Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Dec 1902, p. 5

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Ras Turkeys Ducks Geese Chlckens Candy Nuts Fruit We have a suppl.y specially for I7oliday Trade--FFjESH and DESIRABLE. TRJGGS & TAYLOR, Ieadquarters for arocerles. Llberty ville - - - Ilîlinois. Leave your order early for Christmas dinner necessities. We'ilIdo the rest. T. &T.ý Old and Watchei, Chains Brooches Rings Goid Peus Foontain Peos Bracelets Hat Pins Cuff Links EmnblgpiChaina Studa Lockctts Silveware Flaware Mantel Clocha Viollus Mondols Guitar Instruments salau d large Noveities iu our liue DARBY BROS., CH RISTMAS We can supply you with a nice Xmas tree and holly for decora- tion purposes..' PRESENTS FOR ALL Toilet Cases Books for Children Shaving Sets and in fact every= Parlor Laiups thing for everyoie Our stock of strictly holiday goods combined with an up-to- date stock of staple articles affords splendid o'pportunities to select Xmas gifts Corne in and ste belore buying. Our prices are Iow. SfIT &DAVIS LIBEe.TYVlLLE, ILLINOIS. s -u a PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. 4Local Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers.' C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. la Hffect, September 28, 1902, t l13:01 g . n TO CHICAGO. vals DAirs. DOPart From Nemw Dopot. Loave Liberrvlle Arrive Chicago. Ml....8:17 a.m ............. io:eaà. m. 140 ..3:185.11. ........ 10:15 4M. 14 iC...12:28 p. m. ........ 140 P. mn 144... 7:4 P. m......... 8:0 p.n. SUIMATIL 0o. 1lM.... R: il . M ...........Io:% ILa. n 140 ..918 -i. n..........i1:15 a. . 148 ...7: 18 . ........ R30p.M. TO CHICAGO. vaIs aa DePart From Oid Depot. Lffave Lîbert"vlie. Arrive Chicago. N0-1-...6:26IL . ........... 7:35 a.i. ' 136 ..2:38 a. ni ...... 0:35 . FR051 CHICAGO. WBUX PAYS. Arrive at Nemw Depot. 1.-ave Chicago Arrive LibertyvlII. No. 3 ......maa. m........... m:i ni M ..... 930Sa. M .....-loua. n lu...2 1. ii P. ni . ........ m:4 137 ...4:00 P. M. ...........4:52 p. nM. 14 Ic...0:05 P. M. ..-........ 7:02 P.n. No. 147...e:o5 a. m. .... ...... n 1ila. m. lu0..2:10 P.m ............346 P . 143 ...4:05p.m ............ 7:02 p. M. PROM CHICAGO. Arrive Bt 010 Dopot. lomave.ChilogoA:rrive Libert yvillie. 141... 4:2 P. m.............0 sieP. l45 ... 6:0Pm. ............ 7:" P. M. SeNo Trains Arrive or Lealve OId Station Buudars. MIr, sud Mra. Ben Wooridge rejoice lu tbe bîlih0f an il pound girl baby. Suppose you have selected Christmas gifla for jon friands ere Ibis sud lbey for you. To unr subscribers, one sud ail, ve wlsb a Mrry Chriatumansd a happy sud prosperous New Yosr. Theo@aie for the Firal National Bsuk ariived Wedumsday. ]l la boped 10 open tItitutîilon Ibm tiret 0f Ibm yeux. Walter Darby lafiI Tuaeday for Oklahomaasud If he Ilioes Il Ibere and bis bealti lagood, viii proliably taims Up a dlaim. Draby Brothers eold tbaîr farm located at Dlamoud laie Ibis veektu1 liorman Brociman, for $10,0oî. 'The farni containa 111 acres. Contractor Sullvsu, of Wankegan, Ibta vesiek ounued vot on the mamnrotb vare hou". at liondoul te be bullt for Ibm Page Woveu Wivm pence Comnpany. Misa Joanson, Wbo teaches lbe second roorn lu our ochool bad go bc reiievod tibis veek owvug 10 aloknesa. Airs. Ueo. Bond and Mabel EUlis bave beau teacltlng lu ber atead. A movlng plcenre enetaiumnent la blled for tbm Tovnu H allStnrday eveuiug, $0 lie given by a couple of straugers nuder tbm caption Bergen Broé. Admissin 10 sud 2j cents. Miss Floya Colby viii close ber pbuotegrapb studio lu the Bnlkimy building Ibm lire& cf Ibm year. She bas beau favored wltb a flood patronage, but desres 10 purifie anotber branch of thb buines. dite expecta 10 go 10 Chicago A bouse mover from Evass1n bas tbe contract Sî move tbe Attnldgm reetaurant building ou Mlwaukee Ave, Lü a lot nomje 75 fmet lartber nortb sud basb timbers aud loolm on Ibm ground to do Ibm vok. lBen Buttertilld bas1 fia, cooItra7-t 10 iay ti*brick founda-9 tion for ' the building. -9 iiarry Galloway sud Fred l'arkliuret will liold a pigeon shoot lu Liberty- ville Chrisîuiaa day. 500 birds bave been ngaged and Ibm sport lasis ail dey. Tiiougb aietUmof going 10 proes Ita DOt detIiu.tely decided vbere tbm shoot viii ccur, il ii fot lieon tbm fair gronuds. Thora viii b. su Epwurtb Lengue social a&ItIbM . E, cbnrch Friday vulng (to-night.> 1ev. T. B. Green, of West Pullmau. Viii give a Sair on ..a Montb lu Dixie." lMusic viiilie f uruished by thbM laudoln Clbsud maIe quartet. Admission. adule il colles vililiec served. Proceeds go 10 Ibm Lake Bluff Orphanage. Mr. John Bouter sayssoine o!flm frienda luterpretea hIbtem la our luaI lune relative 10 hls case lu Ibm (Cok County court lu sncb a vay aa 10 lmpiy be bad failed 10 nile the propmr deciaration tbvongh negligenue. Mir. Boultier «sys.'-Itlabof ului lI- portance Ounr deciaration b. tecbuically correct sud 10 exercice pruper cane ncestated more tIme Shan availalile before Ibm December teru, beuoe our tteielon 10 vail outil. Ibm January ter ni.> Jua Moore dlepofmd of a cow Ibis vemi hy railiug Il. M. B. Coiby vas Ibm ineiy mau sud uo one vas more snrrIsmd Iban haou Ien lorred tbm cow vas bis. lieretofove lMr. Joiby bu von Ivo bicycleslib h m ie magner, bis metk being remartable. lie geuraly le Induced t10 -taies a ticket JUtl 10 blp âaioug," sud lu. varlabiy drava Ibm prise. A vag remarxmd &fier Ibm lust drawing, «,lIi neyer bny anotber raille ticket If Mr. Colby holda one. lies&0tuenauraa vinuer.' Word vas rmelved lionday of tIbm sndden deatb of Alvin Coville at bis home lu Mlwaukee. Snnday. Mr. Covillelilvod la iÀberlyville wiv l@ bi $gmliy unétil nome tvo ymars ago. lie vas an engineer ou tbe St Peul rond. (Jonîrary go Ibe advlea of triandsansd a pbylcian be inalated upou golug 1W bis borne sud selng bis ehîdren vbo ver. sufferlug vltb diphtberia, tbe recnit bming b. contracladth dîsmae, frorn vblcb ho had almeel recovered. unuday he vas up and àabout eemlug lu good spirite. *uddeuly and vitb- ont aDy varuing ho collapsed, dylug lu a fev moments. Dnrlug hl@ reai. douce lu Libertyville lMr. 00,111et Mervmd uasuperintendent of %bc M. E.J S$uuday seool boisE grmatly iaierouM J lu "ba woek:. AàvWU* sud fouobtme Dr. chas. Gallivay in suffering villi an attack of qunny. The morulug subjtet ai the M. E. cbhuci yllb. "GrovîfI:' Tbe ve. Ing subjectet Im iuîic iu tbmsortes, "Christ lu Aga.*, E. F. Hnbh.rd. Who i iiAt11h. homm of bie dangbler, lin. J. J. Porleous. la nut lmprovlug an rapldly as vas hopmd ho vonid. A the Town H& on Jannary 13 Ibm Myotie Woviers vli h':ld Ibeir annal bianquet eud a -big lime la vbaî Ibose lu charge promise. W. viii ounsidor It a laver If pernoos euertaintag Company or knovlng of others Who are, vitti inform n os f Ibm tact. CaI nP -phone No. 1, vm'II do tbm rest. A fareveil vili e given 11ev. Wm. Caldwell by tbm ladies' Aid of Ibe ProïbYterian Cebin luhebmchurcb boisement Satorday eveulng, Dec. 27. Ai] cordlly invUMa. Prof. Stovra, leeftos Frlday nîglit of là" wvee t aIhIbmUaLca churcil, on lam fier, attrsctmd sa5Mr audiencm. Thm lecturevas nloeily Ilnustnated vibh atermopticon vievi. lants Clans euoereaSo Iomres with elegant gifla $bis ve. lir. James licoregor pUciiued a Shon. luger piano lu Ohicago as did Howard muson une of auothe mare. A number of friands oS Ibm Bociel. Mann family gatherel at Ibeir home Wadnuaday nigb4theIb occasion belug lu lionor Of Mr. BeekelManusa 43d bîrtb. day. Social ChaItand esrds eerved bc enlertaîn Ibm VsitoJ5VU lulnch boni. The guesîs deparled, viablng Mrn. Dockelmaunumany happy veInons, o! Ibm day. Attorney Ben Miller sud Englomer 0arly, rpreseuling tbm C. & M. electrle rond confrrbd vîi Ibm Wsuconda village boardi Monday te ascertalu if a franchis. wonld be grauted 10000gb Ithaï;village for the ext ension of Ibe voad vest Tbe Board assnrmd Ibern a desirable franchise wonld b. gîven thIbmopmy sud a survey in 10 lbe conimeneedwvestward f rom Libertyvîlle Ibrough Rtockefeller sud insI te tbm sonîb of lv&nboe 10 Wauconds xo evemi, vbicb by tbm vay, la Ibm route maintain"d ly Ibm INOEi'ENDENT, vonld lieune naed, from the frIn. Win. Davison, foîber o! George sud Willilam, Of tibl village, bad a ran. untons escape frorn s terrible dealli Wedunday rnorning aI LoIthton. ne nearmd Ibe Wisconsin Central tracts Just As Ibm fant tbrongb train ap- pracbed frora Ibm uorlb. Bis teamn became unanagalm and bmîng abaorbed lu ndeavovlng 10 coulvol tbom lie dîd mot1nrtase boynear Ibm train vas 10 Ibm crosaing. Bia learn broke lo a Ton and claed the tract aI a bouud, but Ibm mugineatruthIb wagon aquarmiy, snd Whubenfrnmas vho vllueosed the accident camne 10 pick up Ibm places &biey marvaled tbat Mr., Davison escsped. lie vas tbrowu te Ibm gronnd aud uburt only for a fmw bad lirulees. lTho tearn vai on- iured. Eye vlînesastdeclare the vagon vas lIteralIy rmouced te epliolere. Major Capin, a familier ebaracter about Ibmefioanty Farta died lut vesi. Majozi vas 82 7mars o! ago, a mont unique personality. Edncated lu yonnger flfe for &hbm ninistryvbehn bc bmcanm mmtaliy unbafldotblng so tIled bis fancy As 10 disoure. upon religions suhjects. lie wv ever barmiessansd dnring ummer monlils vont te comm te Ibm village *hore boungers deiighted ho fiston go Ibmold man's dinconnmclmd sud rambling talks. lie died o! bearî dismase, wbile earnesîly deiiveriug amnlogy on Daniel Wobter 10 inmaîes at tbe Connty Bonoe. A qumer oid mrnu, one desliumd te a billiant cermer but for bis meutl troubles. He hmd limen ai Ibm farn for ton yeare. A stator, lirs. Arthur Lite, of Gommue, tot Ib teT mnuafor hurlaI. Notice. OwIiig toma change lu oui flrm vo mnt balance ail accoanta ly Jan. 1, 1908 Al parties kuuviug thbmansives Iudeliîmd te us pionne cuan sudtie. M. B. CounvY & Co. U nclaîrned Lettera. The Iist o!unclammd letterot Libertyvitle iii., PostoMeie for the veek eudlng Dmc. 2o Wbon calllnu for thoeeilernmcaradver- J. y. Brenrmnan huas. Cannes J. B- Francia lsu M-1Lea IILIN ý 1 Ready Made ... SKIRTS... ffkeJA4lYJ HEADGUARTERS FOR Another Industry. Neg*tlations are bains quletly car- ried on by onlside parties vltb a view to Iocatlng lu Libertyvilie a large lumber yard ln conection willi whlcb l10 ubc operated a milii vere vii lie inanufacturori aHl Mode of 'îrlm" for buildings, wludov seab, doute, etc. 80 secreîly bave the gentlemen i uleresled pursnued their lnvpetlgatlons Ilial 11111e bau or eau lie learned of Sibeir plans. ilovever ln s veet or two ve hope 10 lic able to publieli tbe partionlars. Wm learn the plans au. tilipate a lumber yard of large propor- tions and Ilat I11le proposed 10 caler 10 the Irade of tbe snrrounding country. 19ltas aeatrne the sanie parties are for land ai Ilondout and te anderstood tbey viii mainlain a yard aI Iliat place, 10 bc opertel lu cou. I nction vlth thie Lîbertyvilie yard. Justl vb ley sbonld tocale at botb places la bard t0 underaiand, uniesa they demire 10 lake advantage of Bton dont's superlor rallroad faeilitlea. Chrittmas ln Suoday Schooia. BotliMeodiaflt and Presbyterlau Sunday asocola vill holdthbeir Christ- mas exorcises Wednesday eveulul. At the Melliodist cliorcli a beanllfuny dcoraled trac yulliebcladen vitb presents for the 11111e fok@. àSauta Clans wyul supervise Ibelr distribution. lira. (Jokev, tIra. Davis snd Lydia Smnihb ave carefuily îangbtthe Ib 11e unes tbeir parts ln dialognusasd choruses. Beeldes Ibero viiib. boita. lions and ollier features appropriate tu hie occasion. AT TER ERESBTIMIAN OKUICR. sanla Clans almo bas au engagement at tbe Presebyteviau clinrcbtheoRmre evenlng. viiere preparatlouis are nov nnder vay for him e eption. A novel festure yllie a une Bel presentation tu kesping vitlh&ibmevant, parlicipated iu by the chiidreu. Oborilses, recita- tIons and dialogues have alto beau arranged. Au opportuniby la go lb. plea"ld &Il attendiug to ssta umaking a mutsubsbtnlll mnasPraMSetote b cbureh. The BgnoUyay hgol propose te ratis timds-to lustal eleetle ligbta aud aU SM&a U"0ea voluutary offerlng yIl lbe veceeved tu aPPlY On ibat fond. W. C. T. U. Notes. The W. 0. T. U. vill meel vllb lMr@. (lebinge Tuesday atternooc, Dee. 22. AUl ladies oordially iuvited. lirs. CoaI, a W. C. T. U. ver, spko e chool elilîdrenWedneaday on "EXvIls 0f CIgarette smoking.,. Site la su interesling snd inuatrmItive IBiter and il la boPed ber yerds viU lbe of beneflî t0 the Young boys. Pligeon shoot. Tiiere viliibe a pigeon shoot aI Libertyville Crstrnas day. Entrance 15 cents a bird. Prirsn 0, 30 and 20 par cent. il e 5FIC LIPS .4 J The bappleet man la th. vorld la thm common, cbap, vho mates bis ovu living. pays bie ovu bisesud bas tbe respect of hie nelglibors. He savea a 11111e mouey as lie goes along but be doesn't try 10 gmt a corner on $bm local output and lbe lsa aslave t0ueither ambition or aoelely. He neyer ex. pecàs 10Wvaron*thIm eat o1lits Pants iu thebo nate, sud vben lbeeldes Into bis clotbes lu Ibemrnvnng be nover vasteàa sy lime tvyiug 10 pick ont tbm rigb tintl of socks, uap)eudersansd neck lies 1het viii blend vilb tbm general effeol. lHe wmsrm a --blind" abiri vhen lht tesla like il, sud vbou bie pet cors hostus 10 jnump he uhlpa ont bis jack halte sud ent&a atour Iucb giast lu tbm aide of!iebiliolt and nolhIng la «aId about It In Ibm papiers. Hie lia an appetite lite a cyclone and hoe neyer bas lu il up olghîs 10 ponitice bis conecience. Hie belîves lu the doctrine@ of live and ]et live, and wben lie encoonuers one of tbm ueedy lhe doont smIter vltb bis pockotliook. The plain plug of a man la happy because lbe lae atlsfled an* doesn't spend thblest of hlitsle ln yearning for somting abolit four mIzeà toc large for hii. A large complete line of presents for both young and old including Dolis Doil Carrnages Go-Carts Wagons Wheelbarrows Wrltmng Desks Black Boards Riding Horses Mechanical Toys Wooden Houses Shlps Games Tool Chests Iron Toys Maglc Laterns Setsof Dishes Guns Swords Drums Sleds Story Books Mufflers TMes Kid Gloves Sofa Plilows Toilet Cases Manicure Sets Fine Decorated China Plates CuDa and Saucers Berry Sets Saild DIshes Cake Plates Nut Dishes Sho-flys CHjUISTMAS GIFI A. J. m lirg à Co., u1 Chîcago, cary thofinealne o Toilet Sets, -Cuf Boxes, Coilar Boxes, Glove Boxes, Mandkerchief Boxes, and Work Boxese Pocket Biioks, Mlrrors, Books and Albums, Holiday Novoltio We pnrobaed abig lot o!1 ha1, Sauplu a4 Me cm Ibe boll ansd an re boy mabled te show yo« an UUaUafY large asaorment "a:i-::......: : HALF PRICE' Exclusive patterns anid only one of a klnd. Coué eariy and get the choiceat pDuiun. Libertyville - - - - - Illinol.. Santa Cia us tleadquarters, USEFUL XMAS GIFTS. A Large Line of Un-tn-date Standard Works. Toilot Articl*1, Perfumo AtbmIfers., Art Glasplware, Vasesetc. Beautiful PIctures; USEFUL AND BEAUTIFUL NOVELTIIMO, F. B. Loveil You get1 Oounty1 Chicago1 - LibertyviIIc Dbe Losi 1lIIs For a telephone ln your pIgSe of business or your resIdence. the increamddand growlug @Us cg tbf Telephone Oompmny md. oonaaUotlos Telophone Gompany. Fer Information. rates% sto.,. wrftw C(.>..rMÇT IRMA French Flannel Waists luaail nev colors. Tbmy aremjual vbat lady eus. tomere m ooting for aod 1 ar mlung $hem ai puces lower Iban equal quaiity shirtaemau le pnrchasc-d for in Chicago 1 bougbt tbern -close'.. Ibats vby. Millinery, Cloaks and Funs. For wlnter vear. Cil sud gel prices sud mam for yonr- selt Ibat 1 011ev real bar- gaine. EVERYTIIINO FOR LADIES. Mis. F. Protîne, I have a .1cm lilnoSofresdy-made -J' akirts, tbm latemt things, and et Books as vighi pi-ices. You sbould mcm them. lweil as HOLIDAY GOODS0, ,%Acal6w 125

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