Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Dec 1902, p. 7

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Y a Fibrolid Tum'ors Cured. $A istessng ce of Fibroid Tumor, which bafled the skill of Boston doctors. Mr. Hayes, of Boston, Mass., in the following letter tells how she was cured,. after everything else failed, by Lydàa . Pinlcams Vegetable Compouind Xv. aree Pla Lettt Abcsllnw to >11e. Plnkham for Heip i 13& m.Ptîwxu-1 bave been under Boston doctoral treat- M»EltforMU gttme without mny relief. 'UieY tell mInobave a fibroid tuo.Icannot it dovu without great pain, and the. orenesa extenda ulyp..I have bearing-down pains both biork and frontMyab. domie isawofl, and 1 hava had floewxng spelL for tbree years. Myap-, POIAi=tS&I oantwalk or be ons uy feet for any lenMv of time. SYMptOan tfibroid nrgi'vîn lit yot;r litt e a ook OMtrZaIdescribeMY Case go INTrite to you for ad,.-io.n-(Sigtaed) Mms IR VAATinl25 Ddley AÎ.<Robw,> Boston, Mas. Note the. resuit of Mrs. Plnkham',s advice-ala though $ah. advlsed Mrs. Hayes, &, Boston, to take hW Tmedklne--whlih she Itnew would help her- her setter contalned a Mass of addltlonal Instruc- tions as to treatment, iLII of which helped to bring about the. happy resuit. c DzàaI Mm.IhINxn - Sometinm a-0 1 wrote to you descib- mm iyxPto=na tnd asokcd your a ije. YoUreldsdIfiod mUYOur dlretinna'carefuUy, anid tday larna sWC Uwornn t' "Ie nu o f Lydia E. Pinkham'O Vegetable Comtpound entirel .jUed tie turner and trengthened My whole systeni. I eau v.alik Uknow. hmLda =.,Plnkham's l'egOta*si. Compond is worth f1ve dol- Rt drP.-I1iidvaae al s 'O-Mcn who are aMfirted with tumuors or feinale trouble of many ind to g'o it ua faithfai triaL"-(Signcd> MR&,, E.R HAyx, 252 >]jlky St, (iýobury) "oton, Mass. t llaeplceOf tise ieaitis aDd baPpinens whieh Lydea E. inkiaam's Vegatable COMPound breuglit to -Mma. ayegi. Such testunony should be accePted by ail wornen us cenvincing OVidence that Lydia FL Plukhamtas Vegetabie (ýomapound stands Wlthot a peer arn a remedy for all the. diatrasring "n of worncn; aUl Offiutrn troubles; tumpo; iniamimations; ulceration, failing and dis- a ISCeMents of the womb; backache - irrgular, 8presed o .p ufui *mmtuaton.Surely the. volume amI character of tihe testimonial let- 'IMM Y Pdaiprnting in tUec cwsPapers can leave rio rooni for doubt. u3Mg Hayes at her aboyeaiiddress will gladly ansss'er Pmy letters afrk w"omen ' rte for fuller information about ber ilnes. Ber irsâtude ta xM w andLydiaF_.Plnkhraaauvegtasi. '~ Guiiom glso gssmne and heaitteit that she thinks ne trouýble t. o a41rbr to take in returu for lher health and happiness. i~ trnsth"at iLY LyIL E.Pikhms Votetable Coin- 80rs<sManY women, and noeother medicine; dont for. thh wba Me arufflat wante to ellou usemething aese. DRai ~@P'E7if ssStsrhvisb u".sth. scig"Ime sum d essuve0. ~:i. 1uuu ~ V II asser a b.l.uieass C.dGET READY FOR BAD WEATIIER. ! *weatlier is sure te oe r p c I c e n î Pains. iea rpo lAcean MEXICAN MUSTANG ~ jasiLINIMENrT e CKre acbeaand In ue. Tt Ourlât th bluii esy reach las evea'y borne. DWbiqu. Wterim ÉsotAbert Lea. ut Vodble isM gttrain vi hthcaegh mipIS Cur. Dmft-làbrmc Car md l'e S bsrCar. raia, tCu ervisac mita lithetiar ~q bau, Inesme.. 4 If you - happent ta b.% oui ot thss an s a-4 sms«Wud - Who ha,. dtsrad for cacitthlisarpt the. rgha Ibis. lt tasi Its Tour stomach Tî ratsa JasaStsaim adg 1b ti luen, iL . . Dr. Caldwell'a 4» . SA&. cWicaiCso. a]<Lumtive) - ýSyrup Pepsin An» k la that m«suds »asa ar a ÎIag pos er m- md .U.. e.msassaul ad RaMl .d ry= Le Ioilet Autiuoptio a m is btthsa" aus itersilg ,ii mmii" lare«W 1 boo s siih irables, Dr. CMid.s's duoe viii boo.k o & S < t hevmtd 7 W. T .B h o a u; &Uitouah. livermd kida.î ilimmMie C& butaierse pakags * aide iJ ho. AUDruggis. m Nasal t", irbs lsaeh ma bel*itbslmeelÀ v.-oer temperaturre od btued toacaceicrate retsil 'rdsales iargriY exceeding the "lrre- ;riding week ira precediug years. iiiiiei M)ispialad business i0 beiiug ruade 111)mmd gipiprng iîelatmseni, o re ceowded i vith aaurk, buît whîuesair trade bas rules quiet, Rairond esrîlaigo for the ruonti 01 Novrmier exceesird baut year's by DI Per cent sud illuse ut 19M0 by 205 per c'ent" l'ie furî'guiugl frour tbe Week- iy Trade ltevieur ut It. G. aiîul & ('o, It Continuer.: At brat giauce tue auîddeuî ripe in fua- rnice stocka ut pg irou ta 94,2f. tous, riiupared wiiiî 71,K838 ou Nou.', i nuight stiîgxr't tbat couuuritioui vus eiow pro- duction. but biîiioei ly o3accumuwlatin thrat cur, laIn lue t' uuuaîýlqinte traiam puuulariohm tacilîliem.s i.ic'i ueds are ur- gent, a evidrourýd îy tice uiorls ut esarrmattieci u îrks'ruîiîr*-esure ila cili greategt tuerail ail 51supplie's, Rit lîtruae- turrs niatei rci uns i i l, ei'ui'y uitde- Sniilsiipeiriniar 'orders for aurinag shues are recis'cd hv New Eriu<aiud siiopu, but the saluon smîractclriy cîse Asiîie frion u ai uaty iaun uionî cle, the leieîr rmarke't ls auî'en uî iet. Fuel ber ri-cesions bave o--îr'I iii domistil hidi. (uriie ioîlîî'u îad foriun dry blies are tirmi>' 1,1d, di',siite inrisa'I r cerîtt. t 'orudul <luiîir,' pei'tii'ill, un- "bhonueîi as tireutn guuds. a fair %oi' unie utf<rdeýes .rs"uiuîg accumuliuîtonî it the milis, Qu liîr' re airrdy, rd ci port salu's ot licou 3 ir,iw'ra rîtloilis ion' 'irire very qruali, W'uoleiî giîis for iet tait h bviý' bî'en îienisint ann auirige il-v ivan-eî frî,un 5 ta i10 ler ,'or. firaulsreel'.iGrain Figirre. Bradai erel'o î'ee--tkl)imuîcî ii 1IC fi rrgarii'> grain ciii : %Vubeai, iii îuîlig. lîî exîlîlts ftheI a- eek i'ong Dii l u ;grg U' l P-17 iuhi arainsit 5.704.,140 luitlv,',k. VerS7t4s i n ti ili aî ,hui -l' ic i roi un 10451 VuntusiMî'ulîl,rtoulul iîily 1 aggri'utue 1,41)5 1tiS iiî j.. la agaiit E3sî,ngî,:isi ;,tai oeî,'îuî alo OIutin 1l"(). Coruex cportsa ngurguile1.301.134; hul,uu ?'a Rgairîcu 1,151-54;31- ,twvekt,, 27'i,307 aut riar' andi 4.X53.l458( inî 114>. i",r ith,' laai a'cru'itru an d niNiu"îi 1 »).l>8atu'aîu uuî 4104 r i <atuook Goom f- rWhral, Thi' Niîiueriu Militer -,:1a "'oilla 1a-e ierri favuorabîlef-iethue as mllei i 'rop, aînd ilîcre arr f-a 'îuîuaau if la iii lsOaa'il s u'lbi'it.. 11, 'arts allasl,ors'ii-russute'sts',i u lu' lilîl-il o ii î' - le iit 'l, i îi i ii , ,', u 'acil'ui uhoilal ti. lur1 ill liisîiij' irî'tî,riu siîîss luîîruîuke grIlt iii 'rt1 qils'niiut 't iî'a luîî ieîtait,î ia C Sî, aîîîul tî' a'iiuî'r uîuîs .if telv, liu' ii eiîeii cu iîîut'ea il"ehe iiii,-iluotal îuu,ulo.îiî btusinessvu' itiu -ek a.unul'sî uîî t Ih e a -1.,î ' bil' ait'rtî, i ,'îl i tii 'riiIre Oas iaîî'îiusrt.iîll.' srîîa wli'u rmarket during til .-esk in tuse ta-rif .ilary thiigs thtiîuirliilarily,î Uî nl lois us iîeked fur d'eesaionu Th'iC Ç'uilîan Kos er'aro'rt reiuîrt of thl ue 1Jit1 rimlaed ast yra x usst'îritilile lias iu covcou men'ut rs'iuirt ofîthelb.' grîiîug as uîr as teit 'sieîeu'ly lîu'rîch, îund naun rther items ocre ot thie sugie leuilr r veeXîuîrte îuuiy 371117brriîls . atriS uek ,,îgirasî ',01,440 atin 'îru'il,, iiuîr u-uk 1st ti'ae, Yct Maiy ietat drauuîcil 'r 24 ~cents. Tule leguhumshe grolin trude rer" îu" uow'cs r, fî,r driresmuig nlîcas fi , t li' futiure', auhile ma iro' - Mlut îu"'îI bxurIuais nh ilul' seitluad, and o, aiing wsubrai iii Eîrîuju', us o u 'rosi), usheu oser 704004, jiurriîria ce'tilkîlu luhe South iAnuerelti'iî uuulîeîiiîî lus, itu 1-11 u a u',IuidiIratimtîî.11' i l ueit port l"tilht' luufre ortuurul'îf t'espetilii i lu' -uiltu r3' iînîg u'talel i lit.uiui'iou 'a'ztIîu i uîuli 1t'il e.eua a 'C3'rehui,, ii, 'auî lie' no dîîîîbî îlîî it,î' e,"u u i ,siiiril'an >u'tiéiuîe uîarkrîa u 111il ry 'dîsî urilîug tolimîîîti a, eî' 1'tu- otrrd wuththeIlaril! lis ira,- hiecesîber Crop Coniios Tue e i>cîîruuu'ie t ,Surieu'îuîr,' -i 5 1 per cit i heii'ur'uî5ill' Teiuu'î' hî'i' Il saluitith mu 1' ot iohîi q8 iiiupared itîiî M447 inii illiN-s Iv 4irsdudarui t vîurîr r'o s c li,,! '4I nt 99.3 PIC r111t o lîjreul alhi inI lii film uf Il Ci'ion ouuîf asnfoi. 1lau Dee. 1 wau 98.1.. lio1,11 uirvîl s ithii !) Dec, 1. 1901. Experta of' Ilrrda.trnls. Exliort.sofit uimi d wlsheat froîîu uN the ports Iil, teî' îiluit uSiatea dtiituig u lue uontb îof Noveutlr , ore, ar,srdinug l, tatiahirs uît the h'uthed 'tat"sTrî'uuîîî' Deîusrtnueît, osly 1i),i49,9q.' osuis compare's sith i21,419,M3 Ihiushu'âIlliîîNo- reports aaitb tlie elauve suoîiiiîi'îî reporta s'uitluthe uîloa'ev'uîi udinic'îîlu tiust tiut 5,tlOO.M0 buoii'Is t aniaiiuu whest àmd ltouerlia éiîe poreiui îr- nghe o thoNor leer Chiengo--Catile, communteopimeul, $4.40to ii$5.75, liîgs, liptag gr:eic $4.25 10 *$6.50; sheeî, tair hua iholce, $1204!L te $375; waheut, No. 2 red, 75c to 7(k; corn. No, 2. 53e to 54ic; asta, No, 2, 214i' ta 31c; rec, No, 2, ISc lu 49e. lis>. tim- ütuty, $850 lu $14.00, prairie. $6.00 ho 6=0~; buotter, rhîutî'u' reuumuuuy, 24s'!hî, 28c; rggs. fresb, 22c tu 24v potiitc, «)c 10 46c' lIe biîoiî'l. Si. iîîi iais,$450 10 $5.50u; 11 $3,0 $6.ît20.; iueî,$2.504j u te 'i mbeat, Noý 2, 70e ta i; corn , N.2., Me ta 45c;,aclt-, No, 2, 31c te 3;c:t'. Nu. 2. 47,lu, 48, CinclinotuiCatic, $4.50 ta 5S) lioga, $4.00 ta $K35: sbeep. $2.59) tîî $3.2r5; saheal, No. 2. 77e to 7&-; vornl, N o 2 mixed,(, te t57c; oatit. No, 2 uuuxed, 388 to 39c; rye, No. 2, 74e iu 33 Detruit Catile, $350 ta $6 25, bues,. US.00 te 86.00, shrep, $2.50 totai.,50 sabrat, No, 2, SOC ta Sic; cornu No.:13 >eiiow, 49e te 50c; oluta, No, 3 whiIte, 34e te 35c' ree No, 2. Sic ta52c. M wnë&ee-Wheat. No, 2 nortuero, 75C ta 76c; corn, No. 3,5& e t 56c; outil, N. 2 whrite.,132e ta 34e; mjc. No, 1. flic to 58e, bariey, No.' 2. 64e tae Me; pork. sae"., $1516. Toledo-Wbeet. No.' 2 mixes!. 7%ot. l*.; eue. No. 2 rines, 47e ta 4%; onl, M t-mIxes! Me te 38ç. eCees d4sw. BIGNEVOLENT ASSOCIATIO)NS FELT TIFE SECOND "-TOUCH.' NoS Uucémnat 1 Afl!Y- Have you beard of Ciarsî hord Ct meres For Ail t wa* for 05-1i.'.t Wa. un Expert. iuk? CataiibiIDieais. Tire mnu wbo a oalas embarrasse4 Z', that they are married, they have sj' flinaiîciaiY, ibut l O no ther %vise, droiî , rîrîrtsf oiybmoite AV[l th îa)ed irto the offieie of bis friend, tle or- înn'îy lhe W&Bted whiie courting lier- hiitert. aind made liliuseif ut homeLte m h a iî'an on tire drawIng board. li'- Tlîroal' Pullmanu service fr011 i 0Kjj picked up à pair of i'ohli'iilie'4aid '1 D Ietroit, Toledo,pClrvel'ai,] Pit'irs t îyi'd asit h tîni avh ii iiîg ai urg uand Louisvile to 1.orita. Quéen toui 'rr'scent Route, Southern itaitiy. POSITIVMYC "uierge i wnî u iy anexpri.Ani roliuecting lhues, wan totryan xp( te1-ave Chicago et 1iP. ., C nrku t mniton rtue acnae ofttoî'h, ie m alul 2:35 P- . uvin Big 'our Route, daiiY mu o aj s îeia iî ieaeie' nîexcelept Sunday. Frona Delrott12M5Nu~j b0iot119-o1 iai niwlir rig etmdeap ral., Toledo et 2:22 p. ini.. iesîiuy blot n hi drawng. huadayâ snd SAturdays. vu NiMichigan "dont give a bang.," declnî'ed tire('entrai aud C., H. & D. ily. Frontaîà" archite't. "but gel yor rideiu mrePittabîarg et 8 a. in, daily er ' Hoadedi. SIAil coioecting et Cincinati ,thth sla\< jaossiy snd rîlt ail In a blint'iî, as yoîî (Chicago sud Itiorida Spéecial vinahi dia this oui'" iteen and Crescerat Route ntt)I.-, pAtr 'But, Ceorgc," coniînieilo , efrleîid, 'rîîrough sleeping ecasdail 'yfotCi O lvl i uni ui'iiî t1 .n. OU"o "t e'lpcrimentlt ot volir , î'gî vitslotion and C,, Il. & 1AIDy. -.1 Iiîaei't got a minute lu spare," ide Limoir tei tCincinnati, Ai '::Ma.rM 1 returned (George, gruffly' Aiso through sleeping ctr îîiniy vaPen sylvanis Unes vise ia l',ea n h 5 im im i "itioîîy la ke 1w,) nI muteR I)oi't rago lit 8:40 P. . n,.coln.,iitour UlIlUllI bc i groucil, George"- idia Llmited nt Leig,,ndiret W t 51118, HEiî"RITliAA 8. blARSI1. "îa do youu aant nie to do-" Augustine. Write for roites t A. O N U aliit oureya ad hld utBeckiee, N.P. A. 11:1 Adiamsn tre C h a o« i f y q u r iii îid !" s 'n id t lre m in s u . b u a e ae x - C h ic a g o . Afro. Henneetta A .X MrriPreaîdetiii ierimeniing. Irn Germarry the aS It , iiîaruoîits 10 Wonana'Beroht Aâsociiation, of *"%*ou Woi't hurt me'." aîîid lue arcabinearly sîzîy dollars jar capita ut impu- 827 Jackson Par'k '1 errace.Woodiîiisn icit.itîii Chicago i. . seys: "O f course no i, ibut keep your e ~e l iuftered wtlit grippe for at-voncye weeka sud noihila b meîiîl un itii i abut ""~Y' tried Peruan. 1 te .*:ilonethat 1 liaditIle opened the dividers untili ie hT et lait serer! thes rghî iedicine sud kept sieadiiy îuapre, pî. %Vîitio Iiîi ponts a'ori'hait ail Inchisport and"I weei,-s1i vas taiy rta turd.'-Henrieîtt miai t'loîi ilgbliY 0ouirle tbock of the A. 8. Marsh, iî'uiîcsbud. "'17,11 m e," %enid, ladeperadent Order if Goasi Templair., "hui arniiiy points au yuu feel?" of Waahîn5to.'*)e"Rib. Airs. T. W. Colne 'roesorer i. 0. Il "(. c" aitbe T., Evérrît, Wtaih., hus uned the great lie frk'îud apreai tire dieiiers li catarehai irouie, Peri :a, ror air oggra- iiî'i, aîîd tgali put doNyn botiapuils. trateidcase î,f dyspeps, . i 'liiivrtes. "Flow Marly' ?"li aaked "'.Afier liiusiug as a' re aUset, of la -nyoe"si h rhtc." d Yt rippie,i ni"s ufferi 'iojihd)spî'poîa. 'na 0, adIeacitc."o Afere tskiog i'erunà i1uotii l tiy r reg an*t f(,imi'."Th ulse iueasswitia ru îîy syster u&sa -Open i îuir caca Yoi wereewrorig, buit ip, MyIleia ci'îî Unid 1i ihaveo ou'.1gaei' b ont ai rerusinrdiin esceilerî t ri'iîgîliand vluor'orireIgaeoabol lîlci' n0w for over a year , Sro. 'T. %V'. Coi- tIlonQ %'Ourasosne of toucb lamîiooriy 4 a s î lins, dia ilisi il" A ways So If yoîr do îlot derivi lprmpti sud . so ow tirearhier, uatÎil[fng FOvMdeUl facînry resîiltx froni. ,. oe utfî'éril . o"Tlriîy rot"goie i iîiit't write atit o 1) o r. I llaigi' ing ; golîîg bicuk iii bi$ hourdls. full itatemrîlit o utorr ,iii' sud tiecoiI luere vosa silence for a miutîe. 'Mirea Beare th'e ise pleased i.give. jua Invla..uale aait- îî,îîroîrîîurst froni thre riî'nd. t Addresa Dr. Hortuai rrîident of Iax ECourge, Inar ime $5." JMiJIDU The itartinsr irirs u 'ittîîîr( ~ it is lm the second ime hlu PoiosDgsdnlemft. aait'kNaOl' etoui'beil nei'for fi %e." ns ndR3.oli Mh "Si is, eorge i1 mai warîled tlu .Mw'rphmene i w aL Iei' If iiîîre %vus mare merise of toîucb Ii N TNiiOT sony i)oî'kitlbrok tîauîliti the bach 0f A 3Yoîîr iî ii Y e,'or'kTribune, _ _ - ---a-.weas~4 m 8 soi e Incsrea»ir. PLEAUW I nl the )ipetator, au hrsîrance jour- rial, the atatistutun or au Insurance îîm îî" a n g i e s a n îa i s is o f t h e s o île reû,,orrlfor the year 1901, lus tig- tiries are taken front fifty clttî', sud show an average silit ineense over s T'Ht NEXI MORINO r1rgr se nul' AND NEW tie ratio for the prsîcedling decade of AÂper Remedy 1 odupa- AND MY COMPLEXION JS SETTER. nalonpecntfrt137t1.9 M7dii.csý i, eai neprvin.fru 3. olut flSour loumh.Djarutiou _d Ini". - l..asnt , iusdrk La per 100,0411pouîlation.lite estimaicu oiuCwW .Fwih ia, Irn. h Faiîe" e ail)îoxiiiatiýanimaal mortallt t nEs and LosaompSAacp. UANE'S FAMglLY MEDICINE 11100) n i,,uiclintry as a wbole. Tli:'o siIUe. ,,iai.B,,îl.ilii'i in 18 i'n that a further! pscSs~i" inaueo d ..0sch, îel i,'Isr aov. th. iî'reise Ili iiuî'rate' of suicidai tend 1'. ..ehddsas. . ,W.aJ.-d. LaR-,,> , Y. m'y nIIih, .itîî'a oft iis cusntry mn3 Oit Ry 53 i-"lie u'Te i' -ii'îg the neit decadv.'i SI TABLE RP EES and theici'de' queîstion. hue acsonit ilkVsalh ry -hhi«. asundl more one (of utmost iml9ortiîî'c sh.l. 8 x F-..s17Y luolire iistirani',' ompauieia EABLE FOIETAII PEI lkor55 ss ie nlso gises unotîîcr table sbowinî ICC C Yo V P alaas.,i.aNadaDr.taiu,,.io Ba tir e ieinof one îomnpauy l'or ii' iaat 5, years. dIidlg It itto taso pi' An Inopportun srpenat. rilods, I ludiuag males ouly. asnbethe ____________________________ F'rank iamuders. a Whtiier misu muale suicide statistlex are tono insig stood Nutin lu t'a re of liîpeuding uitii'unî o hi' nubuistesi. This shows a ____________ ____________ uetflale 1 lice uu-uotf i atikspeitîrrentnite of suicides In tbe total mur- One ilundre er mu.» tpbuuma limaille s buge oru cori ute1)iithetiîruwntaliiy Ot 2.4 la thre ister as u'inîiaree i"MssDetriiion--who la this youug As' nutl, Det-MS. cor, 1 arou,ic maunî atl hi'is a hailirlii'a %ith 1.9 li th'eîariier p<'riod. 'liiiallietorts that in sa intrîlaive? Ethe-I'so .m ai hpla In arof ikilnlulîaclm't nom'u Arnijeire ofsa uicdsîîîîîî emus almo o lave 'î isui'îi'ii -Miss Kaadtrilliou-Oh, he cornesfront AMiouer-Why, i.,.dem, )r pyielnutAaieu ali. hie suiidies tînder 45 Inerî'iîs'ilfrii lo u ut fairi braonit people. to. iug bs.en periatis fatai i iured by Nl . itriliion-W'hy, 1 neyer hea"sl Little Do-'rhsk YOD, lm t'aiin eaîb.'lii'accden iîrîps'cd Iler ve'nt Io 3.9 per ce't'It ii iî uit ior ils famiy? fiig utiago Then3occ idet linilersInter pirlod and there was an 'ri'iîîi ' sNiiasQia(iiriiiioi'-No, tbey uceer osryb nhstin derax n ios u dane!liri'. noîîrited 10 îlunch. I beard h g raiîîîi ule ucn'. s andî 8, J. ,iuains, almaof %ý*iittier, fther wmas oiîjIy a simple bi7ai'< tam outr grolei to'drnj. bu goul' 10 iuîspi'ut au outcrîuî)lutng or f antry ut ils nîrti hi "iappîy utfae'did __________________ ,' As îhî'y as lu' uncoverîs", a ledge 1toitacfrefruotdisiirderm ofthliIii irit o >53muPéret $bave -' eiîl ingbt ta.lise Dr. S igrol ix.o' SrA.Ausilus 'eresî baser thé orlat ae Barber-Bey mm. sai thbe eîî liii oIsîs î' hi i'rbegau 10 upu t. ~liiiîuîrg Drop.a, at ij il, ofh' et011simiabegoits, Try ihe.rtial and an Immeni'useca'ue-lu was Iuiel dî sorue iria ri irthe h I,!, ult m Il! ouder'siad b.hy__djaBOY-N-De. tbrnuk os. ing. Aiit aiiiîi'i lu,] Saunders tu leap, a i iu'tii3oi'tiiloiorroîfith le badiîsirvest Ina Nor- lois aîa' oa.eras.- andl bimsf ui'tiik'iy sî'rambied iiown Whî- lihtgvi'rlnY?îbas grsutei$4,Iss,, ier tiii' Mouîilla.le iiupposed Suluiers 11,~ ~ ~~ . , aferuiersafor the tiariiose ou aiîg Clarpets Ce. b. cols sia flisiîa, ui o iokii Mr.a' 'sues gillr,:.u' b. i». 3l111 ii. "i t 55,lu llie.with PUTNAM ÂDELISI s iîiîîî gazin', iîteutly nt heuver- Mi.a Atabri tN'iy y51b,,pi, Wls.isn f-Chid Carpetea cl 0 wiîoinng i'reu'iî'i uove, Adaîîs sais thun? ilse.'ctscî,r.ast . a5aa.slJ. witb PUTNÂM Ih'ADICLM1 paniîil's guize -a lig ratti'r aa'iile lieut lts iiull au 'eailiy dlt'ectedlllsur Saîuiaders, Thue' iîxI riomeni u.îs'ernu ions utorilu rtii i-lurxig thue hî'ptau hl',îed imin tu'uouîsîglut, When Situn- îuir.iuas u 'bnu'led c allsfoiîlut ie badiy Injursîl, lie staiesi thuat ii ss's ailite ie te l ut fblis danger, burt 'ouil not trov maisgaze friim ib',vt uit Ileii' liansd aus poaserîeaa io 111îîsvPas hile Ilue sil,i usitesi, Aiia îuî i'1? the relutile lter hlie1had îug Saiindi'rs troîluîîtuhéî iai'fllen euib, Sont Bernardin,,îu t rer 0thuIlleSun I"u'einî'Isî'ui('itiiru-le. FRiftj Dollars 1a Rit Down. C'arme], 111 i., 15- .1h 1 Ar, Josephu 1, t)uiitey relate's ailrseiereIbtat tisa arousesil onsaiîier:ulîl,'lIitei'est lu thua iociuity, ht s h"tg viii lula is uu il words: "M'liIwas w îrting un tue fleida,' gaiys Ntr. IîuutYy, '"i aiourîsi le readyi, quit, but I1î'îîîîd îîîîhget ta theliuoîîsr I m'as agoss'euk, ut a%'as wmarliu ff dollia rs 10 get tao'a i îiîss'îî "tlhallni atrnugti uanadla pi'rsal uaitioi r uui'gîhlî Ini:t muairuse, "But iiii'A'othe hu'î'u1ilook four boxu' of Dodd's Kiineî' uiJs a'nd tirey gave nue imeau, i. sireugr lu sud appetîle. "t nuigli sziy 1îai u 'urérI, bot Ivil]i kerp ou i tuklng l Kîuis iCduey 11u11a !ues, lIlgelt lieuiIf it takea the lai tin îg on ithc foui i)odd's KýIdijey imit bave efl'u'cied quîtesa nutuber oet 'uer curea bere sud tl secoua sate tu say îiîey are su cifec- tive andi perrmanen'tuî ire for ail dis- Pilses aristng troni lti' Kldneys. Plemarîntrîrs or t 'ar. A reoiler linssenout î'li t oilowing stuiry uuf t t'îuîrai lt u'ua'ivî, lie Rasoy, 14 aulîsuutetî' r!:,' W ile uîn i is siil' htuIket, lin alupoirai l'le'nt alii tiî'Boa'r gi'îierai, our' cor l'ispiiliieuitmuet a n t I ri î' 11t8uI, an oth ('er11 flui h u'S(its I aGîîîrî a lWihoas'en sera i' iii Soîii'r Atrlî m. "B' Y h %%a, iîîîguting tosec nil aî'îîîalitaillli' ut o 'îu Il l," lue gala to thu' "(lb, lie Is Liu (vlu'nî of mine,- " a tue comment.cii "l,' uni'e Stole Onrcon su>', îandi use l'ad i1i goî uonquarter ra- lions tur a furtmiigu,t" Later ontîr urempuuiet tholt Gêerai %*IlJOen Of l'If, ltes'ting sltir the officer and as'at tue latter luad sala. Tire (eneral IaUgbed heartly aIL thr %tory. "Tell 'olar triensi," le saidi,-"i ttio mut seuti biscons'oy. 1 Onfy bar- rowed 1h" LoIndon Expr'es. Th>e vaineo oftersnli laraeeU b- hrn tspsa I e bibliane tgls - ~N. 'C '0- ~5'3~ *~ ,I THIE CHMILDREIW ENJOY- Lite oit oh door, and oîut ut the games viricla they play andi the eujey- nienut awlich thuc' ru'ccive auudthue efforts whicir they make, cornes the greater part uof that liîr'ottfiiî development wirich la ao essentieal te thirI luippineso wiîcn growuu, W'en a laxatrvo la needes tire remedy viricis la gîvrnu ru thrnitho ciconse anud savecten and trengthen the Internai organe, on which ut avis, shooîtd be sncb as physicians wouid sanction, because Is uonipoucîut parts arc knowru tî be whoicsome andi the remnedy itacit tree front everv objectuonabie qnality, The oine r'emedy wltich physiciena andi parentsl. sael-rtintormesi, appros'e ond ecommecisiandi wiich tirelilttie cnes eujoy, becaiise ut ils piesint flavor. ils gentir action sud ils benefocial effects, la-'- Sa Clirp of Figs--and tue the saine r'eason it la the oniy laxative which uirouid be usesi by tothers and mothers. Syeup of Fige la tbe onty remedy wbicir agis genty, pieasaniiy and natîuraîiy wlthont griping, irritating, ur nauseating and wirich coanss thre uystemn effectuuaily, without producing tirat constipatesi habit virich rornuts fro thtie use ut the oid-tiîne cathartics ansi modern Imitations, andi agasat wiricir the chiidren altouisi be an careiutuy guardesi, If you ouloîs have ilesea grow te maruîood andi womanirood, atrong, hraltiry sud happy, de net gite themut medicinea. when medicinesa ravit neesird, sud uchen nature meeda assisance ira the way of a laxative, give theut oniy thre simple, pienuast s=d gc'ntte -Syrupot Figs. Ils qîuality in duceîlot inuiy ho tite excellence oftihe corubinatiqu ef thse laxativ'e principies ut plants siih ptrau.aut aroauatic syr-ups andi julces, but aiso 10 our original u:ethod of muanufactuire andi as yon value tire histofiire the titlir onea, do nul occcpt asay of the suatitutea wiie unscrupuhona deal- crs souaetiiîucs cîffer tii increase îlîeir profits. Tire gennine article may ire bouglit anywiuerc of all reliahie druggisata fifty cents per bottie. Pleane to reutrmiier, lire full namse oftise Comprny-. r CALIFORNIA FIG SYR.VP CO.- la prtiei an thue front of ea'ery pack- agoe. lI order tu gel Ia ieficiai cl(eots il isbaaI w., avvsneccs.aev 10 buy ltc4;en Ieme Oliiy -! 477 J AJRS" È Ê'e5 l es *mý :mI DI Me .0~ 4E" £ 'I u a bae nta. 14.0M. xreto. ', ndeav- upei otioum a i.b irese h" uit th1* ýbuet 1 'vblcb ut hl*ie% tCom.- - (en&"'* Ikt thie ju nts lincit.ete riteuinm '1.11ou raiSe if! tdbrnrfl' a"d D Cea <Oa --J&

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