lie Bides lletutai vmted Lydia We bu quita. s'snOw torrn tais Quell uSndy bmfor théWhkwaoiaiek. George Btkai, cdtsouth 0111080, Vu5 Wââhmon "eM'e u. John McLaugblli visiat d o a OSlSi r oisMbonda«.T alavai for '115 PuP om of Y latd k u ~iag.FPddiot abýinoilio and aulule! Sje, 5511 I ai a ift. M Mu.J. BS ofetWheellug, vi 11 Illr vlatlmsill.i a.aci. U eberta USundsY. lEdvsd Landibar, or Barriugiorr. 5jaf laSdm$ arem . . O. Brooder and lady/ lrlaud, of lIO1a ickl ody toa, Mdu vt in su (blsge iited hi@ parente ovr JaonWtt aid farnllY visited at et: rUem , va*, cl&pbotscf Ume taS" ida. is Hfenry Law* a% Palatinue Sudai. lýà1kkl, Malk, giving Rockseellersa J. la. Tipp, oetiloringon,BKRe$&, is Tillile Quil, 0of llalue, I0.miua prepaPlc01gstng 1110 Visiled his nioth an sd brother', @Peu$ Souda! Vilabber parents bere. bsmy ft~is 1 au lin to clyFrancia and Sylveter ibis Wvek, UeorgeWager, 01f Soutli Ohloqo. 4ë 40 &Mlasép bâUesrs.W. Ma»n, Henry Luebba visied ai Bakera awedais les% vont. V aIsbahi ba eSecatlogue receni! and Chreter Wolf atiended the Fat Mr. and Ma. il. Wma n sd Mus mirs in.. 1i5»4 f tb*0IsDnppnUDU prous Stock Show iu Chicago Dec. 4 sud 5. tieuîy Bokiua i sitm rolativeu ai 'ila *111111111110 piaida 1sd oompfflsdb1Principal John liodgl Un Eopie Wilt have tu attend thie krllugtonlu u8ta nuda!. *_Bo oddbut la asomiS lasa Vuia4Ible affair Mfd shows chrit eocises lathe neighboriflg MiSSKathriluaSuydoi sud sîster là t vircU 111 WCRd tu gaul iw@rk*. 11e part of both th1e avsIhL ea.Our Utile tOvu bu Emrma, of l*ke zurich. vesgueseai ocuplaiamipiner.Il vWitno ruae c peiotlafoi, !.iritnffl. of Maryi-Qrentlu Senday. "M 40*4qo pou! cf ralla dolU@bieigblyappreciated by theo The -cate!dlroctori rf(ceftlY hâd Misa Clara Baker bas raturued tram a ~~l misemU lu al15it Upaircaofs aI l sbol sud should aie a nov Id.walj laid ran MlvaikOS short velet Bi SutaiChicago. M ie le Wlb Isdiaft6mOO sd led s&»y teslure referae M sAve. to o.t00ueglte or ceretery s ver! attraCtive place te sore Young I.omwllli mua& Wfusble daas as tu tae which la a ranch noeded lmprovemnut. laj"l MiO nmu a mlO on"S la pos ud proesafllé55ry of t10he l_______ vv in.lapau mmeia»lhl bi cl eWavli cf01thie savad At Orave's Brinlk. LONG CIROVE. h muds 1km ashool building, Md taie proeuai .I Ikucv 1 ould long &go have beeu chas. Webrenberg huled veod for ~ g~j. liersiadom re ii is un y grave."' vitlte.MS. B . Nov- Zimmers a ev dey& lust week. nivifaurove vue mm, 0f Decalur, AI., «If is had not fMOIU Waverbeau for lectrlc Bitters. For tbree pbullilp Wagner, of chicaga, vlslted ýRwN«tiay tiu sMd TefraBIc g4acale u ars 1 snffered untold agony trom the relatives as Long Urove, lest week. MWIl.U joa, w1i151 tae use veu mois .ia oa;,ro$d forma of iludleton, vasarbiseh,On lcc5tb-aevrbuyow amgoi lime. .voces ad a oavy .aaib msaygvde sIoiSi5 ansd how.ldIdpma. The Oiblcsrih' e er! oa nov b~ a 0054day ta ~ 155Mb lu ~t ovu b um.ts excellent ruedicine did me a woîlr aestp r udtandyih 1 bffl a ffl deyIl MUM Ots lave 11101110 ouns 0of gond. Bine s18g19 il 1 cau est dark. Cio s sibesa bu artil! and have galned 36 pound." AlaiWaaîo FmatCue ~wlm lrailarmi b. omOmits: .iPorindigeton, loas of appetite, vsyoi 1111) âe3 wis 1 o ~~»e00bacab ler'i tnYtobe a eu n Lako Street ne«r aur 11111. ,338ml m u0W Piilb*tmgàt 1511, sud ar utrsare a positiVe flez-tovu îoeuy. luiU~O b~s cagensalamicure. O217 50c at F. B. ~~~~~~a~mle glt 0nt h1Lsa ~ alsari moiLvL',Lhryll;GAsAU Audrov Borcher ha. joiued he ~-,raveiig saicuss for Mb 54ab àdiUgill5. OasPHAaMAOT.Aptaitie brsa baud. Thora are a fei gj r 4ia t »M at11L'MU MiOuseOoug 4Ufl piagrvacant places jet. drava ul 1the l Ob.ualibut andam PRAIRIE VIEW. Gj. J. Hercher and son Audres, ja WsicomU, as soa cmbtai ar.tai Ibeng . . DLovUaLd Ediu Holst la quile Ili i th corYza. heledeo. Allu s hrod coin lau abuti"" theMIse able oMaou apelit Buda! ai ilatuida! aiteinoon. hms. Andi . Horcher vlsiaed frIends Il - - - ver MOfl,fnwu a caier Ilre Freant Conter lmai Suuday and Mon IvanhoeIteins. John sebroadet, of Chicagn, spent §rrnday asi home. a missmlle Kummelu, n Wof ilg l wcriiig foridtr. pflolv. mi" janio.tiSan pani Sudai '111 lber parents Ln Riverviev. mina Palati ncBu, o UblcsgaO, peut asfav days ab homo laut veek. C)has. Aibracht shippeda acarlosd oair hay n sud 1w to Chicago Thuroday. Mia.JoanMoLaghuu spni Tnî 1 gay aud Flda! vîtai corbln'e Ilu Ohi- 0 Mn. Page, oI Rogers Park, Chicago, lhors taklug care of lier mother, tire.1 .llenabsiib. John Boletas e turued t0 Chicago-. go xpeots te îeeumo the position that9 ho beld 1lui vintor.1 John MoLangiliril borne vas, evuseli lui *ad by aîoesty usil et-1 ng Its boafluta Thuiday. Velori surgeon Butanffeid trmted s ar felfr Mr. neyer sud a colt 'or J. 6. Gridloy liai veel. Mis. Mai! Scailr, Wvbcasbeau qmmig the luti ws.k in Obicugo axpst9a ta i forIlova 11hqveek. JO"ta egelav. vho aisebeau n'.m ployai b? tais Wisocntin Central RI. tbe Pout 1ev moulhs,la reluiued te Mis. a. aid Mis. M. Kuedier, Mi@. Wels ,.aUrd Mr@. J. B. Griily, A. G. MaLaieOr, M. Bordier a-d J&ko HoWsiVoet&sfotge eoily viellais isel 'Feek. Tusala! Dcou Mia. Hinoir vaile geiniJO te Wallvoriii a Peof vaber sllppà aid feU sand badi! tracluicd eue of1the, boum. cf taie nighi atmn. Dr. Lnacyireduoed the fracture and the patientla 5progreêsirrifavorabi!. EVERETT. (iav&l.aiaulni .1111 ceriiues. Miss Wayns e lau ,laet home .vith ai ettaek f t'lgrippe. M». Ir. H. Zaiver, cf Ohi-ago, bul IcMorI c1 Euti, speul a 1ev deys calllng on old friands. 1%10 Obuletrusiritl ru oleaut, le Iresits nt rsst and ind ate"". Alib ongirs kiicv lorthlugaou've bcught, !ou'w e ut more dollaru than ioo cht. Mr. sud Mr&. John Horeuhotger sud dagter Malle, attendd assurprise Ms SsIsrdy eveaul. M iss Mlla Daviscu, Of WIlilMetto, là stajlng '11 lta t0e (),00»«haully. Min suMareiO'Connor as.usaly recovedmitrous ler sevara Illasasbu, lasllilla under th e t" 01ysins. aire. A prograru ailtiss are balul pi» 0Pmasd by the tesciierasd PUPIN oh lbq aUvMostseool tor Obrisimas. Thl piora vii ha e dered on Wtdna day afieruocODOMcmher M2eta 0-01001t Parato, brothers, alaterl mi 14vIolturg are Iindly Iniviisd t0 ateMd. A ueouu mou taDe quis 1the ne kla ibis vil"Ity. OU Thursia!etflui d mak laise vas an Adminislralot a or U u é M n fa u of I b i la H ua à . W.iolofaàIOM&mbu Of M"c I 6"4 s hlm euMti, onails feamou of Ierst. 3r WEST FREMONT. td .cStou ts v a t a 0G lrer Fr14.. la awpliBras. ae ing coin uoîN r . B. 3. U«« le bsuliug anal for tl go 3.iM. noerfvai lu Cb1cigo ou bu. onMes. ridsy. 84 a 1w yavilla &la faîbr, W. 1)0210 ad C. Tboum vbo basbean varkiug aouai1"0 u m Utom100 eaor- i M" Msllg s014 aeqisliaoma li Mi.ami Mrs. . H.noyar gave dI obtin»utsmm Poe tp 0a m relaili »è" aabusemy"Ms*jggmU.Tipi ~ *Fi#li5qhSl~C d.aheDSG a 1; sogot. cua. ,tinlb.round-up 0f praparutilMNateon ta 7 - mou s .01905notes nlu, lle m I i. ia. W" îtai»nOu cowlis, v 5sW oistimet c, drummere Jo1e,lb endilng, happy faue Md beatty han&d- ubhéuslmhbeeof O.. i rldge vi» Prbmi **a M sgooêflll lkt ie stoéIm P ha seau ad 1.11, TcamauemlsGgglu Io, bu ha mPamfdw et bm B*Yau Win'111spakie forth as everyh ~ i*~d mflhu F M-s 5.oppotlufne omntBarrieS Biled lassaisClub Ossuhi itt.4#b er plipilà goedbye and hoMrId mmdaI t& mmbAu shome bau U e bot# 'Ivanireîlb.S"CI t.ctaldlflOmébwr. collae World, lOnM acedé i j~5Ms.out5lIMI - lai. ae Iua a elit, Ada oebkmr, Dean k »~eraloliplai hve .-~pt.Vola aid Mits Grabbail bi ae probant pla ha baa P su d ulagia esuof Waukegsn, Oer"l sud Wb.aiauWittai îemueuej *iytasaimiud ouieSR IlaMOI44 0 ft aix al Ivuboe scoocl iys.1 ,Avo»Mt t cfIbmOOMMf7 Md Hnuri umakel VO lack thesoif, aohoq b tsci UiISO 60 OOUV Iogy a baeswovainlook bahind, sud 0. J. Rostaet jobt m e"ocdilmeAlice . Smilth sotfr &s M Ptl O im l mmoai frgel laie -Heathm 4 ill IIcha1w, à> cu"- 1le éloy cfr1the accaseiCl, .towsmoeIae l i m 510 ait" Thous mB.n! t ! hlcagc, vill bft»a10811106VOUld ha # »t a 0 ashoud te 0 me"a deblitg1pilgs o lu ednadaion. aru, jaeisaVaplav viii mot "pesab,' ibla PUMMSlaas u bang sondemlmre, B pJ aruuvorli vIl) cerna 1-h111 £uaf. al o~r aIres mosie bu ibu .bats'aI.up" lu Urne, Papa ne mm ssdo am ot Maaou Dis a ecinDr.Paynus, of! Doas,1 Monai, itA M Md; Tus-paitabm $00 resly 0frspphr. du, M gd 41; amuii,1h; UnwiU, Vland Sêh. Sous grlPrcaof Inter Oceam Aflerjan. 1. j% 4 u e thir 5I basé Faut To ail subecrlri ersoheibmIwNsBpM- P"bgily clé ~.-~ Dz e ave vbeau sud ara nov giimg ~w~uiluss.baGOs 3 4 t a à lm nuetpllaii teischiffo ibm i*0 rqulrsd wu,111 liter OCees for 35 ceats, or 010sontsaI. 551WaFgnA e5rlunbth papeis ont yesi foi $1.85. gluS. Anlez aai! y1,1908 the Inter Ocean iWM UI uBB. pirbileeru vill adîace t111mb ai »my-dey &MU,"dii Mil sripglou riion 10 clber publiioss tat*sl e s iue,. The a ia liansd va vWit hon haoblgad teo.aiarge ~ 43rslMs m#t an Ola haimai 0fhlb.$2 Cefor 1b paaerufor One Yser. ~pp .s.fti0 luur. ,i@ia Bear ibs lu mmd, seva shalh alto! ~~~~~~~~M thd~u4 )4 amioo ae data mnmmined charge 1h umw y4 pa eu g. DdultailalOUspuce stplpraff. The luter Ocaca oOalIa s au" s 80 have oesaus s oadduabale anioutmura M " . '«* a po a u Ibis halv a l ve chag o utn suasribais aid fuesiem Tuasy lt1arrIve bomC FCva ëri0i 1104$0 thb. 014figurm milet timonSabou Jaé à-lime 1tal"e panrtheii.dvsitca us 181tueffet. Bu ApTAKISIC. LEITHTON. t. El Ilm S"iiasd biond vistOd W. D. lrimItb vua aOhîcagO vîshicr ~'- bis tua Bius!.Tueday. BAth «amn la spouding bts vaollU Ailbet Laiadosiîos vasi luOiag WM b*uirtoS. sour. vsid 1MP W5gi5t. f Chloego, Ùd cas.Bulterfield lsbu mams - ___ Fred Saisi tabas rtad M. J. Msxa« bus le etUo.ils Immtaralithe cornug yeai. <ROssg ioppu, c09IOZ*009a, 'Fu un ou ar d.ea ~ irday agal Bnutlefdd sud Hoyard lite Mil 'em bca b y . ~wllocams rporteci on theaie51 l l la Mies 8x.1 .ii 11 uiQom T. UMille bua reiuraed fiontoisiado Y gl oIia 51 vi lacfrns go 0031d1taie vIlon 'F1111 hisson 0. Gsin "Aib bai OMs Omm outadThwosdy evonlng Waftsr *.dmd 1*51 W0. 0. 'Oif doms lb.asd VOlts Louler vote tais vitli Wff of a omoplate sirprIses ay shunrt lnîi fteàa RObA.boebtMbia i tisud of0ft1mrieads. Th1e avesiug va a Xaue TM, ia~ lm Immr uam affl inplalag gsmesscard" aud ~U5 ivu ircu vikng'Or leus 5ilongGboreut tt*U tom a a oad 09 morTel * M. Lyera riagleS wuu Iwo. Mw 1mI amla je' leU b ou t tIm 5~avi %i trappsd me alib liasiIo b th n $pubsa mmd.s fraffl b3 Proi. alpi Dwby. EcfreshM navai eto ed ai liaven<ie vs. boumsOf t»s moçalithé. gisasdepuwed for *oft bous., aildelalg bM M. aMd Ia. Ls.pkoe vus royal omterlass I1 M . 43 »mw le thé motheri un » pgvtaW.l. Tan*rIaigu 0c Wefla à me5~s5. A day or v t" abiseom ~~~~» TiOi foUived by a*'aahsaee or «Vl cr an o. ni liq io 01 Oetuas là ssrocVagas'Iu ory vii n necsdsmelsutug aàdu, tata If Onr piular aratio aiOlb. s viR ho tardy aiMIfl thiIb e ak folio,. jug, NewF Yeo. NORTH NORTHFELD UmaLydia limaI Vliiai aMer. 0. .KooeTuea attaflnol. The Wheeling 'doutit lia quiss a numbar af Morthflold pektlosutA. Mr. sud Mrs. J. Bach vtiied relatives lu Euglewood Mouday sud 'TuossY. Thie Y. P. A. of the gvaugeis ohurc aela Is aul businesmoee Il iug Pîriay. School clames at hall P&"i tuesaDOW. the ohaiars havlug but one hall~ haut noari. TaieNormal cimes ba stponed P acconut aI practiclug lot (Ohragus Better 1han a Piaster. or ham btaiL es ri ain B lai sad o und g on tais sll<rtad pas, tla aisi t hs sa plasai for a lame bck aid for Pain@ ,d la taie aide or eheai. Fais Balai hm e suparior as a lita for 111 relief aI dep sestsd muecuhr Md F.iheurualic pains. Fo i ulse by ]. B. Il LovY.,LIban! ville; <kAiY.LAKU PHÂSMAcir. le AUCTION SALES. iiavlng decided te quit lailgI viii oell aI public aucicn itaicit la reserve au laie lRoy tfela .ou MvUke ýW Av. jmus montai of Llbmrtyville v.lgWednesday Dec. 24,1902.0cm- ruoncing &aI10o olock a. b. efollev. W.iug pioperitu-vi>wt: 12 chi.c ova tut3 3villi yengcaives b! sîde, 65115vy sprlage aisance lvng milk, 10 nice belaisgcorning, 2 jîrs aId laspring, .a 3 ieeifoters cer u iD 1r od lu )- aprlug, b o n pie 7 jis id vi 1200 , ...,.t,,,t m,ey4 rs :0d vi 110, a, retriuring Toostiay. ~ . e Mr, - .- - "" flapke, ouir1barber, sti!iOd ta work voight 2400, 2 sels vOrk hainemes, !se lu th. chese 1lactor! MondaJ, gel pick, good shoute vi 75 Ibmo ecai. brcod 50v, of hie job sud vlded Wauceuda. I6o Plymnouthi Bock and Biamahb ban, double haines, 2 single harO.u«, Heury Webro0berg and Richazdrd oeil, iriniher 'wagon vîtai double Lafreuim :Sr* batillng Wood ta palatine box, raad wagon. bsy rock, "id1 a) omornaIlb people eau keep vai. corfoil sulky plov. 16.1. waikiug ~asi a scrca.plov, sulky aultivstor, cbeek rcv coin CýMlla Suce.plantpi, triumph grain binder, 700 bu This la thi e OSOn 01 thie res vbOn 0110100'white cala, large alcok gocd the prudent Msd caroful honsevîfe brigail ont straw. 15 acres gord coi n repleisilsbairstippIY cf Chairber- stack. 10 tous npland hay iu haro, 80 Iain'q Cougai tUmedy - 1ila certain tu shipping cana, .11k patls sud taîners, ba needed baiera 1the vintor lBe ver, lot of foîka, shovela sud maiy othei and resulia lMS uch mare prompt aud articles toc numruuhte mention. satiolacloryi ba hIt lakept ai hand Regular ttue. 8 aud givon a. »cou a. taie cold le Orîvai Bovit.Prop. contraoied sud before h ha. becomne W. H. APPLEI, Auctloneai. sesied lu ihe systeru. lu almeet over! Inesace a ayTeveeold mai ha 1 Iwll sali ai publie ¬ion vithani warded off by isklug ibis rerusdy îeeerve on taie Raftla faim ouid frealy se soc a.the fisi Indication one halitrmile West of Libeîiyviiis and of tais cald appoars. Thar, le ne &bout oiie.alltile nouiliof Lynch plut. danger lu givingItiltoc cildren lori t faim on Moudsy De. 22, commenciue conasno baumfui substance. Ih la ai 9:30 a. ru. sharp ibm foilovîni plous tnt ake-botai adulte sud propaity to-vit: 20 cvesoma freeri chuldien like 1. Boy It sud yenviii sud $Ooa prîngers, botter gomine get taie boit. I% l aaiaures. For lyrs 014, fulIl biood short hein but sale by F. B. LoVMEL Lihsrtyvlil; liyaid, black ma»s vs about 1100 GB.TBLÂKB PUAuMACI. binaik mare vb about 1200, 18 shoati abot 4 boe f timothy and claver GLEN VIE W. Sorus cf lae goed tolas et the Gien tailul&btire le rousud plet! ta do loi auolirer doctor bore. Mir. Groetpiioh ai 8movlng bis hanse sud bain n tu lae *0 cries vich aie ai loi recenti! puiohsSsd 0t C. B. liaOd. Mr. and tirs. S. Savaison are the proud aid birppy parants of s bone- lng baby girl, vaileb vas hotu lai Misa £va Ward la home foi a short vacation vailoai maisgreakiy noeded sitar a lang peliOd af nuridng as a tralnad nurse. Taie people ais suzionalY waltlng for tha car load nf range coal that C. D. Rugen otdeîed soue lima mga, but ais 001 ahowed Up syei. about 0 ares a! coin 1u abocd ont villi bider. MàOocimick grain coharvester nealy nov, MoCormick maver nearly nov, S foot Tîgai ha! rske nearl nav, Stanidrd coru planter, utl aI 4 horne dllge, Stravbîldg. radoset seedei, 2 Bnatrsnd sulky îc alsivat er, n rrov tie fa i wagon neari! nov, carl, mllk wagan, 2 baud coin planloru, fouirgSund sveep îgindei, ana ha n ras ied pe r, Eclipse reas= mapatator nov, liabcck mllk tester nov. mllk vat. about 35 shlpplng mllk can, 10 gallon liarîci churu, largo grndtene. set cf doubla hainga,singles aiu, et01! dy nes, itle Yankee sulky plov, bay carier, new, by oib tape sud plles, about 60 Bl. P. chlokens. about 25 bu petatoas. foerad othai Ihinga ualt mentloned bois. Oovsit be sld aio'clacb pi. m Lndch seîved i nen. No boys slavd undai 20 joars ofaige. Reanler terme. Qulte as unr orcfthe Epworth *gi» --. .J. R BONDo, Pl ,esgueia fîornlas attended the W. H. APPITun.Auctionoee. uaiicli meeting aib1the I-msnel Tho undeislgned vii il sIip burcai at Evanston 1mat Thuîsdalsnatin vis .eut rosoive ou tue1 illât.lises lanvu as tue crionhue fari mut) "eei1aut(ouer and i& milesà Ur. sud tirs. WlfS, Who hale been voit OZ Danond Lake on M, Ivngln Ur. (Granue I5ettag8, mcvd Duec. 29, M22, Ocemneulrig ai 2 ec Shernervillo lasi weak. MUr taie 1o9lwt0g ptopeij lu-wil irodee 8 ivîl bocotsg stisa col:e cuva, une vli c aide, 3i M s~ngibaac 3oat oi pint and paper. muin; 6 huifera, 3 2.yr-olde m et hon d lt p raopa i Churc a, M . B . jeili nig a, eil bre nd I u ihau >bul aId, tiuioafgl brdPolai Ohin. Gaustai Pator, Sunriay echotil ai 2 à blod soya, boroogtbied 1. p. m . proacailuif at p. m, Bubjec: Chia sov, 16 shàoîta, BIsez Ný A WouCterfai Name. EpvaritiLoagne stalllou Il Sr& aid m& 1460, blgea t 7:0, ople Chleims, tu MssaeWv 1400, black hoise 12 yra 01d W et 730,Tope: hritma. Ie Mssae by boise 12 Sr&ia artvi1800, and Motive Leader, John Appleyard. boite vi 1000, black Oteapar Nombrs f te pworth League met art 1100, French coachi ca&i0 Membara oh3lie nidh, by Quebec, dam' M et laie baiciotmie Cliais Apple!aid ereapor; prencLitcoach col& c lut week Wedussday sud ruade ever 2.yr-old ful l iter of abeve; N~ sud piepared a large box ot lothng. clt carriig 2 jia Cid étritd by 1 .11.1 ea o sou tote 1Halteai treat 40 Plymouith Rock hoe, idstl 111epoolsud eedylu h brua1sinulgle borne"a, tomberI mission fr heloi n nIy uth riuolwagon nuarijnov. l11<1 City. vagan, sure new, tep buggy, cars, bbhstelgb, har rack,a Taie Christmas e enertzinuelit Ol laie 3 section steel lever Caeali M. B. Sunda! acbcwll oi i b ivTou onDuring coin blundai, Desîiugi, Dec. 23. ai 7:30 p. m. An u. . ',Doerilg h#ate nev ué,1 iu»atslg prgaiu tanben piepaied oniiivature, vallns ullivelor aid mc mujyabe ilns a lobedplanter, sulky pîcv, 2'nosvJohn and mot ojoyble itu lelooed alkiug ploya, 800Ilbecales, fOr. Ailtaie omuts o1htae 8611001 caldion bille, tion vice; »Il liq friand5sîsre vll te OCone. aispon 11be ir, 180 fi rope, sud Carrier, &Hlunor; vateringt Taie long violer eviuoe Brsipou mulk tenkr boidlug 8 cana.1 us, sud lampe miut bitllghted ast17 timohi hay flu hein, 20 tons uaklg u 11mb 0 11e lng lie bey tu barn, large stobko! corn MMMU lasthic 09Ibo ong r 3slecks oa! cdcer 'coin, 600 bu9 nigate, but these vemiugs are spiaodtd cribi, 20 bu yello'F sed cote, I oppoitunhllsa ltipeople te lmrpovm coin lu shock cnulvithbibldet, *MrCl moments aud lheabahia o f tai e hatov, 2 crov bars. 16 shîppir tinaits by readiîzg the standard bokcka 05humserWoord botter, Cookr a boid teads, bureau, chaiean f the dy.Taie book loera 0f the othor aticlseteeurbmero éisen'F111 do Wvol) toe il On' John mention. Lunch aifon. à,pplayard, and lolk over site veil aitued Bgular lt-n aas ai the 'Ivanatea Woeis D. F. âRrrra1iûEm. Club Traveling Library" vaiic a lW. Il. APPLRT, Anualiseri. aow I ah reeleuc. Thse bcksA Million Voces u"s ne 100. o suion Whoc wias thon' Coutil tuidly e pis ia ti Md no charge lauk4 . W eOcugait t0u licaer Hal, ! Vet point. il samurace 1111. rare oppOrtunii. ton vhy: A severeiroUhdaeo hme lunge, cousine a monal0e ailious Collo Pr.vented. cocugzi. Severai physioaat Tate à double dom. cf Csaibrlgl's OaMUeipSIiom, butOcnid no8 bul olle, Choalars and Diavraite RmedymWbon ie thought b. voasdom msocm lIbRSemladicalton 02 the bu»auW lnueDr..Klmkg'sewV Il dinom 5appuis snd a tialuifor conumpilol sud wriosé-1 amuk tuemaie- sverdad o921.-=adrdeplali!oqu.d me sud mire«du) lot~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~oe wlol wr>ea aujo 0 êas c su I ai." It pu GÏreal This valuable jourl, fili addfioB tu thInlgkiatreamet c<4 aII agriculturil ubjeta wtlI aiso d àcus. te great fles t he d&a , thereby addin ont ik. [t coluaàwNO dglvlug tim galamer .onrotlra ta thtnk abot sde froni thr e yMday hurdiuie0cfroutine dette WhlUnhaNsxt Thlfty Days . is Tira~ ~~ »adu suyPpesd Tule AIRCNPR Both One Vear. For $i.5o. This unparailfied oller 10 made to ail npw suberillemrsasu ail aid one who pay Uhil rrnad renew withiu tbirty dayî. Sampis copiesl fre. Addrmlesa orders tdi THE INDEPENDENT, LIBERTYVILLE* ThePaeWovon- WIw FMIc OF NEW JERSEY. Libertyville, will have itrt cars In operation in the tp1g Everything pertaindng to t - road, is of the very buit kind, road lied, rails, cmr, e, and b4ldes the manae" ment haveI=fecni given order8 entire ibis to Our Com- wlth ar pany f o r bghest Srmdo of railroad fencing. Puits set extra deep in the groû4, and strongly bra.ced. The tnce. when compIeted, wiii &" a credit both to the Railrooi Company and to the Pager Woven Wlre Fonce Comp&i. Wrtefr **lfl: PAGE WOVEN WIRE PENCE CO., 0. 1. LUCE,. AUSTIN CLEMENT. V. P., LOCAL O< 200 Monro st. - -Cflg. Ub..,yvu , Mhâa. WTRIGHT BÛHR Wagons, Buggies, Lum ber, Builder. and Vehicles of Materiais an, ail Kînds. : Hardware:. Coal, Lime, We. solicit yot WNRIGHITBROTHERýS d"bl e *w twebogh lstspi doude dule before the raise in price. We.h4,yo the ri1,t prices &>n Acorns, Stewfirts, GoId Cins, Oarli SCI1AýÇK I3ROSSI Libertyrville - ice over Wml t 10 a0 m- 50ou bottyvll Dr. E. 'b.i ov a »ortyvl r.. R Who* ove bervyv >r. A. of Chic R. C Iltysie C ee .O -0 MeWbrai VETI Libert., GE( 1 -l id P-