WmaRRENla. HuÂra Postinaster. Asthma *1 My daurhî er had a terrible case Urom élit itUOIkO 2op4e vo clipthie toilovip4 rafaroe b. H. G. Gardner i snd vili titovalilgit on vio la bon% o! lte ul(v irei National Bank t b d earted lunidbenlyvilie:1 -11. G. Gardner, foi utely >esair ofà lie Bauk of Titonka'sud lober vie prasideni of the Finît National B&onýil tbu crgauizeui ltel'irai National IlaiaofLibertyviile, Ill., vitit a capitl0of *25,000. The churter tor 1he nav niutuion ba. beeu léénai sud il vili commence buineis. a.acou a. the brick building vitieh t vii occupi, la oompleted. Hea ta made sevem-al1 tripe ta Liberiîvillo mskiug arrange. mania ta open up lte business and prolically bas everylhiug resu. "-Tietaiockhoidoee o! the uew book are: H. Lt. Gardner, G. 8. titlbertaou of Dos Moine., Treasurer af lie @taileof lova, E. E. seor, courrier 0f Buffalo Oauter Biais iBank, W. y. rltmpacu, of Fore@t Cilty, E. tg.à Woolridgeansd several local men ai Liberlyvîlle, 111. tir. Gardner la pieking Dp bis ltouaaboid gooda Ihia veei prepiistony t'Ornovlusgo 0Illinois lia latter part of Qibla eek. Mr. Giardner va. oua of lte pioncera 0f tae owu-haviug orgasiad te bank of Tilouka Whou lte tovo vas lu îleï lufuêucy. le reained as ilIa@iabier outil lte mergiau o1lte Bank o! Vtouta aud lte Farmers Banki iuot ltaFirat National vitan ho a v alecied VIna Prasideul of the latter institution. Heia sdoIt ouI alo! bla holdings ln lb. Final National lst aommer sud aine lien buaibeau looking up s locatlin t0 ne-enter loto business. Ny. tGardner la andoved vith sounsi busiuns abilil.>, honeal lu s&H bis dîlsliugn i Ih his falo. mn, poptular lu sontal sud religions clhelem sud wili bha svaluabla addition 1talita busainess ad social chIce.tun bis new itome. Mr. sud lie. Gardinar have mada many ,lanncit fieute lul ti vicisil.> vbo .111 ha o lst 1taheur of thaîr daparlurndsu vto viti t Itm proapenul.> sud lappiunninl teir nev h4)ui, ROLLINS- Master Vigie TaIlyi> apeudinglte s inter 51 Rollins. H. C. Etvsrda sud son Jîîitn vais anong lte City vi4tors. Attorne.> C. C. EIwards va, calledta1 Lake Villa ouia liv niL. L. A. Tally, agent ai Logwood vas a pî--aaismt vIiéor Frlday. Misses Alice antiRth iîomre veis pluenut allera taxi Buta.. AÀfne girl bnb.> came go giate the home ofhanolFoulon Thursia.. B. Cosemin and 8. L. Carfli ahi ppad s car of stock Ibi, veek. C. J. Wigitlaau Ia. italong for tae i<lgtbl.9sud Lsdion of ltaeReilCroi. Miss Mand Itdvsrdns pent ber vacs. lion 0Ilte City lb. guasl aoflirs. Davies. MiasCors Bdvarde sud NisOcrai lineken sîteritrd the churcb aet(Grays- tirhe BSuday. Mra. Orlando bob aenteîleiued iTsunkegivbng deuy Dr. Durbyand farnlly, sud Clinlou foait. lirs. Jamae Taylour, of Warienteu, sud Mri. Jeuiue Ford, of Jackaon, liloit., vre lte guesta mof lira, Heury C. Elvards Tuesda.. Misa Oletiter Wright, of San Diego, Cal., vito tas beeo ltma guesltiof the Bl. Edvardn famly laenilng nevaral daya w.1h Mlra, t>. Iilitman. AVON tENTES NittOOL laruwilt i l te lioving made by Omur scitolar, lte past touttil. The digures liret fîuloiugng aic n itlite trourai averago. te Secoidildeport- meu t: Elgimt grats- Urrîuîle Brever 93, 97; Louis titrwards 3'.2, 9f; Eva Dooliiîlla W. 97; Euhà,il lowielug 90, W1; Coms Eivamîls 87, 97. Seventtit grade~-luiiell E Ivardi. 95, 97; Blanche Duoiltia 99), 97; Lyle Lilviler 87, 96; WiII IN est 8i, 95; Sadie Bowling $7, 97. Fi4it grade-Citanla. Ol-ison 86, 92; Core- lRoker 85, 96; Mina 8its-donu 4, 96; Cora Gsier 78, 96; Gerli, Geler 77, 90. Fut grade ~Abert DooALîttI 85, 95; Lyue Converse 84, 95; Alfredi Smith 84, 92; Bannie Olesoa 83, 90. Founlt grade-Lsîhar E ruaI 96, 96; Note Khhldon 89, 94; Fraubia Litviler 89, 95; Fliinste Sielîioui 88, 91; Loc lire var 74, 93. Secoînd gradi-Eulvin liiieliiou 92, 93; Tracy tieIrr 90, 91; Ervînfook 85, 91; Leslie Druce 82, 90. Final giade-Eva WHilams 93, 91; Lila Geler 88, 90; Redlph Ltwilier 87, 95; liussel Boolitîla 87, 94; Mia liheldon 78. 92; Buts. Lilvilar 79, 92; Gaorge Druce 85, 92; Abert Wendsil 69, 62. NAVIiELLE MULLES, Teacitar. 111R13__ Are Some Trade Winnes 100 Ai Hanilea, easoi...t................. .......... ..... 50 large Nutmag (listera, euhit.... ..... ... ........... Folevaàflouey sud Ver, 60uc se......................... . Foleîa HEoue.> und Tai, 25o aise........ .................. Foleî'm Kldaey cure, 8100c aise............. .............. Poloy'asiaparilla, $1 00 ai a e............ .... ........ Coi Livar 011, $1.00 ahi ................ ............... Dewitt'a Oua miuute CangitCure. 60c aise .............. CROCKERY SALE. 200 Plat", ili size., each........................... 40 Sa51h Bavis, emoit......................... ........... 100 Cream Pîtchers, saut......................... 100 Baiera, white, ascit 4c, 6c, 8c, 10c sud.............. 200 Aiioied Plates,eamuit............................ 044 070 04a 926 . 040.', invitea ite denei gPl uMe litais aeoIId cf09i.seb1 daî0ecet aSAmaus-Bron. *uvJ' Lake, on ChiatmaUigbî,. lingle by Baphkea 0eU Wanconda, saalt.d b.> *&p. from Chicago. Wet Peed. W. .111 have ascar 01 breverj on sidlng e a Wassen ova" 8.9-p Wusmnfo.ou kà 8» To &ail subscrbena of tb* Du» v. have boe n d areso a yenre subacription g0oiea W.cinlg 15 fr Ooem furiM Wb boli papes. on. es icforS81,1& Ailes Jauan.>y 1, 1908 the lite publiabers .111 sivine Uajt acription price. 1o Sier -1.l sud wv ilthb Noblga iebl $2 00 for bolli papota for ou* ré«. llearlblalala rid, an va oàUilw5 the date meniovi eharge the ' puoe aîipulated. The flae' Osi. conte nn a coniderable amnauit no" &btan va charge ont aabemihà-u va cannot holu go Ihe cl I figure ai the sdvsnc pieb.uns i.utn offuet. OU Look et the Label. Oute labmel bhi ilethe b. Ia. nuar Tin addressed, s"Ovs -Me date to whieh Yonr mubacrlplion baubeona petid. Ton ea uadili iled OUi iji - looking at the dae ou the labeli »W iouraccouas sîsude. 19If ruade 4Eau '01 i haows Ihat i on have piou se Jsunary1,1901,1!il lresaJeu, latit Meuns 1h51 you have peitd b. Jaiai.> 1903. But., vialever lb.figai a i show the date bc whicb ycu hà&e PeM sud if ion are a luirrs ureînltke fi0 deiired sudviii b. manch sppreeltffl. If ion viii plesse observe the datles you viii bnov Juag boy yoor sceost agnats itl theprinler. We IOVI90 Jour apecial attention bc thoee igumi. Wsmted. We vouli like tu sait, tiregOUn comumus of yonr paper, I!l tmoe uSa.> paracu Who bai nsei Groma ÀAui Flover furthie eOteoi 01 igba== a dyappeu an sdlilver trouli lia a not beau cured-s«nd wea" muas> lbiu reauat, snob sa sous etauIne fermentation o5f food, habituae 008187- nous, nurvona dyspepse, beairna. deupandentléfelings, slupleoeu- lu fel, uvitrouble oîmnueted vith te alomacb or liver? Tiie madite bas bs-en aoii for mn.> m tuait1 oiviIisedcl cantries.. ad vu viai i correspoud vîit iou nd su anAYOM oue 0f ont book@ Ire@ ai9oul. iU vos neYer Iried AnuenatFiovii', tsi a U cent bott l ris, We have n»~e kuovn tof Ils failig. If no. someUti. Moire serions s iteaimile .11k 701 The 25 cent aSehabuius$beasa taire. For gala by (inATREAIE PKAIMAOTm Orai.iske, fil. 0.G. u =.<asiWccA bnîy. N. J. Public Notice. Tr..ur"De -inau. or t cfGag. troliey of lima Ouîrenay. WRîB. by aSIisfactcry evidomm tes- siat.ud 10tin, uderalgned. et hme bonsai te sernar that The tIrst NationailSaB»kae Lib.'rtysllit. lIthc Vilaeof LdbmryvILIDl te <>outy of LaIe aud Itate o!f 11101baih .rIold vitt ahi the provisions of tii Btatut-n ofibthVnllud tates.reqird t e (Oitoie vtiîh bfain a aaoctiion abolilb. authoriret teteanmeune litebuis Met ltankinug Now Taitnaona1. Willaau B. ]Aidil. Comptrîîtl.-r vifth., Currae. do hersby e..- tily tat"ThseIrnt Nationai Baak of Idii!,- vltq.- lu the Villagre of Libartillis. la the t'unty if Lakeand lbiaeofiliioslan. tii, rIzed to omnmena te business 0 i sait. .aug n3 provîded lu Soction tif ly onesismdred en-j alaîr nine of lte Reelt BlSauesiet bé Unitesd Blatt. Pi Taiîuos nh uiazçr wltae Symurband soit Seat e' elliue li IntrâIday 0f Deeeeme. cSL Wu. B. 1111a.r, .....Coauptruller of theijuruay.* F. BAIRSTOW- 1 MANUFACTURER 0F. - Marbie -and Granite OF us Gnaue.Ut